Title: Something Effugalent

Author: Kate R.


Disclaimer: HP belongs to JKR and the Buffy peoples belong to Joss.

Rating: PG-15

Summary: Spike finds his something Effugalent, bright and shiny.

Pairings: none at the moment but I think Giles/Ethan

Notes: AU ALERT!

Something Effugalent By Kate R.

Molly had never in her life been so afraid as she was that night.

The night they got Percy. He...it...no, definitely he, had just appeared out of the darkness as she was walking with Bill and Charlie before school started.

And then suddenly he, William the bloody...Spike..William Bloodwell, was just there in front of them. And molly could not for the life of he think of a single spell. Thankfully she hadn't needed one. For William had not come to take, but to give. He'd looked at her for a long, tense moment before he spoke: "Wizarding Family?" he'd asked. And standing there in front of her and her older sons, wearing his leather coat as armor he hadn't looked frightening but more frightened. He hadn't looked arrogant, but rather, desperate.

"Yes," Molly had said. Unsure why but that he seemed to need desperately a wizarding family for whatever he wanted. He sighed with obvious relief at her answer.

"I'm askin' you then," he began that long ago night, "Beggin' you, to take my son in."

Molly had gasped in shock then as he'd moved into the light from her wand enough that she could see that what she had taken for a lump of shadows was actually a little boy sleeping in Spike's arms. The child appeared to be about five years of age and looked very healthy for having Spike for a father.

"He belongs to me and Dru," Spike began.

"Dru and I," Molly corrected unable to not be a mother and correct improper speech. Instead of being angry though, Spike had laughed and nodded.

"Ta, Mum," he'd corrected himself. "He belongs to Dru and I. Only Dru...Dru's gone even barmier than normal and she's attacked him...or tried to, three times in the last two days. I've kept him safe for five years but now Dru is getting crazier and wants him hurt or dead. I don't know except that he ash my undivided attention and I'm not pandering to her but she's also afraid of him. I love my boy, Mum. Which is why I will do ANYTHING to keep him safe. Up to and including giving him to the keeping of another family. My boy needs the sunlight and laughter part of life as much as he needs the night that's in his blood. He's mostly human is my boy but as he gets older there are things of Dru and me that'll be seen in him...Beg pardon, Mum, Dru and I.

"I can't keep him safe from her anymore, Mum, not from Dru. Not 24/7. I'll send money for his care and keeping, I'll kill anyone or anything that dares to try to hurt your family. I'll do anything you want me to do if you'll take my Sweet Bit in and give him the good, loving home he needs."

Molly thought for a few moments before she made her decision with her older boys looking on and nodding. "No one could ever love him as much as you do, William," she'd told him. "But I will take him into my family and love him as one of my own. If you send money, I will spend it on him. If you want to come yourself, I will welcome you. He is and always will be your son and I will not deny a parent the right to see their child."

"Mum," William had said hen. "I am eternally in your debt. I'll send money for him, all that I can. If you need money for your family, tell me and I'll send more. Your family is mine now as mine is yours."

Molly nodded and moved forward well aware of Arthur, the baby and the three-year-old twins watching. She was pregnant again and would soon have a daughter.

"I've always called him Angelus. Nicknamed him Li'l Sire. You can call him LiSire. It's what I call him when I'm tired. I suppose he'll need a regular name too eh? Much as I hate to do it to him, my family, the next name to be given was Percy. This is the Bloodwell Wand. He'll need it. I'll send the Key to the vault when he's ready cause only he'll be able to use it. When the time is right, everyone will know the Bloodwell Heir was born but not yet. It isn't time."

Molly nodded and watched as Spike hugged and kissed the little boy once more and then set him in her arms. He'd been awake by then and watching his daddy with knowledge. William must have told him, she'd thought then.

"Mind your mum, Da' and older brothers, baby," Spike had crooned. 'Watch over the Li'l ones and protect them as you know you can. I love you so much, baby. Be well, be safe and be happy. I'll come when I can."

"Bye-bye daddy," Molly had heard the boy say from her arms.

