Title: Dark Ranger

Author: Kate R.


Disclaimer: not mine, never will be. Saban owns the Rangers. Dan Curtis owns Barnabas and such.

Rating: PG-13 to R

Pairings: Jason/Billy, Tommy/Adam

Summary: Billy comes back from Aquitar confused about changes going on inside of him.

Dark Ranger
By Kate R

Tommy Oliver was walking through the woods in Angel Grove Park thinking when he heard a quiet muttering. He followed it and saw to shi shock, the form of Billy Cranston sitting under a tree rocking back and forth. Billy looked to be near tears as he sat and rocked, hunched in on himself. Tommy approached slowly and crouched down next to him.

Billy?" he asked the former Blue Ranger. To say he was shocked to see Billy here, on earth, was an understatement. He thought Billy'd opted to stay on Aquitar with Cestria but n, here he was.

"You okay, man?" Tommy asked. Billy jerked in an almost frightened way and Tommy felt startled. Since when was Billy afraid of him?

"You don't want to be near me," Billy whispered.

Tommy grabbed his arm and held him. "Why not?" Tommy asked.

"Dark," Billy said. "Dark, dark, dark. No wonder Zordon wouldn't let me take the gold powers. I'd taint them."

"Billy, what do you mean?" Tommy asked. "Zordon wouldn't Let you have the Gold Powers?"

"He didn't want blackness like mine to taint the rangers," Billy whispered still hoarsely and still thick like he either had been or was about to cry.
"Everything in me, both sides of my family are dark. I was never supposed to tell you. No one was to know."

"Know what?" Tommy asked. He was beginning to get angry. Not at Billy or his family, but at Zordon. He knew this had to do with the mentor to the power rangers.

"I'm not human," Billy whispered. "Half of me is a living shadow and half of me is a vampire's son. Zordon said that didn't affect the Morphin powers but it would affect the Zeo Colors because those had to be held by people who were pure and I wasn't. Maybe the shadow in me wasn't bad but the vampire in me, he said it stained me."

"He lied," Tommy growled. "You are pure, Billy. Now, calm down and tell me why this is upsetting you."

"It…When I was aging, when we got to Aquitar, I was nearly dead. They said it was too late."

"But you're here," Tommy said.

"Yes," Billy said. "Because the part of me that is vampire woke up. It kicked in when I was near death. The aging stopped and reversed. But now, Zordon says I can't come into the power chamber because of the taint from it. He said it made me not human anymore. Or even less human then I was. I'm not sure what he meant. I juts know I'm supposed to stay away from you all because it could taint you too. But you're my only friends."

"Billy, forget what Zordon said," Tommy told him. "We are your friends and we are going to stick by you. Come on, we can get something from the Juice Bar. Jason's there too, I think. He was just saying how much he missed you."

Billy looked at Tommy hopefully and Tommy nodded.

"Come on, man. Lets go, huh? It's going to rain today, I can see it in the clouds."

Billy nodded and followed Tommy to the Juice bar. His clothes were now darker in tone. Still blue but now the darker shades. And he had a blood red scarf tied around his leg.

"No one will tell me about him," Billy said quietly as they walked.

"Tell you about who?" Tommy asked.

"My father," Billy answered. "Zordon knows but he says it's not important. That it's need to know and I don't."

"Bullshit," Tommy said. "He's your father and you do need to know. And Billy, no matter what your bloodlines are, no matter whom you are related to, you are Billy first and foremost. You are my friend. Get me?"

"Yes," Billy said softly. Tommy nodded and led him into the Juice Bar where he could automatically see something was up. Adam, Jason, Kim, Trini and Zack were on one side and the others, the Zeo Rangers, were on the other. Tommy trusted his gut and led Billy over to where the other original rangers were.

"Look," he heard Rocky mutter. "It's the one who can taint us."

And Billy shrank in on himself causing Tommy to turn and shoot a death glare at Rocky who quailed under it. "Guys," he told the ones he was looking at. His back was to the rest of the Zeo Rangers. "Billy has a problem. I think it's something we can help him with, so he isn't afraid of himself."

"What problem?" Jason asked. "Does it have anything to do with what they've been saying?"

"Yeah," Tommy said. "It has a large part to do with that. Billy, they need to know. Can I tell them?"

Billy nodded miserably and sat at the table with his head down.

