Title: Metamorphosis

Author: Xandria

Rating: NC 17+ m/m eventually! At the moment PG

Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer /Xmen

Pairings: Xander / Remy maybe Bobby too as he is cute!

Spoilers: Xmen movie, general comic canon.

Summary: Fred Harris is not Xander's real father. His real father is a Canadian man of mystery still trying to find out who he is. The mutant and Xman known as Wolverine.

Feedback: Yes

E-mail: xandria1969@yahoo.com.au

Archive: yes

Notes: thanks to Heather Exum for betaing this monster.

Note 1: Mutant Theory is something that has been talked about a lot in the Xmen comics and mentioned in the movie. My interpretation is that it is about mutants, why they suddenly started appearing, the variety of types there are, that type of thing, the science. It also includes the legislation involved with Mutants. Ordinary humans are generally scared of the different and the media have built up the bad incidents and ignored the good. Plus Hate groups trying to get laws passed for mutant registration, to have to account for every move, maybe even be put in camps so 'ordinary humanity is safe'. Professor Xavier is one of the foremost spokesmen in the world advocating mutant rights, such as the right to privacy, freedom of movement, to vote. Mutants have these, but the Hate Groups want to take these and other basic rights {like to live, have children} away.

Note 2: A tesseract is a portal type thingy.

Note 3: This is set between seasons four and five. Joyce is alive and Dawn exists. Anya left to find a normal life elsewhere, Xander found a place of his own to live when he came back from his road trip.

Note 4: Australian spelling, which is a combination of English and American.

Notes 5: Scott and Jeans thoughts in {}. Xander's and Willow's thoughts in // and Remy's thoughts in []

Notes 6: In Marvel Comic canon James Hudson worked for the Canadian Government to get them their own superhero like the Super Soldier serum for Captain America. One of the earlier attempts of this was the Weapon X program, of which Wolverine was an unwilling part.

Note 7: A tesseract is a portal type thingy.

Note 8: This is set between seasons four and five. Joyce is alive and Dawn exists. Anya left to find a normal life elsewhere, Xander found a place of his own to live when he came back from his road trip.

Note 9: Australian spelling, which is a combination of English and American.

Notes 10: if there are discrepancies with canon, folks, please remember...I have not been able to afford any comics since midway through first year of Uni, and it's an AU anyway so just pretend they're on purpose

Notes the 21st or whatever: In the Age of Apocalypse dimension that DarkBeast comes from, he was in charge of alot of mutants and doing experiments of various kinds on and to them and humans as well. In my AU of the Marvel AU, DB also had under his charge Xander, who he used in that way and for his pleasure. The AU guys are not as nice as the ones in the universe here, so Xander and Hank may not get together here, while the AU ones did. I'm angling for it to be a kind of BDSM relationship and DB sees a replacement for his own universe's Alex Logan in Xander, his counterpart in this one.

Warning, DB is nasty to Xander and there be sickeningly sweet Buffy/Riley action

Website: http://members.tripod.co.uk/macgregor/index.html

Disclaimer: Other people own them all (Sob!) Marvel Comics and Joss do anyway.

Don't sue, I just finished university and am job hunting. I own a broken clarinet, a twenty five-year-old car and I live with my parents, so you wouldn't get much.


By Xandria



He was on the way from one side of the country to the other. Driving, as it was easier for one like him than otherwise. Besides, it had been a while since he had had the time to do something like this, just drive. And then he saw it. The sign. Male Strippers.

Yeah, time to stop. To watch some flexible young bodies moving to a rhythm as they lost their clothes.

Sitting down, he ordered a beer and a burger. As he looked at the various young men he made plans, what to do if this happened, what to do if that. And he thought about several experiments it was time to check on as well. When his burger arrived he finished it quickly so ordered another.

Leaning back he forced himself to relax, he was on a sort of break, after all. So he looked up at the young man currently losing his clothes up there on the stage. Agile. Very agile. Hmmm, knew the human body could bend backwards like that, but so fast?

And the splits? That must have hurt but the dancer was smoothly moving to the next stage as he leaned forward, legs still apart, and moved up onto his hands. Only wearing tight long pants, he could see the muscles in his abdomen rippling as he moved forward. Hadn't one of the Russian male gymnasts done that in the Olympics recently? Perhaps this was one who didn't make the American team, though he couldn't see why.

And then he was standing, ripping away those tight tight pants to reveal a G-string underneath that barely covered his assets. But he wore a mask on his face still and the crowds began to chant. They wanted to see his face. Taking it off he revealed a handsome face with large brown eyes and a cheeky smile as the young man began to move around the stage, collecting tips from the other patrons.

The traveler sat there, frozen. After all these years, it was him. When he had first come across him, years ago, he had never bothered to check the boy's origins. And when suddenly moved to this other world, he had had no idea where to start. So he had concentrated on other projects, other experiments, looking for the perfect gene.

The music stopped and the dancer moved off the stage.

"Okay folks, that was Lavelle! And now, from the jungles of Peru..." The announcer continued. But Hank McCoy, otherwise known as DarkBeast, thought about the young man who had just left the stage. One of his most avid protégés in the Age of Apocalypse. Alexander Logan. Hyena. And now he had an idea of where this version was.

Moving back behind the stage, he just missed him. And the next day, was furious to learn he had disappeared. But now he had more than just a name to look for as the manager had been almost eager to give him what little information he had on the boy. Sunnydale. Yes, he would be paying a visit. As soon as he finished some of his other business anyway.



Moving back off the stage Xander sighed in relief as he went out of sight.

"Great going, Alex!" Stan, one of his fellow dancers said. "How on earth are you able to bend like that though?"

"I had a little gymnast training in school" Xander lied. Ever since being possessed by the Hyena Spirit his body had in fact been changing. He was more agile, flexible, a lot faster and stronger, even his senses were better.

When his car broke down, he didn't know what to do, so he went to the Fabulous Ladies Night Club and asked for work. The manager took one look at him and asked if he could dance. Xander decided to try and was hired on the spot. And was a big hit with everyone, even the other dancers. What a rush, he was making money, even saving it, and he was liked. He loved it.

However, Xander knew when to be careful, regardless of what the Scoobies thought. Such as lying about how he could do what he could do. He also knew when to pay attention to his instincts more. Like when it was time to "Get the Hell Out of Dodge, right now!" Last time Xander ignored that feeling his ex ended up in hospital with a hole in her stomach.

Nodding and joking with his fellow dancers he made his way to his clothes, grabbed them and went. Something out in the audience was giving him the wiggins and he was not going to hang around. In fact, the feeling was growing bad enough that he decided to pack and leave Oxnard altogether.

Back in his hotel room he crammed the things scattered around into his bag. The feeling was getting worse, not better. Luckily the room was paid for and the car was fixed so he could just go.

In just three weeks he had made enough money to have a really good road trip or put a deposit on a flat, one or the other. In fact, he was thinking seriously about not going back to Sunnydale, but becoming a full time professional instead. Taking one last look around his room he rushed out the door and promptly crashed into someone outside.

"I'm sorry..." he stopped and stared. Tall, very very tall. And he seemed to be made out of metal? Two large hands reached for him and he felt a sharp pain in his arm...darkness.

Nine Weeks later

Driving back into Sunnydale Xander sighed. What a rotten summer! Breaking down in Oxnard like that and being stuck there the whole time trying to get enough to fix the car so he could at least get back again. And that one night of dancing! No power on Earth would ever make him repeat that!


Mr. Sinister was laying down the final rules to the Marauders before sending them out.

"This is meant to be a fast, quiet pickup. No more, no less."

"Why the whole team for a flatscan?" Vertigo said.

"Because he isn't one. His genetics show all the signs of a mutant ability, but it hasn't manifested. I actually had him for a couple of months again this Summer and implanted some extra DNA into him. It hasn't worked and I want to know why."

"But all of us for one small town kid?"

"A small town with more things than you want to face. Some of them I don't want to. But this child has fought these creatures for four years now and survived. Now go!"

"You're the boss." Sinister opened up a tesseract ((portal right? Some people like me don't know all these terms, most of us can figure it out, but it's something to keep in mind.)) and the Marauders ran through.


Xander walked up the steps to his parent's house, wondering why he still did as they said when he didn't have to. About to open the door he heard them yelling at each other. Again. Why always the yelling? It's not as if they gave a damn about each other, staying together only for convenience's sake. He stopped and leant against the side of the house, waiting for a quiet moment.

"And the little shit doesn't even live here anymore so why should we bother?"

