Title: New Players In The Game
Author: Adalisa
marioz@spin.com.mxFeedback: I love it. It’s inspiring... and let’s face it, it’s the only real reason to keep writing.
Distribution: Mama Chelle’s site, XanderSlash’s site and my site. Anywhere else, just ask. I won’t say no.
http://members.tripod.com/luxshineSummary: After the death of the Master, two new vampires arrive to Sunnydale, waiting to kill the Slayer.
Rating: Pg-13 (A little violence, nothing too bad)
Disclaimer: Everyone here is property of Joss Wheldon, Warner Bros. And another bunch of people. But they keep treating them bad, so I play with them.
Content: X/A, C/W implied.
Spoilers: S1, School Hard. And I would really recommend to read the rest of the series in case you haven't.
Notes: Chapter 5 of "Xander, the Vampire Slayer. > Following the original series, this could be considered beginning of S2, so it has been around 2 months since what happened in Prophecy Boy. Again, some of the dialogue has been taken right out of the episode, only to be truly warped afterwards.
(Sorry I love Spike and Angel’s meeting. I couldn’t avoid those lines :))And of course... Spike and Dru make their first appearance here.
By Adalisa
The blonde vampire walked inside the warehouse, as if he were the owner of the place. He was dressed in black and red, his eyes showing a very interesting gleam that could be interpreted either as enjoyment or as cruelty.
Perhaps it was a little of both. He said his name was Spike, before promising to kill the Slayer. The other vampire was clearly insane. She was dressed in white, in the same fashion that had been worn by mortals at least 100 years before. And her eyes were glazzy, confused. Her name was Drusilla.
Collin, the Anointed one, was intrigued. They were very different from the vampires that usually worshiped him. Maybe they would have a chance against Xander Harris.
If not... Well, he didn’t liked them anyway. The Slayer could make ashes of them.
"Me and Dru, we're movin' in. " Spike was saying.
He was the one that Collin disliked the most. He was too strong.
"Now. Any of you want to test who's got the biggest wrinklies 'round here... step on up. I'll do your Slayer for you. But you keep your flunkies from tryin' anything behind my back. Deal?"
Collin nodded. It could be interesting, to see what would be the reaction of this man to meet the Sunnydale’s Slayer.
In that moment, Drusilla wailed. "I can't see The Slayer. I can't see. " She looked up to the sky, her eyes clouded. "It's dark. Kill the Slayer, Spike... Or the Slayer will take you away from me... Kill the Slayer for me?"
"It's done, baby." Spike kissed Drusilla in the forehead, smiling. "Don’t worry. I’ve never meet a Slayer that does something for me."
Drusilla shook once, burying herself in Spike’s arms, so shaken, that her last whisper was barely heard."He is different, Spike... He is not like the other girls..."
* * *
Xander had been dancing with Cordelia, helping in another of his two best friends attempts to get the attention of the bass player for Dingoes ate my homework, hoping to have a quiet night, when someone came in saying that there was a girl being attacked by a vampire. Well, more like being bitten by a big guy, but Xander had not needed more clues to know that it was a vampire. So instead of being inside the club, waiting for his undead lover to appear, he was staking another undead creature in the usual alley. Or trying to.
The big vampire was quite strong, so getting a hold of a stake was getting a little hard. Not to mention that he was getting tired of ‘Big Ugly’s’ comments about the Slayer being a girl. That routine was getting old, really really fast.
As Xander was a little distracted, the vampire managed to get a grab on his neck, looming over as if he was getting ready to bite the Slayer’s neck.
"I don't need to wait for St. Vigeous. You're mine, ‘Slayer’"
"Sorry to disappoint you but I have another plans, Ugly" With a very decided kick between the legs of his attacker, Xander managed to get to his feet, and get his stake in hand.
"Spike! Gimme a hand!" The vampire was yelling at someone in the shadows, but Xander didn’t turn to see. He placed a final kick to the vampire’s ribs, before staking him right and watching him turn to ashes.
However, he did not lower his guard as he heard hands clapping.
"Nice work, love." The owner of the voice was a tall, blonde man with a British accent. And even when he did not do any move to attack Xander, he was sure that his interloper was a vampire.
"Are you just here to watch the show, or you came to fight?"
There was something Xander didn’t like about the new vampire. He reminded him too much of Angelus.
