The Pleasure Slave

by Scorpio

This is an alternative universe,... although not the alt world shown in the TV series,... this is our boys and girls as they would be if Herc and Xena had not been Demi-Gods,... but mortal instead...

Cast of Characters:
Autolycus - King of Stolenia
Xena - Queen of Stolenia
Austonus - Prince of Stolenia (oc)
Iolaus - Royal Advisor (Head of City Counsel)
Hercules - Captain of the Royal Guards
Iphicles - High Priest of Cupid God of Love
Cupid - himself (grin)
Salmoneus - Master Slave trader
Gabrielle - Court Bard and Prince Austonus's tutor
Joxer - Royal Pleasure Slave
Toxius - palace guard
Minya - palace slave girl
Hower - Minya's husband, grounds/stable hand, also a slave
Jett - Assassins Guild, won his freedom with recent elevation to Master Assassin
Nebula - pleasure slave
Callisto - Warrior Queen of Sparta

The Pleasure Slave
by Scorpio

Autolycus, King of Stolenia sat back in his jeweled throne, absently fingering the heavy brocade vest covering his broad chest. Bright sunlight sparkled off of the gemstones adorning his fingers. All around him, the wealth of nations glittered and sparkled and shined. His throne room was a monument to art and wealth and luxury.

He had spent years gathering wealth, both through debts owed and then collected, through gambling winnings and through outright theft. Little by little he had grown wealthier and more powerful. Finally, he had enough wealth to reach for and claim his long desired goal. He had bought his way onto the throne of the nation that was rightfully his. A throne that had been stolen from his great-grandfather... And all it took was massive bribes and one small promise to the city counsel members to get his family back in power once again.

Ten years later and here he was, King of Stolenia. His skills and habits as a master thief and gambler had filled his treasure room to over flowing. His marriage to the former king's youngest daughter Xena had produced a son and heir. His kingdom was in a state of peace with the surrounding lands and trade was good. The fields were futile and the people healthy. And Autolycus was bored.

Painfully bored. There were no more midnight adventures. No more sneaking down dark alleys and past dangerous guards. His wife had never held his interest beyond pacifying the city counsel and producing a son. In fact,... his only joy seemed to come from his child. However, the time he spent in the young boys company was by necessity, limited. Always, there were petitions to sign, audiences to grant, decisions to make, while young Austonus studied his lessons at the foot of his mother Xena and his tutor Gabrielle...

Just then, the Captain of the Royal Guard, a strong and sturdy fellow named Hercules, opened the throneroom doors and escorted his Royal Advisor into the room. Hercules took a position by the door once more and Iolaus marched up the thick and colorful hand-woven carpet, a smile on his sunny face.

Stopping at the foot of the dais, Iolaus sketched a quick, yet graceful bow and grinned with mirth. He was practically glowing as he bounced lightly from foot to foot.

"Yes Iolaus,... what is it? You're going to burst something if you don't calm down."

"Yes Majesty... I just thought you would like to know... Salmoneus is back in town. He has a whole new batch of slaves with him. I've made a few purchases to supplement the castle staff, but he also has a few pleasure slaves... I thought you might want the chance to look them over,... get first pick, so to speak..."

Auto's eyes lit up at the news. A pleasure slave was very expensive, yet always worth the high price. Yes, that was a wonderful idea. It might be just the thing to ease his boredom....

part two

Joxer lounged across the harsh stone floor and leaned up against the linen robe covered legs of Master Slaver Salmoneus, pillowing his head on his current owners left knee. Although it was an extremely awkward and uncomfortable position to hold, no one would know that by looking at Joxer. He was very careful to appear as if he couldn't be bothered to move. He concentrated on the feeling of Master Salmoneus's hand running through his long silky hair to distract him from the cramp in his side, and created an expression of sheer bliss on his face. For effect, he purred lightly.

As a pleasure slave, it was not his place to be concerned with his own comfort. It was however, his place to give pleasure to his Master in any and all ways asked of him. If this pose pleased his master, then this is the pose he would hold, for however long it was necessary.

He was very aware of the other three pleasure slaves that were also draped across Salmoneus in various and highly seductive poses. Tough competition. Joxer really wanted to be bought by King Autolycus and to live here in the castle as his personal body slave. He knew that Master Slaver Salmoneus next stop was in Sparta, and while Joxer expected and often enjoyed being punished, he didn't think he'd survive being a pleasure slave in the Warrior Kingdom...

The sound of a door opening and the crisp rustling of robes pulled Joxer from his thoughts. With a heavy lidded sensually glazed glance, he watched a handsome man with shinning gold curls and fine silken robes enter and walk over to Master Salmoneus.

The nobleman ran an appreciative eye over the barely dressed slaves before turning to face his current owner. Joxer was careful to effect a bored and disinterested expression on his face even though he noted every detail with trained precision.