"He's our son, Fred! And his birthday is tomorrow. It's not much but I have a present for him. It can be from both of us."

"He's not my son, Arlene, he's yours. Remember? Twenty-one years ago you rejected me and left. And five months later you come crawling back begging me to let you marry me after all. I was stupid, I thought you cared. Even when you wanted to get married right away I thought, hey, Arlene's tried the big wide world, but now she knows she's safe with me. But you were pregnant. With another man's baby!"

"I didn't know that at the time! And you were right, I was scared. I thought you would protect me! Yeah I was with another guy, but after we broke up! And he died, Fred. In front of me. He was shot in the chest and he collapsed in front of me. So I ran back to you. And strangely enough, I wouldn't have married you if I'd known I was pregnant. I cared about you too much to do that to you."

"Well I loved you. And look where that got me! A dead end job in a shitty little town with a drunk for a wife and a loser for a son. Only he's not even my son!

I'm going out!" Xander heard footsteps hurrying to the door and quickly ran around the house. From the corner he saw Fred Harris storm out and get into his car, driving quickly away with a squeal of tires.

Xander sat down and leant against the side of the house, not sure if to laugh or cry. //He's not my dad? Oh I'm so glad. Wait, who is?// He got up and knocked on the door. It took several minutes but his mother finally opened it.

"Mom? I heard you two just now."

"Xander? I'm sorry. I should have told you." Arlene Harris hugged her son, hard, and after a moment Xander hugged her back. His Mom drank, yeah, but he knew if he could just get her away, she wouldn't anymore.

"So what happened?" His mother opened her mouth to answer but never did as a group of strange beings suddenly appeared out of mid air and grabbed Xander before disappearing with her son. Arlene collapsed to the floor in shock.


The Marauders reappeared, grinning. Sabertooth had a tight hold of a fiercely struggling Xander as he wriggled, trying to get free. And then the boy twisted somehow and turned around, biting him, hard.

Sabertooth howled in surprise as the other Marauders shrieked with laughter. He snarled, ready to hit the glaring young man. Xander snarled back and licked the blood from his lips. The mutant stared.

"Do not harm him. I'm not sure how much genetic material I'll need yet." Sinister said. Sabertooth froze and growled before slamming Xander down on a platform and holding him down while shackles were attached, one for each limb.

"Genetic material? My genetic material? What for?" Sinister ignored him and took out a large needle. "Umm, you're not gonna use that are you? Owww!" The boy glared up at him before falling asleep. Sinister began to take various samples and measurements of his unconscious body as he lay there.


Scott and Jean knocked on the door of the Summers household. Dawn opened it to squeal in joy and launch herself at them.

"Are you my new cousins?! How are you?" She said. Jean smiled and Scott gaped for a minute before following her inside.

"We are. I'm Scott and this is my wife Jean. Thank you for being willing to see us." Joyce entered and stared at him.

"My God. You look like Hank. Before he gained weight and got the ulcer anyway."

"I haven't been able to catch up with him yet so I wouldn't know."

"I remember him talking about you once. His cousins, who went on a flight and never came back. The authorities couldn't find a trace of you, and said you were most likely dead."

"Alex and I survived. We were brought up in an orphanage." Scott frowned and fell silent.

"Oh dear I didn't mean to..." Joyce began but Jean interrupted her, elbowing Scott in the side as she did so.

"Scott has a tendency to brood a little too much." Jean smiled.

"Must be a strong silent type thing." Dawn said, staring at Scott starry eyed.


"Well, Angel did too!"

"Angel?!" Scott wondered if he was in the Twilight zone. {Just Suburbia, Scott.}

"Buffy's ex. He was the king of Brood." Dawn said happily. Joyce groaned, Scott stared and Jean grinned. {You have a rival!}

"That's right, you have two daughters. So where is Buffy? I would have been eager to meet a long lost relative at her age."

"Buffy's...occupied so will be later than she intended."


Buffy Summers ducked under the swinging arms of the demon as she picked up the ebony knife she had dropped. Standing up again she turned and stabbed it in the creature's right knee. It shrieked and exploded, in a fluorescent pink slime that covered Buffy from head to toe.

"Eww. I so did not need that. Giles, how can I go home like this? We have relatives coming and they'll be here now."

"It's alright Buffy, I have a spell, well, Tara and I have one. It was in one of Gile's spell books. For all those times we get gunk on our clothes. See?" Willow took out a pouch and poured some dark blue powder into the palm of her hand before blowing it over the Slayer.

There was a bright blue flash and everyone blinked. When they could see again, it was to see that Buffy was no longer coated in pink slime. Instead, it was dark blue and smelt like old socks.

"How many times have I said not to try any spells before I check them, Willow?" Giles glared at the Witch.

"Oops. Okay, I have a change of clothes in my car. And you can have a shower at Giles place."

"Wonderful" the Watcher muttered to himself as he followed the two girls back to his apartment.


"Giles, my Mom's going to kill me! No, I'll tell her it's all Willow's fault and then she'll kill her!" Willow looked down in shame as Buffy glared at her. The blue had come off everywhere except for her hair. Her hair, eyebrows, even her eyelashes, were now a dark blue in colour, matching her eyes perfectly.

"I'm sorry Buffy. First thing tomorrow Tara and I will..."

"Come over here with all your spell books and I will go over them to make sure that this doesn't happen again." Giles said sternly.

"What about my visitors?" Buffy almost wailed. Giles took his glasses off and pinched the bridge of his nose between two of his fingers.

"Tell them it was someone's joke gone bad. A bad batch of shampoo. I'm sorry Buffy but I'm tired. And Willow and I have a long conversation ahead of us before I can think of going to bed tonight." Looking at the statement on Giles's face, Buffy left without another word.


"We're in here Buffy" Joyce called from the loungeroom as her daughter entered the house. "What took you so long to...What on earth?!" Joyce stopped and stared at her in astonishment. Scott and Jean stared in amazement and Dawn giggled.

"Oh wow! Way cool Buffy. How did you do that? And the eyebrows and eyelashes too?" She said, examining her older sister.

"I'm very interested in an explanation for this." Joyce said, crossing her arms.

"Scott, why don't we take a walk?" Jean said, grabbing her husband and walking out side.

"Dawn, why don't you show them the rosebushes."

"But Mom..."

"Now. Well?"

"I was fighting this really icky demon. And got covered in slime. So Willow tried this spell and..."

"You let Willow do a spell on you!? How could you be so stupid as to..."

"Mom, she just did it, okay? Before I could say yea or nay. And it changed the slime to this dark blue colour, so I went and showered it off at Giles's place, except it won't come out of my hair! You think I wanted to meet Jean and Scott looking like this?! Somehow I doubt Dark Blue hair is the thing at Westchester!" Joyce looked at her and sighed.

"Mistakes happen. Like I just made. I'm sorry I yelled. But sometimes..."

"I've grown a little since then, Mom. Why don't we go call them back in before a vampire comes along?"


"Interesting." Sinister muttered to himself as he looked at the results of his tests.

"Boss, you gotta see this!" Arclight ran into the room. He turned on a TV monitor to reveal a reporter speaking in front of the Harris house.

"The authorities neither confirm or deny the possibility that the group of colorful individuals who grabbed Mrs. Harris's son and left are mutants. Mutant activity in Sunnydale up to this point has been..." Sinister turned it off and glared at the Marauders.

"I told you to make it quiet! Not to attract attention of any sort! What part of that didn't you understand!?"

"Hey, he was just standing there in the doorway talking to the dame, so we grabbed him and went. Simple." Sabretooth said. Sinister blasted him and he went flying back against the opposite wall.

"I didn't want this kind of attention. How can I return him to his home now?!

"Return him?"

"You have just ruined an experiment I have had running for the last twenty one years!"

"He's one of yours boss?"

"Of course he's one of mine! Years of ensuring he stays in the same town! Making sure he never tries hard enough at school. On his road trip I discourage him from staying away from the place.

"It was an ideal environment. Except the DNA I implanted never seemed to take in him! So I wanted to quickly examine him, again, to see why. I have no use for him here if the DNA won't take!"

"So why not get rid of him then?"

"Because, you imbecile, he was at the least an ideal control for the others who have been a success! One child fathered by one of the world's stronger mutants and implanted in a latent mutant with DNA taken from others as well. Raised in an environment ruled more by magic than by science. Absolutely fascinating. Why did I send you idiots to pick the child up? I should have gone myself."

"Sorry boss."

"It's not as if I can make him forget this if you left a witness who has since gone to the authorities and the media is it?"