"Just to watch... you will have to wait for Saturday if you want to fight." The blonde man, probably the ‘Spike’ whom Big Ugly expected to help him, didn’t make any move to get closer to Xander, but his smile grew wider.
"Saturday? What’s so important on Saturday?" The Slayer bit his lip in order to avoid a witty line. Somehow, he got the feeling that this ‘Spike’ wasn’t one who would like a joke or two in that exact moment.
"Your death at my hands." The vampire smiled, showing his game face before walking away. "Take care, Slayer. I want it to be special."
Xander stared speechless at the retreating vampire. The first one who hadn’t say the word ‘Slayer’ at him with some degree of mockery, sarcasm or plain disbelief.
* * *
Xander, Cordelia and Willow entered the library just to find Giles, Ethan and Jenny arguing over some books. In a corner, Angel was looking at them with a slightly amused smile, but as soon as his lover entered the place, his attention at the discussion dimmed.
"Xander, I was getting worried." He said, as he kissed him softly.
"It was you the one who wanted to help them instead of going to the Bronze, remember?" The young slayer smiled and then turned to see his watcher who was cleaning his glasses, looking at Miss Calendar somewhat angry. "what’s their trouble now?"
"There is nothing in the chronicles about an extraneous lunar cycle." Before Angel could answer, Giles’ voice began to get louder. "And the Order calculated all the dates on the Mesopotamian calendar, Jenny."
Ethan added, with a smug smile. "Your computer is wrong for at least one month."
"The Order never accurately calculated the Mesopotamian Calendar. " The young gypsy woman looked very angry with both men, and Xander couldn’t hold back a smile. "Rupert, you have _got_ to read something that was published after 1066."
"I’m witnessing a miracle." Xander began, obviously very amused, managing to capture the attention from his watcher, his uncle and his computer teacher with just one phrase. "Ethan and Giles agree with something."
"Very funny."
"We’re only agreeing because _she_ is wrong." Both men were way to quickly to answer, and the younger slayerettes exchanged smiles.
Even when Ethan and Giles had been at odds since they had meet - or more accurately, reunited, as obviously there was some sort of past story between them - since the day when the Hellmouth opened and Xander had died for a second, they had started to get a little truce.
"So, where is she wrong?" Cordelia asked, crossing her arms and looking at them with some curiosity.
The same curiosity that made Giles began to stammer as he wasn’t used to talk to crowds. " W-um, Ms. Calendar has been researching, well, uh, surfing on her computer, and she's... "
"According to her calculations, that are wrong, this Saturday is the night of St. Vigeous." Ethan finished, not willing to hear a long rant from the watcher.
"She’s right." At Xander words, the only answer were two very shocked British men, and a very happy American gypsy. "A vampire attacked me today. He was mumbling something about St. Vigeous. And after I staked him, another threatened to kill me this Saturday... I’m guessing it’s a big Vampire party."
"St. Vigeous led a crusade of vampires. Swept all life in the east..." Angel provided, while Jenny Calendar was providing the boys with a very juvenile expression. She was sticking her tongue to them. "In the night of St. Vigeous, and after a preparation of three days, the vampires do a savage attack on the town where they live. They kill almost everything."
"This Saturday's going to need a great deal of preparation, then." Giles said, having recovered a little bit of dignity after finding out that his books were wrong.
"Well, we'll help." Willow added immediately, hugging Cordelia. "And I’m sure that Marc and Marcia will be happy to do something too."
"And what happened to the vampire who threatened you, Xander. Is he dust now?" Ethan looked at Xander, a little worried, but the slayer only smiled at him.
"No. He went away... Very strange guy, now that I think of it. The one I killed called him ‘Spike’.
Focused in calming his father a little, Xander didn’t notice that Angel tensed at hearing the vampire’s name.
"That's a little unorthodox, isn't it?" Giles frowned. "Maybe he is a young one."
"Or he went by another name in the past." Jenny provided, as she grabbed one of the older watcher’s diaries.
"Well, he can't be any worse than any other monster that Xander has faced." Cordelia smiled, as she walked to the closet where they kept the instruments to whittle stakes.
"He's worse. " Angel’s voice was very gloomy. "Once he starts something he doesn't stop until everything in his path is dead."
"Hmm. So, he's thorough, goal-oriented." Xander looked at his lover, who was doing his best to avoid his eyes. "What are you not telling us?"
