COPYRIGHT August 1999. By Raven.



Title: Friends, Partners and Lovers.

Author: Raven

E-mail: Raven


Pairing: Roy/Kelly Brackett.

Archive: Yes, with permission.

Content Warning: This story contains some foul language as well as explicit male/male sex. If you don't like this sort of thing, stop reading now.


Friends, Partners and Lovers.

by Raven

Following the other man, into the room, Kelly let out a tired sigh. It had been only the first of what was sure to be, long drawn out days. Both he and Roy DeSoto, were in Sacramento, to testify in a series of hearings, about the need for some changes in the laws regarding how Paramedic and other rescue units, operated. There simply was not enough units to go around to have those they did have, often being tied up with a minor transport, when another call, one of a more serious nature comes in. Something that has been a problem from day one, in the business of Emergency Medicine.

The reason Kelly Brackett, was asked to speak to the committee, looking into the problem, was because he was the most widely known figure in the field. That and because he had been one of the major players on the scene when it all started. Roy, was there because Kelly, asked him to come along. As one of the most senior Paramedics, in the business, Roy's first hand experience with numerous situations, where such incidents had occurred, and someone had to make the call. Hopefully, they were not wasting their time and breath, but they had to try to get the system changed.

Taking a seat on the foot of his bed, Roy pulled off one, then the other shoe. " I don't know about you, but I have had better service and food, from a vending machine."

"Tell me about it. " Sitting down to do the same. " Rude, just does not seem to be a strong enough word to describe that waitress. "

Cracking a smile. " Okay, I'll say it. She was a royal bitch. "

Kelly, let out a short, sarcastic laugh. " Yep, that describes her right down to the sneer. "

"Reminded me of my former Mother-in-law's smile. "

Shaking his head. " You really did hate her didn't you? "

"Still do. " Standing and starting to undo his tie, then pulling off his shirt. " If it wasn't for her interfering, Joanne and I, would still be married. "

Unable not to watch, Kelly used to mirror to view what his companion was doing. " Ever think about trying again? "

"No. To many things have been said, that can't be taken back. I don't know how, but at least Joanne and I, are still on good terms with one another, but we will never be more then friends again. "

"I mean, have you ever thought about finding another woman? "

It was Roy's turn, for a sarcastic laugh, before answering a question. " Between my two jobs, I barely have enough time to do laundry, let along go out and comb the singles scene. "

Turning back, Kelly cracked a smile. " I know what you mean. Between my regular duties, with those I have with the Paramedic Training Program, and there's still not enough hours in a day. I really don't know how you do it. "

"I do it because I have to do it. " Heading for the bathroom. " Got two kids to support, even if I never get to see them. "

Sighing, then speaking more to himself then Roy. " I wish I had half as good of reason as that reason. "

Even if the comment wasn't directed at him, Roy still heard it. When he came back out of the bathroom, he stopped and looked at his friend. " Why didn't you ever get married and raise a family? "

Kelly, looked uneasy for a few seconds, before he turned back. " I was married at one time. Her name was Amanda."

It took a few moments for the shock to pass. When it did, Roy took a seat beside his friend, who was now sitting on the foot of the first bed, looking down at the floor. The expression on Kelly's face, was one of a man, who was lost in the past. A single tear, that slipped down one cheek, said that it was a painful past. " I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stir up unpleasant memories. "

"That's okay." After a pause. " It's been twenty years and it still hurts like it was yesterday."

"What happened?"

"She was killed by a drunk driver, while crossing the street. We were only married for seven months at the time. At the time of the accident, Amanda was ten weeks pregnant. She knew, but I didn't. When she was killed, she was on her way home from the grocery store, with some things she planned on using to make a romantic dinner. That's when she had planned to break the news. What happened to Amanda, has had a lot of influence on how I ended up in the field, I work in now. If we had what we have now, then, she would have made it. "

"I'm sorry, I had no idea. "

"No one does. Your the first person, I've told about Amanda, sense I came to California. Not even Dixie, knows and she knows me better then anyone else. " Recalling the night he met the girl, who changed everything, Kelly smiled fondly. He didn't know why, but he was compelled to talk about his past. In a way it felt good. " I never planned on getting married. I was set in my ways, or so I thought. Then one night, along comes the most beautiful girl, with the cutest little laugh, and suddenly everything changes. When my father found out, I was seeing a girl, he was ecstatic. When we eloped, he wanted to wring my neck, but still was one happy camper. He never expected me to get married. "

Roy, grinned. " Why not? '

Again Kelly, looked uneasy, before answering. He didn't intend to tell that much. However he had already told one secret, he may as well tell the other one. One that wasn't any easier to divulge, but he had already started and Kelly, preferred to finish what he started. His tone, a soft one." Because he had a son, who preferred other men, verses women. "

After several minutes of silence, Roy figured that it was his turn, to spill some beans of his own. By doing so, maybe it would help show that he truly did understand. He too had a little secret, that no one really knew about. " One of the reasons Joanne's mother, didn't like me, was because she had somehow found out that while I was in the Army, over in Nam, I had relations with other men. To this day, I don't know how she found out, but she did. "

Slowly turning from the window, to look at the other man. " Are you serious?"

"Very. " Sighing. " There were no women around and things got a little lonely."

"Your not the first person I have heard say that and I can understand what would drive a person to such extremes." Returning to sit on the foot of the other bed. " Especially under those stressful circumstances."

Seeing the understanding in Kelly's eyes, Roy managed a smile. " Looks like we both have a few skeletons, in our closets. "

"Most people do, Roy. "

After they both sat in silence, lost in thought." Tell me, how did your father find out that you were gay and how did he handle it? "

Grinning. " Caught me kissing my best friend. Talk about getting the shit kicked out of you. Needless to say, he didn't take it well. But eventually came to terms with it, to a point. At every chance he got, he would shove some pretty young woman, at me and make comments about how nice she was and that how nice of a couple we would make. Kept doing that right up to the day he died, last year. "

"Is that why you and Dixie, never got serious?"

"Partially, but it's not the only reason. I won't go into details, out of respect for her privacy, but I'll tell you this much. She doesn't have a problem with it. If things did work out, between us, I would have been as loyal to her, as you were to Joanne."

Returning the smile, Roy nodded. " I won't ask any further questions. However, I should tell you that I always thought that you and Dixie, made a good pair."

"Thanks. She is something else, that's for sure. " Thinking back to a particular incident that really hit home, making him realize just how much he did care for Dixie. " Roy, that day she got hurt, while you guys were out in the field, you don't know how much I wanted to reach through that radio and strangle both you and Johnny, for letting her get hurt. Even if I had a good idea that she had put herself in danger, I was still ready to blame the two of you. "

"We still blame us, so don't feel to bad about it. " Grinning, when Kelly, turned back to him, with a funny little smile, he's never seen before. " What? "

"I was just thinking about how much has changed sense then, including my opinion of the Paramedic Program. When I first met you, I'll admit that I was sure that the two of us were going to do nothing but butt heads. I thought you were just another mocho hero type trying to find another way to satisfy your ego. "

Laughing, Roy shook his head twice, then looked back. Once he had finally stopped laughing enough to speak. " So what do you think of me now? "

Letting his actions speak for themselves, Kelly took a chance and hoped for the best.