"Of course forget! And plant ideas into, to act certain ways! I've had years in which to take various subjects and return them without their knowledge. The experiments I've conducted have been more viable if the subject is within its natural environment.

"Young Alexander here has been seeing me since a child, only he and his parents remember it as vacations to see his maternal grandmother. In reality I have been trying out different samples on him to see if any abilities will manifest."

"What abilities did you implant?"

"Not abilities. DNA. From various mutants I have been able to get samples off of over the years. His mother has such a good genetic potential, but is latent, while his father is very strong. Over the years I have implanted DNA from the Xmen like Longshot, Jean Grey, even Charles Xavier among others.

"And then there are the other mutants I have had samples from. The powers they have, plus his father's especially, should have resulted in a particularly good specimen of the Alpha Class Mutant Variety."

"Who is his father then? Cyclops?" Sabertooth demanded. Something about the kid was annoying the heck out of him, his scent was familiar somehow.

"No. Your favorite enemy, Victor." Sabertooth began to growl as he thought about Sinister's reply. "That's right. Young Alexander here is your Logan's son. When I've finished with these tests, you can discuss it with the boy. Just don't mark him."


"...left are mutants. Mutant activity in Sunnydale up to this point has been quiet. Mrs. Harris described the man who grabbed her son as six and half feet tall, with long blond hair and what seemed to be razor sharp teeth. Her description matches that of the mutant terrorist at large called Sabretooth..." The TV turned off suddenly and Gambit turned around to see Wolverine scowling at him, remote in his hand.

"Y'got somtin' 'gainst the news, mon ami?"

"No, we have to move. The professor wants us in his office." The two Xmen arrived to find Storm and the Professor waiting for them.

"I want you to go to Sunnydale and see if you can find any clues as to where this boy may have been taken."

"Isn't that where Scott and Jean are visiting relatives?"

"Yes. You can pick them up on the way."


Buffy sat down and hugged a sofa cushion as she stared at the television, tears running down her face. Joyce walked in, smiling, but stopped when she saw the expression on her face.

"What is it?" Jean and Scott walked in behind her. Jean and Joyce sat on either side of the crying girl.

"Mom, it was on the news just now. You know that mutant guy, Sabretooth? The one they say is responsible for those really yucky deaths? He's got Xander. Why would he take Xander? He's never done anything to anyone!"

"Sabretooth works for another man at the moment. He has a tendency to grab mutants to find out about them. Was Xander a mutant?" Scott said.

"No. I don't know. We've kind of drifted apart in the past year or so. See, we started college and he didn't, he's been working instead. So maybe? He'd be delighted if he was."


"Well it would help when we...He always wanted to be able to..."

"Fight vampires?"

"You know?"

"The signs are pretty obvious. Especially when we've come across them in the past." Scott said. {Dracula certainly gave us a hard time.}

"You know how Scott and I both work at a private school? The owner, Professor Xavier, is an expert on Mutant Theory. We're actually part of a special group that deals with these situations on a regular basis." Jean said.

"I'm going to give him a call. Maybe we can help." Scott spoke up then. Buffy smiled and she blew her nose on a tissue Joyce had handed her.

"That would be great. Vampires I know how to fight, but this? I know when help is a good." Scott sighed and let Jean and Joyce comfort his new found cousin while he went to contact the Professor.

Several minutes later he returned to find them all looking at him expectantly. Dawn had gotten up while he was gone and he saw the traces of tears on her face as well. {Xander must be a nice lad}, he thought absently. {He is Scott. And when we rescue him we must bring him back to the mansion with us.} Jean told him.

"He's already sent a team. They'll be here in an hour. " Scott said out loud. {I agree Jean. Someone who interests Sinister like this should be tested at least. And we can keep him safe, train him if he needs it.}

"I better go get ready then. Have a shower before we go and try to get this blue stuff out again." Buffy left the room, Dawn following close behind her and Joyce turned to look at Scott and Jean with a determined look on her face.

"Can you really help? What's been on the news lately hasn't been very good about the mutant situation. If you are going to hurt Xander I'd prefer you to leave. That boy, along with Buffy and her other friends, has been through enough the last few years. He doesn't need..."

"Wait a minute Joyce. Our school is not one of those organizations set up to hide the so called mutant threat. Professor Xavier founded it to help mutants. So they can learn how to live with their abilities, use them.

"If...when we rescue Xander, we'd like him to come away with us, but not for good. To find out what he can do if he is a mutant, and to help him, train him." Jean said.

"He would be free to leave at any time. He wouldn't have to go with us at all if he preferred. It would help him a lot if he did though." Scott added. Joyce looked at them both, in the eyes, then nodded. Silently, they sat down and waited.


Soon after Buffy joined them again there was a knock at the door and Buffy got up to answer it. Tara and Willow stood there, holding hands. Willow's face was tearstained and Tara's was distressed at the anguish her Willow was going through. Willow and Buffy hugged each other and started to cry again.

"Sh...shouldn't we go inside?" Tara said as they stood there in the doorway. Both girls sniffed and walked on through, leaving Tara to follow as they slowly moved to where everyone else was waiting. An uncomfortable silence fell as they all stared at one another.

"Oh. Oh! You must be Buffy's long lost cousins." Willow said. Tara smiled and came close enough to take her hand.

"Yes. I'm Scott and this is Jean..." Another knock came and Joyce went to answer it. Remy, Ororo and Logan stood there.

"Yes?" Ororo smiled.

"Mrs Summers? Is Scott and Jean here?"

"Yes. You must be their friends." Joyce stepped back and silently let them pass by. Giving her a strange look, they entered. "It's safer not to actually invite anyone in, even in daytime." They followed her into the living room. Scott stared.

{Okay, Storm yes, Logan yes, but Remy?} {He's a good fighter Scott. And if Sinister is involved we'll need his knowledge.} While they had mind spoken to each other, they had also introduced the others to each other.

"Less talk, more action, Cyke. Lets go." Wolverine growled when it looked as if there would be more discussion. Scott scowled and began to speak but Jean put a hand on his arm, calming him.

"Wait a minute. What exactly are you going to do?" Buffy demanded.

"Buffy, if Scott says they are experts with mutant issues, then they will know what they are doing." Joyce said.

"Actually at this stage we only intend going over to speak to Mrs. Harris, see if she remembers anything that could help us confirm whether it was Sabertooth or not." Jean said.

"Then I'm going too. Hey, Xander was my best friend, and at least Mrs. Harris knows who I am." Willow said.

"Me too." Buffy said. With that settled they went, leaving Tara Joyce and Dawn to stare at each other.


Xander laid on his back and slowly opened his eyes, shutting them again quickly when the light hurt them. His head hurt, he felt sick and his jaw ached ferociously.

//Damn, I must have been grinding my teeth again. Got to break out of that habit. If I get out of this, anyway. Never got away from Sinister before, though. Wait a minute, I know him?//

Slowly opening his eyes again, he stared up at the ceiling as the memories began to come. Years. He had been grabbed and taken to places like this for years.

For as long as he could remember. Xander's head began to hurt. Always the to the same sort of tests, the same sort of room. And he had tried to get away before, too. Every time, in fact.

Being taken, fighting at first, then enduring when the memories would be given back. Knowing you would be released, not remembering, but all you had to do was wait.

After the test, needles, samples, measurements, taken again and again and again. Heartrate as he ran on a treadmill, rode a cycle, brain scans, bone density, every part of his body looked at.

Another stab of pain in his head and Xander realised why he hated hospitals, seeing a doctor, with a passion. You could take a way the memories, but not the smell...that hospital smell made him think of pain, endurance.

A scowling face suddenly swung into view. Long blond hair, fangs, and large furry hands that reached for him. And that's when Xander realized he hurt so much he could barely move, let alone get away. And that he only had a hospital gown on.

"Time for a little payback." A voice reminding him of animal possessions said.

"Oh come on. If someone grabbed you like you did me wouldn't you have bitten them?" he said. //Did I say that out loud? He's gonna kill me!// The furry guy lifted him up and stared at him before growling, speaking, again.

"Maybe. But I'd be more likely to use these." Holding him up with one large hand he clenched his free one in front of Xander's face.

Five claws sprang out of hiding, just touching him. Very sharp claws, if the feeling of being cut and the slight trickling as if of blood was not just him breaking out into a particularly painful sweat.

"They're big. Very big." Sabretooth growled, smirking at the expression on Xander's face.

"Aren't they? Very handy, to have something on hand that can just cut through stuff. All sorts of stuff. Clothes, walls, flesh..."

