Title: Cycles of Darkness

Author: Kate R.


Disclaimer: the Rangers belong to Saban, Barnabas belongs to Dan Curtis, and others who may appear belong to their creators

Rating: PG-13 to R likely

Pairings: none yet

Summary: Seven Children run away from a bad place that looks good and find a home in a good place that looks bad.

Cycles of Darkness
By Kate R.

Prologue: A Cycle Ends

He was tired. It had been a long time since he last rested and he was tired. Looking down on the town and he sighed. They did not need him now and there was no longer any family here bar his sister's ghost and the ghosts of those who'd died in the New house. He was not needed by anyone so he would rest until he was called upon again.

He sighed, knowing it would happen. It always did. He was bound to this town and when the town needed him he had to rise and protect it. That was his job it seemed. As he was the only one of his family still here, he was the one who had to safeguard the town. In the brief times when he was not needed though, he could rest. And so he would.

He walked up the steps to his bedroom after locking his doors and lay down on the bed. He had the sense to get under the covers at least this time. Last time he'd been summoned he'd been just resting on top of the blankets. Uncertain as to why he'd woken that time until the town whispered to him as he walked it: Missing, missing, dead, missing. And so it had begun again. And now he would rest. Until it began again.

Chapter 1: A New Cycle

Five years pass and the town sleeps, as does its protector. The people go about their lives, living normally and soon forget about the House on the hill until the Protector is needed again. As it always is and does, the town protects the protector.

Seven children arrive in the night. Running from something but not sure to where. It is cold here. Colder than it was there but safer too. Billy is not a punching bag, Jason, the leader thinks. One good thing. He needs there to be more than one good thing though. He has to keep them safe. No more hurt. That's why they'd run away in the first place. No more hearing Billy begging quietly in the night. No more watching the girls get hurt if they make a mistake cooking. No more watching Tommy and Zack and Adam get hurt for not making the liked kids the best. Jason won't have it anymore. He'll keep them all safe or die trying.

Tommy, their part Native American hunter is foraging for them as they look for shelter. Shy, quiet Adam stays with Billy. Jason stands guard. Dancing Zack, Perky Kim and Serene Trini are looking for things they can swipe. And Tommy comes back. Tommy looks excited.

"I found a place," he says. "It has a roof. It looks empty or at least forgotten and it's big. We can hide there for while. No one will find us there. I have food there already."

And Jason nods because he can feel it will rain tonight. He lifts Billy carefully. Smaller than the rest of them even though the same age and still hurting from all the beatings. Billy was never given the same amount of food as they were. Billy was just the whipping boy. The one the people
really treated like a slave.

Tommy helps and Zack keeps the others together as they walk. Tommy leads them quickly and quietly as they've all learned up to Widow's Hill where there is an old house standing tall against the headland. Tommy leads them to the older and somehow more sound structure and they go in.

The house is furnished so they will have a place to sleep tonight on soft things.

And so they explore, quickly degenerating into a game of Hide-N-Go-Seek.

Billy wanders into a big room. He doesn't know why but this room feels warmer and he's cold and a little sleepy and wow, cushions on the floor and he curls up on one. He's tired and Jason said it was okay to sleep now and he just wants it to be okay for a while.

Thunder wakes him later and he's scared and there, on the bed, is someone to hold on to.Tommy was wrong, the house is not empty. The man sleeping on the bed is proof of that. And Billy is sacred and the man looks safe so he climbs on to the bed. The Sun is Setting and it is getting dark he thinks the others will be looking for him soon but he is scared and the man feels safe so when a loud crash of thunder happens he cries out in fear and grabs the man.

Startled when arms wrap around him and he hugs on thinking if he's going to get hit, well, maybe the person will wait until after the storm and another crash of thunder and Billy clings tighter and tears escape his tightly closed eyes. Then he feels the gentle rubbing on his back and he realizes the man is not hurting him.

"It's just the thunder," the man says. "It's only the storm and it can't get you here."

And Billy feels safe and holds on until the thunder quiets and looks up then at the man in fear.

"My name is Barnabas," the man says and Billy realizes the man is not angry with him.

"Billy," he tells him.

And the man nods and shifts so he can get up and Billy lets him, taking his hand once he's on his feet. He lets the boy lead him and whispers as he's led: "And so it begins..."

Chapter 2: What Woke Him

He let the boy Billy lead him through the house even though his hearing had already located everyone. He was walking and he noticed the little one was having trouble keeping up so he stopped and lifted him into his arms. Easy enough for him to do being a vampire and all. He carried the little one down the steps and into the living room where the other children were. He then set Billy on the couch and built a fire for the children to warm themselves by. He noticed the children were watching him but it seemed since Billy had trusted him they would as well. Or at least, Billy wasn't afraid of him.

"Just a minute," he said to Trini who was staring at him. Once the fire was going he looked at her.

"Is there a bathroom?" she asked quietly.

