Title: Jedi Living II

Author: Xandria

Rating: NC 17+ More implied slash than anything

Fandom: Buffy/ The Phantom Menace

Spoilers: None. It's an AU, what do you expect?

Summary: A little general background, a little bit of cuddles

Feedback: Yeah baby!

E-mail: xandria1969@yahoo.com.au

Archive: Yes. Let me know where though so I can go look

Notes: This takes place immediately after Jedi Living I ends.

Dedication: Scorpio 'cause she kept asking for more Obi/Xan :Smile:

Disclaimers: Other people own them all (Sob!) George and Joss do anyway. Nerf Herder own themselves, I like their music. Don't sue, I just finished university and am jobhunting. I own a broken clarinet and a twenty five-year-old car, the cost of fixing one the value of the other, which means my assets equal a big fat nothing, folks.

Jedi Living II
by Xandria

"And I'm sure you weren't adding those eyes of yours as well?" Xander grinned and looked with wide innocent eyes at Wesley and smiled.

"Me? I never said a thing, Wes. Maybe I mentioned in passing once or twice how hard it was for Ani to settle down, but no more."

"I'm sure. It will be good for Ani's mother to be here instead of on Tattoine but you know the rules."

"I know he has to stay here away from family so he can be trained the best way possible to use the Force. And it's why all initiates are brought here so young. But Wes, you were raised here, you don't know! If you're a little older you do remember about your family."

"Oh Xan, I'm sorry. I forgot. Do you miss them?"

"Sort of. Sometimes I feel it would be better if I did forget about them, because the memories aren't nice. And most of them are full of fear. Which is so not good. I think that's what's blocking me."

"I wish I knew what I could do to help."

"You do. You and all my friends. You make me feel...worthy."

"But you are! Force Xan, you are the nicest guy I know! I'm sure even Master Yoda would have given in and blasted Anya by now! And you are always there for us all, a good friend!"

"I just do what is right. Anyway, back to the original subject, Ani's mother won't be living here. But she will be close. Ani needs that little bit of extra support. And you know any of us are free to visit our family if we wish."

"Well, yes, you're right. So what was this special thing you wanted to show me?"

"Here." Obi Wan's new quarters were still full of boxes as he had not had time to properly unpack before going on a mission then being sent from there to Tattoine to pick up Schmi.

"Xan, it's a mess."

"I know. That's the surprise. I'm going to unpack it all and set things up for him."

"But how do you know how he wants it?"

"We've talked about it, where things will be in our own quarters. I know how he'll want it to be."

"Why do I get the idea I'm here to help you?" Wes said, putting his hands on his hips as he mock glared at his friend. Xander smiled and led him to one of the boxes.

"Wes, my friend, so good of you to offer! The girls are coming over to help as well when they finish."

"Lets get started then."

Three hours later all the boxes had been put away and furniture brought in from the Temple Stores. Wes and Xan had moved the heavier things while Tara and Willow, released from their training as Force Healers, set up the smaller items.

Finally, they were finished.

"Thank you guys, this is wonderful!" Xander said, flinging an arm around both girls and squeezing as he grinned at Wesley.

"That's all right Xander, you and Obi are such a nice couple." Tara said.

"Anytime Xander. And now you owe us!"

"Hey Wills, you know I'd do anything for you anyway."

Since being brought to the Temple so long ago the young Willow had seen the young Xander and attached herself to him. She had mothered and comforted him when they were in the Crèche, and continued to do so still. Even later as they were separated for different training, him to be a Jedi and her to focus on her healing abilities.

"I know, I just like having the power."

"You crazy Force Healer you. Better be careful Tara, she's in a wild mood tonight." Tara smiled shyly at him. Wesley came back into the room from the kitchen area with drinks and they all sat down where they were.

"Seriously Xander, this was good. It's nice to do something physical like this for a change."

"Speak for yourself. Master Giles had me doing the 95th extension today. My neck is killing me!" Wes moved his head around, trying to ease his neck.

"Wes, why didn't you say anything? I would never have..."

"Now you're being silly. You're my friend, why wouldn't I help you with this. Besides, Knight Kenobi deserves this." Willow and Tara both moved over and put their hands on Wesley, shutting their eyes as they did so.

"Wes, why is your neck aching? The 95th extension shouldn't have caused this."

"Done properly, no. I just couldn't quite get it right. Which is why Master Giles had me doing it all day. I have it now though." He smiled, then shut his eyes as he felt the girls begin to heal the ache. "Oh Force, don't stop. That's the best I've felt for ages." They bent over him and shut their eyes as well, and a faint glow rose from all three. After some time, they opened their eyes and stood, leaning into each other.

"Wow, guys, did you know all three of you glowed?"

"Really? Fascinating. Anyway, I must be going now." Wesley said.

"See you later Xan."

"Bye Xander." Tara waved and they all left, quickly, arms entwined as they went.

Xander stared after them in surprise for a minute, then lay back and laughed.

"All three? I knew Willow liked both sides but not Tara. Glad I wont be the only one to be happy tonight. Now if I could only find someone for Anya, life would be perfect."

Staring up at the ceiling, he planned the rest of his surprise for Obi. Fresh bread, a vegetable soup and freshly squeezed juice for supper. And one of master Yoda's special fruit pies for dessert.

All ready and waiting to be served, he just had to set the table, light a few candles and turn on Obi's favourite band, Nerf Herder. Slowly, Xander fell asleep.


Yawning, Obi Wan finally entered his apartment. Dropping Schmi off to see Ani, he was a little
disappointed that Xander wasn't there with masters Jinn and Yoda when they welcomed her. After a while, he managed to get away.

Force, he was tired. All he wanted to do was go to bed. It would have been nice to cuddle Xan as well but as he wasn't there he'd probably end up wrapped around his pillow again.

Turning on the light, he stared. Smiling, he walked in and put his bag down before looking around. All just as he wanted it to be! So that's what Xander was up to. But where was he now?

Hearing a sigh he moved around the couch and saw him. Xander, stretched out on the floor, fast asleep. He grinned and knelt down beside him, lightly running his fingers over Xan's face. Wrinkling his nose the Padawan slowly opened his eyes.

Smiling, he held arms out and Obi took them, easily picking him up. Xander's eyes widened as he snuggled into his lover. Obi moved towards the bedroom and carefully laid him down before removing them both of all their clothes. Laying beside Xander he put his arms around him and sighed happily.


"sorry." Xander whispered.

"What for, Love? The place looks wonderful"

"i had dinner all planned. but i fell asleep. i wanted it to be perfect for you."

"Xan, what could be better than my things unpacked and my lifemate in all but name waiting for me?"


"Go to sleep, Love. I'm tired too." Sighing, Xander did just that and Obi only laid there smiling for a few minutes before falling asleep as well.

Series To Be Continued.