//Oh shit! Me, psychos and hospitals, what is it with me?!//

Bending his head slightly, the large mutant pressed his nose into Xander's neck and sniffed. //And the neck! Always the neck! Why not a different body part, the knees, for example?//

And then Sabretooth stuck his tongue out and tasted him. Xander shuddered and scrunched up his face. //Okay, that's a new one. And can I just say...Ewwww!//

"Wh...what are you doing?!"

"Tasting you. Scenting you. You taste...sweet, but also a lot like your old man."

"My old...you knew my real father?!" Sabretooth smiled. With all those big sharp teeth it didn't look all that nice.

"Ya could say that. Me and him go back a long..."

And then suddenly Sinister was there. Xander was actually glad to see him.

"What are you doing!?"

"You said when you were finished with him I could have him."

"I haven't finished with him. Some new data has come to my notice. You have a headache right now don't you?" Sinister suddenly addressed Xander instead, who nodded.

"And my body. Feels like I'm getting the 'Flu." v "No, it's your body adjusting. Right at this moment your mutant abilities are coming to fruition."

"How can you tell?" Sabretooth asked. Mr. Sinister stared at him before pushing him aside to pick Xander up, almost cradling him in his arms.

"Sabretooth, think about it. I have been watching and nurturing mutants for years. I have sent you and the others on countless missions. You think I don't have a device like Xavier's CEREBRO to detect mutant activity?"

"Oh yeah."

"Where are you taking me?" Xander said.

"For more tests Alexander. So I can see every step your body takes as it blossoms."

"Blossom?! I'm not going to become a flower mutant am I? I can see it now, Xander Harris, mutant menace, otherwise known as the Diabolical Daisy Man. Can't I to be more like him instead?" He waved in the direction of Sabretooth. Sinister ignored him and walked on, Sabretooth following him.


Willow knocked on the door, and Fred Harris answered.

"Oh it's you. You're one of the kid's friends aren't you? Well come on in then, for some reason Arlene isn't too happy about this. Me, I couldn't care less." Fred Harris waved them in and then walked on out to his car, getting in and driving away. They all stared at each other before looking at Willow.

"That was strange. I mean, he's always been a bit abrupt, but I never thought he would be like this if Xander was hurt."

"Fred, who was that at the door...oh! Willow? Come in, please, it's been so long since I last saw you. You're here about Xander aren't you?" Arlene Harris stared at them all as they walked in and stood awkwardly in the hallway.

"Please, the lounge rooms on your left. You're all friends of Xander? It's so nice to see he has such a lot of them. And so different, too. I'm glad, it means he...Logan?" Arlene Harris stopped talking and stared at the Canadian mutant, who had come in last. He looked up, stopping and staring back at her.


"You two know each other?" Willow and Scott said simultaneously.

"You're alive?! Not dead?!" Arlene Harris moved quickly and slapped him in the face.

"Arlene, wait. Please. I didn't remember. I've spent the last year or so trying to find out who I am, where I'm from."

"And when did you remember me enough to say my name?!" She demanded, large brown eyes blazing as she did so.

"Just now! When I saw you, and smelled you. I was trying to figure out why it was so familiar and now I know! It was you!"

"You really didn't remember?"

"He really didn't" Jean said softly. Arlene turned around and stared at her, then the others, and blushed. Then tears came to her eyes.

"But they shot him! And they said he was dead! So I came back here to Sunnydale."

"Who said I was dead?"

"A Mr. Hudson did. He said he worked for the Canadian Government and that Logan did too but was shot by a rogue operative. They paid for my fare home and everything. He said it was for my safety. He was so nice."

"Jim!? I thought he was my friend! He helped me when..." Logan stopped and sighed.

"What is going on?!" Scott demanded.

"Arlene and I knew each other, Cyke. Very well."

"We were very serious. I'd never been with anyone before. Fred wanted to but I didn't feel I liked him enough for that. It's why I left Sunnydale for Canada, I wanted to see life, what it was like out there! Sort of like Kerouac I guess."

Willow and Buffy stared at her. So like yet unlike her son.

"Arlene was a waitress and I came in for a coffee, we got to know each other."

"I was seventeen and I wanted more to life than this place. So I ran away and got a job as a waitress. And I met Logan. He was rough, but not with me. It was the way he was brought up I think. These men followed me from work and he stopped them. And made sure I was safe home. The next night, he turned up and walked me home, just like that. We got to know each other.

Willow stared at her, eyes wide, and looked at Logan as well. //Oh boy. I think I know what's coming.//

"So I later asked her for a date and we got close." {No, it's not is it?} Scott thought incredulously.

"He was gentle. And loving, very much so. And then one night we were walking home and this man suddenly appeared and shot him. In the head. All that blood. Logan, I thought you died. How come you didn't die?"

[Merde, all this talk! When we go rescue de Homme?] Remy got up and prowled, looking at the pictures on the mantle.

"Well, it should have killed me, but it didn't because..." Logan paused and opened his hand, letting his claws out. "...I have this healing factor. And the government wanted me." Arlene stared at him, then began to cry.

{Crying. I hate it when women cry! What is Remy doing moving about like that?!} Scott glared at the younger man, hoping he would get the hint and sit down. The former thief smirked at him and went back to looking at the photos.

"So that's why...I thought it was a mistake! But if you're a mutant then that means Xander must be!"

//It is! Oh Xander, you always wanted your Dad to be someone else, someone special.// Willow looked at her best friends mother, his father, then at Scott, wondering why he was pulling a strange face like that.

"Xander is?! What are you trying to tell me here?" Logan demanded.

"I came back here from Canada pregnant. Xander is your son." Logan stared at her. There was silence in the room for some time after that.

After a few minutes Willow quietly got up and whispered to Jean and Buffy, before leaving the room with the Slayer.

{What are they doing?!} Scott sent to his wife.

{They've gone to make coffee, Scott, shush}


Entering his laboratory Sinister put Xander on an examination table, shackling him down again.

"Its not as if I can move at all! I remember you doing it like this every time. Why have you brought me back here so many times like this?"

"I need you to be still for my tests. I can't have you moving around if your powers come out strong. Your genetic potential is very good. Very strong. I just can't figure out why you haven't manifested any mutant ability at all."

"Like enhanced senses? Healing faster than before?"

"Yes! Do you mean this has been happening?!"

"Yes? I assumed it was the last of the Hyena."

"What Hyena?"

"When I was fifteen I was possessed by a Hyena spirit."

"What?! Why wasn't I told any of this?!"

"Hello?! You're the one keeping an eye on me, how am I supposed to know of your existence let alone ring up and say 'By the way, yesterday I was possessed and ate a raw pig and I also tried to rape my best friend. Today I was possessed by a soldier spirit, which came in really useful in stealing that rocket launcher and blowing up the high school!'"

"Don't be ridiculous, Alexander. I mean the ones I have watching you. How could they miss it? I'll have to recalibrate all my data!" Xander rolled his eyes in disgust as Mr. Sinister began to move his hands over the machines monitoring him.

"Really not liking the resemblance to Giles here."

"Who? Oh the Watcher. Good potential there too. Ah! That explains it all. Pity really."

"Pity? Why is it a pity? Any way we can stop it from being a pity and for you to not speak in that tone of voice?"

"Well Alexander I am a man of my word. And I promised McCoy when I was finished with you he could have you. It seems you and his counterpart were quite close in the other world."

"McCoy? Who is that? And you've always sent me back before. You wipe my memories and that's it. Why change now? And...wait a minute! You have no right to do this anyway!"

"Yes I do Alexander. I own you. Hardly any of what you are is yours. I gave it to you! And this ability, whatever it is, manifesting in you, is because of me as well! I am giving you to McCoy as I thought you were a failed experiment anyway and he wants you. It seems I was wrong but no matter. McCoy is on his way but I will see what you are first!" Mr Sinister had leant over Xander and was yelling into his face. All of a sudden the eyes rolled back in Xander's head and his whole body arched up in agony.


"I see I got here just in time." DarkBeast said calmly as he entered the room, Harpoon beside him.

"Yes. He is just beginning to manifest."

"I heard you yelling. Hyena was always able to get you to do that."


"Alexander Logan in the Age of Apocalypse. Hyena had a self-healing ability and strength like his father. And he was able to heal others as well as being a very strong telekinetic with a small amount of telepathy / empathy and a little of Longshot's luck power. Your counterpart experimented on him there as well. But he manifested earlier, at the age of fifteen."

