AUTHOR: Alison M. Dobell
FANDOM: "Farscape"
PAIRING: John/D'Argo
ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed
AlisonMDobell@aol.comSERIES/SEQUEL: First part in a Series
http://carlajane50megs.com/Ali00The usual disclaimers apply. No infringement of copyright is intended.
Written by Alison M. DOBELL
He had no idea what was wrong with Ka D'Argo but the Luxan had been following him around for most of the solar day and it was beginning to drive Crichton nuts. He even followed him when he went to work on the Farscape module. At first he thought D'Argo was simply bored and decided to humour him but looking at him he realised it was not that. He gave his friend a lot of openings to speak up and tell him what was wrong but the Luxan was even more silent than usual. His answers mostly grunts and the occasional word. He thought he had seen him in every mood but this one was different. A deeper kind of mood, the harder to understand because it was so self contained. To Crichton that meant trouble. What kind of trouble he did not know but he trusted his friend. D'Argo would tell him what was wrong when he was good and ready. Meanwhile he had to check over his module.
D'Argo watched Crichton, made sure that when he went anywhere he was just one step behind him. He observed the way his friend moved, his easy rolling gait had a kind of grace to it that drew his eye. He also liked the way his scent was mingling with the scents of the ship, yet was warm and so distinctly other that it was affecting his ability to think
straight. He had not been able to stop thinking about Crichton for the last three solar days
and decided it was time to talk to the human about it but now that he was here he did not know how to bring up the subject much less admit to him the kind of thoughts that had been driving him crazy. Being this close to Crichton was not doing him any favours either. He watched him climb up the side of the module and lean into the cockpit. D'Argo caught his breath and managed to prevent a groan leaking out. Seeing how the snug leather trousers clung to his legs and backside as he reached over, the creak of leather, his
distinctive scent filling his nostrils. The near constant mumble as Crichton talked to him. Did the human *never* stop talking?
For a while he tinkered with something inside the cockpit then straightened in readiness to climb right in. D'Argo did not want him to disappear inside the module. To be that much removed from him. Suddenly he needed very badly to talk to him. Crichton felt a hand on his leg and turned to look at D'Argo. "What's up, D'Argo?"
"We have to talk."
Crichton nodded. At last. He had been expecting this. He climbed off the module and looked up at his friend, trying not to get a crick in his neck as he did so. "Okay, D'Argo. I'm listening."
He hesitated. "I would like to talk to you, John. Privately." The Luxan glanced around the empty hangar bay as if expecting the others to appear at any moment. He felt suddenly self conscious. "But it can wait if you have work you must do."
Crichton frowned, sensing it had cost the Luxan a lot to give him the option of carrying on working. He looked at his module wistfully and resisted the urge to tell D'Argo to go away and speak to him later. He had done that once when Chiana needed him and he had almost lost her. He was not about to make that mistake again. He wiped his hands on a
cloth. "Okay, big guy, let's go back to my quarters and then you can tell me what's bothering you."
"Who says something is bothering me?"
"You did."
The Luxan started to get cross. "I said no such thing."
"No, you didn't *say* it in words, D'Argo, but in actions. You've been following me around for arns, hardly stringing two words together."
Crichton looked up at him, his face scrunched up as if he were looking into brilliant sunshine, trying to pick up clues from D'Argo but he could not fathom out the look on D'Argo's face. The Luxan had closed up again. They walked back to his quarters, Crichton making small talk and D'Argo mumbling the odd monosyllabic reply when necessary. By no stretch of the imagination could it have been called a two-way conversation. It made Crichton feel unsettled, uneasy. Something was definitely wrong and he had a nagging feeling it was his fault. Like that was new. What in hezmana had he
done now? D'Argo followed him into his quarters. Crichton turned and looked at him, hands on his hips. "Okay D'Argo. Give. What's up? What did I do to piss you off this time?"
D'Argo looked at him, noticing the way he was standing as if ready for trouble. It amused him to see the smaller human take such a stance but he kept his expression blank. His thoughts for the moment to himself. "I would be happier if you closed the door."
"The door? D'Argo I *never* shut my door."
The Luxan nodded. "I know but this is private."
He looked at him in exasperation then nodded. "Okay, whatever. You want the door closed, you close it."
He watched him turn and shut the door then frowned as he casually locked it. Why was he locking his door? What was that all about? "D'Argo, you wanna tell me what's going on?"