At first Roy was caught off guard and did nothing, then gradually he began returning the kiss.Moaning into Kelly's mouth, when the other man slipped a hand down the front of his boxers, Roy thrust into that hand, as it wrapped around his hard shaft. It felt so good to feel a hand there, especially sense the hand wasn't his own.

Stroking the growing erection in his hand, working it to it's full length, Kelly broke the kiss. After flashing a hungry grin, he began laying a trail of wet kisses as he moved down, over Roy's firm body. The man had a solid build that Kelly had admired from afar, and was now getting to admire up close and personal. Very personal. After tonguing Roy's naval, Kelly used his free hand to work the front of Roy's boxers, down to expose the hard cock, that he was playing with. Not only did Roy have a nice solid body, he also had a very solid, lengthy cock. Kelly couldn't recall ever seeing one so beautiful. One that he intended to take his time to admire properly, in way that it should be admired.

Gasping in delight as Kelly, took the head of his manhood, into his hot mouth, then again, when he swirled his tongue, over and around the end, Roy knew he wasn't going to last long. It had been to long sense he's been with anyone. Nearly two and a half years or having only his own hands to take care of his needs, just didn't cut the cake compared to this. For months Roy's body had been begging for more then a handjob in the shower or bed.

Reaching down with both hands, Roy tangled his fingers in Kelly's thick dark hair as he thrust his hips upward. " Oh yeah... Feels..good."

Knowing Roy, was already close to exploding, Kelly went to work, wanting to give his friend, the best possible experience that he could. Lord only knows how long it's been for him. Working his mouth down then up, taking in more each attempt until he had it all down, Kelly sucked and worked his tongue along the underside of Roy's, thick, lengthy shaft. Letting the hands in his hair, set the pace. When his head was pushed down and Roy, thrust his hips up and held that position, Kelly used his throat to milk the hot cream hitting the back of his throat, from Roy's body, swallowing as much as he could.


Opening his eyes, Roy wasn't sure if he had just had another wild dream or did he really get the best blow job of his life, from Kelly Brackett.

"Welcome back. Have a nice nap? "

Turning his head and looking into Kelly's, grinning face. " Don't tell me, I passed out? "

"Okay, I won't. " Running a hand over Roe's, chest, teasing a small, hard nipple. " I'll take it as a compliment though. It's been a long time. I wasn't sure if I still had it. "

"Believe me you do. That was fantastic. " Rolling onto his side and playing with one of the other man's, small hard nipples. " I can't guarantee, how good I'll be either, but I'll try my best. "

Shaking his head as he cupped one side of Roy's face. " Not this time Roy. This time, all I want you to do, is relax and enjoy it. You don't know how long I've wanted this. "

Returning the ornery grin. " Don't I? "

When they kissed, Roy tasted his own flavor, still strong on Kelly's lips and tongue, as it slipped between his parted lips. The added flavor, only added to the experience. The one thing that Joanne, would never do for him in all the years that they were married, was what Kelly just did. If Kelly, wanted to make love to him, Roy wasn't going to argue with him, this time. The next time, and there would be a next time, he was going to return the favor.


Awakening slowly, Roy rolled onto his back, then opened his eyes. At first he didn't know where he was, then it all came back to him. With a smile, he turned his head and looked at the man sleeping beside him. Kelly was in almost the same position he had landed in the night before, after they made love.

Smiling to himself, Roy still couldn't believe how good it had felt. The orgasm he had as Kelly rode him into ecstasy, had been the most powerful he's ever had. He didn't know if this was because it had been so long sense he's really done anything, or not Either way it didn't really matter. All that really mattered was that he had thoroughly enjoyed every bit of what had happened last night.

Feeling the bed under him move, Kelly slowly opened his own eyes. Seeing the smile that Roy had, made Kelly smile himself. " Morning. Sleep well? "

"Like a rock. "

"Good. " Raising a hand and brushing some hair back from Roy's eyes. " How do you feel?"

Answering as he let the hand he wasn't using to prop his head up on, stroke Kelly's forearm, loving how it made him feel. " Better then I have in a long time. "

Taking Roy's hand and kissing it, Kelly grinned from ear to ear, before rolling over and onto the younger man. " Makes two of us. "


It was obvious from the moment Roy, walked into the room, that something had happened. Just by the way his partner, moved and smiled, Johnny knew that Roy, had got himself laid. About fucking time partner. " Looks like you enjoyed your little vacation. "

Roy, flashed his partner and best friend a smile. " I wouldn't call it a vacation, but yeah, I had a pretty good time. "

"What happened? Did Brackett, go home early? "

Grinning from ear to ear, Roy turned and opened his locker, letting it's door, hide his expression from Johnny. " No. We both had a good time. " One hell of a good time to be exact, and we didn't even leave our room much.

Returning to changing into his uniform. " Brackett, having fun? That's a little hard to picture."

"He knows how to have fun, when he sets his mind to it. There's a lot about the man, that we don't know about. "

"So, what did the two of you do that was so fun? "

Almost laughing at the thought of what he really wanted to say. We screwed each other's brains out, but good. " Just hung around, the hotel and enjoyed what was there. There were a couple good movies on and there was a bar, on the first floor."

Recalling a couple trips, he had taken with Roy, Johnny knew what Roy's idea of a good time was, and sitting around a hotel room, watching movies, was it. If that was also Brackett's, idea of a good time, then Johnny, didn't really want to know. Maybe Roy didn't get laid after all. " I see. Well, it's nice to know you got more out of the trip, then a headache or being bored out of your mind, with all those meetings."

"They weren't all that boring believe me. " Before he sat down to put his work shoes on, Roy hesitated and grinned again at his own thoughts. Got plenty out of it Junior.

"Oh by the way, your never going to guess who, myself and Bellingham, had the pleasure of getting to razz last night. "


Johnny, wasn't the only one who noticed, that someone had a good time, on what was supposed to be a boring trip. Dixie, knew the walk and the smile, all to well. Kelly, only walked that way, when he was in a really good mood. Something that didn't happen often. " How did it go? "

"Don't know if they got the message or not, but everyone who was there, sure gave it our best shot to get the point across. " Pouring himself a cup of coffee. " Anything going on that I should know about? "

"Nope. Things have been fairly quiet. However, you should know that I think, Joe has become attached to your parking spot. "

"He'll get over it. " Joining her at the table. " Speaking of our happy go lucky friend, where is he? "

"He's here and I'll tell you where, but first your going to do me a little favor. " Seeing the questioning look, Dixie gave Kelly, that smile that said, I dare you to tell me differently. " You know that parking space, that Joe, has become attached too? "

"Yeah. "

Again with that little smile, that she reserved only for him. " Your going to be a good boy, and continue to let him use it, aren't you? "

Knowing that he didn't dare argue with her. " Okay, he can have it. It's no big deal. Now tell me why, I'm letting Joe, have my parking space? "

"He broke his ankle last night while playing a late round of golf. Don't ask, I really don't know any details, nor do I want to know any. If you ask John Gage, he may know the real story sense he came in with him."

"How bad of a break, is it? "

"Bad enough to require a pin job. Last I heard, they were almost finished. He should be in recovery soon, if he's not already there. "


Looking up, at the ceiling, watching as the little indents in the stuff, that the panels were made from, spin and turn interesting colors, Joe Early, smiled nicely. Gee, I never knew they did that.

"Joe, what are you doing, laying around when we have a waiting room full of patients waiting to be seen?"

