FANDOM: "Farscape"
STATUS: New. ARCHIVE: Yes. Just let me know where.
FEEDBACK: Welcomed
EMAIL: AlisonMDobell@aol.com
WEBSITE: http://www.carlajane50megs.com/Ali00
SUMMARY: "D'Argo is haunted by what he has done. Crichton finds himself facing an even worse nightmare."
The usual disclaimers apply. No infringement of copyright is intended.
A "Farscape" slash story
Written by Alison M. DOBELL
* * * * *
He watched the rise and fall of his chest, his breath precious to him. His fingers drawing little moans and whimpers as he worked deeper inside him. Gently caressing the inner walls, his tongue flicking out to taste him as he trembled beneath his touch. D'Argo was in high passion, his eyes glazed, the pressure on Crichton intensifying as he got more and more aroused. He plied the human with more secretions, deadening the pain before his teeth bit into his flesh, sucking on the blood and licking a clear secretion into the wound to prevent it coagulating before he had drunk his fill. The human was trying to say something but words were beyond him. Numb to everything but the sensations D'Argo was filling him with. Sensations which rocked his world and left him without any frame of reference to call his own. His eyes had no focus, the hazy blue another pool at which the Luxan was determined to drink. He shuddered as the Luxan widened the wound in his side enough to allow the head of his tongue to wriggle and absorb the rich wine while one hand rode up and down his shaft with increasingly urgent intensity until he came as the blood flowed rich, deep and unhindered into the mouth of the Luxan. He loved the taste of him, the fingers of his other hand now working the ring of tight muscle, widening the entry to admit his whole hand. The human was in some distress now but D'Argo did not want to make this too unbearable. He used the come to lubricate him. A little pain was good, too much and he would black out before he could bring him to the even brighter flare of orgasm for which he was aiming.
The levels of Luxan foreplay were many and some were very intense indeed. The marking of the blood was significant. The entry to yet another level, a deeper more erotic one than any that had gone before. His rakazza was pliant, still conscious and above all being brought to a level of
arousal so intertwined with pain that it made D'Argo dizzy with passion just to think about it. He pinned the human down, spreading his legs and arms out so that he could take what he wanted and have the pleasure of looking down his naked body and feasting on him with his eyes while he slowly ravaged him. Inch by glorious inch. The opening was stretching in a most delicious
fashion. D'Argo closed his eyes a microt to savour the way the warm flesh sucked against the pressure of his hand as he prodded, probed and stroked the interior walls of muscle, his fingers becoming dry making Crichton squirm with pain until he could lather them with more of his cooling jism. He savoured the pain for a microt then remembered his duty to his friend, sighed
and produced secretions to add to the lubricant and ease the agony. Withdrawing his hand he coated the fingers from his weeping mivonks and inserted them again, this time with a sudden deep thrust that made the human jerk beneath him in a most satisfying and rousing way. Water leaked from his eyes. D'Argo whispered endearments as he kissed the moisture from his cheeks, his tongue flicking out and grazing the sagging mouth, his tongue producing a secretion that slowly invaded Crichton's senses and left him weak. Unable to tell reality from dream. His whole world drowned in an overload of erotic sensations as the Luxan got comfortable and played with him, manipulating his mind and body as he inserted his tongue into every orafice in a journey of intimate discovery.
