Series Title: Cycles

Part Titles: 1-Contemplation, 2-Revelation, 3-Consummation, 4-Exploration, 5-Tribulation, 6-Approbation, 7-Retaliation, 8-Realization, 9-Appreciation, 10-Celebration

Author: Vigdis

Fandom: BTVS/AtS

Pairings: Xander/Spike

Rating: NC-17

Category: AU

Spoilers: BTVS: All seasons including seven, up to “Dirty Girls”; AtS: Seasons 1-4, some season 5.

Series Status: Incomplete; Contemplation, Revelation and Consummation are Complete.

Date: April 15, 2003 (Happy 41st Birthday, Michael McManus - he’s Kai on LEXX if you don’t recognize the name.)

Feedback: Craved! Need feedback! Please be constructive... Details are good! Also, tell me what you want to see more of, what you want to find out the answers to, etc... I love details!

Archive: WWOMB; StepAwayFromMyXander; Vig’s Vale; Others please let me know you want it. I like to know where my babies are.

Author's Website: Vig's Vale: (still under construction, but
mine none-the-less)

Valdron’s Handy Dandy Disclaimer: (modified for this work)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the series, concepts and characters are the property, copyright and trademark of UPN, Mutant Enemy and Joss Whedon. Angel, the series, concepts and characters are the property, copyright and trademark of Warner Bros., Mutant Enemy and Joss Whedon. No ownership or claim on said property, copyright or trademark is made or implied by the use in this work. This work constitutes a personal comment on the aforesaid properties pursuant to doctrines of fair use and fair comment. This work is non-commercial, not for sale or profit, and may not be sold or reproduced for commercial purposes. All other characters and situations which are not specifically owned by the above mentioned are sole copyright of the author.

Thanks: To Zus for encouraging me to try my hand at this fandom.

Notes: Spike is more William, here. But then, he’s thinking and I doubt he thinks Spikese. I think William is more in control now anyway… Just my opinion.

There will be some scenes drawn almost directly from season 7 of Buffy in some parts. You can find the transcripts I used to facilitate this at BuffyWorld on the Buffy Season 7 and Angel Season 5 pages.

Warnings: Just the spoilers mentioned above.

Summary: Spike, Xander and Willow consider what happened to Xander in “Dirty Girls” and how it affects them.

The Cycles Series 3: Consummation
by Vigdis

Chapter One:

Xander awoke to sensory confusion. On one hand, Spike was wrapped around him with his head tucked into the crook of his neck. On the other hand, he was curled up on Xander’s left side and his swollen face was protesting strenuously. Xander wasn’t sure if he cared. If he could move just a little bit to the side… There.

But that woke Spike.

“Pet?” Spike asked blearily. “You okay?”

“Yeah, just needed to move a little. Your head was pressing against my bandages a bit.”

Spike sat up, instantly contrite. He began inspecting the bandages as he spoke. “Are you sure I didn’t hurt you? I should have been on your other side. It’s just, well, left side’s always been my side of the bed. I didn’t even think. Should’ve though! Should never have-”


Spike looked up, startled.

“You didn’t really hurt anything. It was just uncomfortable and I’m still bruised. That’s all. I’m fine. I liked waking up like that. With you wrapped around me like a blanket.”

Spike smiled hesitantly. “That’s good. ’Cause it’s likely to happen fairly often.”

Xander smiled at the thought.

“Hungry?” Spike asked suddenly. “I’ll go up and get you something to eat, huh?”

“Sounds good,” Xander said. “As long as I can stay right here for a while.”

Spike scrambled out of bed, and as he pulled on his jeans, he said, “Not a problem, luv. I’ll be right back. Cereal good?”

“As long as it’s seriously sugary and totally lacking in nutrition.”

“Got it. Be right back.” And he was up the stairs, the door slamming shut behind him.

Xander’s POV

I wish I could tell if he’s awake or not. He’s so still. I wasn’t expecting him to be so attentive. I should have, I guess. I mean he took care of Drusilla for all those years. But this feels different. Maybe because it’s me he’s taking care of. We took a slow romantic walk around the back yard earlier. Most everyone else was asleep, but it was a beautiful night. I haven’t seen the stars so bright in a long time.