"You are being unusually informative." Mr Sinister said suspiciously.

"Why not? You are going to give him to me. I want to know everything you've done to this one. I saw him, you know, last year. Stripping. He's very very flexible. I do believe there's more there than my counterpart." While the two scientists had been talking, Xander screamed as his body changed in reaction to the manifestation of his mutant abilities.

"I am a man of my word."

"Of course. The sooner I tell you what I know about him, the sooner you will be done and I can take him."

"Indeed. Did the other Hyena develop a similar appearance?"

"Not really. It was just a codename for those under my command. I was the Beast, and I had Hyena, Wolf, Jaguar and so on. Alexander was more in the nature of a personal attendant, unlike Jim and Blair who..."

"It must be the possession."


"Yes. You say the other manifested at fifteen? Ironically enough, it was a Hyena spirit that possessed Alexander at that age."

"Ah. That would explain the teeth. And the claws. Pity. It would have been good to have someone able to go among the normals at times." The screaming stopped suddenly and both scientists looked over to see Xander had fallen unconscious.

"Good, the screaming was just a little distracting. So let's see what we have so far. Ah, his claws seem to be retractable. And those fangs aren't that large in his mouth."

"He seems to be developing a light pelt over his body as well. Did you put a little of Sabretooth's DNA into him as well?"

"I did actually, to see if Victor's vicious nature would come out through the DNA."

"Well the argument about environment versus genetics is still quite strong amongst..."

"You put me in the kid?!" Sabretooth demanded, staring at Xander.

"How dare you interrupt! I told you I used various DNA samples on Xander over the years. Just like I did with Gambit. Why?"

"Nothing. I'd like to see Wolverine's face, is all, when he finds out his son has my DNA as well."

Mr. Sinister glared at his henchman before turning back to DarkBeast and continuing his conversation about Xander's possible abilities.


"So what can you tell me about the man who grabbed your son?" Jean said. They all sat with Arlene as she explained what had happened.

"Well he looked just like those pictures on the TV I've seen of that mutant terrorist, Sabertooth."

"Creed." Logan growled.

"Were there any others with him?"

"Yes. But they just appeared, grabbed Xander, then disappeared."

"Where were you exactly?" Arlene Harris stood up and walked over to the front door.

"Here. It was Xander's birthday and I called him over to give him his present. Fred and I had an argument, and he yelled he couldn't see why he should care as Xander wasn't his anyway. And he left. A few minutes later Xander knocked on the door. The look on his face, hope, hurt...and I realized he had heard. Which he confirmed.

"I was about to tell him what I should have when he left to go on his road trip and they appeared. Xander was only just inside the doorway at the time. One arm went around his waist, another around his mouth as this very very large man just picked him up, snarled at me, then just...disappeared. And I was left standing there staring at the space my son had been. He might be here still if I had had the courage to say something to him sooner."

"You don't know that. He might have been grabbed sooner instead." Logan said, going up to stand by her. Arlene turned to him and began to cry. And Logan put his arms around her and held her.

"While she was giving her description of Xander's kidnapping, the others drank the coffee, Willow and Buffy had made. Except for Gambit, who chose to walk around again as Arlene spoke.

{Can't he actually stay still?!} Scott thought, glaring at him again.

{Leave him alone, Scott, if it was bothering Arlene she wouldn't have been comfortable enough to talk.}

"Merde!" Remy exclaimed out loud, staring at Xander's graduation photo, in pride of place on the wall. Everyone stared as he grabbed it and looked closer.


Xander opened his eyes and stared up at Sinister, standing next to a large, blue furred mutant talking some kind of technobabble with him.

"See how the eye colour has changed? The elongation of the pupil?" Sinister shone a light into Xander's eyes and he winced.

"Aha! The reflection of the cornea off the light indicates his eyes would glow like an animals in the dark a little. And the odds are very high that his eyesight is much improved as well."

"Notice how his fur is a lot lighter? He could almost go among the humans after all."

"Except for the coloration's in that fur."

"The markings do make Hyena a very appropriate code name."

"So that is it then."

"Indeed. I've taken all the measurements I want. Do you want me to sedate him for the journey McCoy?" DarkBeast smiled and held up a pair of shackles.

"No need. After such an energetic night I am more than capable of handling the boy, and these will keep him docile. Some kind of covering would be appropriate, though, so he doesn't get sick."

Large blue hands picked Xander up to hold him carefully after wrapping a blanket around him. Xander snarled and weakly hit out at him. McCoy laughed and put the shackles on.

Hearing Xander try to speak through a voice hoarse from screaming, DarkBeast also asked for a drink for him. Given a bottle of juice, DarkBeast shook his head as Xander reached for it.

"No, you drink or eat from my hands." Xander glared but opened his mouth. Carefully tilting the bottle DarkBeast gave him half the juice.

"Beginning his training already? You'll find a few base commands in him from the times I have had him."

"That's good, it'll save time. I will keep you informed of any changes as per our agreement."

"Indeed. Arclight will show you out."

Arclight took DarkBeast to the hangar which held his jet and left him there. Carrying Xander inside, he placed him on one of the passenger seats, strapping his wrists to the armrests before beginning to prepare for takeoff.

"Why all this? For me?"

"Because you have such a great potential, Alexander. I originally came from another world, one in which you and I knew each other. Your counterpart was or is an Alpha class mutant, one of the best, highly intelligent, passionate...I missed him when I ended up here."

"Oh. Umm, I like to be called Xander. So in your world I was a mutant..." DarkBeast turned around and placed his hands on Xander's shoulders, as he looked down into his eyes.

"Just like you are in this world. As your abilities have appeared later you will have to work hard, very hard to utilise them properly. I know you will be able to do that. You will do that, won't you, Alexander?" As he spoke DarkBeast pressed down, harder and harder, until Xander whimpered from the pain. "Won't you?" DarkBeast repeated in a harsh voice.

"Oh. Umm, I like to be called Xander. So in your world I was a mutant..." DarkBeast turned around and placed his hands on Xander's shoulders, as he looked down into his eyes.

"Just like you are in this world. As your abilities have appeared later you will have to work hard, very hard to utilise them properly. I know you will be able to do that. You will do that, won't you, Alexander?" As he spoke DarkBeast pressed down, harder and harder, until Xander whimpered from the pain. "Won't you?" DarkBeast repeated in a harsh voice.

"Y...yes. But, I only just passed High School. What if I can't...?"

"You will do this. Sinister of course told me how he ensured you would never be all that interested in studying, so you would stay rather than go away to college. You never had enough incentive to do well at your schooling. This time, however, you do." DarkBeast eased up on the pressure and instead began to massage the body he had just hurt as Xander stared up at him.

"I do?" The massage became painful all of a sudden and Xander winced.

"Oh yes. Do well, and you will be rewarded. I am asking you to try, I know you can do this, because your counterpart could. But if you don't try...there are many experiments and tests I wish to do with you. They can be painful or painless, your choice."

"I guess I'll be doing my best then." Xander muttered. DarkBeast smiled at him and patted him on the face before returning to the controls to prepare for takeoff.

"That's all I ask. I would prefer not to hurt you, Alexander. After all, I really missed your counterpart and I would like to see if you have some of the other talents he had in common with him."

"You us want to be friends? You could let me go, you could come visit, we get to know each other..."

"I don't think so. You certainly talk a lot more than he did. We can work on that. In the meantime, however..." DarkBeast moved over to Xander's seat and adjusted a lever. It flattened out and Xander ended up on his back staring up at the jet's ceiling.

"What...?" A blindfold was put over his eyes and Xander panicked. Beginning to pull at his bonds.

"Well really! Stop it, Alexander! I put that on you so you can sleep!" Xander continued to struggle. A heavy sigh, and then something pricked his arm. All of a sudden it didn't seem to matter much anymore. "When you're sick from too much medication don't blame me for it!"

Xander yawned.



"Now what?! Remy, it's bad enough you have to move around like a some tiger on the hunt but you have to..." Remy interrupted him.

"I know him."


"Alex...He was Alex. I saw him every now and then." Remy wrapped his arms around himself after carefully putting the picture back down. Scott remembered he was only a year or two older than Xander then.

"What do you mean, every now and then? And why Alex?!"

"He called him Alexander. Alex preferred Alex, cause then it was his name alone, and it would not hurt the happy mem'ries?"

"I know. If he was Xander in there he couldn't be Xander out here as well." Willow said. Logan growled, moving across the room to grab Remy.

"How long?"