Raising his left hand, with his middle finger standing straight up. " Nice to see you too, Kel. That is you isn't it? "

"Of course it is. Who else would bother coming up here to see you. " Glancing over at Dixie, Kelly snickered, then turned back. to Joe, who was flying high, fueled by Morphine. " Tell me Joe, what were you doing out on the golf course, at eleven o'clock at night? "

Grinning from ear to ear, even more the he already had been.. " Playing the nineteenth hole. Got my foot stuck in the eighteenth hole, right before I could sink me a nice one into the nineteenth. "

"Really. Joe, your supposed to put the ball in the hole, not your foot? "

Giggling. " Not the hole I was trying to get into, you don't. "

Getting the idea real quick, Kelly burst into laughter, then after giving Joe and affectionate pat on the shoulder. " Never mind. I'll see you later. "


Stepping out of Treatment 3, Roy stopped and looked both ways before heading for the Base Station. As he approached, Carol looked up and smiled. " Hi Roy, how was your trip?"

"Not bad. I hear Joe Early, had a little accident. How is he? "

"Just fine. From what Dixie, told me, he was flying high when she saw him earlier, in Recovery. Though I doubt he'll really be awake right now, if you want to stop in and say hello, he's in 402. "

"I'll see him later, when he's awake. Do you know where Brackett, is?"

Picking up a stack of charts that needed to be taken to records. " In his office I think. "

"Thanks. " Turning and walking toward the waiting area, Roy glanced out the ambulance entrance as he passed. Though he didn't expect to see Johnny, for at least a half hour, he thought he would look anyway. As expected, there was no sign of the squad.


Looking up from the chart he was writing in, when someone knocked on the door, Kelly reached for his coffee, with his left hand. " Come in. "

Seeing Roy, coming through the door, Kelly put down the cup and his pen. With a smile that few people got to see. " Hey, how's it going? "

Closing the door first. " Not bad. I heard about Joe."

Chuckling. " I'm sure you did. Next time maybe he'll try taking his date, home first. "

Laughing, Roy took a seat. " So it's true? "

"Admitted it under the oath of the effects of lingering anesthesia and morphine. "

"That's not fair you know. "

"Believe me Roy, he would do the same if the situation was reversed. " Moving around to sit on the front edge of his desk. " He's in 402, if you want to go up. "

"I know, Carol told me, " Shifting a bit nervously in his seat. " Are we still on, for tomorrow?"

Kelly's eyes became a bit brighter. " As long as nothing here comes up, we are. I'll meet you at your office when I finish here. "

"Sounds good to me. " Standing, Roy didn't move, as Kelly also got to his feet.

Closing the distance, Kelly raised a hand and lightly cupped one side of Roy's face, before leaning closer. Brushing his lips lightly against Roy's, then looking into his light blue eyes, Kelly whispered. " I can't wait. "

"Neither can I. " After another kiss. " Johnny's going to be a little while, we have some time."

Shrugging out of his lab coat, then tossing it into a chair. " About how much? "

"Twenty minutes, maybe a little longer. " Putting the H.T. down on the desk, Roy turned and walked over to the door, to lock it. When he turned back, Kelly was there. " What do you have in mind? "

Taking one hand and leading Roy over to the sofa. " Let me show you. "

Just as the two men sat down, the hospital's intercom system interrupted them. " Doctor Brackett, report to Emergency. Doctor Brackett, to Emergency."

Standing again, Kelly shook his head in disbelief, before going after his labcoat. " Never fails. "

Also on his feet once more, Roy retrieved the H.T. from the desk. " I'll see you later."


Sitting with a cup of coffee, that had long ago gone cold, Roy stared out through the window, in the small room, that served as an office, that he shared with several other people. Working as a part time instructor, for the Paramedic Program, at Rampart, Roy spent most of his days off from the Fire Department, right where he was, or close.

At the moment, they were between training groups. It was time to go over the last session and figure out how they could improve the training, and plan for the next group. The lessons he was scheduled to teach, were the same that he had last session, so Roy, didn't have much in the way of preparation, to do. What he did have to do, was mostly done already. Because he was active as a Paramedic, for the county, Roy was very much aware of the constant changes, unlike some of the other instructors. If what he had heard while in Sacramento, was any indication, there were going to be more changes coming soon. Changes that hopefully were for the better.

At the moment, Roy really didn't have anything to do. Things were on hold until he go a call from the hospital's, printing office, letting him know that the materials, he had dropped off earlier, to be copied, were ready to be picked up. Then he could put together the training program packets, that each student got, on the first day. After that, he was ready for the start of the next session, which would start at the begging of the following week.

Because he didn't have anything to do, Roy sat at his desk, lost in thought. He was supposed to meet Kelly, after both got off today. That would be around four or four thirty, if nothing came up for Kelly. This would be the first time the two of them had gotten together privately sense returning from Sacramento, two days ago. Their last planned get together, had been canceled when there was a pile up on the freeway, during afternoon rush hour. Both ended up working late, in the ER. While Roy, wasn't paid for that, he really could leave. It also gave him something more to do with his spare time then sit around daydreaming as he was at the moment.

Roy, smiled to himself as he thought about what could happen later. Two years without sex, had left him wanting it again, now that he could get it and did. He had always thought of Kelly Brackett as an attractive man, but now he was looking at him, and other men, in a different light. He had even spent most of the last shift at Station 51, sizing up his coworkers. While part of Roy, was disgusted by the idea, another part was amused. I wonder what Johnny and Hank, would do if they knew, that I thought they would both be good in bed? Dam, I would love to try Johnny, just once.

Knocking at the open door. " Hey, are you busy? "

Turning, Roy smiled. " Nope. What's up? "

Entering, Dixie closed the door behind her. " Just thought I would stop in, before I headed home and see what you were upto. "

Roy, didn't buy that excuse for a moment. " Well, I'm not up to anything. Just waiting for Printing, to call me for a pick up. "

Taking a seat in a chair, that was at another desk, Dixie regarded Roy, carefully. The other day, she had noticed that he had that light, back in his eyes, that vanished when he and Joanne, parted. Knowing both Roy and especially Kelly, as she did, and that they had both come back from a week long trip, much happier, then they left, Dixie had her suspicions.

Standing, Roy picked up his cold coffee. " Care for a cup? "

" Sure. " Watching as he went to where the coffee pot was. " Tell me Roy, how did things really go up in Sacramento? "

" I think we may have gotten our point across. Don't know if they will go with Kel's proposal, or with another, if any at all. " Returning with two cups of coffee and placing the one with cream and sugar, down beside Dixie. " A lot of people there, had some pretty good ideas. "

" That's what Kel, said. So what did the two of you do, when not in the meetings and hearings? "

Sitting again, Roy looked Dixie, in the eye. " Dixie, why don't you cut to the chase, like you normally do? "

" Okay, I will, " Leaning forward, with an ornery grin. This should be interesting. I just hope I'm not about to make a very big mistake. " Did the two of you, play around with one of the locals, while you were there?

Laughing, Roy sat back and crossed his legs as he looked back. " What if we did? "

It was her turn to laugh. " I'm just curious. I know what puts Kel, in the mood he's been in for the last couple days. I'm glad the two of you had some fun. Lord only knows that it's about time that the two of you did. "


Shaking his head, laughing, Kelly set down the box of paper he had been caring " I can't believe she did that. "

" Why not? We both know Dixie, has a curious streak as wide and long, as they come."

