Title: Wishes Are Bad

Author: Caliadragon


Category: AU Crossover

Fandoms: Buffy/Anita Blake

Spoilers: Season 4 of Buffy, then AU. After NiC, but before Cerelun Sins

Pairing: Xander/Anya mentioned, Xander/Nanthaniel/Asher

Rating NC 17

Disclaimer: Xander and the California Crew belong to Joss and Mutant Enemy. Everyone known in St. Louis belongs to Laurell K. Hamilton.

Warnings: Violence, Angst, Slash,

AN: Yeah I know I've started another fic when I haven't finished the others I'm working on SORRY! This is not an answer to my challenge. Any of them. The Adam thing never happened. He was the lamest villain EVER! Spike and the Scoobies kicked the Initiative's ass almost immediately and Spike went home to Angel's bed where he belongs. No Dawn or Connor in this universe. Buffy is seeing Riley though and Walsh was eaten by a demon. Graham is with Oz and Willow is with Tara. Giles has gone to be with Wes since Buffy doesn't need him anymore. Xander hasn't spoken to the Scoobies in nearly a month, they're all too busy. The triumvirate has settled their issues and come together as a group. They have bound Micah to them as well and Nathaniel is no longer Anita's pome-de-sang. She now controls the arduer.

Summary: Anya breaks Xander's heart then decides to grant his wish as a way of repaying him for being kind to her. In the process Xander is transported to another dimension.

Wishes Are Bad
by Caliadragon


Chapter 1: The Wish


Xander looked at the ceiling of his apartment and cursed himself for the hundredth time. It just wasn't fair. The first time in his life when he was actually really happy, fate had to come and bitch slap him again. D'Hoffrya decided that Anya could have her powers back and Anya had said yes. Xander rolled over onto his side and sighed again. He was exhausted, but lately he had been unable to rest. Giles and Spike were in LA, the girls and Oz had their college lives going on and didn't even talk to him anymore. It hurt, but he had been expecting it.

They all thought that he hadn't gotten in to college, but the truth was he had. Unfortunately he hadn't applied for school loans thinking that he still had his inheritance from his uncle to use. Instead he found out that his parents had used it to get them out of debt after his father drank up his companies profits and stole from his clients. Tony was finally starting to make the money back, but it was to late for Xander to get into school this year. He would have to wait.

Xander wasn't bitter, he understood what happened to his parents. They were good people, but the last miscarriage his mother had had destroyed them. It wasn't until the incident at graduation that his parents realized just how far removed from their son's life they had become. Now they were both in recovery and hadn't had anything to drink in nearly six months. Xander had moved to the basement so that his Uncle Rory could have his old room. Uncle Rory was sick and his mom offered him and his lover a safe place to recover from the beating Rory had taken a few weeks earlier.

Xander grimaced as he thought about the bruises on his stomach. Just because the others weren't talking to him didn't mean he didn't still patrol. In fact Buffy probably expected it. Last night had been a close call. Two fledges had attacked him and he had barely survived.

Xander wished that there was a place where vampire's had souls and he wasn't powerless. He didn't want to be a vamp, he just wanted to be strong and useful. He wanted to be loved and not used as an after thought in other peoples lives. His heart cried out for someone to care for and connect to.

Xander was startled out of his thoughts by a soft voice whispering in his ear. "Wish granted." Lips brushed his cheek then, "Be happy Xander. I love you." The world spun in crazy circles and Xander blacked out.


Anita rolled her shoulders and walked out onto her deck, behind her she could hear the quiet conversation between different members of her family. They were a mishmash of leopards, wolves and vamps. Mixed in was a werefox a couple of werehyena's as well.

After what happened with Chimera Narcissus had given her a mated pair of hyena's. The two young men lived with her now. She had been forced to move again just so that there would be room for all of the people that were living with her now. Jean-Claude had found her this house and she had bought it. No more worrying about putting her vamps in the basement. There were three rooms specially converted for them. Then there was all the land around her that gave her pard a place to roam without worrying about running into humans.