"It’s better if you don’t know." The vampire walked away, leaving the library and his friends behind, very startled. Xander thought on following him, but the experience had told him that when Angel was in a brooding mood, it was better to leave him alone.
"So... since we’re not doing anything until Saturday..." He said instead, trying to mask his pain at seeing his lover distressed "Ethan, Mom wants you to come with Dad in her place to the Parent-Teacher’s night tomorrow. Is that o.k. with you?"
* * *
Drusilla was dancing around, carrying a beautiful doll in her hands. Her eyes seemed out of focus, her mind was far away. But still, Spike loved her. "Darling, are you going to eat something?" he asked, as he entered the room.
It was a fairly quiet night, except for the chants of the other vampires, who were getting ready for the Night of St. Vigeous. A ritual that he deemed immensely boring.
"I'm not hungry. I miss Prague." The tone was the closest thing Drusilla managed to do as a whine. She had such a sweet voice that even her anger sounded like a song for Spike.
"You nearly died in Prague. Idiot mob." The blonde vampire closed his eyes, hoping to forget the memories of his love dying at human hands. "This is the place for us. "
In one swift movement he guided her to the bed, holding her close to him. "The Hellmouth will restore you, put color in your cheeks, metaphorically speaking, and in a few week's time..."
"The stars will align, and smile down on us."
"And then, God, this town will burn." Spike said, hoping to make Drusilla happy. His beloved was very fond of fires. However, her eyes were strangely dark, her face still unexpressive.
"Did you kill the Slayer?" The mad vampire asked, apparently bored. "I still can’t see his dead body... The stars aren’t singing."
"I’ll kill him this Saturday." He finished his answer by kissing Drusilla’s hair. "I just wanted to see what was so special about him."
"You promised you would kill him, soon. Now." Drusilla looked at him, scowling. She looked like a little girl who had been deprived of a present. "I cannot sleep if he is alive. He will make my hair fall down... the stars will fall."
"Never happen. " Spike stood up, closing his eyes. There were times in which his lover was too demanding, too delusional. Even so, he loved her. "Alright.
I’ll kill the guy tomorrow." Shifting to his game face, he walked away, making plans on how to kill the Slayer fast, so Drusilla would be happy. He would do anything to keep her happy.
* * *
Xander and Willow were standing near the entree’ table, handing glasses of lemonade to the parents under the ever watching eye of Assistant Principal Snyder. The man had not stopped glaring at Xander ever since Mr. Harris and Ethan had arrived together, three hours ago. Apparently, the man had some trouble accepting that Ethan was Xander’s uncle, and had decided that Xander was a dangerous influence in the school.
"One would think that he would treat you better if you beat up other students instead of letting yourself be beaten." The young witch commented, as the traffic near the table dimmed. "He is still angry because Flutie didn’t resign his job as he had planned."
"The man is insane. Today he is against me. Tomorrow, he will insist that you’re a witch."
"I _am_ a witch." Willow insisted, but seeing the smile in her best friend, she blushed. "Apprentice witch."
"Smile, Will. It could be worse, we could be readying weapons for the Apocalypse."
"You’re right." Cordelia walked towards them, obviously tired. "Even slaves get minimum wage... And Giles is driving me nuts."
"What’s the matter now?" Xander smiled as he saw Snyder leave to follow one of the real trouble makers.
"He is ranting about why your mother asked Ethan to come in her place. Why is it that every time that we have free time, Giles and Ethan start fighting?"
"There’s some history between them." The answer sounded weak, even to Xander’s ears. He himself wasn’t sure of how bad was that history, but he had known that there was no much love between Ethan and Giles even before his ‘uncle’ had decided to stay in Sunnydale instead of just appearing when the Apocalypse was coming. The thing was that every time he asked Ethan about it, the only answer he got was ‘It’s in the past now’. Not a really good answer.
"Anyway, between his rant and all, we found your new friend." Cordelia took a glass of lemonade, looking at her nails. Three hours whittling stakes were terrible for her hands.
"You mean, Spike?" Xander lifted his eyebrow, curious. After Angel’s sudden disappearance, he really wanted to know more about the blond vampire.
"His real name is William. Also nicknamed ‘The Bloody’" As she spoke, Cordelia grimaced. "Obviously, vampires like to be obvious. He earned the name ‘Spike’ by torturing his victims with railroad spikes. Ouch. But the good news is that he’s younger than Angel..."