I’m wearing my patch, now. It’s black leather and I think it makes me look like a pirate. Spike just laughed when I told him that. He said he never met a pirate that wore one in real life.

I asked if he had met many pirates. His response? Most of the really serious pirating was before his time. Said I should ask Angel ’cause he’s probably eaten a few.

I think I’m in love.

Chapter Two:

Xander’s POV

Spike has been amazing. In the week since my surgery, there has been chaos all around us as we prepare for the upcoming battle. Yet, somehow Spike has managed to take care of me. He never lets me miss a meal or a dose of medicine and he has never once allowed me to scratch away the itchiness where I’m healing. He threatened to tie my hands down. Says something about doctor’s orders. I think it just proves he’s a sadist.

The frustrating thing is, he’s being just as careful not to touch me. At least not the way I want him to. I read over the doctor’s orders and I did not find one word about sex. Over-exertion, yes. Sex, no. I think my erstwhile lover is being overcautious.

Gonna have to do something about that.

Spike’s POV

I want him.

It’s all I can do not to toss him on the bed and kiss him senseless. But I want it to be right. I want our first time together as lovers - not just sex-partners - to be special.

He’s getting restless. He doesn’t want to wait.

I don’t either.

But I will.

I’ll wait until it’s right. Until it’s not just sex - it’s love-making.

I need the words.

Xander’s POV

It’s late afternoon. Spike’s asleep, but he’s restless. He’s cuddled up against me, but he can’t seem to stay still. Very unusual for him. He usually sleeps like the dead. No pun intended.

Tomorrow I get to try out the prosthetic eye. It’s supposed to look just like my own. Meanwhile I’m still wearing the patch.

I’m not sure what to do. I want to seduce him. The way he’s been acting the past few days, though… I’m not sure what he wants. He seems withdrawn. Like he doesn’t want to take things further. But just sleeping in each other’s arms isn’t enough for me anymore.

I wonder if he’s having second thoughts about us?


Willow slowly opened the door to the basement. She called Xander’s name quietly.

“Come on in, Wils,” he said softly.

Willow walked slowly down the stairs and hesitantly sat down in the chair. She sighed.

Xander raised his eyebrows. Willow smiled. She was worried.

“What is it, Wils? Let me guess! You found a restoration spell, but you’re not sure it will work properly and you’re afraid that if it goes wrong, it’ll make things worse than they already are.”

“I knew there was a reason you’re my best friend. You always get it,” Willow smiled softly. “I have found a spell. I am confident it will restore your eye, but there may be other side effects.”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know for sure. You might start to get visions like Cordy. Or you might develop some form of X-Ray vision or be able to see beyond the normal spectrum or something like that.”

“But, I’d be able to see? Out of both eyes?”

“Definitely. But there might be other side effects we can’t begin to foresee. Giles is worried.”

“Well, if the Watcher is worried, there’s probably good reason for concern,” Spike cut in. He didn’t move from his position - wrapped around Xander - but he did look up. “Maybe we need to look it over more carefully. See if we can narrow down the possibilities.”

“I want my eye back,” Xander insisted.

“I want your eye back too, but not if it means you aren’t you anymore!” Spike shot back.

“That wouldn’t happen! Would it?” Xander demanded, worried.

Willow shrugged, hesitantly. “There’s really no way to be certain of what could happen. I need more time to research the possibilities. Also, we need to find out how this spell would affect the Bringers. We might be able to use it as a weapon against them.”

“That’s of the good, then, isn’t it?” Xander asked, excited. “On with the research then!” He jumped up, dislodging Spike and grabbed Willow by the arms. “Let’s go! Study! Yeah!”

Willow and Spike exchanged a look and burst out laughing.

Chapter Three:

Xander’s POV

Well, the research is endless and boring and my eye hurts.

Maybe I should be glad Willow hasn’t decided to relieve the boredom by telling everyone how I leaped out of bed ready to rush off to do research - naked!

At least it was only Willow. I mean if it had been Buffy, I’d STILL be blushing. And if Giles had been there - I don’t even want to think about it!

