Title: What Changed?

Author: Caliadragon

Category: AU

Fandom: Buffy/Angel/Highlander/XMen

Pairing: Xander/Larry, Xander/Cordy mentioned, Gunn/Wes

Rating: NC 17

Warnings: Slash, Angst, Violence, Humor

Spoilers: Up to the battle with Adam

Archive: Any list I send it to, those with prior permission and BC

Feedback: on list or at caliadragon@yahoo.com

Thanks to Edi for the beta

AN: At Edi's request Methos will make an appearance.

Summary: Two people have changed.

What Changed
by Calidragon


Screams echoed through the night to blend with the howl of the wind. Tears mingled with the rain that beat down on the huddled form. The flash of lightning brought brief glimpses of the man that beat at the monster inside his own breast. The demon that ripped at his body and fractured his mind. The damaged creature never saw the one who came up behind him.

His screams and howls of pain drowned out the vicious swearing that came from the watcher. The night was the only witness to the fearful determination that filled dark eyes. The young man walked to the huddled vampire and grabbed the hands that were clawing at his chest. "SPIKE!" Xander bellowed, getting the vampire's attention.

Spike stopped howling and looked into the eyes of the man who hated him. The boy's eyes held rage and sympathy. Spike wondered if the boy had come to stake him. He was startled by the gentle brush of lips against his cheek. Xander carefully pulled Spike to his feet and pulled him against his body. Carefully, gently, he led Spike from the cemetery and to his waiting car.

Placing Spike in the front passenger seat, he hurried around to the driver's side, got in and quickly started the car. Neither man spoke as they headed down the street and out of Sunnydale. Neither man looked back. In the three hours it took them to reach their destination the car held only silence.

Spike was confused and afraid and tired. He sat huddled into himself and wondered idly where they were going. He started in surprise when they pulled up in front of the office that his Sire worked out of. Before Spike could protest, the boy was out of the car and around helping him out. Again the boy said nothing, just cradled him in a warm embrace as they walked into the hotel.

Cordy looked up as the chiming of the doors announced visitors. Wes, Doyle and Gunn looked up as well. They were all surprised to see the pair that came through the doors. "Xander?" Cordy asked, confused.

"Where's Angel, Cordy?" Xander asked calmly. She was startled by the lack of hostility and insulting nicknames he usually used in reference to both herself and Angel.

She looked at the man her ex-boyfriend had cuddled to his side, and was shocked to see that it was Spike. The vampire looked horrible and was obviously injured. "ANGEL!" she bellowed, noticing that the noise set Spike keening.

Xander said nothing, nor did he glare; he simply led the vampire to a chair and began to rock him with a gentleness neither of the two who knew him could have expected. Xander didn't care about their looks of confusion. His only worry was the damaged vampire and the rage he was trying hard to supress. Rage at himself, and rage at his friends for what they had done to the vampire in his arms.

Angel came out of his office and took in the sight of his wayward Childe being held by Xander Harris, of all people. "What is going on?" Angel questioned.

When Xander looked up they could all see the rage burning in his usually gentle eyes. "Spike has been cursed with a soul," he spat out.

Angel swayed in shock and shook his head in denial. The other three were demanding answers and trying to figure out why. "How?" Angel growled, his eyes beginning to glow amber.

"Willow. Buffy was the one responsible, though. Spike tried to come between us. Not that it was that hard. He used all of our insecurities against us. By the time we figured out what was going on, we were in a battle with the Initative and trying to save their asses from one of the monsters they'd created. Spike had joined with Adam. The creature promised to remove his chip. We destroyed Adam before that could happen. In retaliation for Spike siding with Adam, Buffy decided that he deserved a soul. It's not enough that he can't fucking defend himself against humans, she had him cursed and driven insane with guilt!" Xander was snarling by the time he finished.

Wes was stunned. "Does Spike have the happiness clause as well? Why do you care that he's been cursed?"

"No, no happiness clause, and I care because it's not right. He's a vampire for fucks sake! Vampires weren't meant to have souls. Look what Angel has suffered all these years. They should never have done this. I brought him here because he needs his Sire, and I have no idea what will happen when Dru finds out what they've done to Spike," Xander answered.

"Why should Dru care? Didn't she dump him?" Cordy asked, confused. Xander wasn't acting like the boy she remembered.

"She did, but they were together for over a century. She sees him as her Childe, her wicked light. What do you think she's going to do when she finds out the wickedness has been smashed?" Cordy wasn't the only one to grow pale.

"She'll want to kill anyone that had anything to do with this," Angel murmured. Xander nodded in agreement.

"I'm leaving Spike here with you. I expect you to take care of him until I get back. I need to go get our things and find an apartment. If you hurt him I'll find some way to kill you," Xander said as he stood. He looked at all of them equally and they gulped at the threat in his eyes.

What had happened to Xander Harris?

Chapter 1: The beginning....

Xander moved quietly from body to body. Carefully staking each one he came across that was from the school. As he reached the last body a soft sob tore from his throat, and he stood quietly shaking. Finally, gathering all of his courage, he staked the last victim. Then gently brushed a kiss across the forehead of the fallen boy. "I'm sorry," he whispered.

Turning quickly, Xander left the room and the body of the young man he loved. Xander was leaving the next day. He couldn't stay and watch as Larry was placed in the cold, unforgiving ground.

As he left the building he started walking faster, then running. He ran until his chest burned and his legs ached and still he kept running. When he finally stopped he collapsed to his knees and curled up into a ball, sobbing in rage and pain.

Xander was unsure how long he lay on the ground nor did he care, but finally, as the first rays of light struck the horizon, he came back to himself and slowly stood. None of his so called friends had known about his relationship with Larry. He would have told them, but they were all so busy mapping out the campaign against the Mayor and generally surviving, that he had never gotten around to telling them. Then there was the whole fact that they were all still distant from him, even though Willow was to blame for the whole kissing thing.

