Fanfic: Harry Potter and the Prettiest Slytherin

By Zelgadis


Disclaimer: I don't own 'em. I ain't gettin' paid.

(A/N - My spell-checker is British.)

Harry Potter and the Prettiest Slytherin

By Zelgadis

Neville Longbottom was the bane of all potions masters everywhere. At least, that was the opinion of the one who was teaching at Hogwarts.

The polyjuice potion was so simple, anyone could have made it. At least, that's what Snape had said at the beginning of the class.

Snape, however, doubted the day would go by without Longbottom doing *something* to mess it up.

"Sir," Hermione raised her hand, but did not wait for Snape to call on her. "Polyjuice potion takes months to complete. Vacation is next month, and..."

"Silence, silly girl," Snape snarled at her. "It apparently never occurred to you that someone like
myself could have figured out a way to save time, did it? Ten points from Gryffindor."

Hermione seethed, but did not say anything more. She knew someone was going to get hurt. There was no way Snape could have improved the potion.

Snape paced the classroom as the students continued to follow the instructions he barked out at them.

"I said green, Mr. Longbottom, not pink," Snape growled. "Let me guess, you forgot to take the cauldron off the fire before adding the hairs, You know, I would not be surprised if you achieved immortality simply by not being able to *die* properly. Mr. Malfoy," he said, as he turned to the table where Draco sat with Crabbe and Goyle. "Please, bring your potion here so that Mr. Longbottom can see what color it is supposed to be."

Draco picked up his cauldron and carried it over to the table where Snape was still hovering over Neville.

"Do you see, Mr. Longbottom?" Snape asked, coldly.

"Um..." Neville trembled, fearfully.

"Look closer, fool." Snape nearly screamed at Longbottom, causing the terrified boy to stumble forward, knocking the contents of his cauldron onto Draco, who fell over the chair trying to get the hot liquid off of himself.

Everyone waited for Draco to stand up. He hadn't fallen that hard or that far. Had he been burned? Was he hurt? Why was he taking so long to stand up.

"Draco," Snape said, genuflecting by the splashed wizard and putting a hand on Draco's shoulder. "Let me see."

Draco shook his head."I don't anyone to see me."

"It can't be that bad," Snape assured his favorite student. He stood up. "The rest of you are dismissed. Longbottom, I will deal with you later.Now... GET OUT!"

As soon as he was alone with Draco, Snape drew the distraught Slytherin to his feet.

Draco didn't seem to have been hurt at all, Snape was relieved to see. There were no burns or disfiguring marking on the perfect complexion that looked up at him. Only the streaks from the tears that had rolled down the blushing cheeks. Everything was perfect from the shining eyes, to
the gently curving breasts, to the slender midsection, to...

Wait a minute!

Snape laughed. "I'm guessing you and Mr. Longbottom had a quarrel this afternooon?"

Draco nodded.

"I should deduct points," Snape sighed. "But given the trauma you're going through, I won't."

"At least it'll wear off in an hour," Draco sighed.

"I wouldn't count on it," Snape warned. "Remember, it was Longbottom's potion."

- Chapter Two -

"Did you hear about Malfoy?" Seamus asked as Harry sat down at supper that evening with the rest of the Gryffindors.

Harry looked, reflexively, over at the Slytherin table. Crabbe and Goyle were sitting there. But
the space between them where Draco Malfoy usually sat was empty.

"I hope he's ill," Ron remarked.

"Did he transfer to Durmstrang or something?" Hermione asked."I'd feel really sorry for them if
he did."

Seamus swallowed what he'd been chewing and took a gulp of pumpkin juice."I heard some of the ghosts talking about him just before you came in," he told Harry, Ron, and Hermione. "They say Draco's locked himself in the bathroom and is refusing to come out."

Both Harry and Ron gave a meaningful glance at Hermione. She had locked herself in the bathroom twice after she'd been upset.

"Funny thing is," Seamus said, taking a bite of his chicken. He chewed it, thoughtfully, then
washed it down with the rest of his pumpkin juice. "It's the out of order girl's bathroom he's locked himself up in. Been in there since Neville spilled that potion on him.Apparently Snape was bringing him to the hospital wing and he just bolted."

Neville was looking rather glum. True Draco was a major pain in the ass, but he still felt badly
about having hurt a fellow student. Even if it was a Slytherin.

"Neville," Ron patted him on the back, "cheer up. I'm sure Malfoy's exaggerating. You know how he gets."

Neville smiled.

"That's right," Hermione beamed at him. "Don't you go upsetting yourself over Malfoy. He's not worth it."


After the rest of the Gryffindors had gone up to bed, Harry retrieved his invisibility cloak and the
Marauder's Map. Check the map, he found that Draco was still in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.

Pulling the cloak around himself, he watched the map, carefully as he made his way to the second

Moaning Myrtle practically grinned at him when he walked into her bathroom. She had apparently been wanting to gossip about Draco with someone all day.