I SO need a break. Spike’s already noticed. I think he’s about to drag me off to rest.

Trouble is, I don’t want to rest. I want him.

I need him.

But what if he doesn’t want me anymore? I mean, I been sleeping beside him, naked, all this time and nothing! Sure he holds me. But that’s all he does. I’m really starting to worry, here!

Spike’s POV

Xan looks like he’s about to collapse. That’s my cue to sweep him up into my arms and carry him off, right?

But this is so important to him!

I can’t just arbitrarily drag him off. As much as I want too.

And I can’t afford to miss any information that we discover about this spell or it’s possible side effects. I can’t let him go through with it unless I’m sure it’s safe.

I can’t risk losing him. Not like that.

I just hope he understands.



“Yeah, Spike?” Xander answered with a yawn.

Spike smirked. “That’s it! Off to bed with you!” and he stood to help Xander up.


“No buts! Go to bed! I’ll stay and keep tabs on ’em. You won’t be left out. Promise. Now go.”

“Spike?” Xander said under his breath, a worried look on his face.

“What is it, luv?” Spike asked softly, taking Xander’s face in his hands.

“Come with me?”

“Are you sure?”

Xander nodded. His fear was evident to Spike. He could smell it.

“Alright,” he assured his lover. Then, turning to the group, he said, “Later then. Do let us know if you find anything. But not tonight, eh?”

He took Xander’s hand and led him away.


“So, luv, what was that all about?” Spike asked once they were alone in the basement.

“Why haven’t you…”

“Why haven’t I what?” Spike asked, helping Xander settle into their bed.

“We’ve been sleeping next to each other - in each other’s arms - every night, but that’s all.” Xander decided to throw dignity aside and resort to his teenage terminology. “Why hasn’t there been any naughty touching? I want naughty touching!”

Spike laughed. “Are you sure you’re up to it? I know this has been hard on you. And not just physically.”

“I don’t know. But I need you to touch me. I need to know you still want me. You DO, don’t you?

Spike got a shocked look on his face. “Of course, I do, pet! I just want it to be right. No mistakes. No regrets. I want us to be sure of how we feel first. Remember what I said about what I need, here? I don’t want to take steps you’re going to want to take back.”

Xander got a thoughtful look on his face.

“Spike? What happens if they can’t guarantee that the spell will be safe?” he asked in a detached voice.

Spike scowled. “Depends.” He started pacing. “If they can be reasonably certain of it, I can go with that. There are no absolute guarantees with magic. But if it’s a 50/50 proposition, I’ll have a real problem. I’ll do everything in my power to convince you not to do it.”

“You won’t try to make the choice for me?” Xander’s voice was curious but not worried.

“No.” Spike was solemn as he paused. “You haven’t given me that right.”

“And if I did?”

“Then I would not let you risk yourself unnecessarily,” Spike was quick to answer. The pacing started again. “It would be one thing if your life were at stake, but it’s not. And, if the choice were mine, I would never let you risk yourself unless it were.”

“What would make you feel the decision was yours? What would you see as giving you that right?”

His detachment was starting to trouble Spike.

“If you were my mate, you would be mine to protect. Final decisions about anything affecting your safety would be mine.”

“I’m not a child,” Xander commented, surprisingly not indignant.

“I know. Doesn’t matter. Not if you’re going to be my mate. I’ll protect you, even from yourself.”

“Would you turn me?”

“No.” He sank down onto the bed and took Xander’s hands in his own. “Not without your consent and, even then, not unless Red could give you back your soul right off, with no conditions. Without your soul, you wouldn’t be you. But if that were the case, yeah. I would. I’d like to have more than a single lifetime to share with you. I’d like to see you frozen in time at the prime of your life. Not have to watch you grow old, get weak and eventually die from something I can’t protect you from. I want to have you with me forever. But only if you love me. What’s the point if you don’t?”

Xander nodded. “Buffy’s been protecting me for years. Never mind that, in spite of not having any special powers, I’ve been there every night, fighting at her side. I’ve been injured, sure, but I’m still here. And still looking to fight the good fight. I don’t mind being protected as long as I’m not treated like I’m helpless. I can fight and I do. I will continue to fight with or without my left eye. Can you deal with that?”