She sighed again and stifled a yawn. The last few days had been extremely busy. Seemed everyone wanted someone raised this summer. She was about to sit on one of the loungers when a startled cry had her running inside. What she saw stunned her. There was a nimbus gold light one second and the next a young boy was laying on the floor. "What the hell?" Anita growled and hurried further into the room.

Xander groaned and rolled over onto his stomach, moaning in pain as all of his previous injuries made themselves known. For a moment Xander was afraid he was going to be ill. However the feeling passed after a few seconds and he sat up carefully. When he looked around him he gulped. "Oh shit! When will I learn that wishes are bad?"

Chapter 2: Introductions


Xander looked at the people around him and realized with a start that none of them were human. Not even the woman being flanked by two very large men. There was something about them that was vaguely familiar, but he couldn't place it. His eyes were drawn to the blonde man that he had landed in front of.

Asher looked down at the beautiful boy and wondered where he had come from and who he was. Asher reached out with his power and tried to enthrall the boy. He was shocked when the young human looked away, then stood up. He looked over to Jean-Claude. He shook his head minutely and watched Jean-Claude's eyes widen.

Xander turned his attention on the beautiful brunette woman that everyone seemed to be trying to guard. For some reason she reminded him of Buffy. "Can you tell me where I'm at?" Xander asked politely.

They were thrown off by his manner. "St. Louis." Anita asked shortly.

"Does this world have shrimp?" Anita raised an eyebrow over that question, but nodded. "Does everyone know about vampires or are they a secret?" he asked.

"Everyone knows about vamps, their legal." Anita told him.

Xander sat back down in shock. "Legal. Shit she answered my wish exactly. I'm on an alternate world where killing vamps is illegal and their souled." he murmured to himself.

They were all shocked at his words and the fact that he burst into hysterical laughter. "Oh man my life is so fucked. I guess things could be worse, I could be Angelus' but buddy." he looked back up at them. "Are there demons running around here or a hell mouth?"

Anita shivered and shook her head. "No thank god. You can only get a demon by summoning one. As far as I know there is no hell mouth here."

Xander closed his eyes again and had no idea that there were tears coursing down his cheeks. He couldn't believe that Anya had answered his wish. What else would come true while he was here? Was there someone for him to love on this world? What was this world like?

Xander jerked in shock as knowledge and images flooded through his mind. He was shocked by everything he was learning and gripped his head as his mind was overloaded with information.
Unable to process it all he fainted.

They all felt the magic as it rolled through the room and seemed to center around the boy. Anita stepped forward and gasped as unknown magic brushed her aside. It sought out and captured Asher and Nathaniel in its grip. They were knocked to their knees as Xander's life and what he knew poured through their minds.

It only took five minutes for the knowledge to rush through their heads, but in that time their information and lives became a part of Xander's consciousness. They both felt something that neither could ever really claim knowing, love peace, acceptance and warmth. Both Nathaniel and Asher wept at the sheer beauty and the pain that the boy had suffered.

At the same time they were both healed inside. Something the never thought possible. Anita and Jean-Claude both cried out in shock as Asher's scars disappeared one by one as though they never existed.

The spell lasted for nearly ten minutes before it ended. Nathaniel and Asher turned to face each other and Nathaniel gently brushed a hand down Asher's cheek before leaning in and kissing him passionately.

"What the hell is going on?" Anita asked everyone and no one.

Chapter 3: Lack of Control


Xander was vaguely aware of someone demanding answers. However his mind was a mass of knowledge that was slowly beginning to sort itself out. He sat up slowly and whimpered as he felt magic again center around him. "Relax Xander, I'm not going to hurt you."

"Who?" he asked still confused. He opened his eyes and found himself staring into violet eyes. A name formed itself in his mind and he reached out to gently stroke a finger down the wereleopards cheek.