He sighed, and walked to his house one final time, before leaving town on his road trip. He had several places he needed to visit this summer so that he could get the training that Giles and Buffy seemed to feel he didn't need.

It was another hour before he was on his way. His first stop was Seacouver, and his friend, Richie. The young man had passed through town several months earlier, and Xander had saved him from a group of fledges. It was when he had first started dating Larry and was still dealing with the Pack.

Another set of secrets he kept from his friends. While the evil and the fierce power that they had was gone, the Pack still followed Xander. Together they hunted vampires and other evils of the night. Angel was the only one who knew the truth, and so far he had said nothing. The rest of the Pack were all going off to college. They hadn't wanted to leave him, but Xander wanted them to all have lives away from the hellmouth and had ordered them to leave.

He had planned to take Larry and leave the hellmouth behind as well. Instead, the town had claimed another of those he loved. He was now leaving on his own and it hurt. Just another pain his friends would know nothing about. Xander also hadn't told them that he had gotten into Yale, or that he had been accepted into a special program that enabled him to work in his field of study on the hellmouth itself, or from wherever he chose.

One of the main reasons that Snyder had ridden him so hard was because he refused to let others see his potential. The man had been a troll, but he had pushed, and had hated that Xander allowed others to see him as stupid and as a joke. Xander sighed, he was unsure if he would return to Sunnyhell now, or stay away as he had originally planned. With Larry gone he had no real reason to stay away.

He had only wanted to leave to protect his mate from the ravages of the town, but it had gotten him anyway. Xander hoped that Richie's friend could help him improve his fighting skills, and help further his weapons skills.

Two weeks late, Xander was parking in front of the jazz club that Richie had told him about. He got out of the car and stretched tired muscles. Looking around him for any possible attack and finding none, he calmly entered the club and paid the cover. The guy at the door stamped his hand to show he was underage, then sent him on his way.

For several minutes Xander stood just inside the club, taking it all in. The music being performed by the band caught Xander's ear and made him smile sadly. Shaking his head he headed for the bar, hoping to get some information about Richie and where he could reach him.

Across the club, Methos watched the boy as he walked in; there was something about the young one that caught his attention. He wasn't a pre-immortal, but his easy grace and watchful attitude caught the immortal's eye. "Hey, that's Xander," Richie said from beside him. Methos, Mac, Amanda, Nick and Joe watched with fond amusement as the young man jumped to his feet and went to greet his friend.

They laughed in delight as their young friend was lifted off of his feet in a hug. Richie's laughter drifted back to them, and to the surprise of his friends he kissed the larger boy. Amanda made a slight purring sound. "Anyone have a camera?"

Methos chuckled, "Pervert."

"But of course. Still, anyone have a camera?" The others laughed and shook their heads over her antics. Methos looked over at Duncan and saw speculation in his eyes. Smirking, he wondered if Richie knew what he had started with that kiss. Duncan had wanted the boy for years. The only thing that had stopped his pursuit was the thought that Richie was straight.

Xander broke the kiss and looked down into the gentle eyes of his friend. He knew that the kiss was not meant to ignite passion. Instead, it was a kiss of comfort and support. Xander hugged Richie again, and had to fight back the urge to cry again over his loss. "Come on, I want you to meet the others." Xander nodded and let Richie lead him over to the table.

Xander sensed immediately that only the older, grey haired man was human. He had no idea what the others were, but they felt like Richie so he would trust them. Until they gve him reason to not trust them, that is. "Hey guys, I'd like you to meet my friend, Xander. He's the guy I was telling you about. Xander, this is Mac, Adam, Nick, Amanda and Joe." Xander nodded to each of them in turn.

Adam was again struck by the way the boy held himself. The way he watched each of them and gauged if they were a threat or not. He could tell by the way that Duncan and Nick had straightened in their chairs that they had sensed it as well. Whoever this boy was, he was no ordinary human. They were also struck by the pain and despair that made his eyes those of an old man. There was too much knowledge, too much pain in the boy's eyes.

"So Xander, Richie told us you saved his life, but not where you met," Mac said warmly.

"Sunnydale, we met in Sunnydale," Xander answered quietly.

"The HELLMOUTH!" Amanda and Adam gasped out together. Wariness filled dark brown eyes and he looked at them with suspicion.

"Okay, you're not human and you know about the hellmouth. What are you, and are you going to cause trouble?" Xander hissed. His eyes dark with danger.

They all stared in surprise. He turned his attention to Joe. "I know you're human and I trust Richie, so why don't you tell me what's up?" he questioned.

Richie eyed his friend in shock. Xander knew he wasn't human and still he was his friend. "Joe's a Watcher -," Richie began, only to be cut off by Xander.

"The Slayer kind of Watcher or the kind that follows Immortals around?" Xander asked tensely. After what had been done to Buffy, he hated the Watcher's Council.

"Immortals," Joe answered.

"So Richie and these guys are all Immortals?"

"Yes," Joe answered.

"Cool. Sorry about the freak out, but two weeks ago someone I cared about was killed after our Mayor turned into a giant worm demon and tried to turn the graduating class into a giant all you can eat buffet. My friends and classmates were able to stop him, but we lost a lot in the process." The others all gaped at him in stunned silence.

"Okay, how did you know we weren't human?" Nick asked.

Xander smiled wryly. "I hunt the oogies of the night; after a while you learn to sense what's human and what's not. Besides, I've been possessed twice. I have enhanced senses."

Adam raised an eyebrow and the others looked shell shocked. Richie shook his head and grinned at the looks on his friends' faces. "The first time we met, he was saving me from a bunch of vampires," Richie told them.

Adam groaned, "Vampires? Richie do you go anywhere where you don't attract trouble?"

Xander and Richie burst into laughter. "Man, you sounded just like Giles when you asked that. Must be a British thing."

