BEGINNING NOTE: Rhonda has offered a story that she started so lets go with that,it was posted on 4/5/01. You have no more than 3 days to write the next part and then tag the next person on the list. Have fun everyone and I look forward to seeing the story unfold.

Title: ?????

Author: Part 1, Rhonda

Rating: NC17-hopefully eventually!

Archive: ?????

Synopsis: Iolaus is getting fed up with Herc's restraint...can Aphrodite help?

Part 1 BY Rhonda

"Hercules, I am not going to break." Iolaus said a bit exasperatedly as he redid the belts on his leathers and shrugged into his vest.

The demigod rolled his eyes as he was tucking in his shirt. "As many times as you remind me, how could I forget? If you're that unhappy with our umm…sex life, maybe I should take my attentions elsewhere." He warned ineffectually then added under his breath, "Though from the bellowing you were making a few minutes ago, it sounded as if you were pretty satisfied. Every pheasant in a five mile radius took flight."

"You know what I mean." Iolaus rolled his eyes and proceed to break down their campsite. "Listen, how about we meet back up in a day or so. Solstice IS only a few days away…"

"Shit." Hercules began ticking off on his fingers. "Mom, Jason, Iph, Xena, Gabrielle…have I forgotten anyone?" He was rewarded by a sharp punch to the arm.

"I don't procrastinate. Got most of MINE done. See you soon?"

"Yeah, yeah. Shit." Iolaus had to chuckle at the dejected figure mumbling under his breath and heading off towards town. The hunter whistled as he loped off in the opposite direction. He knew Aphrodite had a temple around here somewhere and he needed some advice. She WAS the goddess of love after all…maybe she could put a spell on Herc to loosen up a bit or something. Things were getting ridiculous. Luckily it only took a few hours to find the small temple. He walked in and nosed around a bit. Various items of interest caught his eye as he casually ran a hand up the thigh of a tall, gold likeness of the goddess herself.

A faint shimmer in the air and Iolaus suddenly felt a presence behind him. "Hey Sweetcheeks. Why don't you handle the real thing?"

"Is that a proposition?" He quickly snaked the other hand back to encounter lace-covered flesh, only to have it swatted away.

"A little joke there, blondie. I don't want big bro pissed at me." She glanced around as if expecting Hercules to crawl out of the woodwork. "What can I do you for?"

Iolaus pulled himself up to the base of the large sculpture, sitting cross-legged and popping his fingers a bit nervously. Now that he was here, he wasn't sure where to start or even if it was a good idea but he wasn't sure how long Aphrodite's patience would last. She was already staring at him cryptically with her arms crossed. THAT pose exposed an even greater amount of cleavage than usual making it that much harder for Iolaus to put into words exactly what he was looking for from the beautiful goddess.

By Marie

"Olympus to Iolaus!" Aphrodite finally laughed. "Hello! I'm up here!"

Iolaus grinned sheepishly and made eye contact. Aphrodite giggled.

"Curly, I've never known you to be at a loss for words. What's the deal?"

"Oh. I dunno, Dite," Iolaus sighed. "Herc's just driving me crazy. It's nothing, really."

"Hmmm." Aphrodite's blond curls bounced as she tilted her head and studied him. "You hiked all the way to this little temple, out in the middle of nowhere, because nothing's wrong? Walk with me, Iolaus," she commanded.

Iolaus hopped down from the statue's base and took the soft, shapely hand that she offered him. She wrapped herself around his arm and led him outside.

"Now, sweetie, tell your pal Aphrodite what that big, bad Herkie is doing that's driving you crazy."

Iolaus laughed and shook his head. "It's not what he's doing. It's more what he's not doing. You know?"

"No," she said, wrinkling her forehead prettily. "Not really. Oh!" Her eyes grew round. "Sweetcheeks, you don't mean he's not . . . He doesn't. . . You two aren't getting it on? Oh no! That's awful!"


"How did this happen? You guys are my boys. Iolaus, you should have come to me sooner!"


"Well, we'll just see about that! I'll send Cupie over to give him such a shot in the ass . . ."

"Dite! You're babbling!"

"What? Oh. I am?"

"Uh. Yeah! It's not that. We're still going at it regular as clockwork!"

"Oh. Okay. So what's the prob then?"

"Well. Just. I don't know." Iolaus rubbed the back of his neck in frustration. "We've always had this problem. It's just worse now that I'm back. You know, from being dead."

"What's worse?" she asked gently.

"Herc! Acting like I'm some kind of delicate . . . I don't know what!"

Aphrodite smiled fondly at him. "He loves you, Iolaus. He doesn't want to hurt you."

"I know that, Dite," he answered matter-of-factly. "But I'm not some fragile baby bird."

Aphrodite bit her lower lip and studied the mortal beside her. She hated to mention it to him, but the difference in the two men's strength was almost of that magnitude. Frankly she wasn't sure why Iolaus was making such a fuss. The strongest man in the world carrying you around on a silk pillow? Sounded sexy to her.

"Well, am I?" he demanded, rounding on her, hands on hips.

Aphrodite heaved a noisy sigh and rolled her eyes. "Well, let's have a look, shall we?" She walked slowly around Iolaus, looking him up and down.

She squeezed a bicep with both hands and giggled. "I'd say you DON'T have little bird wings." Iolaus groaned, shook his head and covered his face with one hand.

She moved behind him and slowly ran her hands up under his vest from his waist to his shoulders and back again, gently kneading the muscles on the way. "Nice back, Curly!" she whispered. "Not at all birdlike."


"Ooooh, and I remember now why I named you Sweetcheeks," she laughed, giving the right glute a friendly squeeze. Iolaus jumped and giggled.

"Dite, cut it out!"

She stood beside him again, pressed herself against him and ran her hand down the back of one tight, leather-clad thigh. "Not exactly bird legs, either," she grinned, batting her eyes outrageously.

"Evil," he muttered. "Has anybody ever told you you're evil?"

She finished the circuit, laughing, and stood in front of him once again, much too close for Iolaus' comfort. She settled her hands on voluptuous hips and frowned into his eyes, deep in thought. "You know, Iolaus, I really don't know that much about birds. I know I like doves. They're so, you know, fluffy. But I'm pretty sure that even when they're all grown up, birds don't sport packages like that one." She looked down between them and slyly canted one hip toward Iolaus' codpiece.

Iolaus jumped back, looking flustered and pleased with himself all at once.

Men, Aphrodite thought, keeping her face carefully straight. Such simple creatures.

"Dite, that's not very nice! I come to you with a simple, little petition and you try to get me killed?"

"Killed? Who's trying to kill you?"

"Um. Hello. Does the name 'Heph' ring a bell? Big guy, bad attitude? I'm not looking forward to being pounded into the ground here!"

"Oh don't be such a silly. Hephster's busy at the forge. Now, Iolaus. As much as I've enjoyed the scenic tour," she leered, "I've got work to do. What's the petition?"

"Oh. Yeah. Well," Iolaus stammered. "I just want Herc to loosen up a little, you know? Not to make him do anything he really doesn't want to do, mind you. Just . . . gods! I didn't realize it would be so hard to talk to you about this! We're two men, for pity's sake. If it's a little bit of a rough ride, well, what's the harm in that?"

"Ohhhh. I get it! Whips, chains! That kinda stuff!" Aphrodite nodded vigorously.

"No!!! Well . . . " He paused to consider it a moment. "Maybe. Not the whips so much, but chains. Chains could be fun." They both paused for a moment's silent contemplation.