“I wouldn’t ask or expect anything else. I will be at your side though. The LEFT one. That way I’ll be between you anything coming at your blind side. If you get the eye back, we’ll talk after we see how you’re affected. Okay with that?”

Xander smiled. “So what do we have to do to make this official. I mean, I assume that if I’m your mate, you’re mine as well, right?”

“First, you have to be absolutely certain of your feelings. Don’t go into this unless you love me completely. As much as Red loved her witch. Cause if you don’t love me that much, I won’t go through with it. It’s forever, you see. And only forever love is worth it.”

Spike was filled with an intensity Xander had only seen in others in life or death situations.

“I understand,” he said softly. “How do I convince you that I do love you that much?”

“Do you love me at all? ’Cause you’ve never said it. And that would be a start,” Spike answered him wryly.

Xander grinned. “Yeah, I guess it would.” He took Spike’s face in his hands and pulled him in for a long lover’s kiss. When they finally pulled away from each other, Xander brushed his thumb over Spike’s lips and waited until Spike’s eyes were focused on him.

“I love you, Spike. I love you, William. Whatever name you go by, I love you. I fought it for a long time. I didn’t want to love you. But I did. Even before you got your soul back, I loved you. I couldn’t accept you, though. Not without a soul. But once you had your soul back, I couldn’t resist you anymore. I wanted to hate you. I tried to hate you. I couldn’t. I couldn’t help but love you. Now that I’ve accepted that my feelings for you are real, I can embrace them and cherish them and share them. With you. With everyone. If you’ll let me. Will you let me?”

Spike couldn’t speak over the lump in his throat. He just crushed Xander to him and nodded as the tears started.

Xander tightened his arms around his love and stroked his head and back, murmuring words of love.

Chapter Four:

Eventually, Spike’s tears slowed to a halt. His hands began to stray slowly along Xander’s skin, pushing clothes aside. Xander got the idea and began to slowly undress his lover. They parted enough to remove the rest of their clothes and then came back together almost frantically.

“I don’t want to wait,” Xander insisted between kisses. “I want to make it official. I want to be your Mate.”

“I would have to Claim you,” Spike answered, kissing his way down Xander’s arm, paying careful attention to his hand. He kissed each fingertip, sucking lightly.

Xander moaned softly. “What… uh… exactly, would that mean?” He was having trouble concentrating on the conversation.

Spike moved to nibble along his jawline. “I would have to Mark you.”

“Huh?” Xander mumbled. “Like bite?”

“Yeah, like bite,” Spike sighed, his lips trailing slowly down his lover’s throat, pausing just above his collarbone before moving to tease a sensitive nipple. Xander gasped. “Then you have to drink from me,” Spike continued.

Xander pushed away, startled. “What? That sounds like Turning!”

“Sort of,” Spike acknowledged hesitantly. “But not really. First off, I wouldn’t drain you first, and second, you wouldn’t turn into a vampire. We would only be exchanging small amounts. Not much more than a taste, really.” Spike looked at Xander intently. “Once I’ve Claimed you - once we’ve exchanged blood in that manner - you will be my Consort. Other vampires will recognize the Mark. They should leave you alone. Unless they want to tangle with the Master Vampire who’s Claimed you. Most won’t.” He stopped for a moment and grinned up at Xander. “Could be even more effective than bein’ the Slayer’s best friend.”

Xander laughed. Then he caught the worry in Spike’s eyes. “What aren’t you telling me?”

Spike sat up and, very seriously, said, “It would change you. Physically, mainly. It would make you stronger and faster. You’d heal faster and you’d be harder to kill. Not like a vamp or the slayer, but enough to help you in a fight. It may also bring out your more aggressive side. Make it a bit harder to control. But your personality would remain the same. I would never want to change who you are, m’love. I love you just as you are. But I want you to be with me forever. And becoming my Consort could make that possible. As long as we continue to exchange blood regularly, you will remain as you are. You will not age and you will not die.”

“What’s the catch?”