D'Argo turned to look at him, his eyes locking on to his with an unreadable expression. After a microt hs allowed his eyes to drift, to travel slowly over Crichton as if assessing him. Crichton was beginning to lose patience and he was by nature a patient man. "D'Argo..."
The Luxan sighed gently and started to walk towards him. Crichton stopped talking. <Finally, the mountain comes to Mohammed> he thought.
"There is something I need to discuss with you, John."
"I'm here for you, D'Argo, just tell me what's up."
The Luxan frowned. "Here for me?"
"Yeah, it means if I can help you I will. That kind of thing."
He was stunned. He had not even told Crichton what was wrong and here was the human willingly consenting though he could have no idea what was going through D'Argo's mind. The human was always surprising him. This would make it much easier than he had anticipated. He stepped so close that he was now only inches from Crichton. The human began to feel uneasy and started to step back. D'Argo matched him step for step until there was only the wall behind him. Crichton felt the wall cut off his retreat. This was stupid. What was he doing? He went to step around D'Argo but the Luxan put
the flat of his hand on his chest and gently but firmly pushed him back against the wall. Crichton looked into his eyes, puzzled, wondering what was going on. He opened his mouth to say something when D'Argo's tongue flashed out and slid into his mouth almost choking him. He shook with the shock of it, D'Argo still pinning him against the wall. He could not speak, the Luxan's tongue filling his mouth, exploring him. Stunned by his
friend's unexpected actions. The tongue's incredible length held in check by his friend so that Crichton could at least still breathe. Just. But it was not enough to stop the tide of panic rising in his chest, his mind screaming out for the Luxan to get the hell off him.
D'Argo sensed his anxiety and gently stroked the inside of his mouth with his tongue, painting the walls of Crichton's mouth with a special secretion from his tongue that was starting to make him feel light headed. Or maybe it was the lack of oxygen? Crichton did not know any more. He closed his eyes, feeling woozy. <Man, this was way beyond weird> It took him a few microts to realise that the Luxan was exploring him with his hands, running those leathery appendages up under his shirt. The rough skin warm against his and far more gentle that he would have imagined. The Luxan's tongue now
slowly wound around his own tongue, gently caressing and flexing as he sealed his mouth with his lips trapping the little air he had left and bringing him close to passing out. The Luxan seemed to sense when he needed more oxygen and opened his mouth to let him breathe. It was difficult, awkward, uncomfortable and was doing strange things to him. The weirdest, oddest sensations sparking off in him as the Luxan continued to explore him with his hands, fingers stroking and probing, so lightly, so gently that it was almost sophomoric. Almost but not quite. The touches were becoming more assured
now, more focussed as he learnt where and how to touch him to get the reactions he wanted. Sensations being aroused over which he had no control.
He felt his clothes being gently peeled off him and then he was lifted off the ground carried over to his bed, the Luxan still stuck to him like a lamprey. He felt dizzy but was slowly getting used to the sensation as D'Argo worked patiently on making him as comfortable as he could. Why the hell did he think that? The man was raping him and he was just lying there, letting it happen? What the hell was wrong with him? But he knew
what was wrong with him. This was the alien equivalent of date rape but instead of spiking your drink they put something in their secretions to drug you into compliance. It shocked him but more than that it upset him. Upset him because D'Argo had not asked. Not that he would have said yes but that was not the point. They were friends. Allies. Yet D'Argo made him feel like the spoils of war. A tear rolled down his face. He felt the tongue let go of him and microts later D'Argo eased back off him so he could look into his face. There was a look in his eyes that Crichton had not expected to see. Such a tender loving look that he could not say anything. D'Argo looked at the tears on his cheek and reached out to touch them.
"I am hurting you?"
Crichton heard the sorrow in his voice. Even feeling as he did, he did not want to hurt D'Argo. "No, not physically anyway D'Argo."
"I do not want to hurt you."
He tried to sit up but he could not. His muscles felt like jelly but his mind was beginning to clear a little. Better. That was better. "Why are doing doing this? You said you wanted to talk?"
D'Argo looked down at his naked body, trying to handle the lust, hoping his lack of control did not show too much. He ran his fingers lightly over Crichton's body as he answered, the ache in him almost painful. Needing to touch, unable to bear loss of contact now that he had made the connection. "Yes but you said you were here for me. That you would help."