Richie snickered.

"So, besides stopping by to see and kiss Richie, what are you doing here?" Amanda asked, amused by the pair.

"I'm hoping to get some training. Richie told me about Duncan and his school. I need help to improve my weapons skills, and he also told me that you taught martial arts," Xander said, looking at Duncan.

Duncan looked at the boy. "How much time do you have?"

"Just a few weeks. I still have two other stops to make before I go back to the hellmouth and my studies. If I go back." There was bitterness in the last three words, and the pain in his eyes sharpened for a moment.

"Why would you not go back?" Amanda asked.

"My mate was one of the people lost at graduation. I'm not sure I want to go back. My friends and I aren't exactly getting along and I'm tired of the bullshit," Xander told her bluntly.

Richie took Xander's hand in his and they shared a sad smile. Richie felt bad for his friend. He could still remember how it was for Duncan after Tess had died.

"You're welcome to stay, and I will be happy to teach you," Duncan told him; he understood the pain in the boy's eyes.

Xander spent three weeks learning what he could and getting closer to the tight-knit group of friends. The day he left, they all saw him off. Xander was on his way to visit another of his friends, and hopefully learn from his friend's teacher.

Chapter 2: The beginning....

Xander sighed as he sat quietly waiting for his friend to come down the stairs. The young girl had gone to get him and bring him down. Xander was exhausted. The drive up had taken longer than he planned, thanks to a vampire attack. He was still sporting bruises and broken ribs. Even away from the hellmouth the bastards managed to show up. He was unaware of the looks he was receiving from the various people around the room.

Jean, Logan, Scott and Ororo were watching the boy. Jean was the one most strongly focused on him. She couldn't read him, and it confused her. The only other person she could not read was Professor Xavier. Yet this boy could block her without trying. Logan was trying to figure out what it was about the boy that caught his attention. He smelled really good and had a hint of wildness to him. It was damn distracting.

Scott was trying to figure out why the boy seemed so familiar. Something was at the root of it, but it was eluding him. Ororo was just captivated by the fact that the boy had not stared or jumped when Kitty had walked through the wall, or Johnny had started forming a fire ball. Other than a raised eyebrow, the young man had done nothing.

Their attention was caught by Remy calling out to the dark haired boy. "Lexy!" The boy stood in a fluid motion and was across the room and in Remy's arms before they could react. Remy laughed as he was swept up into the hug. His laughter was silenced by a quick kiss. Remy wrapped his arms around his friend's neck and returned the kiss.

When they broke apart, Remy became aware of the fact that they were the focus of a lot of incredulous stares. "What, haven't you ever seen friends say hello?" Remy rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to Xander. He could still see sorrow in his friend's eyes, and knew from talking to Richie just what had caused it.

Remy took Xander's hand and led him back over to the sofa that his friend had been sitting on. Once they were seated, Remy asked, "How are you, mon ami? Ri told me about the loss of your mate. I'm sorry."

Xander bit his lip and had to look away as tears filled his eyes; he was beginning to wonder if he would ever get over losing Larry. "It hurts, Remy. God, it hurts so bad. I don't know if I'll ever get over losing him. We were just beginning to come together. He accepted me totally. I don't know what to do now that I've lost him."

Remy sighed sadly and pulled his friend into his arms and rocked him gently. For the first time since he had cried in Sunnydale, Xander felt sobs rip through him. He let Remy hold him as he cried out his grief and rage once more, but this time in the arms of someone who cared about him.

The two young men had forgotten everything and everyone around them. They were caught up in Xander's grief. Logan had heard every word that the two had said, and sadness came over him. Would anyone cry for him like that if he was lost? Somehow he doubted it. "Maybe we should remind them this is a common room," Scott said, as he watched the two embracing. Xander's sobs were silent, so no one knew he was crying, but Logan.

"Leave them alone. Let the kid grieve with his friend," Logan snapped.

"Grieve?" Jean asked concerned. She could feel sadness from Remy, but nothing from the other boy.

"The boy lost his mate, the cajun's consoling him. Can't you read that?" Logan asked tersely. He still loved Jean, but had long since accepted that he would not be able to have her.

"I can't read him at all. I can sense sorrow from Remy, but nothing from his friend," Jean answered.

The others looked at her in shock. Jean was the second most powerful mutant in the institute. The fact that she couldn't read the boy meant he was a very powerful psychic. "Yes, he is very powerful and very dangerous," Charles said from behind them, as he wheeled himself to a position beside them.

"Dangerous, Charles?" Ororo asked, concerned.

"Yes, though not to us. At least as long as we do nothing to harm Remy. The boy is very powerful. He's just recently become aware of that fact. He's come here for help. Help I intend to give him for however long he stays," Charles answered.

They all turned their attention back to the two young men holding one another close. After a while the pair parted, and they watched as the normally blase cajun gently whipped tears off of his friend's face and brushed a gentle kiss over his brow.

Remy looked over and saw the Professor and Jean watching them closly. "Lexy, you up to talkin' to da Professor now, or ye wanna wait?"

Xander smiled and stood, keeping his hand in Remy's as they stood to face the small group of X-Men. "Hello Alexander, welcome to our school," Charles said with a smile.

"I would prefer it if you called me Xander," he said respectfully. Remy liked the man, and the older man had taken him in despite Remy's past. It was enough to earn Xander's respect.

"Of course. I have a couple of tests I would like Jean to perform so that we can assess your power level. If that would be alright?" Xander nodded and the small group made their way over to the elevators.

When they reached the Infirmary, Xander calmly followed directions and stripped off his clothes and climbed onto a table. Scott was shocked by the boy's easy attitude. Xander looked at him and smiled. He had seen the look that crossed Scott's face. "I spend a lot of time in hospitals. It's kind of hard to cling to modesty when you spend most of your life getting naked in front of strangers," Xander told him bluntly.