On some level Crichton knew exactly what was happening to him. He was being frelled in every way it was possible to frell someone. What he could not grasp was why his friend would do this to him. The first time had been a moment of passion spurred on by desperation to find some way to bring a child into the world for him and Chiana. Even then, D'Argo had found a way to come on to him again, trapping him in Moya's deep ducts and forcing himself on him in such a way that he could not do anything but submit to him. Quietly he screamed against the inner walls of his skull, his mind and heart beating a tattoo that only he could hear. Unable to push the words up through his constricting throat and out of his mouth, lungs too tortured by contractions caused by the Luxan's persisitent invasion. He refused to call it love making. He swallowed back his cries to take in more air as the Luxan thrust his hand so far inside him that the leathery fingertips caressed his prostrate. The last pathetic remnant of control he had was completely ripped from him, 'Argo orchestrating every jerk of his hips, timing his reactions to increase his own excitement as he became more and more aroused. He lowered his great head and inhaled the human's scent, letting it dance around his olfactory senses and fill his head with exotic pheromones. He knew Crichton was not thrilled about blood sports, was squeamish about being invaded by the huge Luxan, but if possession was nine tenths of the human's law it now belonged to D'Argo. His wishes, his desires, taking precedence over Crichton's. It did not seem wrong to the Luxan. He was the alpha male and he intended to prove it in every way possible. When he finished with the human there would no longer be any question about Crichton's role in Luxan hierachy or his right to claim him whenever and however he chose. It was good to be a Luxan. Control like this was the sweetest gift of all.
* * * * *
Crichton woke with a start, bathed in sweat, heart pumping madly, eyes staring into darkness. <What the hell is the matter with me? Now I'm having wet dreams about D'Argo! Man, and I thought Scorpy was a sick son a bitch>
He lay for a moment catching his breath, trying not to wake Aeryn. It had been so real. He could still taste him, smell him, feel his hands stroking him, invading him and making him orgasm again and again just so he could revel in his superior strength and contol over him before impaling him on his own rod of iron. Damn, he had an erection so hard it could bore through solid rock. He tried to think of something, anything, to deflate the aroused organ. He felt so damn horny, wished he could block out the feelings of arousal tingling through his body. Lying alongside the most beautiful woman in the Uncharted Territories was not helping. Not that he
would wish to be anywhere else if his life depended on it. Aeryn. He felt his manhood twitch with interest as he thought of her, his control too fragmented for comfort. He tried to keep his hips still, was amazed but glad that she had slept through his nightmare.
The rapid flurry of his heartbeat began to slow, to drop into the natural cadence of blood pumping regularly again through his arteries. He turned his head to look at her. She lay alongside him, the beautiful length of her naked body touching his, her head on one side but facing him. Eyes closed, breathing gentle and even. So light that it fascinated him to watch her in soft repose. He gently stroked her cheek, unable to resist touching her, and then brushed errant strands of luxuriant dark hard from her lovely face. He loved the sweep of her jaw, the curve of her neck, the dark fan of her eyebrows kissing her cheeks with light truncated strokes everytime she breathed in and out. Like oars dipping in a still pond, drawing the precious boat from one side to the other. He longed to kiss those inviting lips, to run his hands over her body while he slowly made love to her. To let his tongue echo the words trapped in his heart that would tell her he was hers forever. He followed the contours of her face with his eyes, drinking in a form only barely visible to him in the near darkness yet as familiar to him as his own reflection. He froze suddenly. Her eyes flickered then fluttered open, a butterfly coming to rest, dark eyes holding his with such calm focus, such intent regard that he almost forgot to draw breath.
<Christ Aeryn, you are *so* beautiful, do you know that? Do you have any idea how much the mere thought of you turns me on? Reduces my aching heart to a liquid pulp pulsing in your hand?>
She rolled onto her left side, rubbing up against him, her hips brushing his cock. He juddered slightly and closed his eyes, trying to bite back a groan so she would not realise how aroused he was. The groan leaked out between his trembling lips anyway. It was not the only thing starting to leak. Her eyes widened with surprise then happy satisfaction, watching him try to control himself, her hand sliding down his chest to touch him. He shuddered, he could not help it, a little cry swallowed in the back of his throat. He was so hard, so excited by her touch, her nearness to him, his shaft throbbing with exquisite pain in her hand as she held him. His eyes were still closed, his breathing rapid and fractured. She kissed him gently, slowly papering his face with kisses while she wrapped her hand firmly around his shaft and began to stroke him in light even movements that drew his breath in ragged exhalations he could not quite control. Her smile deepened with joy and love and tender mischief. It was so divine he could weep for the sweetness of her touch. His mouth dropped open, eyes fluttering out of focus, perspiration beading his face and neck so that he glistened in the dark. Aeryn brushed his lips with her own, her tongue sliding in and out of his mouth, teasing him. The kiss that followed did nothing to help him hang on to his sanity. The kiss deepened, her lips becoming more demanding as her hand increased the strokes and pressure on him as she rode his foreskin up and down the leaking shaft, the heat of his throbbing blood affecting her own rising passion. His hips were moving now, eratic and chaotic as he lost control, rising forcefully into the hand that worked to deliver him so beautifully. He came so hard that his spine snapped as he shuddered in her hand, her kiss sucking and devouring him as he gushed in a snowy eruption drenching her hand and embarassing him.