"Master Salmoneus." the short blonde man began with a deep and humorous voice, "His Majesty has asked that you present your..." he waved a hand around vaguely to indicate the half naked men and women sprawled along his body "wares... after he has finished with his scheduled audiences. That way he can give you his full attention."

"Yes,... well, that will be fine. Did his Majesty want them clothed or... nude?"

Master Salmoneus had stopped petting his hair and Joxer saw this as a perfect opportunity to draw the nobleman's attention to himself. A good word never hurt anybody. With a quiet little whimper of displeasure, Joxer gently butted the back of his head against Master Salmoneus's hand. The Master Slaver immediately began petting his fingers through Joxer's long fine hair and the blonde nobleman smiled down at Joxer with knowing amusement. Joxer leaned into the touch and softly purred his approval. He lifted his heavily lashed dark eyes up at the blonde man in a look that he knew promised great delights and then quickly lowered them shyly. The nobleman's smile deepened and his face grew slightly flushed. Joxer let a tiny smile grace his face in triumph. Hooked him!

"Uhh... His Majesty would like them nude. There is a small bathing facility that you are welcome to use to get them ready for presentation if you wish."

"Yes, that would be perfect. If you would have someone show us the way..."

"Of course. I'll send in one of the guards to escort you and two of the castle slaves to assist."

The blonde nobleman in the colorful robes turned and strode to the door. Opening it, he issued several orders. One of the armored guards saluted and jogged off while the other saluted and barked. "Yes Lord Iolaus!"

The nobleman, Lord Iolaus, turned and waved a hand towards his Master.

"Toxius here will show you where the bathing chamber is. I'll come and get you after his Majesty is done with his duties for the day and present you personally."

Wishing to put on a bit more of a show for the blonde nobleman who had the Kings ear, Joxer allowed himself to indulge in a long stretch. It had a duel purpose. Firstly, it gave him a chance to pull the knot out of his side, and secondly, but also more importantly, it gave him the opportunity to display his form to the blonde. His moved in such a way as to show his long lean muscles to their best advantage.

Finally, with the studied grace of one who has been trained from childhood, Joxer stood. He projected an air of spoiled sensuality and pampered indulgence and he knew it. It had been practiced for so long that it was now second nature to him. He honestly didn't know how else to behave.

Without hesitation or embarrassment, Joxer tilted his head back, exposing his slender neck and the thin leather collar he wore. Patiently he waited while Master Salmoneus got up, arranged his flowing robes and was able to attach his delicate chain link leash. His leash was then attached to the back of a dark skinned females collar. Her leash was attached to a very young red-headed boys collar, and then his leash was attached to the back of a full figured blonde woman. Master Salmoneus held the end of her leash in his hand. Once everyone was all arranged, the Master Slaver walked towards the guard at the door, leading his line of pleasure slaves behind him.

As they walked out into the hallway, Joxer heard a sharp intake of breath. A slight glance to the side with only his eyes, showed the guard, Toxius staring at him in opened mouth astonishment.

Joxer was used to such reactions from people who had never seen nor heard of pleasure slaves, but this guard seemed to reserve that shock for him alone. He didn't know why, and that made him nervous. He fell back on training and instinct and flashed the guard a look of pure lust and desire while slightly rubbing up against him as he sauntered past.

Toxius reacted to that predictably, with a blush, a leer, and a chuckle. Joxer figured that he had another one hooked when the expression on the guards face changed again. Recognition, determination and resolve were all mixed in with lust, greed and cruelty. Joxer found himself even more nervous than before.

The moment was broken, however, when his current Master commanded the soldiers attention.

"Well,... where to? I have to get these pretties all polished up for his Majesty..."

part three

Gabrielle, Court Bard and noted historian and tutor hurried through the sunny corridor as fast as she could with her precious burden. These delicate scrolls were priceless, as they contained the details of the disputed trade agreement with the surrounding communities and cities. As part of her duties, all the palace scribes answered directly to her, and so, ultimately, it was she who tended and cared for all the legal documents in Stolenia. And right now, King Autolycus needed these scrolls to be delivered to him with all haste. The conference was not going well...

Rounding the corner, Gabrielle saw the door being guarded by Hercules, Captain of the Royal Guard and King's Champion. He stood before the iron bound oak door with his large arms crossed in front of his massive chest and a razor edged spear resting loosely in the crook of one elbow. Hercules saw her running at him with her arms overflowing with tightly rolled scrolls and grinned. He turned and banged on the door twice and then once more before opening it and announcing the breathless bard.

Dashing into the large room in the west tower, Gabrielle paused for only half a second to perform the required curtsey, and then dumped her armload of scrolls on the table in front of her accustomed place besides Queen Xena.

"My Queen, forgive my lateness..." she began, feeling the slight flush and sensual tingles that washed over her whenever she was in the presence of the raven haired beauty she had dedicated her life to.

"Of course Gabrielle. We all understand. Were you able to get all of the needed documents?"

"Yes your Highness."

