Title: Playmates

Author: Jae Kayelle

Email: bcunningham@sk.sympatico.ca

Archive: list archives only

Series/Sequel: none.

Rating: NC17

Pairing: Giles/Angel

Spoilers: none. Set in 4th season BtVS, 1st season A:tS.

Summary: Giles goes to LA to visit Angel. Playfulness ensues.

Website: He's A Rebel: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Crater/7657/index.html

Disclaimer: 20th Century Fox and WB own the characters. Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and Greenwolf/Lazy Dave own the vision and intent. No
copyright infringement intended.

Feedback: yes, please.

This one is for Lyna because she asked so nicely for more Giles/Angel. Several times.

by Jae Kayelle

As he entered the outer office of Angel Investigations, Cordelia looked up at him and did a double take.

"Giles? Wow. Like the look." She walked around from behind her desk and approached him, circling slowly, nodding approvingly all the while. "Definite improvement over the tweed and baggy sweaters. You should wear black on black more often. I'd almost think Angel has been giving you tips on how to dress. And silk, too. Nice."

"As a matter of fact," speaking in a low voice, his breath caressing her ear, Giles said, "he has helped me with my clothes on a number of occasions." Their faces inches apart, Cordy drew back just enough to see his eyes. She raised her eyebrows at what she saw there.

"Um, so apparently you and Angel have gotten past that whole he's-a-cold-blooded-killer-who-murdered-your-girlfriend issue?"

"Yes, awhile ago," he quietly agreed.

"Way, way past?"

"Very. Is Angel in?"

"Uh huh," Cordelia said distractedly. "In his office. Go on in."

Pushing open the door, Giles smiled when he saw the man behind the desk gazing off into space.

"Hello, Angel."

"Rupert." The vampire swung his chair around and he got to his feet. A fleeting smile touched his lips.

They met in the centre of the room then became aware of Cordelia watching them closely from the doorway. Both men turned to look at her.

"I never realized it before, but you look good together." When they continued to stare at her, she added, "Hey, not everyone can get past the history you two have and go in an entirely unexpected direction."

Angel turned to Giles questioningly. "She knows?" he whispered.

Giles gave a quick nod.

"That's a relief." Louder, he said, "I'll be out of the office the rest of the night, Cordelia. If you need me, call me on the cell?"

"Sure. Say, do you guys have a little hideaway all your own? A bistro maybe? I recommend the True Thing. It's perfect for men who want to be men without being men."

"Cordelia..." Giles began in an aggrieved tone.

"That's for gays, Cordelia," Angel said.

"Uh huh."

"We're not gay."

"Yeah, yeah. They all say that. You're in a relationship and the other guy just happens to be a man. Yadda yadda yadda. Still, you both did Buffy. Angel had Carla way back when..."

"Darla." Angel corrected.

"...and Drusilla, and Giles had Ms. Calendar and I heard about Olivia. Of course," she eyed the Englishman, "you had me for a while although I'm really peeved that you would turn to Angel after me. I do not make men go to other men. What kind of reputation would that give me if word got out that you dated me and then dated Angel? People will think there's something wrong with me."

Angel was trying to keep up. He asked Giles, "You and Cordelia?"

"Last year. You were still with Buffy."


"And," Giles continued for Cordelia's benefit, "Olivia came back into my life after you left."

She ignored him. "So what are you guys going to do tonight?"

"It's a surprise," Giles smiled secretively.

Angel looked intrigued. "Oh? You have plans for us?"

"Don't I always?"

The burning stare Giles gave Angel made Cordelia grip her upper arms tightly and wish she and the ex-Watcher were still together. Oh well. There was always Wesley. He was capable of the odd searing look now and then, too. She just had to get him to realize it.

She swallowed.

"Have a good time, guys."

Still intent on one another, they left the office without another word to her. Cordy saw her boss slip his arm around Giles' back and pull him snugly against his side. Giles put his arm around Angel's shoulders and their heads came together as they whispered sweet nothings or something to each other.