“Aside from the sharing blood?” Xander nodded. “ Angel’s the head of the House of Aurelius. We’d have to get his blessing. If we didn’t it could put you in greater danger.”

“You think Angel would try to kill me or something?”

“No, but others would. But if the Mark of your Mate and the Mark of the Master of House Aurelius are on you-”

“Wait! You mean Angel would have to Mark me, too?” Xander was beginning to freak. “As in he’d bite me and I’d have to drink from him?”

“Yes, but only the once,” Spike said consolingly, reaching over to gently stroke Xander’s face. “Once it’s done, it never happens again. Angel wouldn’t try to come between us once he’s given his blessing.”

Xander turned away, shock and fear on his face. “I need to think about this. I need to think.”

Spike reached for him. Xander pushed his hands away. Spike refused be fended off. He put his arms around him and pulled Xander’s back hard against his chest. Xander struggled against his embrace.

“Stop. Just stop, Xan. I won’t Claim you by force. It would be pointless. That would only make you a slave, a pet. I want a Mate, an equal. That can only be done with your consent. Just let me hold you. I love you.”

“Do you? Really?” Xander settled into Spike’s embrace. He didn’t really doubt that Spike loved him. He was just scared and uncertain of the depth of his own love. Could he do what Spike asked? He could let Spike Mark him. He was even vaguely aroused by the idea. But could he let Angel Mark him, too? That was beyond unsettling. The very idea was seriously wiggin’ him out. “Do you love me enough to let me go? To walk away and never mention this again?”

Spike’s arms dropped away from him. An instant later, Spike was standing beside the bed.

“Yes,” he said softly. “If that’s what you really want,” he choked back the tears, “then that’s what will happen.”

Xander took a long, deep breath and turned to face him.

“I love you, Spike,” he said with complete certainty. “And if you love me enough to walk away if I ask you to, then I can promise you one thing.” He waited until he had Spike’s undivided attention. “I will never ask you to.” Spike staggered toward him and Xander’s arms went around him and pulled him close. “If you love me so much that you’re willing to let me go, how can you believe that I love you any less?” Xander kissed Spike tenderly. “The idea of letting Angel bite me scares the hell out of me, but I will drive down to LA and offer him my throat if that’s what it takes to be with you; to be your Mate; your Consort.”

“You will?”

“Please don’t say I have to?” Xander begged, using his one eye to it’s best puppy-dog advantage.

Spike laughed and hugged Xander close. “If it comes to that, we’ll go together. But I imagine I can convince Peaches to come to Sunnyhell for something this important.”

“Good.” Xander pulled back. “Can we make love now?”

Spike grinned and shoved Xander lightly backwards onto the bed. He stared down at Xander like a wolf eyeing a lamb. Then he pounced.

Xander shrieked happily. He let Spike control their pace for a few minutes and then, without warning, he flipped them over, pinning Spike beneath him. Spike’s eyes went wide with surprise. Xander smirked at him. “What? You thought I would just suddenly turn passive on you?”

Spike grinned. “I certainly hope not!”

Xander knelt over Spike’s naked body. He slid his hands along Spike’s ribs and guided his arms gently above his head, pinning his wrists there with one hand while the other explored his pale chest. Xander’s head dipped down to nip at one nipple then the other, before slamming down hard against Spike’s mouth with his own.

Spike groaned as Xander’s mouth ground against his, crushing his lips harshly against his teeth. It took all of his control to keep from going into gameface as the bruising turned to cutting and he tasted blood. Xander’s tongue swept into his mouth and their blood mingled on his tongue, pushing him over the edge. Xander pulled back with a satisfied expression, and ran his fingers over the ridges on Spike’s brow. Spike growled, raising his mouth toward his lover’s, his eyes glowing yellow. Xander smiled and flicked his tongue along Spike’s fangs. He pulled Spike up into his arms and arched his neck, turned his head to the side and drew Spike’s mouth toward his throat.

Spike held back for a moment, searching for any signs of hesitation. There were none. Xander was fully committed.

