Title: Birthday Present

Author: Tayla

Fandom: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Pairing: Greg/Jim/Gil

Rating: NC17

Category: Drama, Smut

Status: Completed May 18, 2003

Archive: Yes to WWOMB/Peja. Yes to GSAS/Lovely. All others please ask

Feedback: Yes, please. All constructive criticism will be graciously accepted

Email: tayla36@aol.com

Authors Web Site: http://www.geocities.com/tayla36/index.html

Series/Sequel: Sequel to "Happy Birthday to Me" and "Birthday Boy"

Disclaimers: CSI and its characters belong to Anthony Zuiker and CBS broadcasting
company. The author makes no profit and no infringement is intended.

Authors Notes: Third in the Birthday Trilogy, this one is from Gil's POV.

Thanks to BChristie and CSIBrass for beta duty.

Summary: Gil joins Jim and Greg for 'breakfast'

Warnings: Graphic M/M/M sex.

Birthday Present
by Tayla

I don't think I've ever had a longer night. After I got that phone call from Brass, time just seemed to drag. And distracted? I've never had so much trouble staying focused on a case. It wasn't a difficult case, just a simple domestic violence case. The husband had already confessed. O'Reilly had taken him in and booked him. I left Warrick at the scene to finish collecting. He needs the practice. Besides, with me being supervisor of the shift, I really wasn't supposed to get too hands on with any one case. I was supposed to coordinate everyone else. Except they all know their jobs quite well. So that just leaves me with free time on my hands to think.

Think about breakfast.

With Greg and Jim.

I'm not naïve enough to think that it's actually going to be breakfast. Besides, I specifically asked Jim if it was a sex thing. He said yes. Brass wouldn't tease me like that.

Would he?

Am I going to show up at Greg's door and find out it really is a birthday party of some sort? With lots of people there and cake and ice cream? I never socialize outside of work. Maybe this is someone's brilliant idea of how to get Grissom to go to a party.

How embarrassing would it be to show up at Greg's apartment with his 'present' in my pants, hard and throbbing and waiting to be unwrapped, and have Catherine or Warrick open the door with a glass of punch in their hand.


Well, I am met at the door, but by a half-naked Greg. He did ask 'who is it' first. When I told him it was me he threw open the door. There he was, still damp, hair wet with a towel wrapped around his waist. He grabs me by the wrist to pull me into the apartment. He closes the door, backing me up against it. My arms instinctively close around his body as he hugs me, beginning to nuzzle into my neck.

God, he smells good.

I can see over his shoulder into the kitchen where Brass is grinning at us. "Greg, let the man come in and take his coat off before you attack him."

Too late. He's actually sucking on my neck now. I hope he's not leaving a hickey. I moan as he finds a particularly sensitive spot. I let my hands drift down his naked back to settle on his towel-covered ass. I pull him in to me. He immediately starts grinding a bit. I know he can feel my stiff cock rubbing against his through the fabric.

"Oh Jim, Gil's brought me a present," he says in a silly singsong voice.

Brass laughs again. "That can wait 'til after breakfast. I thought you were hungry?"

"Oh yeah, I'm starving," Greg says as he bites down on my neck again.

I don't think I've gotten hard this fast in years. If he keeps grinding on me like that, I'm going to come in my pants. I haven't done that since I was a teenager.

Greg finally lets go of me. He grins at me and pats me on the cheek, then he dashes off down the hallway into what I assume is his bedroom. Just before the door closes he drops the towel flashing his ass. Jim is still smirking at me from the kitchen as I try to recover a bit from Greg's assault.

I take a few steps toward the dining room, but just that quick, Greg comes out of the bedroom. He's a little dryer and his hair is no longer dripping. He's wearing black boxer briefs that cling to his ass and do nothing to conceal his hard on. He's leering at me and I suspect he's just about to wrap himself around me again when Jim steps between us with a platter of eggs and bacon.

"Come on you two. I just spent half an hour slaving over a hot stove. We are going to eat first."

Greg grins, bouncing over to the table to pour the coffee. I sit as Jim starts to serve the food.

"You know," I said with some amusement, "I didn't expect to actually get breakfast."