"And the bad news?" Willow seemed really worried. It was not usual that Cordelia made dramatic pauses.
" Well... It also happens that Spike has fought two Slayers in the last century, and... he kinda killed them both."
Xander paled a little, now understanding in part why Angel hadn’t told him. Of course, there had to be something more that his lover wasn’t telling... but just the fact that Spike had killed two other Slayers was more than enough reason for Angel to try and protect Xander. His latest brush with dead still haunted their dreams.
In that moment, they saw as Ethan and Mr. Harris walked towards them, followed by Mr. Flutie. Snyder was already turning off the lights, marking the end of the Teacher-Parent night. Mr. Harris was smiling, which for Xander was a very good sign, even when Ethan had a somewhat worried frown. Probably over whatever what would happen next Saturday, more than about Xander’s grades.
The Slayer said his good-byes to his friends, ready to go with both his fathers, when Snyder turned off the last switch... An action followed by the loud crash of one of the windows, breaking as two vampires dived through it, followed by many more.
The few people who were still around panicked, trying to run away from the very mean looking invaders, but Xander held his ground just enough to recognize their leader, Spike.
"This isn’t Saturday night..." Xander said, unable to held back his surprise.
"What can I say? I couldn’t wait to see you again." Spike rushed forward, counting with the old-age tradition that Slayers attacked first, thought later, so he really wasn’t expecting Xander to threw the food table against him, making him loose his balance.
Thankful for the little time won, Xander grabbed Cordelia’s hand and urged his father, Ethan, Flutie and Snyder to run away.
The last thing he heard before leaving the room, was Spike’s very annoyed voice. "Nobody gets out! Especially not him!
* * *
The run towards the library was not easy, and in the process, Xander lost sight of Cordelia and Willow. He managed to see as the red headed witch changed one of the vampires into a mouse, the last trick she had started to master, and that was a lot better than the levitating pencil, but then he had to save another teacher, without dusting the vampire that was chasing them and didn’t see as his two best friends closed themselves in a closet.
Then, just before he reached the library where Giles and Jenny were waiting with the weapons he needed, another vampire closed them the way, so they had to retreat inside the Science laboratory. It was closed, it’s windows were locked, but still didn’t had much to defend themselves.
It wouldn’t be that bad, except for the fact that the power went out.
"This is so great." Xander mumbled. "I used to think School and work didn’t mix..."
"Who are those people, and what do they want?" Flutie asked, in his best ‘parent’ voice. It was curious how he never seemed fazed by the odd goings at school. Not even when Xander had saved him from being _eaten_ by possessed students. The Principal seemed to take it all with calm. "They were not students..."
"They’re a Gang on PCP! We've gotta get out of here." Snyder stormed, as he tried to climb to a window.
"If you go outside, they’ll kill you." Xander shook his head. He really hated to have to do Slayer duty near the Assistant Principal. That could only lead him to trouble. "They will kill everyone in the school if we let them. So nobody goes out, or comes in, until _I_ say so. Is that clear?"
"Who do you think you are, boy?" Somehow, it appeared that the annoying man wasn’t faced by Xander. Probably wouldn’t be unless something threatened to kill him.
"I'm the one who will stop them." Knowing fully well that his answer would only shut up Snyder for a moment, Xander went to his parents.
"So... this is your job, right son?" Mr. Harris asked, as he looked at the closed doors that kept them partly safe. "It seems more intense than what your mother and I knew."
"I’ve seen better days. And Ethan helps me." Xander stalled a little. He loved both his biological father and his adoptive father, so when he was in the presence of both, he never knew how to act. "I can’t go out there without endangering all of you."
"You need to go to the library." Ethan interrupted. "If you stay here, they’ll kill everybody else. "
Xander nodded, looking around for something that could defend the people inside the Science room while he got out.
"What about an aerial attack?" Mr. Harris provided, signaling the roof. "I bet they won’t expect you up there."
* * *
Giles grabbed an ax from the hidden closet in his office and looked at Jenny. She simply nodded, understanding. Although she didn’t want Giles going out only with an ax as defense from a vicious killer, Spike’s voice was having a very bad effect in her nerves.