Spike's eyes had seemed to fill with tears and he'd quickly snapped his fingers making four bags appear before he fled into the night. The boy smiled bravely with his lips trembling but he didn't cry. He knew Daddy would come back but Daddy had to go before the dawn. And before Mummy came looking for them. He knew his daddy loved him, Molly had been able to tell, but he'd also known it wasn't safe for them to be together. Not yet at any rate.

"Come on, Percy," Molly had said. "It's time to go inside now. It's chilly."

He'd nodded and let her carry him in and then, once inside, he sat on the floor and played with the others children. He'd never be a Weasley, Molly knew, he was far too much Bloodwell, but he would be their son. And they would love him, her and Arthur and the other children. They'd make him one of them and they'd take care of him for his father. And molly knew, watching over Percy as he slept in the present day, that the time had come for William to claim the Bloodwell heir. Harry potter would start school this year. Percy had begun to reflect his father and mother, and he was foreseeing things that showed he had to become one with his dual heritage. William had to be called now.

"Your father will be here soon, Percy," she soothed as she wrote the letter. "It is time."

Part 1

Three days later, Ginny Weasley woke up to a knock on the front door of the Burrow. It was early. So early that the sun hadn't risen yet. But she could hear mum up so she slipped out of bed and went downstairs. She wondered who would come this early so she made her way down he steps before she heard his voice and scampered back up them.

"Percy!" she called knocking on his door. "Percy, your dad is here!"

There was a sound of someone getting up then and Percy opened the door and looked down at Ginny. He was smiling.

"Dad's here?" he asked.

Ginny nodded.

"I heard his voice. Come on! You promised you'd introduce me to him properly this year." Percy laughed and took her hand, leading her down the steps.

Sure enough, Ginny was right. His dad was sitting in the kitchen, which had been completely blacked out.

"Dad?" Percy asked. Spike turned and grinned at his son.

"Allo Percy," Spike said. Percy moved forward and Spike grinned and stood up and hugged his son. "LiSire," Spike whispered.

"Daddy," Percy returned. Spike hugged him as tightly as he could and kissed his forehead.

"We're going to the alley today," Spike said. "Sire sent me the Ring of Amarra so I can be whit you during the Day. Dawn is going to school with you this year, your year and everything but I wanted to spend all the time I could with you."

"I love you, dad," Percy whispered. "But I know how to share. Dawn needs you too. Buffy died if she's here. We can all go together and maybe ...maybe we can have dinner out? I made Prefect."

"LiSire, that's great! I'm so proud of you!"

Molly watched as Spike hugged the boy again. The girl with dark hair watched with a smile. This is what she'd needed: Seeing a family interact. She didn't need stupid platitudes; she needed to see things could be better.

"Spike," she said. "Is this your son? I've been waiting to meet him."

"Yeah, bit," Spike said. "This is my Sweet bit, my LiSire. LiSire, this is Dawn Summers. She's Buffy's Sister. Rupert and I promised we'd take care of her so we are. Dawn, this is my LiSire, Named Percy as was the next name to be given in the Bloodwell Line."

"Hi," Dawn said shyly.

He was cute. But he seemed to know she was hurting so he smiled and hugged her lightly.

"Hi," he said. "I'm Percy. More known to dad as Li'l Angelus. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Dawn," the girl said. "Nice to meet you too. Spike said we have to go wand and stuff shopping. He said you need a new one so we're going and he wants to give you a vault key. He said it's time."

"Really?" Percy asked. Spike smiled when he saw it.

"Yeah, son, really. The next wand is in the vault. You are the Bloodwell heir. You need the Bloodwell Wand. Come on. Molly, may I take Ginny as well?"

"Of course you may, Spike. You know we trust you with our children," Molly told him. Spike grinned and nodded, heading off to the cupboard to get a drink of Molly's tea. Then, he looked down at Ginny and Percy and Dawn.

"Well," he said. "The sooner we're off the better. Got a long day ahead of us. Gin, why don't you three eat. Molly, what do the others need? I'll get it while I'm there."

"William, you don't have to," Molly said. Spike sighed.

"Family and all, mum. I promised remember? I'll get their stuff one way or another but I'd rather you gave me the lists now."

Percy chuckled knowing Spike buying things was the one thing their mother couldn't win on. She sighed and got the letters down, including Ron's, and Spike chuckled and looked through them.