Gabrielle smiled outwardly, but flinched inwardly at the deep hurt and sadness that always seemed to be flickering deep within the jeweled eyes of her hearts desire. Once more, she desperately wished that she could banish that cold loneliness that her Queen had wrapped around her heart.

"Well good. Shall we get started then."

King Autolycus's voice broke her from her reverie.

"Yes your Majesty."


Minya carried the last bucket of hot water over to the large wooden tub and poured it in. She watched as the renowned Slave Trader Salmoneus poured in a good dollop of oil into the water. Fascinated, she looked on with bright eager eyes as the finely clothed man removed various bottles and jars from a large leather travelling bag and placed them on a counter.

He then sat two of the pleasure slaves over in the corner on a small carpet and motioned the remaining two to strip off what little they were wearing and climb into the tub. Minya watched in astonishment as the young man with the silky brown hair and the dark skinned woman with the exotic curly hair calmly removed their flimsy clothing.

She could feel a deep blush burn across her checks. She had never seen a pleasure slave before and had not known what to expect. When she and the others had learned that they were here for possible sale, many of her friends and peers had made disparaging remarks about them. They had joked about the ease of their place in life and the unfairness of it all. The casual and indifferent attitude the four had shown to the state of their bodies was at once distressing and very exciting. For the first time, Minya wondered if maybe it wasn't such an easy life after all. She for one, did not think that she could casually strip in front of a group of strangers without several threats and lots of tears...

Both she and her husband were slaves. They had not been born to it, but were captured late in life after a raid on their home village. She was a palace slave, cleaning, cooking, delivering odds and ends from one side of the castle to the other. Her husband had been put to work assisting the groundskeeper and occasionally, the stable master. No one ever had, or ever would ask her or her husband to perform sexually. It was not what she was. They owned her life, not her heart. Her marriage to Hower had always been honored by the King and Queen. She was grateful for that.

But now,... looking at the unembarrassed faces of the pleasure slaves, she wondered what it was that they did, how they lived, how they... coped. She glanced over at the young palace slave girl that had been ordered here along with her and saw that she too had been blushing furiously at the pleasure slaves. Master Salmoneus broke them each from their thoughts.

"Ladies, come here."

Minya and the young girl walked over the slave trader. He was pointing at a small selection of bottles and jars containing various oils, lotions and unguents.

"Please, be careful with these. Some are rare and expensive. I want you each to take one of these lovelies and give them a good and proper bath. Be gentle and do not mark their skin. They know what needs to be done and how to do it right, so if they tell you something, listen..."

"Yes Sir." two identically meek and subservient voices answered.

"Joxer, Nebula,... into the tub dears. Time to get clean..."

Minya watched the beautiful and delightfully graceful slaves climb into the tub together. They were stunningly sensual and exuded desire with every move they made. Her breath caught in her throat and a warm wet feeling spread across her groin. She watched as the young slave girl started in on the dark skinned beauty and felt her eyes be drawn to the young man like magnets.

Slowly she picked up a jar of thick liquidy soap and scooped some out into her hand. Gently, almost as if she were afraid of him, Minya rubbed it into the pale skin of his shoulder. He purred in response and leaned into her touch. She almost dropped the jar into the steaming water of the bath.

The young man chuckled lightly at her obvious unease. It was a soft, throaty sound that she couldn't help but smile at. He turned his head to look over his shoulder at her and leveled a smoky eyed gaze at her.

"Hi... I'm Joxer..."

part four

Iphicles, High Priest of Cupid, God of Love stood before his small private altar in the back room of the Temple of Love adjusting a golden bowl of incense. The small room was beautifully decorated in deep, dark reds, with accents of black and gold, unlike the public portions of the Temple which were mostly white with bright red accents. This room reflected Cupid's true personality, not the public image he projected. He was the God of Love, but he was also the child of War, and he had a dark and brooding side to his nature that few were ever privileged enough to see.

The lighting here was subdued candlelight and warm rich shadows played across the surface of the gold veined white marble altar. The blood red velvet drapes which hung upon the walls muffled all outside sounds, and the fires in the braziers along the far wall warmed the air, banishing the normal chill given off from stone and marble buildings. The heavy furniture was painted dark gold and the floor was strewn with many velvet and brocade cushions and pillows in varying shades of dark red. Various unguents and implements decorated the shelves and walls. Leather and lace were both in abundance. In here, with his beloved High Priest at his side, Cupid was able to indulge in the darker passions and violent needs that he had inherited from his deadly and sinister father.

Iphicles looked around quickly to make sure everything was perfect. The black silk sheets on the big golden bed in the corner were fresh and the mirrors over it had been polished to a high shine. The one side table next to it held various oils, lotions, and creams in beautiful glass jars and silver bowls and the other held the bright red leather straps and shackles that Cupid sometimes liked to use. The only thing left to do was remove his robe and light the incense.