"No, wait! That's not what I'm talking about," Iolaus shook his head to clear it of visions of Hercules, shackled, face down over his lap. "I don't know, Dite. I can't explain it any better than that. It's a guy thing."

"A guy thing?" Aphrodite prompted.

"Yeah, you know. Like an equals thing."

"Oh, really?" Aphrodite stood in front of him, fists on hips, imperiously tapping a pink-slippered foot. "Women aren't equals?"

"No!" he exclaimed holding up a cautionary finger. "No, I didn't say that! You're putting words in my mouth!"

"Then what are you saying, Iolaus?" she purred, foot still tapping.

"Well, it's different. Women. And men. You know, different. Never mind, Dite," he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's not a big deal. I shoulda gone to Cupid."

"Iolaus! That's a terrible thing to say!" He turned and looked into wounded blue eyes.

"No! No, Dite, I'm sorry. I just meant I didn't think it through. There's no reason you WOULD understand what I'm talking about. Like I said, it's a guy thing. And you? You're . . . definitely a woman." He used his best dazzling smile.

Aphrodite wasn't biting. She stood there frowning at him. Guy thing? Guy thing? She knew all about guy things! She was the Goddess of Love, for crying out loud! There was nothing about guys and what they did with their things that she didn't know!

Oh! She gasped and laid a gentle hand above his heart. Oh, he means what it feels like.

She began to pace. Iolaus watched her, his anxiety mounting. Aphrodite in deep thought. Nothing good could come of that.

"Um. Dite?" he asked softly.


He was right! She really didn't know what it felt like. How could she be the Goddess of Love if there was one whole area of human experience that was outside her understanding. She took her job seriously; nobody could say she didn't.

She stopped biting her lower lip, and her eyes lit up. She threw her arms around Iolaus' neck and squealed with delight.

"Iolaus, you're so smart, babe!"

"I am?" he asked weakly, trying to gently push her away.

"Yes, it's a great idea! I'm so pumped!"

"What, Dite? What's a great idea?" He had a gnawing, fearful feeling that he really didn't want to know.

"You can teach me! About guy things! About how guys feel about guy things!"

"What are you talking about? How could I do that?"

"We'll share!"

"Share?" he squeaked. He and Heph and Dite? Or he and Dite and Herc? Neither one bore thinking about. He'd be a dead man either way.

"Sure! Then I'll know from the inside what it feels like to be a guy!"

"The inside?" The light suddenly dawned. "No!" He held his hands up and started backing away. "No! No way! Forget it! Been there, done that; it sucked big time! Friends don't possess friends, Dite!"

"Chill out, dude!" she said, staring at him in disbelief. "Who said anything about possession? I said sharing! You're not trying to compare me to that scuzzy, lowlife pig Dahak, are you? 'Cause that would seriously piss me off! You know I'd never do anything to hurt you! Think about it, Iolaus! You. Me. Doing the dirty together. Just not with each other. What could be wrong with that? We're pals!"

"What could be wrong?? Let me make a list. One. Herc. Two. Heph. Or maybe that should be one Heph, two Herc. Either way, three is me in serious pain and suffering!"

"Oh that's silly! They'll never know the diff. Herkie's busy Solstice shopping. You know how hopeless he is when he's shopping. He won't be back for a week. And I told you already. Hephie's busy at the forge. Big project. Something with gears. Not to worry!"

Iolaus sat down on a tree stump and buried his head in his hands. "Not to worry, she says. Sharing, she says. Dite!" He raised his head and shot her a miserable look. "All I wanted was a simple spell, a harmless potion, just a little walk on the wild side with Herc! How do I get myself into these things??"

"So you'll do it?" She laughed and clapped, bouncing her considerable pulchritude up and down in the process.

"Let me get this straight. You. Me. An innocent, unsuspecting populace. Oh gods! Why me?" he moaned woefully.

Aphrodite straddled him from behind and slid her arms around his waist. She set her chin down on his shoulder, pressing their faces together. "Because, Sweetcheeks," she beamed. "If I'm gonna be a man, you're the man I want to be!"

By The Huntress
This chapter brought to you by Dahak...he was happy that he got a mention.

"No kissing strange men. Herc's got a thing about that," Iolaus was saying.

"Bro' is shopping at the last minute. He'll be lucky if he's done by the new year. Do you have any idea how crowded the agora is?"

"Aphrodite, he'll show up somehow. Probably before dinner. Have all his shopping done, all his stuff wrapped perfectly, everything labeled, just like every year. Anyway, take it or leave it. I told you, I'm in charge of my body. You can use it, but if I say no, it's *no*."

"Okay, sweetcheeks. I told you, I'm not, you know...*him*." She didn't need to say the name 'Dahak'.

"I know, 'Dite. It's just kind of scary, letting someone inside. I know you'd never hurt me, but still...."

"Okay," she conceded, "anything else?"

He smiled at her. "Yeah. When I want you out, you leave."

"Agreed," she said, without hesitation. "I promise."

"Okay then, what do I do?" he asked.

"Kiss me Iolaus."


"Kiss me...." Her lips were upon his, and his whole body felt numb. He closed his eyes, melting into the kiss, feeling himself drifting.

Iolaus opened his eyes a few minutes later, and found himself laying on the floor of the temple. He stood, feeling a little stronger then usual, and with a rock hard cock in his leathers...nothing unusual there. He faced Aphrodite herself, and she smiled softly.

"I couldn't go through with it like we planned, sweetcheeks. You fought me too much, in your...whatchacallit...subconscious mind. Hey, I finally remembered something Athena taught me. Will miracles never cease?" She giggled. "But part of me is with you...enough so that I can experience everything you do. Maybe help you and Herc take that 'walk on the wild side', you were talking about."

"If you could get a better understanding of men, maybe you can improve on your job," Iolaus said, quickly flashing her his sweetest smile, that was known to turn a woman's legs to jelly, and amending himself. "Not that you...."

His voice was cut off by lips on his. "I just had to do that again," Aphrodite sighed, "and I forgive you." She vanished in a flurry of pink hearts, and Iolaus took a quick breath.

"This should be fun." He left the temple, thoughts of Herc in his heart, which were causing his pants to tighten a bit more.

He entered the center of town, and his eyes caught a beautiful brunette, who was cooking skewers of meat over an open fire. His eyes moved from the brunette, and her impressive breasts, to the meat, beginning to sizzle. He felt Aphrodite's confusion, and grinned to himself. 'I like both,' he thought, 'almost equally.'

'You put food and a woman in the same category?' She thought back at him.

'No, they're just two of the necessities of life and....' He froze midsentence, realizing that she could hear his thoughts. 'Aphrodite?'

'I said I was with you, didn't I?'

"Yeah, but...." The woman was staring at him, and he realized he had spoken aloud. "I'm trying to make up my mind what I want." He smiled at her. "A skewer of meat...or dinner with you."

"Just dinner?" She asked, returning the smile.

"Well," he answered, giving her one of his most innocent looks, "maybe dessert too."

She came out from behind her stand, slowly running a finger down his arm. "You're not married, are you?"

"Yeah, with six kids," came a voice behind him.

*SMACK* "Scumbag," she growled, and returned to her business.

Iolaus turned around, holding his cheek, which was throbbing. "Aww, now why did you have to do that?"

"Be nice," Hercules said, "or you have to wait another month to get your Solstice present."

Iolaus then noticed all the packages Hercules had in a huge sack. He rolled his eyes when he saw they were all wrapped neatly, and all labeled. "Herc, how'd you get finished so quick?"

"It was easy. This year, I tried a simpler tact. I simply went into each shop, found what I wanted, told anyone ahead of me that I was Hercules, and everyone let me go first."

