TITLE: Writing the Way to Love

AUTHORS: Salustra and Pet

E-MAILS: Salustra: goddess_salustra@juno.com ; Pet: spikespet2001@yahoo.com .

PAIRING: Angel/Spike, w/ references to Angelus/Spike

SUMMARY: Futurefic. About 30 plus years after Season 5 Ats, Angel goes to look up Spike, who has written a book about their early years together.

DISTRIBUTION: Various lists and Wierd Romance RP- BtVS/Ats RP http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WierdRomance . Anyplace else is fine, just let us know where it is going.

SPOILERS: Through Season 5 Ats

DISCLAIMER: We don't own any of these characters; they belong to Joss and ME. We really wish we could borrow Spike and Angel for a little
while though.

FEEDBACK: Yes please. It's like good drugs.

Writing the Way to Love
By Salustra and Pet

Angel fidgets again and turns the book in his hands. He is in first class and he has a huge seat, plenty of space, but he still feels uncomfortable, like all eyes are on him and everyone one of them know. He turns the book again and glances at the cover 'Childe: One Vampires Tale'. Then he sighs and opens the cover to the inside. No picture of the author, of course -- creates mystery. But Angel knows exactly who wrote this book and when he traces over the author's name with his finger he can't help feel a bit nostalgic and wistful. Closing the book he sets it on his lap and drinks another sip of the whiskey he ordered. The lady next to him taps the book.

"Oh that's that Vampire book that everyone's raving about. Is it any good? I heard the author-- oh, what is his name? William Banner is a really creative man with a flair for words and description. And the way he has the described the romantic relationship between the two men is just breathtaking."

Angel just smiles some afraid if he grins too wide or looks too shifty he will give something away.

"Uhmm, yeah it is a really telling book he makes it all believeable."

With that the lady nods and goes back to reading her magazine and Angel slumps down further in his seat. He was on his way to New Orleans. He had someone by the name of William Banner to see.

Spike sits at his typewriter. He knows exactly how far the sunlight will penetrate and his desk is set just past that. That way he can watch the sun all day as he types. He looks up to see Aurora coming in. She is the spitting image of her mother. There was a tiny pang at that...Dawn had died so young, only 40, when Aurora was only 11. He had watched out for her because her father had died in an accident three years before that. Now Aurora was 21, and tall and beautiful like her mother at that age.

Aurora hops in and places a big stack of mail on Spikes desk and plops in a seat tying her shoes. "Looky, looky Will! More fan mail-- go you. I was getting the car started and saw them lying by the box. Thought you might want them you big famous writer you."

Spike grins. "It's likely just more naked pictures of women wanting me, naked pictures of men wanting me, and vampire groupies wanting me to put them in touch with 'real' vampires. I wonder if Anne Rice got this sort of fan mail."

Aurora giggles and nods. "Man yeah I wonder. She had a big following and your fans have no idea what you look like—since, no picture to go with the name. "Maybe I should go to class, advertise you're my surrogate whatever-you-are and then charge money for guys and gals to peep on ya while you're in the shower." Aurora smiles wide. "I don't get the appeal but that's `cause you're Will to me. But hey, naked goodness is naked goodness. Can I peek at your mail?"

"Peek at the naked pictures? No, you're still too young. What are you, 16, 17? Don't want to get in trouble for corrupting a minor...."

Aurora throws a letter at Spike and laughs. "Pain! Ok, I got to go to class. Can't learn how to teach kids if I don't learn myself right?" She stands up and leans over the desk and kisses Spike's cheek. "Now you be a good souled vampire while I'm gone and create words of beauty and substance." She walks to the door and stops, turning around, smiling softly. "Mom would've loved your book. She always made you tell your stories, so this would've made her lifetime. I'll see you later. I love ya." And she walks out of the room.

"Love you, niblet." Spike sits alone in the room after she has gone. He watches the sun crawl along the floor. He has come to love it since he has taken care of Aurora. It reminds him of her. He goes over and fixes himself a mug of blood, and sits down to think. He knows perfectly well that he will accomplish almost nothing today. It's his birthday...well, his second birthday...the day of his rebirth. It always makes him nostalgic. It was this same day three years ago that he decided to write his book. He was facing Aurora going off to college and an empty, lonely house and the idea just
came to him....write the story. His rebirth, his struggles, his loves... especially his loves. He had gotten an old-fashioned typewriter...they still made them, after all this time... and had gone to work on dredging up everything and concealing just enough to make it seem like fiction.

He wondered, as he did every year this time, where they where... what was left of his vampire family. As far as he knew Dru was still causing havoc, but he hadn't known her whereabouts in over 20 years. And Angel...always Angel. He was still in L.A., still running his evil law firm. Spike hadn't seen him or heard from him in over 20 years, not since he took off to find Buffy and got there only in time to see her die and to take Dawn under his wing. They had hidden in New Orleans, and Spike had stayed away from Angel on principle, not daring to bring more attention on Dawn than was needed.

He wondered, idly, if Angel had read his book. Not likely, as the old fossil never kept up with pop culture. Other than Manilow, of course. Spike himself absorbed it...he watched TV, went to movies, read books, listened to music. He loved the brightness and vitality and freshness of the world. And now, much to his amusement, he was part of pop culture himself. He was working on a sequel to his first book, but wasn't quite sure where to go with it. He couldn't tell what really happened...the times span was getting too close to modern and facts could be checked. He'd have to use a *lot* of creative license this time. Something clicked, and he sat up and started typing. Maybe not a total loss of the day, just this once....

Two flight changes later and thirteen skim-throughs of the book he read over thirty times already and Angel was here...New Orleans. He picked up his two luggage bag and clicked open his cell. "Hey how's things? That's good. Listen, the Forthwak Demon doesn't like any odd smells so no perfumes or colognes. Just get him in get the treaty signed and get him out. Don't let anyone near him that can set him off by weird smells. They think that stuff is a personal affront. Ok, good, just wanted to let you know. No just got here. Yeah, just in time for night time. Good booking. No, Sadi, the flight was fine. No, I do not plan to tour. No, Sadi, I have everything I need. Ok, ok talk to you once I get there. Yes, yes I won't be too angry, I promise. Alright bye."

Angel hangs up the cell and hails a cab to his hotel. Once there he unpacks and sits on the bed and looks at the book. Sighing and rubbing his face he picks up the address he acquired. William M. Banner, 1335 Terrance Avenue, New Orleans. He twirls it around his fingers. Standing up he undresses and decides-- a shower first, then he will go see him. An hour later Angel is showered and dressed in another suit with red tie Sadi bought. She had decided he needed color in his life. He could never argue with her she reminded him of Cordy and Buffy-- blonde but with intense attitude and fashion sense.He liked her from the first interview for a new Secretary. Getting in the cab he gives the address. He sits back with the book tapping on the cover. He would've never found this book if it wasn't for Sadi. During a lunch break together she was reading it. She bought it when her best male friend raved that it was the to-die-for vampire novel.

He had made some comment about vampire books never being like the real thing, and then Sadi showed him the cover. He about died again. He had grabbed it when he recognized Spike's name right away. He couldn't believe it, but then he read it and he saw eighty shades of red. Then he read it again and felt a intense need to bask in a sort of afterglow of another person's version of their past… how Spike saw everything...how Spike saw the two of them. The cab stops and he pays and gets out. The house is huge and is surrounded by trees. It's brick and old Victorian which makes him laugh to himself. Feeling nervous he walks slowly to the door. Pausing in mid stride to the door knocker, he composes himself chanting the mantra Sadi taught him to calm himself in stressful situations and then pounds the knocker.

Spike is deep into typing when the knock comes. The light is long gone and he is typing in soft light from old-fashioned lamps. He sighs and goes to the door. Probably tourists again. He looks through the little spyhole...and sees a familiar brooding figure. If he were human, his heart would be in his throat right now. He takes a few deep breaths and opens the door, patented smirk pasted on his features. "Hello, tall, dark, and forehead. Imagine seeing you here. Come for some gumbo? 'Cause I cook a mean gumbo now."

Angel tries for nonchalant and shrugs but feels that's too small in comparison. This is Spike but not-- this is Spike but with William touches. He looks the same but not Spike. Spike is wearing glasses, for one. He always needed them when he was a fledge to read or write. People always thought Vampires improved when they turned but that's not the case. Also, his hair was a bit longer but still platinum. He takes a deep breath and simple holds up the book.

"Eloquent as always. Come to kick my ass for writing our dirty little secrets? Come on inside." He stands aside and makes a sweeping gesture.

Angel nods and walks in and looks around. " I came to talk. Let's hope I won't have to kick anyone's ass. Been a long time, Spike. Can't say anything rude about your appearance or living status you seem to have that all under control. Nice house. You kill a old couple? Yeah, soul, I know, but you know gotta make sure." Angel walks around taking in the paintings, the fireplace in the living room, the vintage furniture, and pictures-- tons of pictures of Dawn? ..and a little miniature Dawn with her.....now this is interesting. " I wondered what happened to her. I made so many calls and got nothing. For me that's something. Since Buffy wanted a quiet and simple ceremony I didn't get told any info till a week after. I missed everything felt kinda shafted." Angel turns around and looks to Spike. "So is Dawn here? I would like to see her."

