Untitled Final Fantasy 7: Book 3

by Sephiroth


Disclaimer: I didn't create 'em. I ain't gettin' paid.

Warning: Warning! There is no sex in this fic, but the world is probably gonna get... (doing a passable Gilda Radner impression) never mind.


Untitled Final Fantasy 7: Book 3

by Sephiroth

-Book 3- -Part 1-

"Sephiroth..." Tifa called up to her son. "Come on down! You're going to be late for school!"

Sephiroth trudged down the stairs with his backpack on his shoulders. "I don't wanna go." He pouted, crossing his arms in front of himself as he sat down in front of the bowl of cereal his mother had poured for him.

"Seph'," Tifa said, patiently. "Don't you want to make friends?"

Sephiroth shook his head. "I wanna stay home with you, mommy."

There was a honking sound from outside.

"Damn," Tifa grumbled. "Here." she handed her son a breakfast bar. "You'll have to eat on the way." she told him, handing him his lunch box and kissing him on the forehead. "Now you be nice in school. Okay?"

Sephiroth nodded and ran out to the car.

The woman driving the carpool that morning looked back over her shoulder at the new addition to her group. She was far from happy about it, but she'd made a promise and she wasn't going to back out of it.

"Good morning," she said. "I'm Mrs. Ramirez. This is my daughter Shiva. And you are..."

"Sephiroth Strife." Sephiroth replied.

Mrs. Ramirez sighed and shook her head, resigned. //Just what I needed.// she thought. "So this is your first day of school, Sephiroth?"

Sephiroth nodded.

"Well, I hope you have a good day today." Mrs. Ramirez told him.

"Me, too." Sephiroth agreed.

-Book 3-
-Part 2-

Sephiroth walked into the school and bumped into one of the teachers who worked there.

The older man scowled down at him and Sephiroth frowned for a moment. Then he smiled. "Oh!" he said, realizing what the man was waiting for. "Excuse me for running into you."

"That's why we don't run in the hall." the blond man informed him. He peered closely at the child. "What is your name?" he asked, evenly.

"Sephiroth Strife."

"Are you gonna cause us trouble?" the teacher asked.

Sephiroth nodded. "My mommy says I'm very good at that."

"I just bet you are." the teacher nodded. "My name is Cid Highwind. I used to work for Shinra's space program until it got cancelled. I knew your father. You are Cloud Strife's son, right?"

Sephiroth nodded. "Uh huh."

"Since this is your first day, you have to see the principal so he can give you your schedule for the day and the lock for your locker." Cid told him. "I'll take you to the office so you don't get lost."

"Okay." Sephiroth smiled up at the man. He hoped the students would be as nice as this teacher was.

-Book 3-
-Part 3-

Sephiroth flapped his one wing nervously and bit his lower lip as he looked around at the other students in his home room. The principal had been kind enough, but Sephiroth was still anxious about meeting his classmates for the first time.

"Now, class." The teacher said as she looked around at the bemused faces of the other students and tried to mask her own shock. "Remember how frightened you all were on your first day? I'm sure that Sephiroth... I'm sorry... you look like Sephiroth... what's you're name again?"

"Sephiroth." Sephiroth replied.

This brought an awed murmur from the class.

"Class," the teacher warned them, "you will conduct yourselves properly. Now, as I was saying, I want you to take our new student under your wing and..."

"But he's the one with the wing." One of the boys protested.

The other students laughed.

The teacher grew nervous. If this was Sephiroth, and their remark upset him... But her fear gave way to relief as she noticed that he was laughing, too.

"Sephiroth, please take a seat next to Tristan." she pointed to one of the students and Sephiroth sat in the vacant seat next to him.

"Now, let's all begin, shall we?" the teacher opened her book and urged her students to take their copies from their desks and do the same.


Tifa took the opportunity to relax for a while before starting on her housework. Sephiroth was a good kid, it turned out. She'd stopped hating him and now loved him with all the doting affection her own mother had heaped upon her. He was a handful, there was no doubt of that, but he'd gotten his powers under control with his father's help. That had been a big help in convincing the school board to let him attend classes. There had been a big to do over it since he was Sephiroth and the other parents had voiced concerns about their childrens' safety. Some of the parents still did not trust him or like the idea of him attending school with their children, and a few had even pulled their kids from the school he would be attending and placed them into private schools or got them tutors. Now, with Sephiroth in school for the very first time, she hoped he would prove
those parents wrong.

-Book 3-
-Part 4-

Sephiroth ran into the house a few hours later, closing the door noisily behind him. His face bore a cheerful grin and a black eye.

"Sephiroth, what did I tell you about running and slamming doors?"

"Sorry, mommy." Sephiroth said, looking contrite for a second before his cheerful smile returned.

Tifa frowned. "Sephiroth, what happened to your eye?" she asked, deeply concerned..

"I got punched by the school bully." Sephiroth "It's okay, though, cause I got him back. I set his butt on fire."

"Sephiroth!" Tifa tried to keep her voice stern so she could tell her son that he'd done something she didn't approve off, but the classic comic image associated with someone whose backside has been ignited came to mind and made this difficult to do. "Sephiroth, promise me you won't set anyone else on fire like that, okay?"

Sephiroth nodded. "Okay, mommy."

"I suppose I'll need to speak to your principal about this?" Tifa sighed.

Sephiroth nodded.

-Book 3-
-Part 5-

The principal paced silently for a moment, then sat across the desk from Tifa. "Can you assure me that this won't happen again?"

Tifa nodded. "He promised me he wouldn't do it again." she assured the man. "Please? I don't want him to be isolated. I want to avoid the mistakes made in his previous life."

"Sephiroth," the principal looked down at the boy. "you understand that you did a bad thing?"

"Uh huh. But he did a bad thing first." Sephiroth reminded him.

"Yes, he did. So from now on, when someone does a bad thing to you, you tell me. Right? Cause that's what I'm here for."

Sephiroth nodded to the principal. "Right." he agreed.

"Now, you're going to have to stay after school for the next few days as punishment." the principal decided. He looked up at Tifa. "Will you or his father be picking him up?"

"Probably his father." Tifa decided. "It's on his way home from work."

The principal nodded. "Very well. Thank you for coming here to take care of this matter." he looked down at Sephiroth. "I'll see you in school in the morning." he told the boy. "Have a nice evening." he told both of them as they left the office.
