Title: When in Rome...

Author: April Hackett & Susan Field

Series/Fandom: Forever Knight

Pairing/ LaCroix/ Nicholas

Rating: NC17 definitely

Feedback addy: knightwave@aol.com

Archive: Angst archives, jadfe, allslash, WWOMB/ yes

Web page location: This story plus several others of mine can be found on Jadfe's web page. http://www.lady-lacroix.com/jadfe/

Warnings: Rape and bondage is part of the storyline. If this upsets you, then skip to the next story. Plenty of m/m interaction. <g>

Disclaimers: Parriott and Sony/Tri-Star own the characters of FK. No monetary gain is anticipated from this piece of fiction. We wanted to play with the boys; luckily, they were obliging. <bg> All other characters are mine. Please ask before using them..

I have to thanks Debbie Park and Laurey Breidenthal for helping to sharpen this piece with their super betaing. You two are the best!

The majority of this story is written as a dream. As such, any problem that would have naturally cropped up, like language, time frame, etc, is explained away by that fact. Any inaccurate statements about ancient Rome are unintentional. I relied on old movies, the Encarta, and Susan's research for all my background notes. The present time line follows shortly after the episode 'Ashes to Ashes'. It's not necessary you follow the show, but it would help. I hope everyone enjoys LaCroix' dream. <g>

Background info for those of you who haven't seen Forever Knight: LaCroix is a tall, imposing man, who was a general in the Rome army before he was brought across into the vampire world. He has made several children/ fledglings during the centuries but Nicholas and Janette are his favorite.

Nicholas is a handsome, blond knight who was brought across in 1228 while on his way home from the Crusades. After several centuries where he reveled in his vampire nature, Nick began to regret the killing. He struggled against LaCroix' tight hold on him and tries to find a way to regain his soul. I hope everyone enjoys LaCroix' dream. <g>

Note: aureus was the gold coinage of the day.

"When in Rome..."
By April Hackett & Susan Field
Copyright @ June 1997
(m/m, m/f, bondage) Explicit/Graphic

The tall, pale man wandered down the sidewalk, glancing at the people and lights that made up this city. With the Raven closed for repairs, for the first time in a long, long while, he was free of any obligations.

Crossing a side street, Lucien LaCroix noticed the flickering display of a large screen TV playing in the window of the electronic store just ahead. The store had a dozen smaller televisions set up on either side of the projection set, with all of them tuned to the same channel.

He turned to face the store, a slow smile stealing across his usually stoic features. Hollywood's version of ancient Rome scrolled across the screens in one of those old color panoramas that the movie industry used to produce in the fifties and sixties. When the general in the movie charged down on the barbarians in the name of the emperor, LaCroix turned away.

"If they only knew," he mumbled to himself, a shadow of the smile still displayed on his face. Growing bored with his casual wanderings, LaCroix checked the link with his son and felt Nicholas busy with his mortal pastime. "Good," whispered through the clear, cold air as the old vampire launched himself into the night.

A short time later, the whoosh of displaced air filled the loft, announcing the arrival of a visitor. With the case of wine laced blood deposited on the kitchen counter, LaCroix shed his coat and threw it across the kitchen table. Pulling two bottles free, he took a glass down from the cabinet and walked into the living room. The elder man set the two bottles on the table, then glanced around the room for his son's remote.

"Ah, there it is," he softly stated, pulling it out from under the pillows that were scattered in front of the fireplace. Pointing the remote at the big screen, the elder man turned the TV on and closed the shutters, then leaned over to pour himself a large glass of the dark, ruby liquid. The battle was just about over and the general had ordered his officers to round up all the survivors for shipment back to Rome -- as slaves.

Stretching out on the couch, he watched the fictional account of Roman life as he sipped on his drink. Because of the battle he had fought in the Raven the other night, he was still feeling fatigued. Consequently, it was no surprise when LaCroix slipped into a restful doze as the movie ran toward its predictable conclusion.

The slave market was bustling with activity. For most of the morning, a parade of flesh had been prodded, whipped, or dragged across the large, wooden platform that prominently filled the middle of the small square. Lucius leaned against the trunk of a great oak tree located on the edge of the square and watched the slavers shove another of the prisoners up the steps of the platform.

With all the prisoners he had brought back, the sales would probably go on for several days. They had taken several hundred women during this campaign, but only a little over one hundred of the barbarian warriors had been taken alive. <So few, > he pondered, <then again, maybe not so surprising considering their tendency to fight to the death. > he thought as another body was pushed up on the platform.

The man, little more than a boy really, was quickly bought by one of the high born and dragged off the platform to be delivered to his new home. Hearing the sounds of a scuffle coming from inside the slave enclosure, Lucius tensed, watchful. This might be the slave he was waiting to bid on. He had observed this young stallion of a man as they marched back to Rome. Issuing orders to his men, he had insured that this slave would arrive untouched and unmarked. Lucius felt a tingle race down his spine at the prospect of owning this untamed creature.

"Ahhh..." whispered from several patrons when the merchandise was dragged up the steps to the center of the stage. "As perfect a specimen as we've seen in a very long while..." was heard as the young man was forced to the center of the platform. The guard handed the rope to Theodosius, the auctioneer, who jerked on the man's bound wrists, pulling him closer.

Lucius watched as the slave silently fumed against his fate. The young man appeared to be tall and slimly built, with much of the last several days travel dust still on him. <They must have had quite a fight on their hands considering they were unable to clean him up for the sale, > Lucius thought with a wicked smile.

Handsome facial features added to his monetary value, as did the dark blue eyes and long, dark blond, wavy hair, which was disheveled and windblown. His torn tunic, which was a light shade of brown, was worn with one shoulder bare, offering a hint of the fluid movement of his body as he struggled to escape Theodosius' hold. A wrapped piece of worked leather served as a belt. The braided hem of his tunic stopped at mid thigh, accenting his height and the firmly detailed muscles of a horseman.

The barbarian gave a massive jerk, and managed to break away from Theodosius, which forced the guards to move in and recapture him. Dragging the hostile prisoner back to the middle of the platform, the guards shoved him firmly to his knees and tied the loose end of his restraint to a stout ring that was anchored to the wooden stage, then stepped back. The citizens had come, after all, to see the stock, not the guards.

Slowly standing upright, the barbarian ignored the taut rope digging into his flesh and defiantly stared out at the crowd, his blue eyes flashing his fury. Locking gazes with several potential buyers, he made it clear to all that he was one prize that would not easily submit. The young man glared at Theodosius when the Roman tapped him firmly on the chest with a whip, warning him to cease his subtle attempts to loosen the ropes that firmly held him in place.

When Lucius caught his eye, the prisoner's eyes narrowed in recognition, then grudgingly dropped as the auctioneer stepped up, ready to begin the sale.

"Citizens, we have a fine specimen for sale here. He is another of the new captives brought in yesterday. Young and in prime health, as well as a fiery spirit to boot. He would be capable of handling most of the tasks you set for him." Looking out over the crowd, the auctioneer continued, "The bidding on this one will begin at 500 gold aureus." A low murmur floated through the crowd, but no one challenged the starting price. After seeing the prize, everyone acceded to the slave's value.

"500!" someone hidden in the crowd yelled. Lucius couldn't see who made the bid.

"500, to Citizen Carus Flaxus. Who will bid 600?" Theodosius asked, pleased no one had challenged the large starting price. He hoped this bidding would last for a good while.

"600," a voice from the back boomed out.

"600, from Senator Marcus Avitus."

"700!" General Claudius Pollonius declared.

Trying to build the slave's price even more, Theodosius offered, "I would wager this one would make an excellent breeder. Just the thing to improve your slave lines."

As that comment worked its way through the crowd, Lucius stepped away from the oak tree and began to weave his way through the crowd surrounding the platform -- all the way he kept a watchful eye on the slave, who continued to glare out at the Romans below him. Climbing the steps, the general walked up to stand on the other side of the young man and said to the auctioneer, "I refuse to bid on anything I have not examined first."

"General, you know..." Wilting under the hard glare Lucius turned on him, Theodosius acceded. "By all means, General. Be my guest." His greed for once appeared to be in concert with his active sense of self-preservation. This particular general was not someone to cross.

Lucius grasped the slave's jaw in a powerful grip and forced his mouth open, checking his teeth. When he released his grip, the young slave jerked his head back and tried to back away, but the rope tether held him in place.

"Be still. I'm not going to hurt you," the general muttered quietly, as he began to run his hands down the taunt neck and shoulders. He pulled the shoulder piece loose and let the tunic hang down by the belt, as a couple of men in the crowd began to hoot and laugh at the show playing out before them.