That was the one thing they hadn't found so he nodded and led her to one. She would be able to show the others. He came back as the storm was getting loud again and Billy was whimpering so he lightly touched his shoulder. Billy calmed immediately.

"I'm here," Barnabas whispered. "I'm here. You're safe. It's just noise and light. It can't hurt you."

"He likes you," Jason said. Barnabas looked at the dark eyed boy and raised an eyebrow prompting him to continue.

"After what our foster parents did to him, I'm surprised he let you touch him. He gets scared."

"The thunder scared him more," Barnabas said gently.

Gentling his tone for children was something he'd learned to do long ago. "He woke me. Early I think, as it's only been five years. You all woke me. I'm only woken when I'm needed either by the town in general or people specifically and it wasn't the town this time so I think it was you all."

He was musing to himself and not really talking to them but they listened as if he was. They seemed fascinated by the fact that they could have been the reason he woke up. Zack approached next and looked at the things in the light of the fire.

"It's pretty with softer light," he said. Barnabas chuckled softly.

"I'm sure my mother, dead though she has been for a very long time, would appreciate knowing you think that. She decorated this room. She decorated most of the rooms in this house. Mother had her ways of knowing what suited and what did not. I think if we look we will find rooms that suit you all but I think that may wait until tomorrow. You all look tired and hungry."

"We have some food," Tommy began.

Barnabas shook his head. "I want you all to eat real food. Meaning until I get the kitchen set up, we will eat out."

"You cook?" Kim asked. Barnabas nodded.

"I can cook, yes. And you?"

"It was mine and Trini's job," she said. "Billy got hurt if we didn't do it right."

"Not your job anymore unless you want to," he told her. And I suppose we'll have to get the new House set up, as the only stove here is wood burning. I will have to clean it for now because I think if you all came here the New House is not sound?"

"No roof," Tommy said. "It's too cold to be without a roof."

"Agreed," Barnabas said. "Oh, Billy, how do you feel now? The storm is over."

"Better," Billy said as he looked up at him. "Thank you."

"You are welcome," Barnabas said. "Now, do you all want to get clothes and food tonight? There are several restaurants in town I think."

"Us? Eat out?" Tommy asked. "Really?"

"I don't say things I don't mean," Barnabas said. "Well, sometimes I do but only when I've had my limit of things. In this case, yes, I mean it. Are you all hungry?"

"Yes?" Jason said tenetively. Kim was watching him with her big brown doe eyes but Billy seemed to think he was okay and they'd learned to trust Billy about people.

"Okay," Barnabas said. "Let me get my cane and we'll go."

He pulled his cloak on as well. He was more used to those than to coats, as he liked his arms unhindered if at all possible. Also, the cloak could shelter the children if need be. He mused it always seemed to be storming when he woke. Something always woke him and it was always during a storm.

He sighed as he herded the children out ahead of him. He looked back at the cemetery on Eagle hill and sighed. He looked at the biggest stone and shook his head.

"Here we go again," he said softly.

Chapter 3: Dinner And...

He'd gotten them clothes, which would be delivered to the house later that night. He was taking them to dinner now and there were those in town who knew and remembered him and they wondered why he was awake now. It was too soon. He did not answer the questioning glances, merely took the children to a restaurant where Sam still cooked and served food and Sam smiled as he got the children seated.

"Good to see you Barnabas. You don't mind me asking, what woke you up? You looked dead tired five years ago."

"Need," Barnabas said. "Need greater than my need for sleep. Need so strong it woke me from the Death Sleep."

"What Need could be greater than your father's binding on you?"

Sam asked as Barnabas handed the menus to the children telling them they could have whatever they wished.

"Their need was greater," Barnabas said. "The need of those children was enough to wake me. It was...Fear that woke me and then Need. I offer what I am woken for, you know that. What they are running from, I do not know beyond it was their Foster Parents and the boy Billy was hurt. Billy is the small, blond boy. He was the one; his fear is that which woke me. He needed shelter, I granted it. I grant it for all of them."

"Even I can see the signs of abuse and neglect on those kids," Sam said.

He watched as Barnabas watched them discuss what they wanted then brought Barnabas some blood. He knew the vampire needed little since the town had taken to nurturing the needs his survival entailed. Now there was only a need to Feed once a month it seemed and that was when he was awake. Otherwise he slept and yet it seemed he had been woken because these children needed him so he would not be going to sleep again for quite some time.

"Will you keep them?" Sam asked. Barnabas looked at them and nodded.

"Yes," he said. "Whatever the reason for it I was chosen to care for them and I shall. Now, I think I need to talk to them. Can we have some privacy?"

"Yeah," Sam said as he watched the vampire walk to the table of eight to ten year olds. He knew Barnabas Collins was quite capable of taking care of things but he had a feeling this was something that had upset the pattern of the vampire's sleeping and waking for a purpose. Something wanted those children with him and Sam chuckled as Walt came in.

"Something woke him early?" Walt asked. Sam nodded and pointed at the children.

"They did. He asked for a little time before we speak to him. I don't think it's evil in the town this time. He said it was Need."