" True. " Turning to the other man. " So, what did she say? "

" That she knew what it took, to put you in such a good mood. "

" That doesn't surprise me either. " Making a gesture, towards the two boxes, of printed manuals that needed to be put together, that they just carried over from the printers "Are you planning on doing this now? "

Shaking his head, Roy went to get his jacket, from it's hook, near the door. " Nope. Figured, I could take them to work, on my next shift, and get the guys at the station to help me put them together. If not, at least I'll have the room there, to do it. My apartment is way to small."

" I don't know about you, but I'm starved. We can pick up something, on the way to my place, or we can eat out? "

As they left the office, locking the door behind him. " Why your place? "

" For the same reason, you don't take those copies home to put them together."

" Good point. "


Washing each other, with soapy hands, Roy and Kelly, moaned softly into each other's mouths. Even though they had just finished making love barely a half hour ago, both were both erect and ready to go another round. The warm water, cascaded down over their bodies as they moved against each other. Roy's, hand dropped down to cup, Kelly's bottom, then pulled him against his own groin, their erect cocks, pressed between them.

After several minutes of grinding into each other, Kelly couldn't take it much longer. He need to feel Roy inside him, and now. Pushing away, Kelly looked to his lover, with dark, lusting eyes, before turning around.

Roy, watched as Kelly, leaned against the shower wall, bending at the middl. Looking down, then letting a hand begin to caress and spread soap, into the other man's cleft, Roy reached for a bottle of shampoo, standing on a small shelf in the corner.

Feeling a finger, slip inside, Kelly wiggled against it, working it in even more. Gradually Roy, added two more fingers, stretching his lover's tight opening to ready him as well as slowly driving him into a heated frenzy. " I need it Roy, I need it real bad. "

" What's the rush? "

" Damit Roy, fuck me. "

Lathering up himself, Roy moved closer. Removing the fingers, then immediately pressing the head of his cock, against the ring, of tight muscle, Roy slowly pressed against the small opening, spreading it, as he gradually slipped inside.

What little discomfort there was, was more of an ache, before it turned to an itch, that demanded scratching. " Uhhhmm... yessssss."

His eyes closed as he concentrated on what he was doing, Roy slowly continued to push more of his hard meat, into the small tight place that he craved more then anything as of recently.

"Feels good."

"Know the feeling."

Going until it was physically impossible to go any further, Roy placed both hands on Kelly's, hips. Rotating his own hips, as he waited for Kelly's body, to relax a little more. Turning his face up, into the shower stream, Roy licked the water from his lips. He could still taste Kelly, there from earlier that evening.

Arching his back, Kelly gasped in delight, between words." Oh Roy, that feels so good."

Rotating as he began to move with short strokes. " How's that feel?"

"Good, real good. " Wiggling in the opposite direction of Roy's, movements. " Oh yeah. Oh man that feel so dam good."

Picking up the pace, Roy held on as he began a wild ride, that they were giving each other. As good as sex with Joanne, had been, it was nothing like this. Nothing in Roy's experience was as good as what he now had.

Grunts and moans, growing in volume as the pace continued to pick up, both men were soon beyond comprehension of anything but what they were feeling. Not even the water, that was now cold, running over them, phased either man.

Driving it home one last time, Roy threw his head back, calling out Kelly's name, as the fireworks inside his head, began to explode deep inside his lover's backside.

Roy's orgasm, came almost at the same instant Kelly's, did. Trembling as he shot gobs of cream, onto the wall and floor, Kelly cried out, telling the world, or anyone who could hear, how good things felt. When his orgasm finally started winding down, he was left whimpering as he told his lover, how much he appreciated what he had done for him.

Turning off the water, before they both began to slide to the floor, totally exhausted, Roy whispered into Kelly's ear, as he held him close. " Anytime Kel, anytime."

Closing his eyes, Kelly smiled warmly as he relaxed into the embrace. " You know Roy, I'm going to hold you to that? "

"Fine by me. "


Laying together, in bed, watching television, Kelly lightly caressed Roy's bare back with one hand, while holding the book he had been reading, in the other. Gradually, Roy was getting heavier against him and his breathing shallow, signs that he was falling asleep. Putting the book down on the bedside table, Kelly pulled the quilt, covering them both, up a little higher, before placing a kiss against Roy's, damp hair.

Reaching out and turning off the television by remote, then turning off the bedside lamp, Kelly closed his own eyes. Sense neither had to work in the morning, Kelly opened his eyes again, to check and make sure the alarm was turned off, before closing his eyes again. His smile, matching that of his lover, who was sound asleep already.


Roy, sat quietly, watching as Johnny, paced back and forth, in front of him. While he would be able to keep his secret from everyone else at the station and beyond, Roy knew that he would never be able to keep it from Johnny. After discussing it with Kelly, before doing anything, Roy wanted to come clean with his partner to try and avoid an even larger problem in the future. Hopefully, he didn't just make a mistake that could ruin their friendship.

Letting out a long, slow breath before saying anything. " Roy, I really don't know what to say. You and Kelly, are the last two people, I would have ever thought of being that way. "

"In a way, I find that comforting. " Deciding to lay down the rest of the news. " John, I'm thinking about moving in with him. "

"Roy, are you sure that this is a good idea? "

"Good or bad, it's what I want. " After a pause. " What we both want. "

Stopping and looking his friend in the eye. " Roy, do you realize, how this may look to Joanne? "

"I really don't care what she thinks about it. It's my life, not her's. "

"What about your kids? How are you going to explain it to them? "

That was one thing that Roy, still wasn't able to work out. " I don't know. I'll find a way."

"You do know, that by doing what your doing, could give Joanne, reason to keep the kids from you and you from them? We both know it happens."

"What am I supposed to do Johnny, let my life revolve around what everyone else thinks? I know I'm taking a chance, but then again, it's not like I get to see my kids, anyway. For god's sake, their living in fucking, England. It's not like I can get in my car, and drive over to visit them when I want. I haven't seen either of them in almost two years and I doubt I'll see them before another two years passes. "

Trying to ease Roy's, rising anger. " Look, all I want you to do, it take a little time, and think about this, before you do it. Being lovers is one thing, but living together is another story all together. I know about your situation with Joanne, and I know how happy you have been sense you came back from Sacramento, but the two of you have to really be careful about how you handle your relationship. Both of you have a lot to loose. "

" Don't you think we already know that? "

"Sorry, but I'm just trying to make sure you know what your getting into. "

Turning to gaze out the window. " I know and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to turn this into an argument. "

"I know Roy. And so you know that you have one less thing to worry about, you don't have to worry about me, I don't care as long as your happy. To me that's what really matters. However there are going to be plenty of people who will care and not like it one least bit."

Slowly turning back, with unshed tears in his eyes. " You mean, your not disgusted? "

Shaking his head, a smile crept into Johnny's expression. " No Roy, I'm not. You may have given me the surprise of a lifetime, but that's about it. If your happy, with him, and he with you, then that's fine by me. "

Relaxing, Roy finally smiled for the first time sense arriving at Johnny's place, over an hour ago. " That means a lot to me, Junior. Thanks. Of all the people around me, your the one person who's approval I wanted more then anyone those of anyone else "

"Your welcome. " Looking Roy, up and down. " I have to admit, that now you have me curious. "

"About? "

"What it's like."

Cracking a wicked grin. " If you want to find out, it can be arranged?"