They could see scars on his body from various fights, and fresh bruises from his fight with the vamps. "Lexy, you not tell Remy you were hurt!" Remy scolded.

Xander grinned at his friend and shrugged. "Vampires, they have no sense of timing," Xander quipped tiredly.

Jean froze and looked at him in shock. Ororo and Scott were also shocked. "Vampires? Are you talking about mutant drainers?" Scott asked.

"No, I'm talking about evil, undead, soulless, blood suckers," Xander answered.

Logan, Remy and Charles all sighed. "Vampires," Jean murmured, a bit distracted.

"Yeah, all the oogies of the night that you were told were fairy tales really do exist and are waiting to pounce," Xander told her sadly.

Jean cleared her throat again and returned to testing Xander. She was curious as to why Logan, Remy and the Professor were not surprised by the boy's words.


An hour later, Xander and the others were sitting in the Professor's office as Jean was explaining the level and variation of Xander's mutation. "He's extremely powerful, as powerful as you are Professor. However, he also has hyperactive healing powers and superior strength. The strange thing is that, while he has the recessive gene that causes mutation, he also has another gene sequence that is attached to it. His mutation is more advanced, and more powerful, than any I have ever seen."

Xander frowned slightly, then asked, "Could that be why I've been possessed twice, and why I'm a demon magnet?"

Jean looked startled, while Charles looked thoughtful. "That is a distinct possibility. Your mutation would draw magic-doers and spirits to you," Charles told him.

"I believe you are beyond the level of control that I could teach you," Charles added.

Xander frowned slightly. "I'm afraid. What if I abuse my gift?"

Charles smiled slightly. "I don't see that ever being a problem. You are very in touch with who you want to be. I don't see you abusing your gift, ever."

Xander smiled in relief. He was unsure why the man's opinion mattered to him, but it did, and he was no longer worried about losing control.

Xander looked over at Remy, who winked at him. Remy knew his friend would only be able to stay a few days, but he was going to enjoy the time they had together. Lexy was one of the few people Remy knew that didn't make him feel uncomfortable; he could be himself with the younger boy.

Xander stayed at the school with Remy for two more days before leaving. He had decided to go back to the hellmouth, and still needed to make one more stop. He had promised to stop and visit one of his cousins while he was on the road. It meant back-tracking, but he didn't mind.


Chapter 3: The beginning....

Xander looked up at the building and shook his head in amusement. Of all the places he thought he would find his cousin, it wasn't a police station. Shaking his head again he walked inside and headed for the Major Crimes unit.

Jim looked up when he heard Blair give a happy shout. The rest of the squad watched as Blair let the the dark haired youth lift him off his feet in a hug. "Xander, when did you get here? How long are you staying? God, you grew up!"

The dark haired boy grinned down at him. "Hey, Cousin! I just got here. Just a few days and I was supposed to grow up." They could hear laughter in the boy's words.

Megan, Rafe and Simon also walked over to meet the new arrival. The only member of Blair's family that any of them had ever met was Naomi. They wondered if the teen would be anything like Blair and his mother.

Blair grinned as the others joined them. "Xander, these are my coworkers and my boss. Megan, Rafe and Simon."

Xander smiled at each of them and nodded hello. Jim was wondering what it was about the kid that kept drawing his attention. Xander smelt wonderful. Almost as good as Blair.

"So, how long are you in town for?" Simon asked, grinning. He was hoping for little Blair stories that he could use to tease the younger man with.

"I'm not sure. My plans changed, so I have more time to waste before I head back to Sunnyhell."

They all blinked at him in confusion. "Who would name a town Sunnyhell?" Megan asked before she could stop herself.

"Anyone who's lived there more than a day," Xander answered with a laugh. "The town's name is actually Sunnydale, but it just doesn't fit."

Blair grimaced. He hated Sunnydale. Every time Naomi wanted to spend time with Xander, they shipped him out of the town. That had happened less in the last few years. Naomi feared that Xander didn't want to come to them because he was being hurt by his father.

Blair knew better though. Xander never kept secrets from him, so he knew about the night life of Sunnyhell. Blair had wanted Xander to leave the place for good. After what had happened recently, he hoped Xander wasn't going back.

"Does this mean you won't be going back?" Blair asked hopefully.

The others gave Blair a strange look when he looked afraid and determined after Xander shook his head. "Xan there's no need for you to go back there."

"I have to, my friends need me. I have a place there," Xander told him firmly.

"You can have a place here, too. The college would snap you up in a heartbeat. They're always looking for someone with your talent and aptitude for languages," Blair insisted almost desperately.

"Blair, I'm going back," Xander told him firmly.

Blair sighed and then shrugged. "I'll leave you alone for now, but I'm not giving up."

Xander grinned again. "If you gave up I'd think you were sick," Xander teased.

This got a laugh from Blair's friends. Blair was like a pitbull with a bone. He had to worry something to death. "How about we go out to dinner this evening and you guys can start to catch up," Jim suggested.

Xander looked down at Blair and raised an eyebrow. Blair pouted. "I thought you said you'd cook for me."

Xander grinned again. "I will. However no health food crap and no weeds."

"So what time was dinner?" Simon asked, making them laugh.

"Would seven be alright?" Jim asked, knowing that the others would want to come as well. Jim wondered what it was about Blair's family that they were all charming.

The others agreed, and Simon let Blair leave early so that they could gather up the ingredients for Xander's famous lasagna. The minute that Xander mentioned lasagna, Blair began to drag him out of the building. The people they passed were hard pressed not to laugh outright at the sight of the two of them.

At first, the members of the force had not known what to make of the long haired man, but he had managed to draw them in with his exuberance and his caring. While not commonly known, Blair was always there to offer comfort and visit injured officer's. After the attack on the force the year before, Blair had gotten to know several officers and their families.


