Title: Vengeance be Mine

Author: Belynda

Feedback: Belynda, belindat@ihug.co.nz

Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Pairing: A/X, X/Spike

Rating: VERY NC-17

Archiving: Yes to CKoS

Series: I Love You Dead Boy - part 9

Website - Xander Slash: http://slasharchive.simplenet.com/xander/warn.htm

And of course my site: http://slasharchive.simplenet.com/belynda.htm

Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be, but I can dream.

Notes: Written in several hours, unbeta'd. . . Two days after *that* night. More of Angelus being...well, Angelus. Again feedback is wanted.<g> I don't know what canon says, but in the short period Mr & Mrs Harris are in this fic, they aren't nice.

Warning! Some aspects of this story might not be to your liking. Abuse of the parent/child kind - although brief, is mentioned. I'm just warning you now.

Summary: Xander pays a visit home and. It doesn't go as expected. An unlikely hero emerges.

Vengeance Be Mine
by Belynda

Xander woke in a strange bed. At first he couldn’t place it, but then it all came back to him. Angelus.

*God, "that" night. How can I ever look Willow in the eye again? She’s seen me naked. She knows that I have . . . Had been seeing Angel. God, Angel.* Curling into a ball, flashes of the time he had spent with Angel ran through his mind.

Angel in the ally watching as Xander tried to explain that he *wasn’t* attracted to the Vampire and that was that. Which led to their first kiss. The next night arriving home to find Angel waiting. Watching a movie together on the couch, only to start making out. Going shopping for cloths when Angel ripped another of his shirt. Looking down into Angel’s face after they had just made love, the love in the Vampires eyes there to see.

But Angel was gone now. Angelus was here instead. What he couldn’t understand, was why he had been waiting for him to come home. Having turned into Angelus after spending the night with Buffy.

Buffy had been the one to turn him, to break the curse or what ever.

Buffy had been in his bed when the curse carried out it’s work.

Buffy was the one who was to blame.

But that wasn’t fair. Not to her or to Angel. They couldn’t have known that their first time would have led to . . . Angelus coming back.

*God, why was it her and not me?! I love him more than she does.* "Why was it her?" he whispered into the night, bring his arm up over his eyes as the tears fell.

Spike turned away from Xander and his pain. Quietly walking over to the dinning table, he picked up a goblet of just warm blood and drained it. In the two days since Angel had turned back to Angelus, Xander had been staying here with him. Only he and Willow knew what had happened that night, and he knew he wasn’t going to tell anyone. Willow had better not tell anyone or else.

What was a thorn in his side was the fact that it was Buffy that had turned Angel. With Xander, it made the pain even more so painful. With him, well, he was just angry. Angry that Angel would push Xander way, a boy who he loved with his heart, and hook up with the Bitch of the East, Buffy.

Being Buffy, she was clueless as to what was really happening. Not that he blamed her. She couldn’t see outside of her own existence. She was just . . . Buffy.

Placing the goblet on the table, he walked over to the bed. Shrugging out of the robe he was wearing, he slipped into the big bed and pulled the still crying teenager into his arms. "Shh. Xander. It will be alright. We have to concentrate on how to undo the curse and turn Angelus back into Angel."

"I miss him." Came the quiet voice from below his chin.

"I do to. In the mean time, we have each other. It won’t be so bad. I promise." Spike soothed, hoping to put Xander’s fears at rest.

Pushing himself up onto his elbow, the red eyed teenager looked down at his lover. "Can I stay here with you? I don’t want to go home yet."

"Of course pet, what ever you need. You can stay here as long as needs be." Leaning up, he pressed a quick kiss to the mortals lips.

Xander stared down at him for a moment. Then he leaned down and kissed Spike. He needed comfort, and he needed to know that he was wanted. Spike had been there for him in the past.

Surprised at Xander’s actions, but nether the less pleased, he returned the gesture. Soon he was pushing Xander back into the pillows, and taking his mouth with a barely suppressed passion.

The teenager gave back as good as he received. Eager for more, pulling at Spike to get closer, arching up into the vampires touch.

Minutes later, Spike was entering Xander’s willing body. He leant down and thrust his tongue in at the same time as he thrust his hard cock in. The dark haired lad moaned with pleasure, and eagerly sucked on his tongue. It was almost too much for Spike, Xander’s response almost too much to bear. His thrusts picked up speed, the bed sheets moving up and down in time with his thrusts as the sheets rested pulled up to his waist.