He heard a growl from nearby and turned to face another man. The man's whole demeanor screamed agression and Xander surged to his feet in response. Lifting Nathaniel easily he put himself in front of the smaller man and faced down the threat.

"What's your problem?" Xander asked calmly.

"I want to know who you are, how you got here and what right you have to touch a member of our pard." Zeke growled. He was worried about Nathaniel and what this stranger could do to him.

His words had Xander relaxing. "My name is Xander Harris. I'm here because my ex-girlfriend, a vengence demon, granted a wish that I stupidly made. As for why I touched Nathaniel, I did it because I wanted to and it seemed like a good idea at the time. I'm not threat to anyone here."

Anita was also unsure about the young man, but it was obvious that he was telling the truth. "You dated a demon?" Jason asked, drawing her attention.

"She wasn't a demon when I was dating her and on the plus side she didn't try to kill and eat me even once while we were dating." Xander grinned at the look of shock on the faces of those around him. The only two not shocked were Nathaniel and Asher, but then they shared all of Xander's memories as well as each others.

"Xander I ate you plenty of times, it just wasn't permenant."

"Anya!" Xander cried.

"Hello Xander, I wanted to see you one last time before I left you here. First I won't be sending you home. Buffy and Willow don't deserve you. I gave you power so you won't be helpless here and no one else can control you. Unless of course your playing sex games and it leds to orgasms. I just wanted to tell you again that I loved you and that I still think you're a viking in the sack. I think you will find someone here to make orgasm with for hours like you did me." Anya told him, then with another smile and a grope she disappeared. Leaving an embarassed Xander and speculative audience.

"So that was the ex-girlfriend?" Jason asked amused. He laughed at the sheepish smile and blush. "She's certainly blunt." Jason added.

"She's over twelve hundred years old. She's a lot better than she used to be." Xander explained. The speculative looks increased. If a 1200 year old demon concidered him an excellent lover, what would he be able to do with one of them?

Asher smiled and looked over at Nathaniel. They had a feeling that they were the rest of Xander's wish, but from the glimpse into his mind and past they knew this would take some time.

Xander was exhausted and hungry. Even with the knowledge in his head he knew he would have to find a place to live and work soon. "You wouldn't happen to know anyone looking to hire a carpenter from another world would you?" Xander asked jokingly.

Anita raised an eyebrow and looked over at Jean-Claude. "I think I know where you can get some work." Anita told him.

She was surprised and confused by the warmth that filled her when the stranger smiled at her. "I'd apprciate it. Anya's spell gave me knowledge about this world, but I don't think you want a stranger living in your house."

Anita shrugged, "Strange goes hand in hand in my life. You might as well stay." Hell if he wasn't trying to kill them it was worth his staying there. Besides Nathaniel and Asher looked about ready to come unglued. Whatever that spell had done it obviously connected the three in some way.

Suddenly she realized what the power she was feeling was. Shit! He felt like her. She left her magic go out and had a sinking feeling go through her. "Their a Tri." she choked.

Asher looked at Anita in shock until he realized what she meant. The woman Anya, had somehow trigered the marking. All that was left was the fourth mark. He knew that they would need to take them or they would end up as fractured as Anita, Richard and Jean-Claude were until recently.

He looked over at Nathaniel and saw the knowledge in his eyes and acceptance. Together they looked at Xander. Anya said no one would have control over Xander unless he wished it. Somehow Asher thought that he would not be the master in this case.

Chapter 4: The Joining


Xander was weirded out by the feelings and thoughts going through his head. He knew that they were not his own and wondered why they were suddenly coming through. *It is because our shields are not holding. The magic that was used has bound the three of us together. You have our memories so you know what that means.* Asher answered in his mind.

Xander felt a strong case of the wiggins coming on. He was unsure what to do, but he could feel what they were feeling and he knew he would never be alone again. The truth was he was tired of being alone and shunted aside until it was convienant. *We won't push you aside.* Nathaniel told him also in thought.

