Title: Wild West

By Wgang16

Disclaimer: CSI does not belong to me. Unfortunately that means Gil and Nick do not belong to me.

Authors notes: This is a continuation of my first attempt into the BDSM category. Feedback welcome, but be gentle. If I have used the wrong terms please let me know. Thanks

Rating:NC-17 for m/m sex, bondage, language, pain/pleasure play.

Author: Wgang16@aol.com

Summary: Gil and Nick meet at Lady Heather’s and due to the Lady’s efforts they find that they have a lot in common, in more ways than just at work. This will be a continuing storyline not only at Lady Heather’s, also in the workplace.


Wild West

By Wgang16

Nick woke up a little disoriented. He glanced around the room and it took a few minutes to remember that he had spent the night at Lady Heather’s with Gil. Gil Grissom, his boss, his friend, new lover and at times his Dom.

As Nick shifted, he felt Gil spooned up behind him. Since both men were naked, Nick could feel Gil’s hard cock nestled between his butt cheeks. Wiggling a little, Nick smiled as Gil held him tighter and pushed his cock against Nick’s ass.

Gil suddenly murmured, "You are definitely a brat, Nicky. Was that little wiggle a sign that you want something to fill you up?"

Nick sighed as he turned his head searching for Gil’s mouth. Ending the long kiss, Nick replied, "Yeah, Gil, Fill me up. I’m yours. I’m empty without you."

Knowing that Nick was still slick and loose from the love making a few hours earlier, Gil still did not want to take a chance and hurt his new lover.

He gently inserted a finger, then quickly added two more. Nick was impaling himself on the fingers, moaning and tossing his head.

Gil pulled his fingers out and slid his cock home with one push.

Nick yelped as Gil pinched his nipples as the large cock settled inside him. Gil stroked in and out of the hot channel, Nickys muscles holding him tight.

Gil continued to pinch and play with Nick’s nipples. He could not get over the fact that Nick was so responsive, especially when his nipples were aroused. Nick was so quiet and laid back at work. Oh well you know what they say about still waters.

As Nick wrapped his hand around his own cock, Gil slapped his hands away.

"That’s mine, Nicky. I want to touch you, stroke you and love you," Gil whispered licking down Nick’s throat, biting gently on the sensitive skin.

Gil stroked Nicky to completion. As Nick screamed his release, Gil shot his seed deep into the young man.

"Love you, Gil," Nick murmured, he could feel Gil was still inside him and he relished the full feeling of his lover nestled safely inside his body.

Gil kissed Nicky nearest ear and said ‘Time for a shower, brat. Then we’ll eat, and then we’ll go play if you want. Or if you want we could do something else."

Turning around in Gil’s arms, Nick gazed at the man leaning over him.

"I want to play, Gil. The real world will interfere soon enough. I want my fantasy for awhile longer."

"You got it baby. Just remember, when the fantasy here is over, I’ll still be here and we’ll still be together, that part of the fantasy will be true."

A blinding smile lit Nick’s face. Gil replied with one of his own as he leaned down and captured that mouth he had dreamed about.

Several minutes later, the two men separated and slowly got out of bed.

The shower took longer than usual as both men washed, touched and kissed each other clean.

Breakfast was waiting as they left their robes on to eat. Gil finished first. He picked up an envelope that had been put on the table addressed to him.

Opening it, he began to smile. Glancing over at Nick, Gil said.

"It seems that Lady Heather wants us to try out another playroom. We go through the white room and through another door. I’ll go into the playroom bathroom to change, you are to change in the bedroom. I’ll meet you in twenty minutes. Okay, Nicky?"

Nicks eyes lit up with excitement. He could hardly wait for another session with Gil’s total attention focused solely on him. Maybe this time Gil would be rougher with him. Nick knew that Gil had been holding back a bit the first time.

Fifteen minutes later, Nick stood in the white room his hand hovering over the doorknob leading into the new playroom. He had to admit to being just a little nervous. He did not want to disappoint Gil.