Something in Crichton's mind recalled the words. So innocent back then, now so loaded with alternative meaning that he groaned. "Yeah D'Argo, but I didn't exactly have *this* in mind."
He could feel the Luxan's fingers on his nipples and tried to suppress a shudder. D'Argo noticed and began playing with them, watching Crichton's face to judge his reaction. His tongue flashed out and stung his chest lightly then began working its' way over his skin, a strange sensation dragging moisture and sensitive feelings together in a way so exotic he had no words to describe it. His nerve endings were being sensitised, feelings being roused in him which made him shiver and seemed to excite the Luxan even more. As if he needed exciting. Crichton wanted to cool things down between them, get their relationship back on track, but he knew that was not going to happen any time soon. The tongue continued its' journey downward, stroking, rubbing, tasting and teasing him. He felt something probing him gently, an odd feeling in the centre of his stomach. He could not see what D'Argo was doing. D'Argo looked at him, slight frustration showing on his
face. The probing became more insistent as if he was trying to stick something through
his navel. "D'Argo, will you stop doing that."
"You have only one mivonks and it is blocked."
Crichton tried to shake his head. "It's not a mivonks. Not a sexual organ at all."
D'Argo paused, surprised. "Then what is it?"
Despite the crazy situation Crichton chuckled. His amusement fascinated D'Argo. "It's a navel."
"Yeah, belly button."
The Luxan was truly lost now. "Belly button?"
Again Crichton tried to sit up but his limbs would not obey him. Everything he owned seemed to belong to D'Argo right now. "Will you stop repeating everything I say? You sound like an echo."
"I do not understand. What does it *do*?"
The human sighed gently. D'Argo had one hand spread on his chest, a finger teasing a nipple. He loved the feel of Crichton's breath in his chest. Feeling the life in him thrumming up through his hand with the beat of his heart. It turned him on. He tried to concentrate on what the human was saying though he could not keep his hands still. He would be gentle and try not to distract him too much.
"When humans make love and the male fertilises the female ovaries - or eggs - the baby grows inside the female's womb. So that the baby can take in the food, the nutrients it needs from the mother, the child is attached to the mother by the umbilical chord. When the baby is born the chord is severed, separating mother and baby. This navel, or belly button, is what is left of that connection."
D'Argo stared down at it for several microts, tentatively touching it with his forefinger. He looked at Crichton as if he wanted to be sure of his meaning. "And it serves no other purpose?"
Crichton could not quite hide his amusement. "None whatsoever big guy, except as a conversation piece for nosey Luxans."
D'Argo frowned. He had no idea what a *nosey Luxan* was. "You are mocking me."
"Relax, big guy, it's a sign of affection."
Affection. Something that looked suspiciously like hope shone gently on the Luxan's face. <Oh frell> thought Crichton. <When you screw things up you just have to go all the way, don't you?>
"I didn't mean..."
The Luxan smiled gently and raised a hand to touch his face. Crichton fell silent, transfixed by something in D'Argo's eyes as he leaned down and slowly kissed him. Something about that kiss swept his fear away. What it was he did not know. The kiss was soft, sensual, strangely loving. The taste was exotic and like warm spices firing on his tongue. He found himself kissing D'Argo back just to collate more information, trying to discern just what his flavour was, just what was in a kiss anyway? D'Argo felt his hearts flutter with joy. He did not want to force himself on Crichton, had tried to
ease his panic and fear with the natural chemical secretions his body could produce but this was better. The human was fragile, needed time to get used to the idea. Used to him. It was hard to hold back, to be gentle when he just wanted to take him driven by a lust that urged him to force the human into violent submission. To make the human scream for him while he rammed him and emptied his passion into him until both were sated, both drained. How much better if he could coax a willing partner?
The idea was new to him but also a delicious challenge. As D'Argo thought about it he started to feel all the things that had drawn him to this alien. This strange human male who was so unlike any other male he had ever met. He could be aggressive but it was not the way this human was. His ways were those of gentleness, something that D'Argo would have thought of as a weakness, the traits of the female not the male. Not the warrior that burned in him. Was that what drew him? The gentle passive nature of this
male? His need to explain, to explore, to understand? His willingness to put himself in harm's way for his friends? His loyalty and good nature? Yet underneath all those qualities he was still a man, there was steel beneath the velvet glove. A man who could be violent, could be forceful, could give in to anger and rage at need but who prefered the ways of peace to those of war. It had taken D'Argo a long time to respect him for that. To
see that in this human was a new type of being, a new way of conquering the universe
that did not rely on annihilating everything else before it annihilated you. Of course it was not practical but it was so Crichton, and right now he could not get enough of this strange being he had come to call his friend.
