Title: Torture

Author: CheetahsSpot

Rating: PG for language

Spoilers: Some Season 4 Mentions

Summary: Spike gets tortured

Pairing: Spike/Xander

Warning: Torture.

Feedback: CheetahsSpot@hotmail.com and I will bounce a lot if getting any

Distribution: Just tell me... I'd love to be posted somewhere

By CheetahsSpot

Spike tugged at the ropes more frantically. This couldn't be happening to him. He was a Master Vampire. Why had he ever let himself be caught by the Initiative in the first place. This would never have happened before the chip.

He pulled harder and the rough ropes burned and tore at his skin as he tried to get away. The ropes stretched slightly, but not enough to escape. They seemed just as tight as when he had been placed in them two hours ago. There was no escaping. He would have to face it. Spike, William the Bloody, Master Vampire, would have to give in.

'Sunshine lollipops and rainbows everywhere...'

'Ok Ok Ok You win..I'll say it.You can torture your way outta a paper bag.' , Spike screamed as a voice rough from hours of singing went on. 'DAMN YOU XANDER!'