Greg, who just can't seem to wipe the grin off his face says, "Well, you've got to keep your strength up. You're going to have a busy morning."

Great. Just when my erection had started to subside, he had to go and say something like that to wake it up again. I looked into his grinning face and noticed the abrasion on his cheek.

Now I wasn't amused anymore. "What happened to your face?"

Greg's hand flew to his cheek as he glanced at Jim before looking down at his plate, blushing. "Oh that."

I glared at Jim. "Just exactly how rough do you two play?" I asked, not really sure I wanted to hear the answer.

Jim glared back at me, suddenly defensive. "You don't think I would hurt him on purpose?"

Actually I'm not sure what their relationship is like. Some guys get off on pain; some people just get caught up in something they don't know how to stop. I guess I don't really believe that Jim is abusing Greg. But there is something about Greg that inspires me to be protective of him.

"What did you two do last night anyway?"

Greg starts to giggle. Then he relates the story to me. About how Jim found him at the club and got jealous and dragged him into the alley.

I'm picturing it all in my head as he's describing it. Brass shoving him up against a wall and handcuffing him. Fucking him right there in the alley.

"Weren't you afraid of someone seeing you?"

Jim snorted. "Someone did see us. A patrolman came by."

Greg put his two cents in. "Yeah, he watched for a while then left us alone."

I just stared at them, dumbfounded. I shifted uncomfortably in my chair.

Greg gets a shrewd look on his face and slides his hand into my lap under the table. "Turns you on, doesn't it?" he said as he felt my cock tenting my pants. "There's a little bit of the voyeur in you, isn't there? That's part of the reason why you're here. You want to watch us? You want to watch me and Jim? Do you want to see me suck his cock? Getting it all hard and wet so he can shove it up my ass? Is that what you want?"

I just nodded. I don't think I could speak right now without tripping over the words.

Greg stands, pulling me and the chair out from the table. He straddles me then settles into my lap, pressing his own impressive erection into my crotch.

"Lucky you" he whispers into my ear as he starts working on the buttons of my shirt. "You get to participate too."

I glance over at Jim sure I'm going to see jealousy. But I see only lust as he watches Greg strip the shirt off me. I guess there's a bit of the voyeur in Jim also.

Suddenly Greg is sliding backwards off my lap and kneeling before me, reaching for my belt buckle, freeing my rampant erection from my slacks. He leans forward to swallow it to the root. Gazing up at me, he winks as he feels the shudder go through my body.

"I guess we're not going to finish breakfast, huh?" Brass's sarcastic comment snaps me out of the sexual haze. "Come on, kid. Let's move it to the bedroom."

Greg lets my dick out of his mouth and stands. Then he's off down the hallway. "Come on Gil, or we'll start without you," he calls back over his shoulder.

I stand to follow, almost tripping over my pants. I struggle out of them as well as my shoes. Naked, I follow them down the hallway.

They have started without me. They're both on the bed, Jim sitting with his back against the headboard and Greg on his hands and knees, between Jim's legs. I just stand staring for a moment, watching the action. Greg is deep throating Jim's cock. Getting it wet. Just as he described. I guess Greg is good with his mouth because Jim's eyes are already starting to glaze in pleasure. I drop my hand between my legs and begin to stroke myself as I focus in on Greg's mouth moving slowly up and down.

Greg momentarily stops his ministrations to Jim's dick to look over at me. Or more specifically, at my cock. "Oh man. Is that for me?"

"Absolutely." I grin at him and give it another long pull.

"Well, come over here and give it to me." He wiggles his ass.

I can't pass that up. I cross to the bed to kneel behind Greg, as he goes back to sucking Jim.
I run one hand up the back of his thigh and over one smooth, firm cheek. Greg moans in response. Jim hands me the tube of lubricant. After slicking up two fingers, I coax another moan out of Greg as I begin to gently probe him.

"Come on, Gil. Hurry up and fuck me."

"Impatient, aren't you?"

"Yeah well, it's my birthday. I want my present now." He wiggles again.

I can't disappoint the boy on his birthday, now can I? So I lube up and slide into him.