After removing a thin strip of red leather from a pocket in his robe and placing it on the very edge of the gleaming marble altar, he folded the white cotton wrap and placed it neatly on a small bench. He then lit the twin golden bowls filled with the specially made pressed herbal incense. He filled a golden goblet with a fine white wine and set it on the altar between the two delicately smoking incense burners. Then, his nude form glowing in the candlelight, Iphicles, High Priest of Cupid, bowed down and prayed to his God.

Kneeling before the white altar, Iphicles spread his legs wide and began to murmur the words of devotions softly, his deep vibrant voice a gentle whisper of sound. Slowly, little by little, Iphicles voice grew louder and louder. As his chanting increased in volume, his big strong hands began to roam over his own body as if they had a will of their own.

Finding their way between his legs, one hand fondled his heavy balls while the other began to gently stroke his rising cock. As his prayers of devotion and his hands combined to excite his flesh, Iphicles legs began to tremble slightly and he tossed his head back with his eyes closed. His breathy voice was raspy and his long auburn hair tickled his broad muscular back. His straining cock throbbed and his brow beaded up with drops of salty sweat.

Just as he was about to slam over the edge into orgasm, the High Priest reached out to the altar blindly and grasped the strip of red leather waiting there. Quickly wrapping it around his cock and balls, he pulled it tight and snapped if firmly shut. A violent shudder ran down his spine as his orgasm was forcibly refused by the thin red cockring.


Iphicles tilted his head up and peered out from beneath lust heavy eyelids. His eyes drank in the sight of the his beloved God, Cupid, and another shudder went through him as his body once more tried to find completion.

Cupid, stood leaning against his altar wearing nothing but a smile. His smooth bronzed skin glowed with vibrant sexual energy and his white wings were spread wide with his arousal. His hard cock stood out from his body, a drop of pre-cum glistening in the candlelight. Iphicles mouth watered at the very sight of him.

"My God..."

Cupid smiled. It was an expression that Iphicles knew well and it forced another shiver down his spine. A shiver of both lust and fear. Cupid was in the mood for rough love tonight and Iphicles couldn't have been happier at that moment.

"Oh,... before we start... I did want to tell you something..."

Cupid walked up to Iphicles and ran one long fingered hand through his High Priest's long hair. The motion was at once tender and possessive. Iphicles moaned and pressed his head into Cupids hand shamelessly. Cupid allowed Iphicles to enjoy the petting and soothing sensations for a long moment and then he twisted his fingers into the long auburn locks and pulled. Iphicles head was jerked back, forcing him to look up into Cupid's perfect face. He shuddered violently as his body once more tried to orgasm. Cupid smirked.

"Listen for a minute my love... There have been some strange... energies gathering here lately. I even asked my cousin Strife if he had been messing around in my city, but he said no,... he's been doing some work for father in Sparta. Still,... something major is going to happen around here soon. I don't know what, but I need you to keep an eye on things for me. Okay?"

"Of course Master. Anything for you. I'll keep you posted on everything that happens around here,... and at the palace..."

"Good boy... You know Iphy... you're my favorite pet..."

"I love you Cupid."

"I know Iphy, and I love you too."

With that, Cupid turned slightly and slid his rock hard cock in between the lush soft lips of his High Priest....

part five

After Minya finished toweling him dry, Joxer was waved over towards Master Salmoneus and the young red-headed male pleasure slave was sent over to her for his own bath. Joxer stood patiently waiting on his current Master's pleasure in the classic and expected pose of his station. Arms up and hands locked behind his neck with his elbows out wide to expose his neck, ribs and armpits. His legs were spread wide enough to offer easy access to any portion of his lower anatomy that was desired, yet his feet were planted firmly so that he wouldn't lose his balance, even if asked to bend over. While his head was held high enough to give access to his neck and lips, his eyes were demurely lowered.

Master Salmoneus didn't even spare a glance for his deliberate display of wanton submission. It was, after all, the classic pleasure slave posture. If he hadn't stepped into that stance instantly, he might have been paddled and while a reddened bottom would have looked good to the eye, it also might lower his chances for being bought by the King.

Finally ready for him, the Master Slaver turned and eyed Joxer's body up and down slowly, murmuring to himself. His attention to detail was legendary and Joxer knew that once Salmoneus was done with him, he'd look as beautiful as humanly possible. Still, Joxer blushed slightly under the intense scrutiny. Trained by a lifetime of work in the field of physical pleasures he might be, but it was still disconcerting at times to be stared at like a piece of meat

Discussion made, his Master dried out his hair a little more with a towel and then quickly combed out any knots. Then, with a speed and skill that spoke of much practice, he divided Joxer's long hair into sections. Each section he gently twirled around a finger and pinned into place. After about ten minutes of this, Joxer's hair was all bound to his skull in tight little circles.

Master Salmoneus then turned back to the table and searched through the bottles and jars he had there. He uncorked several and even stuck in a finger to sample a few by sight and taste before he finally selected a thin clear oil with tiny flecks of glittering sparkles the color of dusty rose in it. With quickly, fluttering motions, he coated Joxer's skin with the oil from his head to his toes.