D'Argo wanted him. Wanted him so badly. He realised that by tempering his passions and going slowly he could bring the human round. Violence and force would not unlock this treasure trove. He would show him what he wanted and help him to understand how good it could be for them both. Treat him as an equal not as a conquest. It was a novel idea to the Luxan but not without precedent. He had just never taken another male in this way. Fortunately his race was flexible. He could accommodate either and he was a quick study. Lying beneath him, Crichton was surprised to discover that he was not frightened of D'Argo any more. Something subtle had changed. He no longer feared that the Luxan was going to rape him and his views about seduction were changing with every touch of D'Argo's lips, every gentle caress of his coarse hands, the fingers dancing along his flesh and making him tremble. Forget weird, D'Argo had slowed down so much he was starting to turn him on. The Luxan realised it and relaxed, concentrating on discovering all the things Crichton liked. The touches that would bring a smile to his lips, a groan from his throat, a reaction that would make him harden with the beginnings of desire. D'Argo wanted it all but he also wanted to understand this human. Know what turned him on, what passions ruled him so that he could take him through the many levels of Luxan love making without killing him. Oh yes. He wanted this male and with a little patience he would have him.
They made love so slowly it was like a natural progression. Between kissing, stroking and prodding him, D'Argo spoke softly. His voice rumbling with gentle desire, doing strange things to Crichton as he realised the Luxan was explaining it to him. Turning brute lust into the language of love. Telling him how much he had come to care for him and why. He felt his heart soften, his touch turn into a caress which the Luxan reacted to with gentle touches of his own. It was a revelation to Crichton. Surprising and stunning him. Then D'Argo's hand was on his hardening shaft, the pressure too firm for true comfort but exciting him too much to ask him to stop. His breath hitched, the Luxan moving his hand up and down so slowly, beautiful strokes that pinched his foreskin only a little, just enough to make him shudder. D'Argo kissed him slowly, his tongue mirroring the strokes on his penis, his tongue starting to delve more as he deepened the strokes and
became more demanding. Crichton could feel himself becoming so hard he was throbbing in the Luxan's gifted hand, the strange taste of D'Argo's tongue on his, his scent, his touch, his presence almost overpowering. Yet he was so gentle with him, letting Crichton's reaction to him guide the pace he set.
Crichton moaned softly, his hips starting to move up towards D'Argo thrusting into his hand. The Luxan smiled to himself and slid an arm under the human. He was almost ready. He kissed him with more passion then pulled his lips away from him, using his tongue to send sensations through the human that turned his thoughts to pulp. D'Argo slid slowly down Crichton's body until he reached his erection, his tongue taking over from his hand, using the unique flexing and stroking technique as he wrapped his tongue
around him. Crichton jerked at the change in pressure, so excited he was not sure
he could hang on. D'Argo settled in and got comfortable, his hands stroking up the insides of Crichton's legs then one hand cradled his testicles as he took him in his mouth. Crichton was jerking, his hips becoming more frantic as he reacted to the incredible suction from the Luxan as his tongue continued to squeeze and pump him inside the Luxan's moist mouth. He closed his eyes, mouth open but unable to form a single word. Incoherent and so close now. Then D'Argo flicked his tongue in a mild but stimulating
contraction inside Crichton's mouth at the same time that he gently squeezed and stroked his balls. He came in a sudden violent rush, his spine snapping as he came. God he was dying. No. He was being reborn.
Afterwards he lay with his eyes closed, completely spent. D'Argo watched his face, his look gentle and satisfied. He was not finished yet but he was prepared to let his partner get his breath back. He would be needing it. While he rested, D'Argo ran his hands over Crichton's naked body, delighted in the hairs that partly clothed his chest, the formation of his muscles, the firm flat stomach and strong stocky body. He was a good specimen and that pleased him. A necessary point in the human's favour. As he stroked his hands down his chest he flicked his tongue out and licked his nipples. The human moaned softly. D'Argo continued to lick and suck them, his hands exploring further. Coming back again and again to his navel. He paused, looked at it and wondered. He looked up at Crichton. His eyes were still closed. He looked like he was drifting off to sleep. Crichton had said it was part of the chord that united the baby he had been with his mother. Allowed the mother to feed him while he was in the womb. D'Argo did not know what a womb was but realised it was inside the body. A cavity for giving birth. Nurturing the foetus so it could grow in readiness for being born. This he understood. As a father it was no mystery to him. Not as this human was a mystery to him. He fingered the navel gently, his look thoughtful. He wanted so many things of this human. To share so much. This opening might be closed now but once it had been open. Allowing the mother to feed the baby. That meant it was a channel from the womb Crichton had spoken of to
the child.