Just suck it up, Stokes, Nick told himself as he opened the door and stepped in.

This room was in stark contrast to the white room. This room was much more to Nick’s taste. The walls were painted a warm brown with mustard gold trim. Along one whole wall was a giant mural. It showed mountains towering in the distance, with a stream and fields of wild flowers at the base of the mountains. A herd of wild horses was galloping across the field.

The mural mesmerized Nick. It kind of reminded him of Texas. Nick jumped when he felt Gil come up behind him and slide his arms around his waist.

"You look good Nicky," Gil purred as he allowed his hands to wander down to Nicks covered shaft. Gil massaged Nick until the younger man was thrusting up into Gils hands.

Gil turned his young lover around and pulled him into a long passionate kiss.

Gil swept his hands down and across the bare ass cheeks, pinching the firm mounds of flesh.

Gil thought Nick could not look any hotter than he did yesterday but he was wrong.

Nick had on denim chaps and a white shirt. The chaps had a pouch covering the young man genitals; the pouch was closed using just two buttons. Nick’s ass was bare; Gil could get glimpses of it, as the white shirt was untucked and open at the neck.

Gil pushed Nick back and looked his lover. Nick was flushed and he was breathing heavily. Gil glanced down and saw that Nick was already hard and the pouch was damp with pre-cum. Gil needed to take the edge off the young CSI. He wanted the ride he had planned for later to last a long time.

Gil reached out and grabbed Nick’s cock at its base. He tightened his hand promptly deflating some of the man’s arousal.

Nicks eyes flashed open with something close to irritation.

He growled, "Damn it Gil I want to cum."

Gil looked at his lover in surprise. Nick seldom used that tone of voice with him. He especially did not expect to hear it in this room. He then noticed the twinkle in Nick’s eyes. Gil suddenly realized that Nick was deliberately provoking him, that Nick wanted to be punished, Nick wanted the pain before the pleasure. Nick liked the edge play.

Gil smiled slowly, he watched as Nick’s eyes widened in sudden anticipation and just a little apprehension. Good couldn’t let the brat get to confidant. After all, Gil was the one in charge, not Nicky.

Gil gripped the cock and yanked causing Nick to stumble and fall into his chest. Gil kept one hand on Nick’s cock and the other one he attached to one ass cheek.

"You don’t order me around, brat. I order you. Do you need another lesson in obedience?"

Nick dropped his head, but gazed at Gil through his long eyelashes. Putting just enough petulance in his voice he replied, "Just want to cum, I want to feel you in me again. What’s wrong with that?"

Gil let go of Nick and walked across the room. He stopped by a chair and picked up a leather belt that was lying there next to a vest.

Gil could not see Nick’s eyes because Nick kept his head down. The room was also not as well lit as the white room, which made this room much cozier and warmer.

The room was not very large. Only a soft light coming from a table lamp lighted the room. The table was sitting next to a brown and navy blue deep leather sofa. Gil walked by a wide flat coffee table that sat in front of the sofa.

Nick watched Gil walking towards him and thought the other man was gorgeous. Gil had on black jeans, black shirt that was untucked and open at the neck. He had no belt on, unless that was the belt he had in his hand.

Over Gil’s shoulder Nick noticed the only other piece of furniture in the room.

Gil watched Nick’s head jerk up and his mouth fall open. Gil did not need to turn around; he knew what Nick was looking at. If Nick thought he had a wild ride yesterday, he was going to be totally shocked today.

Gil watched as a blush spread across his lover’s cheeks. Damn the boy was hot and let Nicky get all shy, and Gil could easily become a puddle of melted passion at the boy’s feet. He felt his heart clench as he realized that Nicky was not as worldly as he let on. Gil felt the love he had for the young man surge up and threaten to overwhelm him.

Shoving those feeling down, Gil kept in the scene and continued to stalk towards his shy lover.

Gil walked right up to his lover; he folded over the leather belt and used the folded end to push Nick’s chin up so the luscious mouth was closed.