The sweet smelling oil felt great as it was spread along his neck and chest, down his arms and back. A tremor of pleasure tingled along his spine as the Master Slaver coated his thighs and calves. The oil gave his body a lovely shine in the torchlight and the rose glitter added a shimmering other-worldly effect to his normally pale skin. Joxer could feel the light liquid warm his skin and shivered at the overwhelming sensuousness of it. A little whimper of loss left his lips when his master took those wonderful hands away.

"Don't worry my lovely, I'm not done yet..."

Joxer smiled softly at those words. As was his nature, and then reinforced by his training, he craved attention. He watched from slitted eyelids as Master Salmoneus opened another bottle of oil. This one was clear and had nothing extra added. It also seemed thicker.

Pouring some out onto his thick fingers, Samloneus walked back over to Joxer and stepped behind him.

"Bend over slightly and open up for me. I want you to be ready in case his Majesty wants to try you on for size."

Joxer's balls tightened slightly at those words and he immediately bend forward and thrust his hips back and spread his legs slightly wider. His Masters thick fingers generously coated the cleft of his ass with the thick oil and rubbed at his opening. Joxer moaned and pressed back against them, silently begging for more as his cock sprang to full hardness.

"That's it baby. Get excited. His Majesty wants you all naked, so that means you have to stay hard and ready the whole time and not wear a cockring. Think you can do that?..."

"Yes Master..."

"Good boy... I hope so,... for your sake."

With that, Salmoneus slid two of his thick fingers inside Joxer. Joxer sighed in pleasure and relief. It had been too long, way too long since he had had something inside of him. He pushed back onto the blunt fingers with eagerness. His Masters other hand came up to rest on the back of Joxer's neck and with only the briefest pressure, bid him to stay still. Joxer's muscles trembled with need and a pleading moan escaped his lips, but he stopped his rhythmic swaying.

The Master Slaver quickly and efficiently coated Joxer's insides with lots of oil and stretched and loosened his tight muscles. Then, with the same cold aloofness, he quickly coated Joxer's throbbing cock and heavy balls. Those wonderful hands left much too fast for Joxer's taste, but he knew the reason why. The pleasure of making him cum was being reserved for King Autolycus alone.

Joxer was left panting heavily and trembling slightly as his Master wiped the remaining oil from his hands. He returned to place twin golden loops through Joxer's pierced nipples and a larger heavier matching set through his pierced ears. Then, his plain leather collar was removed and replaced with a delicate one in gold.

Jewelry in place, Master Salmoneus began removing the pins holding up Joxer's long brown hair. The pins were gently removed one by one and then the Slave Trader carefully ran his fingers through the long locks. Soft curly waves floated around Joxer's face in a halo of living silk to tease at his oil shimmered skin.

He was now ready to be presented to the King. Ready to perform if requested. Ready to be bought and sold for a profit.

part six

King Autolycus sat in a large overstuffed chair in a small private room that he liked to relax in at the end of a long day. Lord Iolaus, the Royal Advisor and Auto's most trusted friend, stood beside him. The palace servants had made sure a fire was burning cheerfully in the fireplace to help warm the room and soft candlelight washed over the polished mahogany furniture and sparkled off of various crystals and gems scattered about the lushly appointed room. Both men held silver goblets full of deep red wine and chatted about the recent meeting with the Ambassadors from the neighboring City-State and the Representative from the Merchants Guild.

Suddenly, the door was opened and Hercules, Captain of the Royal Guard stepped into the room. He flashed a quick shy smile at Lord Iolaus, blushed, and then cleared his throat. Auto noticed this and tried not to smirk, Iolaus however, was oblivious.

"Forgive the intrusion my King, but my man Toxius has just informed me that the Slave Trader, Salmoneus is ready to present his... ahhh... goods. Whenever your Majesty is available to view them, he asks that someone escort him to your presence."

Autolycus could feel his smirk grow into a genuine smile. He looked over at his friend and raised a sculpted eyebrow questioningly.

"Shall we play with Salmoneus's toys Iolaus?"

"Why, yes Sire,... I think we should."

Iolaus flashed Auto a big grin and nodded slightly before turning and walking to the door where Hercules stood. His colorful robes swirled around his legs and he called back over his shoulder with amusement in his voice.

"I'll bring them directly here Majesty..."

With that, the energetic bundle of blonde curls was out the door and hurrying down the hall. Auto caught the love-lorn look that crossed the Captain of his personal Guard's face as the big muscle bound man slowly shut the door once more and shook his head. It was a pity really. Auto liked both of the men. He trusted them both more than anyone else,... even his Queen. Hercules protected his body while Iolaus protected his reputation. Hercules was a big man, but painfully shy, and he adored the smaller man with all his heart. Unfortunately, the normally perceptive blonde was completely clueless. Auto sighed again and put it out of his mind. It was best not to interfere with these things. If it was meant to be, it would happen without his meddling...


