Title: Spike!

Author: Belynda

Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Pairing: Xander/Angel

Rating: NC-17

Series: Part 4 in the I Love you Dead Boy series.

Story order: Thoughts, A Start, Here we go Again, Spike.

Archive: Yes to CKoS

Feedback: Belynda, belindat@ihug.co.nz

Website: http://slasharchive.simplenet.com/belynda.htm

Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be, but I can dream.

Notes: Wrote this at work today, and again in a few hours. I can't say how much I love the feedback I am getting. It's enough to keep the story going. And I want more feedback! Please forgive me for what I am about to do.<g>

Summary: Xander's secret is discovered…almost.


By Belynda

"Hey, where's that drink you promised me…." Xander asked as his voice trailed off at the sight of his friends standing in his dinning room. Especially as he hadn't invited them in. And with him only wearing a pair of boxers. Shocked, he crossed his arms over his chest. "Hi gang. Umm, I don't recall the door bell ringing."

"Because we didn't ring it. Willow used her key. Xander, what is going on?" Buffy asked.

"And who is getting you a drink? Have you been two-timing me Xander? Cos I didn't believe it when Giles explained what he had heard on Friday night. But now…. Are you seeing someone Xander?" Cordelia asked, still a little hurt after Giles had told them what he had heard on Friday and how he didn't approve of Cordelia's ethics. After asking what the hell he was talking about, it quickly became clear to the gang exactly who was doing what. Enraged she had charged over to Xander's house with Willow, Buffy and Giles in tow.

No one in the gang had wanted to believe that Xander would two time Cordelia. Even after the fact that they had broken up. Seeing Xander standing there with only boxers on, his hair a mess, his lips swollen, the odd hicky here and there on his body, only confirmed what suspicions the gang had. And they were shocked.

Mouth flopping open and shut, Xander didn't know where to start. He couldn't help wondering where Dead Boy was. Angel had gone down stairs to talk to Spike who had turned up unexpectedly. Xander had asked him to bring him back a cold drink. It wasn't until ten minutes had passed that he had quickly got fed up and come down stairs looking for his lover. Only to be greeted by the sight of his friends.

"Yes or no Xander. Do you have a lover?" Cordelia demanded.

Just then the sound of the fridge door slamming shut came from the kitchen. Everyone turned and watched the door to the kitchen as it started to open. The person's voice reached them first. "You didn't say which type of drink you wanted, love, so I got you coke."

Everyone, including Xander, stared in horror at the sight of a half naked Spike as he emerged from the kitchen. He stopped at the sight of Xander and the others. "I say. You didn't tell me you were having people over, love. If I had known I would have left you alone tonight."

"Spike! You left me for Spike! He's a Vampire Xander. A Vampire. We kill Vampires remember! He's also a man. Are you gay? The whole time we where going out, were you gay? Tell me the truth Xander Harris!" Cordelia shouted.

"No Cord. It wasn't like that. A few days before we broke up I started to have feelings for… And I decided before I was going to take it any further, and I wanted to, that it was only fair if I broke it off with you. And you agreed. You knew that we hadn't been right together for a while. I didn't want to hurt you, so we kept our relationship a secret. And I'm not gay."

"Not gay? Xander your lover is a man. That makes you gay." Willow spoke up.

"I'm not. And any way, why are you here? I don't remember us having anything planned."

"We don't. But after finding out that you were seeing someone so soon after our break up, I had to know if it was the truth. And it is." Cordelia said weakly, it finally hitting her that she and Xander were indeed broken up and that he had moved on. Before she had.

"I'm sorry Cord. I didn't mean to hurt you. That's why I haven't told anyone about …us. Spike." He was sorry that he had caused her any pain. But he wanted Angel too much to give him up. And that scared him.

"Come on guys. Let's go. We'll see you tomorrow Xander." Willow said standing.

After several moments, the others followed her to the door. As she was about to leave, Buffy turned to Xander. "Be careful Xand. He is a Vampire. And he will kill you." Then she was gone, shutting the door behind her.

Almost falling over into a chair, Xander rested his head on the table. "Shit. Shit. Shit. What am I going to do now?" He paid no attention to the shirtless Spike that sat down opposite him. "What are I going to do?"

"I don't know love. You are just going to have to be more careful in the future. I wouldn't want to piss of the Slayer by telling her it's her boyfriend that you are bonking."

"Spike! That's enough." Angel barked as he entered the room. He took one look at Xander and immediately crossed to his side. "Xander, it'll be all right. It'll take them a few days but they'll forget about it."

Shaking his head on the table, Xander moaned. "You don't understand. They think I am having it off with Spike. With Spike! God, how much more can my life be fucked up? I just wanted to be with you. I didn't want to hurt anyone."