"That’s for later, Nicky. Right now I plan on teaching you whose boss."

Gil walked over to the leather sofa and motioned Nick to follow him.

Nick kept up the brat pretense and just glowered at his older lover. He even pushed out his lower lip into a pout and folded his arms.

Gil bit his tongue not wanting to laugh and break the mood. Besides he had seen Nick do this at work once in a awhile and thought it was just adorable. Of course he would never tell Nicky that.

Gil took the belt and snapped it sharply on the sofa. The crack made Nick jump back a couple of steps.

"NOW, Nick. If I have to come over there you will not be happy. If you want to be able to sit down tonight, you will get that tight ass over here."

Nick nonchalantly sauntered over to Gil. When he was within reaching distance, Gil grabbed his arm and shoved him over the back of the sofa. Gil shoved the white shirt up and exposed the bare ass. Using his hand, Gil gave several hard swats until the golden ass had changed to red.

Nick had yelped at the first swat and now was just wiggling that ass around trying to avoid the slaps.

Gil yanked Nick back up and yanked the shirt open. Buttons flew everywhere. Gil pulled the shirt down off Nick’s shoulders letting it pool around the young man’s elbows. With a quick rip, the shirt was hanging from Nick’s wrists.

Gil quickly pulled Nick’s arms in front of him and tied the hands together using the ripped shirt to bind them.

Gil grabbed Nick’s chin and jerked the expressive face around to look at him. He gripped the chin hard enough to make his point to the pouting young man in front of him.

"I want you, young man, to lean over the back of the sofa. Let your arms drop over your head. You can grip the cushions if you like. If you don’t scream or talk then I’ll suck you off when I’m done punishing you. Deal, Nicky?"

Nick swallowed, his heart was racing. God this scene was the hottest he had ever been in. He felt like he could cum just thinking about it.

Nick nodded his head not wanting to take a chance on talking.

Gil still gripped the firm chin. He let one finger drift across Nick’s lips.

"Nicky, what’s your safe word. You use it if you need to. Okay, baby?"

"Texas." Nick mumbled hoarsely. He could already feel himself getting into his zone. Man, Gil was good. Gil could set the scene with just his voice and the words he used.

"Good, baby. Now get that over that sofa and get that ass in the air. I want you on your toes. I want that firm ass where I can get at it."

Nick hurriedly bent over the sofa. He spread his legs and got on his toes. He put his arms in front of him and braced himself with his hands on the cushions.

Gil stood directly behind him. Gil rubbed himself up and down the bare ass. He reached around and began rolling Nicks nipples between his fingers, tugging and pinching them until they were hard little nubs.

By this time Nick was moaning and pushing back against Gil groin. Gil briefly thought about removing the chaps, but he really loved seeing that wiggling ass framed by the denim material.

Gil pulled back and reached between the long legs. He made sure Nick’s cock and balls were protected.

Gil uncoiled the leather belt. It was not a heavy belt and while it would leave nice red welts on the golden skin, there would be no blood unless Gil was careless. Nick would feel the sting for a couple of days, which suited both men.

Gil snapped the belt in the air and watched Nick jerk in reaction. He wanted to keep the kid off balance. The older man was sure if he let Nick get the upper hand then all was lost. The scenes would no longer work for them.

Gil laid the first lash down across the meatiest part of the buttocks. Nick moaned and jerked, but he did not scream.

Gil lay down the next five welts in a line from the top of the ass to the top of the thighs.

Gil shifted his stance and lay down another five lashes. These crossed the first five, leaving a very nice pattern on the now red and quivering ass.

Nick was moaning and sobbing, but he had not screamed. He had a death grip on the cushion under his hands.

Gil put the belt down on the table and slid his hands over the hot red ass. He pinched and rubbed the ass he had just whipped. Gil place his hand onto the back of Nick’s neck. He pulled and Nick melted back into his arms.

Gil gently turned his lover around and pulled him tightly against his body.

Gil felt Nick’s tears on his shoulder. Gil understood that some people needed this release. It helped keep them centered. They did not have to be in control, could just relax and let things happen.