Lucius felt the young man start as he lightly squeezed his biceps. Moving his scrutiny onward, he controlled his desires and calmly examined the sculptured chest that marked this slave as one of the barbarians' mounted swordsmen. <Ah, yes, this one will be most entertaining, > the general reflected, watching the spirit in the young man silently rage at his handling. He took his time, enjoying the feel of his hands stroking down the muscled frame until he finally arrived at the slave's covered waist.

"1,000 gold aureus," Lucius announced, just loud enough to be heard over the murmur of the crowd. The crowd grew quiet and several members of the crowd glowered silently as the price slid out of their reach.

"1,000, from General Lucius Divius. Are there any more bids?" the auctioneer quickly asked, anticipating great profit in the sale of this particular slave.

"1,200!" General Claudius snapped a hungry fire apparent on his face.

Lucius knew Claudius was eyeing the pleasant looking body standing on the platform. Though he would have bid whether Claudius was interested or not, Lucius felt a growing excitement at the prospect of snatching something away from his old adversary. Glancing at his contemporary, Lucius let a cold smile briefly cross his face as he thought of a way to jab his old enemy.

"I need to examine all that I am bidding on before I go any higher," Lucius remarked. At Theodosius' silent affirmative, the general turned his back on Claudius and reached for the belt that was tied around the slave's waist. Tugging it loose, the tunic slipped down, until it pooled on the ground around the slave's feet.

Grabbing the slave's bound hands, Lucius held the young man still as he pulled on the tight undergarment that was wrapped around the barbarian's groin. He glanced up at the young face when he heard a muffled gasp of protest escape past the clinched jaw. A small smile briefly graced the general's face. "Good. I wouldn't give my captors the satisfaction of crying out either," Lucius muttered, his voice pitched so only the slave could hear him. He ignored the murderous glare the young man was radiating, turning his attention back to the resisting cloth. When he managed to loosen the linen enough, he looked the young man in the eye and slid his hand inside the loincloth, fingertips reaching for the first touch of the silky, tender skin hidden within.

When his fingertips brushed against the limp penis, he stroked down it sensually. Grasping the large scrotum that was hanging there, Lucius gently squeezed, which finally drove an angry growl of frustration from the helpless man.

Slowing removing his hand, Lucius looked at the auctioneer and said, "1,500." Stepping back, he glanced out at the crowd, waiting for someone to challenge his bid. He noted the red flush of Claudius' anger as it swept across his face. <That man could never hide his temper, > Lucius thought with disdain.

"1,500 gold aureus is bid. Are there any more?" the auctioneer asked, looking at the two previous bidders. Senator Marcus graciously signaled he was finished, while Claudius glowered and refused to bid again. He only had so much to invest in one slave, no matter how good looking he might be.

The auctioneer opened his mouth to call a close on this sale when suddenly from the shadows at the back of the square, a deep voice uttered, "2,000." Everyone turned curious who was joining the bidding. Shocked silence descended when the Emperor stepped out of the shadows, his guards standing quietly nearby.

Lucius grimly smiled and nodded to Emperor Titus Vespasian. <So, this will be harder than I anticipated, > he thought irritably. "2,500," Lucius replied calmly, though inside he was seething at the ill-timed luck that brought the Emperor here now.

He watched the Emperor smile at him. The general knew that Vespasian didn't need any more slaves. <He is only bidding to irritate me! >

"2,800 gold aureus," Vespasian returned, glancing from the glowering young slave, to the stiff, silent form of his favorite general. Lucius rarely had anything which he could be 'teased' with. Vespasian was going to enjoy his playful jabbing.

"3,000!" Lucius responded after several moments of silence had passed. He wasn't going to lose this slave, not even to the Emperor!

Several minutes passed with complete silence reigning over the square, then Lucius saw the Emperor nod his head in defeat and smile lightly before he walked back into the shadows behind him.

"Sold to General Lucius for 3,000 gold aureus!" the auctioneer quickly squawked, ecstatic at the profit the slave had generated.

Dragging the fingers of his right hand across the chest of his slave, Lucius spoke to the guards advancing toward them. "Have him delivered to my domus within the hour." At their acquiescent nods, he jumped off the platform and moved gracefully through the crowd, accepting congratulations from friends and acquaintances that were attending the sale. He glanced back just as the guards herded his new prize off the platform, the discarded tunic thrown over one of the guard's shoulder.

Chapter 2

The harsh sounds of heavy banging on the servants' door announced the arrival of the slaver and his guards with the general's merchandise. Gallus, a lean, middle aged man with a pleasant face and a thick head of black hair, hurried to answer the door. Since he was the steward of the household, one of his requirements was to handle chores such as this. He had been warned of the coming arrival, so, after signing for his master's purchase, he took possession of the household's newest member.

The slave was wearing a torn, brown tunic that had definitely seen its better days. Gallus wrinkled his nose at the aroma that was rising from the barbarian. Considering the quick conveyance, the slave hadn't been cleaned before delivery. Grabbing the leash that dangled from his tied hands, he pulled the new slave through the kitchen and into one of the storage rooms in the house.

"First, we have to do something about your clothes," Gallus commented as they walked by several boxes and chests lining the wall.

The steward left the new slave standing by the open doorway that led into the atrium, bent down and opened a large wooden chest that was sitting in the corner of the room. Glancing over the lean build of the slave, Gallus rummaged around in it until he found the outfit he had
been looking for. When he stood up with the clean clothing, he noticed the young man frowning as he looked through the door into the atrium. Glancing along the man's line of sight, the steward spied the atrium's shrine.

"It's a shrine to the households' Gods," he said, beginning the young man's education into his new environment.

Gallus gathered up the leash and placed his hand behind the slave's elbow, then moved through the doorway, heading across the atrium. "First, a bath, then a change of clothes, followed by something to eat. Do you have a name?" he asked, directing the young man toward the bathing area.

"Nicholas," the new slave curtly replied.

"Well, Nicholas. The master may change that; we'll have to wait and see." Glancing at the young man as they moved through a brightly painted hallway, he said, "I know you haven't received any training in the manners that are expected of you. The best advice I can give you is keep your eyes down and don't speak until spoken to."

They walked past several guestrooms and the master's bedroom on their way to the bathing pools. They were approaching the hot pool when a deep voice emanating from behind them. "Gallus, I have need of a bath." The steward quickly turned and beheld General Lucius striding
toward them.


After noticing the aroma that rose from the unwashed body at the auction, Lucius knew his efficient steward would insist on a bath first. Asking for such a quick delivery assured that the usual pampering wouldn't be accomplished before the young slave was brought to his new
home. <And I want to see exactly *what* I have bought> thought the Roman. He looked up as Gallus interrupted his pleasant thoughts.

"Master, let me send someone to aid you. You shouldn't be doing this alone!" the efficient steward remarked, spying the clothing slung over the general's arm.

"It's all right, Gallus. Looking at Nicholas, he continued, "Send the new slave to attend to my needs." Moving past them, Lucius strode down the corridor and into the moisture-laden room beyond.

Hurrying after his master into the bathing room, the older man panted, "Master, are you sure? He hasn't been prepared yet. Nor has he received any instructions on how to behave..." Gallus began.

"I will undertake the training of this one myself," Lucius interrupted as he laid his clean clothing on a long bench set near the door. "He is to be my personal servant. Leave his things and remove his bonds," the general ordered, turning away from both men as he quickly shed his
clothing. Dropping his soiled garments on the damp floor, he walked over to a large cupboard standing against the far wall and removed a beautifully detailed jar.

When he glanced back at the two men, Lucius noted Gallus had deposited the clean clothing on the nearby bench and was attempting to untie the ropes confining the new slave. When the ropes finally gave, the young man gasped slightly and gingerly rubbed his sore wrists as the steward gathered up Lucius' discarded tunic and left.

Lucius slowly walked around the pool, aware that his new slave was warily watching him the whole time. He held out the jar to the young man and said, "Here, take this oil and rub it on me." After a moment's hesitation, Lucius watched as the man came to a decision -- he took the
jar and poured a generous amount onto his hand.

Lucius sat on one of the small stools that were arranged near the water's edge. Turning partially away from his new prize, he waited for the man to begin. Soon, two strong hands tentatively began massaging the oil onto his shoulders, working in sure, steady strokes. As the hands moved across his shoulders and down his back, Lucius felt a recognizable stirring in his groin which quickly grew as the firm grip of the new slave moved across his body.

Raising each of the general's arms, the oil was rubbed carefully onto the skin, before the slave moved to Lucius' chest. The Roman managed several casual brushes against an arm or leg during this light rubdown, all the while gazing at the way the broad chest flexed as the slave moved. Knowing something of the culture this barbarian came from, Lucius expected him to avoid the washing of his lower body. Now was the time to see just how flexible his new toy would be. He was looking forward to the education of this one very much.