Laughter filled the room as the group of men and women talked and told stories about their lives. They were all entranced by the way that Blair and Xander interacted. The two men seemed almost psychic in the way that they dealt with one another. When one would start a sentence, the other would finish it, and watching them work in the kitchen had been fascinating.

Xander never said a word, he just held out his hand and Blair would pass him whatever it was that the younger man needed. The sense of pain and desolation that lived in the boy's laughing eyes was fading away the longer that the two were together.

"So Blair tells Ni that the only way to make sundaes is with chocolate ice cream, chocolate fudge and chocolate sprinkles to cover up the fact that the cherry and the whipped cream don't match."

Blair laughed and interrupted. "Xander is just sitting there staring at her, wide eyed and eager. Then he gives her puppy dog eyes."

"We bounced off the walls for about five hours afterwards," Xander added. Their audience laughed in appreciation. Jim shook his head in sympathy for Naomi. Blair was hyperactive enough without sugar. He couldn't imagine pumping him up on sugar and chocolate. Jim shuddered at the thought.

"So, are you and Blair the only geniuses in the family?" Simon asked.

Xander laughed, not used to being referred to as a genius. "Yep, but I think that's because neither of use are actually blood relatives of the Harris clan. Xander's adopted and we're related through Xander's mom," Blair answered. The cousins looked at one another and chuckled.

Jim raised an eyebrow and decided to talk to Blair later about the Harris family. The other three also shared a look. There had been an awful lot of spaces in Xander's history. Especially in recent years. The four had separately looked into Xander's past, unable to stop themselves from being protective.

What they had discovered shocked and worried them. Xander had been present at a lot of different instances of gang violence. He and his friends were often cited as the ones who had eased the situation. Then there was the number of times that Xander had been checked into the hospital, only to leave as a AMA. Some of the injuries listed were horrific.

There was also the fact that a lot of kids died at graduation, and that the school was blown up. Simon wanted to know about that and decided now was as good a time as any. "Xander, I have a question."

Xander looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Ask away, though I can't guarantee to know the answer," he smiled at Simon.

"What happened at your graduation? Who blew up the school?" Simon asked. He regretted it instantly from the look on both Xander and Blair's faces. Xander's face paled and his eyes dilated. Jim could practically smell the grief on him. Blair's eyes narrowed with anger as he realized that Simon had done a background check on Xander.

"I blew it up." Xander answered, shocking them.

"What? Why?" Jim asked. He could tell that the boy wasn't lying. He could also tell from Blair's reaction that he knew.

"I had to; it was the only way to kill the giant worm demon that used to be the Mayor," Xander answered calmly.

"Huh?" Rafe asked, confused.

Xander rubbed his hands over his face then began to talk. They all listened in growing horror as Xander told them about life in Sunnydale, his graduation and losing Larry to a vampire. When he had finished Blair grasped his hand, and Xander looked far older than his years. Even though the story was fantastical, and even though they shouldn't believe him, they did. They believed every word he said.

"I agree with Sandy, I don't think you should go back there," Megan murmured.

"I have to go back. My friends need me, and my mom's there. Sooner or later my father is going to get himself killed. When he does, I need to be there to get my mom away from that town." Blair sighed and nodded his agreement. He wished the elder Harris would just run out on his family, but he knew the bastard never would.

"So, some of those visits to the hospital were from your father?" Rafe asked, making Blair glare at him. Rafe blushed but didn't back down.

"All of them before age 15 were my father's doing. After I turned 15, very few of them were his doing. Last year he stopped trying to hit me or my mother altogether," Xander answered, and they saw a hardness enter his eyes. It was another thing that reminded them of Blair. Both young men looked and acted harmless. Blair was known to fight hard and dirty if need be. It sounded as if Xander knew how to do that as well.

"What did you do?" Blair asked, curious.

"I broke his arm and scared the shit out of him," Xander answered, with a cold smirk. Blair snickered.

"Good, a man who hits his kid and his wife isn't a man," Megan said staunchly. The others agreed. As police officers, they had all seen their share of victims of domestic violence. All of them had always wished that the victim would leave or stand up for themselves. Sometimes it made it worse, but often times it helped.


Xander ended up staying with Jim and Blair for the rest of the week. In that time Naomi showed up and the four spent a great deal of time together. Jim was heartened by the fact that Xander accepted him as easily as Naomi had. For the first time in a long time he felt like the member of a family.

When it came time for Xander to go back to Sunnydale they all took turns trying to get him to stay, but it didn't work. In the end they all watched helplessly as he drove away. Naomi was crying and the others were just as sorrowful. They had all made him promise to call and to email them to let them know he was okay.


The Present....

Xander looked around Spike's crypt one last time. He had gotten everything from all of the hiding spots that Spike had told him about. Xander had already gotten all of his things from his apartment. His mom was on her way to Naomi. Xander had finally convinced her to leave his father. Now he was on his way to say goodbye to Giles. He had no intention of visiting either of the girls.

They had made it clear that he was not welcome in their new life. That was just fine with him. He had a life to look forward to and no intention of staying in Sunnydale. Spike was with his Sire, and Angel had made it clear that they were staying with him. That was fine with Xander. He had only wanted Spike to be somewhere safe. Seeing the way that Angel had cared for his Childe was enough for Xander.

When he reached Giles' apartment he could sense someone else inside. He hoped that he wasn't walking in on a Scooby meeting. Not that he had been invited to many lately. Not since the blow up with Willow about cursing Spike.

Giles pulled away from Ethan and growled, "That better not be Buffy." Ethan chuckled and watched his lover go to the door.

"Xander? Where the hell have you been?!" Giles growled. Ethan shook his head and straightened his clothes.

Xander raised an eyebrow when he saw the wizard. "In LA. Actually I'm on my way back there. Hello, Ethan. You going to cause anymore possessions?"

