Disclaimer: JKR owns HP. Joss owns Buffy and Angel. I own the story idea and the computer disk it was typed on. I intend no harm to the copyrights, this is just for fun.

Title: Second Chances

Author: Kate R.

Rating: PG-13 to maybe mild R (Mild Slash)

Pairings: Giles/Ethan, Wes/Angel, Xander/Spike, Dawn/Draco, Hermoine/Harry

Summary: Dawn makes a Wish, which is granted, Wesley gets a new job and a gaggle of children so he and Angel go to it.


Second Chances

By Kate R.


Prologue: The Wish and the Owl

"I wish Giles and Ethan could have a new chance," Dawn said as she watched Giles sit by Ethan's hospital bed. He hadn't meant to do this.

He hadn't meant to hurt Ethan like this but the damn Council had conditioned him and Ethan paid for it. Dawn couldn't stand the pain he was in so she wished with everything she was for them to be given a second chance. A green glow filled the room and Dawn stared.

"Oops," she whispered. Giles looked at her and smiled though.

Such a gentle, peaceful smile she thought. Dawn watched, as he seemed to get younger as did Ethan, lying on the bed. His injuries were healing mostly as were Giles' and they were both losing years. Finally they stopped at around 15 and Dawn couldn't help but grin. God, they were both so damn cute!

"Thank you, Dawn," Giles said as he took Ethan's hand. "Thank you, so much."

"You're welcome?" Dawn asked as Spike, Xander, Angel and Wesley came in. It hit Dawn after a second Spike was in sunlight, as was Angel. Also, Spike looked Xander's age. "Uhm---oops?" she said nervously. Spike shook his head and kissed her forehead.

"Nibs, you made us day walkers. I can go to school with Xan and you and Ethan and Rupes. Wes and Sire are teaching. This is gonna be cool, Nibs."

"Really?" she asked. Spike grinned and nodded.

"Really poodle," he said. "Everything is gonna be great there."

"Where is There?" Dawn asked.

Giles chuckled as he saw the letters in Wesley's hand.

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," Giles said.

No, Dawn thought. It wasn't Giles anymore. It was Ripper. "We're going home, Eth," he said. "We're going home."

Dawn saw the smile that graced Ethan's face.

"Home," the former sorcerer murmured gently with a soft smile. "Home."

Chapter 1: Meetings

"Wow!" Dawn exclaimed as they stepped through the wall of the Leaky Cauldron. The stores on either side of the road looked cool. Giles laughed as they all made their way to Gringotts Wizards' Bank. He was still Giles in a lot of ways but more Ripper now. He led them to the bank and they all followed Angel and Wesley in. Giles and Ethan both still had their keys as well and they knew interest had collected on what was there. Angel had an account that was huge and Wesley had money as well. Spike had money so it was just Xander and Dawn who didn't have accounts but Giles said that would change soon enough. Dawn knew they planned to set up accounts for both of them.

"Whose vault is that?" Dawn heard a boy's voice ask. Dawn turned with Xander and Giles and Ethan and saw a boy with wild black hair and green eyes with a scar on his forehead. Dawn had read about him but she didn't see anything worth worshiping. He was kind of like Buffy. He had a job to do, he had to do it.

"It's his," Dawn said pointing to Angel. "He has mondo interest. I'm Dawn Summers-Pryce. That's Xander, that's Ripper, that's Ethan, that's Spike and that's Wesley. Angel is the guy getting the money out of his vault. Who are you?"

"You don't know who he is?" A bushy haired girl asked. "Where have you been?"

"On the Hellmouth, averting apocalypses, sorry one kid just ain't that important in the face of the end of all that is," Dawn said as Angel finished gathering the money he would need to get them everything they needed.

"He's Harry Potter," the bushy haired girls said. Xander looked at Spike and Dawn and Shrugged.

"I hope you ain't as a big an asshole as your father was, kid," Giles said. Dawn snickered. Giles may have been 16 again but he had memories and things from before.

"You're too young to have known my father," Harry said.