"Shh. It'll be alright. I'm here for you. Shh." Angel gathered Xander in his arms and switched them so that Xander was sitting in his lap. He ran his hand through his lover's hair, soothing him. He looked up and saw the shock on Spikes face. Knowing that he would have to talk to Spike later, he put that thought aside and turned his attention to his lover.

Spike was shocked all right. Only once had he seen such emotion, such love, in his maker's eyes. And he knew beyond a doubt that Xander didn't know just how Angel felt about him. If it came down to Xander's life, Angel would die for him. And that wasn't a good thing. Getting up he went back into the kitchen where his shirt and jacket were. It had only been for Angel that he had pretended to be the boy's lover once they had became aware of Xander's friends in the house, but it had been fun. Leaving the Harris residence, he couldn't help wondering how long the relationship would last.

Inside, Xander was starting to feel…warm. Very warm indeed. Sitting in Angel's lap, with the Vampire stroking his hand through his hair and down his back, he was starting to become aroused. Nuzzling into Angel's neck, he rubbed his bottom on the Vampires lap. He got the reaction he was looking for. Feeling the hardness pressing into his thigh, he stepped up his seduction. Licking his way of the cold neck, he nibbled along the jaw before reaching his final destination. Hungrily he kissed his lover, arching up into his body.

That hunger was returned eagerly. Gently thumbing Xander's nipples, the Vampire bit tenderly at his lovers' tongue. Hearing the moan this caused he lightly pinched the nipples he was caressing. The teenager cried out, arching forward into the tormenting hands, seeking more.

Angel was of the same idea, and with little effort sat Xander on the dinning table. Leaning over him, the immortal sucked hard at the pointed nipples. Scraping his teeth over the aching nipples, his arousal doubled at the sounds the teenager was making. He was certain that he had never been this hard before. He ached to be inside of his lover.

Hooking his fingers into the waistband of the boxers, and with a little help from Xander, he slid them off onto the floor. Unfastening his pants, he pushed them out of the way, remembering at the last moment to get the tube of lube out of his pocket. Keeping his unbuttoned shirt on, he leant down licked a trail down to Xander's straining erection.

Taking the hard column within his hand he slowly sucked on the head. The teenager cried out, arching up into the Vampires mouth. Knowing that they couldn't wait much longer, he quickly prepared them both. Finally he was pressing his erection to the waiting hole. Slowly he pushed in; panting loudly, as sensation upon sensation reigned down on him. Sinking in those few final inches, he looked down at his lover.

Xander was tossing his head back and forth on the table, lost within the passion. He slowly opened his eyes and focused on Angel. "Fuck me. Now. Please!"

With a growl, the Vampire leaned down and kissed the boy within an inch of his life. Pulling back he placed Xander's legs over his shoulders, making Angel slid in deeper. Slowly he set up a pace that was loving. But then he started to speed up until he was pounding into his lover.

Xander was now crying out in pleasure, a sob breaking through now and then. His knuckles were white where he gripped the table, trying to hold on. His orgasm hit him hard, taking him unaware. Arching up off the table, sobbing as the pleasure overwhelmed him and his cum squirted out onto his chest. Angel soon followed, undone by the sight.


Several hours later, Xander stirred in his bed. He became more awake as he saw that Angel was shrugging on his jacket. "Where are you going?"

Startled by his lover's voice, Angel jumped. Seeing that Xander was wake, he sat down on the bed. After giving him a quick kiss he explained the time. "The sun will be up soon. Why don't you go back to sleep? You still have several hours before you have to go to school."

Twining his fingers with the Vampires, he pulled Angel down for one last kiss. It was a short kiss, but very sweet and tender. Finally he had to let him go. Sighing, he pulled the covers up and watched as his lover quietly left the room. He missed him already.

At least he had a few more hours to sleep before having to go to school. School. Cordelia. Buffy. Willow. Giles. Corlelia. God, he really didn't want to go into school today. He could see their faces now. That surprised but I-knew-it-all-along look. He really didn't want to go to school. It was only the fact that it helped pass the time before he saw Angel again, made it something to look forward to. But not today. Today there would be a 101 session about Spike. Oh god, Spike! How was he going to be able to look anyone in the eye. He had to keep on thinking about Angel and then he would be able to get through the day.

A smile graced his face as he slipped back to sleep. He had a few hours left before he had to face the firing squad. And he was going to use them well.

To be Continued

Will Xander die of being teased for his affair with Spike? Is Spike attracted to Xander? Will Angel buy that pair of leather pants that remind him of someone - maybe from a past life?

Stay tuned for the next exciting addition in the "I Love You Dead Boy" series.