"Not right now, mate, maybe later," Ethan answered, and he and Giles were both surprised by Xander's laughter.

"What do you mean you're on your way back to LA?" Giles asked, not letting himself be distracted by the rare sound of Xander's laughter. He had noticed that since Xander's road trip the boy didn't laugh very often. When he did it was mocking.

"I'm moving to LA. I'm not needed here anymore and I'm sick of being taken for granted. The thing with Spike was the last straw," Xander answered. The two men could hear the anger in his voice.

"What thing with Spike? I thought we had all gotten over his trying to separate us?" Giles asked, confused.

"So did I until I found out that Buffy had talked Willow into cursing Spike. The poor bastard's got a soul now." Xander answered, furious.

Ethan and Giles looked at him in horror. "WHAT?!" Giles roared. While he wasn't all that fond of the vampire, cursing him when he couldn't defend himself from humans was intolerable.

"Yeah, Spike's been cursed. I took him to Angel. I'm only here to pick up our things and say goodbye to you. You can tell the girls whatever you want. It won't matter," Xander answered.

"Willow and Buffy are going too far just lately. First Buffy puts us all in danger with her Initative involvement, then Willow's will be done spell. Now this. I'll tell them you've gone after I have a little talk with them about responsibility," Giles said, then looked back over at Xander. "I sincerely hope that this doesn't interfere with your project or plans, Xander." Xander grinned and shook his head. Giles was one of the few people that knew the truth about him. Even Spike had kept Xander's secret. Not that the girls would have believed him even if he had told them.

Giles would miss Xander, but he knew it was the time for the boy to get away. He had to stay. Until a new Slayer was called, Buffy was stuck on the hellmouth and so was he. The Council had rehired him after the debacle with the Mayor. He only hoped that Xander's new life was better than his present one.

Chapter 4

Xander was tired by the time he returned to the hotel. It had been a busy and emotionally exha usting week. Everything had come to a head at once. Thankfully he had been able to turn in his latest set of homework before all of this hit. He had a feeling that he would be able to get more information for his research now that he was in LA. After all, there were a lot of people that refused to see what was going on around them in LA. Not on the wide spread scale that there was in Sunnydale, but still plenty for him to be able to research.

Now that he was living in the hotel and working with Angel and the rest of the Fang Gang he would get to see how people explained away their brushes with the supernatural. His thesis was nearly complete, and soon he would be finished with his studies.

He had already had offers from a number of companies and from a couple of colleges to come and work as an interpreter and an assessor. His knowledge of ancient peoples and languages was extensive. However, he was already doing what he wanted to do with his life. Who knew, maybe he could be of use to those around him.

With a stretch he got out of his car and started grabbing stuff to carry in. Mostly he was taking in Spike's things. He figured that it would help the vampire to have his things surrounding him. He knew that they all wanted to know what was going on with him and he also knew that he was going to tell them the truth. Including the reason, the real reason, why he had always disliked Angel and why he had taken an instant dislike to Wes.

His mutation had manifested after the last time he had been possessed. Thankfully he no longer had to worry about them taking control. The girls thought that he used the memories of his time as the soldier to help during the battle with the mayor and the battle with the Initiative. In a way that was the truth. He did use those memories, but he also tapped into Riley and his friends. During the battle with the Mayor he had called on those memories and he had also accessed the memories that Angel had of countless fights he had had both as Angel and as Angelus.

Unfortunately, by the time things had settled down Angel had gone and he wasn't in any condition to seek the vampire out. Xander still blamed himself for not finding out who Riley was sooner. It wasn't until Spike had told them who Riley was that he even thought to read the soldier's mind. While Riley was somewhat harmless the woman he worked for was not. She was quite insane.

Maggie Walsh had a frightening agenda and was using both demons and mutants to create her vision. Each member of the Initiative was hand picked for the organization and mission. All of them were chosen because they had either exhibited or held the gene that caused mutations. She had murdered one of her own men and had begun to make a monster out of him.

Thankfully, with the help of a couple of Riley's friends and a chastised Spike and Giles, the Scoobies were able to get the goverment to see what she was up to and stop her before anyone else died.

The fact that Spike had helped in the end was what made cursing him so vile. No one could really blame the vampire for wanting to be free to hunt and take care of himself. The chip made him helpless against humans. Xander couldn't remember how many times Buffy had beaten information out of the blond, when asking would have gotten the same results.


Angel looked up as Xander walked into the lobby carrying several bags and a box. It was hard for him to equate this confident man with the boy he remembered. Other than the threat over Spike he had been both polite and friendly. Even to him. It was two reactions that Angel never thought to have directed at him. Sarcasm and dislike was all he ever expected from Xander Harris.

Cordy was also watching her ex-boyfriend. She wondered what had changed Xander so. Yet at the same time she wondered if he had always been this way and she had just refused to see it. Xander had more confidence and more sorrow in his dark eyes.

The last time she had really done more than insult Xander had been the week before they broke up. Xander had asked her what she wanted from life and, surprised, she had told him. He was the only one who had never laughed at her for her dream of becoming a actress. A dream that was long gone now. She loved her life. It was a little crazy, but she wouldn't give it up for anything. She just hoped that Xander gave her a chance to get to know the new him.

"Hey guys. Where should I put Spike's things?" Xander asked kindly.

Angel blinked and motioned up the stairs. "The third room on the left on the third floor. Spike is sleeping in my room," Angel answered.

Xander nodded. "Where is he?"

"In the room. He's resting. I've been pumping him full of blood. He's undernourished and unwell," Angel answered.

"Human blood?" Xander asked and Angel nodded.

"Good. I heard there was a good supplier here in LA. I hope you're eating it as well. I've been doing research and it says animal blood weakens a vampire until they're barely faster than a Slayer," Xander said in an off-handed way as he walked up the stairs, leaving a gaping Angel and Cordy.