For a long time Xander said nothing, he just looked at the two. Then he nodded and stepped up to the two until he was close enough to touch.

Anita looked over at Jean-Claude and waited to see what he would do. She was surprised when he simply nodded to her and sat down in the nearest chair. Damien was standing further back and watched the proceedings with hunger. He wanted to claim Jason the way that Asher was claiming the boy Xander and Nathaniel.

They all watched wide eyed as the three drank each others blood and Asher spoke the words that would bind them through eternity or one of their deaths. Anita wondered exactly what would happen now.

The three men sank to the floor and clung to each other as the blood bond took affect. They could each feel the bariers inside of them dropping. However Asher knew this would not be like it was between himself and Julianne. For the power was structured different. The three were equals, though Asher sincerly hoped there would be no struggles for power between himself and the other two. *There won't be.* Two voices reassured him.

He laughed softly and pulled his beautiful ones into his arms. Normally this act was ended in sex, but that would have to wait for another time. The magic had not invigorated Xander enough to be up to the task of having sex with a man for the first time.

Asher wanted to go back to the Circus and rest. He also wanted more alone time with Xander and Nathaniel before Anita and the others started to demand answers. Like how it was possible for Asher to call leopards when he had never had that power before.

"I'm really bushed, is there anywhere I can sleep?" Xander asked suddenly. He hoped that worked as an opening to get them out of the house the way that Asher wanted.

"Sure, we can go back to the Circus and you can rest in our room." Nathaniel told him. Asher nodded his agreement and began to usher the two boys towards the door.

They never made it. Xander suddenly froze as images flooded his mind again. He sank to his mind and saw the vision that blinded him to all else. Asher and Nathaniel were stunned when they were suddenly pushed from Xander's mind by another force. Whatever it was it was powerful. They both knelt by Xander and held him from either side as he rode out the vision.

When it was through he looked up at Anita and smiled weakly. "Well I know where the being uselfull part of my wish came in. You need to call Dolph and tell him that he needs to get over to the arch. A couple of witches are about to preform a spell that will give them power, but their going to lose control and lot of people are going to die." Xander told her weakly.

"How do you know that?" Anita asked sharply.

"Just call me Vision Boy." Xander sighed and lay his head on Nathaniel's shoulder. It looked like part of Anya's spell made him Anita's seer.

Chapter 5: The Reckoning


Willow sighed and lay her head on Tara's lap. The last month had been a nightmare of studying and monsters. Plus she missed Xander. She couldn't understand why he hadn't been coming by or returning her phone calls. She had left countless messages with his father, and Buffy said she left the presents that they bought him with Mr. Harris as well. It hurt that he wouldn't talk to them.

Tara gently rubbed Willow's temples and worried about Xander. Her lover's best friend hadn't spoken to or communicated with any of the Scoobies for a month and Tara felt that something was wrong. She knew that Anya had returned to her life as a vengance demon, but couldn't believe that Xander would shun them for that reason alone.

Tara had even called Giles in LA to see if he had spoken to Xander, but had been told that Xander never returned his phone calls. Giles and the others were making plans to come to Sunnydale to see if they could get Xander to talk to them. Buffy and her mother were very upset as well. Until recently, Xander stopped by every day to say hello to Buffy's mother. However she hadn't seen him either.

Tara was actually thinking about using a divining spell to see what Xander was doing, so that she could make sure he wasn't dead or turned. If he was then it would destroy Willow. Tara knew that the pair were inseparable, and that was what worried her.


Across town, Riley and Graham were also worried about their lovers. Xander's sudden awol from the friends he had nearly died to protect, confused them. Especially after he had made a point of going into graphic detail about what he would do to their insides if they hurt either Oz or Buffy. Their friends still thought it was funny that a civilian had managed to scare the hell out of all of them. Until they learned just who that young man was, and watched him fight at their side against demons and monsters.

