TITLE: This One's On Me

Author: E.C.

Fandom: Dead Like Me

Rating: R for gropage

Pairing: Rube/Mason

Disclaimer: Showtime owns 'em, and while I make no money I swipe 'em as I see fit for gallivants through my twisted little imagination

Summary: Mason uses more than just money to tempt Rube into a bet he can't win.

Feedback: Love it? Hate it? Tell me! struttersuperior@aol.com

Archive: Peja, 'tis all yours, everyone else feel free, just let me know so I can gloat

Notes: For the illustrious Peja's latest 5 minute delight. You rock, doll. Unbeta'd so if it sucks blame me. :)


This One's On Me
by E.C.

"I'm bloody serious, Rube." Mason insisted, his gaze imploring as he stared at the man beside him. "Swear to God."

Rube shook his head. "Nothin' doing, kiddo. I'm not about to fall for one of your scams."

"Now Rube," Mason drawled, his voice gone soft and caressing as he slid one hand over Rube's thigh under the table, "you know I would NEVER try to run you through the wringer."

Rube shook his head again, struggling to ignore the teasing fingers that were tracing the inseam if his jeans, working further and further upward.

"So you're tryin' to tell me that the guy in front of us has a head full of hair when I can see...Jeez!...my own reflection in his dome?" Rube asked, hissing as Mason's hand cupped his crotch.

"Mmm-hmmm." Mason murmured, nuzzling Rube's ear. "And if I'm wrong, you pay for breakfast. Simple..." he paused, teeth teasing at his earlobe as his fingers slid over Rube's zipper, "...and fair. You gonna make the bet or not, love?"

Rube groaned softly as he instinctively thrust towards Mason's questing fingers. "Okay, I'm game."

Mason grinned, licking his neck. "Thought you would be."

"So?" Rube croaked hoarsely.

"So..." Mason drawled, suddenly removing his hand from Rube's groin and sliding away with a wicked smile. "I'm absolutely wrong. That chap's bald as a billiard ball. Thanks for breakfast, love."

Rube growled peevishly, vowing revenge on his lover later on as he withdrew his wallet from jeans that suddenly felt much tighter than before.

"Check please." he sighed to the waitress as she walked by.