Gil was a control freak; he could not do that. The dom. role was perfect for him. Nick was perfect for him.

Gil pulled the dark head away from his shoulder and licked the salty tears off the beautiful face. He licked his way down to Nick’s mouth. Gil noticed that Nick had bit his lower lip to prevent himself from screaming. Gil sucked on the sore trembling lips before delving inside to stroke the hot cavern of his lover’s mouth. Gil dropped one hand down and pulled the pouch off the cowboy chaps, letting his lovers cock spring free.

Nick moaned as Gil used his thumb to rub the top of his cock head.

Gil murmured, "Follow me, brat. I promised you I’d suck you off and I keep my word."

Gil sat Nick down on the edge of the coffee table, as he sat down in the middle of the sofa.

"Nicky, I want you to lay down on the table and brace your feet on the sofa. I want your ass at the edge of the table, your knees bent and those arms over your head. I want to see you bared for me. I want to see part of that hot red ass and I want to see that puckered entrance that I plan on sliding into later. I’ll slide right between those blistered ass cheeks and as deep as I can bury myself."

Gil smiled to himself as Nick hurriedly placed himself as Gil ordered. Nick could certainly follow instructions when he wanted to. Gil needed to remember this at work. Want Nicky to do something, tell him you’re going to give him a blowjob or ram your cock up his ass and he’s yours. No that’s not right. He was Gil’s and only Gil got his reaction. He did not know how or why he knew that, Gil just knew that Nicky only ever got this submissive and hot just for him. It was a very powerful turn on and a lot of responsibility for the older man.

Gil looked down at the candy store spread out in front of him. Gil reached for the snaps and carefully pulled the chaps off the young man. Nick was now naked lying on the table for Gil to use as he saw fit.

"Look up, Nicky. See the mirror on the ceiling. You can watch while I suck you off."

Gil cupped the exposed balls and rolled them around in his hand. He carefully ignored the hole he planned on filling later.

Gil got down on his knees and leaned forward to blow gently on the wet cock and balls.

"You can scream all you want now, Nicky. This is for you."

Gil swallowed Nick’s cock all the way to the root.

Nick screamed and all but came up off the table. He started to reach for Gil’s head, but remembered to keep his arms over his head. Nick watched in the mirror as Gil went down on him.

Gil sucked and licked the hard cock. Gil had only given head to two other men. It was not the part of sex that he liked performing, but with Nick it was different. For Nick and with Nick he would do anything. Besides, Nicky tasted so wonderful. Nick tasted of the outdoors, wide open spaces, the boy just oozed Texas out of his pores and Gil wanted to lap it all up.

Gil kept rolling Nick’s balls as he sucked and licked the hard cock. Gil played around the puckered hole but never breached it. It wasn’t long before Nick exploded. Gil swallowed all of Nick’s seed down; he did not want to waste a single drop.

Gil licked Nick’s cock clean. Seeing Nick’s thighs quivering, Gil set the right one until the foot was flat on the floor. He lifted the left one and before he placed it on the floor he bit down on the inner thigh leaving his mark.

Nick yelped and sat up reaching out to grip Gil’s head.

Gil sat back on the sofa pulling Nicky with him. Holding the trembling young man in his arms, Gil soothed him, dropping kisses across Nick’s face and stroking across the back and shoulders.

"Okay, Nicky. How was that?"

A small trembling voice said "That was…was wonderful. I thought I came hard yesterday, I think my head just exploded."

"Good, I want to please you. Let’s slip down on the pillows and rest for awhile."

Gil urged the young man to his feet and untied his wrists. They were just a little red and would be fine.

Gil piled some of the pillows up and leaned back against them. He spread his legs and had Nick sit between them. Now Nick had his back to Gils chest. Leaning back with a sigh, Nick was so relaxed. He was safe and his muscles were like limp noodles. Gil was here and everything was perfect with his world.