"And how'd you get them wrapped and stuff?"

"That was even easier. I went into Cupid's temple, and Bliss did it for his 'Unca Herkie'. He's a sweet kid. Oh, and Cupid owes me a favor too." He glanced down at the sack, which disappeared. "It's waiting for me in Thebes. Now, it's just me and you."

"So much for a good time," Aphrodite said...except it came out of Iolaus' mouth.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Hercules asked.

"Nothing Herc," Iolaus said quickly.

"You don't have a good time with me?"

"That's not what I meant," Iolaus said.

"I could have had fun with her," Aphrodite said, giggling.


"No! No Herc, that's not what I meant either. I'm just...tired. Maybe we could get some rest. I'll be fine in a couple of hours and we can eat." Iolaus was smiling at him. "Yeah, that's what we'll do."

"You sure?" Hercules asked, a bit of sarcasm in his tone. "I'd hate to ruin your evening."

"Ha!" Aphrodite snorted. "Too late for that now."

"You know what Iolaus? Why don't you go do what you want, and *maybe* I'll see you in the morning." He stalked off, leaving Iolaus staring after him.

"What did you do *now*?" Iolaus asked aloud.

"Now we can have a good time," Aphrodite answered.

"I would have had a good time with Herc, and now you screwed it up!"

"I did not! All I did was...was...oh curly, I'm sorry. I didn't think."

Iolaus sighed, then noticed that half the people were staring at him. It took him a moment to figure out, but it appeared to everyone, that he had been talking to himself. 'They're going to lock me up,' he thought.

'Maybe if we go after Herc, we can get him to forgive you,' 'Dite thought at him.

'Yeah, right. You don't know your brother too well. He'll be grouchy for the rest of the night, and probably half the day tomorrow.'

'Nah. With what I got in mind, he'll forgive you tonight. Come on!'

Iolaus didn't have much choice...his legs started to run to the inn, his mind racing to catch up.

Iolaus made it to the inn out of breath. Aphrodite had run his body at full speed, and he was sweating. "Aphrodite," he moaned, before realizing he shouldn't speak aloud. 'Why did you do that? I could have walked.'

'I got some ideas on how to placate little bro',' she giggled. 'But first, you have to apologize.'

"WHAT?!" He said aloud, noticing how quiet it had gotten, how all the people were staring at him. He shrugged, and happened to smile at a man at the bar. Said man leered at him, and Iolaus turned bright red, and quickly inquired as to which room the demigod was in.

He walked upstairs, and looked around the hallway. Seeing no one, he whispered, "Aphrodite, show yourself."

The Goddess sighed, appearing in her flurry of pink hearts (TM), and giving him her saddest look. "I said I was sorry. You, I mean we, can make it up to him. C'mon...please? One step closer to that *walk on the wild side* you were asking about."

"You know, if Herc finds out about this...."

"Relax. If, and when, he does find out about it, he'll be so fargone with lust, he won't care. I wanna know what it feels like Iolaus."

Iolaus tilted his head at her. "This is *not* about sex. Well, not all of it. Okay, it is mostly, but it's about other things too."

"Look Iolaus, I am the *Goddess of Love* for a reason, okay." She poked a finger into his chest. "I know about everything from puppy love to true love." She continued to poke him, and Iolaus was backed into the wall. "I don't know how men feel about each other, because I'm not a guy, remember? Now, let's go and see Herkie, and get him to forgive and forget."

Iolaus pushed her aside, nervously running his fingers through his hair, and pacing. He finally stopped. "You know, if I didn't think this would make you a better person, I wouldn't do it."

"I know," she grinned, pulled him into her arms, and kissed him deeply. She broke the kiss, and vanished, and Iolaus fell on his floor.

He sighed, and giggled. "Your kisses have nothing on Herc's." He stood up, and went to the room.

He knocked softly, opening the door, and bolting it. A fire was lit, and the demigod was sprawled across the bed, laying on his stomach. "I've never seen anyone quite so magnificent," Iolaus whispered.

"What do you want to do to him?" Aphrodite asked.

"Nothing...not yet," Iolaus replied, sitting against a chair, in front of the fireplace. He shrugged off his vest, pulled off his boots, and watched the demigod. He felt his hands moving to his belts, knew that he wasn't the one doing this, and felt a moment of panic, taking a deep breath.

"Relax sweetcheeks...."

Aphrodite's voice. Iolaus let out the breath, starting a sequence of slow steady breathing. He *did* feel safe, knew she wouldn't harm him in any way, or allow him to be harmed. He closed his eyes, leaned back, and allowed Aphrodite to take over for a little while. She felt his acquiescence, and brought one hand to his mouth, kissing the palm. Iolaus' body was on fire, his own mind joining with hers at that moment, to make love to his body. Nimble fingers made quick work of his belts, his codpiece, the lacings of his pants, and the pants themselves. As he slid the leather off, he had a brief vision of baring his ass to Hercules, the demigod holding a belt above him, and bringing it down on his baby-soft cheeks.

His hands on his cock, yet not his. Aphrodite was touching, stroking, learning. While she kept one hand on his cock, he moved the other to a nipple, which he teased to hardness, moving to the other, repeating the motions. Aphrodite was moaning softly from the sensation, still exploring the feel of Iolaus' cock.

"Let me help you out," he murmured. Together, they began to stroke his cock, teasing the head with a fingertip, sliding the hand back down. His other hand moved under, fondling his balls, and the two pleasured Iolaus' body, both feeling every nuance, every bit of pleasure. Iolaus let his mind drift....

He opened his eyes, to find Hercules' staring into his.

"What can I do to please you?" Hercules asked.

"How about you come over here, put your mouth on my cock, and pleasure me? If you think you can handle it."

Hercules slid off the bed, crawling over to Iolaus, kneeling before him. "If I do it, does that mean I'm a good boy?"

"A *very* good boy Herc."

Hercules' hands moved up Iolaus' legs, bringing his eyes up one last time to meet Iolaus', before he bent his head down. One hand grasped the base of Iolaus' thickened cock, while his tongue snaked out, dipping into the slit. "Like that?"

"Oh yeah. Maybe a little more tongue." Hercules began to lick the length, paying extra attention to the head, sucking hard on each lick up. "Just like that...oh...oh Herc...oh Gods, what you do to me."

"And you love *every* minute of it." Hercules mouth covered Iolaus' cock, deepthroating, his fingers teasing the balls, sliding them behind, easing them inside the tightness. Deeper they moved, hitting Iolaus' sweet spot, Iolaus pushing his cock further down Herc's throat. Hands winding in Hercules' hair, pulling his mouth down harder, finally letting himself go....

Iolaus came in waves, Hercules swallowing what he could. Some dripped on the demigod's face, and when Iolaus was finished, he leaned down, licking the drops from Hercules' face. "Such a good demigod...."

"Iolaus what are you doing?"

Hercules' voice brought Iolaus out of his fantasy, and Iolaus opened his eyes, to see his lover staring at him.

"I umm...I...."

"You are some piece of work. First you insult me, why I don't know, and then you come back here and do *that*. Thanks...I love you too." He turned over, and growled, hitting the pillow so hard, that feathers flew all over the bed.

"Now look what you did Herc," Iolaus said. "You know we're going to have to pay extra for any damage."

"Well then, maybe you should go find out about washing dishes. I'm going back to sleep. Have fun with your hand."

'Don't do a thing Aphrodite. I'm warning you,' Iolaus growled in his head.

Aphrodite was about to answer him, when she felt him 'push' her aside. 'How did you do that?'

"Something I learned in the East," he answered aloud. "It's my show now."

