FANDOM: "Farscape"
PAIRING: Crais/Crichton/
TalynRated: NC-17. M/M. *SLASH*.
STATUS: New. Part of a series.
ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed
http://www.carlajane50megs.com/Ali00The usual disclaimers apply. No infringement of copyright is intended.
A "Farscape" slash story
Written by Alison M. DOBELL
* * * * *
Aeryn was stunned. "What the frell?"
She watched in stunned horror as Talyn broke away, a dark suspicion stirring in the back of her mind. "He wouldn't dare."
D'Argo looked at her in concern. "Who wouldn't dare what?"
The Luxan shook his head. "He does not want to be taken prisoner any more than we do, Aeryn."
Just then Zhaan came into command, looking distressed. "It's John. Crais has taken him with him aboard Talyn."
Aeryn clenched her fists, anger coursing through her veins as she watched the Peace Keeper Command Carrier turn and follow Talyn. Helpless to do anything but watch as the young leviathan went to starburst, the slower less elegant Command Carrier following seconds later. In the hushed maw of space Aeryn did not notice Jothee join them but Rygel did. He noticed the
look of smug content on Jothee's face. Only the fact that he stood next to D'Argo stopped the Hynerian Dominar saying anything. His eyes narrowed suspiciously. He intended to keep a close eye on that one. Zhaan looked at them. "What are we going to do?"
"One thing we are *not* going to do, Zhaan, is sit here and wait for Scorpius to come back for us." Aeryn looked around. "Where is Chiana?"
"Probably hiding." Said Rygel.
"I'll get her," Said Jothee.
Before he could move D'Argo stopped him with a look. "You stay here, I'll go."
They watched him leave command and all eyes turned on Jothee. He felt uncomfortable. Hated being here on Moya. Was beginning to hate them. Rygel moved his thronesled nearer to D'Argo's son. "What have you been up to?"
A sour look twisted Jothee's face. "What makes you think I've been up to something?"
"Over two hundred cycles of experience with every kind of probakto you could imagine. Which one are you?"
Jothee's face darkened. "I don't know what you mean."
Zhaan tried to difuse the growing hostility. "Rygel, I am sure Jothee is not up to anything. This is a stressful time for all of us."
"Yes, I know that Zhaan." Said Rygel without taking his eyes off of Jothee. "But I don't trust him. Maybe he's just an impatient little renki but somehow I doubt it."
"That's *enough*, Rygel."
Rygel acknowledged the sudden steel in her voice by saying nothing more but his look said he did not trust or like D'Argo's son.
* * * * *
Scorpius turned to the Captain. "I want that leviathan found!"
"What about Moya?"
"Moya is not going anywhere, unlike her son."
The Captain nodded, knowing better than to ask any more questions. Scorpius slumped in his chair, anger held in check to give himself sufficient calm to think. He had come too far to lose Crichton now. Just then Zarok asked to speak to him. He looked anxious. Orla hovering nervously in his shadow.
"Yes, Zarok, what is it?"
"Your promise."
"I have not forgotten." Snapped the Scarran half-breed. "You will get your wayward Nebari, but first I must have Crichton."
Zarok bowed, attempting to soothe and placate more than honour Scorpius. "Of course, Commander, and we applaud your efforts but we have our needs also. Allow us to depart and go back to the leviathan."
Scorpius shot him a suspicious look laced with venom. "Why the hurry?"
"She has eluded us for almost three cycles."
"Moya is going nowhere."
"Agreed but a resourceful Nebari will not wait for the mothership to break free of our restraint."
He thought about that for a moment. "Very well, you have my permission to go. But Zarok," The Nebari paused and waited. "If you discover anything that may aid me in my search for Crichton, where he is headed, you will of course tell me?"
"The moment I know anything I will inform you, Commander. It will be an honour to do so."
Scorpius nodded and watched them go. He looked at the Captain. The look they exchanged spoke a thousand words.
* * * * *
Crichton felt them go to starburst as soon as Talyn had recouped his energy from the first starburst. He did not ask where they were going. Anywhere but towards Scorpius. He still felt bad at leaving Moya and the others trapped in that Peace Keeper collar. He could only imagine
what they were going through. He lay quietly in the pod bay, feeling Talyn's presence and soothed by it. Yet missing Crais. He knew he was searching through every record Talyn possessed looking for possible places to go and get the help he needed. It did not seem so important to Crichton any more. Not because he liked being blind but because he felt safe with Crais. He could sense him, feel him through his connection with Talyn but it was not the same
as when they touched. Direct contact strengthened the bond between them, gave him access to Crais' deepest thoughts, allowed him to touch his dark humour and keep the knot of fear at bay.
