Author: Caliadragon

Title: Who Am I?

Spoilers: None really.

Series: I really hope not.

Pairings: Xander/Graham/Riley, Willow/Buffy, Ethan/Joyce/Giles Angel/Dru/Spike, Oz/Devon, Jess/Penn

Feedback: Please?

Archive: Want. Have. Take. Just let me now where it goes so I can brag.

Warnings: Unbeta'd, Violence, Language and Angst.

A/N 1: This is a response to my own challenge in a way. I don't really write cannon. I have my own warped universe that the boys and girls visit. In this universe Spike is Angel's childe and he has a soul. The gypsy curse that gave Angel a soul also gave his childe a soul as well. After getting their souls Angel took Penn, Dru and Spike with him when he left Darla. They later joined up as allies against the Master and the vampires remained to help Buffy after his defeat. Willow found a way to bind their souls when she was looking to use it on Jess after he was turned by Darla. Also Oz and Willow were never lovers in this universe, but life long friends. Buffy grew up in Sunnydale and has been friends with Jess, Oz, Willow and Xander her whole life. Dawn was never added to their lives in this universe. Also in a fight with another demon Xander killed a creature that had enslaved a group of harmless demons. As payment for freeing them they swore themselves to him. They live in the mansion with Xander and the others. If your still interested please read on.

A/N 2: I wasn't planning on starting another story. I've got so many going right now in other fandoms that I think my brains going to fry. However, this would not leave me alone. I have no idea how long it will be between chapters or even where this is going.

Summary: While patrolling one night Xander and Dru get attacked and lose their memory. Its up to their family and friends to help them regain it. Someone doesn't want them to succeed. While another group comes in to aide them.

Disclaimer: I own nothing herein. Joss owns them all, the lucky bastard.


Who Am I?
By Caliadragon

Chapter 1: The Attack

It was suppose to be a simple patrol. The last big bad had been rather depressing. He had been defeated in a few minutes. The demon had been more bark than bite. With this in mind it was decided that Dru and Xander could patrol together. No one really thought that either would meet with any trouble. The fledges were no real threat to Dru and while Xander was now adept enough at fighting that they didn't really have to worry about him being attacked and kept as a demon plaything. The patrol started out simple enough. Dru was telling Xander a story about her time with her dead Grandmum Darla and he was enjoying the tale. Dru treated Xander like he was her own personal gift. From the day they had met she had been trying to get Angel and Spike to let her keep him. In a compromise they moved him in with them. It served two purposes. One it made Dru happy and two it got Xander away from his abusive parents.

It was a friendship that seemed impossible to understand until you saw them together. For Xander it was someone to care for and be strong for. For Dru, it was someone besides Spike and Angel who listened to her and accepted her for what she was. While her delusions were no longer as bad as they once were, she still had episodes where she was lost to reality. In those times it was Xander who sat with her, played with her and kept her from harm. Spike and Angel loved her, but neither could really see where she was coming from. Their change had been a lot easier than hers. Darla had seduced Angel and Angel had simply taken Spike. Darla had driven Dru mad not long after Spike had been created. In revenge for his creation she had taken Dru away. By the time that Angel and Spike found Dru had been starved and driven mad.

Two months later Darla brought the gypsy girl to Angel and they cursed him. The three fled her. Right before Spike had killed her in the battle against the Master she admitted that she knew what the 'gypsies' would do. Since hurting Dru had not been enough to drive Angelus from his love she had hoped having a soul would drive him from his demon childer. She had not counted on the spell going to all his childer.

Surprisingly Dru's knowledge that Darla was dead and spending time with Xander seemed to be bringing her back from the brink. Her manic episodes were coming less and less often. It was through the match making and mischief of the pair that Xander's friends found and revealed the truth about themselves to others. They turned out to be the Cupids of their group. Angel had been relieved when they put Penn and Jess together. Penn was no longer a broody trouble maker. He was actually happy.