"Slaaayer! Here, kitty, kittyyy. I find one of your friends first, I'm gonna suck 'em dry. And use their bones to bash your head in. "
As he finished, another door cracked. The vampire was not holding back, he really meant to kill Xander soon.
"You’re going to be careful, right?" Jenny asked, worried. "I’ve heard that you can be pretty wild when angry..."
"I promise I’ll stay alive. I just have to find..." The Watcher didn’t finish his phrase, as Xander fell unceremoniously from the ceiling right over them.
Without much than a grin, the Slayer greeted them "...Xander!"
"How is everything outside?" Jenny asked, relieved to see him.
"Dad and Ethan are with Principal Flutie and Snyder in the Science room. I don’t know where Willow and Cordelia are, but I’m sure they’re fine... Marc and Marcia?"
"Left early."
"Then that’s all. It’s us against Spike and his army." Xander got a couple of stakes and stuffed them in his jacket. "I wish we could get some reinforcements."
"What about Angel?" Xander turned to see Jenny, very surprised. Ethan had told him that Jenny was from the same Gypsy tribe that had cursed Angel, and she was the first to tell them about the happiness clause. When Angel’s soul was grounded to him, she had been quite obvious in her distrust towards the vampire, so it was a real shock to hear her asking about him.
"I haven’t heard from him since yesterday... Maybe he’ll come to check on me, but that’s not sure." Xander sighed. "Giles... make sure that dad and Ethan get out of here, o.k.? Then get away. I’ll take care of Spike."
" What's your plan?" The Watcher ignored Xander’s plea. He was very sure that Ethan wouldn’t leave Mr. Harris alone. Even when he didn’t know what was the exact relationship of Ethan Rayne to the Harris, he had noted that his former friend was very close to the Slayer’s family.
"I'm gonna take 'em one on one. " Xander smiled. "Then I’ll get Spike."
As he spoke, the young slayer grabbed a couple of stakes and returned to the ceiling. It was time to get his job done.
* * *
Snyder and Flutie were arguing in the back of the Science classroom, while Ethan and Mr. Harris were standing near the door, waiting to hear from Xander.
"Is it always like this, Ethan?" Mr. Harris asked, as he leaned against the wall closest to him. His voice was low enough to make sure that only Ethan would hear him. "Do you always have to wait like this, knowing that our son is out there, fighting those demons and that even after everything you told him, all the preparations you did with him before... you cannot help him in the real fight?"
"You must know, Alex." Ethan answered back, arms crossed, wondering what they had calculated wrong. "You and Beth have known about Xander’s activities from the beginning... you wait for him every night. Nights when _I_ don’t know if he is patrolling or just... doing homework. I’ve been a bad father for him."
"If it wasn’t for you he would be dead by now." Alexander Harris Sr. counteracted. "This town is very dangerous... when your ‘brother-in-law’ is not an experienced warlock." That was the fiction that they had constructed to explain Ethan’s very common presence in the Harris’ house when Xander was little. It also explained Xander’s likeness to Ethan. But both men rarely talked to each other... they had made a silent agreement of take care of their responsibility to Xander without stepping in the other’s steps. Maybe that was why Mrs. Harris had decided to send them both to the Teacher-Parent’ night.
"You’re the one who enrolled him in the Karate classes at 6." Ethan smiled.
Suddenly, a breaking sound interrupted them, and the edge of an ax showed through the wooden door.
* * *
Angel walked towards the school, a dreadful feeling setting in his stomach.
Why hadn’t he told Xander about Spike? Why hadn’t he stayed at Xander’s side, if Spike was in town? Both questions burned his soul, as he really didn’t want his lover to find out about Spike and his other dirty secrets from his life before, but he was terrified to loose Xander at his child’s hands.
So now he was walking to the school, to make sure that everything was all right only to find it surrounded by darkness and vampires.
As always, Spike had managed to surprise him.
* * *
Xander was trying to be very silent in the ventilation shaft, but he knew that vampire’s hears were all against him. Spike had heard him, and was using a metal pole to try and impale him. All the Slayer wanted to do was fell down and send him to hell, but first, he had to save his parents.
So he backtracked his steps, hoping to be on time before the vampire’s got smart.
He fell right behind a vampire who was chopping the Science Classroom’s door, and had almost opened a hole. Without hesitation, Xander staked him before he could react.
"Dad! Ethan! Are you okay?" He yelled to the hole.
"Yes, son. And you?"