He bent his head and licked the navel experimentally. Crichton hardly moved. D'Argo flicked his tongue out and inserted it gently, wiggling the sensitive head as he tried to probe deeper. See how far he could go. Crichton started to stir, getting uncomfortable. D'Argo had an idea but he did not want to alarm his partner in case it did not work. He
withdrew his tongue slowly, felt Crichton relax again and start to drift off. He crawled
up to kiss him gently, producing a secretion in his tongue as he inserted it into his mouth and stroked his tongue, the inside walls of his mouth. Crichton moaned, starting to stir. D'Argo soothed him with hands and murmurs to go to sleep. To trust him. Crichton started to drift off again, his mouth becoming numb as the Luxan secretions began to work inducing a deep sleep in him. When he was sure he was asleep, D'Argo returned to
what he had been doing and wriggled down to work on his navel again. Gentle probing
strokes of his tongue, the angular head working its' way deeper. Even as he drifted off to sleep, D'Argo could feel Crichton stir. He waited, pausing until he calmed again, then continued. The passage was truly blocked off about three or four microdench along the inside of the navel canal but though it tightened and narrowed it was not completely sealed. Folds of flesh blocked it where the walls had relaxed, no longer needing to be
open. It would not stay that way for long.
D'Argo created another substance, the head of his tongue secreting a viscous fluid that anaethetised and lubricated as he probed. He now braced Crichton to hold him steady, knowing this would hurt and on some level the human might register the pain. He took a deep breath then plunged his tongue right through the navel, the incredible length of it whipping into the channel and breaking through inside him with a suddeness that made
Crichton jerk violently in his sleep. A loud moan of pain seeped out of his throat
through lips that were numb, eyes closed and unable to open. Sleeping in pain now but unable to surface. D'Argo released more secretions into him, wanting to relieve the pain of entry, even as he tasted the blood where his thrust had damaged the interior walls to make a big enough entry. He did not retract his tongue but probed deeper, exploring what he found inside. Imagining inside his head the shape and size of him inside, the layout of
internal organs, the spaces where all his possibilities lay out before him. He found what he was looking for and explored with his tongue. Yes. This would do. It was big enough. Protected and had strong walls.
He slowly retracted his tongue, not wanting to cause his partner more pain. He looked at his sleeping face, his hearts gentle and filled with such love for this man. It still amazed him that he could feel so much for a human. No. He corrected himself. Not *a* human. *This* human. He smiled softly and kissed his stomach, licked the spots of blood off him and decided it was time to wake him. He could let him continue to sleep but the joining
was too personal, too precious a covenant to impose. It had to be embraced willingly and he was ready, his own erection demanding satisfaction. He roused Crichton gently, kissing him and working his tongue across his face, sucking and licking and kissing, washing him with his incredible tongue, biting him gently to rouse him as his hands tweaked his nipples. Crichton woke, eyes opening, hazy. "D'Argo."
D'Argo smiled. "Were you expecting someone else?"
"No. I thought you'd be asleep."
He shook his head and flicked his tongue out, capturing his tongue to silence him while he allowed his tongue to coat the inside of Crichton's mouth with more exotic secretions. Crichton started to wake a lot more quickly now, the secretions heightening his sexual excitement, turning him on. <Man, oh man, what're you doing to me, D'Argo?>
D'Argo kissed him more deeply, stealing his breath before pulling away. "I need you." He said.
Amusement skated in Crichton's eyes. "Oh yeah? I thought we settled that?"
He shook his head. "I want you to kiss me, John."
"No problem", he mumbled, his lips capturing D'Argo's, his hands tracing a path down his tentacles making the Luxan shudder.
He pulled back gently. "Not on the mouth."
Crichton's eyes widened. D'Argo pulled back and looked down. Crichton followed his eyes and saw the straining erection and managed to hold back the urge to laugh. Even between species it seemed some things never changed. "Okay big guy, let's see what we can do about that."