Tommy took a deep breath before he spoke. "Okay, Billy's father is a vampire apparently. His grandfather from what I can guess is The Shadow. Billy has both heritages in him. Now, those heritages are coming no line and Zordon told Billy that Zordon did not let him have the gold powers because he was afraid Billy would taint them. He was also told to stay away from us lest he taint us with his darkness."

"He. Said. What?" Jason growled angrily.

Tommy nodded and watched as the original rangers and Adam placed their hands on Billy's shoulders.

"He's wrong, Billy," Jason said. "You are the best of us. Damn him for this."

"He said I don't need to know," Billy whispered. "About my father or anything. I know about my grandfather but he says I don't need to know about my father."

"Yes, you do," Kim said softly. "You do need to know. I bet he was pretty special guy even for a vampire. I mean, he made you, right?"

"I-I guess," Billy said.

"I know," Trini said.

And Adam amended. "We all Know. There is nothing wrong with you, Billy. Light can't exist without shadow and you are that shadow. As for your father, I'm sure if he knew about you, he'd love you as much as we all do."

Billy nodded and sat surrounded by his friends. "I just wish I could meet him," Billy said. 'Just to know about him. Maybe know him as my father, as a person and not as an ideal I have in my head. That would be a hell of gift."

And on the moon, Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd, who had been listening to the story looked at each other. They were villains but they could be honest. Apparently Zordon could not.

"He needs to know, Zeddy," Rita said.

And Zedd nodded. "This was wrong of Zordon. He apparently doesn't realize what he has in that boy. Do we have enough power to grant his wish?"

"Yes," she said.

Zedd nodded.

"Try to get him, Tommy and Jason together. Billy will need their support. We know his father, he is a good man."

And the two villains who had hearts began to plan. Zordon needed to be taken down a few pegs. Best intentions or not, Billy had a right to
know. Zordon should have told him. Long before now. So, they waited, and prepared.


Three days later, Billy was staring in the mirror before he went to join Jason and Tommy. As he looked in the mirror, lines from a song from the movie Mulan ran through his head. The one about her reflection an how she only saw a stranger. He felt the same way wondering who the boy in the mirror was. His reflection didn't show him. Not who he was inside. It showed his face but nothing else. He wanted to know who the boy in the mirror was. The Epson was a stranger. Didn't show who he was. And it seemed no matter how hard Billy tried to hide who he was inside, he couldn't an he knew if he was truly himself he'd break the hearts of everyone around him. Well, except maybe Tommy, Adam and Jason. Especially not Jason. Jason was telling him he'd love him no matter who he was. Adam and Tommy were being his rocks. Even the other original rangers were being accepting of who he was. Or, who he was becoming at any rate. Now, if only he could figure out whom that was.

Billy grabbed his fedora on the way out of the house. It was a gift from his grandfather like the knife he tucked into his jacket. The Perva was more than a knife, it was a mystical thing. It was sentient and could act on it's own but normally did not.

"Lets hit the park, Billy," Jason said as they ran down the street playing tag with each other. All the way to the park they ran and when they got there, they froze. Cogs were attacking the Zeo Rangers. They looked like they could use some cover to morph but there was none. At least, not right away. Jason saw it first. Billy's eyes began to glow and then, a really thick fog bank rolled in.

"Morph you idiots," Tommy muttered. He had taken a leave of absence as he was so pissed with Zordon he couldn't work with him so he was watching and waited until they morphed and then the cogs were beaten. Billy released the fog after they'd morphed back and he knew by the look on Rocky's face it was about to be a nasty word.

"Man," rocky said. "When you go dark side, you really go dark."

"Rocky," Adam said calmly. "Shut. Up."

And they walked away, heading to another part of the park when Rita and Zedd appeared in front of them.

"Time to go on a trip, boys," Rita said as she threw an orb at them. Adam managed to get clear but the others did not.

When the explosion settled, he stared at her and Zedd.

"Billy is getting his answers," she told the former black ranger.

"We thought he deserved to know. And just between us, his father is a good man. You'll know when they are ready to come back and you'll know how to get them back."

Adam nodded and watched her and Zedd leave after she touched his forehead and the knowledge he needed or would need, was implanted to be used when it was time. Then, he went back to report to the others what had happened...

Edited of course. Rita and Zedd had their reputations to uphold. Adam thought though, that it was bad that their enemies were being more helpful than Zordon. AND they'd already given Adam the answer. It was bad when he actually believed them over Zordon but then, Zordon had betrayed his trust. He'd betrayed them all but some of the others still refused to see. He thought he might write Aeisha and see what she thought of this. She was usually pretty wise and all. He'd do that alter though. Now was for putting up with whining questions from everyone but their other friends. One of who was Eugene Skullovtich AKA Skull. He'd figured it out and they'd included him so now he joined them and they went to the youth center to talk in private. And he said a silent prayer for his friends, as he knew they were going to be traveling away from home for a while.