"All right my little snack sized ones," Spike said. "Lets get going. We'll eat when we get there, Mol, I promise."

Molly laughed and waved the four of them off as Spike led them out to his car. Percy liked riding in his father's car, always had. Molly smiled as the car drove off and Arthur came to stand behind her.

"He's going to acknowledge Percy as the Bloodwell heir," Molly said. "Lucius Malfoy is in for one huge shock."

Arthur laughed then and kissed his wife's cheek.

"I saw he took all the letters with him. He's a good man, Molly. Keeps his promises."

"The Bloodwells always were, Arthur. And I think it's about time the Wizarding World heard from them again."

Arthur nodded and they went into the house, hoping their daughter and foster son had a good day with his father. And hoping the young key would heal.


When they arrived in Diagon Alley, the first place they went was to the Leaky Cauldron. Tom smiled when he saw Spike. Everyone knew who Spike was. Dawn squealed and ran to Giles and Ethan who were waiting.

"Brekkie first," Spike said. "Then the vault."

Percy nodded and they ate. Hew as nervous but he'd known he needed the new wand for a while now. Dad had said around his fifteenth year.

Gringott's loomed before him and he followed his father up to the counter.

"William Bloodwell wishes to show his heir to the family vault," Spike said imperiously. He heard a choking noise and turned to where there was a man dressed all in black watching him.

"Come along, Sev," Spike said. "I could use a witness to this. Perce, Gin, Dawn, come along."

Snape stared at Percy Weasley...no, that was the Bloodwell heir.

He felt like smacking himself when he saw the boy by his father. It was obvious.

The cart ride was fun and Severus was aware they were going to the same level as the Malfoy vault. The Bloodwell Vault was going to be huge though. 126 years of interest on the vast wealth that was already there would be stunning.

"Bloodwell Vault," the goblin in the cart said. "Vault Number 1."

Snape smiled as he saw the Malfoy Family stare. Spike grinned to himself knowing damn well who they were.

"Percy," Spike called. He made sure Lucius saw who his son was as he took the key out. "Dab your blood onto the key, LiSire."

"Yes father," Percy said. He used the pin Griphook gave and him stuck his finger. A drop of his blood hit the key and there was a flash of light as the key recognized him.

"Here we go lad," Spike said as the key duplicated itself. "This one is yours. Go ahead, use it to open the vault."

Percy stepped forward and used the key. Spike was aware of the Malfoy family simply gawking as the vault door swung open for the first time in 126 years. For the first time, Spike was here in person to open the vault. For the first time there was a Bloodwell Heir to use the vault.

"Here we go," Spike said as they all went in.

"What do I do with all this?" Lucius heard the boy he'd dismissed as a Weasley say.

"You spend some and you save some," Spike said.

"I couldn't use all this in a thousand lifetimes, dad," the boy said.

Spike nodded. "I know LiSire. But that's our family motto: Help those who need it, make sure to care for the family."

Percy nodded and moved forward, taking the sack Spike gave him and filling it with coins. Spike chuckled and filled his own.

"I'm buying today, LiSire," Spike told him. "But you keep your money for Hogsmeade weekends. Okay?"

"Yes dad," Percy said. When they left he vault, Spike looked at Lucius Malfoy's fish face.

"Malfoy huh?" Spike said. "Nice to meet you. Name's Bloodwell. William Bloodwell. This is my son, Percy. I think you already know him. We'll be off now."

And the group left, leaving Lucius Malfoy to simply stare.

Severus Snape was trying not to laugh and Giles and Ethan had all but given up and were howling with laughter at the look on his face.

"Time to go shopping my lovelies," Spike said as they disembarked from the cart and left the bank. Ginny squealed as they walked through the alley buying the school supplies for everyone and extras.

"Wand store," Spike said. They'd be getting familiars next but Spike had some things to do here. A wrapped bundle he'd taken from the vault was set on the counter before Mr. Ollivander.

"Was your heir born?" Ollivander asked. He only saw the Weasleys and a girl he knew to be The Key as well as Severus Snape and Ripper Giles and Ethan Rayne.