Spike’s arms encircled Xander’s body as he lapped lightly over the junction of neck and body. He pulled back again, waiting, before he gently sank his fangs into his lover’s skin. They both moaned their pleasure as blood flooded Spike’s mouth. Just a few swallows and he was lapping over the wounds, sealing them with his saliva. His tongue traced it’s way back up to Xander’s mouth and swept in, drawing his dazed lover back to the moment; to the passion they shared. Then, he bit into his own wrist, slicing it open with his fangs, and held it to Xander’s lips. Xander’s tongue darted out to taste before his mouth latched onto the cut and he sucked Spike’s cool, sweet blood into his mouth and swallowed.

As Spike’s wrist healed, his face relaxed back into his human façade. He released his hold on Xander, who fell, reeling, to the bed. Spike looked down at him in adoration.

Fully aroused, dazed with passion and power, Xander whispered, “Make love to me. I need you inside me.”

Spike sighed and gave himself over the passion he fought to control. Their lubricant was in easy reach and his hands were everywhere, caressing, stroking, stretching. In moments, Xander was ready for him; begging for him. Spike slid slowly into his lover’s body. Xander whimpered at the slowness of it. He tried to buck his hips to draw Spike in more quickly, but Spike wouldn’t let him.

Once he was finally fully joined with his lover, he stilled.


“Spike, please!” Xander begged breathlessly.

“Look at me!” Spike insisted. Xander’s gaze was frantic and full of need, but he did meet Spike’s eyes. Spike held his gaze as he began to speak, slow formal words that seemed to reverberate through Xander’s very soul.

“I, William Albert Eustace Bowen, Also Known As William the Bloody, Also Known As Spike, hereby declare my love and eternal devotion to you, Alexander LaVelle Harris, Also Known As Xander, and Claim you as my Mate and Consort for now and for all time. Do you accept my Claim upon you of your own free will?”

“Yes.” Instinctively, Xander knew more was required. “I, Alexander LaVelle Harris, Also Known As Xander, accept your Claim upon me as your Mate and Consort, of my own free will, and hereby declare my eternal love and devotion to you, William Albert Eustace Bowen, Also Known As William the Bloody, Also Known As Spike, for now and for all time.”

It felt as though something profound shifted within each of them, joining their hearts and souls as one.

Making them whole.

The intensity of that joining propelled both men into mind-shattering orgasms, leaving them floating on a cloud of shared pleasure so intense that it was hours before they regained their senses.

Chapter Five:

They woke wrapped tightly in each other’s arms.

The intensity of the previous night’s passion was evident. They had to peel themselves apart to shower. Fortunately, everyone else was either still asleep or already working at their various assigned tasks. Sleep schedules at the Slayer Home were unpredictable at best.

They showered quickly - separately - and quietly returned to the basement, locking the door behind them.

They needed more time alone to explore the new bond between them.

While Xander was in the shower, Spike did take a moment to call Angel, but his cell phone said he was unavailable (probably turned off) and a stranger answered the phone at the Hyperion. Spike mentioned that oddity to Giles and Willow, who had resumed researching the restoration spell, before heading back downstairs to wait for Xander.

Xander snuck back toward the basement in his bathrobe. He never noticed the way Willow’s eyes went wide when she saw him. She nudged Giles, who glanced up and did a double-take when he saw the young man. The two magic-users looked at each other in shock.


Just as Xander dropped his robe, there was a heavy banging on the basement door.

Xander heard Willow’s voice in his mind. From his expression, Spike heard it too.

“I realize I’m interrupting what amounts to a honeymoon, here, and can I just say - WOW, that was quick - but do you two happen to remember that Xander has a doctor’s appointment in exactly 37 minutes?”

“Oh, shit!” Xander said.

“I’ll second that,” Spike added, his eyes roving over his Mate’s naked body in disappointed longing.

“I heard that, Spike!” Willow giggled. “And could you please keep that image to yourself? He is my best friend, you know!”

“And can I just say, eww!” Xander matched his expression to the word. “No naked Xander thoughts when Wils is listening in, please!”

Spike and Willow just laughed.

Xander’s POV

Well, the doctor assures me that I’ll get used to it. But this new eye feels really weird.

I think I like the patch better.