Both men were surprised when they nodded off and actually slept for about an hour. Gil woke up first and just savored the quiet moment. He could tell Nick was still asleep. Very carefully, Gil shifted until he had Nick lying on his back. Gil gazed down at his young lover. What he had planned next, he needed Nick relaxed. Gil grabbed a small box that held the toys he was going to need. The position was tricky and was one he had not tried before. Hell he didn’t even know they made the stupid things except to go in bars. Certainly not special ones for bondage scenes.

Gil began to kiss and nibble his way down the muscular chest. He paused and bit and sucked at the nipples until they were wet and rosy. By now Nick was awake and had his hands on Gils head.

"Hands over the head, Nicky. Keep them there," Gil ordered. He watched as Nick slowly obeyed.

Gil settled between Nick’s legs. He pushed his lover’s legs further apart. Grabbing a pillow he shoved it under Nicks lower back elevating the ass he wanted to reach.

Gil grabbed the lube out of the box and proceeded to coat his fingers. Using his legs he pushed the long legs of his lover further apart until it had to be a little uncomfortable for Nick.

Nick did not seem to notice as he was moaning. Gil had inserted a finger into the tight passage that had belonged to him since he had seen Nick standing in the white room. With the lube it was not long before Gil had three fingers inside the hot channel that was pulsating with need.

Gil watched as Nick arched his back trying to shove the fingers in deeper. The young CSI was gripping a pillow until Gil wondered if the fabric was going to tear.

As Gil shifted his fingers he managed to get four fingers inside.

Nick screamed as he was stretched wider than he had ever experienced before.

"God, Gil do it…shove the whole…fist in…please I need you."

"Not going to do that tonight, Nicky. I just need to get you stretched so we can ride together."

Gil could feel his own erection pushing against his jeans. Nicky was so hot and erotic. The golden body writhing around on the soft pillows. The dark head thrown back and the moans coming out of the luscious mouth.

Gil glanced up at the mirror on the ceiling. He used one hand to undo his jeans and pull his cock out. He was hard and it took all his willpower not to plunge into the heat that surrounded his fingers.

Gil watched in the mirror as his fingers plunged in and out of his lover. Deciding that Nick was ready and he was more than ready, Gil pulled his fingers out. He reached into the box and pulled out a butt plug. This one was about three inches wide and six inches long. Really not much wider than his cock. Gil slid the plug in causing him to scream again. Gil used straps to keep the plug in.

As Nick was still orienting himself, Gil quickly stood up and undressed.

The older man pulled Nick to his feet, holding onto him when Nick seemed to be a little unsteady.

Gil urged Nick forward until they stood next to the mechanical bucking bronco.

This one looked much different than the ones in the bars. This one was made for lovers into wild and different sex.

*NOTE: This was very difficult to describe, I did the best that I could. Just use your imagination.

It was very similar to the ones that you see in the bar. There were modifications. Where a horse’s head would be was a seat. Underneath the seat was a set of handcuffs. Jutting out from the horse’s side were stirrups that you could find in any gynecologist’s office. They were moveable, sideways, and up and down. They were also covered in soft supple leather. At the end of the stirrups were straps to hold ankles in place. There were also straps on the stirrups to hold trembling thighs in place.

A saddle sat on the horses back in the regular place you would find a saddle. This saddle looked much different. It also was made of leather and had the ability to move and shift. It could be tilted back or forward. The stirrups for the rider which in this world meant dom., also had the ability to move. The dom. could put himself and his sub in any position he so desired. The sub would be wide open and bound. Totally helpless to the touch of his dom, whether for pain or pleasure. There were also saddlebags behind the saddle, the contents of, which totally blew Gils mind when he saw the contents.

Nick was still zoned after the session on the pillows so Gil had to urge him onto the bronco.

In just a few minutes, Nick was seated and his wrists were handcuffed behind the seat. Gil slid the long golden legs into the stirrups and strapped the ankles down. He maneuvered the stirrups until Nicks legs were bent at the knee and spread wide open. Gil put the straps around the thighs of his lover. Now Nick was not going anywhere, He was strapped, and tied down. Totally helpless to his lover, just where he wanted to be and where Gil wanted him to be.