Aeryn continued to kiss him, more gently now, allowing him to get some breath back into his lungs. Her hand still holding him, oblivious of the the sticky moisture coating them like a glue binding them together. She drew her lips from his so she could look into his eyes. He was mumbliing incoherently, trying to apologise for coming all over her but she shushed him with little kisses, licking his lips with her tongue and sliding it back into his mouth to caress his tongue with hers, silencing him. Actions speaking louder than words. She sucked his tongue, then kissed him again, blowing every thought that tried to form in his mind, filling him with nothing but awareness of her presence, her touch, her radiant beauty. A soul drowning in ecstasy had never known a heaven as pure as this. His heart was going crazy, a supernova with love for her. She pulled away from him and smiled, he smiled back, his hand outlining the contours of her beloved face, then she dipped her head and dragged her lips in little wet kisses down his throat and chest making him shiver, her tongue finding a nipple and washing back and forth over the nub before teasing it between her teeth. He grunted softly and kissed the top of her head, his hands brushing down her sides and rising again to cradle her breasts. She arched into his hands, his thumbs rubbing across the nipples, her eyes closing momentarily before remembering her main objective. He was surprised when she opened her eyes again and slid down his chest and took him in her mouth. He tried to raise her up, tell her she did not have to do that, but she wanted to. Needed to taste him in her mouth, draw her tongue over his sticky length and wash him clean. How could she explain to him that she could not get enough of him? In the absence of words she chose to show him, drawing a sharp intake of breath from him as she caressed him inside her mouth, her tongue washing the flaccid organ and sucking him gently as she flicked the sensitive head back and forth with her tongue.
He lay boneless and in a delerium of ecstasy. Little shivers of pleasure running up and down his spine as he did things to him that he would not have dreamed her capable of. So thoroughly did she love him, so gently did she touch and caress him that his heart wept for love of her. He could not focus, his eyes dazed with love. <God Aeryn, your touch is so beautiful. Do you have any idea what you are doing to me, woman?>
He was trembling, his shrinking penis beginning to harden again as she worked. As he recovered his breath, his body responded to her, pumping blood back into the tissue and inflating his shaft inside her busy mouth. He could feel her lips curve around him, her lips sucking and massaging him while her tongue washed back and forth across the sensitive slit on the head. He groaned softly, the sound rumbling through his chest and delighting her. He wanted to be inside her, to love her so completely. Her hands cautioned him to be patient, she wanted to choose the pace and it was slowly killing him. She heard his groan deepen, his organ now thick and throbbing in her mouth, a delicious heat filling her as her hands got busy elsewhere. He wanted to lift her up so he could kiss her, but she captured his hands in hers and guided them to her centre, the fingers gently entered the moist halls that cried his name as her scent flowed out of her at his merest touch. She whimpered and they began to move in synchrony. When his head started to leak she sucked harder, loving the taste. He was feeling frustrated, frantic to be inside her, wanting to bury himself in that wonderful forest, her walls gripping him as he came. His hands, his lips begged her to have mercy on him, and feeling herself riding up his hand with exquisite pleasure she made him wait until the spasms shook her to the core and soaked his hand. She sighed, inordinately happy, then kissed his shaft before releasing him so he could enter her. She clung to him, her muscled walls rippling up his shaft and producing an intensity of feeling that he had never felt with anyone else. She made him cry out, so much excitement, yearning, and passion in that sound that Aeryn flexed and rode him harder and harder dragging his response from the glorious depths of his soul and causing it to burst with such explosive force that his shout rang off the walls as he came.