The rest of the Initiative soldiers had all been on the look-out for the dark haired boy. Forrest had been the first to state that maybe Xander was dead and his parents didn't want to admit it. Tomorrow night they would make plans for a full scale search.


Anya watched as the group settled into Buffy's living room. Her eyes darkened, and she decided it was time to get vengance on them for the pain they had caused her Xander.

Buffy jumped to her feet as Anya appeared. "Oh thank God Anya! Have you seen Xander? It's been a month, now. We can't get him to call back and his parents won't tell us anything." Anya looked at her for a moment then paled.

"You didn't abandon Xander?" She asked tentatively.

"Of course not! We learned from that mistake in high school! We fell apart without him. Where is he? Is he alright? Why has he stopped talking to us?" Willow demanded. She had jumped to her feet and was shaking the demon each time she spoke.

"Willow! Let her go, she can't answer if you keep shaking her." Wesley came up behind the red head and gently pulled her back.

"Xander made a wish. I granted it, and now he's in another world. He thought you abandonded him for your own lives." Anya told her.

"Bring him back! He thought we abandoned him!" Willow wailed as tears filled her eyes.

"IF I bring him back, he won't come alone. He has been joined with two others. He is part of a triumvirate," Anya told the distraught witch.

"Why would Xander's parents keep you from Xander?" Graham asked, confused.

"Xander's parents haven't liked you since they stopped drinking, and found out all about the danger Xander has gotten into since meeting you. They were glad that Xander and I were no longer orgasm friends." Anya told them baldly.

Willow's pale face flushed with rage and she grabbed Anya again. "You bring Xander back here NOW!" She yelled the last part into Anya's face. The vengance demon stepped back away from her quickly.

"But I told him I wouldn't bring him back," Anya stuttered. Everyone gulped when Willow growled and then began to vibrate with magic. Anya cried out when her necklace suddenly flew from around her neck.

"Bring him back here or you'll be human again. I don't think D'Hoffryn will give you back your powers this time." Willow was nearly glowing with magic and supressed rage. Tara wasn't the only one suddenly afraid.

Everyone knew how much Xander meant to Willow. It was one of the reasons they had tried to protect him so much in their last year of high school. All it had done was break Willow's spirit, and she swore to never be separated from Xander again. It was somewhat frightening to see the normally gentle witch lose control the way she was.

"Alright! I'll bring him here, but he won't be alone. I'll have to give him what he had coming here, instead of there. You'll have to accept another vampire and a wereleopard into the group," Anya told Willow. She knew the witch was right, and that she wouldn't be given her powers again.

"A vampire and a lyco?" Oz asked, stunned.

"Yes, but don't worry. The vampire is souled and the wereleopard will not harm anyone. He's a beta," Anya told them matter-of-factly. She then closed her eyes and prepared to bring Xander back where he belonged. Mainly so she could get her necklace back. If she had her way, which she didn't, Xander would stay where he was.

Chapter 6: Visions


The vision took Xander by surprise. He lifted his head and looked at his Nathaniel and Asher, showing them what he had been shown.

Images of Anya bringing them to Buffy's. He realized that they were going to be leaving this world very soon. He wondered if they should find a way to break the connection, and let the pair stay in their world.

*No Xander, we're coming with you. This is actually a good thing. If we had stayed here, sooner or later we would have had to deal with the Council. Though perhaps I speak too soon, Nathaniel?* Asher asked.

Nathaniel looked at the two men who were now a part of him, and smiled. *When do we leave? No-one here really wants me around. I want to stay with you both,* Nathaniel assured them. He was also glad that they were not staying here. Maybe he would be of some use in this new world.

Asher turned to look at Jean-Claude, and for the first time he felt no anger or sense of betrayal. "Xander has had another vision. We will be leaving this world shortly." Asher's accented voice was neutral as he awaited his friend and ex-lover's response.

As usual Anita spoke first. "You can't leave!" They were all surprised by the panic and pain in her voice.

