Title: Death Sealed V

Author: Caliadragon

Fandom: Buffy

Category: AU

Pairings: Spike/Xander

Archive: Any List I send it to, those with previous permission and my archive.

Disclaimer: Not mine never will be.

Warnings: Mentions of Rape and Child Abuse, Angst,

AN: Set not long after the First has been defeated. Faith is a vamp. The LA crew is in Sunnydale. Spike is souled, but not chipped. He still has moments of dementia.

AN2: Thank you to everyone for the lovely fb.

Summary: Xander and his mother reconnect. Then they tell their friends about their life and who the men were that hurt them.

Thank you to Edi for the beta.

Death Sealed V
by Caliadragon

Together we faced the dark.
Together we were beaten back.
Yet from the dark a ray of light
Came to save us from the night.

Xander was quiet for a long time, trying to process everything he had learned about what he was. It was while he was sitting there that he remembered why he had gone to his parents' house in the first place. When he remembered, a cry of anguish tore through him. Beside him, Spike turned to see what was wrong. "Xander?" he asked worriedly.

"My Mom, I've got to go get her!" Xander cried, distraught. He started to stand, but Willow stopped him. "Relax, Xander. Eliza is with Tara and Kennedy at our apartment. She's okay." Xander relaxed at Willow's words.

"Can they bring her here?" Xander pleaded.

"Sure, baby. Willow, go call yer girls and bring his mum here," Spike ordered. Then to their shock he climbed onto Xander's lap and wrapped his arms around him. Xander cradled Spike and buried his face into his throat. It was calming for both of them.

Willow went to do as Spike had asked, and as she did she felt the contentment coming off of Xander and wondered if the connection they had forged on that horrid day would be more pronounced. She hadn't told anyone, but she had felt Xander's emotions and his pleasure earlier.

45 minutes later....

Xander looked up as his mother flew across the room and threw herself into Xander's lap. Spike watched as the two damaged souls clung to one another. Each sobbing out their pain. For a long time neither of them moved. They both rocked each other and took the time to reconnect. "Momma, you're not going back to him," Xander told her after they broke apart.

Eliza smiled weakly at her son. For so long she had feared leaving Tony Harris. Mostly because of what he would do to her baby. Now though, he had done the worst possible thing and had brought her child to this place. It was hard feeling the coolness of her boy's skin and knowing that he was not breathing. "I'm not going to go back. I will die before I ever go back to him."

Xander felt tears fill his eyes again. "Why did you stay with him?" Anya asked, confused.

Eliza looked over at the blond and smiled sadly. "The same reason that Xander stood you up at the altar; the same reason that my beautiful child came back into our prison. Tony promised to hurt me if he didn't. He promised to hurt Xander if I didn't." Tears slid down Eliza's cheeks.

Anya looked at her in confusion. "Xander stood me up because of the demon," Anya whispered. It still hurt.

"No, he used it as an excuse."

"Mom don't - ."

Eliza turned to him and covered his lips. "Sweetheart, it is too late to keep things hidden. It's time she knew the truth. It has hurt her as much as it hurt you. You made sure she found her love, and now she needs closure." Eliza turned back to look at Anya.

"On the day of your wedding, Tony raped Xander in the bathroom of our house. Later, the demon came and Xander left the church to think. He ran into Tony again and was raped again as he was coming back to you. He was on his way back before anyone would have known he was gone. After Tony was through, he told Xander that the minute Xander married you, Tony would be there to welcome you into the family. Xander knew what that meant and he couldn't take the chance that you would be hurt, so he lied to you and left you at the altar." Xander had hidden his face in shame, and was sobbing silently.

Anya was also crying. All this time she spent hating Xander and he had risked everything to save her. She clung to Giles and cried for all the heartache the sweet boy had suffered.

"Eliza, Xander, who were the men that hurt you?" Buffy asked, her voice huskier than normal. It was so hard hearing what had happened to Xander and knowing that she couldn't be one of the ones to kill the men who harmed him. A Slayer could not kill a human, no matter what kind of monster they were.

"Besides Tony, it was his four drinking buddies. Jack Harlow, Mike Thomas, Craig Beman and Eddie Worth. They are all monsters. But not one of them is worse than Tony. Not one." Eliza told them.

For those who would hunt and kill their tormentors, these four men and Tony Harris were no longer nameless monsters. Now they were named, and now their days were numbered.

End for Now