Spike grimaces and sets his jaw. "Dawn's been dead 10 years now, Angel. And very funny about the house. You know I always had some money put aside...and the proceeds from the book have been a nice extra income. I live here with her daughter, Aurora." He moves over to the bar. "Can I offer you a drink?"

Angel looks shocked and a bit sad. He nods to the drink and looks back at the pictures and picks up one of Dawn and what must be Aurora. "Oh wow..I'm sorry I.... she was Buffy's sunshine and light she was a good girl. This is her daughter then, Aurora? Where is she can I meet her?"

"She is out partying with some of her friends. Friday night in New Orleans, you understand. And I don't know if you should meet her. I promised Dawn I would keep Aurora away from the dangerous life. I've done my best. And you are still living the dangerous life, Angel." He comes over to hand him the drink. Their fingers touch and the contact is electric.

Angel looks up into Spikes eyes for a second, then pulls his hand away. He takes a sip of his drink and then stands and nods putting the picture back and picking up the book. " I am dangerous, you're right. Maybe she shouldn't. Well then, let's talk about this book, then. It's why I came. Sadi said I should talk about royalties first that's what pissed her off the most but I just have one question." Angel leans against the fireplace looking at the book.

Spike takes a deep breath and sighs. "What's the question?"

Angel looks up and turns the book forward the cover towards Spike. "Are you completely out of your mind? I mean do you think of anyone other than yourself? I hold a high power job and if anyone with half a brain who wanted to learn about me could tie the bits and pieces together from the book. Jesus, Spike, Connor O'Brian and Thomas Franklin? Could you have tried harder to mix up the names? Make me Spanish or make you Italian. But no! Irish name and Victorian name might as well have just written Liam Frances O'Connor and William Matthew Banner and be done with it." Angel runs a hand through his hair and begins to pace.

"So you *are* here to kick my ass for telling dirty little secrets. I didn't tell anything that they couldn't find out by research. I *saw* W&H's files on you, remember? Well, except for the bits between us. Is *that* what bothers you?"

Angel growls and rubs his face with the book and throws it on the chair pointing to it. "It's my life too, Spike, and you just laid it all out for everyone to read. Did you maybe stop to consider what I would feel about it? How I would take it? Those are my memories too. Did you not think that maybe I wanted to have stuff to keep just for me?" Angel turns around and grabs the fireplace mantle. "That some of those things I wanted just for me for eternity and no one else? Darla and Drusilla didn't even know half of the things in that book. They were mine too and you didn't even care to ask me how I would feel."

"No, I didn't. You've always made it very clear how you feel about me now, Angel. You hate me. You hate how I remind you of the old days before you were cursed. But there was beauty to those days, and I wanted that preserved. I didn't think you would care, frankly. You always like to pretend they didn't happen." Spike stands with his arms crossed, his blue eyes sparkling in the firelight.

Angels eyes flash and he grabs Spike's arm. He picks up the book and jerks Spike in front of him, clasping one arm around his body and pulling him tight against him. He opens the book to a marked page. "And Connor pulled Thomas against him after they were sated and pleasured beyond measure and whispered in his boy's ear." Angel trails his lips to Spikes ear. "I adore you, my boy, you're so damn beautiful. I can never get enough of you. You're all I can think about. All I desire is you. If I could feel love as you do, I would love you more than anything. But know this… you're the most prized possesion I have. You're mine always and forever. Never forget that." Angel throws the book down and brings up the other arm and holds tighter and whispers. "Seems to me Connor loved Thomas even if he couldn't tell him. What do you think he would feel after a soul got placed inside him?"

Spike struggles a bit, but not too much, against Angel's arms. "I don't know. I know he stopped touching him, stopped whispering to him, ran away and hid for years and years. Left him alone with a madwoman for company." A hint of tears mist up in those huge blue eyes.

Angel loosens his hold some but doesn't let go and continues whipering. "Maybe he was afraid what Thomas would say-- what he would feel towards Connor now that he was different, now that he couldn't feed or hunt with him."

"I'm writing a sequel now...years later, after they both have souls. I can't write what really happened, though. Too many people know the stories. It'll be pure fiction. Connor will find Thomas again and they will touch, and whisper, and finally be able to say the words to each other. Not like what really happened-- the disdain, the scorn you heaped on me. Tried to make me feel small and dirty."

Angel lays his face into Spikes hair and sniffs rolling the hair at his nape in his fingers. "Will they be happy-- Connor and Thomas? Will they have the love each of them dreamed of?"

"It won't be easy... can't be easy, not with those two. But yes, they will have the love they dreamed of, longed for, through all those lonely, awful nights." Spike shivers as Angel fondles his hair.

Angel kisses the top of Spike's head and turns him around. He is running his fingers over his lips when the door opens and the sound of a perky girl comes in. Angel steps back and tries to look like he was lounging. Aurora walks in and smiles at the newcomer. "Well, well Will. Did a fan and may I say yummy and broad, well- dressed fan come to see you in person finally?"

Spike steps back, goes over and hugs Aurora. "Hello, niblet. This isn't a fan." He smirks. "This is the notorious Angel." He looks over to Angel to see his reaction.

Angel just smiles some and nods to Aurora then steps forward extending his hand. "Hello, Aurora you look so much like your Mom. She was a great person." Aurora squeals in delight and shakes Angel's hand. She proceeds to walk around him looking him over. "Oh my god Will is it really, really him? * The *Angel? Aunt Buffy's Angel? Your Angel? Angel, Angel? God damn! And I thought Mom overexaggerated you too but nope just like you said. God he's wide isn't he?"

She finally comes around to face a very amused looking Angel who replies kind of shyly, "The one and the same."

Aurora breathes out and fans herself dramatically. "Oh, so cool."

Spike chuckles. "Yes, he's wide. Big hulking monstrosity is more like it. Frankenstein forehead and all. But you be careful, Aurora. This is a really dangerous man who's come here to beat me up for my little book." Spike grins. "And what are you doing home? I expected you'd be out with your friends on Bourbon Street at least until the bars closed. How am I supposed to have secret affairs if you come home early?"

Aurora smacks Spike in the arm and picks up her tiny purse from the chair. "I forgot this. Need it if I want to drink in a bar, Will. But I'm so glad I had to come back for it. Wouldn't wanna miss this for the world. Well I am gonna take this cue to like go now. I am so happy to meet you and don't listen to Will. He stopped several times between the juicy spots in the book to have what he referred to..' *making air quotes* ' quiet time. Well, see you when I see you! Maybe I'll stay at Marcy's...well ta and love ya... Good to meet you Angel." Aurora kisses Spike's cheek and then pinches Angel's cheek and runs out giggling.

Angel turns to Spike and smiles "Quiet time?"

Spike mutters under his breath, "She's not too big to spank. I can still spank her, right? Or would that make me a perv?" Turning to Angel. "Yes. Time to wank. Clear enough for you?"

Angel laughs and walks around the room with his glass. "I think she may be a bit too big to spank. Plus she strikes me as the kind that would like it. Maybe it was your influence but I don't suggest it. Anyway I read the book over thirty times. The writing seemed a bit overjoyed like the writer enjoys recounting tales. She didn't say anything I couldn't guess. She's a good girl, Spike. You did very well. I'm proud." Angel touches a big-backed chair tracing around the edges of it while swirling his glass.

Spike sees the motion, so familiar. Angelus used to do that, pacing, before he came over to pounce on him. It was part of a little dance they did, circling around. Angelus liked the stalking, the moving in slowly, the movement of predator after prey. He'd circle around, remove some of his clothes, talk softly and dirty to him...Spike snaps back and notices Angel unbuttoning his suit jacket.

Angel removes the jacket and sets it on the back of the chair. He looks at Spike and smirks. "Something the matter? I hope not. And it's nice to know you still get excited enough to need wank time." Angel looks up and his eyes sparkle some as he continues walking around tracing stuff. His voice is a sultry whisper. "Will." He loosens his tie and looks at a painting his back to Spike.

Spike shudders a bit. Angel could still do it, cast that deadly predator spell. But Spike had lots of years to grow armor, and he pulls himself together. "I'm still Spike to you, ponce. Only my friends get to call me Will." Trying to be nonchalant, he says. "So where are you staying? Or are you staying? Was this just a little fly- in, fly-out between corporate meetings?"

Angel's shoulders slump some and he checks his breath. Then he looks at Spike and sits in a chair. "No, I'm here for as long as I please. The CEO gets to do what he wants when he has people to cover him. I always go places, fight demons, save lives. I'm here for as long as you want me around. I am staying at a nearby hotel. But I only did that `cause I didn't know how welcome I would be here. I have the stuff ready to be delivered if you don't mind," he trails off.

Spike shrugs. "I've got an extra room. You could stay for a while, get to know Aurora, maybe comment on the new book...Why now?" Spike's voice goes suddenly from cool and controlled to a little ragged and raw.