Dru had just finished telling Xander about the lovely party that Darla had taken them to when a group of Markash demons came running at them. They were both stunned when the demons lifted them and kept running.

"What's the hurry, kitten?" Dru asked.

"Bad creatures, trying to kill. Killed vampires and a human too." The cat-like demon told him.

"Put us down and get help." Xander grunted out. His stomach was beginning to hurt from all the bouncing.

The Markash hissed. "Triva to ria." Two of the group ran in opposite directions seeking aid.

When help finally arrived it was to find one dead Markash, one barely alive and Xander lying on top of Dru with a stake in his back. Dru was covered in blood and the bones of one arm were exposed. Angel's howls reached Spike and Oz who were patrolling on the other side of town.

"That's Angel!" Spike shouted and the two ran to them. The Markash were also howling out their rage and fear. Two of their kin were dead and their child leader was injured.


Chapter 2: New Arrivals

Sunnydale City Limits.

The van eased to a stop outside the city limits sign.

"Well this looks promising." A voice drawled out, the Irish accent noticeable.

This brought a snicker from his companions. The sign read, *Welcome to Sunnyhell, fuck the dale it died! You probably will to so go back where you came from ya wanker!*

Another voice sounded out. "I love it."

They all turned to look at the young man who spoke.

"You would!" Gunn teased his lover.

The rest of the group sighed. Gunn and Jon would start going at it if no one distracted them.

"I sincerely hope that Ripper and Ethan let us explain why we're in their territory before they start to hex us." Lindsey grimaced at his husband.

"Wes, do you really think they'll attack first and ask questions later? They are, after all, the best Watcher/Wizard team out right know." Riley asked his supervisor.

"Hey!" Jon groused and slapped him on the back of the head.

"Present company excluded of course." Riley returned before pulling the boy into a head lock. As the duo wrestled around the others laughed.

They were pulled back to their surroundings by Doyle. The Irishman began to swear and hold his head. Andrew held him and rocked him as the seer was inundated with another vision. After several minutes Doyle slumped against Andrew and sat breathing deeply.

"What did you see?" Graham asked.

Doyle looked at his friend and smiled weakly. "We have no luck. It seems the Dark Council beat us here. They attacked the boy and the female vamp. We gotta get to them now. If the boy dies we're all screwed. The slayer and her witch will go on a rampage, they will."

"Do you have that healing spell ready Jon?" Wes asked as Graham turned the van back to the road and began to speed away.

"Yes." Jon answered simply.

It was several minutes before they reached the cemetery. By the time they arrived the area was filled with demons and humans alike. The slaying group had all heeded Angel's howls. Spike and Oz had gently moved Xander off of Dru and lay him on his stomach. They could see that they stake was actually more of a wooden sword. It had literally impaled the boy. They all came to a fighting stance when the van screeched to a halt and strangers came out. Ethan and Willow had already started calling up spells.

"Wait! We only want to help! My name is Jon, I have a healing spell made for your friend. We work for the Light Council and The Powers."

Wes stepped forward as well. "Ripper please let us help?"

Both Ethan and Giles started and looked at the young man again. "Wesley Wyndam-Price?" Giles asked.

"Yes." Wes agreed.

"Let them over to Xander." Ethan ordered.

Reluctantly the group parted and allowed the strangers to approach their injured loved ones.

Jon grimaced when he saw the sword. "We'll have to pull it out before I can do the spell."

Graham sighed. "You hold him Ri and I'll pull it out." He told his friend. Looking at the others he
motioned for them the to surround them. The boy was liable to scream in pain and his friends would probably attack.

Once everyone was in place Graham and Riley moved into position. They both gasped as an arch of power flowed through them.

Shaking it off, Graham braced himself and pulled the sword from Xander's body. The fear and worry in the group intensified when Xander made no sound. He didn't even flinch. Graham shifted to the side as Riley turned Xander on to his back and Jon rushed forward and poured the potion into Xander's mouth slowly. Riley gently massaged Xander's throat making him swallow the potion down.