Talyn stirred, deciding he needed nourishment again. Crichton felt something trickle down through the connecting tubes and into his system. He had no idea what it was. Then something incredible happened. Talyn started to sing to him. It was the oddest thing he had ever heard and also one of the most beautiful. It was a siren's song. At first it had confused him. "What the hezmana is that?"
His surprise drew Crais to him. A slow gentle smile washing over his face and making his heart light. He smiled down at Crichton and allowed a hand to graze his cheek. "He is singing to you. You should feel highly honoured."
"Why would he do that?"
Crais felt something akin to love stir in him. "He likes you."
"He does?"
"Yes." He looked at Crichton, gently tracing the contours of his face with his fingers. Knowing that Crichton liked to feel his touch, the sensation helping to keep him grounded in some kind of physical reality. Because it mattered to Crichton it mattered to him. A thought occurred to him. Something he had been meaning to ask him about back on Moya. "John. Tell me about Jothee."
Surprised, a slight frown formed on Crichton's face. "Jothee? What do you want to know?"
Crais pulled a chair up to the pod bay and gently stroked the frown from his face. He watched the way Crichton reacted to him, guided by his response, his unspoken need. Desiring to bring him what comfort and peace he could. Inwardly Crichton sighed, enjoying his touch more than he could explain. So many things that touch conveyed to him beyond that of simple human comfort. "He is D'Argo's son, yet he is different."
"Yeah. He's half Luxan, half Sebaccean."
Crais gave a very soft grunt and made no comment. Crichton frowned again, tilting his head slightly as if trying to get a handle on the thoughts running through the Sebaccean's mind. He could sense distrust and something more. Dislike? Why would Crais dislike Jothee? "You mustn't be too hard on Jothee, Crais."
"He is weak. A coward."
"He's afraid."
"So are you but you have a sense of honour. You would not put your own safety before others."
Crichton took a moment before replying, trying not to lose himself in Crais's touch. "Are you saying Jothee would do that?"
Crais snorted. "You know he would!"
He had to admit Crais was right. "Yeah, he would but he's young."
"He is dangerous, John."
That surprised him. "Dangerous? Woah, Crais, where did that come from?"
He felt Crais sigh, he had not wanted to tell Crichton his feelings, his suspicions. Had hoped to draw more information from him. Instead it was happening the other way round. He rested his hand on Crichton's cheek, his other hand draped over the side of the pod bay and resting without
thought on Crichton's chest. Relaxed and wondering how to best word his thoughts without offending him.
<It's okay, Crais> Thought Crichton. <I won't break>
He felt Crais smile deep in his mind, pleased that he would want to choose the intimacy of touching thoughts and leave the clumsy use of words to lesser species. <What is happening to me, John? What is it that you are doing to me?>
<Me? Doing something to you?> Crichton chuckled gently wishing he had the nerve to touch him, to show him what he felt but it was still so new to him. So strange. Crais loved to feel his humour, his natural good nature colouring his thoughts and adding lustre to every sound that passed his lips. <You're changing the subject> Said Crichton.
<Am I?> Crais murmured in his mind, his hand trailing down the side of Crichton's face, along his jawline and neck. He felt Crichton hold his breath and smiled gently at him. Watching the expressive face tell him everything he wanted to know. Did the human realise how much he gave
away? Would he care if he knew? <Who would have thought we would come to this?>
<Mmm, this> Crichton felt the gentle caress of Crais's hand and was all too aware of the other hand on his chest. He put a hand over Crais's and drew his hand downward. Crais raised his eyebrows. <Are you sure?>
Crichton did not say anything, he let his actions speak for him, bringing his other hand up to the Sebaccean's face, tracing his way towards his lips, following the slow curve of his smile. <What do you think?> He said at last.