The teenagers hands reached down under the sheets and gripped onto his ass, pulling him in closer. It was too much. Xander’s hands, his willing, agile mouth, his hot tightness. Reaching down, he wrapped a hand around Xander’s erection, wanting for them to come together.

Arching his head back, breathing deeply as he accepted Spikes touch and thrusts, he finally found a peace he hadn’t felt in a while. Before he had a chance to wonder, his body was exploding in orgasm.

Groaning, Spike thrust in once more and stilled as his seed spilled forth into Xander.

It was a while later, when they had both come down off the high that had taken them, that Xander sat up. He looked for his watch first, then for a clock. "What time is it?"

Puzzled, Spike told him. "It’s just gone nine, why?"

"If I’m to be staying here, I had better get some cloths. I have to go home and collect some stuff." Xander said, getting out of bed and walking off to the bathroom.

Spike lay back, happy that Xander seemed okay with the changes in his life. If only they could do something about Angelus. But that would be the hardest thing to do. At least he would have Xander here, and he would be safe from Angelus.

Lost in his thoughts, he didn’t hear Xander walk back into the room. It was only when Xander sat on the bed beside his hip that he realized that Xander was ready to go. "Do you want me to come? It won’t take me more than a moment to get washed and dressed."

"No. Stay here. Relax. You’ve done so much for me Spike. I think I can go and pick up some cloths by myself. I won’t be long." Giving Spike a tender kiss, he left.


Remembering the last time he had been here, Xander paused with his key in the door. He remembered walking into his room to find Angel there. Although at the time, he didn’t know it wasn’t Angel but Angelus. What a night it had been. It seemed like so long ago now, but in reality, it had only been two nights ago.

Pushing those thoughts away, he pushed the door open and stepped in side. Seeing the light on in the family room, he thought nothing of it and walked to the stairs.

"Xander!" His fathers voice broke through his thoughts, sounding loud within the quietness of the house.

Turning he walked into the lounge where his mother and father sat, anger pouring out of their skin. *Shit, what had he done wrong now?* He couldn’t help thinking.

Not saying anything, his father threw a object on the table. Puzzled, he stepped closer and picked up, what he could now see as a photo. His hands started to shake as he stared down into a picture of himself. Naked. Arms tied back over his head. Nipple clamps on. Sweat and cum gracing his body.

"What do you have to say for your self? In my house you little whore? In my house you little faggot! I’ll teach you to treat your mother and me like this you but boy!" His father roared as Xander stood staring down at Angelus last bit of revenge.

He didn’t even see the baseball bat before it hit.


Angelus could tell something was wrong the second he stepped onto Xander’s street. He could smell blood. Taking a deep breath in, nostrils flaring, he recognised the blood of Xander. Xander was bleeding. And it wasn’t a small amount of blood either.

Snarling, Angelus was at Xander’s door and thrusting it open before the dog across the street could bark. He walked into the family room and saw Xander on the floor. Unconscious. Bleeding. Perhaps dying.

His hand was around Mr Harris’s throat before he could deliver another kick to Xander’s unprotected stomach. Growling, his game face on, he asked on question. "Why?"

Anger replaced with fear, Mr Harris stared into the unhuman face. "Who are you?"

Fingers tightening, he asked again. "WHY!"

Gasping, Mr Harris tried to get the words out past the hand that was crushing his throat. "He is a whore . . . A fag."

"So you decided that because Xander was gay, that you were going to . . . What? Punish him? Beat the gayness out of him?"

"He whored himself in our house. He had to be taught a lesson." Mrs Harris snared, in her hand the bloodied baseball bat.

"Did he tell you this or did you find out?" His expression gave nothing away.

"We found this piece of filth in his bedroom." She held up the photo for Angelus to see.

Recognising the photo from the other night, he smiled. It wasn’t pleasant. "I wondered where that had gotten to."

"You . . . You!" Mr Harris whispered, anger back in his eyes.

"Yes. Xander is my lover. And you have hurt him." The smile left his face, his game face more evident now. "Only I can hurt him. You *have* to die." In two seconds both of the Harris’s lay on the floor with their necks broken. He hadn’t wanted to soil himself by drinking their blood.

Reaching down, he tenderly picked up the half dead boy. For a moment, something flashed at the back of his mind, a memory or a emotion. He swayed as emotions threatened to over take him. He shook his head and then it was gone. To be replaced with the determination of getting his toy to the hospital and fixed. He had plans for the boy, and they didn’t include the boy being ill.

With that, he strode out of the house.

To be continued.

Feedback, feedback, please!