"I must Cheri, when the Council learns of this, they will try everything in their power to destroy us all. You know that. Especially since I now possess powers I did not before. You can feel the change in me and in Nathaniel. We are stronger than we were before. Nathaniel may very well be an alpha now. I have the ability to call animals. I did not possess this before. We must go." The room had grown quiet and no-one said anything for several moments.

Finally Xander spoke again. "I had another vision before. In it, Damien and Jason were bonded to one another. It helped when the vampire from the Council came." They all looked at Xander, then towards Jason, where he was sitting beside Damien. The red haired vampire was stroking his hand through Jason's blond hair. They both looked at him with hope and shock. It was the last sight the three saw before they disappeared.

Chapter 7: Homecoming


Willow spun as she felt magic form behind her. When the golden glow died, Xander and two other men were standing side by side. Willow cried out with joy and threw herself into Xander's arms. Sobbing in relief. "We didn't abandon you Xander! Your parents didn't give you the messages or presents or anything." Willow babbled the words as she clung to her friend.

Before he could answer, Buffy and Oz were there laughing and pulling Xander into their arms. Xander felt relief roll through him. He was surprised and disappointed that his parents were responsible for all of this, but at the same time he was grateful. After all, it got him Asher and Nathaniel.

Finally the group let go of him, only to be replaced by others welcoming him home. Xander laughed, embarrassed by all of the attention. When they had all pulled away, Asher and Nathaniel stepped forward and flanked him on either side. The blond haired vampire felt on edge, this world was darker and the air hung with evil. Nathaniel was confused by the different scents in the air. They were familiar, but darker somehow.

Willow and the others stared in shock at the pair with Xander. They were stunning. The blond had eyes so blue they were like a husky's. His hair was a true gold color and his skin a beautiful, pale white. Spike and Angel could sense the power in him. He was an old vampire as well.

Then there was the boy with them. He was also beautiful. He had ankle length auburn hair and violet eyes. Though small compared to the other two, power just rolled off of him.

However, now that everyone had calmed down, they could feel and see the difference in Xander. Xander stood straighter, his dark eyes held a confidence that hadn't been there before, and he radiated power.

"Anya, what did you do to Xander?" Buffy asked. Her skin was crawling. Not in a bad way; it was the way she reacted to Faith and Kendra the first time she met them.

"I changed him. He's a lot like you. I guess you could say he's a Slayer. He has all of the same strengths that you do. Plus he can do magic like Willow, but he's much stronger and won't make the same mistakes. He also has the ability to control vampires and lycanthropes if he chooses. And he's a seer." Anya told them.

They all looked at Anya in stunned silence. The Vengeance demon smiled sweetly. Willow calmly handed over Anya's necklace and placed a small spell of protection on it. Anya raised an eyebrow and received a grin in return. "Xander, you have a lot of money waiting for you in the bank, and now own that house you liked down the street from the mansion. I made you rich. You don't have to talk to your parents if you don't want to," Anya told him, as she replaced the necklace and disappeared. As she left, she gave Xander all the information he needed to claim his new windfall, and a set of keys fell into his hand.

"What's your boyfriends' names mate?" Spike asked. He was curious about the newcomers.

"This is Asher and this is Nathaniel. Asher's a vampire and Nathaniel is a wereleopard," Xander told them.

Willow beamed at them, making both were and vampire smile in return. "Welcome to our family," Willow told them happily. "If you hurt Xander, I'll turn you into a frog and beat you to death with a shovel." The threat was made with a steely smile and a raised eyebrow. Both men nodded. The memories they had of her, through Xander, let them know she meant what she said.

Chapter 8: Going to the House


"So Xander, what house was it that Anya gave you?" Graham asked as everyone sat down. He was a little unnerved by the new Xander and his lovers. There was something about them that
was magnetic.

Xander smiled and looked over at Buffy and Willow. "It's our place." Willow and Buffy squealed and jumped to their feet. They each grabbed one of Xander's hands and proceeded to drag him to the door.