In moments his wound healed, but still he did not waken.

"Why won't wake up?" Frinma hissed in question.

"I don't know." Jon answered.


Chapter 3: Awakening and Confusion

Sunset, the next day, brought a worried and frightened group together.

To anyone on the outside it would have seemed a strange gathering. There were vampires, humans, demons, werewolves and a three half demons. Wes and Jon had explained the previous night about why they were in the city. It had just been a short explanation. Everyone had been anxious to get Dru and Xander back to the mansion and safety. It was a task made easier by the new arrivals. Graham had insisted that he and Riley accompany the vampires and the young human in the van. To the surprise of their friends he had told them they could walk to the mansion with the vampire friends. Ethan had gone with them, along with one of the demons. They had helped heal Xander, but that didn't mean they were just going to trust them to drive off with their family.

Now as they sat around waiting for the injured pair to awaken questions were being fired at the newcomers.

"First of all I want to know why you think Buffy and Red will go crazy over our pets pet's death?" Spike asked Doyle.

Doyle sighed and looked at the blond vampire. "It was in my vision. They started it, but the rest of you soon joined in. You are all important in the fight against darkness. If you[your] heart center were destroyed or killed you would have no one to pull you back from the brink."

"Xander is our heart center." Oz said softly. Like the others he felt sick at the knowledge of his friend's wounds and that he had nearly died. In reflex he pulled his mate tighter against him. Devon snuggled closer holding his distraught love. The group went quiet again, each thinking of what it would mean to lose the bright boy who was the center of their lives.

"The vamps would also freak, because in my vision your center staked herself over the death of her bright boy." Both Angel and Spike growled at the seer's words. "Since he's alive the visions are no longer a problem." He told them, gently, in truth their growling was freaking him out. Whether souled or not they were still pissed off master vampires. He for one did not want to be ripped to shreds.

"Okay my turn. Why did power arch between Riley and me when we touched the boy?" Everyone, but Riley, looked at Graham in shock.

"Huh?" Buffy asked.

"When we were removing the sword from his chest last night power arch between us. It was magic. I felt like I was coming home."

Riley nodded in agreement, but was blushing as much as Graham. Neither man spoke often and very rarely in front of strangers.

"I have no idea why it would do that." Ethan answered.

"Master not whole human, happens when mates come. You Master's mates." Tobrava hissed. The demon was the oldest of the clan and second only to Xander himself.

"WHAT?!" The shout came from the entire room. "Since when is Xander only half human?" Giles growled.

Tobrava shivered and started to cower away from the angry human.

Ethan slapped Giles on the arm and glared at him. "It's alright Tobrava we're just surprised, no one is angry at you. Please tell us what you know." Ethan said gently as he petted him gently on
the head.

The demon shivered and looked up carefully. "Master never fully human, why demons after him. Master is half of human and of Umbrash. Only now he care for us and let us care for him. Master does ceremony to show world we his. We always take mate, only mate feel majick of Master, they Master's mates."

"Bloody hell!" Spike yelled.

Shock hung in the air. Graham and Riley were trying to make since of the fact that the boy they saw the night before was their mate.

"What exactly is a Umbrash demon?" Jesse asked suddenly.

"Well, they're not evil. In fact they shouldn't really be classified as demons. They are healers and often have a soothing affect on the deranged. They have a connection to animals and can understand them. They are also bound to the earth and can create anything for themselves with a thought. It is said that their powers manifest themselves when they mate for the first time. As a half breed it is possible that Xander will have all of these properties. Why they have not manifested themselves yet I do not know." Giles finished on a sigh.

Spike snorted. "Hello he was fifteen when he came to live with us. Dru is a little over protective and won't let any one in the boy's pants. He's still cherry."

Blushes and laughter followed Spikes little speech. Giles cleared his throat.