Crais wanted to be absolutely sure. <John, you don't have to do anything. Don't owe me anything. if anything it is I who owe you>
<Sssh, I need to know you need me too, Crais>
Stunned it took Crais a moment to respond. His heart making shaky little beats that staggered to find their lost rythym. <As a Peace Keeper I spent all my military life on board ship. In space. Men and women bound together in a duty so rigid the only outlet was what we could find with one another. Even though we took what comfort we could from those we toiled with, there
was no affection of the heart. Just the release of frustration and various lusts. An abrupt and functionary pleasure>
<Are you saying this is lust, Crais?>
He felt a trace of irritation. It quickly dissipated though. <No. This is not lust, John, and if we do this neither or us will ever be the same again>
Silence. Both thinking of the pros and cons of their actions. Talyn silently making no judgement on either of them but waiting patiently, ready to embrace whatever decision they chose to make. Crichton felt a soft touch from the leviathan, realised it was affection and smiled. It told him Talyn would be happy if they joined. It felt odd to know he had the leviathan's blessing. Watching the smile form on Crichton's face did crazy things to Crais. The overpowering need to kiss him drew him closer, so close he could feel the stir of air from his mouth as the human breathed softly beneath him. <I can't believe I am going to do this>
Crichton's hand slid up around Crais' neck. No pressure just letting him know he had his consent. That this was something they both needed to do. <We won't know how right it is unless we do it, Crais>
<Ssshh, John, don't interrupt>
He opened his mouth to say something out loud just as Crais kissed him. Electricity tingled between them as their lips gently touched burning them both with a soft buzz. They did not pull away but paused a microt, then Crichton tentatively ran the tip of his tongue between Crais' lips,
startling him but encouraging him to do the same. Gently, slowly, they explored each other. Ready to pull away at the first sign that this was wrong, that either of them had made a mistake. But the wonder of it was that it was no mistake. The sweetness of that first kiss sent every nerve in Crichton's body tingling with pleasure. Dark, surreal, addictive. Freeing up emotions he had not realised had been trapped. He felt his heart constrict, the air in his lungs suddenly too thin to support his breath. He wanted. He needed. He desired him so much. Crais paused only a microt then kissed him again, this time not holding back, not trying to be a gentleman but wanting to
express himself without restraint. To his joy, Crichton responded in kind, the kiss deepening, becoming more searching, their hands guiding each other into an embrace that the leviathan watched and savoured with calm pleasure. Gently Talyn added the fluids and nutrients Crichton was lacking, helping him to be as strong and ready for Crais as he could. Knowing that if the two did join he would bide his time and merge with them at the height of their passion.
Crais knew. Crichton did not. Talyn was not manipulating anything, he was waiting to see if completion was what the two men really wanted. And if it was he would show them levels of joy and pleasure that went beyond the dreams of mortal men. Human or Sebaccean. The realm of the
leviathan was something neither had experienced. Talyn could teach them a great deal. Longed to teach Crais but was wary of upsetting his mentor. Crichton had intially seemed strange to him, an enemy. As Crais's relationship to Crichton altered so did the way Talyn viewed him. The human was definitely an acquired taste, carving a place for himself in the leviathan's affections through his growing attachment to Crais. A link the leviathan wanted to encourage. To explore. Now Crichton could bring Crais even deeper into the leviathan's central core. A place so sacred the Builder's had insisted no leviathan should ever be capable of bearing weapons. Of desecretaing
what was to them the holiest of holies. But would Crais want to make that sacrifice? Give up everything to merge completely with Talyn? Would Crichton sacrifice his humanity to do the same? As the two men continued to explore each other, the leviathan gradually added his own secretions, the feathering touch of his thoughts singing through their veins with a new rythym carrying them with it. Gently fashioning their passions along a route that would be more than acceptable. They were so engrossed in each other that neither noticed when the song changed.
* * * * *
Chiana was alarmed. Frightened. Eyes wide and staring at them. "Why me?"
"Because you are a Nebari, Chiana." Said Aeryn. "You know the technology."
"Yeah, well for your information I had a collar round my neck but nothing the size of the one round Moya. What makes you think I can do anything about that?"
"You once said," Said Rygel. "That there was not a lock you couldn't pick."
"So did you, Toad."
"Yes, but those were not Nebari."
Aeryn was getting impatient. "Can you help or can't you, Chiana?"
"You don't know what you're asking."
Zhaan tilted her head, compassion oozing from every pore. "We do, Chiana. But we also know that without your help we will be taken captive as will Moya."
Chiana was torn. Her expression distressed by the options facing her. None of them of her own choosing. "You don't understand, the collar is filled with Rezaric acid."
"What is that?" Asked Aeryn.
"It is a powerful and deadly acid used by the Nebari in the making and operation of the collars." Explained Zhaan.
"Yeah," Said Chiana. "Which means one mistake and I die."
"If you don't try," Said Rygel solemnly. "We all die."
Chiana swallowed hard. She really did not want to do this but Rygel had a point. She bit back tears, trying to put a brave face on it. "Okay, but if I do this I'll need help."
"I will come with you," Said D'Argo.
Jothee frowned. "Why do you need to go anywhere?"
"Because the collar is outside Moya. We can't access it from the inside."
Jothee said nothing. He did not like the sound of that but was grateful he was not going to be involved in the risk. He wanted to escape as much as the others. He just did not want to sacrifice himself to do it. Aeryn nodded to Chiana. "Good, then let's get started. First. What do you need
and second. What can the rest of us do to help you?"
* * * * *