They lay in a boneless tangle. Happy. Sated. Complete in each other. Aeryn watched his face, the sensitive play of emotions so familiar to her. She had done things with Crichton she had never done with any other man, not even Velorek. She tried to fathom out what it was about this human that drove her so crazy with desire. What it was that made her love him so completely. This strange benighted soul who had been thrown accidentally into their midst and now was so precious to her. To all of them. She hugged him close to her heart and made a vow as he kissed her brow and ran his hands gently through her hair. His sigh of joy going right through to her heart and touching her soul. She vowed never to be parted from him again.
* * * * *
Chiana was already awake when D'Argo woke. The look on her face warned him to be careful. The dream was so vivid, so intense, he could not believe it had not happened. His hearts thundered in his chest, his breath was still excited, his mivonks had flooded his abdomen with a variety of secretions. Chiana would have had to have been suffering total sensory impairment not to notice. The look in her eyes confirmed it. He felt guilt course through his veins. She tilted her head at him. "You were dreaming."
So far so good. He nodded. Her look gave nothing away as to what she was thinking.
"About John."
He sucked in a sharp breath. "John?"
She jerked her head another forty five degrees, her dark eyes shining brightly. Too brightly for comfort.
"You were frelling him."
Shock registered on his face. Not that she had said what she had but that she knew the nature of his dream. Her look told him that she had read his answer in his eyes. Frell. He was lost. What more could go wrong? "Chiana, I..." His voice tapered off. Not sure what to say.
"Why D'Argo? Why do you have this passion for John?"
He could feel himself floundering. Suddenly he was not sure the ground beneath his feet would bear his weight. "I don't understand it, Chiana. The dreams are *so* vivid but I swear to you I do not want to make love to him."
Her eyebrows rose and she said nothing. He felt himself colouring. Was it true? Did he really want the human more than he wanted Chiana? He was not sure he knew the answer. When he was with Chiana she was all he wanted. He loved her, that much was simple truth. So what did he feel about Crichton? Love? Lust? What in hezmana was happening to him? He did not usually want to frell other males. It was an aberration. Normally a Luxan would only turn to another male for sex if there were no females, their dual sexuality allowing either the male or female hormones to have the ascendence as survival dictated. To be drawn to another male when he was commited to a female was not only unusual it was also confusing. It should not be happening. Was it because Crichton was human? Did his alien-ness alter the balance of Luxan sexuality? He did not know. He realised Chiana was still looking at him, stock still, a strange empty expression in her eyes. He felt like a drowning man who realises too late that he will never make it to shore unaided.
"Chiana, I think I need to see Zhaan. Perhaps she can help me."
Still she said nothing. D'Argo was getting nervous. It was not like Chiana to be silent like this.
A single tear broke ranks and slid down her china white face. D'Argo felt his heart lurch.
"I love you Chiana, more than anything else. I don't understand why I am having these dreams, what it can mean. I have done terrible things to John, things he can never forgive me for, things I cannot explain or justify. I have also done terrible things to you, put you through so much sorrow and pain that I don't deserve a second chance." He paused, sorrow etched into his face, his mood sombre. "I don't know how to put things right, Chiana, but I want to more than anything else I have ever desired. But I can't do it alone. I need your help."