Wes was also stunned, having walked in with Doyle and Gunn at the tail end of the conversation. He looked at Angel who nodded dazedly at his unspoken question. Was that really Xander Harris?


Xander knocked carefully on the door before pushing it open and walking inside. Looking over at the bed he could see Spike lying on the bed watching him. The blond didn't move or speak. "Hey, Spike, I brought you your stuff. There's more down in the car. I'll bring the rest up in a few."

"Why are you being nice to me?" Spike asked softly.

Xander walked over and sat down on the bed beside the blond. With a gentle brush, that shocked the vampire, Xander lay his hand down on Spike's cheek. "Do you remember when I collapsed that night everyone was screaming and threatening everyone?"

Spike looked at him in confusion, but nodded. It had been a month after he found out he could kill demons. They had come across a particularly nasty beast and Buffy had demanded that he help, then called him a liar when he told her how to kill it. That had started a huge fight and to their surprise Xander had fainted in the middle of it. The boy had passed it off as the flu, but both the Watcher and Spike had wondered if it wasn't another of the boy's secrets trying to make itself known.

"It wasn't the flu, it was all of the emotions and thoughts flying around that got me. I'm a mutant, Spike. One of my gifts is that I'm a psychic. You once made the comment that you couldn't figure out how I had fought so many years beside the Slayer and not gotten more than a broken arm. Well, that's because I have better than Slayer healing. As well as heightened senses," Xander told the amazed blond.

"Shit, Xander, no wonder you hated it when the idiots talked down to you," Cordy said from behind him. They had all followed him up the stairs with the stuff they had grabbed from his car. It hadn't taken them long to get upstairs and they heard the description of his gifts. Xander smiled sardonically at her.

"Yeah, imagine how they would react if they knew I will be getting my doctorate in a couple of months from Yale," Xander said somewhat snidely. Spike burst into laughter at the shocked looks on the faces of Angel and his little band.

"How come you play dumb?" Cordy demanded.

"I wanted to stay with Willow and Jesse. It was easy to go through school with them and still do what I wanted through homestudies elsewhere. Besides, it helped with my research," Xander answered her honestly.

"What research?" Cordy asked, coming further into the room. Xander had managed to surprise and fascinate her once again.

"The reactions of people and how they explain away things that make no sense or are in some way a threat to them. Take Willow, for example. It was easier to see me as her bumbling friend, rather than someone that I was not only smarter than her, but could keep up with her easily. Do you want to know what I was really doing at the Job Fair?" he asked.

She nodded. He had made up some story about life as a prison guard. She had never really bought it. "I was meeting with recruiters for some of the top museums and companies in the world. I can speak and read over 200 ancient languages and I can understand all of the demon languages that Giles and our vampires have exposed us to over the years."

"That's why Giles was always giving you the oldest books. Buffy was convinced it was so that the pictures would keep you occupied, but you were reading them!" Cordy exclaimed. Xander grinned and nodded.

"That still doesn't explain why you're so different now," she pointed out.

"Cordy, the reason I'm different goes back to Larry and graduation."

"I don't understand," she said softly. There was so much pain in his face.

"Larry and I were dating. He was my mate. He died at graduation. Do you remember when Buffy asked me to go to the morgue and put the stakes in the victims of graduation?" Cordy nodded. "Larry was one of them. He died that night. He was my mate and I had to stake him."

The group was silent as they listened to him. Spike and Angel shared a look over the boy's head. They both knew what he had gone through. Angel had staked Penn. It had nearly killed him. He had always loved Penn, not as much as he had loved Spike and Dru, but still, he was his Childe. Angel knew he would always regret the boy's loss. He couldn't bring himself to regret killing Darla. She had destroyed him and hurt his Childer with the first curse laid on him and the one that had come into affect after the loss of his demon. He had found out about that through a minion who had been given orders to bring him a letter if he were to ever lose his soul and be recursed.

The bitch had twisted his demon with the curse and driven him insane. To this day Angelus and Angel both were glad they had staked her. Their only regret was that she had not suffered more before her dusting.

Spike, on the other hand, had had to stake his only Childe. The poor creature had been badly wounded on his second night of life. Darla had been responsible for that as well. It was just weeks before he and Dru had left her for good. Dru had mourned their lost love for centuries and had been so fascinated with Xander because he reminded her of their Luca. Thankfully no one had ever learned about his Childe. Spike had always figured that Buffy would have used the death of his Childe to torment and hurt him.

"I'm sorry, Xander, I didn't know," Cordy said softly.

"No one did. I still haven't come out to the girls, and now it doesn't matter. They lost my respect when they cursed Spike," Xander told her angrily.



Chapter 5

"Will you stay here and work with us?" Doyle asked. The boy looked at him and smiled.

"Yes, I want to help. I had already decided that I would ask if you could use my help." Xander told him.

Angel smiled and Xander looked at him for a moment before speaking. "I want to apologize to you, Angel."

Angel blinked, shocked. "Why?"

"For the way I treated you and for the things I've said to you. You too, Wes. It was jealousy, pure and simple. I hated you because the girls always pushed me aside in favor of you. Even after you saved my life all of those times I never told you thanks, Angel. Wes, I treated you the way I did because at the time I couldn't control my gift. All of the negative emotions around me made it hard to ignore. There was also the fact that you were a hottie and Cordy liked you almost from the start," Xander finished with a half smile.

He grinned when Wes blushed ear to ear. Gunn chuckled and threw his arm around the older man. "Told ya," he said wickedly.

Cordy laughed and sat on Xander's lap. "So now that you're staying, you can help us with the oogies."

"Sure, just point me in the right direction. Now that I don't have to hide what I am I can help with the super strong bad guys. There's also the fact that my mutation is still developing. So there's no telling what will happen next."