Willow says it looks completely normal - just like my own eye did.

Buffy was fairly quiet.

Anya was vocal, as usual. She said that aside from my new left eye not being expressive and me not being able to see out of it, I look absolutely the same as I did before that psycho First worshipper gouged my eye out.

Always encouraging, Anya.

Everyone else was encouraging and all nice about it. Even Giles.

Giles and Willow did take me aside and tell me that they could both actually ‘see’ Spike’s Mark on me. The Mark of a Consort. Giles says it ‘looks’ different than a regular ownership Mark. He asked if Spike had mentioned the need for Angel, as the Head of his Line to Mark me as well, as an expression of his Blessing on our Union.

And, yes, I could actually hear the capitalization. Creepy!

He was actually surprised that Spike had been upfront and honest with me about everything. Willow gave him a dirty look over that, so I didn’t have to do anything but look all superior. That was fun!

I also teased Giles about knowing Spike’s full name. It’s never been in any of the Watcher’s documentation. He’s already starting to badger me for it.

I’m not telling.

I said if Spike wanted them to know, he would tell Giles himself.

Now I get to face Spike. I hope he likes the new eye. If he doesn’t, I’m going back to the patch. At least it makes me look dashing.

Spike said so.


Spike was asleep. Xander stripped off his clothes and crawled into the bed beside him. Spike immediately curled around Xander’s body. Xander sighed happily and drifted off to sleep.

He woke, hours later, to the delightful sensation of Spike’s mouth on his body. He smiled lazily. Then he gave Spike a little stretch. He seemed to like that, so Xander arched up, stretching some more. Spike moaned against his stomach. Licking his way back up Xander’s chest, Spike covered the boy’s lush mouth with his own in a deep, possessive kiss. Xander moaned into his mouth. Wrapping his arms around his lover’s body, he held on tight.

Spike broke the kiss reluctantly. He looked into Xander’s eyes, carefully inspecting the new prosthetic one. “Well, luv, it seems you look the same as before. Pity you don’t see the same, too.”

Xander smiled. “Is it okay, then? Or do you prefer the eye patch?”

“I like seeing you like this - lookin’ like before. But nothin’ says you can’t wear the patch over it on occasion, pet,” Spike grinned. “Whenever we decide to play pirate.”

“Ahoy, matey, and all that,” Xander sighed as he pulled Spike’s mouth back down to his. Spike laughed into his mouth as their kiss resumed. Never losing contact, Spike slipped his arms around Xander’s torso and rolled them over so that Xander was on top.

“Xan?” Spike asked against his mouth.

Xander pulled back to look at Spike before he answered. “Yes, my love?”

“Make love to me,” Spike whispered.

“I thought that was what I was doing,” Xander said softly, kissing Spike’s neck.

“Oh, yeah, right there, luv, right there,” Spike murmured as Xander’s lips closed over his neck just below his jaw. Xander sucked gently for a moment before moving down Spike’s neck and further, closing over a pale nipple. Spike arched into his mouth. Xander smiled and moved to the other nipple and nipped at it. Spike moaned his approval.

Xander slowly kissed and nipped his way down Spike’s chest, caressing his sides. After kicking the covers away, Xander settled between his Mate’s legs and began lapping at his erection like an ice cream cone. “Mmmm,” Xander sighed as Spike took a sharp breath. Finally, he carefully pulled back on the foreskin and closed his mouth over the tip. Spike closed his eyes and reminded himself that he didn’t actually need to breathe. Which was a good thing, because he didn’t think he could draw a breath if his life had depended on it.

Over the recent months since they had first become sex partners, Spike had proven that he could deep-throat with ease, causing Xander an insane amount of pleasure in the process. Xander had never quite been able to reciprocate, but he had been practicing. He wanted to return the favor.

This time, he did.

Spike nearly came off the bed. He tugged at Xander’s hair, but Xander just looked at him without moving. Spike gave him a small smile and closed his eyes and lay back and enjoyed the amazing sensual pleasure his Consort’s mouth was giving him. Xander used every trick Spike had used on him. It was more effective than he had dreamed. Spike was so aroused by the entirety of the situation that he couldn’t hold back.