"Iolaus," Hercules grumbled, "what are you talking about? What about the East?"

"This," Iolaus said softly. He moved across the room, moving between Herc's legs, and slowly massaged up said legs, until he reached Hercules' ass. He kneaded the cheeks, biting each one, before kissing his way inwards. He snaked his tongue out, brushing it over the crack. "I'm sorry Herc." Iolaus licked a little deeper. "I don't know why I said what I did." He reached under, and Hercules' moved up, so Iolaus could stroke his cock. "Don't be mad. Please?"

"Iolaus, it's okay." Hercules shifted away, moving onto his back. Taking the lamp from the bedstand, he removed the top, dripping oil onto his fingers, slowly anointing his cock, while Iolaus watched. "Come here." Iolaus sat astride Hercules' chest, the large hands spreading his cheeks, sinking first one, then two fingers inside, in and out, faster, then slower. A few minutes of this, and Hercules picked him up, keeping his ass spread, slowly lowering Iolaus onto his hardened cock. A twinge of pain, Iolaus moaned, and Aphrodite nearly shouted for Hercules to stop.

'Shut up!' Iolaus' mind screamed at her. 'Just feel dammit!'

'I am Iolaus...and it *hurts*!' she screamed back.

Iolaus was impaled further, and it became a war between the two blondes...Aphrodite ready to scream, Iolaus warning her to shut up. Iolaus was finally filled by the demigod, who began to grind his ass, pushing his cock further into Iolaus. Iolaus matched his movements, and both he and Aphrodite screamed when his prostate was hit. It was only then that Hercules began to lift him up and down, hitting that spot each and every time. Iolaus rode Hercules harder then ever, making sure that each movement brought them both such pleasure, ensuring that the Goddess felt every nerve inside him, that she felt the fire that was within him.

Iolaus felt his hand on his cock, felt Aphrodite pumping him, and he went into overload, shooting his cum over Herc's chest and face, clenching his ass muscles so tightly, pulling Hercules so deeply, that the demigod spilled his seed as well.

"Iolaus...." Hercules pulled Iolaus down for a kiss, that sent Aphrodite's head spinning into oblivion. He eased the blond from his body, laying him onto his back. Kissing him gently, Hercules whispered, "I love you...even when you're an asshole."

"I love you too Herc," Iolaus whispered back. He turned over, feeling Hercules' body spooning protectively around his.

He was almost asleep, when he heard her voice in his head.

'Iolaus, is it always that intense?'

'No, sometimes he gets a little rough. Maybe he thinks I'm getting sick or something.'

'Is it like that when you fuck him?'

'I don't know.' Iolaus answered, his tone softer.

'Wait a sec'. Are you telling me, that after all this time, *you* have *never* fucked *him*? He *always* fucks *you*?'

'Yeah. I mean, he's a demigod. He doesn't want me doing that *to* him.'

'Dite chuckled. 'Doesn't want to? Or you never tried? Is that why you came to me with that petition? Because you wanted to fuck him?'

'Well no, not exactly. Look, can we talk about this in the morning? I'm tired, and I need some rest. I'm only mortal.'

'Okay. Good night sweetcheeks. Oh, and thanks. That did feel good.'

She felt him falling asleep, and her mind began to plot. 'Well, well, well. Maybe it's about time little bro' learned a little about Iolaus...and maybe it's about time Iolaus took a little action. Then again, before that, there are other things we can do. This could be even more fun then I thought. Maybe we'll start with a little jealousy over breakfast. With that guy who smiled at Iolaus....'

by Melinda

'Iolaus! Iolaus! Wake UP NOW!'

Iolaus groaned and raised his head. Hercules briefly stirred under him then settled back down.


The blonde hunter inwardly sighed at the pleading voice in his head. 'What 'Dite?'

"Ummm...we've got a slight problem.'

'What do you mean by a 'slight problem'?' Iolaus quickly thought in return.

Suddenly the room was filled with a bright red explosion of light. Iolaus instinctively rolled off the bed, reaching for his sword. The demigod instinctively rolled to the opposite side of the bed and lept to his feet.


Iolaus' blue eyes widened in shock as Hephaestus' large hands wrapped around his neck. "Herc!" he squeaked.

"Hephaestus! Leave him alone!" Hercules demanded.

"Stay out of this, Hercules. This is HIS fault!" the god thundered.

Iolaus ineffectually batted the god's wrists.

"Well, he can't fix it if you kill him," the demigod reasonably argued.

With a grimace, Hephaestus tossed Iolaus onto the bed. He lay there, gasping for air as Hercules pulled on his clothing. The demigod glanced from god to mortal. "Will one of you tell me what's going on?"

"Ask HIM!" Hephaestus sullenly demanded. "He started it."

"Now, Hephie. You know I love you." Iolaus slapped both hands over his mouth.

"What?!" Hercules stared at his lover. "You...what?"

Afraid to remove his hands, Iolaus shook his head at Hercules. Despite his intentions, his hands lowered. "I can explain..."

"Right." Hercules' hurt look stabbed the hunter in the heart. "First that woman yesterday and now Hephaestus? Who's next, Iolaus? Iphicles?"

"mmmmm..." Groaning in horror, Iolaus slapped his hands over his mouth again. He watched in shock as Hercules threw open the door.

"It's not me, Herc! It's 'Dite!" he cried out. "Herc!" he yelled as the door slammed behind the angry demi-god.

"You and your...petition or whatever!" Hephaestus raged. The angry god stomped around the room as he muttered to himself.

'OK, what's going on?' Iolaus silently demanded of the goddess.

'I can't leave your body for some reason...or materialize elsewhere...and I can't explain.'

"WHAT?!" Iolaus shouted.

"SILENCE!" Hesphaestus demanded.

Iolaus hesitantly reached for his clothing. When he wasn't blasted to Charon's boat, he quickly dressed. 'You want to explain to ME, 'Dite?'

'Someone...probably old horse-face has thrown a spell. All I can say...or let you really sexy stuff.'

'And Herc thinks I'm...Hephaestus believes...that's it. I'm dead. Again.' Iolaus moaned.

by Steelknight

"Please Dite tell this is a joke, please say it's a just a really bad joke." But the hunter looked in to the angry face of Hesphaestus, and he already knew the answer.

Suddenly Iolaus found himself grabbed, lifted and face to face with the very pissed off god of forge.

"You..... I thought you at least you could be trusted. After all you brought us together, " Hesphaestus' tone turned sarcastic.

"Iolaus the golden hunter, best friend and lover of Hercules. Favorite of Artemis, of Ares, not that he will ever admit it, of Hades, do you honestly think he'd let you come back otherwise?

Of most of the gods on Olympus for one reason or another! You enjoyed blessing by both Dite and I, long before you brought us together. And this.... this is how you repay us.

With treachery you must have known that Dite would be open to attack by joining with a mortal in anyway. And now this, She should have known better than to trust a mortal."


As much as Iolaus wanted to answer, he knew he's only make things worse. Dite had said 'that all she could say...or let him say...was really sexy stuff.'

No way that was going to help this situation, or could it? 'What to you think Dite?' He asked 'I think this is one you better let me help you with; I handle him Sweetcheeks." Aphrodite replied.

Iolaus wanted, needed to go after Hercules, but he knew he couldn't go anywhere till Hep was pacified.

With a soft sigh of resignation he asked Dite what to do.


Meanwhile on Mount Olympus:

'Hera? They think Hera did this to them? I should have expected the two bubble headed blonds wouldn't be able to figure it out. Like Hera would care about them, their both having delusions.