"Ooh, you should see what's around the corner, Harry Potter," she told him, gleefully.

Harry stared at her. How baldy had Malfoy been hurt by the potion that had spilled on him. It had
been hot, true. But surely it couldn't have burned or disfigured him.

He made his way around the corner and stopped dead. His heart was pounding rapidly as he stared, slack-jawed, at what he was seeing.

"A Veela," he whispered. At first that's what he thought the girl was. He checked the Marauder's
Map. There was no one in the bathroom except for himself, Moaning Myrtle, and Draco Malfoy.

He tapped the still-sleeping Draco with his wand and whispered "Mobilicorpus." Then, realising he couldn't just walk into the hospital wing wearing his invisibility cloak. He draped the cloak around Draco so no one would see her floating along the corridor, and brought her back to Gryffindor Tower.

Ron and Hermione were playing a game of chess in the Gryffindor common room when the door opened and admitted Harry and the still-sleeping Malfoy.

Harry took the cloak off and set it on the couch. As he did so, Ron's jaw dropped at the sight of the girl whom Harry laid down next to the cloak.

"A Veela?" Ron raised an eyebrow. "Harry where did you find her?"

"In Moaning Myrtle's bathroom," Harry replied.

"Did Draco do something to her?" Ron asked, causing Hermione to shudder.

"She *is* Draco," Harry told them."This must have been what Neville's potion did to him."

"Her," Hermione corrected him.


"No wonder she didn't want anyone to see her," Seamus remarked the next morning when their still-sleeping guest had been introduced to the other Gryffindors. "If I was a pretty young woman, I wouldn't want Crabbe or Goyle to know either."

Parvatti nodded. "I wouldn't want those two goons pawing at me,"

Draco opened her eyes and stared at the Gryffindors who looking at her with sympathetic expressions on their faces.

When she saw Neville staring at her she immediately lunged at him, a string of very nasty invectives flying out of her mouth.


- Chapter Three A -

"What in Heaven's name is going on here?" Professor McGonagall asked as she swept into the Gryffindor Common Room, her eyes flashing as she noticed the girl who was pummelling Longbottom.

She grasped the girl by the collar and pulled her away from Neville, "Young lady," she scolded. The next words died on her lips, however, as she realised who the young woman was. "Mr. Malfoy. Miss Malfoy. What in the world is going on?"

"That idiot," Draco spat, pointing at Neville. "He screwed up a simple potion and now I'm going to be like this for the rest of my life."

"Don't be absurd," McGonagall assure her. "Polyjuice Potion wears off in one hour."

"It happened *yesterday*," Draco seethed.

McGonagall pursed her lips. "I see. Well then, you will need to go and see Madame Pomfrey. As for the rest of you, I will speak to all of you in the morning. Now, off to bed, the lot of you."


- Chapter Three B -

"You should have gone straight to Madame Pomfrey the minute it happened," Professor McGonagall scolded Draco as she led her to the medical wing. "There's nothing embarrassing about being a woman. I ought to know. I've been one for most of my life, I'll have you know."

"Most of?" Draco asked.

"Perhaps it slipped your mind, but I have spent a considerable amount of time as a cat"

"With any luck Madame Pomfrey will have me back to normal in a few hours," Draco told herself.


Draco scowled as she walked onto the Quidditch field to join the other Slytherins for their
morning session. The talk had been, in her mind boring and a waste of her time.This was what
she should be doing.

"Decided to join us as a girl," Marcus Flint grinned at her. "That's the spirit. You just wear a nice short skirt and fly way up and that'll distract the other team enough for us to win."

"I'm still good at Seeking." Draco told Flint. "Watch."

Draco mounted her broom and flew high into the air, chasing the Snitch this way and that, until she made one turn just a little too late.

The broomstick hit one of the six goal posts as she leaned to one side to increase the speed of the turn. A white hot pain slammed into her groin as the impact caused her hymen to break. She fell off the broom, clutching her crotch and wailing in pain.

-Part 4-

Madame Pomfrey handed Draco a potion. "Drink this," she told her. "It will ease the pain."

Draco sipped the potion and made a face.

"It isn't mixed for the taste," Madame Pomfrey told her. "Now, you just lie down for a bit while I get you some supplies. It's not unusual for impact injuries such as this to cause a girl to start menstruating." she fetched a box of tampons and a few small vials of potion.

"The potion is for cramps. Some women get them during menstruation. If you're lucky, you won't need them. But you'd best be prepared. As for these," she tapped the box of women's necessities, "they're very easy to use. And you can be assured that they will not take your virginity."

"No, my broom already did that." Draco grumbled.

"I can assure you," Professor Dumbledore told Draco as he walked in, "that while your maidenhead might have been lost, your virginity is most certainly still in place. Or is there something going on between you and another student that I've missed?"

"I am not in love with Harry Potter!" Draco blurted out.

"Ah," Dumbledore said, with a twinkle in his eye. "Odd, I never said anything about Harry. I was under the impression that you had a crush on young Ronald Weasley."