Angel points to the book, keeping his face lowered so he didn't give more away just yet. "Book. The memories from your point of view. You think you know how someone feels but you never really do. I got to read what you felt and it touched something in," Angel touches his heart, "in here" Angel coughs and he stands up grabbing his cell from his pocket. "I am gonna call the hotel and tell them to deliver my things. I will be right back and you can show me my room." Angel steps into the hall and makes his call.

Spike picks up his drink and gulps it. It's like some ancient dream come true. He can't quite trust it. He knows Angel hates him, *knows* it, bears the scars of it on his soul. But Angel walks in and makes those eyes and touches him and here Spike is, all raw and vulnerable again, damnit. What on earth possessed him to let him stay here. To have him so close...

Angel comes in and coughs breaking Spike out of his thoughts. "They said 20 minutes. So maybe you can show me my room and then maybe show me to some blood. Then you're free of me for the rest of the night."

Spike shakes himself and starts walking, moving past Angel. "This way." He takes him up to a small but lushly appointed room. The bed is large and features old-fashioned curtains all around it. "Second line of defense." Spike comments. "You've got your own bathroom. I know you like to sleep naked but remember to put clothes on before you leave your room. There's a balcony, too. Behind those heavy curtains there are a set of French doors. Now, this way to the blood." He turns and starts heading back down the stairs.

Angel nods and notices how methodical Spike is being, trying to be firm and controlling. He lets it go. He knows Spike needs to feel in control, needs to have that comfort. "It's a nice room Spike it will do." And he follows him downstairs.

Spike goes into the kitchen. There are two refrigerators side by side. Spike opens the smaller of the two. "Blood. Mostly pig's blood and cow's blood. There's a little human I used to flavor it up or if I need to heal fast. There are mugs in the cabinet above the microwave." He turns around. Angel is too close. Spike doesn't breathe, becoming for a moment completely still, trying to regain control. "Anything else you need?"

Angel backs up and shakes his head outstretching his hand to caress Spikes cheek. "No, that's good. Thank you, Spike." There is a knock at the door and he takes his hand away. He heads to the door, retrieves his things, and comes back into the kitchen. "I am just going to rest up-- long flight. Thank you for letting me stay here, Spike. I will try not be a hassle and if you want book input I will be glad to give it." With that Angel takes his bags upstairs and goes into the room. He sets his stuff down and lays his head against a wall, regretting his playful manner earlier. He should've known better. He just couldn't help himself-- seeing Spike like he was when he was found so long ago, when he still breathed and had a pulse, when he caught Angelus' eye. Spike could never know the real reason of his turning. Never know what Angelus did to get his way-- to get William. Sighing he decides to take another shower and strips out of his clothes. He goes into the bathroom leaving the door open.

Spike is in the kitchen, leaning against the counter. He can still feel Angel's fingers on his cheek. Damnit, damn that man! It was some elaborate trick, a joke, a way to get even with him for the book, he just knew it! As he stands there, he can hear Angel's cell phone ring. The jacket! Spike rushes into the living room and answers it. "Angel's phone," he says.

Sadi squeals in worry. "Who are you and what have you done with Angel? Unhand him you cretin or I..I..I will talk your ear off and give you cell phone radiation. Where is he? Is he well? Who are you?"

Spike chuckles, "Whoa, hang on there, luv. I haven't done anything with him. I'm William Banner, and he's here visiting me. He left his phone downstairs. Give me a minute and I'll put him on the phone." He walks upstairs, talking as he goes. "So what's your name, pet? You seem awfully concerned about the big lug."

Sadi calms down and now her voice seems embarrassed. "Oh...oh sorry, Mr. Banner. My name's Sadi Masters. I am Angel's secretary and friend. I am the one who led him to your book."

"Really? Don't know if I should thank you for that or not. Time will tell." He wanders into Angel's room, as the door is open. He can hear the shower going. Oh, what the hell...he goes into the bathroom. "Angel, someone named Sadi calling for you."

Angel jumps some and turns and opens the clear curtain and grabs a towel then Spike hands him the phone. "Yes ...yes sweetie I'm just fine...no ...yes I still have all my parts...no we didn't fight..no I'm not stressed ..Yes Sadi I am practicing my mantra... No...No...yes I promise to call tomorrow. Alright...thank you ..yes I'll tell him ok...bye." Angel hangs up and hands the phone back to Spike. He turns off the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist then takes the phone back. "She wanted me to tell you that you have a pretty voice and that she's sorry for mistaking you for a serial killer." Angel shrugs and walks into the bedroom. "She's a little high strung but she is a good person."

When Angel opens the curtain, Spike can't help it. His eyes flick up and down that sculpted muscular body. It's just as he remembers it, except maybe a few more scars. After the initial look he keeps his eyes on Angel's face...but the smell of Angel, fresh from the shower, is like an aphrodisiac. He shifts to hide his arousal. "It's nice you have someone to worry about you, ever since Harm went off with that werewolf."

Angel nods and runs his fingers through his hair. He smells something familiar but he doesn't wanna scare Spike off by commenting. "Yeah, and she is so much better for my nerves. I liked Harmony but lets just say Sadi is good for me in a totally friend and work capacity" Angel starts to fiddle with his fingers. He doesn't wanna change in front of Spike and make him more nervous or freaked out.

"I'll go and let you get some rest." Spike leaves, closing the door behind him, and goes off to his room. He sits on his bed, shaking. He then gets up and paces. *I don't know how I'm going to survive this. He can still push all my buttons. Damnit, gotta get tough. *

Angel releases a full body shudder as soon as Spike leaves the room. * God I smelled his arousal. How does he expect me to be cool when he does that? Mantra...mantra, Angel... Woo Saa...Wooo Saaa. * Releasing the towel, he slips on a pair of Pajama bottoms and thinks on what to do. He decides to unpack then go out on the balcony and do some tai chi. It always helped him center.

Spike gets undressed, slipping into matching midnight blue silk boxers and a silk robe. He had long ago learned to stay dressed with a very curious and friendly child in the house. He gets his cigarettes and a lighter and goes out onto his balcony to smoke. He lights up a cigarette and inhales, letting the act of smoking relax him, as he stands there in the moonlight.

Angel finishes folding his last pair of pants and closes the drawer feeling like a small job well done. He goes over to the doors and opens them, breathing in the night air and smiling slightly. * It's nice here, * he thinks, * quiet and calm. * He steps out and lifts his face to the sky and then places his feet centering his body. Taking a deep breath he closes his eyes and places his arms in front of him taking the first stance.

Spike can see the moonlight reflecting off skin on the balcony next to his. He shifts, slightly, and he can see Angel doing tai chi. He is so graceful for someone his size.

Angel pushes his right fist forward then pulls it back shifting his shoulders then doing the same with his left. Then he brings his hand to his chest and pushes his hands palms up out in front of himself.

Spike continues to watch the smooth movements. He knew the ivy would hide him here, and the wind carried his smoke and smell away from Angel...but he could smell Angel strong. His arousal came back again and he drops one hand down to touch himself through his boxers.

Angel pushes his hands up above his head. Then he tilts his position, pointing in Spike's direction, totally exposing his front side to his view. He continues doing the movements slow and languidly.

Spike rubs himself as he continues to watch. Those muscles...that chest. Finally he can't stand it and rushes inside so he lay down on the bed and finish stroking himself, hard and fast, picturing Angel's body in the moonlight, and in the shower. It took very little time for him for him to come.

Angel snaps his eyes open and smiles softly sniffing the air. Spike was there and it seems Spike was enjoying the show just fine. Angel smiles. He has always been a voyeur but he likes to be watched too. Stretching, he goes back inside and shuts the doors and closes the curtains. Picking up a tank top he slips it on and decides to go get a drink and some blood. He opens his door and pads downstairs to the kitchen.

A little while later Spike comes downstairs. He needs a good cup of blood. He is still in the boxer and robe. He sees Angel down there. He smirks. "I keep running into you, mate." He pours himself some blood and sticks the mug in the microwave.

Angel looks Spike over and bites the inside of his lip not to growl softly at how erotic a sight it is-- the silk and the colors and his boy all wrapped up in it. Not trusting his voice he just nods and takes another sip of blood. He rearranges his position, but that's not working. He stands up and walks to the living room. The he brings the high back chair to the fire as Angelus would do and sits in it.

Spike stands for a while, not sure what Angel's reaction meant. He thought he smelled arousal but he wasn't sure. The microwave beeps, and Spike takes the mug out and sips the warm blood. *Fuck it. I'm not just going to hang out in the kitchen.* He walks into the living room and sees Angel sitting by the fire. It brings back memories again. He can remember kneeling beside such chairs, Angelus' fingers in his hair, or kneeling in front, his mouth working on Angelus' cock as the fire warmed his naked backside. But no such thing was going to happen tonight. Spike stretches out on the couch and sips his blood. "So am I just poor company? I can go back upstairs if you prefer."

Angel shakes his head but doesn't risk turning it. He tries out his voice looking into the fire. "No Wi..Spike. You're perfect company-- the best. Two hundred plus years and you're still the best. I just..I hate kitchens." Angel winces some at his own bad lie and sighs. He rubs his face and gestures around the room. "I like in here, it feels like home. It reminds me of things."