Payback is so much fun and I've barely even started with those two.

This is going to be great.' With that last thought Discord went back to sharpening her claws.

by Cadfael

Then she smiled, when she thought of someone else who might also enjoy watching the half-wit half-mortal Hercules and his little blond pet squirm.

'And maybe I can collect a favor in payment for my little show' she mused, cackling merrily, as she appeared in the darkened throne room.

She turned to see the Temple's god appear, lounging on the throne with the deceptive appearance of ease, but gazing at her with the piercing eyes of a cobra, waiting to strike.


Even as Ares wondered at what the "little pest of a goddess" wanted THIS time, he silently admitted to himself that he often found her little visits... stimulating. Though it would never do to tell her that, he thought as he watched her slink closer.

"You bellowed, Lord Ares?" she smirked, assuming her own pose of nonchalance at the foot of his throne.

"What ARE you cackling about now?" the BBGOW complained. "You're beginning to sound like my Mother, during her last century-long PMS cycle!"

"Just thought you might like some entertainment, to relieve your...boredom" she purred, while pointedly leering at his crotch. Suddenly appearing in his lap, she began stroking him through his leather pants.

Then she hissed in surprise, finding herself flat on her back on the temple floor, where Ares had flung her away from him in disgust.

"I don't have time for your games right now, little girl!" Ares hissed. "I've got several wars to control--"

"And Xena to pant after," Discord grumbled, rising angrily to her feet.


"Nothing" she replied quickly. "Just that, if you wanted a little fun..."

"Spit it out. I'm losing my patience with you!"

"All right!"

'Sheesh, what a grouch!' the goddess thought, wondering why she even bothered to come here, just to take on all this abuse. Knowing full well that she secretly found these little visits with Ares...stimulating, but she'd never tell HIM that.

Discord began filling in the blanks for Ares on the failing love life of his arch-nemesis. She then showed him a dejected and fuming Hercules, drowning his sorrows with ale, and about to engage in some decidedly un-heroic actions.

"And so now I've got a little Soltice present of my very own, for "Jerkules'" little pet." 'With the help of an idea from "Ditzy 'Dite",' she added silently.

"The idiot hasn't even got a clue as to how much his little pet has always loved him, let alone how far his OWN feelings go. I'm only surprised they ever ended up in bed at all, given the "Clueless Wonder's" endless capacity for denial!" she snorted.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah" Ares interrupts, in a bored tone. "So what's the punchline, already?"

Discord, folding her arms and pouting, gives him a "hurt" look before continuing.

"Blondie's only got until the Soltice to get the Half-ling Hero to play "bottoms up". And we both know..."

"That the mighty Hercules will never submit to that," Ares continued smiling evilly.

Ares almost felt sorry for him, gazing at the image of the now full-blown barfight.

"So what happens after the Solstice?" Ares asked.

by JamieBlue

Just as Discord was about to answer the God of War, Ares let out a loud groan of disappointment. Turning to the scene before them, Xena and Gabrielle had just interfered in what had promised to be an entertaining barfight and were now escorting the inebriated demi-God to Corinth.

"They can't go a single day without ruining my mood, now can they," Ares growled, turning back to his sister. "Now, what's happening after Solstice, and what's our plan..."


Iolaus/Aphrodite was sitting on the bed, watching an enraged Forge God pacing back and forth, mumbling about the situation they'd found themselves in.

"That's it!" he cried out. "Enough of this. I've got to talk to Mother and see if she can reverse this. But who can I leave Dite with..."

'Hey,' Dite exclaimed, 'I'm a grown-up Goddess, and I don't need a babysitter.'

'Dite,' Iolaus responded, 'look at yourself.' He could feel his eyes lower to give his own body a once-over. The Goddess didn't respond.

"All right," the God announced. "There's only one mortal left to trust you with. I'll get you after I've spoken with Mother."

Iolaus/Aphrodite was nearly blinded by the flash of light. Suddenly, the body they cohabitated was lying on a comfortable mattress. Eyelids they hadn't noticed were closed suddenly opened, taking in the morning light streaming in through a nearby window. The bed beneath their body shifted and an arm found its way across their stomach. The blue eyes looked down at the arm and followed it to its owner, then screamed. The arm's owner screamed in response and jumped a foot, falling back onto another body lying next to it, waking the man up and causing him to scream as well.

Once the screaming had finished, the owner of the original arm leapt from the bed and rushed to the bedroom door, listened for several moments, then turned back to the bed with a look of relief. "Iolaus, what in Tartarus are you doing here?"

Iolaus was about to attempt an answer when he noticed exactly who was still lying naked in bed next to him. He looked from the man to the figure standing by the bed, and back again.

"Oooh, Studmuffin, you finally let Auto see your..." The rest of the words were muffled as Iolaus slapped a hand over his mouth.

The man in bed and the one standing exchanged a look, then turned on the blond in the bed. "Dite?!"

'How'd they know?' Iolaus couldn't help but ask.

'Hey, who else calls my baby there Studmuffin?'

Before anything else could be said, a booming voice shouted from out in the hall.


The wannabe jumped and looked around the room in panic. "Oh man, we woke Dad up. This is really bad. You two have to hide."

"Jox," Auto spoke up, "I'm sure if we just explain..."

"Dad won't care. If he catches the two of you, you're as good as dead -- especially if we woke Jett too."

Autolycus rose off the bed and grabbed his lover's shoulders, stopping the man's pacing. "Jox, there's nothing to worry about. Remember, you told me he was over the whole Cleopatra thing."

"Umm, about that, Auto. I kinda, how should I say it -- lied."


"Well, Solstice with my family would have been unbearable without you, and you wouldn't have snuck over otherwise!"

"You're damned right, I wouldn't! Not with your crazy family..."

All three bodies in the room jumped as a loud knocking sounded throughout the room. "Joxer, what's with all the noise in there?!"

"Auto, take Iolaus, I mean Aphrodite, I mean... You know what I mean. Get him, her, it out the window and get as far away as possible."

"But Jox..."

"Now. I'll throw your clothes down and you can dress down there. Now get your rope and hurry. I'll distract Dad."

The thief pulled the man into one final kiss before pulling away, gathering his equipment, and arranging their 'transportation.' Joxer stood by the door, trying to convince his father he was alone and had simply had a bad dream. Within minutes, Autolycus had managed to get Iolaus/Aphrodite to the ground and was coiling his rope. Looking up, he saw Joxer lean out the window and throw him his clothes before disappearing with a final wave.

Fully dressed, the thief finally looked at his companion and grabbed a muscled arm. "Come on. Now we run."

by Iolaus' friend Kathy

"Xena what are you doing here? Don't you and Gabrielle have plans with your families for the Solstice?" Herc asks

"Yes we do, we are meeting both families here in Corinth instead of trying to get to both towns in just a couple of days. Now what is the problem that you of all people are drinking and fighting?'

"It's a long story" Hercules replies

"We have time it's a long walk to the Castle".

Auto dresses quickly and grabs "Iodite" as they head off to Corinth, which is the closest town to Joxer's home.

"Ok, Tell me what the Hades you two are doing in the same body? This has got to be good," Auto asks as they travel

"Oh Sweetie you are just so cute" Iodite says, "It all started when Iolaus came to my temple to ask for a favor and ended with one of the gods making this a big problem"

"Well that doesn't help me at all, tell me more"


Discord Storms around Ares temple "what is with these mortals why do they keep interfering with my fun"

"I am outa here, I have someone to see" Ares says "Maybe you should straighten this out Discord you know how dear old dad gets when we interfere with Herckie~poo around the holidays"


Hercules and the girls arrive at Corinth at the same time as Iodite and Auto

"Iolaus what are you doing with Auto?" Hercules asks

"What are you doing with Xena and Gabby?" he counters

Xena buts in "NO fighting! Lets just get to the castle and work this out there".

by April and Bear

Well on the road to Corinth, the Warrior Princess fell in step with Gabrielle.

