Strangers in Space City

Author: jeanster

Rating: G

Catagory - Humor

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Star Trek and/or Fireball XL5.

Strangers in Space City
by jeanster

Kirk, Spock and Dr. McCoy found themselves in a strange world where the inhabitants look like marionettes. After being there for an hour, their appearances began to change.

"Spock, you're starting to look like the inhabitants here in this world," said Kirk. He looked at Dr. McCoy. "You, too, Bones!"

"Jim, I don't know how to tell you this, but you're starting to look like a marionette, too," said Dr. McCoy.

"Fascinating," said Spock.

"Maybe if we return to the Enterprise, we'll change back," said Kirk.

"On the other hand, maybe the answer to changing back lies here in this world. Or maybe if we stay here too long, the change will be permanent," said Dr. McCoy.

Suddenly Kirk smiled as he saw something that caught his attention.

"Let's not rush things, gentlemen. Maybe we should stay a while."

Spock and McCoy turned to see what Kirk saw.

"Might have known," muttered McCoy.

"Greetings, gentlemen," said a beautiful blonde young female marionette who spoke in a French accent. "My name is Dr. Venus. I am a doctor of space medicine."

"Captain James T. Kirk of the Starship Enterprise," said Kirk warmly. "This is my first officer Mr. Spock and my ship's physician Dr. McCoy."

"How do you do. What brings you three to Space City?"

"We're not sure. We suddenly found ourselves here, but we don't know how we got here."

"Hmmm. I wish Steve was here. He'd know what to do."

"Steve? Who's Steve?"

"Colonel Steve Zodiac. He's the best astronaut ever! Strong, brave, smart, tall and handsome. Just the sort of person you want to be with when you want to feel safe."

Dr. Venus had this faraway dreamy look in her eyes as she went on and on about Steve Zodiac.

"Spock, McCoy," said Kirk. "You two do some exploring here in Space City. I want to have a few words privately with Dr. Venus."

"But, Jim --" said McCoy.

"That's an order," said Kirk.

McCoy and Spock watched as Kirk walked off with Venus, his arm around her waist.

About fifteen minutes later Kirk rushed back to Spock and McCoy.

"Let's get out of here! Now!"

"Good timing, Jim," said McCoy. "We've learned that we'll change back to our normal selves once we leave this world. And we finally were able to regain communication with the Enterprise. Scotty can beam us up anytime now."

"Great! Let's go!"

"What changed your mind about staying here, Captain?" asked Spock.

"When I realized that as a marionette I'm no longer anatomically correct."