FANDOM: "Farscape"
PAIRING: John/Crais
ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed
http://www.carlajane50megs.com/Ali00The usual disclaimers apply. No infringement of copyright is intended.
A "Farscape" slash story
Written by Alison M. DOBELL
* * * * *
Crichton lay in pain. Raw from the inside out. He could not bear his own weight. Even his eyelids were too heavy for him to keep open. He heard something. The soft sussuration tempting his ears to listen, his heart to pause that he might know more clearly what it was. He was not sure he cared but the sound persisted. A nagging irritation in a life filled with them.
His sigh caused him agony as if all his ribs had been broken then tipped back inside the ruin of his body to mock him. Everything was red. His world spinning in madness. The sound would not go away. A strange sea lapping at his shore. He forced his eyelids open a crack. Blinding light assailed his reddened orbs like bright blades and he slammed them shut again. Long low
moans squeezed out of an aching diaphram, slid like wounded soldiers from his battle torn lips. Not even as a sop to his ego could he form words.
The arms that held him were oddly gentle. The nervous hesitancy of a touch never given always witheld from others now became assured, secure. Finding strength in his weakness. Hope in his dispair. A hand stroked the ravaged planes of his face, drying the dampness that comingled tears with perspiration. A soft voice spoke a dance of meaningless syllables against the traumatised membrane of his inner ear. A tympany that deafened him. Seashells of sound that broke and washed against his ear canal: brittle, sharp and filled with the decaying echoes of a distant sea. Jothee held him, no longer self conscious and awkward. His words tripping out in a
delicate lattice of memories, piecing together past agonies as he unburdened the story of his own pain wracked cycles. The wilderness that had broken him he wished to use to heal Crichton. Knowing that his words could not mend flesh. His will unable to give back that which had been so ruthlessly torn from him. Even though he did not have a warrior's heart beating in his two part of that enduring species lived yet in his soul. Hidden, buried, lost to his conscious daily life the trauma had awakened a racial spark that now gave him light to see by. For once in his misbegotten life his emotions were clear. The constant terror of a violent universe took on a different meaning. More abstract. Less personal. Not his fault. In a stranger's forgiveness he had
been remade. The same selfish, weak, frightened boy beat in his hearts but now there was an echo. A vibrant rising shadow that gave a glimpse of the future man. A man yet to be made flesh in his own image.
Unaware, Jothee felt his hearts soften towards the human cradled in his arms. He was sure he was dying. Felt touched by a sorrow that caught him unprepared. His emotions rocked by feelings that were new to him. Touched by this alien compassion. Emotions he did not understand. Actions he was too suspicious to embrace or accept at face value. Too late, he held the consequences in his hands. Brought face to face with his own inadequacies and fear. Shamed by a smile, a look of understanding in the eyes of a dying man. It hurt him more than he could have imagined. Beyond shame. It was too deep for retrospection and his light was as yet too small. The company of this stranger stirred an odd sympathy in him, more pronounced because the man was now unresponsive. No longer a threat with those knowing eyes pinning
him to the shame of his own pettard. A coward flapping in the breeze no longer unfurled for all to see. He could hide in his intemperate self pity but found he no longer craved that artifice. Here, where there were no eyes to see, no hearts to judge, he could let down the walls of his own terror and allow a spark of the stranger's humanity to touch him. He stroked the face
gently, drank in the subtle signs of his deep suffering and wished he could take it all back. Not for his father's sake. Not even for his own. But for this tortured and benighted pawn drawn into an alien madness of which he had been complicit.
* * * * *
It felt good to finally be doing something. D'Argo had Pilot check and double check for any signs of the Peace Keeper Command Carrier. A stroke of luck it had been for Crais to return when he did. The Nebari vessel was devoid of life, the prospective torturers now prizes themselves. Orla's lifeless eyes gleaming dully atop a jinka pole while her body feasted the
remnant of the Pirate army. Crais had bitten back his own disgust to board the vessel, his need to search the Nebari records more pressing than the carnage that washed the floors and walls of the captured vessel. Nirik'na Feng was pleased to see the former Peace Keeper Captain board the vessel, proud of his trophy and wishing to share of its' bounty but Crais wanted none of the kill. Nirik'na watched him search the databank, scour every record for clues, intelligent enough to know that the Captain sought knowledge. And to know that the knowledge would lead him and his people to a greater prey. He could feel it. Sense it. Touch it. Smell it. He would not rest
until he could sink his teeth into it.