"Maybe someday, I'll accept that offer when I'm good and drunk, but I don't think it's a good idea right now. " With that crooked smile of his, that melted hearts, both male and female, alike. " I wouldn't know what to do, if I decided I liked it."

After a few moments of thought and a short laugh they both shared. " Let's just say it's like having the best of both sides."

Trying to ignore the erection he was getting. " Good, eh?"

Noticing how Johnny, was beginning to fidget. " Better then it's ever been with Joanne, and believe me, she wasn't bad. "

I'll bet she was. With a body like that, she has to be. " What about being on the receiving end? "

"As I said, the best of both worlds. Ever take a woman that way? "

Shaking his head from side to side. " Roy, I'm lucky if I get anything, let alone to try that sort of thing with a woman. Believe me, the idea has occurred to me on more then one occasion, but I never acted on it."

Lowering his voice. " It's tight, hot and can be very, very wild. "

Feeling his cock twitch. " Tighter then pussy? "

"A lot tighter." Noticing the bulge in Johnny's, pants. " Want to try it?"

Shaking his head as he moved to the couch and sat down. " Let's not and say we did. Roy, your my best friend. The best friend I have ever had. I don't want to screw up what we have with sex. I've screwed up enough relationships, because of sex, or wanting it. Maybe some other time. Besides, what would Kelly, think?"

That I was being selfish, for not inviting him. " Let's just say that he would be a little jealous. Take it from me Johnny, it feels as good as it gets. If you ever change your mind, all you have to do is let me know."


After Roy finally headed home, Johnny found himself thinking about what they had discussed that afternoon. No matter how hard he tried to not think about the conversation, Johnny, just couldn't stop thinking about it. He also couldn't get the erection that he's had most of the day, to stay down. Even masturbating twice, didn't help for long. Especially sense his thoughts, while doing so, wouldn't stay on the mental image of a beautiful young woman. Instead he kept trying to imagine what it would be like, with another man.

Frowning, Johnny fussed around his apartment, cleaning. Cleaning and laundry, was something else he used to try and get his thoughts out of the gutter or off whatever it was that bothered him.

Adding the last of the laundry, to the bin, Johnny surveyed his bedroom. The last time the room looked anywhere near this neat, was before he moved in. With nothing further to do, in the cleaning process, besides wait for the next load of laundry to finish, Johnny returned to his living room and turned on the television. " Please, let there be some horror flick on. "


Like his partner, Roy was also thinking about he conversation he and Johnny, had earlier. A conversation he's had with himself several times over the last week or so. Especially the part about how he was risking what little relationship he had, with his children, by doing what he planned on doing, on Saturday.

Picking up a pair of small picture frames, that were joined with a hinge, Roy looked at the smiling images of his two children. The pictures he had, were over two years old. A day didn't go by without him trying to picture what his children now looked like. All his request for updated pictures, seemed to fall on deaf ears. The letters that he wrote once a month, now rarely got a reply. The last time either of the two children, had written back, was over three months ago. When he called, all Chris and Cindy, really wanted to talk about was the things they were doing, with Martin, their stepfather. They didn't seem to interested in much else.

Roy, was grateful to a point that Martin, Joanne's new husband, provided well for his children and loved them as if they were his own. No matter how hard Roy, tried to convince himself that he wasn't, he knew he was jealous of Martin. The man not only provided well for his family, but provided much more then Roy, could have ever provided. Martin, made somewhere near six times the money Roy did between his two jobs.

Setting the pictures down again, Roy laid down and stared at them, in silence. As much as he wanted to be, and tried to be the ideal father he wanted to be, it just wasn't going to happen. The only real comfort he had, concerning his children, was that they were happy where they were. While he would have preferred that things were different, he was a realist and knew that for now there really wasn't much he could do to change things. Yet was he really willing to risk what little involvement that he did have in their lives, for something so selfish as his needs?

: ********

Being close friends for years, Joe knew that something had changed in his friend's life. Just the way Kel, seemed to be distracted at times, was all that Joe, needed to know. The look on the younger man's face during those times was a look that Joe, had seen before, but not on this man's face. It was the look that most people had, when they were thinking about a lover.

After a sigh. " So are you going to tell me who it is, or are you going to make me guess?"

Coming out of the trance like state he had slipped into, Kelly blinked as he straightened in his seat. " What? "

Laughing. " Come on Kel, I know your seeing someone. Who is it?"

Looking back at the one person who knew him better then any other person, Kelly knew that he couldn't lie to this man. Like Dixie, Joe knew of Kelly's sexual habits and preferences. Joe Early, was Kelly Brackett's, Johnny. His best friend and partner in crime. The two had been through plenty together and was there to support the other when things got tough. " Yes, I'm seeing someone. "

"That's great. " Trying to ignore the itching under his cast. " Anyone I know?"

Passing the bent coat hanger that was sitting on the table beside his chair. " Yeah, you know him. "

One eyebrow going up as he accepted the coat hanger and used it to scratch the itch that was just below the upper edge of his cast. " Your going to make me guess, aren't you? "

"No, because I doubt you would guess who it is, in a million years. "

Taking a drink from his beer, then looking thoughtful. " Oh really, and why is that? "

Finishing off his beer. " Because who would ever guess that Roy DeSoto, liked men. "

Joe nearly fell off the couch. " Roy? Your seeing Roy? "

"Yes. "

"How long has this been going on? "

"About two weeks now. " Laughing. " See, I told you, that you would never guess. "

"Your right, I would have never guessed. " Leaning forward, grinning. " So? "

"What? "

"Oh come on Kel, how is he? "

Trying to be as casual as he could. " Now Joe, you know I'm not one to kiss and tell."

"I'll tell you about the night on the golf course? "

"Oh really. You know, I've been meaning to ask what your were doing, fooling around with a nineteen year old coed? "


Entering the room, Roy closed the door behind him. With a smile, he moved to one of the two chairs that faced the large desk, and sat down. While Kelly talked on the phone, obviously discussing a patient, with a college, Roy looked around the office. One thing that was quick to draw anyone's attention, was the large aquarium that stood along the far wall. When a similar one was accidentally delivered to Kel's office a few years ago, the doctor had liked it well enough to get his own.

Nodding as he leaned back in his chair, Kelly rubbed his tired eyes with his free hand, as he listened to the doctor on the other end. " I agree...... Fine, I'll contact him and have him call your office to set up and appointment......Sure.... Would this afternoon be soon enough?... No, it's not a problem. I'll bring them by myself.....Okay, I'll talk to you later... You too."

Hanging up the phone, Kelly managed a weary smile. " I didn't expect to see you so early."

Avoiding the other man's eyes. " I thought I would come by in hopes that we could talk. That is if your not busy? "

"I'm not." Leaning forward, resting both arms on the desk. " I take it things with Johnny, didn't go to well? "

"Actually they went better then I could have hoped. " Sighing then looking up. " Kel, I've done some thinking, and I don't think living together is a good idea at this time."

Clearly disappointed, but respecting Roy's decision " I see. I hope this doesn't mean that we won't be seeing each other?"

"No, not at all. I just don't want to rush into anything. I have to think about how that may appear to Joanne. That and I'm not sure I'm ready for something like that yet."

" I understand completely. " Turning back to his first question. " So how did Johnny take the news?"