He was about to wriggle on down but D'Argo indicated for him to stay just where he was. Puzzled he waited to see what his partner wanted to do. D'Argo got on his knees and moved up to straddle Crichton, his cock bobbing expectently in front of his face. He laughed gently. "You sure need to learn a lot about being subtle, D'Argo."
D'Argo frowned and Crichton hurried to reassure him that it was not a criticism, then he got down to the serious business of giving D'Argo a blow job. He licked the shaft, tasting the slightly salty tang mixed with spice. It was peculiar. As he licked and sucked the shaft, the walls of throbbing flesh began to sweat a secretion that he found initially pleasant but then more and more addictive. He could not get enough of the secretions. He put more energy into coaxing him to release more of the strange exotic gel but the source seemed to be drying up. He now had D'Argo's shaft in his mouth. Tongue, mouth muscles and teeth working up and down the shaft to build up the sensations. D'Argo threw his head back, tentacles flying as he got more and more aroused. "That feels *so* good, John."
Crichton could not speak, his mouth was full anyway. He closed his eyes and carried on, his teeth now nibbling round the head of the shaft making it leak again. The secretion was difference this time. Weird but it was making his tongue go slightly numb. It confused him. Why would it do that? Then he was having difficulty concentrating, though he could vaguely feel D'Argo's hands on him and his body responding in kind. He released his grip
on D'Argo's cock and made no move to recapture it in his mouth when D'Argo moved
back and drew it out. He leant down and gently kissed Crichton's lips, knowing the secretion would take a few microts to get right into his bloodstream but it would provide a fairly efficient pain killer while allowing him to stay awake. Crichton tried to focus on D'Argo's face. "What's happening?"
"Ssssh, just enjoy it. I love you, John."
"Love me?" He mumbled, surprised.
"Oh yes," Said D'Argo, his voice deep and husky with lust.
He felt D'Argo working him rigid again and closed his eyes. D'Argo smiled and rubbed his own shaft, pinching the end to get a little more gel out of it which he then smeared carefully into Crichton's navel. He then lined himself up and started to push his shaft into the tight opening. Crichton opened his eyes. "Hey, buddy, wrong hole." He mumbled.
D'Argo shushed him gently, told him to trust him and continued to work his shaft determined to make this as erotic for Crichton as it was for himself. Crichton swallowed his next breath, he could feel himself getting excited, the heat rising in his spine and his groin on fire as D'Argo pumped him. D'Argo was bringing him closer and closer to orgasm. His hips started to buck beneath him, not really aware of the strange sensation as the Luxan continued to slide his own erection steadily and slowly into his navel. The opening breached, he stretched it with his thick shaft, the secretions making the entry less painful and allowing him to insert it right inside until he was exactly where he wanted to be. D'Argo paused a microt not wanting to hurt Crichton more than could be avoided. Crichton felt as if he was hanging over the edge of a cliff, all his senses geared to the drop. Then without warning D'Argo began to thrust deep inside Crichton with earnest, the
sheer force rocking and surprising him, pain splitting through him as if he were ripping him in two, D'Argo bringing him to a sweet but painful orgasm at the same time as he came inside him. A flush of conflicting emotions and sensations confusing him as he was engulfed. The strange rush of heat in his stomach almost drowned out by the wonderful rush of release as he came. Crichton shuddered, D'Argo damp with perspiration from the effort and the ecstasy of deep penetration and ejacualtion kept pumping. So much fluid shot out of him that Crichton felt as if he were drowning from the inside out. D'Argo kept thrusting harder and harder as he came, dragging little wounded cries from his partner's lips, now oblivious to how he was trembling and trying to form words. None of them made sense anyway. He was too far gone in the ecstasy to do anything but silently beg his partner to hang on.
At last he was done. D'Argo collapsed on top of Crichton and both men just lay breathing heavily, trying to recover as best they could. After a few microts, D'Argo summoned just enough energy to roll off of Crichton. He lay on his side spent. Eyes closed. Crichton shuddered and slowly opened glazed eyes. He looked at D'Argo's face and wondered what the hell had just happened. He was so tired as if he had just been fucked into next
week. Seeing the utter weariness on D'Argo's face he supposed that was exactly what
had happened. He closed his eyes. Too tired to keep them open any more. Before another thought could be formed he was fast asleep.
* * * * *