Aeryn stayed aboard Talyn. Took her time bathing, her thoughts linked to the leviathan and strengthened by their mutual pleasure in each other. She had been amazed by Crais. Stunned by Talyn's contribution. Surprised by her own response. She smiled, listened to Talyn as the leviathan sang to her. Felt loved. Cherished. Safe. Whole. It was good to feel wanted. Good to
feel part of something and not alone. She dried herself and dressed then went to check on Crais. His voice floated back to her as rich as velvet. Her skin tingled just listening to the richness of his voice, her thoughts replaying their love making and stirring her core. She blanked out as best she could the effect just hearing his voice was having on her. She had to concentrate. Crichton's life might well hang in the balance of the microts she wasted in reverie. Just thinking of him was enough to ground her.
"I think I have the co-ordinates for Scorpius's ship but I can't break the code."
Aeryn nodded to herself. "Ask Chiana."
"You think she knows?"
"I don't know, Crais, but she's Nebari and she's a thief. I would think that combination could unlock any code Zarok might have come up with, don't you?"
He chuckled. "I do not think she will come willingly."
"That's not necessary. Just link through to Moya and download what you've got. Let Moya do the rest."
Crais killed the connection and patched through to Moya. Pilot sounded uncertain then he heard D'Argo's voice loud and clear. "We are ready."
He smiled and downloaded what he had. Thanking Nirik'na Feng, Crais returned to Talyn, the distaste evident on his face the moment he set foot back on the leviathan. Aeryn noticed and frowned. "What's the matter?"
"I cannot wait to wash this blood off me."
Aeryn nodded and wrinkled her nose. "Do you have a spare set of clothes?"
He gave her a steady look. Not quite humour. "Do I look as if I would travel the Uncharted Territories with one suit of clothes?"
She smiled and helped him strip off, having to resist the urge to go further. Taking away the blood stained clothes she left him to change. By the time she returned he was just finishing doing up his tunic. She nodded her approval. "Better."
Crais opened a link to Moya. "D'Argo, have you any news?"
"Yes, Chiana thinks she can break the code but it's going to take time."
"How long?" Asked Aeryn.
Just then Chiana's voice broke through excitedly. "I've done it, I've done, I've broken the code!"
Aeryn smiled. "That's great, Chiana, now patch in the location to Moya and Talyn."
"I'll notify Nirik'na Feng."
She nodded to Crais. Her blood stirring, adrenalin pumping.
They were an impressive sight, the two leviathans flanking the huge Pendium Pirate vessel. Every square dench of the vessel seemed to bristle with armaments. Ion canon, pulse laser guns, refractive concussion canon, phototonic torpedoes. You name it, this ship had it. For the first
time Aeryn was confident that they could take on a Peace Keeper Command Carrier. As they entered the final starburst she prayed Crichton could hang on. Just a little longer. As Crichton would have said, the cavalry was coming!
* * * * *
Scorpius watched the monitor with impassive interest. The Captain was silent, in tune to her quixotic Commander's moods. Speaking only when addressed. It was one of the things he liked about her. That and her unswerving loyalty to him. Her blind devotion to duty. He mused over the actions of the Luxan half-breed. Curious, how even Crichton's enemies came to hold him in high regard. In Jothee's case, quite literally. He had been toying with honouring his promise but now he felt disinclined to do so. He knew that the human could not take much more. The sessions would stop for now. He did not want Crichton to die before he got the wormhole technology out of him. He had not come this far to lose it all now. He could afford to be patient.
He turned from the image just as the Captain straightened next to him. She had gone rigid. "Sir!"
"Yes, Captain?"
"There are ships approaching."
The Scarran half-breed went to the viewscreen and could not believe his eyes. "The leviathan! Both of them, this is indeed unexpected. And what is that other vessel? I do not recognise it."
The Captain's fingers flew over the controls, at last bringing up a matching schematic. Her already pale face paled further. "Sir, it is a Pendium Pirate ship from the Imtal Confederacy."
Scorpius frowned, started to shout orders when the first concussion wave hit them. The two leviathans parted as the Pendium ship ploughed on, Talyn strafing them as he passed. A vast array of weaponry unleashing upon the Command Carrier from the pirate vessel. The shield was damaged before it could be effectively deployed and Scorpius had all the prowlers scrambled.