When the slave had completely covered his new master's upper body in the scented oil, he stepped back and waited. Lucius rose and said, "Come. Remove your clothing. I want to finish my bath." Moving into the warm pool, he stopped and looked over his shoulder when he didn't
hear any movement behind him. The slave was standing where Lucius had left him, a surprised expression on his face.



"Remove your clothes and get in the pool!" Lucius repeated a little tone of annoyance creeping into his voice.

Lucius smiled when he saw the young man begin to pull his tunic off after a moment's hesitation. Turning back, the general waded through the pool, heading for a built-in shelf that was submerged just below the surface.

After he had eased onto the bench, General Lucius gazed at the young man as he dropped his tunic on the floor and stepped down into the pool. Leaning back, he spread his arms gracefully across the pool's edge and avidly watched his new slave splash toward him.

"What were you called in your homeland?"

"Nicholas, lord."

Leaning forward, Lucius stabbed a long finger at Nicholas and quickly declared, "No! Not lord. Master! I am your master now, Nicholas." After a moment's pause, he settled back against the pool's wall. "Nicholas... " Lucius murmured, as if he was tasting the name. "I believe I like that. You may keep it," he stated, trying to be magnanimous.

"Thank you...master," Nicholas mumbled, trying not to reply sarcastically.

"Now, I require you to finish with my bath," the Roman said as he picked up a cloth that was lying on the edge of the pool and handed it to Nicholas.

Taking the cloth, the young man began to rinse the general, dripping water across Lucius' skin as he ran the cloth across the firm body of his owner. When Lucius rose from the bench and stood waiting, Nicholas backed up slightly, confusion evident on his face.

"Well?" Lucius asked.

"What, master?"

"You need to finish."

"I...." he said, shrugging his shoulders slightly in nervous reaction.

With an exasperated sigh, Lucius reached out, grasped Nicholas' wrist, and brought the hand that still held the cleaning cloth down to his groin. His partially swollen penis jerked slightly as the cloth brushed against it, displaying his enjoyment in the physical contact that he had experienced so far.

"Nicholas jerked away and gasped, "No, milord!" and cautiously edged away from the Roman.

"Nicholas..." Lucius warned, sensing that his new toy was about to flee.

"No, milord! It's an unnatural thing you're demanding!" Nicholas felt his fear rising and continued to slowly back away.

"Come here, Nicholas! You have no say in the matter," Lucius demanded. He cursed under his breath when Nicholas slipped out of the pool, grabbed the tunic Gallus had brought, and vanished through the doorway into the house.

"Gallus!! Gallus!!" Lucius yelled, anger dripping from his voice as he climbed out of the pool.

Chapter 3
LaCroix' dream continues! <G>

The soft sounds of flute, lyre, and pipes floated through the room as the ladies and gentlemen reclined on their couches. The slaves removed the remnants of the feast that had been prepared for the small gathering. Little more than bones and sauce remained of the peacock, fish, and
vegetable dishes that had constituted the main course tonight. Two slaves picked up the table and moved toward the kitchen, passing more slaves as they carried out the second table, loaded with sweets, fruits, and nuts.

The easy flow of conversation made it apparent that all the guests were comfortable friends. Lucius made a point of frequently inviting them to his home whenever he was in town. They gossiped and chatted as the slaves maneuvered the sweets' table into place.

General Galerius turned toward his host and quietly inquired, "So, Lucius, is this gorgeous, fair-haired slave the one I've heard so much talk about?" Grinning, he watched as Nicholas placed his end of the table down, and ignoring the Romans, followed the other slaves back to the kitchen.

"I see why you wanted him," Galerius murmured as he glanced back at his counterpart.

"Yes, that's the slave, though whether he's worth the cost remains to be seen," Lucius replied.

"What, Lucius?! You haven't tried him yet?" Lady Gemma teased, as she leaned around her husband, Galerius, to watch for her host's expression. She was a petite woman, with her long, brown hair spilling down around her shoulders. The gold palla she wore set off her pale complexion beautifully.

"No, Lady Gemma. He was only delivered a few hours ago," Lucius replied, his blue-gray eyes displaying his enjoyment with the sparring conversation.

The young man sitting on the couch to Lucius' right leaned forward and grabbed a handful of nuts. The insignia on his tunic identified him as Commander Severus, Lucius' second in command. He settled back and handed several of them to the beautiful young girl seated next to him. The Lady Deanna, his wife, was wearing a peacock blue shift over her green stola. Her dark brown hair was twisted and pinned into a tight mass of curls that cascaded down her back. Glancing slyly at the two men to her left, the pretty brunette commented, "I wouldn't mind trying him for you."

"Why am I not surprised that you said that, Deanna," Commander Tiberius laughed, as he reclined on the adjacent couch located to Deanna's right. During this last campaign, he had served as one of Lucius' field commanders. Through unswerving loyalty to the General, Tiberius had earned a rapid rate of promotion, following a similar path that General Galerius had walked a few years before.

"Indeed, Lady Deanna. I may take you up on that offer," Lucius returned with a slight smile. Glancing at his second in command, Lucius saw the broad smile that Severus flashed which caused a ripple of laughter to weave across the four couches.

Lucius leaned back and appeared to listen to the conversation flowing around him. In fact, he was replaying the events that had occurred following Nicholas' hasty departure from the bathing room. <At least the man had enough sense not to leave the house, > he thought. <*That* would have earned him a severe lashing.> As it was, after Gallus found him huddled in the kitchen pantry, it took all Lucius' considerable control not to throttle Nicholas, then and there. Leaving him in Gallus' capable hands, Lucius had retired to his library to consider how he was going to handle the *education* of this slave.

He had weighted the thrill of breaking this one himself with the delight of watching others' handle the problem for him. Knowing Galerius and Severus as he did, Lucius knew they would carry out his instructions to the letter, not to mention the entertainment value it would offer his dinner guests. Yes, it would be worth giving up the first ride for, he had decided.

Lucius let his musing slip away and sat up as several female slaves walked up with towels and pitchers of sweetened wine. He glanced over the edge of his goblet as Nicholas came into view, slowly carrying a large tray of sweet cakes. Handing his goblet back to Suella, the little slave girl who was serving him tonight, he muttered loud enough for the two officers on either side of him to hear, "I would look favorably on someone breaking this *young stallion* in." He looked Galerius in the eye for a moment, then ran his hand into Suella's long, dark hair and pulled her face down to his, demanding a kiss.

Grinning with anticipation, Galerius rose from his place between Lucius and his wife, Gemma. He leaned down and briefly kissed his wife, then wandered around the table, sampling different delicacies. As he passed near Severus, he raised his eyebrows in silent query. Grinning, Severus
rose and moved past Tiberius, who was sitting on the far right couch, a slave girl already sprawled across his lap.

Nicholas had just lowered the full tray to the table when he realized two of the Roman men were standing slightly behind and to either side of him. When a hand lightly ran up his back, he flinched and tried to move away, but the table blocked his escape.

Moving quickly, Galerius slipped his hand into the blond hair of the slave, taking a tight grip. Severus swiftly grabbed the flailing arms and pinned Nicholas' arms behind his back in a firm grip. Grinning at each other, they then looked over at Lucius as the slave squirmed and struggled against them.

"Lucius, where do you want the 'breaking in' to take place?" Severus asked.

Lucius thought for a moment as he chewed on the grape Suella had eased into his mouth. "Right there is fine." Looking toward the kitchen, he yelled, "Gallus!"

The steward quickly trotted out of the kitchen, concerned something had gone wrong. Seeing two of his master's friends confining the new slave, he had a good idea what was going to happen. Trotting up to the gathering, Gallus breathlessly asked, "Yes, Master?"

Lucius pulled his gaze away from the struggling barbarian to address his steward. "Gallus, have the slaves remove the food, but leave the table here. And be quick about it!"

With an affirmative nod, Gallus turned toward the kitchen, then turned back when Galerius' voice added, "Oh, and have one of them bring several pieces of leather with them."

"Yes, Master Galerius. Immediately!" the steward answered, then hurried into the kitchen.

Lucius returned his attention to the scene playing out on the other side of the table. A hungry leer appeared when Galerius jerked Nicholas' head back and covered his audible gasp of pain with a forceful kiss. Muffled cries of protest could be heard as the young slave struggled to escape the unwanted attentions of the two Romans. Galerius lingered in the kiss while his free hand began to roam across the muscled body of the handsome slave, only breaking away from the oral caress when half a dozen servants ran into the room, hurrying to remove all the dishes.

Severus jerked on the slave's arms in warning as Nicholas continued to struggle against Galerius' caresses. Grinning, he teased, "I don't think he appreciates your attentions Galerius."