He reached down and tugged at Xander’s hair again. “About… to cum… luv,” he managed. Xander raised up until just the tip of Spike’s penis was in his mouth and increased the suction. Spike came with a soft cry of “Xander!”

Xander kept sucking softly until he had swallowed every drop and Spike was clean. But not soft. With Xander’s mouth on him, so lovingly, the vampire was hard and ready again in no time.

He pulled insistently at Xander until he raised his head, releasing his lover’s hard cock. Spike pulled Xander up and kissed him hard, tasting himself on Xander, until he began to pull away. He let Xander up for air and then he kissed him again, long and slow, two sets of hands roving all over lover’s bodies.

“Prepare me,” Spike demanded as they relaxed against each other. Xander looked up at him. Spike kissed him quickly and answered the unspoken question. “I want you inside me this time. Need to feel you fillin’ me, pet. Need to look at you and know you’re mine.”

Xander gave him a gentle smile and reached for the lube. “I want to be inside you, Will,” he said softly. Spike gasped. “What?” Xander asked innocently. “Did you think I would never call you by your name?”

“Not something I hear often, luv.”

“Do you mind?”

Spike smiled at him. “No. I don’t mind.”

Xander smiled back and said, “Good. I like the idea of calling you Will in private.” He cocked his head, looked at Spike intently and added, “You know, I have seen more real smiles from you in the past two weeks than in the whole rest of the time I’ve known you.”

“That’s because I’m happier now than I’ve ever been before.”

“Even when you were first turned?” Xander asked as he gently prepared his lover. “I thought you and Dru and Angelus had a grand ol’ time.”

“Oh, we did,” Spike assured him. “Darla, too. But I wasn’t truly happy. I was always afraid for my life. Angelus and Darla were hardly doting parents. I emulated Angelus because I wanted them to let me live.”

“Damn,” Xander said softly as he slicked himself up. “I didn’t realize.” He frowned as he pulled Spike’s legs up over his shoulders. “I’m glad that’s over. I’m glad you’re here with me and I’m glad you don’t have to live in fear anymore. At least not from those around you.”

“Yeah,” Spike said, looking up at Xander with hooded eyes. “Now it’s just the Uber Vamps and The First Evil. But enough about that, already. It’s past time to stop talking and start shagging! Inside me! Now!” he demanded harshly.

”Are you sure you’re ready?” Xander teased.


“Alright, then.” Xander pushed in hard and was in to the hilt in one stroke. Spike gasped his pleasure and moaned raggedly as Xander started to move. Xander angled carefully, hitting Spike’s prostate with each stroke. Soon, he was mewling helplessly but Xander was merciless. He pounded in and out, getting closer to his own orgasm with each passing moment.

Spike reached for him. Xander let Spike’s legs drop around him and then pulled him up tight against his body. He continued his steady movement, grasping Spike’s hips and tilting his neck for his bite.

Spike was close, himself. As Xander moved fanatically in and out of his willing body, his own arousal was pressed between their bodies, receiving the friction he craved. When he felt he was right on the edge of the precipice, his features shifted into gameface and he sank his fangs into Xander’s shoulder. As the blood of his Mate hit his tongue, Spike came hard, his internal muscles rippling around his lover. That pushed Xander over the edge and he came with an incoherent shout.

When they came down, they were lying together, still wrapped in each other’s arms. Xander’s softening cock was slowly slipping from Spike’s body. Xander kissed Spike gently and rolled to his side. He gently stroked Spike’s chest, dropping a kiss on it occasionally.

After a long while, he spoke.

“By the way, did I mention Willow was a wee bit upset that we didn’t ask her to officiate at our wedding? She told me at the doctor’s office when it was just the two of us. I told her that, if the image she got from you this morning was more than she wanted to see, then she definitely should be glad she wasn’t at the actual Claiming because we said our vows in the middle of making love, when you were buried deep inside me. I am pleased to say she blushed a very nice candy apple red.”

Spike roared with laughter. “Wish I could’ve seen it, luv. Maybe I’ll mention it to her - see if I can get another blush!”

TBC in “Exploration”