Fury twisted his face into an incandescent rage. The deck shook beneath him, damage reports were flooding in, PK clash troops racing to man battle stations in case they were boarded. This could not be happening. This was a Peace Keeper Command Vessel, the pride of the fleet.
Within a couple of arns the Command Carrier was listing, fires on many decks and the crew facing the unthinkable. The Captain wanted Scorpius to take an escape pod. First he wanted to secure Crichton but they could not get from the Command Deck to the cells. The intervening floors were not only on fire they were quickly filling with Pendium Pirates. Even Scorpius could
see it would be folly to try to get through them. Reluctantly he retreated to his escape pod and in the heat of a sustained and desperate exchange of covering fire, Scorpius evacuated his ship. As his specialised pod spun outward from the carnage exploding all around him Scorpius made a promise. A final vow. "You have not seen the last of me, John Crichton!"
* * * * *
D'Argo and Aeryn could not believe the state of Crichton when they finally found his cell. He looked more dead than alive. Aeryn felt tears on her cheeks. Gently D'Argo disentangled Jothee and seeing the pain and sorrow in his son's eyes forgot how angry he was with him and embraced him. Aeryn called for Zhaan and gently they carried him back to Moya. Crais felt an
incredible sense of satisfaction on confirmation that they had Crichton and that he was still alive, but he was worried about his condition. Demanded to know where Scorpius was. No one had seen him. Taking a pulse rifle, Crais boarded the Command Carrier and personally searched the stricken ship deck by deck, room by room, but there was no sign of him. Nirik'na broke off
his own orgy of death and destruction to accompany him.
"I will help you, warrior to warrior. I want to taste his blood when you rip off his head."
Crais just nodded, distraught with rage at having his vengeance foiled. Many arns later he had to admit that Scorpius had escaped. He thanked Nirik'na and gave him and his men the Command Carrier and everything in it as their prize, their trophy for the kill. Nirik'na was pleased. They had meat for many weekens and the ship had many things they could use or trade. Crais
left them and rejoined Talyn. The two leviathans went to immediate starburst then Talyn docked with Moya. Crais hurried to the apothecary. They were all there. Crichton lay grey-faced and breathing in shallow ragged breaths, Zhaan tending him as best she could. She eased back to let Stark do what he could. Crais paused and looked at Aeryn. Every face was anxious, fearing
the worst. Aeryn looked at him with tears running down her face. She did not know how he was, whether they had got to him in time. Crais put an arm around her and she buried her face in his strong chest. Turning, Zhaan gently sent everyone on their way.
"What John needs more than anything is rest."
They all agreed but found their feet would not obey them. Emotions were running high. It took a little gentle pushing to move them on. Zhaan telling them to get something to eat, to rest. She would keep them informed. It was a solemn little group that made its' way to the mess room.
No one knowing quite what to say. The aftermath stunned them all. In complete contrast to the joy of their victory was this feeling of loss because their friend might survive to share it with them. And if Crichton died then it was all for nothing. It was Chiana who spoke first. Her white pixie like face tilting abruptly in counterpoint to her tears. "Hey, he's gonna be alright. Why the long faces? We rescued him. We beat Scorpy, didn't we?"
"Yes, Chiana." Said D'Argo heavily. "We beat Scorpius."
"John doesn't look good." Said Aeryn softly to Chiana.
"Look, I'm a thief, I know these things. He's gonna be alright."
"How," Said Aeryn dully, too full of sorrow to be angry with her. "Do you know that?"
"Because he has to be, that's why."
* * * * *
They were all calling it a miracle. Crichton steadily improved until he was out of danger. They fussed over him, brought him every delicacy they could find to tempt him to eat. Took it in turns to sit with him, regaled him with stories, occupied every one of his waking arns until he thought he would scream. But he did not scream. Did not say anything. Did not send them away. He knew they were hurting too. Hurting for him. So he listened. He smiled. He thanked them but he could not join in. Zhaan worried. The others were so overjoyed that he had lived that they glossed over his lack of response. He was just upset. Had been through so much. It would take time. Time.
Crais found him on the terrace. He had deliberately asked the others not to intrude. Talyn was restless. They would have to go soon. The wrench on his heart threatened to unman him. How could he leave him like this? He smiled when he saw the two DRDs at Crichton's feet. One with blue tape over a lightstalk, the other slightly larger and hovering almost protectively round the human's feet. He was staring out at the stars. Crais stood next to him. Made no move to touch him.