"Not in anyway I would have expected him too. Besides being concerned about what Joanne, could do if and when she finds out, he doesn't have a problem with this. " Thinking to himself, before continuing. I better keep the part about all the questions Johnny, asked me, to myself for now. " Which was a load off my mind."

Leaning forward, resting his arms on the surface of his desk. " Roy, I'm glad that Johnny feels that way. I was a little concerned myself when we talked about your telling him. I didn't want to be the one to come between the two of you."

"I know Kel, but if things had gone the other way, I'm not sure of how I would have handled it. I was shaking in my shoes, when I told him. " The relief was clearly visible in Roy's expression, when he smiled. " I just wish everyone was as understanding as Johnny."

Nodding once as he rested his chin, on the back of his clasped hands. " Makes two of us. Even though my father and I, had been on good terms through most of my adult life, I still wish that he would have simply just accepted that part of my life. In some way, I still feel as if I had let him down in that way."

For several minutes, Roy watched as Kelly, sat there in thought, while he thought about his own father. Unlike Kelly, Roy and his father were never really all that close, when his father was alive. Though Roy, really never got the chance to know his father, he knew enough to know that his father would never accept his being involved with another man. His mother on the other hand had always been the proud parent. Roy could have done most anything, and his mother would have still been proud of her son and loved him just the same.

Shaking off memories of the past, Kelly sat up straight, then stood. " Look, I have to take some records and x-rays over to Doctor Carrington's office, then I'm through here for the day. What do you say, we go do something."

Getting up, Roy waited until Kelly, gathered some items from his desk, then walked around to the front. " So what do you want to do?"

"I don't know, but I'm sure something will come to one of us."


Laying side by side, on a blanket that covered the wood below them, Roy laughed at a comment Kelly made, about how it seemed that everyone else got more use out of Joe Early's boat, then Joe did.

Kelly rolled onto his front and looked out over the horizon. The setting sun, cast orange and red hues, across the water. " You know Roy, I haven't felt this free and good, in I don't know how long."

"I feel pretty good myself. " Also laying on his front now, watching the sun, slowly drop below the horizon. " It's a beautiful evening."

"That it is. " Turning and meeting Roy's eyes, Kelly moved closer. " I'm glad I thought of this. I just hope Joe, doesn't come by the marina looking for his boat."

"Doubt he will."

Sitting up enough to remove his swim trunks, Kelly then turned his attention to Roy's back. Using light pressure, he gently began to work his fingers into the firm flesh and muscle. A low moan escaped from Roy's throat, in response. Gradually working his way down, Kelly leaned over and laid a trail of kisses, following the path his hands had taken. When he came to the waist band of Roy's trunks, he tugged at them.P> Lifting his middle, allowing his lover to get his trunks down over his hips, Roy wiggled out of them to help. As soon as Kelly, had his trunks off completely, his hands picked up where they had left off, while he straddled Roy's thighs. Leaning over, Kelly whispered in Roy's ear. " Want to stay out here, or go below? "

Taking a look around and not seeing any other boats in site, then laying down again to enjoy the massage " Here is just fine by me. "

As he nuzzled at the back of Roy's neck. " Your choice. "

Moaning softly, Roy shifted his body enough to get the pressure off his stiffening manhood. Hands caressed his flanks, moving up and down several times, before going to his buttocks, then down to the backs of his thighs. "Mmmmmmm feels nice."

Smiling against his younger lover's back, Kelly got up. " I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere."

"No problem."

A few minutes later, Kelly returned with a small bottle in one hand. Going back to where he had been before, Kelly poured some of the body oil, into the palm of his hand, then rubbed his hands together to warm the stuff. "Your not sleeping are you?"

"No. Just very comfortable. " Tensing for a second as two strong hands, covered in something slick, began to rub his back, then relaxing completely. "I was wondering what it was that you went after."

"Just a little baby oil."

As Kelly worked at his back, Roy felt his lover's hard cock, rubbing against his crease. He loved the way things were feeling and they were only going to get better.

Taking his time, working his way from Roy's shoulders and neck, down to his bottom, then down each leg, Kelly could feel how relaxed Roy had become. So relaxed that at times he had to wonder if the other man had gone to sleep.

Feeling oiled hands, begin to work there magic, between his thighs, moving up , Roy spread his legs as much as he could. When Kelly lifted, he spread them even more.

Slipping fingers down and between Roy's buttocks, Kelly began working oil around, then into the tight ring of muscle, there. Roy's appreciative moans and movements, guided his efforts, letting him know when to go further or when to slow.

Grasping the blanket he was laying on, with both hands, Roy lifted his hips and pushed back onto the fingers, gently stretching him. He loved what Kelly was doing, but wanted something larger. " Now, please..."

Stroking himself, slicking himself. " Roll over. "

Doing as asked, Roy turned onto his back, then raised his legs, spreading them. Watching as Kelly came to him, hard and ready, Roy reached for his own cock. " Take me to paradise."

Moving into position, Kelly watched Roy's blue eyes, get darker, and wider as he slowly began to enter the hot tight passage, being offered to him. Pausing after getting the head in, Kelly waited until Roy began pushing up against him, before going the rest of the way.

Reaching up with both hands, to hold Kelly's face, Roy kissed his lover tenderly as they rocked back and forth. Soft moans came from deep within Kelly's throat, in response as their tongues danced with one another. The taste of the wine and Italian food, they shared earlier, mixed with his lover's own, natural flavor, was purely intoxicating.

Running a hand down and back, Kelly smiled against Roy's mouth. Each and every time they made love, it was like it was their first time.

Once Kelly began to move in and out, starting with short, slow strokes, Roy began to match his movements as best as could. Between the gentle rocking motion of the boat and their own movements, it wasn't long until the two men were the ones rocking the boat and not the waves.

Arching his back, Kelly plunged in harder and deeper then he's gone yet, as he cried out his lover's name, while filling his lovers body with hot cream. Roy's own throaty voice echoed Kelly's, as he covered both their chest with wads of his seed.


Spent, unable to move much more then what was needed to breath, Roy closed his eyes as Kelly, laid down against his side, resting his head against his chest. Raising a lazy hand and stroking the soft dark hair, that smelled of shampoo, Roy placed a kiss on top of Kelly's head, then laid back and closed his eyes. The bed in the cabin wasn't very large, but it was more then enough for the two of them and comfortable.

Cuddling closer, Kelly's smile grew. He had not felt this good in anyone's arms sense he lay in Amanda's. The rocking boat, made it feel all the more nicer. Even though they had managed to get the boat back into it's slip, neither of them had the energy to go home so it was decided that they would just spend then night where they were.


As they stepped out of the shower, Roy and Kelly heard someone knocking at the door. Reaching for a towel, as Roy headed for the bedroom, Kelly began to dry. When Roy, came back out of the bedroom across the hall, trying to pull pants onto his wet body, Kelly had to laugh as he closed the bathroom door.

Rolling his eyes as he struggled to get dressed. " Hang on, I'm coming. "

Finally decent enough to open the door, Roy did so. Standing on the other side, Johnny looked back at him with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. "Did I catch you at a bad time?"

"Sort of. " After making sure Kelly, had gone into the bedroom. " But you can come in anyway. "

Entering. " Where were you last night? I called at least a dozen times. "

"Out. " Grabbing a towel from the linen closet. " What did you need? "

" I just wanted to talk. " Watching Roy, as he dried his hair. " Hey, what's that on your neck?"