Queen Xena paced up and down the length of her personal sitting room, a frown marring her beautiful face. Her best friend and Court Bard, sat quietly on a low blue velvet divan against the far wall watching her with sad eyes. The rustling sound of her full skirts swirling about her legs annoyed her, and for just a swift moment, she was tempted to cut the ankle length material to just below her privates to allow her long legs the much desired freedom of movement. Instead, she ground her teeth together and paced faster.

"Highness... what?... what's wrong?..."

The soft and gentle voice of the second highest ranking noblewoman, being outranked by only herself, washed over her tense nerves and sent a wash of calm over her. Her eyes softened a moment, and then the rush of insult swept over her again. She stopped her pacing and turned to Gabrielle.

"That... that... that selfish! stupid! arrogant! man" she sneered, "is in the process of buying a pleasure slave! A pleasure slave!"

Xena turned and stomped over to the polished highboard and poured herself a glass of sweet wine. She was hoping that this would give her a little time to calm down. While she knew that Gabrielle would never think any less of her if she broke down, anyone could walk in and she didn't want that kind of exposure. It was one thing to break down in front of her best friend, it was another for her to do so for the viewing pleasure of a servant. Taking a deep breath and a shallow sip, she turned around and faced the Bard once more.

"Look,... the City Counsel forced Auto to marry me as payment for them giving him my throne. He takes me to his bed and takes his pleasure with no thought for mine and then as soon as I deliver him a son and heir, he kicks me out of the Royal Bedchamber as if I was some silly servant! Now he's buying a pleasure slave! I'll be the laughing stalk of the seven kingdoms! Princess Xena - can't keep her throne or her man!"

"Oh Xena!"

Gabrielle rose from her seat and glided across the room to enfold her in a soft flower embroidered embrace. Xena allowed herself to be comforted by those warm and friendly arms for a long moment before she pulled away. She was very close to breaking down in tears again.

"Listen Xena, no one thinks less of you because of that! Everyone knows about Autolycus. It isn't you, it's him. He always has and always will prefer males! It's not you at all."

Xena let the words absorb into her and she straightened a little.

"No,... you're just saying that to make me feel better."

"No, I'm not. Xena, rumor has it that you are the only woman to ever have gotten into Auto's bed! And you have living breathing proof that you got him to do more than fall asleep! People are amazed that you could do that when no other woman could!"

Xena felt a tiny smile play upon her lips. It was so like Gabrielle to try and make her feel better,... even if she had to lie to do it. No, she couldn't have been that blind to the situation. She just knew that people were going to talk and snicker behind her back. Unloved and unlovable, Queen Xena the joke... She could feel her anger rise up again.


Toxius watched as Lord Iolaus led the Slaver and his toys down the torch lit hallway towards the Kings private chambers. While all of the slaves were beyond beautiful, he only had eyes for one. The slim man with the soft brown hair and the long legs he would like to have wrapped around his waist. The one with the gold nipple rings and the oil sheened skin. The one who looked exactly like Jett the Assassin.

Toxius thought of his sometime lover and remembered something the cold and cruel man had told him. He was one of three triplets born and then sold into slavery when they were only seven by their mother, to keep them from their father, a brutal Warlord. One of the triplets had been bought by a pirate as a cabin-boy, one by the Assassins Guild,... and one by a pleasure house.

Toxius couldn't wait to tell his lover that his long lost brother had finally been found...

part seven

Autolycus's head snapped away from the window he had been gazing out of towards the front of his private study as soon as Captain Hercules opened it. He had been about to complain to the man about disturbing his enjoyment of the beautiful sunset when he noticed who walked in behind the muscle bound man.

Lord Iolaus swept in regally, his bright silk robes swirling around his legs as he turned to present the linen robed older man behind him.

"Majesty. I present to you, Salmoneus, Master Slave Trader."

Auto's eyes quickly scanned over the slaver. He was an older gentleman with carefully trimmed white hair and a short beard. His linen robes were a pale green with a gold geometric pattern running through it. The slaver completed the ritual bow before Royalty with the stiff gracelessness of those who were used to being in charge.

Slavery was both legal and highly popular in most kingdoms and city-states all throughout Greece and in his day, Autolycus had come across many slavers. He had noticed that there were two kinds of slavers. Those who were innately cruel and interested, not in a good profit, but power over others that could not fight back. Then there were those like Salmoneus. Those who saw it as simply a profitable and lucrative business.

Slaves purchased from one such as Salmoneus were often in better health, both physically and mentally, not to mention of much better quality and training. They were also higher priced. And Salmoneus was a master at his craft. Autolycus knew he'd have to be careful,... this man would try to rob him blind.

"Majesty. Thank you for generously allowing me to present my wares. I have four lovelies available at this time. A most beautiful selection,... if I do say so myself."

The Master Slaver turned slightly and motioned with one hand toward the still open door. Four naked and oiled slaves gathered in a short line and quietly awaited their orders. He glanced over his shoulder at Auto with a huge 'salesman' smile.