Falling and spinning and when they landed, Billy knew hey were not where they had been. Opening his eyes and looking around he could see Jason and Tommy knew it too.

'Great, thank you so much Rita,' he thought. Now he was trying to figure out where they were when he heard a little girl laughing.

This is fun, big brother," a little girl's voice said.

Presumably the voice wet with the laugh so they began to move towards it.

Usually Rita and Zedd sent them near people who wouldn't try to kill them automatically.

"SARAH!" A male voice called in a panic just as they got a good view. The girl was paralyzed with fear of the runaway wagon bearing down on her. Billy was the closest so he started running. No thought, no time, no second considerations. He grabbed the girl and yet knew he couldn't get them out of the way going to either side or hitting the ground so if not down or left or right then that only left one direction: Up And Billy jumped, holding the girl curled against his chest, and as he hit the height of his jump, he twisted into a somersault and when he realized he'd cleared the wagon, he finished it as a flip. He landed holding her and he stood, catching his breath. He heard the silence and then Jason's voice:

"And he stuck the landing!" Jason called in a mock announcer's voice. Then in his normal voice continued: "Damn, Kim would have paid money to
see that."

"Oh...shut up," Billy said in a weak voice before he looked down at his passenger. "Are you okay, sweetie?"

"Yes," the girl said in a shaky voice. "Thank you."

"No problem. I wanna know how much that guy had to drink."

"So do I," the male voice that had yelled said.

Billy turned to look at the man and his voice froze in his throat. The man seemed to be having the same reaction.

"Well, score one for Rita and Zedd," Tommy said, "right to your father. Think they planned it?"

"I'm your father?" the man asked. "How is that possible?"

"I...I haven't been born yet," Billy whispered. "I..."

"Do you have a name?" the man asked in a gentle tone.

"Billy," he said. "And his is Jason and Tommy. You are?"

"Barnabas Collins," the man said. "And I would like to thank you for my sister's life."

"No problem. Would have done it for anyone. Jason? I think I'm gonna pass out now, kay?"

"Shit!" Jason yelled catching Billy.

"Sorry," Tommy said to the man, Barnabas. "This is just a shock to him. He was just wishing he could meet you in our time and then, I guess some of our…less savory people decided to grant his wish."

"It's quite alright. Here, bring him in here."

Jason carried Billy into the office like place and set him on the couch like thing. Then he looked up at the man.

"Yeah," Jason said. "It has to be you."

Part 3

Lunch had been what the three boys had on them, which consisted of sandwiches, something called soda and potato chips. Barnabas had been curious about that but hadn't said much as he knew they were not from here. He and Sarah had eaten what they had but Jason had insisted on sharing what the three boys had as well. An act that made the young man in the red shirt rise in Barnabas' estimation. Barnabas had not said why he had Sarah with him that day but Jason figured it was because she wasn't wanted around the sessions the tutor was giving today

In the late afternoon, Barnabas looked at a clock he had in his office and realized it was getting late when the device read four o'clock.

The clock was something of a luxury, he admitted to himself during his not so rare bouts of self-examinations, but he tended to lose time here if he didn't have it. He preferred the shipyards to the house some days because he preferred the honesty of sailors in their manner and speech than the lies in thought and deed of his supposedly more civilized father, aunt and mother.

Not that his father understood that at all but then again, he did not realize that Barnabas was sometimes more a sailor than a gentleman. He looked at the three boys who had helped him sort some orders out while they sat around the office. They were surprisingly well educated in spite of their strangely neutral accents. Sarah was particularly taken with Billy and seemed to enjoy discussing numbers with him. Jason had teased Billy with a good-natured ease borne of what was obviously a long standing friendship and affection and had told Sarah to ignore what she'd learned unless she wanted to be an astrophysicist-whatever that was.

"I'd like you to come up to the house with me tonight," Barnabas said. "I'm not sure what Billy needs from me but if I can answer his questions, I will."

"You sure it'll be okay?" Jason asked as he looked at Tommy. His friend's mixed heritage, Jason was afraid would cause problems but so far none of the sailors in the yard had said anything about it. "It will be fine. After all, you, like Miss Winters, are not from this time. I'm not as out-of-touch as Peter thinks I am. Billy, whatever you need to ask me, or have your friends ask me, you can. I've had a few visions about the future in regards to myself. It's a gift come from my mother's side of the family."