"No, it doesn't appear so. What a shame." Looking over the slave's shoulder at Severus, he winked and said, "I guess we're just going to have to do this the hard way." At Severus' nod, Galerius watched as the Roman flashed a lewd grin and pulled on Nicholas' arms, wrenching a
discernible groan of pain from the young barbarian.

Turning away, Galerius stepped between two of the slaves clearing the table and retrieved one of the cutting knives lying there. Twirling the knife between his fingers, he slowly walked back to the pair, as Nicholas began to pant from the exertion.

"You don't want to play, slave?" he asked as he dragged the knife gently across cloth and skin. He smile broadened when the young man suddenly stopped struggling. Looking into the handsome face, he watched, as a quick swallow became the only visible sign of emotion.
Leaning closer, he drew the knifepoint up to the shoulder strap of Nicholas' tunic and with a quick jerk, sliced through the material. Galerius tossed the knife back on the table, then took hold of the cut material, and pulled, causing the tunic to slide down the taunt body until it gathered on the floor.

Galerius took a step back and stared at the lean, young body, then looked over his shoulder at Lucius. "If you ever decide to sell him, Lucius, let me know. I'll buy him from you!"

The Lady Gemma spoke up as well. "Oh, yes Lucius. Please do think of us when you tire of him." She licked her lips as she stared at the broad chest and slim waist visible to the diners. "Come, come, Galerius -- don't keep us in suspense. Let's see the rest!" she chided her spouse.

Galerius stepped closer to the young slave then looked over and grinned at his wife as he slowly moved his fingers across the slave's chest. "You never could wait for your surprises could you, Gemma?" he teased.

"Galerius, how can you tease Gemma that way! Get on with it!" Deanna urged. "The slaves have finished with the table already!"

Severus grinned at his wife and replied, "Deanna, we all know you're only interested in seeing how big his cock is!" Laughing at the look she threw at him, Severus addressed Galerius. "I guess we can't delay any longer, Galerius. The gallery is demanding action!"

"Yes, Severus. Get on with it," Lucius answered for all the watching participants.

Galerius noticed one of the kitchen slaves hovering nearby with a handful of leather draped across her palm. Waving her closer, he took the straps from her, then looked at Severus and said, "Hold him still. I wouldn't want to tie the two of you together, now would I?" he teased.

"Ha, ha, Galerius. You and your wonderful sense of humor," Severus threw back good-naturedly. "It's a shame... whooof!" Severus exclaimed as he was hit in the stomach with an elbow. Tightening his grip, he tensely stated, "I think it's time to stop playing around. Our toy is
growing bored."

Grinning, Galerius reached between the men, securely tying the first strap tightly around the slave's right wrist, before throwing the rest of the piece over Severus' shoulder.

"Don't, please," Nicholas whispered, almost against his will.

"Did you hear something, Severus?" Galerius asked mockingly, as he moved to the other side and tied one of the straps around Nicholas' left wrist, though this time he kept hold of the remainder.

"I'm not sure. Did you say something, slave?" Severus asked, pulling against his arms.

"Please....master," he spat, then gasped in pain as Severus pulled harder.

The two Romans looked across the table at Lucius, who nodded once. Looking at each other, Severus yelled, "Now!" then released Nicholas' arms, and grabbed the strap that was lying on his shoulder. The two soldiers quickly stretched the young slave between them, pulling him

Galerius yelled at Tiberius, who had been laughing at their struggles. "Stop that cackling and come over here and help us." Looking at the brightly polished brass tabletop, he added, "And bring a cloak with you."

When Tiberius walked over with a couple of cloaks thrown over his arm, the first real emotion the young slave had expressed crossed his face --panic. Shaking out the cloaks so they covered the cold metal surface, Tiberius continued around until he was standing in front of the bound man.

"Noooo! Please, don't do this!" Nicholas pleaded as the two soldiers on either side of him guided him backward a couple of steps. When the backs of his knees hit the table, Tiberius pushed against Nicholas' chest, which sent him crashing onto the table. The two officers quickly tied Nicholas down, looping the leather straps around the table legs securely.

"Well, that went well," Tiberius quipped and grinned as he walked back to his couch and the slave girl. Galerius and Severus each took one of the slave's ankles and quickly had the struggling man stretched out on the table, securely tied. Galerius, grinning hungrily at Severus, asked, "Who gets to go first?"

Severus looked over at Lucius, who was intently watching the proceedings. "Do we toss for first, or will you choose his first rider, Lucius?"

Looking at his second in command, Lucius thought for a moment, then smiled, and said, "No need. Why don't you start things off, Severus."

"Thank you, my General!" Severus answered, greatly pleased.

As Galerius moved back to his couch, Severus knelt down next to the table, drinking in the sight of the well-developed body stretched out for his enjoyment. Running his hand up the inside of one leg, he grinned as the slave strained against the restraints at the first touch of his hand. Reaching for the loincloth, he slowly opened the garment until the jewels hidden within were revealed. Severus stroked his fingertips across a sensitive area, then quickly pulled the loincloth out from under Nicholas when he bucked in protest.

Lucius watched as his officer began to touch the slave, moving over him with a sure, gentle hand. He knew this slave would be difficult, though breaking his spirit wasn't what he had in mind. This little demonstration should convince Nicholas that capitulation was the best thing for all concerned. Lucius didn't want to have to constantly fight him; nor did he want to have him beaten into submission. Hopefully, the barbarian would see reason and learn from this lesson.

He watched as Severus licked across the muscled chest, teasing the barbarian's nipples into hard points. When Severus lightly drew his tongue across the taut neck and up to the luscious mouth, Lucius leaned forward, almost as tense as the slave bound to the table.

Noises of disgust and protest rose from the helpless man, distracting the general from his pleasure. He leaned toward Galerius and whispered in his ear. As he finished, the lewd grin that appeared promised yet one more thing that Nicholas would complain about.

Rising, Galerius reached under his uniform and loosened his cock protector from around his waist and groin. Pulling it off, he walked to the head of the slave and knelt down. Galerius forced the slave's mouth open and inserted the small leather cage inside, securing it in place with
the attached straps. The burly general looked up when Lucius stated, "Finally, a little piece and quiet. It is much better this way; now we can hear the musicians as they play."

Galerius glanced over to the corner of the room where the group of musicians was sitting. At his glare, they quickly raised their instruments and proceeded to fill the room with music.

"Excellent, Galerius. A brilliant stroke, I must say!" Tiberius said, raising his cup of wine in salute.

Galerius reached for the last piece of leather lying on the floor, knowing that Severus would need it. Dropping it within reach, Galerius squatted down near the slave's head and began to stroke his hand through the wavy, blond hair, while he tasted and kissed the handsome face.

Severus turned his attention back to what he had been doing before Galerius' interruption. He looked at the limp penis, noting it had shown no change since they had begun their sport. He picked up the loose piece of leather and proceeded to insure the slave's co-operation in their

Looping one end of the strip of leather around the large scrotum, Severus secured it with just enough pressure to prevent the slave from coming, then took the remaining length and tied it around the base of the limp cock in front of him. "There, that should take care of the problem," he quietly stated.

The two Romans began to work on the resisting body, using their hands and mouths to work the barbarian into an aroused state. As indistinct sounds from the bound man increased in frequency, the limp cock expanded, standing upright and hard.

Severus felt a hand moving up his back. Looking up, he saw his beautiful Deanna standing next to him. He could feel one of her hands gently stroking up and down his back as she silently waited for him to grant her permission to join him. He smiled, then moved over, giving her access to the waist of the slave. Severus wasn't surprised when she leaned down, took the large cock in her mouth, and began to work it intently.

"I believe Deanna has decided to take the first ride tonight," Severus said, laughing. He reached down and stroked one hand against the firm thigh of the young man as the other hand gently moved through the dark curls falling down Deanna's back.

Deanna rolled her tongue around Nicholas' hard cock, tasting it. She pulled the foreskin back, completely exposing the large organ. Carefully sucking on the head, she teased the open slit on the top of the large cock. A shaky, low moan issued from her helpless partner when she took him completely in her mouth, stroking up and down with measured caresses. Tasting a small drop of his pre-com, Deanna leaned back and began to remove her blue shift. Hands suddenly appeared, helping her undress. She turned to kiss her husband, whose hands continued to roam across her body. With the assistance from her husband, Deanna was quickly rid of all her clothing, revealing a trim, youthful body. She knelt on the table next to the still slave and straddled his waist.

"Oh, isn't he magnificent," she cooed as she stroked her hand up and down the rigid shaft. Raising herself up, she guided Nicholas's cock into her wet vagina. A sharp cry of pleasure rose from Deanna as the handsome slave filled her. "Oh, yes! Quite magnificent!" Closing her eyes, she began to gently move, falling into an age-old rhythm.