"If you would just make yourself comfortable, I'll present them one at a time."

Autolycus shrugged and walked over to his favorite overstuffed chair. He arranged his limbs in a sprawl and before he could even ask, Iolaus was pressing a goblet of wine into his hand. The blonde nobleman then positioned himself slightly behind and to the side of the chair with another goblet in his own hand. Auto nodded at the Slave Trader to begin.

Salmoneus crooked on finger at the first slave, motioning her forward. A full figured blonde woman walked forward, her curves jiggling with every movement.

Auto heard a light intake of breath from behind his shoulder and grinned.

"This is Mahkova. Her special skills are foot rubs and she can make an excellent ointment for sore muscles. She was raised in the Amazon Wilds and has quite a bit of spirit."

With one hand, Salmoneus motioned for her to turn around slowly to display both her front and her back. Lord Iolaus whistled softly. Captain Hercules heard the whistle and cringed slightly. Auto took pity on his second best friend.

"I don't know Iolaus. She sort of reminds me of a cross between Queen Callisto of Sparta and our Court Bard, Gabrielle. What do you think?"

Glancing over his shoulder, Auto caught the look of disgust that flashed quickly across the mutable features of his Advisor.

"I think you just ruined her for me..."

With a wave of one meaty hand, Salmoneus shooed Mahkova to a far corner and then he gestured for the next person to step into the candlelight. She was a little taller than the blonde and her skin was dusky. Her dark hair was a wild mass of soft looking curls. Both Hercules and Iolaus took notice of her.

Auto watched as, for once, Hercules looked with desire at someone other than Lord Iolaus. For his part, Iolaus practically drooled over the exotic beauty. A devious plan began to take root his Autolycus's mind as he forgot about his earlier decision to stay uninvolved with their relationship.

"This beauty is Nebula. She is the daughter of a far off ruler. She was captured by sailors on a raid to her homelands. It is obvious, from her birth and her beauty that she is meant only for those of the highest stations. Both Princess and slave. An intriguing combination, no?"

Once again, Salmoneus had the slave turn in a slow circle to display her body. Out of the corner of his eye, Auto saw Iolaus's knuckles turn white from the force of his grip on the goblet. He turned to look at his friend and saw the flush face and dilated eyes of lust and desire. Looking back across the room, he saw that same look mirrored on Hercules face. His idea grew.

Looking back to the Slaver, he caught Salmoneus's eye.

"She has definite possibilities. Let me see the others first though..."

Auto distinctly heard two matching sets of indrawn breath. He grinned.

Salmoneus waved Nebula over to sit at Auto's feet. Two sets of eyes tracked her swaying form as she crossed the room. Both the Captain of the Guards and the Royal Advisor sighed softly as she gracefully lowered herself to the floor in a sensuous sprawl.

The Master Slaver then turned and motioned the next pleasure slave in. He was a young red-headed boy, no more than fifteen, maybe sixteen summers. He was very beautiful, but Auto shook his head no before Salmoneus could even begin his speech.

"No, I'm sorry. He's way too young."

The boy pouted and the slaver looked slightly startled for a second, but he quickly shooed the young boy over to stand with the blonde. Turning, he motioned the last slave into the candlelight. Auto's breath caught in his throat and his heart skipped a beat.

The man was young, but not boyishly so. His long brown hair hung in soft waves and his skin was burnished with glittering oil. His limbs were lean and muscular without being bulky and the shy expression on his sweet face contrasted with the thick red erection between his legs. Autolycus felt a wave of dizziness wash over him as the blood in his body all rushed to his own groin.

"And this is Joxer. He has been in training since the tender age of seven and there is very little that he can't do. He has been very well trained. From giving an expert massage, to tending wounds, and being a valet. He has also been trained to a harness."

Auto's cock throbbed at those words. He had been buying slaves long enough to be able to understand slave trader speak. Expert massage meant he could and would top. Tending wounds and being a valet probably meant his last master,... or one of them anyway, was a warrior and he had acted as a consort of sorts as well as a butler... because he was trusted *and* intelligent. Trained to a harness could only mean one thing... leather play. Joxer could take his sex rough.

Auto almost whimpered at the mental images that played across his mind. Then Salmoneus had Joxer turn around to display the long lines of his back and the round firmness of his ass and Auto *did* whimper.

part eight

Cupid, God of Love was kneeling behind his High Priest, Iphicles, buried balls deep in the muscular man's ass when he felt another person fall head over heels in love. The sensation was strong and unexpected and pushed his control just out of reach. With one hand in a crushing grip on Iphicles's hip, the other reached around and quickly fumbled for the thin red cock-ring.

Finding the snap that held it in place and kept his mortal lover from orgasming, Cupid released it and then tossed back his head and howled as Iphicles tight muscles instantly clamped down on his throbbing cock in ecstasy. The overwhelming pleasure rushed through him like a lightening bolt and he poured his seed into Iphicles only seconds after the mortal spilled into his hand.