Oh my. He's hot and tight. He moans again when he feels me fully sheathed inside him.
I was going to start out slow, but he doesn't give me that option. He starts rocking back
and forth between the two of us, ramming himself onto my cock, his strong thighs flexing as he drives himself faster and harder.

Damn it. It's been way too long for me to be able to hold off against that kind of assault. I don't even have a chance to reach for his cock to stroke him. His actions have me coming long before I wanted to.

"Shit." As I pull out to collapse on the bed next to them. "Sorry Greg. I really wanted to last longer than that."

He smiles down at me. "That's okay. Why don't you switch places with Jim? I'll suck you hard again."

Jim's already moving around behind Greg's ass as Greg is reaching for my cock to try to stroke some life back into it. But Greg looks disappointed. I have an idea how to make up for my hair trigger.

"I've got a better idea," I say as I gently remove his hand. I'm not going to get it up again any time soon, anyway. He's not going to get much enjoyment sucking on my limp dick. I find the discarded lube, stretch out on my back and reach between my legs, preparing myself. Then I reach for Greg's dick to slick him up. Oh, he's got a nice big cock. I pull him towards me, spreading my legs for him as he's staring wide-eyed at me.

"You…you're gonna let me…let me fuck you?" he stutters out.

I'll just bet, from his demeanor, and from the incredulous look that Jim shoots me over Greg's shoulder that Jim never lets Greg fuck him.

"Sure, I'm going to let you fuck me. In fact, I'm looking forward to it." I tell him as I line him up with my entrance.

"Oh god!" he whispers as he sinks into me. I wince and grit my teeth through the initial pain, trying to relax into the fucking.

Greg starts in with a smooth fast rhythm, slamming into me. Suddenly there is an extra hard thrust as Jim enters Greg. It takes them a few moments to get coordinated before Greg is slamming into me twice as hard. My cock is starting to get interested. Not interested enough to actually get hard again, but sometimes it's not about the orgasm. Greg's cock sliding over my prostate is sending bolts of pleasure through me. I just lay back and enjoy it.

Greg was enjoying it also.

He had teased earlier about me being a voyeur, wanting to see him and Jim together. But because of the position I'm in, I can't see Jim. I was only concentrating on Greg. His eyes were squeezed shut and his head was thrown back. His hands were gripping my biceps, holding me down as his sweat dripped onto my chest. He let the motion of Jim fucking him set the pace for his thrusts into me.

His eyes snapped open as he grinned down at me. "I love being in the middle."

I had to laugh. Everything was so serious for a while. Then he grins that irreverent grin and suddenly, it's fun. This is the mood that Greg had set since I walked in the door.

I heard Jim chuckling also as he continued to pound into Greg. I could hear Jim's soft grunts of pleasure. Greg was moaning out loud. Finally he thrust in to the hilt and stayed there. He howled as I felt his wetness when he exploded inside me. He collapsed onto my chest as Jim gave a few last frantic thrusts into him before collapsing also.

I reveled in it for a few moments, but having two grown men on top of you isn't as fun as it
might sound. I shifted and pushed at them enough to get them to roll off me. I listened as Greg and then Jim began to snore. I drifted off also.


When I awoke, I wasn't sure how much time had passed. Greg was asleep beside me and
Jim was spooned up behind him with one arm thrown possessively across Greg's chest.

When Greg is awake, there is always an irrepressible grin on his face and a mischievous gleam in his eyes. But in sleep, he was calm and serene, looking not much like himself.

But still beautiful.

I got out of bed without disturbing either of them. I went into the bathroom. I debated taking a shower but just made judicious use of a washcloth.

I resisted the urge to look in on them again. I didn't want to see them curled up together. I didn't want to see Jim where I wanted to be. Instead I went straight to the living room where my clothes were strewn about.

I had only gotten as far as putting on my boxers when a pair of arms encircled my waist from behind. Greg rested his chin on my shoulder and said, "Leaving so soon?"

"Yes." I answered without turning to face him. "I thought it best to leave while you both were asleep."

"Well, that's not very sociable. I was hoping for a repeat performance." His hand drifted down and began to grope me through my shorts.

"Is Jim awake?"