"Where are you going?" Joyce asked, confused.

"To our house!!" the girls crowed, as they dragged a laughing Xander after them. Nathaniel and Asher were on their heels, and were enjoying the interaction between the three.

The others shrugged and followed the five out the door. Joyce had barely enough time to lock the door behind her, before hurrying to catch up with them.

"Ooo... Xander, do you think the mansion will look like we wanted it to?" Willow asked as they walked.

"I don't know, if not we can make it that way, Wills," Xander told her.

Nathaniel and Asher received a flash of memory. Three beautiful teens sitting on the couch. Laughter and affection clearly on their faces. The two girls curled against the slight frame of a happy and content boy. There was no-one in their lives at this time, but Giles and Joyce. The two
mainstays of their existence.

However, tonight it's just the three of them. They're talking about their future. Right now it's before the heartache, before they lose the innocence that shines from their eyes.

They talk about the old Tomkins Estate and how, if one of them ever got rich, they would buy the house and all three of them would move in together. They would set up a computer lab and library for Willow. A training room for Buffy, and a chef's kitchen for Xander, so that he could cook for them and practice new recipes. There would also be a workshop, because Xander loved to build things.

They would each have a family and someone to love. Their place would be safe, and no-one could come in and hurt them. Asher smiled at the innocent memory and the joy it carried with it.

Nathaniel sighed wistfully, and wondered if Xander would ever feel that he and Asher were his loved ones. Nathaniel was shocked and confused when Xander stopped, and the two girls
each grabbed hold of himself and Asher.

Buffy grinned at Nathaniel as she tucked her hand in the crook of his arm and started walking again. Asher was also bemused at finding himself embraced by the young witch.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to us eventually. Riley and Tara have, sorta," Willow said with a giggle. All three young humans laughed at the snorts of disbelief from behind them.

"Don't let them fool you, gentlemen. I have known them for many years, and no-one ever gets used to those three. They're constantly changing. It boggles the mind," Giles called from
behind them, making their companions laugh.

It was good to hear the three together and laughing again. Giles smiled, and sighed a bit. He missed his children and wondered how they would react to knowing that Angel was contemplating moving back to Sunnydale. They were having too much trouble with Wolfram & Hart, and they were all afraid of the danger it would cause them to remain in LA.

Chapter 9: Exploring the House

As they walked through the front doors of the new house. Xander caught his breath in surprise. He and the girls turned and invited the vampires inside. What they saw shocked and heartened them. All three began to run from room to room. It was exactly as they had wished it would be.

The main salon was done in golds and creams. The windows dominated the south wall, but Xander knew from the memories given to him by Anya that they could be covered during the day. While he might wish to sleep during the day, Asher would no longer be dead to the world as he had been in his own dimension.

The furniture in the room was plush and inviting. A television and entertainment center took up one whole wall. Also on the wall were paintings of all the people that mattered to Xander and the girls. There was one painting, though, of a woman, that took center stage against one wall. Xander felt Asher's shock and relief at the sight of it.

The picture held the image of Julianna, Asher's first human servant. Many had thought Asher hideous or weak over the years that had followed Julianna's death. However, it was Belle Morte, the leader of their line, that had perpetrated this lie and these feelings.

Asher knew now that the mother of his line was a liar and had changed him for her own perverse pleasure. It was as much a punishment as it was a gift. Her lust was a double edged sword that could cut you either way.

Asher was glad to be away from her and glad to see his painting of his beautiful love here as well. Both Nathaniel and Xander sent him warm, comforting thoughts. They soon were going into the other rooms to examine and look at everything around them.

Wes, Giles, Willow and Oz were all captured by the next room. All for different reasons. The room was cavernous and bookshelves stretched from floor to ceiling, stuffed with books. Some of them were rare texts that the two Watchers had been searching for for as long as either man could remember.

Willow and Oz were in technical heaven. The latest computers and spy devices were set up in neat work stations. There was also a retractable sky screen. During the day it could be covered, while at night it could be opened up to reveal the moon and her stars.