"What's with you?" She asked in her usual caustic, irascible tone.

Warm candorous eyes raised up to appraise her lifemate and Gabrielle's consternation melted under the intense scrutiny of personal power the taller woman weilded. She sighed and conspiratorily whispered close to Xena. "Something's wrong with Iolaus."

Xena glanced back over a leathered shoulder and appraised the small blond she knew on several levels and yet curiously, hardly knew at all. Her penetrating blue eyes narrowed as she studied his demeanor. Iolaus was lagging behind a little during the trek, sporting less of his usual boisterous humor and there was something about the way he was wearing his clothes....some little detail that was subtly askewed. She couldn't quite put her finger on it until she saw him irritably picking lint from his vest. Her head swung forward with disdain. "You're right." She answered simply and then both of the women turned to look back at Iolaus, watching with furrowed brows as they observed him muttering......

*What are we going to do, 'Dite?* Iolaus thought to his now resident body snatching hitchhiker. "I can't take much more of this."

"Neither can I." Hercules answered sullenly, thinking that Iolaus was talking to him.

"No!" Iolaus exclaimed, suddenly realizing he'd spoken aloud. "No, not you, Herc, I didn't mean you." His voice entreated.

Hercules made a sweeping gesture toward the passing trees...."Who else, Iolaus, if not me, who else?"

Iolaus looked stricken and bereft, hanging his head in his hands for a moment before looking back up and shrugging helplessly with open palms.

Xena turned her head back, muttering under her breath. "Yup, something's up, alright." She conceded to Gabrielle, grinning wryly as she witnessed the worried expression clouding an eternally optimistic smile. "Stay out of it....let the love birds fight it out." She added in a sardonic tease.

Gabrielle pursed her lips, cocked her head with a rebellious tilt and folded her arms, a subconscious telltale response that made Xena sigh in the knowledge that her sensitive friend had no intention of refraining from meddling. She shrugged, and adopted an indifferent attitude, knowing Gabrielle's inability to mind her own business.


Hercules was nursing a severely bruised ego. He could feel the muscles across his shoulders burning from the tension. He hadn't been together in body or spirit with Iolaus for days and things were only getting more strained. On top of that, seeing Xena assess their situation was just downright embarrassing. He closed off to Iolaus for the last leg of their walk to the castle, reaching their destination shortly after nightfall, just when the heavy dew was turning the evening air temperature to an uncomfortable chill.

What Hercules wanted most was a private chamber and a night alone to figure out what was going on, but one step inside the castle swept them into solstice revelry that wouldn't be denied. On this night of nights, when everyone else celebrated love, friendship and joy, it felt like they were the only two lonely, unhappy people in the world. Revelry was exactly what Hercules had hoped for, if Iolaus hadn't been inexplicably twisting their emotions into heartache.

Caught up in the merriment, they were forced to make the social rounds and Hercules greeted people with his hero's dazzling smile, yet his eyes revealed a haunted hollowness for joy he really didn't feel.


When the trumpets for the feast sounded, Xena took charge of their seating-- not so much with organizational skills as with a warriors obtuse body, blocking until they were seated with Iolaus on the other side of Gabrielle and Hercules beside Xena. She sat down with an aplomb devoid of femininity, snatched up a tankard of ale and drank with her elbows on the table, oblivious to anyone's exception, watching the merriment of the room with a deliberate fascination that blotted out Hercule's pain, Gabrielle's desire to do good and Iolaus's obvious sudden onset of insanity.

To the casual observer, Xena's wits were already dulled by drink and distracted by pleasure; yet inside, her mind reviewed recent events, possible God vendettas and other plausible Furies type nuisances, seeking answers for Iolaus' bizarre behavior.

Gabrielle sat in awe, watching Iolaus sip at a golden chalice of wine, his pinkie finger extended girlishly and his expression one of sensual pleasure. She fully expected him to moan and then his eyes drifted open and he smiled coyly, further confounding her. There was a sultry wink and he leaned into her to say, "Hey little sister, fun digs, huh?" His voice had an uncharacteristic soft intonation.

"Iolaus?" Gabrielle queried with astonishment.

"Like my new body?" Ioditie asked, deliberatly shocking Gabrielle. The bard comically shaking her head to clear the confusion.

"Who ARE you?" Gabrielle challenged, sure that someone had absconded with Iolaus.

Trilling with a giggle, Iodite leaned over and whispered in Gabrielle's ear.

"Aphrodite!?!?!?!?!?" She gasped in amazement, making no effort to be quiet about the revelation.

"Where?" Hercules demanded, when he heard his sister's name.

"Right here!" Gabrielle proclaimed, pointing at Iolaus.

And Hercules fully expected to see his sister sitting next to his best friend, but the seat was occupied by Autolycus, who's undivided attention was settled on some woman's cleavage, although no one could be sure if he was interested in the curves or the gemstone nestled there.

"Where did she go, Gabrielle?"

Iolaus's fingers wafted in the air in a frilly little hello gesture. "Hi bro, right here inside of Curly."

"WHAT!?!?!!?" Xena and Hercules both exclaimed in unison.

"....and she's stuck in there!" Gabrielle added with a giggle, quickly stifled by a steely glare from Xena.

Suddenly, a lot of things were starting to make sense to Hercules. "Is that true, Iolaus?"

"Hey!" Dite protested indignantly; then added, "It's Iodite, to you, Mr. 'Tude!"

Hercules ignored Aphrodite's insult and turned to Gabrielle.

"What do you mean she's stuck in there?"

Gabrielle opened her mouth and quickly shut it after looking into Xena's eyes, deferring her gaze to Iodite, instead.

"Chill Bro," Iodite cajoled with a petulant smile. "It was just a gag and...."

"SHUSH DITE! Herc doesn't need the details." Iolaus growled.

"Don't you shush me, Mr. I just wanna be spanked." Aphrodite chastized as commands of their shared hands warred about whether to be on hips or table top.

Iolaus stood abruptly, his face flushed, expressions struggling between scowling and pouting. "DITE! Stop fighting me!"

"SIT DOWN! Um, .....both of you! " Hercules commanded, thumb and fore finger pinching the bridge of his nose in search of calm.

Iodite plopped back down in the chair, Aphrodite saying, "If you'd just let me finish what I started to say....before I was so RUDELY interrupted."

Iolaus rolled his eyes, the blue orbs finally settling on Xena and Gabrielle who were both gawking at him like they were watching a chariot wreck.

"FINE Dite, just go ahead and finish me off. I'm dead anyway!"

Aphrodite did a negating sweep of her wrist and continued as if she'd never been interrupted. "......something went wrong when I tried to leave....not to worry, Hephy will fix it."

Hercules turned to Xena, saying suspiciously, "I can't believe this! Who would DO that to them?" There was a pregnant pause and both of them said in unison, looking into each other's eyes......dragging it out like a foul word.....

"A R E S! ! ! "

Hercules jumped up from the table with such vengeance, food and drink spilled or upended in every direction. "ARES SHOW YOURSELF!!!!!" He bellowed vehemently. Enraged, Hercules jumped up on the great hall's horseshoe table, feet askance, bellowing like a minotaur. "You ill begotton spawn of Zeus, cast off Hydra skin, bottom of the dung heap maggott!!!"