Hearing an inarticulate sound coming from the slave, she opened her eyes, then looked back at her husband. "Severus, could you take the gag off. I'd like to be able to kiss him... that is, if you don't mind," she added with a flirtatious smile.

Raising an eyebrow, Severus glanced at Galerius, who was sucking on one of the slave's nipples. "What do you say, Galerius? Should we?" he asked the other man as he rose from the barbarian's chest.

Galerius looked down at Nicholas and said, "Only if he remains quiet. I don't want to listen to any yelling..." A slow grin spread across Galerius' face as he added, "unless it's in the heat of passion."

Nicholas groaned again as Deanna leaned back to talk to her husband, then continued to rock back and forth on his groin. He had fought as hard as he could, trying not to give in to these Romans, but it was obvious he wasn't going to win this argument. He sighed around another
muffled cry of pleasure. The things these crazy Romans wanted to try. <Maybe some of these new things weren't all bad...> he thought, his eyes closing as more waves of erotic pleasure ran outward from his groin.

Hearing Galerius' conditions for removing the gag, Nicholas opened his eyes, tilted his head back, and nodded his assent to the Roman general kneeling near his head. He would be very happy to be rid of that restraint! He breathed a small sigh of relief when the burly Roman pulled the straps off his head and removed the small cage from his mouth. "Thank ahhh..." he started to say when another wave of pleasure flowed over him. Deanna had picked up her pace. He felt her lean down over him and lightly begin to suckle on his nipples. The intense feelings were too much to ignore. Raising his hips, he began to thrust up to meet her as she impaled herself on his hard cock.

A large hand moved back through his hair and fingertips traced light patterns on his upper arm as the lady leaned toward him to grab a kiss. He opened his mouth slightly, letting Deanna slip her tongue into his mouth, tasting and demanding a reaction from him. Nicholas tentatively returned the kiss, then started when he realized the hand in his hair wasn't hers, but the burly Roman's.

His senses were on fire, as the lady moved down his neck, kissing and lightly stroking his skin. Nicholas briefly closed his eyes, savoring all the different sensations rising from his body -- from the strokes through his hair, to the kisses and caresses from Deanna, to the wondrous stirring rising from his groin as she continued to plunge downward, meeting his upward thrust. It was all stirring his passions and lust.

When Deanna returned to his lips, he threw himself into the kiss, returning it wholeheartedly. While they were involved in a kiss, he heard a low, guttural sound rise from deep in her throat, then a sudden addition of weight came to rest on him. Opening his eyes, Nicholas looked over Deanna's shoulder and saw Severus leaning against her back. When he broke from the kiss, he noticed the look of total rapture upon her face. He was momentarily confused, then realized what they were doing.

Lucius sat forward on his couch, watching the action heat up before him. He smiled in anticipation when the slave began to participate instead of fighting against what was happening to him. <This may turn out better than I had hoped!> Lucius mused as the couple began to fuck in earnest. He noticed the slave start as Nicholas realized more than Deanna's hands were stroking him, then hummed in appreciation when Severus moved up behind his wife and mounted her from behind. The grunting and groaning coming from the table quickly grew in volume and intensity as all three participants quickly approached their orgasm. <Ah, but wait
until he figures out what else those straps are there for!> Lucius thought with rising anticipation.

Nicholas could feel the other man's penis rubbing in and out of Deanna's ass as he stroked into her vagina. He found the sensation strangely exciting. Never would this have happened in his own country! The tingling of his building orgasm pushed him into a quicker, more urgent stroke. Deanna moaned in his ear, her pleasure mirrored by Severus, whose forceful fucking was pinning his wife tightly to Nicholas' chest.

Tilting his head back, the young slave stretched out his neck and closed his eyes as the growing ball of pleasure seethed in his groin, then grunted when a hard, asserting mouth suddenly ground against him, covering his own mouth, demanding attention. With the surge of his approaching orgasm moved up his spine, Nicholas threw himself into the kiss, too far-gone to care whether the other was male or female. Hands stroked up and down his outstretched arms as they lavished heated kisses upon one another -- all the while, he could still feel the other man's shaft
moving in Deanna, softly stroking his own stiff cock through the layers of skin that separated them.

With the burning desire in his groin still hanging back, Nicholas felt his frustration beginning to intensify. Suddenly he felt Deanna bracing her hands against his shoulders as she came with a swift, violent climax. Her nails dug into his shoulders as she screamed out her pleasure. Nicholas continued to thrust deeply into her, relishing the spasms of her inner muscles squeezing against his cock. The orgasm building in his groin refused to approach any closer. He snarled to himself as Severus' deep groans of release mingled with his wife's as he came as well.

With Severus and Deanna lying on top of him, both panting from the strenuous workout, Nicholas continued to thrust into her wet canal. He was worried they might leave him unfulfilled. Opening his eyes, he saw Galerius rising from his lips, a pleased grin gracing his face. Another
frustrated growl rose from Nicholas' chest as the orgasm he craved continued to hover just beyond reach.

Some of the weight moved off him. He looked past Deanna and saw Severus rise off his wife and sensuously stretch. A few minutes later, Deanna sat up and began to inch herself off his swollen organ.

"No, no not yet!" Nicholas dared to hiss. His frustration mounted as the warm body surrounding his cock retreated.

"It's all right," Deanna whispered, leaning down to grab another kiss from the squirming slave. She let the kiss linger while she ran her right hand down his chest, ending her caress with a sharp tweak of his nipples. Rising from the kiss, she moved off the slave and sat down on the edge of the table. Deanna grasped the rigid shaft and ran her hand up and down the smooth skin, which dragged a growl of frustration from Nicholas as he thrust up into her hand.

"Did you enjoy yourself, Deanna?" Severus asked, leaning his head over her shoulder.

"That was wonderful, Severus," she whispered as she withdrew her hand from Nicholas and turned her head to kiss her husband.

"Yes, it was magnificent," Lucius stated, rising from his couch. He walked around the table and came to stand near the slave's head. He glanced down when a soft whisper of movement reached him. Nicholas was slowly tossing his head side to side, his eyes tightly closed. It was
obvious he was in great distress. Lucius leaned down and traced his fingers lightly across Nicholas' flushed cheek, then straightened and looked at Deanna as she sat on the table.

"He's going to need relief soon," Deanna softly said, gazing with compassion at the tense body of the slave.

"And he shall receive it, my dear." Glancing back at the young barbarian, Lucius smiled and quietly muttered to himself, "Soon." Returning his attention to the beautiful Deanna, he smiled and held his hand out to her. "Come. Let me escort you to the couches."

Rising, her body lightly coated with a soft sheen of sweat, Deanna walked back to her couch, where she quickly dressed. Settling down next to her husband, her eyes returned to Nicholas. She let her gaze travel down his frame until she reached his massive cock, still rising stiff and hard from his groin. "Oh, Lucius. I'd say he's worth every aureus you paid for him!" Deanna beamed at her host, her afterglow still humming through her.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, my dear," Lucius replied, then glanced over at Galerius, who was still stroking his hand through the blond hair of the bound slave. "However, I have not made that particular judgement about his worth yet."

Lucius signaled to Tiberius, who was rising off the slave girl he had appropriated for the evening. He stood up, straightened his tunic, and approached his host with a big grin on his face. "Yes, General?" he asked.

"Tiberius, I believe Galerius is going to need some help with the slave. If you would be so kind?" Lucius requested, gesturing to the table where Galerius was running his hands across the painfully aroused slave.

Tiberius nodded in acquiescence. Moving over to a corner of the room, he picked up an armful of pillows that were scattered across the floor. Knowing Galerius' preference, Tiberius realized the pillows would be needed.

Galerius watched Tiberius as he walked toward the table, his arms full of pillows, and a silly grin covering his face. "I noticed you were having a good time over there," Galerius teased, nodding toward the couch.

"Yes, it was adequate," Enjoying the playful teasing, the young commander continued, his grin growing larger, "I guess you want your turn now?"

"If you don't mind..." Galerius shot back as he rose to his feet, a hungry gleam apparent in his eyes.

The two Romans moved to the bottom of the table and untied the slave's feet. They both smiled when Nicholas didn't react to the new freedom. Moving in tandem to the head of the table, they began to work on freeing the slave's hands as well. While they worked, the young barbarian growled his distress and tossed his head as the pleasure/pain he was enduring radiated through him.

"Come on, my young barbarian. Move forward," Galerius urged as he pulled the loosened strap free from the table leg. He was immediately jerked forward as Nicholas' hand shot toward his groin, anxious to relieve the aching, glorious pressure aching there.