"He was," Spike said. "15 years ago. Percy, this is the family wand. It's yours now. Ollivander needs to see you take it up."

Percy nodded and lifted the wand. It flared bright silver and Ollivander stared at it.

"William...he is your heir? But he's a Weasley..."

"No," Spike said. "He is a Bloodwell. He is my son. I couldn't take care of him for a time so I entrusted him to the Weasley family. Now, I need your Son Lee Rourke here. I need Ron's wand."

"O-Of course," Ollivander stuttered. While he was getting Liam O'Rourke, known as Angel, Percy was looking at his wand. There was gold and silver running around the spiral curves in opposite directions meeting at the point. There was blood red coloring around the handle that Spike chuckled and explained as the tie to Aureli that all heirs would now have as Percy was born of two of Aureli. Percy grinned and nodded and there was a popping sound and Angel was suddenly in the store. Dawn hugged him and he smiled at her. He pointed at a shelf and three wands came to him.

"Ron," he said touching one. "Ginny," a second, "And Dawn," he said handing Dawn hers. It flared brightly. The same as Ginny's did.

"Dumbledore can deal with her having a wand, father," Angel told Ollivander. "I picked hers because she is here."

Ollivander nodded and Spike paid. Angel touched the Bloodwell heir and nodded.

"Blood of Aureli," he said. "You are welcome wherever we are. I gotta go, Spike. Apocalypses to avert. You take care of your kids here."

"Yes Sire," Spike said. Angel left and Spike took their hands again before they all left. They went to the robe store next where Spike gave her a sheet with Ron's measurements on it and had Dawn and Percy measured. He also had pages with Fred and George's measurements. It was about damn time these kids looked like family to Bloodwell. Spike would ensure they did. He bought new robes, new books, and then smiled as they got to the Owl Emporium.

"Percy, go find your true familiar," he said. Ginny, pick one, Dawn pick an owl, a cat or a toad. Ginny, help me find something for Ron."

Ginny found herself a cat and an owl for Ron. Dawn picked an owl and Percy came back with a black jaguar cub. Spike nodded and paid for those. He saw something out of the corner of his eye and walked over to it. A phoenix was watching him and he touched it. It came to him.

"This too," he said. Eyelope nodded and Spike paid for the phoenix and they left. He'd bought things for Fred and George from the Quidditch supply store, he bought Ginny some dresses and he paid for everything and they went back to the Burrow. Tomorrow they went to King's Cross. Today, he bought everything they'd need. "Time to go home, kids," he said. "Lets go."

Part 3

"Mum, we're home!" Spike called as he hopped out of the car in front of the burrow. Molly came to the door and her mouth dropped open at all the stuff in the trunk.

"Fred, George, Ron, Arthur," she called. "Get out here and help unload the car!"

The four summoned dully arrived and they carried boxes, bags and packages inside.

"Okay, Ron," Spike said. "These things are all for you. Lee Rourke himself chose your wand. This owl is yours, those are your books and school supplies and these are your robes."

"It's all new," Ron began with a stunned look on his face.

Spike realized why but shrugged as he answered: "'Course it is. You all are Kin to the Bloodwell line."

"Bloodwell?" Ron asked startled.

Spike gave a slight nod. "Bloodwell, Moppet," he said. "Your family's taken care of my son Percy for the last ten years. I swore your family would be mine as mine was yours. I couldn't do more than supplement until today. This day when I named the Bloodwell heir before Gringott's and a witness."

Ron nodded and looked at his wand. "Lee Rourke himself really chose this wand?" he asked.

"Indeed he did, m'lad," Spike said. "Same as he did Dawn and Ginny's."

"Wicked!" Ron exclaimed.

Spike laughed. "Name your owl," he said. "He needs one."

"My owl?" Ron asked.

Spike nodded and then turned to Fred and George. "Brooms, Beater's Clubs, books and robes. Use them in good health," he said to them.

"Whoa," Fred began.

"Thanks," George finished.

Spike simply nodded and turned to the parents. "Art, Mol," he said, "Lee chose Ginny's wand as well. She has it. Let her get the feel of it.

"Of course," Molly said.