White knuckled fists shook at the ceiling before Hercules leaped to the floor, commanding the eyes and silent curiosity of every person in the room.

"ARES, YOU COWARD!" Hercules yelled again.

"Ayup, that'll get his attention." Xena chuckled, totally amused by the impending show down, but not concerned enough to rise from her chair

There was a sudden flash of light and Ares appeared, arrogant, resplendently handsome and malevolent in his anger. "Coward?" He asked, with a lethal hushed tone so quiet it seemed deafening and the intent sent some of the revelers scurrying out of the hall, others ducking under tables and hiding behind pillars.

"Release Aphrodite!" Hercules demanded, completely void of intimidation.

"Well now, " Ares crooned, "...what an interesting look for you, Sis!" Ares sneered, then turned to Hercules to say, "....and what makes you think I had anything to do with this kinky arrangement?"

Vexed and out of control, Iolaus jumped up on the table. "Hey! I take exception to that remark."

"Cut the crap, Ares." Xena added with a bored tone.

"Ah, my errant Warrior Princess." Ares drawled with overstated affection. "Slumming Dear?"

Xena sucked air over a curled upper lip and closed teeth, looking almost like she might yawn next. "Give it up, Leather Boy." She drawled unimpressed.

"See Ares, your immature, cowardly ways don't impress anyone!" Hercules jeered with disgust.

Just then, Ares reached for the hilt of his sword and discovering he'd forgotton to wear it, he grinned sheepishly at Xena, who smirked and shook her head slowly from side to side as if to say....'once an idiot, always an idiot.'

"You don't even make a decent God of War!" Hercules accused and the insult was so great that Ares drew back his arm and threw a fire ball at his demigod brother. Suddenly, Iolaus jumped in front of Hercules, instinctively wanting to block the fire ball. As it hurled toward them, Hercules screamed helplessly for his lover to move, visions of Dahak's dagger plunging into Iolaus' chest. There was a sudden loud *POP* and Aphrodite was in front of Iolaus just in the nick of time. The fire ball hit her square in her chest, tossing her back into Iolaus, who toppled back into Hercules who caught them both. Two beloved, silly heros crumpled in his arms, separate people and yet both special in their effort to do something selfless to save someone they loved.

The trio gazed at each other in amazement and Ares groaned aloud, "Aw geeze...I'm outta here!" He disappeared in a shimmer of light as Hercules smiled and the joy in his eyes matched the joy in his smile for the first time that night.

After a moment, Hercules grinned down at his sister. "How long were you trapped inside of Iolaus 'Dite?" He asked with a commiserative tone, feeling sorry for his sister trapped in a man's body....especially Iolaus's body and then her answer made him blush crimson.

"Long enough to see what you two are all about, Sugar Lips." She taunted evilly.

A moment later, Hercules was turning to his best friend and lover. "Iolaus???"

He crooned like a man suddenly suspicious there was more to this story than was obvious. "How did you happen to have my sister inside your body?"

"Well Herc...." Iolaus stammered with nervous laughter, his hand rubbing the back of his neck, then shifting so his fingers could scratch a familiar itchy spot on the side of his head. ", it's like this...." He mumbled, unable to find a serious tone of voice.

Aphrodite chimmed in...."He's such a cutie. He was trying to show me what it's like when guys....." Her words trailed off when Hercules lower jaw fell.

"When guys what, IOLAUS!?!?!?!?" He exploded, suddenly thinking that the two of them had conspired to embarrass him half to death. He snatched up Iolaus' wrist, turned to make some kind of excuse about leaving the party and reallized that every set of eyes in the room were upon them. Heat rose up Hercules neck like a volcano about to erupt. His tortured eyes finally lighted on Xena, hoping for support and she merely licked her lips like a fat cat taking pleasure in a saucer of cream.

Hercules spun Iolaus around, swung his arm in a great arc and connected with Iolaus' perfect right glute...a mighty slap that lifted the small blond practically off his feet and sent him tripping forward toward the door exiting the great hall. On the move, Hercules giant strides had him barreling down on Iolaus with another great slap to the left glute just as Iolaus had only regained his balance. Whack!

Iolaus was once again tripping forward trying to catch his balance. The room was silent except for the sound of each slap and Iolaus crying, "OUCH! HERC! THAT HURTS!"

WHACK! And Iolaus was close to the stairs that led to upper chambers.

At that point, Iolaus wheeled unsteadily on the looming half God and tried to take up a fighting stance. "Now, just a minute! You don't understand." He rebelled and Hercules caught his wrist, jerking him in one movement that hoisted Iolaus up over his shoulder.

"Hey, ya big bully, this has gone far enough!!! PUT ME DOWN!"

Hercules laughed vengefully and WHACK!

OUCH! Iolaus pummeled on Hercules back with fists that might as well have been drumming on a hollow beach log. His ass was on fire from the spanking it was getting and as he bounced up the steps, he could see all the merrimakers gathered at the foot of the stairs, watching him impotently flailing at Hercules. His face was growing redder than he imagined his ass to be.

At the top of the stairs, he heard Xena call out from below, "Don't worry Iolaus, Aphrodite went to get some snow for you to sit in later."

" HA...HA...HA!" Iolaus called out sarcastically and then; WHACK!!!

OWOOOOOOooooooooo.....Iolaus wailed. Herc had just hit the same spot one time too many, but fortunately the spanking ended when Hercules kicked in the chamber door and tossed Iolaus on the bed, standing at the foot with his arms crossed, obviously waiting for a heart felt apology. As he looked down at Iolaus, he saw the huge straining bulge threatening to burst out of his codpiece. Hercules immediately became befuddled, staring down at his beautiful ruddy faced blond, confusion swamping his senses. "Good grief!" He muttered. Running a hand through his long hair.

Iolaus was up on his knees, slowly moving over bedding toward Hercules, releasing his erection from the restraining confines of his codpiece, knowing how the sight of his engorged cock would stimulate his lover. "It's all I wanted, Herc." He cajoled. "...I just wanted a little rough and wild." He stopped just in front of Hercules when the tip of his glans pressed against the woven leather of Hercules pants and then his hand cupped and stroked the growing bulge swelling as a result of his touch. Hercules was frozen in place, still outraged by the scheme Iolaus had hatched to manipulate him.

Before he could act on his anger, Hercules swayed on his feet when Iolaus bent down and put his mouth to the thickening bulge, Iolaus' teeth nipping at the leather and sensitive skin below....clamping down with his whole mouth to make a shudder rock Hercules and dissolve his ire. Just when Iolaus thought he had the large man melting, Hercules snatched him up, using his strength to rip Iolaus' pants from his body, slap him face down, bent over at the foot of the strong hand pressed in the middle of his back, holding him down effortlessly as he struggled. Hercules' other hand was busy pulling his cock free, then rubbing it over the bright pink ass cheeks he knew were still stinging furiously. He used his cock to caress the fiery hand prints, making languid circles around each buttock and soon Iolaus was moaning as he humped down into the bed.

Hercules reached below, taking Iolaus' tight ballsack in his hand, rolling them in his fingers as he slid his cock along the crevass of the most perfect ass he'd ever seen, slowly sliding from one end of the crack to the other, feeling the rock hard muscles clench, cradling his throbbing cock. Iolaus groaned and began involuntary grinding against the bed.

"You better not cum, you little whore!"

Iolaus was in a pleasure fog...."Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...." Was all he could manage, but his ass cheeks began to relax and with every slide over him, Hercules cock moved deeper between them untill his glans slid over and against the sensitive anus. Iolaus raised up with the last two passes, his body seeking the pleasure of Hercules entering him. "Please, Herc........" he begged and at long last Hercules knelt between his legs and slid his tongue into the relaxing opening.