Spike chugs a bit of blood. "Yeah. This room is the whole reason I bought the house. I sit in here some nights and just...remember. It helped a lot when I was working on the book." Spike sighs. "Listen, I'm sorry if I offended you with it, really. It's just... those times were so wild and so incredible. They are seared in me forever. And I wanted them to shine forever, not be lost into dust."

Angel finally risks a glance in Spikes direction. His eyes glow from the reflection of the fire and his voice is low and calm, bordering on somber. "I'm not offended I'm just a little sad. I do like that it is popular, that men and woman love it, that it brings joy to others even if it has our carnage. I just.. I just..." Angel sighs and tips the rest of the blood back and leans forward running his hands through his hair. "When I touched you I knew that it was just you and me. No one else would ever touch you and know what me touching you did to me to you. I guess when the book came out I just felt violated, like my special memories were tainted. I don't now though. After the third reading and the fact others enjoyed it-- it made me feel proud that you wanted to share it." Angel smiles and whispers seductively, " to share our passion for one another."

Angel's voice, low and whispering, made Spike shiver. * He can't mean it, it's a game. Don't lose yourself in it.* "No one still has ever touched me like that. No one."

Angel has to close his eyes and turn back to the fire so his joy is not exposed-- so his possessive nature doesn't come rolling out screaming "Mine, Mine...My Boy, my Will ...Mine!" He rubs his palms back and forth on the chair and nods. "Well Angelus is a scary person I would imagine not finding someone else to..." Angel trails off and leans back in the chair and rubs his chin.

"You still act like it was a different person that did all that. I mean, it is somewhat, but not completely. I didn't lose all my feelings about it when I got a soul."

Angel remains in his position, rubbing his chin, and threads his fingers through his hair with his other. "I know that, Spike. I just… it makes me feel better. It lets me disconnect from my bad side. That's what Angelus represents-- the evil inside me. I use it to free up myself. Even if it's a second of freedom, it's freedom nonetheless. Plus no long hair and the lilt is practically gone from my voice. Unless I sit here and try." Angel coughs and goes into brogue, "Tis the only way'ta show how much a Irish lad I be dear Will."

*Oh god the brogue.* Spike has to shift again at a surge of arousal, hearing it again. He stifles a moan. "Don't call me Will unless you mean it." There is a pleading tone in his voice.

Angel's eyes flash and he looks at Spike intensely, "You do not believe I do, do you? You don't think I mean it."

"How can you after everything...." Spike's voice chokes up.

Angels applies a growl to his voice. He's not angry at Spike he is more angry with himself. "I have no excuse. I was scared then I was angry seeing you with Drusilla. It broke something insde me. I can't take it back and since then-- it was one thing for me to draw on, to keep the hate alive, make it burn one after the other after the other. I can only say sorry. But I never stopped Will, not once. Not deep down. In my blood and my gut you have always been here." He points to his heart then his head "You have never left."

Spike shakes his head. "I hated you so much for leaving. But you know, Angel, hate is so fucking close to love. You've always had the power to move me, to make me feel. I just don't know how you can come here after all this time..." Spike gets up. He can't take it anymore, and he leaves, running up the stairs.

Angel gets up and curses under his breath and storms up the stairs. Catching Spike's arm before he goes into his room, Angel whips him around. "Don't run Will! I'm sorry you're upset. I just want to talk."

Spike punches Angel across the face and yanks his arm away. "Let me go!"

Angel, not thinking, just in a fit of stress and his temper beginning to flare, strikes back. It sends Spike onto the bed where he pins him down holding his wrists. His eyes flash and he looks down at Spike. He snaps out of it and jumps back off the bed, realizing he is being like Angelus. He starts to apologize but just turns and walks out to his own room. He closes the door and sits on the bed.

Spike lay on the bed, panting, hard. For just a moment, he thought...but no. This couldn't happen. His eyes mist and he howls in a mix of rage and frustration, then goes to take a shower.

Angel wrings his hands together. He hates it each time he breaks and acts like Angelus. Only a couple things do it and Spike just happens to be one of them. Resigning himself he just strips down and climbs in bed. He will let it rest till morning. He knows it will be odd but they have to talk. He lays his head down and closes his eyes. Tonight will be a fitful sleep.

Spike stays in the shower a long time, shedding tears he didn't know he had in him, and scrubbing the scent of Angel from where he touched him off his body. He crawled into bed, finally, and dropped off to sleep.

The next morning came soon. Spike crawls out of bed after a night spent with dreams of ancient times tormenting him. He dresses in tight jeans and a black silk dress shirt and heads down for his morning blood and to cook breakfast for everyone.

He sips his blood and then starts making coffee, frying bacon, making eggs, and popping toast into the toaster.

Aurora yawns and walks in, with piggy tails, pajama bottoms, and a cheshire cat tank top on. She sits and then lays her head down on the table doing her morning whine. "Juice...need juice."

Angel opens his eyes slowly he feels like a ton of bricks hit him he looks at the clock. Ahhh, that's why. Only about 4 hours of sleep tops. Climbing out of bed he retrieves a pair of loose black slacks and a white tank top-- his around the room wear-- and opens the door slowly. He walks down the stairs and into the kitchen. He freezes when he sees Spike but then spots Aurora and sits next to her.

Spike gets Aurora a glass of juice and turns to set it in front of her. He pauses in mid-movement as he sees Angel but then smoothly delivers the juice. "There you go, OJ for my little girl." He looks over at Angel. "What do you want? To drink, I mean?"

Aurora notices this small exchange and lets it sit for now. She takes her juice swallowing and smiling at Spike. "Thank you, you savior you."

Angel smiles at Aurora. "Me I just need Blood please."

Spike bows with a small flourish towards Aurora. And he goes to microwave a mug of blood for Angel. As he does so, he put the finishing touches on the bacon and eggs and starts serving up plates for the three of them. "You don't have to eat, you can always just hurt my feelings..." Spike says in a mock nagging tone. He sits down with a mug of blood and a cup of coffee and begins to eat.

Aurora notices this too and looks to the both of them avoiding eyes and just acting out being civil and bites into her bacon. "So guys-- you have two choices. I tell you who I made out with in the bar or you tell me how your get together went day number one."

Angel chokes on his blood. He liked Aurora; she went straight to the point and did it with grace and humor. He wipes the corner of his mouth and looks into his cup acting like it will give him answers to great questions.

Spike gives a big evil grin. "I think you should tell us who you made out with last night. I hope he... or she... was cute."

Aurora narrows her eyes at this. She knows Spike and this is telling. He never wants to hear about her and anyone, male or female. so she puts her fork down and looks to Angel looking in his cup like it is gold. "So Angel how did it go last night? I mean come on tell me."

Angel shifts and looks at Aurora and coughs. "It was all right. We touched base and talked about history."

Aurora looks to Spike. "And was it fun rehashing old times?"

"Yes and no." Spike says and eats a big mouthful of eggs and bacon.

Aurora blows a breath of agitation. She throws her fork at Spike and pinches Angel in the side. "Ok, that's it! Start talking. I have a weekend to start-- beach and fun party galore-- and if I can't leave you two alone `cause your acting all toddler with each other I swear to god I will stake you both."

Spike rolls his eyes. "You take entirely too much after your mother. Ok, it was rough. We haven't seen each other in a while, and you know the stories. We don't exactly have a smooth relationship with each other. There! Happy?"

Aurora looks to Angel. "Is that true?"

Angel nods and looks guilty. "I got a little too much into our history acted a bit too much like the past I'm sorry." *Angel realizes he has nothing to apologize to her for but he was saying it to Spike through her.

Aurora nods, stands up, leans over, and whispers in a hiss. "I may be like my mother William. If she were here right now she would've slapped you, told you to get a life. Now I have a feeling you shut him out at every turn, `cause that's what you do I love you but if you blow the chance you prayed for I swear I will never forgive you."

Spike looks shocked. "I take it you feel strongly about this, then. And what makes you think I prayed for this?" And what he wanted to scream out to Angel is that he wanted him to *keep* acting a little more like the past. To just take him and not brood so damn much.

Aurora leans further over the table and whispers in Spikes ear. "Will don't treat me like I'm dumb or I will go get the mountain of poems written all within the last three months, or your diary, or I will just tell him what I hear you pant while in quiet time Now I have a shower to take and a beach house to get to. Please don't fuck this up, or I may just have to be disappointed in you for the first time ever in my life." She stands up and leans over to whsiper in Angels ear, "He is strong don't ever think he isn't but if you hurt him in any way I will show you what Summers blood has done for me." Smiling she stands and kisses each of their cheeks and walks out.

Angel eyes widen and he watches her go.

Spike chuckles a little nervously. "She scares me sometimes. And really, really listens at the door and goes through my stuff too much, apparently."

Angel nods slowly and turns to Spike. "She has the blood of two strong women and you raised her. I would bet she is the most dangerous girl on the planet bar none." He tries to grin.

"Yeah, probably is." Spike cleans up from breakfast and he and Angel pass the time in comparative silence. He goes up to his office and starts trying to type on the new book.

Angel remains at the table then gets up. He washes the dishes to distract himself then when those are done he walks around the house giving himself a tour. When that is done he sighs and walks to Spikes office peeking in then walking away. A few minutes alter he peeks again.