Cordy sighed.

"Both so hot."

Then she blinked and returned to her paperwork.


"Where are you taking me?" Angel asked as they walked down the steps at the front of the office building.

"Actually, Cordelia wasn't far off when she suggested The True Thing."

"We're going to a bistro?"

"It's not a bistro."

"Where then?"

"Let's just say that there are a lot of open minds there."


The neon sign flashed "Decadence."

Angel stared at it.

"It's a gay nightclub, Rupert."

"Yes, it is."

Angel glanced over at him. "You surprise me."

"Why? You didn't know that I like men?" Giles grinned.

Smiling good-naturedly at the joke, Angel said, "I meant, I never thought you'd go for something this…..noisy."

Shrugging, Giles said, "I admit that normally I'd rather go somewhere more private, but I'm in the mood for something different. Ethan told me about this place."

"Well, hey, if Ethan recommended it, it must be good and when were you talking to him anyway?"

"Be nice. And I haven't seen him in ages."

Stepping right into Giles' personal space, Angel leaned his forehead against the other man's. Tugging on Rupert's lapel, he whispered, "You better not have. You're mine now."

A smug smile curved Giles' lips. "Yes, I am," he whispered back. "Let's go inside."

Angel eyed the sign again, sighed, and took Rupert's hand.

"Just remember that I don't dance and you can't make me."


More than an hour later, Angel fell into rather than sat in their booth.

"Whew!" he panted. "Must be getting old. All that dancing wore me out."

Giles sat down with a trifle more dignity than his partner, but then he wasn't quite as drunk.

"You certainly impressed those twin blonds with your flexibility."

"Wasn't tryin' to impress them. Was tryin' to impress you."

"I'm always impressed by you."

Angel smiled goofily. "So schweet."

Right then a really great looking guy with the muscles bulging out of his muscle shirt stopped by their table to eye Angel like he was tomorrow's dinner.

Giles warned him off with a scathing look. The guy then looked Giles up and down and raised an inquiring eyebrow. He mouthed, "Threesome?" Angel gazed at him with mild interest but remained sprawled in his corner, not giving anything away. The guy didn't leave until Giles shook his head. He shrugged and walked away making sure they both had a good view of his tight bottom. They watched him walk away.

The pulse of the music pounded in their ears, making conversation difficult if they were inclined to converse.

Giles slid around the curved leather seat until he was right up against his boyfriend. He took Angel's face in his hands and pulled him forward into a kiss. Their tongues lapped gently at each other. Drawing back, Giles looked at Angel through his eyelashes. He wasn't wearing his glasses so the green of his irises stood out vividly. Angel got a pleasant, scrunchy feeling in his gut as he gazed at him. He scooted forward until one leg was draped over Giles' thighs, the other tucked underneath the first. Wrapping his arms around the vampire's waist, Giles drew him close. Angel's fingers slid up into the wavy hair at the nape of Giles' neck, holding his head still while he attacked his mouth. His tongue did a thorough sweep of the hot interior.

When they separated, Angel said, sounding completely sober, "I like this place. I haven't felt this free to love another man in public since Spike and I were together in Europe. We can hold hands or make out and no one looks twice."

"And we're not even gay."

They burst out laughing before resuming the more serious business of kissing. Giles traced Angel's lips with the tip of his tongue. His touch was light but it was so erotic that Angel's scrunchy feeling resonated throughout his entire body. It gathered into one huge jolt and shot straight to his groin.


"Yeah. Me too." His green eyes had darkened to jade.

"It's been awhile since I've been in a club like this, but as I recall the men's room is an acceptable place for the next step."

"You have a good memory. Let's go."