Spike nodded. "The cat is hers too," he said. "That owl belongs to Dawn and the Panther cub is Percy's. I couldn't choose for Fred and George so I'll take them one weekend and let them get familiars."

Molly nodded again and Spike looked at the kids. "All those getting on the train tomorrow, go pack. You have a long day ahead."

Everyone obeyed him and went to bed early after dinner. Spike sighed as he looked up at the sky. "'Til the end of the world, Buffy," he re-avowed. "'Til the end of the world."

The next morning, they all loaded into the cars and drove to King's Cross Station. Percy sat by Spike fidgeting with the pendant he now wore as well as his wand. He was nervous. This year, things would be different for him. This year, he was going to be the Bloodwell heir in fact as well as name.

"All aboard," Spike said as they loaded dollies and ran through the barrier. Spike looked back as he followed Percy through and saw the boy that was toted as a savior of some kind. He sighed and shook his head.

Surviving the killing curse wasn't impossible if your blood wasn't so weak from inbreeding there was no power in it. Or very little at any rate. You needed new, strong, fresh blood to survive jumped up stunning curses. And that's all Avada Kadavera was. At least to one like him.

Spike sighed and hugged his son and Dawn goodbye. Then he watched the train pull out with Ginny and Molly.

"Next year'll be your turn, Poppet," he said to Ginny.

She nodded and smiled and Spike led her and her mother out. Lord Bloodwell had work to do.

Part 4

Arriving at the school hours alter, Percy hopped off the train with Dawn and led her to the carriages waiting to take them to the school. Dawn had refused the boat ride. Percy understood why, he just wished others would leave Dawn alone. His Pendant was hidden beneath his robes but he knew, if it got bad, he could always take it out and let people see it. Not that he wouldn't have to at some point. He was the Bloodwell heir after all. And being the Bloodwell heir carried with it responsibilities and duties and power and wealth and prestige. All things his father and Arthur both thought meant nothing in the long run. An assessment he agreed with. Bloodwell was a name. An influential name, yes, but still, only a name. Unless you were blood crazy like Fudge and the Malfoy Family. Then his name could be used to make a point.

And he knew he'd be forced to make it if his father didn't. Oh well, he never said he'd be able to keep it a secret. As a matter of fact, he'd known he'd never be able to keep it a secret. He was a Bloodwell and it showed.


"Lord Bloodwell?"

Percy jumped and looked at Hagrid who was looking at the medallion he was fingering. The boats had arrived and he had been lost in thought.

It was time to go in. He took Dawn's hand and they went inside where He led Dawn to McGonnogall and then headed for his seat. He was about to sit when the boy he knew to be Draco Malfoy called out: "He's the Bloodwell heir! Look at his wand and that pendant he's wearing!"

"Mr. Weasley?" the headmaster asked as he felt all eyes on him.

He stood frozen for a moment before finally sighing.

"Oh, bollocks," he muttered and stood up straight and removed the pendant from his robes and the wand from his arm sheath. "I am Percival Angelus Bloodwell," he said with pride while looking at the headmaster. "The sorting hat knows this and knew it when it sorted me. But, if you insist on the idiocy of discrimination and stature by wealth, I'll but the damn thing on again."

Percy took the hat from Dawn who'd just been sorted Gryffindor and put it on.

"By my real name, please," he said.

"I wanted tot eh first time, Lord Bloodwell," the hat said aloud for everyone to hear. "Bloodwell or Weasley, it makes no difference in the end. Bloodwells, like Weasleys, have always been in...GRYFFINDOR!"

Gryffindor was shouted and Percy chuckled at the look on Malfoy's face. Gryffindor had both Harry Potter and the Bloodwell heir. It was a shock to the ego and pride of Slytherin.

"Why are the Bloodwells so Important?" Harry asked curiously.

'Honestly," a girl Percy knew to be named Hermione Granger said snidely. "Don't you know anything?"

"No, miss Granger," Percy said coldly, "he does not. And neither do you, really so shut up. The Bloodwells are important, Harry, because we have money, influence, wealth, power and a bunch of other unimportant bollocks. The import about me is I am a miracle child. I was born of my father, the last Bloodwell, William. Known today as William the Bloody, Spike. The Bloodwells are supposedly the purest of the purebloods and yet, we do not follow that lunatic that murdered your parents. New blood is needed or the blood gets weak and powerless and then a jumped up stunning spell can kill. Your father was one of those inbred. Your mother's blood was new. You were saved because of that and because of your mother's very great love."