Spike can feel Angel each time he peeks in. He types the same few sentences over and over again and finally gives up in frustration. He goes over to the bar, gets out a bottle of Jack Daniels, and starts drinking.

When Angel peeks again he sees Spike drinking. * Well this is never good * he thinks. Walking in he grabs the bottle out of his hand. "Spike please don't."

Spike grabs the bottle back. "It's my house, mate. I can bloody well drink if I feel like it. And right now I definitely fucking feel like it." He chugs a considerable amount out of the bottle.

Angel wants to spit and growl at Spikes deviance but that's Angelus. So he just throws up his hands and walks out. He goes to the living room, plops in the chair by the fire, and broods.

It's sometime later in the evening. Aurora has left for her beach weekend. Spike has finished two bottles of Jack. He comes toddling into the living room where Angel sits by the fire. He comes and reaches over the back of the chair and hugs Angel's neck and kisses him on the cheek. "You're a very handsome bloke, d'ya know that, Angel baby? Really, really striking. And fuckable. So what the *fuck* are you fucking doing here exhuming the dead?" Spike tries to make it to the couch but loses his balance and lands hard on the floor next to the chair, back to the fire, facing Angel. "I mean, I have to be dead to you, don't I, after all this fucking time? After all the things we said and did to each other?"

Angel doesn't spare a glance to Spike. He ignores the handsome comments. He was waiting for this, biding his time and just waiting for Spike to come. He shakes his head and keeps his voice even. "No, you're not dead to me Spike. We did those things cause we were scared and we didn't know how to get back to good."

Spike's eyes mist. His voice shakes. "And now? What's fucking different now?"

Angel looks to Spike and whispers. "I'm not scared anymore I see everything so clearly now."

"I don't, Angel. I don't. Tell me what you see." He grabs Angel's hand. "Tell me."

Angel smiles softly and grabs Spike. He pulls him between his legs and strokes his cheeks. "I see you. That's all I need to see I read what you felt and it all became crystal clear. You're trying too hard Will-- just let it all go and look at me. Look at me like you used too and just see me. That's all you need to do. Just......see....me."

Spike looks up at Angel. He gets up onto his knees, and pulls Angel's face down to his. He kisses him hard. "This seems familiar. Except I'm usually naked. And sucking your cock."

Angel laughs softly. He picks up Spike, sets him on his lap, and strokes his hair. "I'll give you this, you're goal-orientated. But now's not the time, Will. Not when you're like this. You'll only feel regret in the morning if you're not sure how you feel..."

Angel kisses Spike's head. "But soon we can do familiar all you please. Baby, I promise this time will be good."

Spike buries his head in Angel's neck. He licks and sucks. "Angel, I want to...I want to...."

Angel tries to restrain himself when Spike licks and sucks at his neck. "What do you want Will tell me.."

"I want to be with you. I want to pull you around me like a blanket and live inside you." He licks the hollow of Angel's neck and nibbles along his collarbone.

Angel shivers at Spikes words and pulls him closer. "You can, Will. We just have to do it proper. But you and me can lay here till you're tired. Then I can carry you to bed-- even sleep with you if you want."

"Yeah...sleep with me..." Spike nuzzles a little more, then passes out against Angel's chest.

Angel smiles softly. This is like old times. He stands up carefully with Spike in his arms and carries him upstairs to his room. He lays him down and strips him of his clothes. Then he strips off his. Climbing in bed, he pulls Spike up against him and pulls the covers up around them. He kisses Spikes head and whispers. "I love you William Matthew Banner." Then lays his head on the pillow by Spikes head. He falls asleep almost instantly-- having this familiarity and his boy, he's home.

Spike wakes up in the morning. His mouth feels like something furry slept in it. His head hurt. *Too much damn booze, Willie my boy.* He looks down and he is naked. Then he becomes aware of a weight around his waist. He looks over and sees it is an arm...Angel's arm in fact. He can feel a very naked Angel spooned in behind him. He remembers being in Angel's lap, but after that... *Oh god. What did we do?* He grabs Angel's arm and tries to move it.

Angel tightens his hand, feeling a bit proud he didn't give in last night. `Cause he was right about what morning would bring and he whispers, "Nothing happened, Will. You asked me to sleep with you and that's all that happened-- sleep."

Spike struggles a bit more to get up. "Is that all I asked for? I seem to remember some other things..."

Angel pulls Spike completely against him, refusing to give up this time. He keeps his voice soft and continues whispering just like Spike likes. "No, Will, you're right. You asked for more. You said you wanted to wrap me around you like a blanket." Angel stretches his leg over Spikes and tilts his chest over Spikes till he is practically surrounding him. "Done. And you said you want to be with me. You are now here. You're with me." Angel smirks. "Something about my cock was mentioned but we can let that slide."

Spike is now pleasantly smooshed into the bed, surrounded by cool flesh. His own cock twitches, remembering the position he was in last night, and what he said. "No, I think we need to ger back around to that one sooner or later. That one was important. But for now," Spike squirms and struggles just to rub against the firmness of the muscles holding him. "This will do."

Angel simply hmms and kisses into the nape of Spike's neck. He moans wistfully and whispers in his ear. "You feel good...smell good...Better than I remembered. I'm wondering…" Angel licks a path from neck to ear and chuckles softly, "Yep, still taste good too."

Spike hisses as Angel licks him. "Damnit, Angel. You still know all the spots." He wiggles hard until he turns around to partly face Angel. He licks and nips and sucks at Angel's nipple. If he was going to be held down damnit he intended to get ravished.

Angel laughs and rolls on top of Spike, brings his hands up, and holds them down. This time it doesn't seem wrong but very right. "Naughty Boy! Now be good. But I cover you this way too I guess." Angel flexes his fingers around Spikes wrists.

Spike squirms under Angel. Their cocks brush lightly. Spike captures Angel's lips in a passionate kiss.

Angel gasps then brushes back against Spike gently he growls and nips at Spikes bottom lip and his eyes flash he whispers huskily. "Will, if you don't want this I suggest you stop. I can't be held accountable for what I do if you keep it up."

"You keep calling me Will. Am I Will? Am I your darling boy again? And what are you going to do to me if I keep doing *this*?" He squirms again, forcing their hard cocks into contact, the velvety flesh sparking.

Angel nods and kisses him lightly, hissing with pleasure when Spike surges against him again. He slips his legs between Spike's. "Of course, you're my Will. Of course, you're my darling boy, you're my beautiful breathtaking gorgeous boy and I love you." Angel then trails his mouth to Spike's ear, brings on his brogue and thrusts a tiny bit harder. "We know wha happens dear boy when ya play wit me, when ya challenge me. Will do na test me."

"Oh, Angel, damnit. I love you too, you handsome man. And I do know what will happen. That's why I do it. I could never resist..." He twists again, bringing their cocks together.

Angel growls harder at the spoken admission from Spike's lips and bites his wrist. He covers the fingers of his free hand not letting Spikes wrists go. He trails his hand down and circles his bloody fingers around Spike's quivering hole. He lets his eyes flash to gold and licks Spike's lips whispering against them. "Tell me Baby what you want from me...tell me and I'll give you whatever you wish Will."

Spike whispers back hoarsely, "Fuck me hard. Let me feel your enormous cock inside me again. It's been too damn long, Angel."

Angel nods and kisses Spike and pushes a finger inside his willing silky hole penetrating and thrusting back gently stretching with each movement, being as gentle as he has probably ever been. He trails his mouth to Spike's neck and kisses his bite mark over and over. He remembers his secret. He rubs his face against it now desperately wanting to tell his boy. He feels the muscles loosen around his finger and adds another while rubbing.

Spike moans, and then he gasps as the second finger is added. He struggles, just a little, to enjoy the sensation of his arms firmly pinned above his head. "Angel...oh, god...that feels so good. So damn long..."

Angel scrapes his teeth over the mark and then looks in his boy's eyes as he pumps a third finger inside him. "I know Will, I know. Baby I have to tell you something. You have to listen. Are you listening?" He pumps slower but keeps his fingers embedded and deep pleasuring his boy.

Spike mewls and purrs. "You picked a hell of a time to talk but yes you have my un-fucking-divided attention!"

Angel manages a tiny smile. He thrusts and scrapes his fingers over Spikes prostate and whispers in his ear, "You're not Drusilla's childe, you're mine...you're mine Will."

"But...but...I remember her biting me. She bit me and I woke up a vampire. She said she made me. How... how am I your childe?"

Angel continues his thrusts and nods. He looks into Spikes eyes his eyes slightly wet from emotion. "She did, Will. I told her to. I always had a way with her, you know that. She wanted a toy and you came wooshing in. I saw you and I felt your pain and your strength. I saw your face, your eyes. I had to have you but Darla made it perfectly clear. No more childer after Drusilla, not one. I had to come up with a plan, a way. So I told Drusilla to talk to you and to bite you, just enough to make you weak. She did as she was told. As soon as you were weak enough to be disoriented, I came out of the darkness. I distracted Drusilla with a lie about a little girl in piggytails and then fed from you. I slit my wrist and gave you my blood. Drusilla came back and I had her feed you some blood once you were already gone. She was none the wiser. Same with Darla. They just assumed, Will." Angel lays his head on Spike's chest and pumps slower now, angling his fingers, hitting his nub each time.