"And you don't want to change it?" Billy asked.

Barnabas sighed and shook his head as he looked at Billy. "If it means that one day you will exist then no, I won't change it. You are important, Billy. To me, now that I've met you in reality as opposed to just the boy I see in my dreams sometimes, and to others, many others." He looked knowingly at Tommy and Jason and smiled. "Now, get your jacket on, it gets cooler here at night."

Billy nodded and slid his jacket on. Sarah walked next to her brother on one side and Jason and Tommy put Billy on his other side.

"So, what did you want to know?" Barnabas asked as they walked.

Billy looked carefully at Sarah before proceeding. He didn't want to give too much away to the little girl, but he did want answers to his questions. Choosing his words carefully, he asked, "Would you say the heritage that I carry- the darkness if you would, could lead to me tainting others with evil?" Billy asked

Barnabas stopped and turned to Billy.

"Dark does not mean Evil, Billy. I've traveled this world to places where Western ideas of good and evil don't hold sway. Those people are no more evil than Sarah here is. You are not evil or tainted. You are Billy and if that isn't enough for whomever it was that hurt you and made you doubt yourself then frankly, that person is not worth your time."

Seeing the approach of the other guest at Collinwood who too was out of their time, he called, "Good evening Miss Winters. Can I help you?"

The dark haired young woman smiled at him and said, "Oh, we were just wondering when you'd be getting back.” Then turning to Sarah, and in the manner that had impressed Barnabas from the first time he'd met her, addressed the child as a person and not as an object that was in the way, "Hello, Sarah, did you have fun with your brother today?"

"Yes, Miss Winters," Sarah said. She smiled up at Billy and said, "This is Billy. He saved me from a runaway wagon." The little girl looked down, her face flushing with embarrassment, "I sort of run away from Barnabas while playing and didn't see it coming. I shouldn't have but I did."

Suddenly her face lit up as she looked back up at Billy and said, "Billy was amazing."

"Billy's not amazing," the youth in question said blushing deeper than his aunt, "He's just fast."

"And agile," Jason chimed in obviously teasing his friend again, "Can't forget the agile he is. Right, Tom?"

"So right, Jase," Tommy said with a smile as he picked up on Jason's intent. Looking around he said, "So, nice place you have here."

Victoria Winters was staring at the teens. She recognized their manner of dress and was confused. Barnabas smiled at her and she realized he knew her secret and had said nothing. He understood.

"Barnabas?" an older male voice asked. "Who are these young gentlemen?"

"Father," Barnabas turned and nodded before indicating the boys in turn, "this is Thomas, Jason and William. They are just passing through the area. They happened to see the drunk on the wagon that nearly hit Sarah. William's quick reactions saved her."

"Well, thank you, young man," the man Barnabas had referred to as father said, nodding to Billy. "If you haven't made other arrangements, perhaps you'd care to stay here until you are ready to move on? It seems I owe you a debt and I always repay those."

"Uh... sure, of course," Jason said. He knew Billy was on the verge of shock right now, and the young genius was probably unable to think clearly. Far too much had happened in the last few hours, and he would need some time to process it all. He knew it would be up to him and Tommy to deal with things for the time being.

The older man frowned slightly as if noticing their strange dress for the first time.

Jason jumped in and said smiling, "Our baggage was stolen so we're wearing what we had. We'll have to get some more proper attire for this area eventually but we can make do for now."

"Some of my clothes should fit them, father," Barnabas said. "I'll see what I have; for the time being however, I think they'd prefer to stay as they are."

"Yes, of course," the older man said. "My name is Joshua Collins, he introduced himself. "Please, come inside. I'll have the kitchen alerted three more for dinner."

"Thank you," Tommy said, finally remembering the manners his mother had drilled into him.

Jason steered Billy inside, not bothering to explain, just hoping they'd let it be. He so did not want to explain it right now.

He looked over his shoulder at Barnabas and the man he was talking to and prayed Barnabas could swing an excuse for Billy's silence.

"Barnabas," Jason heard as they were ushered into a sitting room. "What's wrong with that boy?"

"I believe the robbery was a bit much for him," Barnabas said.

"He was bleeding earlier but it stopped. However, I am going to assume he was injured. Perhaps he's in slight shock? I think he will be well after a good meal and a night of rest."

"We can definitely give him that then. Come along, I believe your mother wants to know how the day went."