Another tear joined the first. D'Argo felt tears form in his own eyes and for a moment they simply stared at each other, sharing their separate miseries, before the Luxan took her gently in his arms and kissed her. Slowly he rocked her and held her, so precious to him that if he lost her now his two hearts would surely break. In his cradle the baby lay awake, his blue eyes drifting as if he was watching another scene. No sound did he make. As Chiana cried quietly in D'Argo's arms the baby reached out with soothing thoughts to help her, while another part of his mind fretted. Some nameless terror hovering in the background, in the shadows of his forming mind, like a presentiment of doom. The baby was starting to tire. Small eyelids fluttering and fighting to stay open but gravity and weariness overpowered him. As he drifted into a deep sleep other thoughts walked through his mind and touched the thoughts that had been left in an untidy jumble like an unmade bed. Softly the thoughts were tidied and put away. The mind stroked with a stranger's touch, the thoughts reorganised and the emphasis changed. So subtle, so minor, that the tampering would go undetected. The baby slept. The watcher watched. Chiana became still again, all cried out. D'Argo held her tight, praying that Zhaan would be able to help him before he lost everything that was precious to him.
* * * * *
Rygel was feeling a lot happier. Things aboard Moya were returning to normal. The DRDs were visible again, some with scorched casings which they wore like battle honours. It had seemed senseless not to change the carapaces for new ones but Crichton had insisted it was what the DRDs wanted, so Rygel dropped his criticism. What did it matter anyway so long as they did their work? He had no desire to scramble about in Moya's ducts doing DRD work. He had been on Moya longer than any of the others and he knew just how awful that could be.
He directed his thronesled to the mess hall and set about the serious task of filling his three stomachs.
* * * * *
Crichton and Aeryn had not intended to fall asleep but when they had finished making love it was the most natural thing to do. The passion abated but the love remained. A beautiful warmth that joined them in deep contentment. Aeryn sighed and laid her head on Crichton's chest. He smiled, drawing little circles with his finger on her shoulder as he held her to him. His world had never been so full of joy as this. She drifted off to sleep, such a deep innocent sleep, her face relaxed into a state of bliss that made him feel humble. He gently kissed the top of her head and stifled a yawn. Within microts he fell into a deep but not dreamless slumber.
At first he fell softly. Hardly aware that he was falling. His happiness blinding him to the nature of his descent. Gradually a chill permeated his senses, he shivered. Darkness took on form and he felt the sharp tang of danger in the air. He tried to turn his head but there was nothing to see, then a voice insinuated itself and took on form. The skeletal face leering at him and mocking him. *John, John, you can't escape me*.
<Go away, Scorpy. I'm not listening to you>
*Oh, but you must. You see,* The vision paused a microt, balancing his words like a juggler for effect. *I'm coming for you and if you don't meet me half way then I will take your friends as well*.
Alarm raced through him, piercing his heart, numbing his senses with utter dread. <I'm dreaming, this isn't real>
*You are dreaming because I wish it. Do you want me to prove it to you?*
He said nothing. Scorpius scared him not just because of what he had done to him but also because of what he could do to the others. <What do you want?>
*You know what I want. I want the wormhole technology. I need you to unravel the information on the chip.* The clone paused. *It is not a request*.
Crichton could feel his heart aching. Such sorrow. <What happens if I do as you ask? Meet you half way?>
*I let the others go. They are of no interest to me.*
<How can I trust you?>
*Because I have kept my word to you before, John. You know this. Stop stalling for time. Yours has just run out!*
He felt a sick sensation in his stomach, then the leviathan lurched. He could not wake up. Scorpius would not release him until he had his promise. He felt as if his very heart was breaking. To have his heart's desire lying in his arms, the one place he wanted her to be, and to be faced with this. How could he bear to leave her? How could he bear to stay if it endangered her safety? How could he ever explain it so that she would not only understand but not seek to pursue him?
*That is not your concern*.
<Like hell it isn't!>
*Your choice is simple*. Snapped the clone. The leviathan jerked again, not very much but enough that his heightened senses felt every move the biomechanoid ship made. Asleep or awake it was as if he was joined to her. *Now choose. You will not be given a choice again. Your life for theirs....*
* * * * *