The Sheriff nodded and took a seat as Sam went and got the orders for the children. He knew Barnabas was going to have to start eating like a mortal the way those children stared at him. He knew Barnabas could eat, heck everyone in the town knew. They also knew he just didn't. Of course Sam now wondered if it was a lack of interest or a lack of acceptance in the town as a person. If it was, Sam was going to kick himself for it. The man protected them and the town every time something happened that threatened it. He deserved something. Watching the children Sam thought just maybe someone else had thought so too. Someone who was in a position to cause this. Sam shrugged.

Time would tell.

Over at the table, Barnabas was sitting waiting for the children to speak. As he thought, the blond boy had convinced the others he meant no harm. The blond boy, little Billy.

"So, what are you fleeing from that you think a vampire is a safer alternative?" he asked. It was Jason who answered. Jason seemed to be the leader.

"Uh, well, you noticed how thin we are and you commented on things at the house. It was as bad, possibly worse than what you're thinking. Billy was being beaten and molested every night. We all got it but Billy...Billy they really hated and it just, we couldn't stand it anymore and originally I was going to just take him and lave but I couldn't leave the others so I brought them and....well..."

"And so you brought them here, as far away from the pace you came from as you could. Jason, I need to know who I am protecting you all from.
I need to know their names."

Jason asked him to lean down because the names upset Billy and so he did. He got the names and wrote them down: Mary and David Stewart. Barnabas walked over to the Sheriff who was sitting at the bar and handed him the paper and then went back to the table where the children were devouring their food and he made them slow down before they got sick and then he ended up coaxing Billy to eat. Barnabas knew that one was going to require severe rebuilding. It was a good thing he had eternity because he knew it was going to take a lot of time.

A Hell of a lot of Time.

Chapter 4: Guardian

A month later Barnabas led the children into the courthouse. Billy was in his arms. Those People were here and he knew his little ones were afraid. He'd told them it was settled but there was no one he could leave them with so he had to bring them with them to hear the official ruling. He carried Billy in one arm and the others were all following him. He came into the courtroom and he saw the judge raise an eyebrow as he set Billy on one of the benches.

"Good evening Mr. Collins," the judge said. Those People as he had come to think of those who had hurt his children were standing looking angry and sullen.

"You did not need to bring the children. I have already made my decision," the judge said.

"Most of the town is here tonight," Barnabas said. "There was no one to leave them with. Can we get this done? The Little Ones fear those people and well, we all know how I feel about them."

"Of course," the judge said. He sat up and took a deep breath before he began speaking again. This time to the courtroom in general.

"Based on evidence given by doctors in three states as well as interviews with the children themselves, I have decided in the favor of Mr. Collins. Furthermore, I have asked for reprimands to be placed on the permanent records of the social workers in charge of these children up until now. I have also asked that charges be brought against the Stewarts for what they did to these children. Charges f abuse, neglect, enslavement, and cruel and inhumane treatment of the most precious gift on this planet will be brought against you two. You two will pay back every cent you were given for the care of those children, as those children were not cared for.

It is the ruling of this court that full and permanent custody of the minors Jason Lee Scott, Thomas Lynn Oliver, Trini Thuy Kwan, Kimberly Anne Hart, Zachary Michael Taylor, Adam Nicholas Park and William Lamont Cranston be given without the possibility of reversal to Mr. Barnabas Collins. Case Closed."

The judge banged his gavel and Barnabas smiled as he felt the children all hug him. He was a big man so it was easy to hug them back. At least it would be until they started growing. Once they had absorbed all the nutrients they needed to grow at any rate.

"Can we sign the papers?" Jason asked as he crowded against his new foster father. Mr. Barnabas had been the best for them. He fed them, clothes them, kept them warm and taught them. He took care of them, protected them from their nightmares. He was a real daddy. He nodded and lifted Billy again and carried him up to the bench. He ended up leaning against the bench to sign the papers with Billy sitting on his hip and the others crowded around him he had to lean to not drop Billy or trip over any of them.

"Little bastards," Mr. Stewart said. Barnabas looked at the judge who nodded and so he released Billy and set him on the bench. Then he turned to face the Stewarts and his eyes began to glow a deadly green.

"You have hurt these children," he said calmly. "For that I could quite cheerfully kill you. However, I think living the rest of your lives in poverty will be a better punishment. You will never come near them again. If you do, I swear by all things above and below I will kill you slowly. And no one will say a damn thing about it. Now, get out of his town, tonight. And if you try to come near any of My Children ever again you wont live to regret it."

His power was lashing them backwards and filling them with fear.

He laughed as they fell over themselves getting away from him. He knew his canines had dropped but he also knew his little ones were not afraid of him. Still he changed back before turning back and lifting Billy into his arms again.

"You all ready to go?"

The kids said yes so he gathered them up and they left going out to where the car was waiting. Then, he drove them home. He was far too tired after this but the next night they would go out and celebrate. The next night would truly begin the new lives of these children and he would be there
for them. No matter what.