Together they collapsed onto the now wrinkled sheets of the bed. Cupid enjoyed the feel of his High Priest's sweaty back pressed against his bare chest. He could feel his heart beating rapidly in his chest and his blood pound through his body. Slowly, little by little, he calmed and quieted. He felt as if he could melt into the mortal below him and the slight tremors that ran through Iphicles body thrilled him in some sappy sweet way.

Taking a deep slow breath, Cupid tried to concentrate on the echo of the feeling of love that had slammed into him just a moment before. There. Right there. Mentally, the God of Love followed the emotion back to it's source and felt a touch of shock. Autolycus?!

Cupid petted one of his large hands across his lovers sweaty side and rested his head on the mortals broad muscular shoulder. Nosing aside a strand of auburn hair, he flicked his tongue at the pink shell of an ear. A shiver traveled down Iphicles spine and made Cupid smile softly.


"Yes, Master?"

"Your King just fell in love."



Strife watched quietly as the Queen of Sparta brushed out her long golden hair. He had to actively restrain himself from giggling. This was a serious matter and he needed to project the air of control, confidence, and concern.

Still, it *was* fun,... to him at least.

When Queen Callisto's late husband, King Barakkas had found out, through Godly intervention, that his wife and Queen was unable to give him a son and heir, he had been,... upset. The battle that had erupted in the Royal bedroom had left the golden warrior Queen with a scarred cheek and a corpse in Royal robes lying at her feet. The city of Sparta had gone into mourning for the next three weeks and Callisto had been forced to keep her throne only through sheer force of will and massive violence. The people were not happy with a Queen who could not produce an heir.

Strife smiled. Part one had gone according to plan perfectly. Now, for part two...

With a shower of blue sparks, the God of Mischief made himself visible to the beautiful and slightly mad woman sitting at her vanity. She didn't flinch or cringe when she saw his reflection in the mirror. She merely raised one arched eyebrow in surprise. In spite of himself, Strife was impressed with this show of strength. She had balls and a wicked sense of humor. Yes,... he could get to like this one...

"Callisto ma dear... I wish ta congratulate you on makin' minced meat outa ol Barakkas."

"Yeah? Well, he deserved it."

"Yes. He did. Still,... there's something more ya should know. Somethin' about King Auto down in Stolenia."


"Yeah. See,... I know ya served in the Temple a Ares till you was old enough ta claim your marriage rights ta ol Barakkas. I also know ya went on pilgrimage ta Thrace and that a bunch of ya got *real* sick from food posionin'. *That's* why ya can't have babies..."

Callisto's spine stiffened at the reference to her inability to carry a child. Her eyes blazed with suppressed anger and a slight tremor set itself into her hands.

"And what does that have to do with the Thief of Stolenia?"

"Who do ya think poisoned the wine you's all drank?..."

Strife watched with well concealed joy as the anger in her eyes slowly turned to hatred. He bit back a giggle and disappeared in another shower of blue energy sparks.


With a weary sigh, Gabrielle tucked the soft blue quilt up around her beloved Queen's chin and smoothed a lock of her raven hair away from her delicate face. She could feel her heart breaking once more for the proud and elegant woman. So much pain was wrapped around Xena's soul and Gabrielle didn't know how to make it go away.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, she watched her dearest friend and only desire sleep. The hardness and coldness that she displayed to the world was little more than a shield. A way to protect herself from the hurtful feelings within and the imagined slights without. Gabrielle knew this. Better than anyone.

Here, in the soft flickering candlelight, Xena's features were smoothed and the worry lines were gone. She looked happier and seemed younger. Gabrielle wished with all her might that Xena could appear this relaxed and happy while she was awake as well.

With another soft sigh, the gentle Bard reached up and traced the lines of her beloved's face. Xena's skin was warm and soft. Like a dream. She honestly felt as if she could touch Xena forever and not once get tired or bored of the sensation.

"Tomorrow," the Bard whispered. "I shall go to the Temple of Cupid and see High Priest Iphicles. Maybe *he* can help me find a solution... maybe he can tell me how to make you love me?"


In a small dimly lit barracks, Toxius sat at a cramped desk. A small sheet of cheep crackling parchment and a worn quill pen sat in front of him. A cruel and selfish smile twisted his features and his eyes gleamed darkly.

Slowly, he read over the message once more to make sure it was all correct. It had to be perfect. It had to lure Jett to Stolenia, yet not give away the whole game.

Assassin's Guide Main Hall

Master Assassin Jett,

It has been a long while since last we met. I enjoyed the time we spent together and would like to have the pleasure of your company once more. Also, I have some news which you might find interesting, on a personal, or possibly, a professional level.

I am currently in Stolenia and have earned a place in the ranks of the Castle Guard. You might want to consider coming for a visit. One way or the other, I shall make it worth your while.


end part eight