"No, not just yet," Galerius ordered, as he jerked on the strap, pulling Nicholas' hand back. He heard another groan rise from the slave as he was again prevented from relieving his painful erection.

Tiberius finally worked the knots loose on his strap and threw the loose end to Galerius. He released his hold of the barbarian's wrist when Galerius pulled the straps tight and securely lashed the slave's wrists together. The burly general pulled the slave down the table a little and
Tiberius piled all the pillows onto the flat surface.

Galerius noticed the pained expression on the young slave's face. Grasping his chin firmly, he tilted the handsome features up, leaned down, and whispered, "Soon, Nicholas. Your master will deal with your needs soon." He leaned closer and kissed the partial open lips. Straightening, he noticed Tiberius had finished placing the pillows on the table. Galerius pulled slightly on the bound wrists, saying, "All right... Lay down on the pillows."

Nicholas softly cried out with unfulfilled lust. He felt gentle hands urging him onto his stomach, offering support when he complied. He fell into a supported crouch; his stomach and chest sprawled across the pillows as he gave in without a struggle. Nicholas desperately needed
release. He was so desperate, he was willing to obey this soft-spoken man -- all in the hopes he would be allowed to relieve the throbbing in his groin.

His hands were pulled forward and the leash was again tied to the table. Nicholas leaned his chin into the pillows and closed his eyes as his ankles were secured to the table again. A few moments later, he heard, "Thank you, Tiberius. I can take it from here," float by from somewhere behind him.

Nicholas growled deep in his throat as he felt the soft silks of the pillows rubbing against his swollen cock. The stimulation was driving him wild as he ground his groin against the soft cloth.

The young barbarian jumped when he felt someone sit down next to him, their leg brushing against his. A rough hand patted his hip, then was joined by another as feather light caresses brushed against his buttocks. They lightly moved in a large circle, up his flanks, around to the small of his back and back down each cheek of his buttocks again. The feeling was so intense! Relaxing against the pillows, Nicholas wallowed in the feelings rising from his body as the hands continued to travel across his skin, leaving a tingling sensation in their wake.

He jerked his head up suddenly when one of the Roman's hands traveled lower to gently touch the swollen sac hanging between his legs. Nicholas drew in a sharp breath when a finger smoothly drew a line up from his scrotum, across his anus to finally end at the small of his back.
He shifted position, then shivered in frustration as his sexual desires flared painfully.

Lucius had been tensely watching the careful manipulation of his slave. Galerius was being very cautious and gentle, applying the carrot approach to this slave's breaking in. He licked his lips as he felt a surge of sexual tension run through him when Galerius ran a slow finger between the slave's buttocks. He was going to enjoy this!

Looking up from the quivering slave to Galerius, Lucius saw him glance over, silently asking permission to proceed. Nodding slightly, he said, "I believe he's ready for the next step, Galerius. You may proceed."

"Thank you, Lucius," Galerius replied, smiling.

Nick heard *his master* telling this Roman to proceed. He was both titillated and fearful what this 'next step' might be. He hoped it included relieving the increasingly painful tension swirling in his groin.

He tensed and tried to wiggle away when he felt a wet finger rubbing against his anal opening. Nicholas asked fearfully, "What... what are you doing?"

"Shhh. Relax," was the murmured rely.

Finding the feeling somewhat pleasurable, he started to relax as the moist finger continued to brush against the tight circle of muscles. Nicholas tensed, then held his breath when the finger pushed against him, then groaned in reaction when the finger gained entry and began to slowly ease in and out. His groin flared up painfully as the burning sensation turned into an oddly pleasant one. <What else will these strange Romans think to do to me!> he wondered as another wave of unreleased sexual tension washed through him.

The answer was a new burning as a second finger joined the first. Stroking slowly in and out, Galerius carefully stretched Nicholas' anus as he patiently finger fucked him. When he felt the slave starting to relax, he whispered, "That's right. Not all new things need to be feared. Relax and enjoy it." He glanced at Lucius and with a conspiratory smile, rotated his fingers as he thrust back in. Brushing against a certain spot inside the slave's rectum, the effect was immediate.

"Oh, Fuck!!" Nicholas gasped when a huge wave of pleasure swept across his mind. His back bowed sharply when a spasm swept through his body, the intense feelings briefly blinding him. An intense pain grew in his balls as his orgasm was once more denied.

Galerius grinned at Nicholas' reaction. "See? There is pleasure to be had from submitting to someone else." Glancing at Lucius, he muttered, "You will experience a variety of new things that will bring pleasure to you. Even pain can become pleasurable, if you're willing to accept and
broaden your horizons."

Galerius continued to slowly move his fingers in and out, then slipped a third finger into the young slave's ass. He smiled when he felt the muscles in the delicious body lift to try and aid his taking. Feeling his own cock swelling, Galerius reached down with his left hand and opened his loincloth, freeing himself from the swiftly confining material. The soft-spoken general stroked himself as he continued to work his fingers into the now pliant flesh of the slave. Smiling, he knew it wouldn't be long now.

When his cock began to ooze, Galerius rose from his sitting position and knelt between the spread legs of the slave while he continued to gently manipulate his fingers inside the aroused barbarian. Once he was in position, he smiled in anticipation, then thrust his fingers in one last
time, rotating them as he did so. Brushing against that pleasure spot again, the slave thrust his hips back and groaned with abandon. Galerius removed his fingers and placed his cock against the loosened ring of muscles, then steadily pushed inside.

He heard a sharp hiss of pain escape Nicholas and the blond head snapped up at his entrance. "It's all right," he soothed as he steadily eased his cock in. "Relax and enjoy it," he advised when he felt the barbarian's body start to tighten up in reaction.

Galerius grasped the firm hips in front of him and began to thrust into the slave with long, luxuriating strokes. He could tell this one had never experienced this type of sex before by the wonderfully tight ass surrounding his cock.

After a few gentle thrusts, Galerius was able to penetrate all the way. He felt his groin brushing against the soft skin of the slave's buttocks as he pushed all the way in. Trying to make this first time as pleasurable as possible, Galerius kept an easy, steady rhythm. It didn't take long before
the slave was rising up to meet him, driving the stroke deeper. When he felt the body under him begin to shudder, he wasn't surprised when a thin, strained voice spoke. "Please," Nicholas asked, "I need release..."

"Soon, Nicholas," he whispered to the tensely bowed back. Thrusting smoothly into the virgin flesh, Galerius worked toward his own orgasm. The tight fitting canal squeezing against his cock was enough to take his breath away. Adding the additional stimulation of Nicholas rocking back to meet each of his thrusts, it wasn't long before Galerius climaxed, shooting into the trembling body beneath him.

After the first rush of his orgasm had past, the burly general eased his softening cock out of the slave and took a deep breath. "Please..." whispered up from the trembling body. Galerius rose and quickly dressed, then squatted down near the tense form. Running his hand through the sweat dampened, blond hair, he leaned close to Nicholas and whispered, "Remember what I told you about the pain and pleasure." Rising to his feet, he gave the upturned butt a playful slap, and wandered back to the couch, nearly collapsing next to Lucius, who was still watching the prone figure on the table.

"Thank you, Lucius. That was exhilarating!" Galerius exclaimed, grinning broadly at his host. "I think you'll find him deliciously tight."

Lucius looked at his friend and nodded. "I appreciate your help in educating him. Hopefully, he'll remember the lesson."

Lucius rose and headed for a wine pitcher sitting on a small table behind the couches. Pouring himself another full goblet, he turned and took a sip, savoring the flavor. As he walked back to his couch, he yelled toward the kitchen. "Basil!"

In the time it took for him to settle himself comfortably on his couch, a large, swarthy servant had materialized nearby. When Lucius looked up, Basil fell into a deep bow and waited for his instructions.

"Ah, Basil." Pointing at Nicholas, he continued, "Take this slave to my chambers. Make sure he's comfortable, but restrained. I'll be there shortly." As Basil bowed and turned toward the table, Lucius turned toward the Lady Gemma and said, "I apologize Lady Gemma, but he
needs to rest." Grinning slightly at her disappointed look, he added, "Next time, you may start things off, if you wish."

Pouting slightly, Gemma sighed, then lightly smiled at her host. "Thank you Lucius. That sounds like an interesting prospect." Everyone watched as the large servant quickly untied the new slave, but left the restraining strap on his wrists. With the leash in hand, he helped the obviously very aroused, but very tired man to his feet and quickly propelled him out of the room.

"Now, what were you saying about the Senate, Tiberius?" Lucius asked, encouraging the resumption of the local gossip among his guests.