"You're leaving, aren't you?"
His words surprised Crais. "I don't have to go for a weeken or two."
"No, no it's alright. You go." He looked at Crais. "I'll catch you next time."
Crais felt his heart lurch. Raised a hand to touch his cheek, surprised a tear. "I wish I could do something for you."
"You already did. You brought the cavalry."
He shook his head. He did not mean that and they both knew it.
"Come with me, John."
"I can't. I have to work through this."
He was getting jumpy, upset. Crais took his hands in his to stop him wringing them. Lifted his chin to kiss him. The gentleness of his touch made Crichton cry. Not the gentle tears of joy, but the tears of an anguish so deep he could not express it in words. Crais held him, rocked him
gently as he cried. Knowing the road back would be a long one. His own tears glittering in his eyes as he silently reiterated his vow. After a while Crichton calmed down and eased away enough so he could look at Crais. "I'll be okay, Bialar. I just need time."
Crais nodded, his heart breaking as he looked at him. He loved Crichton so much. They all did.
"Promise me one thing before you go."
Crais raised his eyebrows, papering Crichton's face with kisses. Wanting him to know how deeply he was loved. Watching the way Moya's lights reflected on the contours of his face. His beauty stole his breath away. How could he deny him anything? "Anything."
"Don't go after Scorpy."
For a long time Crais said nothing. How had he known?
"I mean it, Bialar. I want you to promise me you won't go after him."
Crais had a job breathing, swallowing, speaking. Funnily enough it was Crichton who comforted him. How like his gentle John. He brushed his hand against his still cheek, visited him with a kiss. His eyes so calm, tormented but loving. Gentle. Wise. "He isn't worth it, Bialar. We both know that now."
He looked at Crichton intently, trying to hold his emotions in check. Then they were hugging. As if they could each protect the other by not letting go. "Give Talyn my love."
Crais smiled and looked down at the DRDs. "He already knows."
Crichton followed his eyes and frowned. "What?"
He looked up and found Crais's eyes dancing with humour. So unexpected Crichton caught his breath. "When I left last time I asked one of Talyn's DRDs to keep a watch over you."
His mouth went slack. "You *spied* on me?"
Crais laughed. "No, I just needed to know you were alright. The DRD reported back to Talyn every so often and I was able to sleep."
Crichton smiled and looked down at the slightly bigger DRD waving its' light stalks at him while Blue looked on. "Did you hear that Artoo? Your secret's out."
"Yeah. Remind me to introduce you to Star Wars some day, Obi Wan."
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
Crichton grinned. "Situation normal." He put an arm around Crais as they walked out from the terrace. Crichton intending to walk him back to Talyn and give him a more personal goodbye. "Just remember one thing when you're out there deep in the Uncharted Territories, Bialar."
"What's that?"
He stopped for a moment and looked into Crais's eyes. "Do not underestimate the power of the Dark Side of the Force."
Crais chuckled, leaned in and kissed him. Crichton felt his heart melt, wanted to hang on to him and never let go.
*Yes, John, but where would that leave you?*
Pain and anger pierced him. Scorpy! Would he leave him no peace?
*You know what I want John, and I can be very patient. Very patient
Crais pulled back and touched his face. "Are you alright?"
He nodded, covering up as best he could. "Yeah...I...uh, just hate goodbyes."
Crais smiled gently, kissed him softly before pulling reluctantly away. "Then we won't say goodbye."
He watched Crais go. His heart aching but knowing it was for the best. Perhaps by the time he returned he would have found a way to deal with his nemesis for once and for all.
*I doubt it John*
"Shut up, Scorpy."
The DRDs chittered and waved their lightstalks at him like anxious nannies. He chuckled, weary and sad. "It's okay Artoo, I'll be fine. You and Blue don't have to worry about me."
He turned to walk back to his converted cell then saw Aeryn. She was standing by the exit door watching him but making no move towards him. Leaving him that choice. He appreciated it. He loved her. She was his dearest friend. Slowly he walked over to her, folded his arms around her and dipped his head for a kiss. Aeryn responded with a sigh, thankful that he was not going to shut her out. Relieved that this would be one journey he would not take without her. The kiss deepened, fragmenting the pain that clung to his heart. Her warmth, her fire, her love and her light healing him. She was his dearest most precious friend. And right now he needed a friend most of all...
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