"Too long, Logan. De boy and Remy, they be seeing each other years now. Since Remy can 'member. Dey both little den. Every couple years dey see each other again."

"Wait a minute, how is it you're telling us this now and not before?!"

"Remy not know b'fore dis be Alex. And Logan not be de only one wit de mem'ry problems. Remy not like to mem'ber what happen to him much. Not by Sinister. Remy couldn't do nuttin 'bout Alex. And Alex always let go b'fore."

"Always let go?"

"Sinister, he tangle wit de mem'ries. He be good at dat. Alex come in, get dem mem'ries back so he don't try to get away. Get his mind wiped again at end of it. Sinister would have him Summers, usually."

"How do you know so much about that?!"

"He tell me. We be de only young ones dere, sometimes we get away and play."

"When did you last see him?"

"Just b'fore I join de Xmen. Sinister grab me a final time, I not want to know. I see Alex briefly on way to him trying to persuade me. He saw me too and began yelling. Dat de last time. Be just on a year ago, in fact."

Scott closed his eyes in frustration. This was becoming more and more complicated. All it needed now was to find out Xander was a long lost Summers relative as well to make it complete.


Giles looked up from his book when a knock sounded on the door. He had had a nice, quiet, relaxing day at home. As Buffy's long lost cousins were going to be in Sunnydale for a visit he suggested she have the next day off, with maybe a quick patrol around the cemeteries for form's sake as it had been quiet since they'd shut down the Initiative a few weeks earlier.

He was surprised no one else had visited, though. Usually at least one would call at least to see what was going on. Giles had enjoyed his time to himself but it was beginning to worry him a little. Nothing was ever this peaceful on the Hellmouth for long.

With a look of relief he went to answer the door. He hadn't been forgotten after all. It was Riley with another young man, one Giles didn't know, but vaguely remembered from having been in the Initiative as well.

"Oh hello Riley. Buffy's not here at the moment. You do remember her cousins are here?"

"Well yes, but when Willow wasn't at the Dorm either I thought maybe they would be here. This is Graham, Graham this is Giles, Buffy's Watcher. We came to see if we could help." Riley looked at him expectantly. Giles frowned and waved them in.

"I'm sorry, help? And why would Willow be here, or Buffy for that matter. Has something happened?" Riley looked at him in consternation.

"You mean you don't know?! You haven't seen the news today?!"

"Well, no. I read the paper this morning and tonight I'll watch the telly for a while, but watching that machine all day is not a habit I..."

"Mr Giles, I'm sorry to interrupt but this is important! Xander has been kidnapped!"

"Again? I mean, oh dear. How?"

"It was Sabretooth. We think it's because Xander's a mutant." Graham spoke for the first time. Giles looked at him in shock.

"Xander? A mutant? What are you talking about?"

"I wondered if you knew. Because Buffy is what she is, the Initiative scanned her, to see if she was one. And everyone else involved with her. Xander is a mutant."

"You invaded our privacy to..."

"Mr Giles, the government wanted to make sure it would not be compromised, and with more mutants appearing every day, along with the various mutant terrorist groups demanding their rights..."

"Good God, man, Buffy's powers aren't scientific, they're mystical!"

"Look, we don't really have time to argue about this now. Isn't the important thing to find Xander?" Riley said.

"Yes, of course." Giles turned around and picked up the phone to ring Joyce. If Buffy hadn't heard about this, then he had to tell her, if she had, then Joyce would know what was happening.

Putting the phone down a few minutes later he turned back to the two younger men who were quietly arguing with each other.

"Now what?" Giles said. They looked up. Riley with shame, Graham with determination.

"Graham just told me that the Initiative planted a tracer on Xander."

"What?! How?!"

"When he went to see the doctor. Apparently they were going to pick him up, but with Adam and the destruction of the Sunnydale base, that was put aside. Graham was telling me that the fact of Xander being a mutant was lost somehow."

"He helped you, acted as a friend. He's nothing like they say mutants are, and I don't like what I've heard about mutants in Government care. After seeing what went wrong with the Hostiles here in Sunnydale, I've come to realise that the government doesn't know everything."

"Xander is a decent, caring young man who has always put his heart into things. Thank you for seeing that. And now we have a chance of finding him you say? I assume that is what you mean by telling us about the tracer?"


"Very well then, let's go."


"Apparently Buffy's cousin happens to be a protegee' of Professor Charles Xavier."

"That guy on the senate hearing for Mutant Rights?"

"Yes. They've gone to speak with Xander's mother."

"Right. Let's go."

Fifteen minutes later they arrived at the Harris house and knocked. Willow opened it, and seeing them, motioned them inside.

Entering, they stared as a very short yet broad hairy man had a hold of another man, tall, with long auburn hair and seemed to be threatening him. A third man with red sunglasses on was talking to them both and being ignored.

Giles took one look and snapped. He neither knew or cared who these men were, he only knew that Xander, the young man he thought of as a son was missing while they were apparently fooling around in front of his mother. Ripper took control; he'd come to care for the boy a lot as well.

"Right. That's enough of that then!" he snarled and ripped them apart from each other. Deep inside Giles was aware of the inherent strength in them both and that it was surprise that had allowed him to make a move. Ripper looked forward to more of it. "Fighting while Xander is missing is not helping! Get over it or get out!"

"Mr Giles?" Arlene Harris said uncertainly. The man she had met at Parent & Teacher nights was different from this one here now.

Turning to her, Giles smiled as Ripper let him take control again.

"Mrs Harris. Please do excuse me for being here so late, but I only just found out what was happening. I came to help."

"What can you do, Bub?" The short guy said, pulling out a cigar and looking at it before putting it back in his pocket again.

"These two young gentlemen here have some information that can help. Apparently the Initiative knew Xander was a mutant and were about to take him when we brought them down. Mr Miller here was kind enough to destroy the government evidence of his being one, but not before they put a tracer in Xander."

"So he is a mutant!" Willow exclaimed

"Wait a minute, how did they know he was?!" Buffy said with a sad look at Riley, who caught her eye and looked down, ashamed.

"Graham can explain that." Riley finally said with a funny look at his friend.

"When the government first encountered the Hostiles they assumed they were all mutants that were concentrated in the one area for some reason. They decided to try some of the possible ways proposed to control mutants on the ones in Sunnydale."

"Like Spike's chip? You do realise he is slowly starving to death because of that thing?!" The Xmen in the room looked lost. Who was Spike? And why was he starving? Logan began to growl a little. He wanted to find his son, get to know him, not talk!

"Hostile 17 is a vicious killer and..."

"A vampire who is only doing what his supernature dictates! It's like removing the teeth from a lion because it likes to eat meat!"

"I thought you trained Buffy to kill vampires!"

"Kill them, not torture them! To protect us, not to find new ways of oppression! This is supposed to be the land of the Free, not the new Nazi Germany! If the mutants who are slowly becoming more populous in the world are not the poor, tired, hungry and downtrodden then what is the new definition?"

{Think we could get him to argue for us on the Professor's Senate Committee Hearings?} Scott sent to his wife.

{He has some good points} Jean agreed.

"Excuse me, can we get back to the main subject here, which is Xander?" Willow demanded. Everyone stared at her as she glared at them. Giles cleared his throat and spoke.

"Quite right, Willow. Very well then, the Initiative scanned us all to see if we were mutants of some kind. Buffy, being the Slayer, with the abilities she is given as a result, was tested first. Willow because of her magic, next, then the rest. The only mutant amongst us is Xander, ironically enough."

"Umm, no." Graham said then.


"You are too, Mr. Giles. We, I mean the initiative, were going to bring you in at the same time as Xander."

"Oh dear." Remy had had enough.

"Enough wit de talkin! We have a way t'find Alex? Bien! Let's go find him! We don't want him in Sinister's hands any longer dan necessary!" Remy walked to the door and looked at them all expectantly. Logan joined him.

"The thief's right, folks. I want my son to be out of that bastard's hands and I want to get to know him!"

"Your son? What is going on here?!" Giles demanded. How could he do anything if they never told him what was happening?


Xander groaned and shakily put a hand up to his aching head. Lately it seemed all he'd done was wake up like this. It sucked. Sitting up, he decided that lying down was much better so did so.

Swell. Nausea? Check. Headache? Check. Sore jaw from grinding his teeth again? Check. Sore muscles? No sore muscles this time. Well, things were looking up. At least he can move. If moving didn't make him want to lose whatever was left in his stomach. Which couldn't have been much, 'cause, on reflection, he last ate at work, which was at least a couple days ago. There was that juice that blue stalker guy gave him, and some water, and that was it. Thinking about the last however many days, he was just as glad his stomach was empty, though.

