Title: New Beginning

Author: Kate R.


Disclaimer: not mine, never will be.

Rating: PG-13 to R

Pairings: Wes/Barnabas and Giles/Ethan

Summary: Fresh start, new town, same fight

New Beginning
By Kate R.

He had been on the road, leaving LA and it's pain far behind him.

Angel had told him to leave so he had. Finally tired of being the one they used and tossed aside. Finally tired of all of it. He was driving and he slammed on the brakes when he saw two people by the side of the road trying to get a ride.

"Dawn?" he asked as he opened the door. He looked behind her at the bleached blond standing with his hand on her protectively.

"We're running from Buffy," Dawn said. "She doesn't care about me, she doesn't even notice me and I'm tired of being ignored by everyone and expected to be happy girl because Buffy came back. I was just learning to deal with her being dead and now she's back and everything is just supposed to go back to the way it was. Ethan's gone because of her and Giles left and Spike was going to leave and I just can't take it anymore. They already sent my other friend away because they'd hurt him if he stayed. Well, not Giles and maybe not Xander but everyone else would."

"We'll find him," Wesley sighed out raspily.

Dawn saw the scar, as did Spike, but neither asked.

He sighed again knowing he'd have to tell them. "I made a mistake and paid for it. Unfortunately since I'm not Cordelia or Gunn, Angel is not inclined to forgive me. Get in," he sighed.

He knew he couldn't leave them. Something told him they were supposed to be with him. Besides, they were friends and journeys like this were best made in the company of good friends. At least he wouldn't be alone in the starting over thing.

"So," Spike asked a few hours later. "Where do we go to find Captain Chaos?"

"Right here," Wesley answered as his voice was still hoarse but Spike was right, someone had to talk. "He's in that bar according to my tracking spell."

Spike grinned and got out of the car, heading in to the bar. He came out a few minutes later leading a very confused Ethan Rayne.

"Do you have tracking spells on all of us?" Dawn asked.

"Only on my friends," he said. "Where do you all want to go? I was thinking s far east as we could and still be in the US."

"One place is as good as any other to me mate," Spike said.

Ethan nodded, as did Dawn, so Wesley put the car in gear.

"Maine it is then," he said as he started the car and began the long drive. He'd switch off with Spike and Ethan every few hours and Spike would sleep during the day. It was no matter to Wesley, he preferred the night. The same he could tell, as Ethan and Dawn did.

They drove and drove. Sometimes staying a few days in a place, sometimes barley a few hours, until about two weeks later they got to Maine.

"Now entering Collins Port Maine," the sign said.

Spike sat up and looked tense.

"Soon s we find a place, Wes," the bleached blond said. "You need to send Dawn to the Master of this place. I'll tell her what she needs to say but it has to be her."

"You, Ethan and I being too powerful to approach without setting off the Master's alarms. Yes, all right. Where should we go?"

"Look for a real estate office. We need a place. We so need a place. This is it, Wes. This is where we need to be. Dawn and you at least will be safe here. Same for Ethan and me hopefully."

Wesley nodded and they found an open place. It was Wesley who chose their house. Spike and Ethan trusted him and Dawn was asleep.

Tomorrow would be an interesting day. Tomorrow...


Sunnydale, around the same time

"What the hell do you mean you don't know where Dawn is?" an angry British voice bellowed. "My God, Buffy what the hell is wrong with you? It's been a month! How the hell could you have missed her that long? I should have sodding well left her with Ethan!"

"What would he have done, Giles?" Buffy asked.

"Been more bloody responsible that you were. I'll find her and Spike but I may not bring them back. Xander lets go. We have a long trip ahead of us."

"Right, G-man," Xander said following the older man out.

In all his years of knowing the older man, he'd never seen Giles blow like that. Giles had a limit. Learn something new everyday.

"And stop calling me that stupid focking name. It's annoying me!"

Part 2

It was foggy.

Dawn wondered if it was always foggy at night when one wanted to see The Master. Oh, Spike was going to owe her for this. Of course the only reason he wasn't here was because of the fact that if he were, The Master would likely take it as an invasion into his territory. Dawn sighed and raised the heavy knocker and let it fall against the wood. Damn, they probably heard that in town.

Gee, these people really built solid doors in the past.

"May I help you?" A cultured voice asked.

Dawn jumped around in shock kicking herself for not being focused on the meeting she was here to have. She knew this guy was The Master of this place and she was hoping he was a hell of a lot nicer than The Master's bitch in St. Louis had been.

"Uh---uhm---" She began before she remembered what Spike had told her. "William the Bloody respectfully asks for sanctuary in your territory while we try to rebuild a member of our family. The person who is broken isn't a vampire but he is clan to William and---and---uhm"

"I don't stand on such ceremony here," the man said.

And Dawn finally looked at him. He was tall and dark haired with piercing dark eyes. She had a feeling he'd be perfect for Wesley if they could just get the two of them together. It was one of her special gifts: Dawn just knew about people sometimes. Same as she knew Giles belonged with Ethan.

"May I ask what your name is and why William sent one as young as you?"

"Uhm, well, I'm Dawn," she answered. "And uhm---He sent me because the others in our party, Wesley, the broken one, Ethan, and William himself are all really powerful and William didn't want to upset you by making you think he wanted your territory. See, we stopped for dinner in St. Louis and the Master's human servant there basically ran us out of town because Spi--William didn't know the protocols of vampire behaviors."

"Spike has always suited him more," the man said. "You may tell him he is welcome here, as are all who are his. Tell him, I am repaying my debt to him now."

"Spike didn't mention debt. He just wants a place as far away from Sunnydale as he can get."

"Then he will have that. I will send word to the town that you all are to be made welcome. And if there is anyone you do not want here, you may tell them and they will inform me if the people try to enter the town."

"Only Buffy, Willow and Anya," Dawn said. "Do you want to meet William?"

"At his convenience. Tell him Barnabas Collins sends his greetings and waits to hear of his adventures since last we met."

"Okay," Dawn said as she left.

She knew a dismissal when she heard one. And she really wanted to ask Spike if he'd tell her about Barnabas Collins because this sounded interesting.


On the road, heading for Maine, were Rupert Giles and Xander Harris. So far, Giles had told Xander to leave his radio where it was because he refused to listen to what children called music today. He had better taste and as it was his car, Xander was just going to have to deal with it. Giles was in a foul mood. He had been since LA. Oh, once he was sure Wesley was okay, he was going back to that damnable hotel and he was going to put his foot so far up Angel's ass that Angel would have to open his mouth for Giles to tie his shoe.

"Xander, don't." he growled.

And Xander froze with his hand near the knob of the radio.

"Okay, Giles," Xander said. "You've been seriously torqued since LA."

"And why the hell wouldn't I be?" Giles growled. "You heard what they said. He made a mistake. If they had been paying half the attention they tried to make us believe they would have noticed something was wrong but god forbid if anything goes wrong it can't possibly be because of their own short sightedness. It's like everything was his job. It's a wonder he didn't break long before now."

"Alright," Xander said. "I see that but this is just Wesley. The man makes a habit of screwing up."

"Shut up or get out," Giles growled slamming on the brakes. "I have neither time nor patience for your crap attitude. People change, you little brat. People change. Now, if you can't say anything nice, keep your damn mouth shut when we get there."

So saying, Giles put the car backing gear and drove. The silence was now thick with anger directed at him and Xander was finding himself afraid of Giles for the first time in forever. Giles was angry he realized. And insulting Wesley at this time was not a good way to make him happy. Xander resolved to do the only smart thing in this case: He kept his mouth shut.