"No, he isn't Mr. Potter," a cold voice said from behind. "Hello, Ripper. I see you and Ethan have been given a second chance to be happy. I'm glad. Remus and I are quite happy as we are. Mr. Potter, you're going to find Mr. Giles and Mr. Rayne quite possibly have forgotten more than you will ever know but I seriously doubt that as Ripper remembers what a first rate asshole your father was."

"Hey, Sev," Giles said as he hugged the potions Master and the Werewolf. Ethan greeted them the same way and then they did an intricate handshake that had Harry Potter and his friends staring.

"Me and Eth are coming back to school to finish. Thinking weâ'll try out for Quidditch," Giles said. "Still got Keeper skills. You wont find batter chasers than Dawn, Spike and Xander and Ethan still kicks ass with a beaters club."

"Really?" the messy haired boy said. "That's good cause most of our team graduated. We have all those slots open."

"Okay," Giles said. "We'll try out. Thinking the memory reflexes are still there seeing as I'm sixteen again. This is what I was at 16."

"Cool," Dawn bounced. "Giles plays Quidditch and this will be so fun."

"Giles plays a lot of games Dawn," Ripper said. "Me and Eth were Wizard's Chess champs. We still are I bet. So, We ready to go shopping? Oh, Mr. Potter? We don't bow before you. We don't see anything special in you other than that you got extremely lucky. Now, Angelus, are we getting wands and such?"

"Yes," Angel said. He and Wesley looked the oldest because the side effect of Dawn's Wish was to make herself, Xander and Spike all look 15. He and Wesley looked about 25. The Vampire bonds making Wesley Immortal and halting his age at 25. They made their way up and out and to the wand store and walked in. Ollivanders'. No better place for Wands.

"Ripper Giles and Ethan Rayne," Ollivander himself said. "It's wonderful to see you both again. I see you've been given a second chance. That is indeed a rare gift in our world. And you've brought others to go to school with you. Please, come forward, all of you. Yes, you as well Mr. Angel and Mr. Pryce. I have wands for all of you."

"Oh, okay," Dawn, said as she skipped up. Her wand flew to her literally. Spike chuckled and whispered "Key Girl," in her ear. Dawn grinned. Ethan's new wand was made with a sliver of something called The Chaos Stone. Giles had laughed saying that and the unicorn horn shaving were perfect for Ethan. Ethan shrugged, blushed and held his new wand. His eyes were glowing with joy.

Giles' new wand was cored with Dragon's blood and Centaur hair. Xander received a wand cored with Spike's blood. He was amazed. Spike's wand was made with Slayer's Blood. It was as powerful as his old one had been. Wesley's wand was cored by Angelus' blood. Wesley's blood cored Angel's wand that his father had sold to Ollivander when he was a child. There was no charge for that wand because of where the blood came from. Angel added Wesley's father to the top of his 'People To Kill Slowly' list. Ollivander smiled seeming to sense Angel's thoughts. Once they were all fitted, they went to get everything else. AT the Broom Store, Giles led them inside and smiled as he saw what he wanted for them all. New Brooms, Lightening Rods. The newest, fastest broom on the market. Giles grinned an Angel stepped up and causally bought seven of those. Casually shocking the pale boy with the pointed face staring at them.

"So," Angel said. "Robes, books, familiars, and junk food. We ready to get them?"

"Oh, yeah," Spike said as they all headed out. The pale boy watched as they got the oddest assortment of familiars and their books were bought. Robes were next on the list and then they hit the candy store. They hit the Apothecary for other supplies and then bought cauldrons and weighing scales. Draco realized two of the people in the group had obviously done this before. He was impressed with how they got everything in bulk quantity and then split up later. Trunks came next but they all also had dragon hide backpack type things he was impressed by. It was as if they knew how to do things.

"Lets head on out to the train station," The big man with dark hair said. "Wes? You have those lesson plans ready?"

"I learned that on the Hellmouth, Angel," the other man said. "Always have everything at hand because you never know when you'll need which things. Let's be going now."

Draco stared after them for a full minute. "Hellmouth." He repeated to himself. "They had lived on a Hellmouth? Whoa. Muggle Born or not anyone who lived and thrived on a Hellmouth knew things. Draco Malfoy made himself a promise this year. He was going to pay attention to the new teachers