Spike moans, and then says, "So I'm yours...just yours?"

Angel nods and kisses Spike's nose removing his fingers. He places his cock to Spike's hole and whispers. "Just Mine, Will. All mine. You ready, baby?"

"Oh god yes!" Spike quivers against Angel. "Fuck me hard!"

Angel nods and bends down. He engulfs Spike's lips in a gentle sensual kiss. He pushes forward burying himself to the hilt inside his boy, moaning out loud at the contact, and rubbing his thumbs over Spike's cheekbones while waiting for Spike to adjust. "Oh god, Will, I forgot. God, Baby, I forgot how good you feel."

Spike moans into the kiss. He is in a state of bliss- restrained and filled and loved. He wraps his legs around Angel's lower back, tilting his hips up hard against Angel.

Angel tilts his hand back and grabs Spikes ankles. When his boy wants hard, he doesn't compromise. So Angel grabs them and then thrusts forwards, angling his hips up, then pulling out fast. He thrusts back hard at an angle, hitting his prostate at every entry. He throws back his head and grits his teeth against the sensations. It's all too much, too good. He keeps up his pace reining in as much as he can without cumming inside his boy now.

Spike's features shift. It is all too fantastic...the feelings overwhelm him. He growls at each deep stroke and shoves back as hard as he can in his position. Impaled, back arched, he wants Angel as deep inside as he can manage. His own cock is rubbed between their bellies. "God! Fuck! Annnnnnggggggeeeeeellllllll!" He comes himself, spurting between their bellies, unable to restrain himself.

Angel cums when his boy does, Spike's internal muscles squeezing him of every drop. He wails and trembles and finally drops on top of Spike panting even though he doesn't need to. "That was incredible Will."

"God, yes, Angel. How did it take us so fucking long to come back to this?

His hands finally free, he strokes Angel's face, feeling the contours, stroking along the strong jaw. "I love you, Angel."

Angel sets up and smiles brilliantly and kisses Spike softly. "I love you too, Will. And it doesn't matter `cause we are together now, me and you, and we have forever-- as long as you want it, that is." Angel brushes some of Spike's hair out of his face.

Spike kisses Angel back, and then licks along his jawline and down onto his neck. "Forever sounds good. What about W&H?"

Angel shrugs and leans into Spike's kisses. "I can quit or I can just run it from here I like it here. Fly back when they need me. It's just a job, Spike. I have enough money to last me lifetimes. I do it `cause it keeps my foot in the door but I don't have to, I just like to."

Spike snuggles into Angel. "Good. I can't leave Aurora. I'm glad she likes the idea of us together. And it seems like you two will get along. She's an amazing young woman, Angel."

Angel rolls off Spike and pulls him close threading his fingers in Spikes hair. "I wouldn't want you to leave her. She loves you very much, I can tell, and I will get along with her just fine. I can't help looking at her and seeing a Summers girl. She is marvelous and I think you're a big reason for that. Wait till we tell her, she will die with glee. I think she seemed so upset when she found out we fought."

Spike leans his head into Angel's hand and purrs. "I think you are right. So, should we go get some blood now?"

Angel nods but then rolls back over on top of Spike. "Yeah, just wait though for a little bit. I'm hungry for something else first." Angel smirks and then starts to kiss down Spike's body, licking and sucking on certain spots. He reaches Spike's hipbones where he licks sensually in long slow strips, looking up at Spike, sis eyes sparkling, hoping Spike will catch on to what he intends to do . Angel has a plan. He will make this coming back together like no other, and he is starting here.

Spike reaches down and buries his hands in Angel's hair. He couldn't believe this was about to happen. In all the times with Angelus, he had never.... Spike moaned and his cock sprang to attention. His eyelids flutter and then he forces them open, looking directly at Angel. He wants to experience this, to see Angel and to let Angel see him while this happens.

When Angel is sure he has Spike's full attention he trails his tongue over. He licks from root to tip slowly, then back down and starts over, just savoring everything from taste to feel. Once he has done that for a couple minutes, Spike's eyes are fully dilated but more fixed on him. He opens his mouth slowly and engulfs just the head, sucking it slowly in his mouth, licking the slit back and forth just tasting.

Spike mewls and whimpers as Angel works on his oh-so-sensitive head. "Oh, Angel....I never thought...."

Angel lets his eyes soften to express a emotion without words, as if to say 'I know baby everything is different now I want this I want you.' Then he stretches his throat muscles and starts to slide down Spike's erection, licking on his way down, and letting himself adjust. When he has taken it all, he bobs back up fast then slides back down slow, swirling his tongue on each upstroke.

It's sheer heaven, the feel of Angel's mouth wrapped around his cock, the tongue working on his shaft. Spike moans and purrs, and his hips twitch. He curls his hands in Angel's hair. "Yeeesssssssssssss....."

With this encouragement Angel sucks harder and faster, bobbing at a steady pace. He adds his hand to the base gripping and jacking slowly back and forth.

Spike begins to pant and whimper. The sensations are exquisite. He begins to buck his hips to meet Angel, to thrust into his mouth. He could never have imagined this. "Ungh... yes... god ...Angel ... god ...Angel ..ohgod ...Angel ...ohgod ...bloody ...hell ... yessssssssssssssss!" as he loses control and empties into Angel's mouth.

Angel swallows every drop. He kisses Spike's tummy, then he jumps up and kisses his lips. He throws on pajama pants and a black tank top and runs out of the room screaming happily, "I'm just gonna go have some blood! Now hurry up and join me."

Spike chuckles at the enthusiasm of his sire and he climbs out of bed. He just pulls on some boxers and heads down to the kitchen.

Angel brings his cup out of the microwave and slides Spike's in then turns to the running faucet where he is washing dishes.

"Well, aren't you just Holly Homemaker today? That's usually my job." Spike says as he sits down at the table.

Angel just shrugs. The microwave beeps and he slides Spike's cup to him, taking a sip of his, and whispers, "I was thinking about stuff and I like helping and with the stuff I was thinking I thought I should show you I meant it."

Spike takes a sip out of his cup. "Good on you. You've been considering this then? Thinking about being domestic?"

Angel shrugs his broad shoulders again and dries his hands and turns around with a serious expression. "Yeah...Domestic...and something else.... Submissive...I've been thinking about roles and the type of relationship I want to have and..and" Angel turns back to the dishes.

*God, just that word, submissive* "And....what?"

Angel whispers almost too low for Spike to hear. "I want you to fuck me."

Spike gets up and moves across the room, nearly touching Angel. "You want me to fuck you? Did you actually say that?"

Angel coughs and rubs the back of his neck and whispers even lower. "Yes I said I want you to fuck me."

Spike chugs down his mug of blood and sets it aside. He runs his hands up under Angel's tank top and plays with his nipples. "Oh, god, Angel, you just keep surprising me. Any particular time you had in mind for this?"

Angel shakes in a good way at his nipples being played with He rinses off the dishes and shakes his head talking a bit normal now. "No, Will, I thought it could be how you wanted. But I thought if I was gonna suggest..." Angel leans back into Spikes body. "I was gonna suggest that you do it how you want to. I won't fight. Anyway you want, anywhere you want.."

Spike thinks for a minute. "I *think* I know how and where I want it. Luckily you're strong and fairly flexible...the tai chi and all." Spike grins wickedly.

He leans forward and whispers into Angel's ear. Angel's eyes get wide but he nods.

When Spike leans back with a gleam in his eyes Angel can't help but smirk. He gulps his blood and walks into the living room. He stands in front of the fire, letting the light play off his form. He waits for Spike. As Angelus he loved to direct so he want to give Spike every chance to do just that.

Spike moves into the living room and over to Angel. He pulls Angel's tank top over his head, and then undoes his pants and pulls them down. "Step out of them." Spike says. He runs his hands up and down Angel's naked body. Then he drops his own boxers and steps out of them, and rubs their bodies together. "Goddamn, I love the sight of you naked. You're like some fantastic Renaissance statue. Put your arms behind your back and clasp your hands and keep them there."

Angel nods and clasps his hands together behind his back. Looking at Spike for the next move, he has to admit this is a bit exciting.

Spike starts by playing again with Angel's nipples, pulling and pinching. Then he runs his hands slowly down Angel's chest and then his stomach, and then onto Angel's cock. He strokes gently with his fingers up and down the cock. "Just stand there nice and still, like a good boy. Does this feel good?"

Angel nods and keeps himself still. He was a master of torture, he can handle this. Well, at least for now he can. "Yes."

"Spread your legs now...that's good." He reaches under and begins to fondle Angel's balls. He extends one finger to stroke the perineum.

Angels eyes glow softly and he digs his toes into the carpet just a smidge to keep still.

Spike trails his hands down to the hipbones and then moves around slowly behind Angel. "You have such a magnificent ass." Spike says. He strokes and fondles and digs his finger in. Then he lifts one hand up and bites shallowly into his wrist. He lets the blood flow down onto his fingers, and then licks the wound. He smears some around Angel's pucker, and then starts working one finger into his ass. "Oh, how tight. This is going to feel so gooooood when I work my cock up into you."