The kitchen had Xander humming in approval. Spike spoke up for the first time since entering the house. "This kitchen is like a chef's wet dream come to reality. This whole bloody house is," he said somewhat jealously. Spike knew that they would be coming back to Sunnydale and they would end up living in the shabby, falling down mansion.

Next they made their way upstairs to look at the bedrooms. Xander blushed when they reached the room that was obviously set up for him and his mates. It was done in aqua and silver. The bed was big enough for at least ten people and seemed to dominate the room. There was also a sitting area, a fire place and a large entertainment center. The windows were covered in special screens to protect Asher from the sun.

The master bathroom was large and opulent. There was a walk in shower that would hold five comfortably and a whirlpool tub. The lighting was soft and subdued and there was a sky light that joined up with a wall of glass and plants so that it seemed you were bathing outside. In the shower, the tile held jungle patterns and the shower heads blended into the mosaic enough that when the water was running it would probably look like a waterfall. Everyone was impressed and Spike was really wanting to live there instead of the mansion.

For the next few hours they walked through the house, room by room. Each room they came across was as lush and well appointed as the last. Angel felt that it was as large as the hotel that they were currently working out of.

All of the rooms were just as lavish as Xander's, though no one room looked alike. There was a different theme and style for each suite. In all, everyone loved the place. Between proper training and research facilities there was also an indoor heated pool and a recreation room.

Xander and the girls were already talking about when the two girls would move in. There was no doubt that Xander would be moving in that night. The Scoobies, the Fang Gang and their various lovers and loved ones listened in bemusement as the three talked a mile a minute to one another and in a short hand that only Asher and Nathaniel seemed to be able to follow.

"Before we all break up I'd like to make an announcment," Angel said as they all got comfortable in the library. Angel thought it was somewhat amusing that they all automatically ended up in the library.

"All of the LA crew is coming back to Sunnydale. Not to just help with the hellmouth, but also because things are just too dangerous for us to remain there. We will be moving back into the Crawford Street mansion."

Xander, Willow and Buffy all cried out as one, "No you won't!" The three looked at one another and laughed. Finally Xander nudged Buffy and she grinned.

"You'll live here, it's safer and there's more than enough room. Besides, we like the company," Buffy said with a grin.

The LA crew gaped at them for several minutes before Cordy and Spike spoke as one. "We're moving in here!" That was the end of that. No one was stupid enough to go against Spike and Cordelia when they teamed up.

The rest of the night was spent making plans and deciding who would go where. Making the wish might have been a bad thing, but a lot of good was coming out of it for Xander and his friends.

Chapter 10: Settling In

Xander looked around at his friends and family as they settled in for the night. He really liked the men at his side. It wasn't just that they were beautiful, it was that they treated him like an equal and that they loved h im. He could feel it through the link that bound the three of them to one another. It was an incredible feeling. For a man who had only had the true, unfettered love of one person in his entire life, it was heady. Xander he felt like he should wallow in the sensations and in their presence alone.

Asher smiled and looked over at his young mate. He noticed that Nathaniel was also looking at Xander as well. They could feel the younger man's emotions and hear his thoughts as though they were the ones thinking them. They wanted nothing more than to take him away from the crowd and up to their room so that they could show them the emotions that they were feeling.

This was not something that any of them were able to do at this moment, though. Xander's friends and family wanted him to stay with them for several reasons. Their coming together had turned into an impromptu birthday celebration for Xander. It was the best celebration Xander could remember having sin ce the one where Willow started the fire so he could see the firemen on his birthday.

Buffy was trying to figure out how she was supposed to react to Asher and Nathaniel. Neither of them felt to her the way that the vampires and Oz felt to her. In fact, Xander felt different to her. Her Slayer sense was tingling and she was having to resist the urge to drag Riley off to her new bedroom and have him. Sighing, she returned her attention back to the party and her friends.