There was a noise and then the lights were switched on. Xander winced at the unexpected brightness even as he realised he had been sitting in a sealed room in the dark and had been able to see. Until the actual light blinded him that was. Putting his arm over his face, he waited for the sparkling lights to die down so he could see again.

"I did warn you about the medication, Alexander. Get up." Great. It was that blue guy again.

"It's Xander! And..." Xander stopped speaking as the blue guy had one large hand around his neck holding him up against the wall. Trying to breathe, he watched wide-eyed as a large blue furry face got very close to him and snarled, showing a lot of teeth as he did so.

//Shit! I've gone from the vamps to the psycho furballs!//

"I do hope you weren't talking back to me Alexander. You really do not want to upset me at all. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt as I have not had a chance to tell you the rules underlying your new life at this establishment. A little basic courtesy would not go amiss, either!

"Rule number one, you never, ever, address me in that tone of voice! Rule number two, I will address you however I please! Currently, I please to call you Alexander! It could just as easily be Experiment #4194 or slave! You have no rights, only privileges which must be earned! If you wish to eat, you must do as I say! To sleep on a bed, obey my commands! Luxuries
like clothes or blankets are rewards of a good attitude. Do I make myself clear?!"

Clutching at the hand around his neck, desperately trying to pull it down so he could breathe, Xander moved his head down a little. It was enough and he was let go to collapse at the large mutant's feet, wheezing and bent over on hands and knees to try and get his breathe back. The same hand that had cut off his 7air took a hold of him by the hair and pulled, so he was kneeling upright, head held back so the only place to look was up at his...his...

"What's your name?!" Xander blurted suddenly. Then closed his eyes expecting...something painful. Instead, a chuckle and his hair was released. Xander stared up at him, flinching when both hands moved to him only to reach up under his arms and lift him so he stood. The guy was huge. One hand enough to warp around his neck, and when they both stood tall enough to make his own six foot height feel...short.

"You always could calm me down. When we were alone you used to call me Henry, but with others around it was Sir, of course." Putting an arm around his shoulders, DarkBeast steered him out of the room. It led directly into a laboratory full of weird things he didn't want to recognise as the older mutant headed towards one corner.

"You mean the other me. Not me."

"Of course. However, it won't take that long to train you to be like him, especially as Sinister has laid the ground work for it already. So, tell me, what do you think?"

DarkBeast had positioned him in front of a full length mirror and Xander finally got to see himself as a mutant for the first time.



"We can tell you on the way! Soldier boy! What's the frequency of this tracer you put in my son?!" Logan said, opening the door and gesturing to everyone to move.

"Logan's right, Homme. We tell you as we go, yes?" Remy began to walk through the door as he spoke.

"I am all for speed, but I would prefer to ascertain the facts so a proper plan can be laid out before actually moving." Giles said, glaring at them both.

"We don't have time for this! We gotta go..."

"Mr Giles is right, Logan. Both of you come back in here and sit down." Scott said. The combined glares of both him and Giles seemed to work as the two sullenly came back in and sat, or in Remy's case, slouched, on the sofa next to Willow.

Meanwhile, as they had been debating the point, Riley had quietly moved over next to Buffy. She smiled up at him and they moved in close to each other.

"What happened to your hair?" He whispered to her, putting his arms around her.

"Willow tried a clean up spell. I've washed my hair six times now and the colour hasn't faded or anything." She replied, pouting a little as she snuggled into him.

"Don't hurry too much." He rubbed his nose through her hair, sniffing it as he shut his eyes.

"What?" she pulled back from him and frowned up at him a little.

"You look beautiful."

"Oh" she let him pull her to him again and they held each other. Remy shuddered and turned away. Willow frowned at him.

"They're in love."

"Petit, dat was so sweet Remy has indigestion." He grinned at her and she smiled back at him reluctantly.

"If you have quite finished?" Giles said, glaring at them.

"Oh yes. I mean!..." Willow put her hand over her mouth and blushed.

"Please carry on then Mr Summers."

"Scott, please, Mr Giles. Basically, all we've done is confirm it was Sabretooth that took Xander, and Remy here told us it would have been at Sinister's instigation as..."

Logan rolled his eyes as Scott continued to explain what was happening. Maybe the English guy had a point, he needed to be told, but why not on the way? Now he knew he had a son he wanted to find him...especially if Creed was involved. He hoped Creed hadn't found out Xander was his son...he didn't think it would be too good for his health.

"Logan?" He turned to see Arlene standing there staring at him.

"Hey. Guess we have to talk." She nodded and moved out of the room and down the hall to the kitchen. Sitting at the table after she had made them both another cup of coffee, she took a deep breath and began to speak.

"We do. You do know if I'd realised he'd lied to me I would have done my best to make sure you two knew each other?"

"Of course I do! You know I loved you! And I was gonna ask ya ta be mine, marry me."

"Yeah. Well, that's in the past. I've made a commitment to Fred now, and I wont go back on my word. It was a bad idea, marrying him, but it's done now. But, I want you to be a part of my life, so you can get to know our son." Logan stared at her, taking a deep breath of his own.

"Arlene, I wouldn't want you go back on your word like that. And, not knowing about you till a couple hours ago, I've moved on. I would like us to be friends again, though, and I definitely want to get to know my son. What's he like?" She laughed, but it broke in the middle and she began to cry. Awkwardly, he stood up to go to her but she waved him away, pulling out a tissue and blowing.

"Oh Logan, he's just like you. Stubborn, impatient, and very, very, loveable." She began to cry harder and this time let Logan pull her into his arms to hold her. He wondered where her husband was, that he wasn't there when she needed him so badly.

Jean turned away and moved quietly back down to the living room

"We have a little more time to plan things."

"Well, if that's so, then I am interested in one other thing." Giles said, peering earnestly at everyone through his glasses.


"If it's not rude to ask, what are everyone's mutant powers? And is there any way to determine what mine may be?" Scott gaped for minute as Ororo looked at him approvingly while Remy began to laugh, Jean joining him after a minute.

"I'm sorry, was what I said funny?"

"No, just very, very normal. I don't think we know how to deal with normal anymore." Jean said.

"Usually, de person who find he a mutant act more violently dan you, English. Or when he is frightened, de power comes out."

"Not so. A lot come into it quietly." Scott protested mildly.

"And when de gen'ral populace discover de mutie in dere midst?" Remy glared back at him.

"I...see. So I need to be attacked or threatened for my power to come out?" Giles said, confused. Ororo turned to him with a smile. Tentatively, he smiled back.

"No. You probably use it all the time and just don't realise it."


"Back at the mansion, Professor Xavier has developed a machine that can detect mutants, and he's very good at determining what they can do." Ororo said eagerly.

"Really?" Giles said, frowning.

"Yes." Ororo replied, frowning back.

"Oh, do please excuse me. I've been trying to think what I do all the time that could be classed as a mutant power."

"Reading?" Buffy suggested. Giles glared. "I mean, the way you're reading all those books all the time and just retain the knowledge, I always thought it was kinda supernatural, but maybe it's a mutant thing?"

"A mutant thing, Buffy? What about Willow then?!"

"Oh that's easy! She's a genius, of course she would read the books and retain the knowledge." Buffy said brightly with a smile. Willow put a hand over her mouth and Giles just knew she was trying not to laugh. He took his glasses off and pinched his nose.

"Oh dear God" he said. Maybe it's true what they say about blondes? But Tara seemed to be quite an intelligent young thing but then again, she was a unique girl anyway. He felt the usual Buffy induced headache come on and now wondered why he had felt so relieved at the knock on his door earlier that evening.


Xander looked at himself. He was...furry. All over. It was a shorthaired pelt, enough that he could even get away with just being seen as very hairy but he 'knew' it was fur. Because it matched the pelt of a hyena. He should have known, change into a mutant and he becomes a hyena-like one. And it was a mixture of the hyena breeds not just one.

//Guess that means the hyena spirit could have been from any of them?//

Having been possessed and still remembering, Xander had done some research on hyenas, trying to figure out why he and his pack had acted the way they did. He had dark brown spots and stripes scattered over his back, matching his hair, which was longer, and now went halfway down his back.

//Oh wow, hair club for men has nothing on this!// Xander touched his hair in wonderment.