"Thank you," Harry said. "Can you tell me why he wanted them dead?"

"I only know one real reason, the rest is just smoke and mirrors. Prophecy is highly overrated according to my father. The reason I know is you are proof that he is wrong about muggle born's tinting the blood of the old wizarding families. Without new blood, the old families get weak and powerless."

"Thank you for answering me," Harry said as they went to bed.

Percy nodded and Hermione stared thinking the Bloodwell heir was certainly no gentleman. Harry went to bed wondering what tomorrow would bring. Dawn went to bed waiting for tomorrow and her new life. It was time.

Part 5

"Percy?" Oliver Wood asked the next morning as they headed for breakfast.

"What Ol?" Percy responded.

"How can you be both a Bloodwell and a Weasley? I'm confused."

"Ah," Percy said. "Well, my father couldn't take care of me after I turned five. My mother wanted me dead. She kept saying Something Effulgent had come. Father didn't understand then but he's starting to now. Anyway, he, in order to keep me safe, gave me up to my Mum and Da' to be raised in safety. The others are my siblings for all intents and purposes. Nothing would...nothing Could ever change that. Okay?"

Oliver nodded as they sat down. Percy was ignoring the gawking and sighed. He'd snap in a few minutes if it didn't stop. Gods, these people needed to get lives.

"Percy?" Harry asked as he sat by him. Percy looked at the boy who lived.

"Wotcher Harry," Percy said. "What can I do for you?"

"Ron said to talk to you about the whispers and stares," Harry said. "He said you'd know what to do."

"Ignore them," he told the boy. "It's what I plan on doing. Morning Nibs."

"God," Dawn said flopping next to him. "You're like a gentleman Spike. Just please don't call me "Platelet, Snack-Sized or "Li'l Bit."

"Done," Percy said. "Ready for potions?"

"So ready," she said. "After what I got up to, nothing can really scare me and I know about mixing and measuring. Wes and Giles depended on me to keep it right or we'd have blown up."

Percy laughed. "Good," he said. "Because Professor Snape is a demanding teacher."

"After Insane-O Slut, the hell Goddess trying to kill me I don't think I'm in danger of being afraid of a cranky man. I mean his most Insane Scary Evilness, Angelus the Butcher, Scourge of Europe didn't scare me, what chance does Captain Sneer have? Mr. 'I hate Gryffindor because I got teased in school'. He can't do anything to make me afraid of him."

"I can take points," Snape said from behind her.

"So what?" dawn asked. "I already lost my mother and sister. You think numbers and a worthless piece of tin mean anything in comparison to that? What does it matter if I don't win the house cup? My mother and sister died, one of a brain tumor and one to save the world and me. What does me losing some stupid house competition compare to that? You can go ahead and hate this House because you got your pride and ego hurt here. Maybe when you lose something as important as what I did you'll get over it and grow the hell up. You aren't the first person whose been teased in school and nearly killed. Big whoop, get over yourself. You're 30 some years old, grow the hell up and act your damn age! I thought Childish behavior was supposed to stop when you graduated. Show me the potions room, LiSire?"

Her eyes were bright with unshed tears as Percy stood and followed her as she gathered her books. Snape stared after them feeling like he'd been sucker punched when McGonnogall joined him.

"Her sister was the vampire Slayer," she told him. The girl died for her. Compared to a loss like that..."

"I understand," Snape, said knowing he'd asked for that. "LiSire?"

"Spike calls him that," Minerva told him. "As he calls Dawn nibs. I think they bonded over nicknames."

'Of course," Snape said. "Excuse me, I have a class to prepare for." And he left, being watched by everyone.

I've never seen anyone fire back at Snape before," George began.

"Dawn has guts," Fred finished.

"Dawn is grieving," Harry said. "To her house points and broken pride mean nothing." And he turned with Ron to got to transfiguration thinking as he went: Let the first day begin."