They spent the few minutes waiting for a free stall, snogging by the sink in the corner. Giles hitched his hip on the edge and Angel stood between his legs, their hands clutching at each other. The electricity between them had risen in voltage. When the next stall became available, Giles hurriedly pushed Angel towards it. The door slammed behind them and Angel slid the bolt home locking them in and everyone else out. It was close quarters inside the stall. No matter which way they turned they were going to rub body parts so they took advantage of it.

Immediately, Giles moved to undo Angel's pants. His fingers slipped the button through its hole, unhooked the fastener and quickly skimmed the zipper down. He reached inside the underwear, closing his hand over the engorged penis inside them and began stroking up and down the shaft. His thumb rubbed over the tip and down, then back up spreading pre-ejaculate with every stroke. They continued kissing frantically while Angel opened Rupert's trousers and repaid the favour being done to him, his cold palm creeping farther down and cupping the hot, throbbing balls. Instead of dampening the fire, his inhuman touch inflamed it.

Giles tipped his head back against the metal side of the cubicle and thrust wantonly into the contact. Then, hanging onto his senses by a thread, the Englishman grabbed his lover's wrist and pulled him away.

Confused, Angel protested.

"It's okay," Giles panted, turning the vampire around so that his face was against the wall. Gathering the long duster to the side and out of the way, he yanked Angel's trousers down past his knees and dragged the boxers after them. Working the pants down as far as they would go, Angel bent his knees slightly presenting a willing target.

Taking Angel's hands Rupert put them above his head, hooking the fingers over the top of the stall. Then he spit into the palm of his own hands and rubbed the saliva over his erection, the crown of which was purple and hot and leaking slightly. He fingered Angel's hole but the other male shook him off.

"No time. Just do it!"

Giles entered his lover in one quick stroke. The coldish channel was tight but Angel pushed back against him, showing no signs of discomfort and even forcing him deeper. Winding one arm around Angel's chest and clamping his other hand over Angel's fingers at the top of the cubicle, Giles began thrusting against him. Driving harder and harder into that glorious orifice, he shoved forward and upward. Angel had his front pressed against the wall and used the friction of the contact to get off. He came, shuddering violently, spraying semen all over the shiny metal. Giles thrust once more and shot his load into the cavity of Angel's eager body.

Giles caught Angel as he sagged into his arms. They staggered back so that Giles was the one against the wall. They leaned there, regaining their equilibrium. Giles nuzzled Angel's neck, licking at his earlobe.

Angel chuckled quietly, the vibration running through into the man holding him.

"What's so funny?"

"That." He pointed at the opposite wall, which he'd climaxed against, the semen dripping down it in streaks. "That's my wall now. I've marked my territory."

"Let's ask the management if they'll gift wrap it and we can take it with us."

"Let's do that. I'll put it in the outer office of Angel Investigations where Cordelia and Wesley and all our clients can see it."

"Will you clean it off first?"

"Of course not. The significance of it would be lost then. I want everyone to know what we did here tonight. Let them know that you and I did it."

"It might not last as a conversation piece. People in general tend to avoid such blatant imagery."

"You're right," Angel straightened up and stood on his two feet. "They can keep their wall. We have our memories."

Smiling at the sight of his still mildly drunk lover standing with his pants and underwear around his ankles, Giles reached down and pulled them up and tucked Angel in before pulling his own clothing together. When they were presentable again, he unlocked the stall door and they exited.

They barely got out of the way before a trio of men squeezed in past them.

"Try not to get my wall dirty," Angel told them before the door slammed shut in his face. "Rude."

Giles guided him to the sinks so they could wash their hands then he put an arm around Angel's waist and led him out of the restroom.

Turning his head so that he could look at Rupert, Angel said, "Let's go back to my place. I want to get horizontal with you."

"You always say the sweetest things," Giles laughed quietly.

"In a bed."

"I get the picture."


"The picture is getting clearer."


Giles drew him closer and kissed his cheek.

"Keep talking."

"I can talk dirty, you know."

"You're so cute when you're drunk."

# end