The pelt that covered him was a light gray in colour, all over, except for his eyebrows, his head and the markings, which were all a dark brown. He could see himself blending easily into ground cover as he hunted for prey. Getting lost in those thoughts, his eyes widened in surprise when dark brown, almost black, claws suddenly spouted from his hands, just behind the knuckles, one for each finger. Closing his eyes he could see himself clenching a fist to take out an opponent, claws unsheathed, and the blood spurting through the air.

//Hyena thoughts! No, Hyena thoughts bad, not again.//

Whenever he was stressed, lately, the hyena thoughts appeared, blood, and violence, attacking the problems. Fired from another dead end job? Why not eat the underpaying bastard? Fred Harris beats up your mother again? You know you want to take him out, Xander, it would be so easy. He's weak, lazy, ideal prey.

//Oh yeah, kill the...No! No killing! Killing is of the bad here!//

Opening his eyes again with a shudder Xander decided to concentrate on his other changes for now. Maybe later he could have a little quiet to deal with the animal inside? Stepping closer to the mirror he looked hard. His eyes were different, too. A lighter, more amber brown, with green flecks that grew wider as he stared until his eyes were all green instead. And his mouth...he had fangs now! Sharp teeth good for tearing at things.

His body was bulkier, too, his shoulders were broader and he looked as if he had spent some serious time in the gym working on the muscles and his legs were longer now. Overall, his body now bore a resemblance to his favorite gymnast, the Russian one he shared a name with.

//Oh yeah. Alexei...and we are 'not' gay, Xander, he's just very good looking. Like Spike, and Angel, and Oz...and Giles too, Wesley even. No, Larry, 'not' gay. Great, as if I don't have enough problems right now...// Two large blue furry hands came down on his shoulders and he stared at DarkBeast's face in the mirror as he stood behind him.

"Amazing. Your counterpart never changed like this, but he was never possessed by a hyena spirit either. He did, however, develop mutant abilities at the age of fifteen. You seem to bear a mixture of the Crocuta crocuta, Hyena hyaena and the Hyena brunnea combined."

"The laughing, striped and brown hyenas? It seems so. Do you think it was the possession that delayed this?"

"Actually, I don't think it did, really. I personally believe you have been developing at a slow, steady pace, to avoid detection before you were ready. Sinister told me you said you had heightened senses afterward, that seemed to grow sharper, and your feel for danger was better, too. I believe that was the hyena coming out, as well as some psychic ability."

"Me, psychic? But, I was never good with spells at all! Me and magic combined is so not a good!"

"They do not necessarily go together, Alexander. In all likelihood your own psychic abilities would have interfered with any magic around you. What type of magic did you try?" Xander felt himself grow hot. That whole deal with Amy was so embarrassing, even now.

"Ahh, it's...do I have to tell you?" The hands on his shoulders tightened in answer. "Right. My girlfriend broke up with me and I blackmailed a witch into putting a love spell on me so she'd take me back. Only, it got every female in Sunnydale instead, and they kinda turned all stalker on me when I ran. And then there was the time I read a spell out loud and the book went on fire. And the time Willow and I were gonna do this delust spell when Spike grabbed us.

"And then Willow got all upset earlier this year when Oz was gone and put a spell on me turning me into a demon magnet...they couldn't keep their hands off of me! Anya and I broke up afterwards because of it. So, magic is not good with me. Then of course there's the whole Hellmouth thing anyway, like prophecies and Chaos sorcerers and evil vampires trying to suck the world into Hell."

"Interesting. Valid enough reasoning to stay away from magic. But it does indicate another possible psychic ability, a charm thing perhaps, like Gambit? That would correlate with going wild if any attraction spells were performed on someone with such an ability. First, however, I do believe we should go eat!" Steering him away from the mirror, DarkBeast led Xander through another door and out into a dining room, complete with breakfast food. Stomach growling, Xander eagerly moved forward, only to be stopped by the larger mutant.

"You did say we could eat?" No way was he gonna upset this guy till he figured out some way to escape.

"I did. You sit here." He guided him to a tall-backed chair with arms at the side of the table and Xander sat down. Resting back, keeping a wary eye on DarkBeast, he was caught by surprise when straps flew out, holding him down around the chest, waist and wrists.

"Hey! Let me go!" Struggling, Xander glared at DarkBeast when he was unable to move his restraints.

"I think not. I did tell you eating would be a privilege. And on those days I choose you do not eat, you will still sit at the table with me and watch. But not today. You need the food after your change, so today, you will eat."

"But why like this?!"

"Because I wish it that way. Is there some difficulty with that?" DarkBeast glowered at Xander as he sat there and he flushed.

//At least the fur will hide when I do this to myself!//

"No? I'm...surprised by this. Why don't you want me to feed myself? And I'm curious here, not trying to be disrespectful or anything 'cause I know now I better not upset you and do the best I can..." DarkBeast pressed a hand over his mouth, stopping him.

//I'm glad he did that. Somehow I don't think he's too appreciative of the Xander babble...//

"You do talk a lot don't you? Very well. As a mutant all sorts of abilities have come out in you and you need training. I can do that, so you will perform to the best of your abilities...I'm feeding you now as there will be a lot of tests today and I want you at
your maximum physical capacity.

"I told you earlier that you will not make a move without me knowing...you will only eat from my hand, wear clothes, if you wear them at all, I put you in, you will go to bed when I say, wake up when I say. That is all you need to know. For now." Xander stared at DarkBeast in horror, eyes wide.

//I know what this is! He's gonna try to break me! And he's gonna do it by training me like some kind of a pet! Oh shit, Buff, Giles, anyone, Deadboy even, get me out of this!//


"Look can we go now? Alex don't deserve to be around Sinister any longer dan necessary and English has been told now."

"You're right. Mr Miller, what frequency is this chip at?"

"I was never told that, but it should be similar to the one Mr Giles has."

"Quite. I want to get that thing out of me as soon as possible. Can we do that without any harm to myself?"

"Not really. It's designed so that only an expert could do so. You try and it'll be a similar effect to Hostile 17."

"Migraines if I try to eat or defend myself against humans?"

"Well, you can eat."

"Wonderful. What a good thing I haven't had to deal with humans in protecting the Hellmouth from harm. Or did the Government feel that opening up the Mouth of Hell and destroying the earth was an acceptable risk in their search for the 'Mutant Menace!?'" The Englishman glared at him.

Gambit whispered to Willow.

"English is good at the sarcasm. Remy likes him." Giles glared at him as well.

"Thank you. That's all I needed to make my day perfect! Well, Scott, do lead the way. Let us go do this so I can get this abomination out of me!"

"But wait! We have to get Tara first!" Willow spoke up.


"Because you may need her."

"I don't think so. This is dangerous and we have to move in and out..."

"You don't understand! Tara and me work well together, and we can help!"

"They are very good actually. And if this Sinister person is as you say he may not be expecting magic...I'd say any advantage would help!"

"I think we'd better let Joyce know what's happening anyway, Logan. And maybe Mrs Harris could stay with her so she's not alone?"

{Since her loser of a husband can't be bothered to support her at all. So what if Xander isn't his son, he raised him didn't he? Doesn't that count for something?} Scott sighed and looked at his wife with affection.

{Apparently not. And sometimes not even when they are blood.}

"I'd like that. I've only spoken with her a few times but she was nice. When Xander has spent the night away, when he was younger, I was glad it was at her place...I knew at least he would be safer there."

There was no answer to that and they all left to go back to the Summers house where Dawn, Joyce and Tara were waiting.


The Xmen, now in costume, and the Scoobies stared at the laboratory. It was obvious it had only been deserted recently.

"Oh no!" Willow cried out and they rushed to look at what the young witch was staring at. On an examination table, complete with straps, was a small chip.

"Is that..." Buffy began to say.

"Yeah, it's one of our chips all right. Looks like this Sinister had the expertise to remove it." Riley said with a sigh, putting it back down.

"Now what!?"

"Back to the Mansion. Maybe Professor X can use Cerebro." Cyclops said.

"But what about Alex?! What are they doing to him?!" Gambit protested

"Wouldn't you like to know!" Turning, they were just in time to see Sabertooth leap at Logan in attack.

"Oh no you don't! Not this time!" Jean snapped and froze him in mid air. He snarled and tried to swipe at them with his claws but was well out of reach of anyone.

"Wait a minute Riley!" Graham said, picking up the chip. "This isn't one of ours at all!"

"But it looks like..."

"No, see this here? We stopped doing that, they would begin to fail eventually."

"So why did the signal lead us here?" Giles said.

"Because I wanted to see you." A new voice said. Jean cried out in pain suddenly, fainting. Sabretooth then fell to the floor as Sinister came into view.