"You haven't reached the end of your mutation process?" Wes asked, slipping into Watcher mode. Xander grinned; he loved it when Giles and Wes slipped into their other personalities. You could almost see them stand straighter and their minds race.

"No. Jean, the doctor that I saw, said that I had a strange and stronger mutation. They did a few more tests after the initial evaluation and found that I was a late developer. She and Hank figured it was because of my exposure to the Hellmouth. Professor Xavier said that my mutation is probably why I was a demon magnet and why I've been possessed twice," Xander told him.

Wes' eyes widened, "Charles Xavier?" he asked, awed.

"Yeah, a friend of mine lives and works at his school. I had a really unique summer last year," he told him.

"Xander, do you think it would be okay if I got a copy of your medical records? They really come in useful around here," Wes asked eagerly.

"Sure, I'll call Remy and have them mail a copy of my exam from there and I already have my medical reports from when I was younger with me," Xander said readily. He then grinned, "And you can study my mutation."

Wes blushed and looked down. He had been interested in studying Xander's mutation. "I'm sorry Xan-"

"Don't be. You're a watcher, it's what you've been trained to do. I don't mind. I'll answer any questions you have and you can experiment if you want," Xander told him, amused.

Wes' eyes widened and he smiled brightly at Xander, making the boy wink. Gunn pulled the Englisman back and mock glared at Xander. "Mine," he growled.

Wes blushed again and Xander raised his hands in response. "No poaching, I promise," Xander assured him.

Spike sighed and Xander unthinkingly stroked a hand down the still reclining blond's back. "You tired?" Xander asked gently.

Spike shook his head. "Bored of the being nutter thing." Xander nodded.

"The being nutters is kinda a pain." Xander agreed.

"How would you know?" Angel asked, confused.

"Psychic powers. I linked to his mind a couple of times. It's how I found him," Xander told him calmly.

The others all looked at him in silence. Spike flinched and shuddered. What horrors had the boy seen in his mind?

Cordy narrowed her eyes slightly, then suddenly grinned. "That means, when a new client comes you can make sure they're on the up and up."

Xander grinned. "And I'm good at poker too," he added with a laugh.

Angel watched the two mortals and his Childe. Xander had his arm around Cordy and his hand resting on Spike's arm. He memorized the scene, knowing that he would draw it later.

The three were beautiful, and together they made a startling picture. In that moment Angel felt his heart lighten and he knew that his future would be far different. Perhaps now he could have a real family.



Chapter 6

Charles sat heavily in his chair and looked around at his children. They seemed happy, even if they were confused. Xand er was handing out keys to rooms and reassuring each child. He was doing his best to make them all feel at ease. The children were happy to have their own rooms for a change.

The older students were leading the others to their rooms and the rest of the AI team were standing around watching as their friend took charge of the situation.

Angel was relieved that they were finished getting everything ready. It had taken several favors and two days and nights to get the hotel ready for all of their newest members. At first he wasn't sure that they would have it ready in time, but the PTB wanted them to take the kids and the school in. So that's what they were going to do.

Spike was watching Xander and wondering what miracle the boy was going to pull off next. So far he had changed his life and reunited him with his Sire. He had chosen to stay with a vampire rather than return to his friends and had found a way to ease the pain of Doyle's visions. The half-demon had had three visions since Wednesday evening and not one had hurt.

They were all thrilled by that fact, but none of them were sure about having the hotel turned into a school. They had moved all of their personal things, weapons and training equipment upstairs.

Angel was about to go over to Xavier and explain where he could hide the Jet when Remy arrived with the last of the children. He strode across the room and exchanged a casual kiss with Xander. "Your rooms are next to mine, Remy," Xander told him as he finished settling the kids.

"That's good, Lexy, you and I have a lot ta talk 'bout. You gonna introduce me to the rest of yer family?" the Cajun asked with a grin.

Xander laughed and turned to the small group of people standing off to the side. "These are my friends and colleagues. Angel, Spike, Gunn, Wes, Doyle, Fred and last but never least, Cordy." Remy raised an eyebrow and grinned at Cordelia.

"You was right, Lexy, she is a walking wet dream," Remy said with a wicked grin at his friend. Cordy grinned and looked at Xander who was watching her reaction.

"Damn straight," Cordy said, making them all laugh in response.

Logan was watching his son and wondering how the hell he was going to gain his friendship. Scott was, surprisingly, thinking the same thing. Jean was exhausted and she was hoping to rest soon. Since the incident at the Statue of Liberty she had been having strange reactions with her gift.

This had further drained her. She was just glad that they had managed to get everyone out of the school before the vision came true. It was a terrible thought that someone would come after their children. She had no idea what was going to happen next, but so far things seemed to be going all right.

She was surprised when Xander waked over to her and handed her her key. "Go rest, Jean," he said gently. She smiled at him gratefully and led the last of the children up to their rooms, too tired to care what happened next.


William Stryker stood in the abandoned mansion and felt rage fill him. The troops looked at him and wondered if he would explode soon. In the last few days he had lost his first lieutenant and now the mission he had gotten permission for was falling apart.

There were no mutants, no plane and no mysterious machines. They had nothing to show for their work and many of the men thought he was a fool for having done what he had. There was also the fact that their Captain had seemingly been killed a couple of days earlier. The President was not going to be pleased.


Methos walked into Joe's bar and was glad to see his friends for the first time in months. He had learned more about the American goverment than he eve r wanted to know in the last few months. The fact that the man in charge of him had been a pyschopath had been even worse.

He had every intention of finding a way to kill the bastard at the first opportunity. Right now ,though, he was more worried about the young woman at his side. He needed to find out where Xavier had taken his people so that he could reunite Yuriko with her father, Logan. A mutant that Stryker had experimented on.


AN: I got the inspiration for this relationship from the story Insight. You can read it here: http://www.geocities.com/pillarofthesun/Insight_01.html

Go read it. I promise you'll enjoy the fic.