Chapter 4

Nicholas sighed and pulled against the restraints again, growing tired of being confined. The agony in his groin had lessened somewhat as he was left on his own. <Just as well, since I can't do anything about that either,> he thought with a frustrated sigh. He felt a slight ache from his ass when he shifted slightly. Pulling his legs up next to him, he settled onto the bed and leaned against the intricately carved wooden slab that served as the bed's headboard to wait.

It had been almost half an hour since Basil had left him here: almost half an hour since he had experienced that strange new way of having sex. It was demeaning... exciting... painful... and pleasantly erotic. Just thinking about it was causing a growing surge of excitement to rise in him. He squirmed on the bed again.

Nicholas looked up when a whisper of sound heralded the approach of someone down the corridor. A body moved through the shadows, first opening, then closing the bedroom door. He heard the latch drop then the sound of the door being locked. He wasn't surprised when the Roman, Lucius, walked into the dimly lit room.

Nicholas watched the general walk over to the large table set against the wall. Basil had brought a small bowl of fruit, as well as a large pitcher and two goblets and set them on the table shortly after he had confined Nicholas in the room.

The general picked up a goblet and poured some wine into it. Raising the glass, Nicholas saw him look over the rim of the goblet as he took a sip. Lowering it, he picked a few grapes from the bowl and with goblet in hand, approached the bed.

"I hope you are feeling somewhat refreshed," Lucius inquired as he slipped a grape into his mouth. Chewing slowly, he waited as Nicholas tried to decide how to answer.

If he defied this Roman, he knew his life wouldn't be worth a hill of beans. On the other hand, he just couldn't give in. It went against his nature to let anyone rule him like this man, his 'master', wanted to do. He sighed and decided to wait. He wouldn't make a choice until he
absolutely had too.

"I feel fine," Nicholas replied softly, not meeting the Roman's eyes

At firm hand quickly shot out and grasped him by the chin. With his head forced up, he looked at this Roman, eye to eye. "Nicholas. What you went through was a lesson; a lesson I hope you took to heart." Releasing his hold, Lucius dropped his hand and continued. "There are many such pleasurable things you could learn, if you'd only submit." Lucius raised his hand and caressed the side of Nicholas' face with the back of his hand.

Suddenly that same hand balled into a fist and struck Nicholas on the mouth. The suddenness of the blow drove a gasp of pain out of the young barbarian. He licked at the trickle of blood that started to run down the side of his mouth before he turned surprised eyes back to the looming Roman.

"Or you can be stubborn and learn all the lessons rebellion will teach you." Nicholas couldn't quite control the sudden flinch that ran through him when Lucius reached for him again. He remained silent, enduring the petting, until the Roman moved back to the refreshment table. He
felt a twinge run out from his groin at the resumption of the game.

Lucius asked with his back still turned, "Are you hungry? Or maybe thirsty?" Looking over his shoulder, he waited for a response from the silent, naked form sitting on the bed, but none was forthcoming.

Setting his own goblet down, Lucius picked up a small bunch of grapes, then poured some wine into the other goblet and carried everything over to the bed. He deposited the grapes on the nearby table and sat down on the bed near Nicholas. "I know you must be thirsty. It's been quite some time since you last had any sustenance." Leaning the goblet up to the young man's mouth, Lucius insisted, "Drink."

Nicholas carefully watched the Roman general over the rim of the goblet. He wasn't sure what game was beginning, but he needed to be prepared. Although his thirst was screaming at him, he only allowed himself a couple of quick swallows. A small amount of wine ran down his chin and onto his chest when he pulled back from the goblet.

Lucius pulled the goblet away when he saw Nicholas draw away. Setting the glass on the nearby table, he took the slave's chin in his hand and brushed his thumb across the cut running from the side of the bound man's mouth. "You'll be fine."

Reaching for the goblet, Lucius took a slow sip, savoring the excellent red wine as he sat on the bed looking at the handsome face of his slave. A germ of an idea occurred to him as he watched the slow stream of spilled wine run down the young slave's neck and chest. He slowly
grinned and moved a little closer to Nicholas.

Staring at the goblet in his hands, the Roman said, "It's an excellent vintage, don't you think?" He placed the goblet back on the table and broke off a handful of grapes from the bunch. With the slave's gaze on him, he held up the fruit and said, "It's amazing what can be done with a few grapes."

Moving closer still, Lucius murmured, "It sustains us and provides us with drink." He placed a grape in front of Nicholas' mouth and gently rubbed it against his lips, urging the barbarian to take the juicy fruit. When the slave opened his mouth, Lucius smiled slightly and pushed the
grape in. Taking another, he added, "So many pleasures can be derived from this simple fruit." Looking Nicholas in the face, he watched him chewing for a moment, then said, "Let me show you one of them."

Leaning toward the bound man, Lucius brought the grape up to the slave's chest and squeezed, letting the dainty fruit drip its juices upon Nicholas' left breast and nipple. Leaning his head down, Lucius began to slowly lick across the skin. His tongue covered the area all round the
nipple, making smaller and smaller circles, until he finally fastened his mouth onto that small nub, suckling and running his tongue over it. When he drew his teeth across the hard point, he heard a sharp gasp escape from the slave.

Rising from his ministrations, he reached for another grape and covered the left collarbone area with the squeezed grape. He lowered his head back to the body of his slave, tasting the sweetness of the fruit and the saltiness of Nicholas.

Lucius went through several grapes before he looked up and noticed that the barbarian had leaned his head against the wall, which gave Lucius better access to the areas around the slave's neck and shoulder. The Roman smiled to himself and reached for another grape. He noticed Nicholas' eyes were slit and he had begun to breathe harder -- an encouraging sign of the young man's growing arousal.

Raising his other hand, Lucius began to stroke across Nicholas' right breast as he squeezed the grape across the left side of the slave's throat and shoulder. Starting at the collarbone, he lasciviously licked his way up, until he was kissing and licking under the strong jaw while his other hand continued stroking across skin and lightly teasing Nicholas' nipple until it was hard. He continued up the throat and across the chin with his tongue until he finally covered the partially open mouth with his own.

Lucius traced the other's lips with his tongue, until Nicholas opened his mouth enough to allow his master's entry. Lucius lavished his attention on those luscious lips, tasting and stroking the inside of Nicholas' mouth with enthusiasm. He felt more than heard the soft rumble of sound as it rose from the barbarian's chest in response to all the stimulation.

Nicholas was torn. The excitement rising within him was a teasing reminder of what had happened earlier. The pleasurable things that had been done to him were still fresh in his mind. But to just give in! Could he really do that?

He felt the Roman shifting closer, felt the hands as they began to move across his body, while the mouth moved closer to his own. When he felt the tongue teasing his lips, urging him to open his mouth, he complied, though he was unsure what he was going to do as this progressed further.

After a short while, Nicholas felt the need for air and broke away from the demanding kiss the general was lavishing on him. Panting, he turned his head partially away and laid it against the wall. He felt Lucius' breath when he leaned his head near Nicholas' ear. "It's a hard decision,
isn't it?" the general whispered. "To give up control, even for all the pleasure you know that surrender will bring. Or to fight -- though you know what the enviable outcome of that choice will be." One more long lick up his throat, then Lucius sat back.

Glancing toward his captor, Nicholas watched as the Roman stood up and began to remove his clothing. He felt another strong twinge race through him as he remembered the sensations that had worked through him earlier in the day. His shaft quickly thickened again, straining against the cock strap confining it.

Laying the last of his clothing on a nearby chair, Lucius turned back to the bed, only to notice the young slave watching him. The uncertainty in his blue eyes contrasted with the stiff cock rising from his groin.

Lucius sensed if he plowed in, forcing the issue, demanding instant obedience and complete compliance to his every wish, the slave would probably balk and begin to fight back. He had noticed what the carrot approach had accomplished with this particular slave earlier in the day.
Approaching the bed, Lucius decided he wanted to experience that response from this slave too.

Sitting down on the bed, he reached up to the leash and pulled it loose from the bed. As Nicholas tried to squirm a little closer to the headboard, Lucius tapped the young slave lightly on the thigh and said, "Move down a bit." When the young man froze, Lucius controlled his
sudden flare of anger. "Move down the bed," he repeated, pulling on the leash to help spur the man into action.

The slave flinched in surprise, then quickly maneuvered himself further down the bed. "That's fine. Now lie down." When Nicholas had settled onto his back, he looped the leash around the intricately carved slat that made up his headboard and tied it securely. Settling himself into a
comfortable position, Lucius drew his hands sensuously down Nicholas' outstretched arms, across his tensed shoulders, and continued down the broad chest. A sensual smile grew on his face and he lowered his head to trace the path his hands were following. He was going to enjoy the exploration of the magnificent body stretched out before him.