Angel gasps softly and digs his feet further and whispers out. "No..one..no one else ever."

Spike smiles and chuckles. "So I get to take your virginity then? How incredibly sweet." He snakes a finger from his other hand to touch the perineum again. Then he works another finger into Angel's ass. "How does that feel? I want to know everything."

Angel wrings his hands around his wrists and struggles for words at each thrust Spike makes. "Yes, you get mine just like I had yours. It feels good. I feel full. It's doesn't hurt that bad—it's a good hurt."

"I want it to feel good for you...so very good." Spike moves his fingers so that he gently strokes the prostate as he moves in and out...and then he works in a third finger.

Angel throws his head back when Spike hits his prostate and moans, "Do that again, Will. Please do that again."

"With pleasure." Spike starts slowly moving the fingers in and out, this time rubbing the prostate as he does so. He keeps it up for a little while, then slowly removes his fingers. He licks them clean. Then he goes to sit in the high-backed chair. "Come here, Angel, and stand in front of me."

Angel regains a bit of composure and stands in front of Spike sprawled sexily in the chair.

Spike smiles, running his hands up and down Angel's thighs. "God I love this. I want you to straddle the chair arms with your legs. You can use your arms to grip the chair for balance."

Angel shudders and grabs back of the chair above Spike's head. Then he straddles the arms of the chair and keeps himself just above Spike's crotch. He keeps steadily looking into Spike's eyes.

Spike moves his head forward and licks on Angel's abs. "You taste good. Now for the moment just hold still. Shouldn't be too difficult with those big muscles of yours." Spike grabs hold of Angel's hips and shifts his hips upward, slowly penetrating Angel's ass with his erect cock. He pushes the head in and hold still, letting Angel's virgin ass slowly adjust. "How is that?"

Angel's eyes dilate and his arms shake and he manages out breathlessly, "It's amazing. Don't stop, Will. Take me! Make me totally yours."

"Ohhhhhh....god. Angel...I'm going to work my way all the way in. But I'm going to do it slow, so you feel it. Every... fucking ...inch." Spike keeps working his cock into Angel. It was nowhere near as thick as Angel's, but it was slightly longer. He could feel the tight muscles of Angel's ass milking him, but he was determined to hold out, to make this as good for Angel as it was for him.

Angel grips the chair harder and it creaks slightly. He lays his head on Spike's shoulder whispering in a sultry voice in Spike's ear. "I feel you ...oh god Will I feel you make love to me. Baby, you feel so goood I feel so full only you..only you."

Spike shuddered. He fucking loved it when Angel whispered in his ear like that. He finally sank in all the way, and now he started to move in and out. "Meet me, Angel. Move your hips."

Angel, shaking and purring, intently starts to meet Spike's thrusts back and forth, angling his hips, driving Spike in further, adjusting to the feeling, reveling in it.

Spike runs his hands over Angel's chest. He tweaks his nipples. He starts pushing in harder and faster, excited by Angel's movements. "Yes...oh, yes... your ass feels so good..."

Then he moves his hands down to Angel's cock, wrapping his fingers around and starting to stroke and pump on his huge erection.

Angel begins to pant and moan. He thrusts back harder, grinding his hips against Spike's which thrusts his cock through Spike's fingers faster too. "Oh god Will ..I..I...Fuck..god."

Spike is pumping faster and harder, and he knows he can't last much longer. "I'm going to come soon, Angel. I want you to come with me. Come for me, my dearest."

Angel jacks himself a bit harder and faster, and at Spike's words, he freezes and cums hard and fast spilling on Spikes chest. "Oh Will oh I love you."

Spike comes, emptying himself into into Angel. "Oh, my love...oh yes!" He shudders hard, gripping deep into Angel's hips as he spasms. Then he slowly lowers himself down, slipping out of Angel. "That was the most incredible thing..."

Angel lifts his legs from the arms slowly and nods, burying his face in Spike's neck, panting. "Yes,yes it was..is it always like that I man does it always feel that good?"

"Probably even better for me...your enormous cock," Spike smiles. "But yes...it always feels that good."

Angel kisses Spike, slides down, and lays his head on Spike's lap. He thinks to himself *I'm home and I'm happy things can only get better.*

And Angel was right. Two years down the road everything was great. Spike wrote another two books with Angel's help and those two were top sellers. Spike was asked to do a new series but he wasn't sure Angel was all for it-- told Spike they could create a world of their own. Angel still ran W&H and flew in as was needed and did his work from home when he wasn't. He cut down on traveling to kill demons unless he was needed. Aurora graduated and was now a teacher in a local school, grade one, and she loved every minute. Not to mention she was engaged and three months pregnant. This caused Angel to think or as Spike would say brood about their life. So much was better, but they still hadn't taken a major step for vampires-- the claiming, to make them totally one, mated. So here Angel was hanging with Aurora at their usual lunch break.

Aurora rubs her tiny growing belly and takes a sip of her drink. "So Zach thinks I am being all power trippy over cribs, but Angel, he wants to buy one with footballs painted on it! I told him I know it's a girl. I just feel it. And he is being all stubborn. Stupid man! If Spike didn't adore the ground he walked on I would so have kicked him out by now." She pouts theatrically.

Angel laughs and kisses her head. "Aurora sweetie, I swear you need to learn to compromise. You're too much like Will as it is, and then you picked up some of my habits, not to mention the Summers blood. Poor Zach doesn't even know which side to stand on most days. Please be patient with him. He just wants you happy."

Aurora mock scowls. "Traitor! .Oh, fine, don't give me the 'I know better so listen to the centuries old vampire' brow...I will lay off. So is he hauled up writing again or are you having a squabble?"

Angel smirks. Two years and she still was the same wonderful girl. "Writing, Aurora. We came up with a idea last night. He likes the whole writing a female vampire's point of view idea so he has run with that. I will go get him."

Angel stands up and leans over and kisses her forehead. He walks to Spike's office knocking. "Will can I come in?"

"Come in." Spike looks around. "I just got off the phone with Harmony. Had to ask her some technical questions." He crosses over to kiss Angel. "What do you need, handsome man?"

Angel kisses Spike's nose. "Aurora's here. She came flashing in on a tizzy of pregnancy and Summers blood with a touch of Spike temper. And of course she needed surrogate advice. Zach made the slight error of liking a Madden-themed crib!" Angel smirks.

"What was he thinking? Sure, I'll come down." Spike gets up and goes downstairs with Angel. "Aurora!" He goes over and carefully hugs her.

Aurora hugs back and starts raving. She knows Angel is always civil. But even though Spike likes Zach, if she sounds wounded enough Spike gets a tick in his jaw and she feels validated. "Will, it was horrible! It had footballs and the mattress was like a fiiieeellld. Can you kill him? Please say yes--please?"

"I don't kill anymore, luv. Promised your mother. But I could maim him if you like. Torture him a bit."

Aurora sticks out her lips and drops in her chair and looks sullen. "Never mind. You will just wrestle him to the ground and make him wail like you're torturing him. And I am so tired of that trick by now. But seriously Will it was hideous and he just he just...grrr...Men!!"

Angel bends down and takes Aurora's hands. "Where is he, sweetness? Maybe we can talk to him about plain and simple instead of themed stuff?"

Aurora points outside. "Outside, by the door. I told him to stay there and think about what he did."

Angel laughs and heads to the door and whispers to Will. "You stay here and tell our girl how men are not dogs and I will get Zach." And he walks out of the room.

Aurora rubs her tummy.

"You heard Angel...men are not dogs. Pigs is more like it. Angel doesn't realize you're allowed to beat up on him because you are pregnant." He looks up as Zach comes back into the room. "Zach! Good to see you!"

Zach who, strangely, bears an odd and very close resemblance to Oz, walks in and smiles at Spike. He walks carefully to Aurora, bending down and kissing her cheek. "Hey, Honey, I am so sorry. But look! Angel gave me a card to a antique shop. Maybe we can find something perfect there."

Aurora looks at the card and then smiles at Zach and hugs him tightly. "I am so sorry Zachie wackie. I just I couldn't stomach that crib."

Zach smiles and helps Aurora up. "It's ok, Honey. Let's go. We have time. We will find the perfect thing now kiss everyone bye."

Aurora kisses Spike and then Angel's cheek.

Zach sighs and pats Angel and Spike on the back. "When this baby is born I am gonna shout to the heavens in joy. Thanks, guys."

Angel laughs and nods.

Spike pulls Zach into a hug, and then hugs Aurora again. "Good luck, you two. Come over for dinner Friday if you can."

Aurora and Zach nod and walk out. Angel closes the door and looks a bit off. He walks to the living room and pours a drink.

Spike follows in behind him. "Something wrong, dearest?"