"No. I think he's down for the count. We didn't get a whole lot of sleep. I kept him up most of the night." He continued his fondling as my prick began to definitely take an interest. Greg's was also interested. I could feel it, hard and throbbing, pressed against my backside.

"Come on, Gil. I want you to fuck me again."

"Greg, we really shouldn't. This was supposed to be a threesome. I feel like we're cheating on Jim."

I could feel his breath, warm in my ear as he whispered. "What Jim doesn't know won't hurt him." He slipped his hand into the fly of my shorts to grip my naked cock, stroking it firmly.

I turned in his arms. We were face to face.

Why does kissing make it more intimate?

I had fucked this man. He had fucked me. But now that we were kissing it seemed so much more intense.

He opened his mouth to me and I took the invitation. I'm sure Jim didn't have this in mind when he invited me over. I'm sure he didn't envision me with his lover, kissing and groping each other in the living room while he was still asleep in the bedroom.

But I just couldn't stop. It had been so long since I had held anyone like this. Greg was so eager for it, sucking my tongue in while moaning into my mouth. I justified it to myself by thinking that they had invited me. After all, Greg is an adult; he could make his own decisions. Besides, they had only been together for a few weeks. Jim certainly didn't own Greg.

Then Greg shoved me down onto the sofa and I stopped thinking. He quickly had my shorts around my ankles and was going down on me, sucking me deep into his throat.

"If you want me to fuck you again, you better quit that."

He grinned up at me. He jumped to his feet and threw himself down on the sofa. Lifting one leg onto the back while resting the other on the floor, he spread his legs, opening himself up to me.

I took the invitation. Kneeling between his thighs, staring down into his face, I slid into him. He was wet, hot and still open from being fucked earlier. Once I was in all the way, he wrapped his legs around my waist and pulled me in tighter.

"Slow," he said. "Please? Go slow this time." He stroked a hand down my cheek. "Make it last a long time." There was a certain sadness in his eyes, a rare occurrence from this usually brash young man.

Then it clicked. Before, in the bedroom we had fucked. I fucked him, he fucked me, Jim fucked him. The interlude with him and Jim outside the club had been raw animal fucking. Jim had probably been fucking him as much as possible in the six weeks they had been together. Greg gave every impression of being used to it and of enjoying it.

But it was quite possible that no one had ever made love to him. I could almost see it in his face. I realized I could feel that hunger in Greg's kisses. I began to move then. Slowly, like he had asked. Letting him feel every inch I had.

We were pressed together, chest to chest. I could feel his nipples pressed into me, his hard cock pressing into my belly. Both of us were fairly quiet, whispering endearments, languidly moving together, with unhurried, almost lazy strokes.

I'm not sure how long we lasted. It seemed to go on forever, but it wasn't long enough. We began rocking faster, and he was getting louder. I kissed him to muffle the sounds, plunging my tongue into his mouth. His hands were on my ass, pulling me into him with faster, sharper thrusts. He arched his back, and came unexpectedly, thrashing violently under me. I hadn't known he was that close. I swallowed his climactic scream, holding him tightly as I continued to thrust. I could feel him going limp. I released his mouth letting him breathe as I muffled my own moans of completion in his neck.


I stirred some undetermined amount of time later. I had passed out on Greg's chest. It was his labored breathing is that woke me. I managed to pull away without waking him. I noticed again how different he looked in his sleep. Tranquil. Relaxed. These were two words that were not often applied to Greg Sanders.

I used a few napkins from the breakfast table to wipe away some of the stickiness before quietly got dressed.

Greg never stirred. Which was not surprising. He had had a very busy birthday celebration. He would need to sleep for a week to restore all of the energy he had used up last night and this morning.

I was glad I could be part of that celebration, for his sake, because it was what he wanted. But I think today's encounter will haunt my dreams. The feel of him, the smell of him. The exquisite pleasure of making love to that beautiful young man, knowing it would only be the one time.

It may have been a happy birthday for Greg, but I believe the aftermath will prove to be quite depressing for me.

As I left the apartment, I had a final thought of Jim. I hope he knows what a lucky son of a bitch he is.
