Title: Jawod

Series: Pretending Chapter Three

Author: Xandria


Rating: NC17+ Slash, het m/m/f, Xander/Spike/Anya

Spoiler: All Seasons up to and including four.

Fandom: Buffy / The Pretender

Summary: Xander is a genius, a Pretender, like Jarod. Years ago he was smuggled out and brought up to lead a 'normal life', in hiding. Xander asks Jarod why he is in Sunnydale and they realise it's just a horrible coincidence.

Warning: not this one. Swear words though

Archive: Ooh, if you like. Anywhere at all. Just let me know so I can look.

Date: Tuesday, December 26, 2000

Feedback: Yes please. I love it. And it leads to more stories usually.

E-mail: tonicorn_1@yahoo.com

Notes: Thank you to Little Pinky and Anjxr for answering my questions, and to B3v and Marina for the Russian phrasing and the name especially.

Disclaimer: These characters aren't mine, they belong to Joss, and whoever owns the Pretender and that's that. *SOB!*. Heck, if I did own them, I'd be in Queensland with all the boys attending to my every little whim! {I can dream can't I?} The idea isn't mine either, it's from the Adopt A Plot Bunny Agency created by PEJA. The plot, however? That's mine *EG* and I have an army of feral Smurfs and rabid teddybears to back me up.


Pretending 3: Jawod
by Xandria


"Is he cute or what?" Buffy was saying to Willow as they left the classroom.

"Yeah. Hey, just because I have a girlfriend doesn't mean we can't look. Sometimes we talk about...Xander!" He looked up and smiled at them.

"Hi guys. You and Tara talk about me? I'm flattered Wills. If you and Tara ever want to have
a...discussion with both of us Anya and I could arrange a time." Willow blushed.

"That's not what I meant!" Xander pouted.

"You don't like me?" he said in a small voice, looking at her through his lashes.

"I do."

"Good. How about Friday night, you, me Tara and Anya? About sevenish?" Willow looked stunned and Buffy looked as if she wasn't certain whether to laugh or to bolt.

"Gotcha!" Xander grinned. Willow narrowed her eyes and hit him.


"What are you doing here Xander?" Buffy finally said with a smile.

"Why ladies. I can't come and see my two favourite girls?" He put his arms around them both.

"You don't usually." Xander let go and put his hand on his chest dramatically.

"I am hurt. Cut to the quick. You think I'm here for some ulterior motive? I didn't come see you

"I'm ready now Xander" Jarod said, coming out the door. "Miss Summers, Miss Rosenburg. Don't forget to read chapter ten for the test on Thursday."

"We won't Professor Asimov." Xander swung his arm around Jarod and they walked down the corridor, the girls staring after them.

"Now the important thing about chocolate, Jarod, is to take your time. Oh wait," he turned to the girls, staring at them both. "Giles called. Seven O'clock."

"Giles?" Jarod said.

"A friend. Now, chocolate..." they went out of hearing range and the girls finally looked at each other.

"How come Xander knows Professor Asimov?"

"No, you know what's really scary? He's teaching someone about chocolate" Willow said seriously. Buffy stared at her and then they both laughed.


They sat down at a table, hot chocolate in mugs in front of them and a variety of chocolates scattered about on the table. Finally Xander looked up, his face serious.

"Okay Jarod, why are you really here? Are you still working for the Centre?" Jarod stared at him.

"What do you know about the Centre?"

"You don't know me? Are you on the run from them? And you came here, to Sunnydale?" Xander made as if to get up and Jarod grabbed his wrist, holding him there.

"Who are you?!" Xander sat down slowly and shut his eyes.

"You don't do you? And you led them right here. Jarod, are you familiar with your mythology at all?" Jarod let go and stared at the suddenly much paler young man in front of him.

"A little."

"Ever read anything about 'El Boca Del Inferno'? The Hellmouth? Do you have any idea what someone like Dr Raines would do to get at the occult powers in this place?"

"Apparently, Dr Raines has found religion." Xander stared at him, his eyes wide. Then he laughed, a short, bitter one.

"That evil bastard found God? They sent him to Africa for 'treatment'?"

"Yes. How do you know so much?"

"A lot of things can be said in front of a child and they think you won't understand. Even when they know you're a genius, even when you just cracked the Pentagon security codes at the age of three every day for a month until they finally had me create one. Jawod."

The Pretender stared at the young man in front of him, eyes wide. No one had called him that except for...

"Alexei?" The young man smiled grimly and nodded.

"Oh no. The Centre knows or will know soon, I'm here. I led them straight to you!"

end part 3