"Huh? " Trying to look at his own neck. " What? "

Stepping forward, Johnny poked a finger at a small bruise that was just below the other man's left clavicle "What's this? "

Swatting Johnny's hand away. " It's nothing. "

"It's a hickey, isn't it. "

"So what. Everybody gets them at least once. " Draping the towel over the back of a wooden chair near the table. " So what did you want to talk about? "

Shoving his hands into his pockets, as he shifted his weight from one foot, to the other, nervously. " I wanted to know if your offer is still good? "

Knowing exactly what offer Johnny, was talking about, Roy looked at his partner, carefully. He certainly didn't appear to be drunk or under the influence of anything. Just the thought of getting at his partner, was enough to get Roy's blood pumping.

Having over heard the conversation, then the silence that followed Johnny's question, Kelly decided that it would be a good idea if he let his presence be known to Johnny. Stepping into the room, Kelly smiled. " Morning John. "

Eyes going wide, Johnny took an unconscious step backwards. If he had known that Kelly, was there, he would have never asked his partner, what he did. "Uh, morning Doc."

Roy let out long, slow breath, then turned to Kelly. He had told him, about the rest of what he and Johnny had talked about that day, he told his partner about his relationship with Kelly. Right down to offering to show Johnny, how good it felt. Much to Roy's surprise, Kelly didn't get mad or even upset at the idea of his lover, bedding another. Instead it had made his lover hotter then hell.

Shrugging, Kelly smiled. " Hey, as long as I get to watch, I don't care."

Roy slowly turned back to his partner, who didn't look very comfortable at all. "What do you say Johnny? "

His jeans becoming very uncomfortable in the crotch, Johnny looked between Roy and Kelly, who were both watching him rather anxiously.

Noticing the bulge in his partners pants, as well as his silence and the scared rabbit look, Roy moved toward him. Once they were face to face, he took Johnny's face into both hands and looked into his dark brown eyes, before leaning in and kissing him.

At first Johnny wasn't sure of what he should do. Should he run as fast as he could, as far as he could, or should he kiss his partner and best friend back? While his brain tried to make a decision, Johnny's body made one of it's own, when his lips parted, granting Roy's probing tongue, entrance.

Sweeping his tongue across Johnny's teeth, tasting coffee and something sweet, Roy wondered if the sweetness was Johnny's own flavor or something else.

His head swimming, Johnny closed his eyes, as he moaned softly into Roy's mouth. His body was way ahead of his brain, as he began returning the kiss.

Kelly watched with keen interest as Roy, kissed his partner for the first time. At the start, it looked as if Johnny was going to bolt, then gradually he gave into his partner, letting him have his mouth.

Moving a leg between Johnny's, Roy pressed his thigh into his partner's groin, feeling the hardness there and Johnny moving back against his leg. Letting one hand move to the back of Johnny's head and the other slide down and then around, Roy pulled him closer as the kiss intensified, on both parts.

Being so hot and horny for over a week, Johnny held on by wrapping both arms around Roy's neck, as he was pushed up against a wall and the leg, between his, provided the friction needed.

Letting Johnny hump his leg a little longer, then moving back, Roy took his partner's face into his hands again and looked him in the eye. " All you have to do is ask? "

His voice unsteady as his body screamed for Roy's to be pressed against it again. " Oh god Roy, please. Please. "

Moving closer, Kelly looked to Roy, then to Johnny, before dropping to his knees. Getting between Roy and Johnny, Kelly rubbed at the bulging front of Johnny's jeans, feeling both the hardness and the size of what lay under the cloth, against his hand. " Roy, can I? "

"Sure. " Taking Johnny's mouth again, Roy kissed him hard, forcing his tongue between parted lips, seeking out it's hungry counterpart.

The instant his cock was freed from the confines of his pants, Johnny thrust his hips forward, while moaning into Roy's mouth, trying to keep up with his hungry partner.

Taking the large, swollen cockhead, into his mouth, Kelly relaxed his throat the instant Johnny started to thrust. Holding onto the slender man's hips, Kelly let him fuck his face like a wild man.

Eyes snapping open, his back arching, thrusting his cock deep into the hot, wet, sucking mouth that was on it, Johnny exploded.

Still kissing his partner, tenderly as he held Johnny, against the wall, Roy could hear Kelly struggling to swallow it all.

When the spasms finally ceased and the flow of semen stopped, coming in heavy spurts, Kelly slowly backed off, sucking and milking the large, softening cock, of all of it's precious cream. When he finally let it slip from his lips, he looked up and met Roy's gaze.

Reaching down, Roy pulled Kelly to his feet. Without a word, the two lovers kissed, sharing the cream Kelly, still held in his mouth.

Through glazed eyes, Johnny watched the scene that was being played out before him.

Breaking the kiss, Roy turned to his partner and started kissing him, letting Johnny taste himself on his lips.

Finding the taste not at all unpleasant, Johnny used his tongue to get as much of it as he could from Roy's mouth. When he couldn't get anymore, he reluctantly ended the kiss, then turned to Kelly, who came forward to take Roy's place. Immediately Johnny was able to distinguish the different taste of the two men, above the flavor of his own.

With the kiss ended, Kelly grinned as he caressed the side of Johnny's face. " Care to find out what the rest is like? "

Johnny smiled as he turned to Roy, looking him in the eye. " Oh man, don't even think about stopping now.


Johnny moaned, swaying on his unsteady legs, as Roy and Kelly, undressed him. Their hands moved like clock work, as they worked together to accomplish the task. To Johnny, it seemed as if the two knew exactly what the other was thinking and wanted his partner to do, because no words were spoken, only low moans and sighs were heard above Johnny's heavy breathing.

Running a hand across Johnny's bare chest, Kelly was amazed at how smooth the flesh beneath his hand, was. There wasn't a hair anywhere on the man's body except for the rich dark hair on his head, under his arms and in his groin. While Johnny wasn't as muscular as Roy, he was quite firm in all the right places, despite his slender build, which added to his youthful appearance.

Helping Johnny step out of his jeans, Roy lifted each foot in turn, pulling the material that was collected around his ankles, off. Once the jeans were gone, Roy ran both hands up and around Johnny's long legs, feeling the tight muscle under his tanned flesh. " Beautiful. "

Waiting until Roy was on his feet again, Kelly helped guide Johnny onto the bed, where they laid him down on his back.

As the two men stretched out on the bed beside him, and began exploring his naked body, with hands and mouths, Johnny felt as if he had died and gone to heaven.

Covering his partner's face with light, wet kisses, Roy kissed each closed eye lid lightly, then moved his attention back and to the side, where he came to a tender earlobe.

Trying to mirror Roy's movements, Kelly too, found an earlobe and began to nibble and tease it. Their combined efforts solicited a series of moans and gasp, from Johnny's parted lips.

Licking his way up to Johnny's gapping mouth, Roy traced the outer edges of his lips, with his tongue. When he came to the lower lip, he sucked gently on it, causing Johnny to moan louder, and begin to squirm.

Working his way along the younger man's jaw, then over his exposed throat, Kelly teased the first small nipple, his nimble fingers found.

In short, Johnny was slowly being driven crazy. Every attempt he made to touch one of the other men, was halted by one, or both restraining his hands.

Cupping his side of Johnny's face, in a hand, Roy covered his mouth, with his own, kissing him deeply. A kiss that Johnny, returned with equal hunger and passion, until they were both out of breath and needed to come up for air.