Gil quickly stripped his clothes off.

With Nicks legs spread wide, Gil slid between the tied leg and mounted the horse. Gil adjusted his stirrups until he could get them just right. He wanted to be able to use them as leverage to push off of and push deep into his lover.

Gil planned on Nicky sliding down the seat and sliding right onto Gils cock.

By now Nick was panting in anticipation, his eyes dilated with passion.

Gil placed both hands on the red ass and rubbed, pinching the tender skin until Nick was moaning. Gil pressed a button and the bronco started to move very slowly. The movement had Nick moving up and down, which shoved the plug in deeper rubbing over his sensitized prostrate.

Gil watched as Nick’s cock filled. A drop of pearl appeared on the rosy tip of the hardened shaft. Gil leaned over and licked Nicks cock tip, sucking briefly on the end. Nick was unable to lunge up into the heat of Gils mouth because of the straps on his thighs.

Gil continued to play with Nick driving the young man crazy. He pulled out the butt plug and replaced it with a cold sliver of ice. Nick screamed as the ice cold sensation penetrated his brain.

Nick looked at Gil in disbelief.

"Where in the hell did you get the ice," he manage to say.

"Lady Heather thinks of everything. The saddlebags are works of art. One side is to keep things cold and the other side keeps things hot. Damn I think I love that woman," Gil enthused his eyes sparkling with excitement. He saw the shadow flicker across Nick’s eyes.

Gil let one hand hold the ice inside as he rubbed the stomach of his sometimes-insecure lover.

"Talking literally, baby. You are the only one I truly love. And in a few minutes I’m going to love you so much you aren’t going to want to do anything but sleep afterwards."

Gil slid what was left of the ice out and grabbed something out the other saddlebag.

"Promises…prom…" Nicks comment ended on a scream as Gil pushed a vibrating heated plug into him.

For the next few minutes Gil alternated heat and cold inside his lover, the entire time the bronco never stopped moving. Gil made sure it did not move in a circle just kept a steady slow movement up and down.

Nick voice was hoarse from the screams and the pleading with Gil to take him. Actually the young mans exact words were.


Gil laughed. He couldn’t help it; he had never heard Nick cuss like he had the last couple of days.

Gil dropped his toys and undid the straps on Nick’s thighs. The young man slid down a few inches, his ass just a couple of inches from Gils hard and dripping cock.

Gil pressed another button and Nicks seat slowly began moving into an upright position.

As Nicks seat went up his ass went down. Gravity was working wonderfully. Gil sped up the horses bucking movement up and down. He had ridden horses his whole life so was used to the movements even if it was mechanical. Beside this one was not made to buck people off, it was made to buck people on…their lovers cock.

Nick felt Gil cock breach his hole, he was sobbing with need, but could not shove down because of the handcuffs and Gil had his hands under his ass slowing the descent.

As the horse slowly bucked up, Gil let loose of Nicks ass. Nick immediately slid down until Gil was inside, buried to the root in his lover.

Nick arched his back as he screamed at the fantastic sensation. Gil clamped down on Nick’s thighs keeping the young man imbedded on his cock.

Gil waited until Nicks breath slowed down, then he lifted that tight ass, letting his cock slowly slide in again.

Gil adjusted Nicks seat; he unsnapped the handcuffs and put Nick’s hands on his shoulders with an order to leave them there.

Gil allowed Nick to slide out of his seat and now he was sitting directly on Gil lap with Gil inside him so deep he thought he could feel Gils shaft nudging his heart.

By now Nick was incoherent, the sensations he was having were almost overwhelming. His legs were still bent at the knee and his ankles strapped down. In that position he was plastered against Gil. Gil had his arms around Nick’s back and Gils cock was moving up and down with horse’s movements.

Gil took Nicks legs out of the stirrups and placed Nick’s feet on top of his own feet that were still in the stirrups.