His father’s voice sounded calm. Once again, Xander thanked whoever was in charge of those things for his family, who knew all about his extra-curricular activities and were understanding about his life.
"A little sore, but fine." He looked at the empty hallway, and smiled. "Hang on for just one minute until I tell you to open the door."
The vampire who was guarding the library had heard the dying gasp of his partner and rushed to meet Xander. In one swift spin, the Slayer grabbed the ax from the floor, using it’s handle to daze the vampire before swinging it against it’s neck.
"Don’t loose your head." He told it, as the undead creature turned to ashes. It was a little weird to see their shocked faces when they died... they always thought themselves unbeatable.
"Way’s free!" Xander yelled, as he kept an eye on the hall. In seconds, his two fathers, Snyder and Flutie were running into the library, where Jenny and Giles waited for them. Once they were inside, Xander smiled to his Watcher, as he got his crossbow. "Get them out, o.k.?"
Then he rushed out, not waiting to hear anything else.
* * *
Spike was still poking holes into the ceiling when a noise made him turn around.
Angel was walking towards him, game face on, a big smile on his lips.
"Angelus!" The blonde vampire threw the pole he was holding aside, to hug Angel as if he were an old friend.
"Spike!" They hugged, laughing, before Angel saw him with a stern face. "I taught you to always guard your perimeter. Tsk, tsk, tsk. You should have someone out there."
"I had." Spike shook his head. "I'm surrounded by idiots. What's new with you?"
"Everything." That was not a lie, Angel thought, and his smile grew bigger, wondering what would be Spike’s reaction if he knew about him and Xander.
"Come up against this Slayer yet?... He’s a real novelty."
"He’s different, all right. But he isn’t that bright, though. Gave the puppy dog 'I'm all tortured' act and that keeps him off my back when I feed!" The laugher sounded empty to Angel, even as it came out of his throat. He really couldn’t forget that Xander had discovered he was a vampire within minutes of knowing him. But he had to keep his evil vampire act, get Spike distracted...
" So people still fall for that Anne Rice routine?" Spike smile grew. It was as if he was waiting for something. " You know, I haven't seen you in the killing fields for an age."
"I'm not much for company."
"No, you never were." Spike’s eyes glowed, as he remembered the times when it was only him and Angel... and of course, Dru. "So, why're you so scared of this Slayer? I remember a time when you would've taken him out in a heartbeat... you’re hiding from him now."
" I saw him kill the Master, and the Three." Angel shrugged. " Hey, you think you can take him alone? It’s your funeral."
Spike lowered his head, shaking it in a negative movement. With an amazing speed, he punched Angel in the face, making the older vampire stagger back.
"You think you can fool me?!" He yelled, furious. " You were my sire, man! You were my... Yoda!"
"Things change." Angel tried to stand up, but Spike kicked him, making him fall.
" Not us! Not demons! Man, I can't believe this. " He grabbed the pole, readying himself to stake his sire, when an arrow passed, grazing his shoulder.
"You better believe it, Spike." Xander walked to them, as he shook some ashes from his jacket. "Now, you have two choices. Either we make it fast, or you give me the satisfaction of beating the crap out of you."
"Those are big words, Slayer." He dropped the pole, noting with distaste how Angel nodded at a sign from Xander. "The last one of your kind I killed... she begged for her life."
"I’m not of the begging kind." Xander let his crossbow in the floor, walking very lowly towards his opponent, ready to fight. "You should have waited for Saturday."
"I got bored." Spike smirked, and tried to punch Xander, who ducked at the last moment, to land a good punch with his elbow on the vampire back.
Angel lunged to help, but one of the few surviving minions of Spike tried to attack him so he had to defend himself and hope that his lover knew what he was doing by making Spike get angry. Spike grabbed Xander’s arm, shoving him into the wall. However, Xander managed to slide down quickly, making the vampire’s next punch go straight through the wall. Taking advantage of this, the Slayer tackled the vampire, getting on top of him, as he looked for a stake.
"Now, _this_ you could’ve asked for, luv." Spike said, his voice almost purring.
It was just what Xander didn’t need to hear in that moment, straddling the vampire’s hips, and the distraction was enough for Spike to hit him and roll so he was the one on the top. "But your time has run out."