Lucius raised his head from his slave's chest as muttered sounds of pleasure were heard. He glanced toward Nicholas' face, but the man had his head thrown back into the pillows, while his hands were wrapped in a death grip on the rope tying him to the bed. He seemed to be completely engulfed in the passion coursing through his body.

Returning to the stimulating activities of a minute ago, Lucius slowly worked his mouth down the slim frame, tasting and stroking the bronze skin of his barbarian until he reached the groin. The elder man looked at the enormous cock as it stood stiff and ready for him to use. Lucius ran his fingers down its side before grasping it at the base. A garbled sound floated by at the first touch of his hand to the sensitive flesh. He shifted himself around until he was lying on his left side, his own swollen shaft lying across Nicholas' lower leg and slid his mouth down on the large cock.

Lucius felt Nicholas tense when he began to slowly apply light contact to the slave's swollen penis, the muscles in his thighs and stomach taut with sexual frustration. The slave took a shuddering breath as the general stroked up the smooth shaft, then bent to taste the weeping head. Wrapping his lips firmly around the large cock, he applied a strong suction and gently moved back down the swollen penis. He played with the large cock, licking and tasting to his heart's content, while the young slave rapidly lost what little control he had.

"Please... please," Nicholas pleaded. He didn't think he could endure much more. He *needed* to come, badly!

When Lucius heard Nicholas beg for his release, he knew it was time to proceed. He moved closer to the man's head and leaned down to grab a kiss from the panting young slave. Nicholas threw himself wholeheartedly into the kiss, demanding much more as he violently thrust his tongue into Lucius' willing mouth.

Lucius broke from the kiss this time, very pleased at the responses coming from the young slave. Reaching for an elbow, he said, "Turn over Nicholas. It's time to move on to something else." The Roman helped his slave to turn onto his stomach. With a groan, Nicholas settled
against the bed as Lucius began to run his hands across the broad back and slim buttocks.

"Please, I need to come..." Nicholas whispered, as more waves of pain/delight swept through him at the touches on his body.

"Soon, Nicholas... very soon. But first, you must give me something," Lucius interrupted, soothing him as another groan was dragged out of the slave by the hands stroking across his buttocks.

"All right, open your legs," Lucius instructed Nicholas, patting him on the inside of his thigh. When he didn't move right away, Lucius coaxed, "Come on, if you want your turn, then open your legs."

Nicholas shifted his legs apart so Lucius could move between them. Kneeling down, he stroked his hand up and down the parted crack in Nicholas' buttocks, brushing against the large scrotum before traveling back up to the puckered ass hole.

Not content with this position, he mumbled, "This won't do," then reached down and grasped the slave by his hips. "Come on, Nicholas. Rock forward onto your knees."

"I can't..." replied the muffled voice.

Reaching forward, he untied the rope from the headboard and let it hang loose. Pulling on Nicholas' waist in encouragement, Lucius firmly instructed, "Yes, you can. Now, grab hold of the headboard and rock forward."

When the young slave heaved himself up, the General watched avidly as the muscles rippled across the slave's shoulders. He kept a firm hold on the slender waist, holding Nicholas steady until he found his balance. "Excellent!" he whispered, making carefully adjustments to Nicholas'
position, then scooted forward to begin his pleasure.

Running his hands across both of the slave's hips, Lucius leaned his face forward and dragged his tongue across the flesh between the large scrotum and his tight anus. He felt a shudder move through Nicholas at the new sensation, then another one repeated when the tongue moved higher, dragging across his anus. Feeling his own surging needs, Lucius replaced his tongue with a wet finger.

<Too much!! > his mind screamed, as several inarticulate sounds rumbled out of him. Nicholas closed his eyes and dropped his head as several waves of intense pressure moved up from his groin to flood his mind. <Too much!!> his body screamed, when the wet finger pushed against his anus, forcing itself slowly inside.

He felt the burning from the tight muscles as the finger began to move within him. Trying to relax, Nicholas felt another cry burst from him as that finger gently turned, stretching the tight ring surrounding it. He *needed* his release. After all the building and all the play, he couldn't
take much more.

Another finger joined the first, flexing against the complaining flesh. He waited for the pain to numb to pleasure as the fingers continued to work, pushing and rotating as they worked to loosen his anus. Then maybe this Roman would let him have his turn!

Nicholas wasn't ready when the fingers turned and brushed against that particular pleasure spot in his rectum. "Shit!" he exclaimed when the spasm, which was stronger than the ones he had experienced earlier in the day, washed through him.

"Oh, did that feel good?" Lucius asked, teasing the trembling form in front of him. He brushed his free hand up between Nicholas' legs and began stroking the barbarian's large cock as he patiently worked his fingers in and out the tight canal.

Nicholas felt the fingers slipping out of him as another wave of passion flooded his mind. Rational thought was rapidly deserting him as wave after wave of sensual pleasure flooded through him. By the time the Roman knelt behind him and brushed his cock against Nick's tingling flesh, he was more than ready. He felt his ass flare up in pain, then quickly subside as Lucius' large cock slipped inside. Once the head of the cock slid in, Nicholas felt the added pressure as the Roman began working himself slowly deeper. It wasn't very long before he felt the brush of the general's pubic hairs rubbing against his skin.

After the burning and pain eased, another desire began to assert itself, urging Nicholas to match the rhythm Lucius was using to stroke into his ass. He carefully began to rock, thrusting back as the big cock pushed in. The feelings rising from the motion were delicious; they were erotic; they were driving him wild!! Each stroke forced a moan of ecstasy out of him as they drove toward fulfillment.

Lucius closed his eyes and luxuriated in the feelings he was getting from this fucking. Galerius was right. Nicholas *was* deliciously tight! The sensations rising from his shaft as the narrow canal squeezed it were driving him swiftly toward his climax. Not wanting to end this, he pulled out of the slave.

"No! Please don't leave me like this again!" Nicholas pleaded as he threw his head back to try and look at his master.

"Shhh, it's all right. I'm not finished yet," Lucius soothed, stroking the sweat coated back. He realized he had to let Nicholas have his orgasm this time. If he didn't obtain any fulfillment soon, it would conceivably ruin him for future encounters.

Lucius coaxed Nicholas to lay back down and helped him onto his back. He leaned toward the small table next to the bed and pulled a small dagger from its hiding place. Grasping the small knife, Lucius carefully examined the cock straps Severus had wrapped around the slave's genitals. Locating the spot he needed to cut to release the strap, the General eased himself between the spread thighs and reinserted his cock into the tight anus.

A growl of desire broke from both men as Lucius began to thrust. He could feel his orgasm quickly regaining its intensity as he drove them both toward a massive climax. He leaned down and kissed Nicholas, thrusting his tongue in the willing mouth as he thrust his penis into the willing flesh. They dueled with their tongues, massaging each other as Lucius sensually ran his hands up the bound arms of his lover. Breaking from the kiss, he trailed kisses across the smooth face and wound his hands into the disheveled, blond hair. He heard the heavy panting from the young slave as he continued to plunge his rigid cock into Nicholas' ass.

Lucius felt his climax as it tottered on the edge. Balancing more of his weight on his legs, he slowed his thrusts just long enough to cut through the constricting leather, freeing Nicholas' genitals. He dropped the knife to the floor and quickly began to vigorously pound into the body beneath him.

Lucius leaned down and ran his hands back into the long, blond hair as he felt the first spasm hit the slave. He wasn't surprised when a moment later Nicholas arced up against him and screamed as he experienced the pain from all the blood flowing through his freed genitals and the pleasure as the barbarian finally gained his release. When another spasm hit, he could feel the first spray of Nicholas' cum shooting into the space between their bodies.

Another spasm shook the young body. That sensation, added to the wonderful feelings radiating out of his groin, pushed Lucius over the edge. He covered Nicholas' mouth with his own as he released his own load of semen deep within the young man. They dueled with their tongues and sucked on each other's mouths while both their bodies spasmed with the intensity of their climaxes.


LaCroix started awake, the dream still very much a part of his thoughts. What had awakened him? He lay very still with his eyes closed and extended his senses through the room. Nothing.

Suddenly the soft sound of displaced air filled the room and Nicholas was standing by the couch. LaCroix could feel the aroused state his son was in. <Well, well...> he thought as he slowly opened his eyes to look upon his son. Amber hued eyes gazed back.

When another spike of Nicholas' growing arousal arced across their link, LaCroix mumbled, "Maybe a carrot will work here as well as in my dream," then shifted into a seated position on the couch. Looking back at Nick, he noticed the swirling tension, as well as the curiosity that had pulled his son home.

"Nicholas, why don't you get something to drink and join me," LaCroix softly said. "I expect we'll find *something* to discuss."

The end
Knightwave@aol.com or Knightwave@juno.com