Gil took hold of Nick’s hair and gave the dark head a shake.

"Nicky, you finish it. I want you riding me as I ride the bronco. I want that ass tight around my cock. I want to be milked until I’m dry. When I cum the you get to cum. So get started, baby," Gil growled his eyes flashing at his lover.

Using his hands on Gils shoulders and using the stirrups to push off of, Nick began sliding himself on Gils cock. He tightened and loosened his muscles and watched as Gil threw his head back and finally let out a moan of approval.

Gil kept one arm around Nicks back for support, the other one he let wander. He could never get enough of touching this man.

Gil swooped in and laid claim to Nick’s hot mouth. He gripped the dark hair and held Nick in place. Stroking and sucking there was not any part of Nick’s mouth left untouched. Gil yanked Nick’s head back by the hair and proceeded to lay claim to the arched throat, licking and sucking until he knew there would be love marks in the morning.

As Gil continued his assault on his lover, Nick was speeding up his movements. He was now in rhythm with the bronco and knew that neither one of them could last much longer.

Nick slid down hard on Gil, tightening his inner muscles. Nick felt Gil bite down hard on one of his nipples as the older man grabbed Nicks slender hips holding Nick still as Gil surged inside shooting his seed deep inside.

As Gil recovered from his powerful orgasm, he grasped Nick cock in his hand. Using the pre cum that coated the cock, Gil stroked with one hand while the other hand played with Nick’s nipples. At one point Gil let his hand wander to where his cock was still nestled inside his lover, keeping the two men attached. Nick was so sensitive where Gil had used heat and ice on him and still had his cock in him that in seconds Nick came, almost falling off the bronco.

Gil grabbed his lover and they held onto each other. Gil shut the bronco off and the two men stayed in each other’s arms for several minutes. The only sounds in the room were the heavy breathing of the two men.

Gil pulled back from Nick and framed the beautiful face with his hands.

"Good, baby?" Gil asked looking tenderly at his young lover. Gil knew that he had never felt more alive than he did right now.

"Awesome, you just keep getting better. I don’t know if I can keep up with you. You’re a hell of a lot stronger than you let on," Nick replied content to just gaze at the man who in just two days had become his whole life.

"Before you, brat I didn’t have a social life. So I used the gym a lot. Now I’ll just have to have you keep me in shape."

"Jeez, Gil you’ll kill me. I need to go to the gym to get into shape."

Gil let his gaze wander down the muscular golden body in front of him.

"You look perfect to me. Now what do you say we go and take a shower in our room then take a nap before we eat dinner? We missed a meal, and I don’t want you to tired to have one last scene before we head back to reality."

"Yeah, reality..that’s a depressing thought." Nick mumbled.

Gil forced Nick to look at him.

"Remember what I said. Doesn’t matter if we are here, at work or home, you belong to me. Before work tomorrow night we are going to find us a place to live together. I have a couple of ideas. The people we work with can just deal with our relationship or find another job. We belong together and that final."

Nick smiled in relief. He needed to hear Gil say the words again. Now to lighten the atmosphere.

"Sounds good, bossman. But right now I think we have been together to long. I think we’re stuck together."

Both men laughed as they realized that with their mutual loving the aftermath tended to be a little messy and after a bit just a little sticky.

Fifteen minutes later both men were stepping out of the hot shower and heading to bed. Nick fell asleep almost immediately. After all the young man had by his own admission not been sleeping well. Gil held his lover until he was asleep then wandered into the other room. He quickly wrote Lady Heather a note, telling her what he had planned next and would not need a playroom. All he needed was the leather couch out front, his own toys and that balcony he had fantasized about earlier.

Gil hurried back to bed and nestled in close to Nick, smiling when the younger man snuggled in as close as he get. Wrapping his arms around the hot body, Gil thanked whatever higher being might be listening for sending this piece of heaven to him. Then Gil Grissom the tough rough CSI leader and dom sighed softly, kissed his world on top of the head and went to sleep.

The End

Next: The Balcony