Spike lounged down to bite Xander, smiling. He could get a whiff of the Slayer’s sent, mixed with Angelus... This made him angry. It was bad that Angelus had gone soft, it was even worse that he was the Slayer’s lover. Then he smirked... What would his sire do if his lover-boy was turned?
A heavy thud make him loose the very little balance he had, as someone hit him in the back of his head, sending him sprawling to the floor.
"Get the hell away from my son!" A voice roared. His attacker was a man on his forties, maybe older, handling an ax, and ready to swing it again. There was not much similarities between the man and the Slayer, but Spike didn’t want to loose time with details. Without taking his eyes away from the ax, but paying attention as Xander got to his feet, he began to back off.
"We will finish this some other time, luv." The vampire said, before running out through the broken window that had helped him as an entrance. Xander shook his head, then turned to see his father, smiling. Mr. Harris dropped the ax, and put his hand around his son’s shoulders.
"Let’s go and help the others." Mr. Harris said. "When I left them, Ethan and your Watcher had their hands full of vampires. I just had to come and see if you were fine."
"Thanks, dad..." Xander sighed, picking up his crossbow, smiling as he saw Angel walking towards him, obviously the winner on his fight. "Spike may have escaped, but the job is not finished."
Angel kissed his lover, a soft kiss before they got to work. But even when he was smiling, he was worried. The vampire knew that Xander had heard his little talk with Spike, and that it would only be a matter of time before he had to tell Xander about his past history as a soulless killer.
He really didn’t look up to that.
* * *
The sun was coming up, it’s deadly rays swarming through the tall windows in the complex that the vampires used as a hideout. It was built in such a way that they could be there, as long as they didn’t try to climb the walls until night.
Spike was standing by a cage, immersed in his thoughts, when Drusilla walked to see him. "Spike, did he hurt you?"
"It was close, baby, but..." He flinched inwardly at his tone. For some reason, he was not really in the mood to hear Dru’s mad ramblings. And he didn’t want her to know about Angelus.
"Oh, come here."
Spike didn’t resist as she pulled his head onto her shoulder, and stroke his cheek and neck. It was a simple caress, a simple way of her showing her love and devotion for him... A love and devotion that suddenly seemed very fragile to Spike.
"A Slayer with family and friends." *And a vampire lover* he thought, but didn’t voiced the last part. "That sure as hell wasn't in the brochure."
"You'll kill him," Drusilla kissed his brow, smiling her maternal smile "and then we'll have a nice celebration."
"Yeah, a party." *I’ll dance over his bones, over Angelus’ ashes... I’ll see them both beg for their lives before I kill them* Suddenly, and idea presented in his head. "How's the annoying one?"
"He doesn't wanna play with me. I’m all alone." Dru pouted. She looked cute when she did that.
"Figures. Well, suppose I better go make nice." He was sure of himself. It would take time and some help, but he could kill the Slayer. With that idea in mind, Spike kneeled before Collin.
"You failed." The child’s voice was toneless, much like Drusilla’s in her bad days.
"I, uh... I offer penance." Spike seemed to find it amusing. After his humiliating retreat from Sunnydale High, he needed to reaffirm control. And he had always liked to play with his victims.
"Penance?!" The guard who kept Collin safe roared. Funny, he talked much, but never seemed willing to take on the Slayer. "You should lay down your life!
Our numbers are depleted, the feast of St. Vigeous has been _ruined_ by your impatience!"
*Dru’s impatience* Spike thought, but instead, he still tried to apologize. "I was rash, and if I had to do it all over again...
"Suddenly, he shook his head, laughing as he stood up "Who am I kidding? I would do it exactly the same, only I'd do this... "
With one swift movement, he grabbed the little kid, and kicked his bodyguard away, not paying any attention to the boy’s indignant yells " ...first!" With one last look at Drusilla, who was giggling with happiness, he threw the boy in the cage, closing it immediately. Then he lifted the cage up, pulling a nearby chain, exposing it to the morning sunlight. "From now on, we're gonna have a little less ritual and a little more fun around here."
Spike smiled as the agonizing screams of Collin filled the air. It wasn’t as good as to hear Angel’s screams, but it would do for the moment. It was a good practice, anyway.
Holding Drusilla from her waist, he carried her to their bedroom, as his mind began plotting what would he do with the male slayer as soon as he got his hands on him.
It would be a slow, painful death.
Spike was sure that he would enjoy it greatly.
The end.