Angel shakes his head minimally. "I'm not sure, not really. Not with them at least, if that's what you're thinking. I just… each time she comes in here all sunshine and light and hormones, I just remember that will never happen for us. For one, we're both male and two vampires immortal-- no reproduction for us. Fine. I have dealt with that. But I think about the one way we can be truly one-- and the fact that for two years every time I think about it, I let it go. I am afraid to ask the one man I love to let me claim him and mate with him `cause I am afraid of his answer. I am a Master damn vampire, the head of the Scourge of freaking Europe, and I'm a pansy about this."

Spike strokes the side of Angel's face. "No more than me. God, Angel, I've been terrified to go further. I didn't want to disturb what we've had. I can still hardly believe you are here." Spike holds his face and pulls him into a kiss.

Angel kisses him back softly, then looks in his eyes. "But do you want it? I do. So do you, I mean, want to be mine? To totally link us together in every way?"

"Yes. With the full damn ancient ritual and everything. Hell, if it were legal in this country I'd ask you to marry me too." Spike chuckles, then looks deep into Angel's chocolate brown eyes with his deep blue ones.

Angel pulls Spike up against him tightly and kisses his hair, speaking huskily. "Good, good when ..I mean I could do it right now. We could clear off the desk, get three fourths of the ritual done right now. But it's up to you."

"You're not getting away with that, Angel. The full ceremony ...candles and incense and everything." Spike looks at him. "If I'm getting mated then I'm doing it properly. And we need to let Aurora know, and set up some sort of party for afterwards...."

Angel pouts. "I could always use my authority over you. You know, I am the Sire."

Spike stops and looks up at him with big, blue eyes. "You don't want to mate properly?"

Angel nods and pouts further. "Yes. I just don't want to wait. I'm fine Will. Go ahead, call Aurora, then we can talk more."

"I love you," and Spike kisses Angel. He picks up the phone and dials Aurora's number. *Ring ring*

Aurora picks up. "Hello."

"Angel and I are getting hitched." Spike says. "Mated."

Aurora squeals. "Oh, thank god! What the hell took you two so long? You're like bitter divorcees, afraid to move on. So, party! Do we get to watch? Details, come on, spill."

"No, you can't watch....the ceremony takes place nude and there is sex involved. But we can have a party afterwards. And it took us so long because we are both too damn insecure to think the other one would say yes, that's why, young lady, so why didn't you bring it up before? You're not usually shy about such things..."

Aurora is silent for a minute, then says kind of shyly, "Well, me and Angel chat about it every now and then. But he swore me to secrecy, Will! He just was so scared. He wanted it from the minute you and him were officially official, you know. I promised I wouldn't be me and butt in. But yay to party and yay to this I am so happy."

"Good. I'll plan a party for Friday. Talk to you later." Spike hangs up. "Okay, Mr.Broody...you've been talking to Aurora about this for two years? I'll have the candles and incense delivered and we can do it tonight. Tonight, I promise. The party can wait til Friday. Okay?"

Angel looks guilty but nods. Then he actually hops when he hears tonight they can do it. "Ok...ok,ok,ok...sounds good perfect... you're perfect. I love you Will."

Spike laughs. "I love you too, Angel. Now I've got calls to make and a bedroom to clean and organize. I've got black satin sheets I bought just for the occasion. Yes, I bought sheets before I asked you, so there."

Angel rushes over and kisses Spike hard. He smiles and then runs out, then back in, and gestures wildly. "Shower-- just gonna shower--.and the sheets better be silk" Then he runs out.

A few hours later, the bedroom is cleaned, and decked out with hundreds of candles. The spicy, rich smell of incense fills the air. The bed is made with black silk sheets. Spike and Angel stand on either side of the bed, and crawl across the bed towards each other. They kneel in front of each other, knees touching, and clasp hands.

Angel takes an unnecessary breath, so he doesn't cry, looks into Spike's eyes, and begins the ritual. "I claim you William Matthew Banner as my mate and companion now and forever, so long as I feed, so long as I walk upon the earth, I claim you as my mate and my companion. I shall cleave to no other. I signify this as of old with the bite and the exchange of precious blood, and with the meeting of bodies."

Spike's eyes are glittering as he says his vows. "I claim you Liam Frances O'Conner as my mate and companion now and forever, so long as I feed, so long as I walk upon the earth, I claim you as my mate and my companion. I shall cleave to no other. I signify this as of old with the bite and the exchange of precious blood, and with the meeting of bodies."

Angel lets a tear go and clasps Spike's face. He kisses him, brings him tightly against him, then he lays him down. He spreads his legs apart. Biting his wrists, collecting blood, then licking it closed, he trails his hand down, looking at Spike the entire time. He lubes up the hole on the outside, then pushes forward.

Spike shoves himself forward onto Angel's shaft. He sighs. He wraps his legs around Angel's lower back.

Angel angles his hips and thrusts fast and hard, hitting Spike's nub every time, wanting maxium pleasure and feeling this time is too special for it to be messed up. He leans over and kisses Spike passionately.

Spike kisses back, tangling tongues with him. He runs his hands over Angel's chest and then clenches his hands in Angel's hair. A purr rises from his chest.

Angel feels himself growing closer. He grasps Spike's hair, angling his neck slightly to his mark, and tilting his own neck as well. "Baby, close, so close. Cum with me-- have to cum with me-- and bite-- have to bite same time. Ready? So close."

"Ready...." Spike feels himself coming and he comes with Angel. He sinks his teeth into Angel's neck, drinking deeply of his sire's rich blood. He pulls back after several sips, his lips red. "Mine," he says.

Angel cums, sinking his teeth in at the same time, drinking of his beautiful childe. He pulls back after a few sips and repeats Spike's word. "Mine." And then he lays his head down on Spike's chest and holds him close. "It's done, my beautiful boy. Nothing can separate us now."

"Nothing," says Spike, running his fingers through Angel's hair. "We've always been family but now we are truly mates."

"Yes, mates. Liam and William. Angel and Spike. Mates. I'm happy, Will. I love you." Angel cuddles in further, looks at the candles burning, and feels his eyes drift.

Spike smiles. "I had something else installed when I had the candles and incense delivered. We've got a mini-fridge and a little microwave up here. We don't have to go downstairs til Friday."

Angel chuckles. "So my dear Will did ya have plans then ma'boy ta seduce me and never let me leave ta room then?"

"Exactly. I've got shackles and everything if you want to make it official."

Angel lifts up and looks into Spikes eyes and whispers, "I think you should do whatever you please. Equal now. Do with me as you will, little one. I'm yours for eternity now."

"Good. Then we can take turns with the shackles," Spike says, chuckling. "I do so love being shackled." Then he gets a little serious. "Don't forget I'm yours too. Your beautiful boy."

Angel looks at Spike with a expression of deep clarity. "I know exactly who you are, Will. You're my little one, my beautiful boy, my obsession, my love...you're my everything. I won't ever forget who you are. You're my sunshine and light." Angel trails his hand over Spike's face and caresses his cheeks and lips. "From the time I laid eyes on you, to your last living breath, till now, you have been the thing I most desired and coveted. That will never change. I love you."

"You've been so many things to me...grandsire, sire, lover, torturer, rival, object of love, object of hatred... but I have never passed a day that I have not thought of you. And no matter how much we are equals...there is always a part of me that wants to kneel to you, my love, my lord. Part of me that is that boy, held in the arms of a strong and handsome man, schooled in the ways of love. Can you forgive me that?"

Angel rubs his face along Spike's, then lets his eyes glow and whispers along his lips. "Yes, of course I can. As long as you can forgive the parts of me that want to hold you down, make you beg and writhe for me. The part that wants you on your knees before me like a willing sacrifice-- like my wanton whore." Angel averts his eyes-- afraid he gave too much away, dug too deep into Angelus.

"Look at me!" Spike says, and waits for Angel's eyes to meet his. "We can forgive each other, but really, there is nothing to forgive. You wanted a slave and I wanted a master; that is part of us and we wouldn't have found our love otherwise. Besides," Spike smiles as he says this, "I love the way you say wanton whore. Makes my cock twitch."

Angel growls and bites into Spikes lip and flips him on top of him, impaling him on his hard cock. He lets his burning eyes glow unafraid and his voice reverberates. "Then ride me like one. Be my whore again. Pleasure me boy."

"Yes, Sir!" Spike responds, and begins to slide up and down Angel's torso, milking him hard with his muscles. He was going to see how quickly he could make Angel come...he begins moving faster and harder.

Angel growls again deeper and grabs Spikes hips, pummeling him as hard as he can up and down. "Mine...my whore...my slave mine...fuck..fuck....oh fuck you beautiful fucking boy ooooooohhhh fuckkkkkkkkk!" Angel tips over, his back arching, pushing himself as deep as he can go. Then he slumps, panting, his eyes closed. "Oh god, Will."

Spike lays against Angel, nuzzling into his neck. "I am ...your whore...your slave...your beautiful boy. And you are my lord, my master...who sometimes lets me fuck him and tie him up because he indulges his boy. Don't ever let that change. 'Cause I won't."

Angel pulls Spike up and buries his face in Spike's hair. "I won't let it change. But you're my love, too. One can't work without the other, you remember that, and I'll remember that, and everything else too. Now sleep. Tomorrow is a new day and we have a party to plan and an eternity to live. Nothing can ever tear us apart now. Nothing."