Looking into his partner's dark eyes, Roy could barely distinguish where Johnny's brown iris' ended and the pupils in their centers began. Roy knew that if he looked to long, into those dark pools, that he would get lost in their depth. " Johnny, we want to make love to you, the way it should be done. "

More of a hiss, as Kelly began to nurse at his breast. " Yesssss. "

Lifting his head, Kelly reached for Roy's face and turned him, so he could kiss him once, before backing away.

Returning his attention to Johnny's body, starting to go down over his prone form, kissing and licking, Roy caught Kelly's movement as he got off the bed, then moved behind him. Feeling Kelly's hands slip around his waist, Roy lifted his lower half.

Undoing his lover's jeans, Kelly pressed himself against Roy's firm backside, letting his lover feel how hard and turned on he was. If he and Roy, had not already made love once that morning, Kelly had no doubts that by now, he would have came in his pants. To have two hot, young lovers with him like this, was a dream come true.

When his own body was free of the constrictive jeans he had been wearing, Roy felt his cock become harder then ever before. Taking Johnny's, into his mouth, taking it all down, Roy moaned around it, letting the vibration of his vocal cords, add to the rich experience.

Nearly jumping off the bed, thrusting his hips upward, Johnny let out a strangled cry as he erupted deep, in Roy's throat. It seemed like an eternity before his body finally stopped trembling and feel back to the bed. Soaked in sweat, Johnny nearly passed out.

Feeling Kelly's slick fingers, stretching his own entrance, Roy knew he wasn't going to last long. He couldn't wait much longer. Urging Johnny, to turn onto his front, Roy grabbed the two pillows from the head of the bed and placed them under his partner's lower half, raising his backside.

So out of it, lost in lust and the natural high that came with being sexually aroused, Johnny barely the fact that he was being readied for intercourse. While there was some discomfort, it wasn't enough to overtake the good things he was feeling.

Unable to take his eyes from what Roy, was doing, Kelly licked his lips in anticipation. While he would have loved to be the man to take Johnny's virgin ass, he wasn't going to deny Roy, that once in a lifetime offering.

Leaning over his partner, as he twisted and turned the three fingers, he was thrusting and out of Johnny's body, Roy whispered in a horse voice, that betrayed how hot and ready he was for his partner. " Ready or not partner..."

The words slowly sank in, through Johnny's dazed state, that he didn't comprehend their meaning until after Roy, was well into taking him. By that time, the worst part was over and the feel good part began. " Ohhhhhhh..aaaaahhhhhhh.....yeahhhhh. "

Able to mount his partner fully, without stopping, Roy was in paradise. "Tight... man, is it tight."

Giving Roy a chance to get comfortable first, Kelly moved up behind his lover. " I need it Roy, I need you. "

Holding his place, buried to the root, in Johnny's ass, Roy closed his eyes, his mouth hanging open, as Kelly mounted him. The feeling of having his cock buried deep, in a tight ass, and a huge cock, filling his own, was incredible. When Kelly's meat, brushed against his prostate, Roy nearly passed out from sensual overload.

Feeling the weight against his back, increase, Johnny turned his head and looked back. The site that greeted him, was almost unbelievable. Behind Roy, was Kelly, who was hunched against Roy's, back, holding him by the hips, in much the same way, Roy was holding Johnny, by the hips.

When Kelly, slowly began to back out, Roy did the same, then thrust forward, with Kelly coming up behind him. " AAAaaaaah. "

The second bump against his ass, told Johnny, that Kelly had plunged into Roy, causing Roy, to go deeper into him. " Ummmmmm. "

Letting Kelly set the pace, Roy moved between his two lovers, filling and being filled, at the same time.

Starting to meet Roy's thrust, Johnny raised himself as much as he could, trying to get a better angle. Between gasp, while using both his hips and the muscles in his backside, trying to get more of Roy's cock, in. " Fuck this is good.."

Grunting, as Johnny suddenly tightened around the head of his cock,, Roy thrust forward, with Kelly following up, behind him. " Yes, oh yeah. "

As the pace began to quicken, their combined moans and grunts, grew louder, creating a strange chorus that was accompanied by the sounds of the protesting bedsprings and the headboard of the bed, that hit the wall, with each forward motion.

Leaning over Johnny's back, wrapping both arms around his waist, their sweaty bodies, becoming one, Roy began to whimper, while fucking his partner like an animal in heat. Working himself into a frenzy as the most intensive orgasm of his life, continued to build. Behind him, Kelly too, was thrusting wildly, his eyes closed tightly as he too moved toward that point, where nothing else mattered but the need to plant his seed.

Bucking out of control, as much as his body could under the circumstances, Johnny felt Roy's arms tighten around his waist, as the hard cock, that was buried deep in his ass, began to twitch. Something happened that never happened before. Not only was he having what had to be the most intense orgasm he ever had, but the longest, hardest, Johnny came without being touched, his entire body jerking in time with his cock.

When Johnny's body began to tremble and tighten, Roy lost his is battle to hold off as long as he could. Gripping the man under him as if his very life depended on doing so, Roy unloaded, filling Johnny's bowels, with hot cream as the world around him faded away.

Having to hold onto Roy's hips, just to stay in place, as his lover's body bucked like a wild horse, Kelly gave in and let the moment take him over the edge and into bliss.


Awakening slowly, Johnny felt as if he had just ran a marathon. His entire body was soaked in sweat and stuck to the bedding under him. The warm body, spooned up behind his, holding him close, was also sweaty. The full filling he had below, told Johnny, that Roy was still connected to him.

Feeling Johnny stir, brought Roy out of the stupor he had slipped into. At first it was hard to tell where his body ended and those of the two men to either side of him, started. Then gradually his overloaded sense began to return.

Snuggling closer, Kelly kissed the back of Roy's neck, before sighing softly. He could lay like this forever. Lifting a hand and caressing Roy's shoulder, Kelly smiled warmly. Letting his hand slip from Roy's forarm, onto Johnny's hip, he let his hand come to a rest there.

Using his right hand, Johnny held Roy's hands, to his middle, while reaching to the hand on his hip, with his left, to caress and hold it. The three of them stayed like that as they drifted off to sleep.


Returning from the bathroom, Johnny stopped and looked at the two men, cuddling on the bed. While he was gone, the others had moved together, holding one another closely. Watching this, Johnny smiled to himself.

Looking up, Roy smiled back, as Kelly, who was laying against his left side, his head resting against his chest, looked up as well. Holding out his free arm. " Hey, come here. "

Moving onto the bed, then under the covers, Johnny moved in close, resting his head on the pillow, beside Roy's. With Roy, pulling him closer, Johnny copied Kelly's position, looking across Roy's chest, at his smiling face. When the older man's hand, covered his, caressing it at the same time, Johnny's smile grew.

After planting a kiss on the top of each man's dark head. " I don't know about you two, but I sort of like this. "

Chuckling, Kelly looked up, as did Johnny. " I sort of like it myself. "

Johnny spoke softly. " I could really get used to this. "

Nothing else was said for several minutes as the three men looked at one another, smiling and cuddling closer. When the silence was broken, Kelly spoke to both his friends. " The question is, are we all just Friends, Partners or Lovers?"

Roy was the first to answer. " I think it's safe to say, that I'm speaking for every one here, when I say that to each other, we are all three of those things, and more. "


THE END... for now.