"A little protective? The last person to make a move on Xander ended up hanging by his ankles wearing a pink tutu. She made him sing I'm a little tea cup, before she'd let us cut him down." Penn said with laughter in his voice.

"Bastard had it coming." Angel growled.

"Our boy told him to back off and he kept pushing it. Stupid Snyder. I'm glad that Torma demon ate him." Spike growled.

Graham and Riley began to sweat, over-protective and insane vampires and a very dangerous family protecting their *mate*. Why couldn't their lives be easy?


Joyce and Willow sat quietly beside their charges. Both were still sleeping. Across from them sat the young Wizard Jon. Like them he was worried over the fact that they had still not awakened. The monitor on the night stand let them hear the conversation going on in the great room. They were all three stunned by the revelations they had heard. Jon swore and went to his bag. "What is it?" I know why their not waking. The healing potion was not set for a half demon. I need to give him another potion."

"What about Dru, she's healed as well and her wounds weren't nearly as bad as Xander's. Why isn't she waking up?" Willow asked worriedly.

"They have developed a mind bind somehow. I think it was forged when the demon part of Xander reached out to heal Dru. Until Xander is healed an awakens Dru will not awaken."


In the main room a monitor similar to the one upstairs told the group the news. Angel and Spike looked at one another in sorrow. It explained so much, but would it still cost them their love and their boy?


Chapter 4: Awakening and Confusion

Jon looked up from where he was resting. Spike surged to his feet as they watched Dru and Xander begin to stir. Dru was the first to completely wake. She lunged to her feet looking around her in confusion and ravenous hunger. When she saw Jon she lunged at him, before suddenly freezing and turning to the boy slowly sitting up on the bed. They looked at one another for a moment then Dru through herself at him. Spike and Jon watched in horror as Xander allowed her to feed off of him.

"Dru stop!" Spike roared.

Dru never budged, she continued to feed.

Spike grabbed her from behind and pulled her roughly away from Xander. To his shock both Xander and Dru attacked
him. They then grabbed onto each other and huddled against the wall. *Sire!* Spike screamed in his mind. Something was very wrong with his Dark beloved and their boy.

Dru hissed as Angel suddenly bound through the door, behind him were Giles and Jesse.

"Their awake." Angel said with relief and started towards them. Only to be drawn up short by a warning hiss from Dru and a growl from Xander.

"I'm afraid my worst fear has come true." Jon said from his place against the wall. The human and the three vampires turned to look at him.

"What fear?" Giles demanded.

"They don't know you. The potion and the mind meld have caused them to have amnesia. They do not know you or themselves." Jon told hem sadly.

"How do you know it could just be shock." Jesse pointed out.

"From everything you all have told me Dru doesn't feed off of humans. Yet she just fed of off Xander and would have drained him if Spike had not intervened. He also allowed her to do it. I think he felt her hunger and made sure it was
eased." Jon told him.

"Dru fed from Xander?" Angel asked with shock.

Both Spike and Jon nodded the heads in assent.

Angel felt alarm burn through him. He turned back to the huddled pair. Both were watching him with confusion and what he thought was longing.

He crept a little closer and knelt gently in front of them. "It's al right no one is going to harm you. I am Angel, we're family. That's Spike, Jesse and Giles. their also family. And that's Jon a friend. Your safe no one will harm you." He watched as the pair looked at one another for a moment before suddenly throwing themselves into his arms. Spike hurried forward and took Dru from Angel's arms.

"Who are we?" Dru/Xander asked Spike, her tone soft and frightened.

"Where do we come from?" Dru/Xander asked, his tone an echo of hers.

Spike felt chilled beyond the cold of his unlife. They were talking as a unit. Not individuals. The questions came from their mouths at the same time.

"Shit! They're one mind. They are no longer independent of one another." Jon said with a note of panic.

"How do we fix this?" Spike snarled at the wizard.

Jon shook his head, he had no idea how long it would take. They could be permanently joined for all he knew. He needed his mentor and Giles to help figure his out.