Iolaus' body shuddered and convulsed as Hercules reached under, grasping the straining cock he loved, squeezing and stroking it in long, almost viciously hard strokes. With each pass down the shaft, his tongue thrust inside Iolaus and the blond would cry out in abandonment, begging for release which came all too soon. Hot semen jetting out as he convulsed with each spasm, the sensations so overwhelmingly good he kept coming close to black out....and when he was spent, Hercules stood and pressed his glans to the tight entrance, slowly working his way in, using Iolaus' captured cum as added lubrication.

The first slide in was deliriously tight and Hercules ass cheeks quivered as he gently pushed against the sphincter, then felt the give of moving past them and Iolaus' pleasure as his cock rode over the nerves that served the prostate. His assault was sooo deliciously slow and sensual, each serpentine thrust of his lower body so full of enjoyment and pleasure, Iolaus' cock swelled again from the sensations and soon he was writhing against the bed, each downward thrust, causing his ass to clamp and squeeze the impaling cock. Unable to hold back any longer, Hercules exploded inside Iolaus....pumping hot spurts of jizz deep into his lover, growling with the spasm of each pleasurable jet. So filled to capacity, so drunk on pleasure, another orgasm rendered Iolaus insensate while the stream of white cum exploded out of him. The sensations were so intense, Iolaus wailed in pseudo agony....a mixture of pain and pleasure so keen it was ecstasy. He rubbed his sweaty face in the bedding and in the process of wiping, noticed that the chamber door was wide open. His face blushed crimson yet again....knowing full well that everyone heard his conquering......

By MaryE

The demigod eased himself from his partner's still bright red ass, rubbing a soothing hand over the luscious mounds as he backed up. He stood at the end of the bed, smiling affectionately down at his lover when he caught Iolaus' nervous gaze and followed the direction of the hunter's attention to the open door. He grabbed two towels, threw one over the hunter's exposed ass and wrapped the other around his own waist before walking over to check the hallway and close the door. The demigod stuck his head out, fully expecting to find at least several dozen people crowded around watching their recent bedroom antics. Yet when he poked his head out he found the corridors totally empty.

"The coast is clear Iolaus. I bet you thought we had an audience," grinned the demigod.

Not believing that he could be that lucky today, Iolaus hopped off the bed, secured the towel around his waist and joined the demigod at the door. Almost total silence reigned. They could hear the muffled sounds of music and revelry wafting up from the great hall below, muffled enough to indicate that the giant wooden doors that led to this wing of the palace were closed. They were ready to shut the bedroom door when a low voice they both recognized as belonging to Xena caught their attention. Xena and Gabrielle's room was across from theirs and the door had been left wide open. They could also hear the rumble of thunder and see a few flashes of lightning illuminating the corners of the hallway.

"I'm going over to say thanks to Xena. She must have held off the crowd and closed the doors downstairs to give us some privacy. I'll be right back."

"Like that Herc? Don't you want to put your pants on at least?" questioned the hunter.

"Nah, It'll only take half a minute and Xena won't mind." responded the demigod.

He approached the women's door and they could hear Xena's low sensuous voice addressing her bard.

"How'd ya like those moves I made downstairs Gabrielle? Do I have skills, or do I have skills?" asked the warrior princess. Hercules popped his head inside the women's door, catching himself before he spoke and interrupted the scene that was unfolding before him. The demigod motioned for Iolaus to be quiet and to join him.

Xena moved with feline-like grace. As she removed her breastplate and the rest of her armor, dropping them to her feet, Xena slowly backed her Gabrielle carefully and inexorably against the wall.speaking softly as she lightly traced her fingers from Gab's wrist up her arm, teasing sensual sensations from her partner.raising goose bumps on the bard's creamy skin.raising taut nipples on the bard's heaving breasts. Xena leaned into her, trapping Gabrielle against the wall.

"One swift move pushed all those people back into the great hall. And telling them to mind their own business before I shut the door was exhilarating. I love being able to tell all those royal stuffed shirts what to do with themselves. No one deserves such a large audience when they're making love, right Gabrielle? Just the two of us...that was enough of an audience...a private performance to get two horny voyeurs warmed up. Gods, Gabrielle...those two gorgeous men are soooo hot by themselves, but together.together they set my blood on fire!" purred the warrior princess as she placed her other hand against the wall above the bard's shoulder and bent to nuzzle at the blonde's exposed neck.

"What's the matter, my bard? Cat got your tongue?" Xena asked . "Better go find'll be needing it later." she added and gave a low throaty laugh.

A candle in the room flickered in the brisk breeze that was coming through the window. A flash of lightning lit up the room and drew Gabrielle's attention away from her lover for just a heartbeat. Long enough to register the presence of the demigod and his hunter. Xena was unaware of their presence with her head buried in the bard's neck, long fingers ruffling through her lover's hair massaging the back of her scalp.

Gabrielle really had enjoyed watching the two men going at it only minutes before and believed that Hercules and Iolaus should be paid back 'tit for tat' so to speak. The bard locked eyes with Iolaus, put her hands on Xena's bodice and yanked the garment down. Exposing the warrior's beautiful, ample breasts, Gabrielle raised her free hand, circled her teasing fingers around the warrior woman's raised nipple then gave it a firm pinch. The princess' quick intake of breath was cut off by the bard's insistent mouth on hers, tongue seeking and being granted entrance. The bard raised her other hand and began playing with Xena's other nipple in a similar manner causing the warrior princess to moan into the kiss.

In a low, throaty sensuous voice that neither man had ever heard coming from the blonde amazon, Gabrielle asked "What's so bad about having an audience, Xena? You enjoyed the limelight when you were the warrior princess. What's so different today? Now lover, you have something to say to me? About this afternoon?" Gabrielle playfully demanded as her delicate fingers firmly clamped down on her lover's nipples, eliciting a grunt of pleasure/pain from Xena.

"Yeah Gabrielle, I'm sorry I've been growling like a bear at you all day. You know how I get when there are gods involved in anything...especially Ares..."

"Enough your tongue, Xena you're going to need it later," growled the bard in a deep sex-laden voice. Gabrielle grabbed the warrior princess' garment, gave it a light tug, and the maroon shift slid off the rest of Xena's body, falling in a pool at her feet. The bard ran her fingers lightly around the waistband of Xena's panties, letting her finger slip inside every now and again as her princess bent to play a game with her.a game of gentle lips and tongues against each other.

The two heroes were mesmerized by what they were witnessing, both knowing that they should be turning around to leave but neither having the desire, nor the strength of will to move an inch.

The hunter and demigod looked into each other's eyes for confirmation that they were going to stay put, and finding agreement in each other, they turned to watch the scene play out before them. As Iolaus turned back fully, he looked down and caught sight of the demigod's enormous, rock-hard erection peaking out of the fold of the towel. Iolaus had just had the benefit of coming twice under the hands of his lover. Hercules had only come once and, being a demigod, his recuperative powers were phenomenal. The hunter made a mental note to take care of his partner at the very first chance he could without disturbing the bard's grand performance.

Xena's groan at Gabrielle's attention to her sensitive breasts brought the heroes' full attention back to the women.

"Gabrielle, don't you want to wait for Aphrodite? She said she'd be back." breathy whisper from the princess.

"No, Xena. I can't wait any more. If Dite comes she can catch up with us." said the bard as she finally ran her hands into Xena's panties, pulling them down around the warrior princess' knees. The bard knelt in front of her lover, snaking out her talented tongue, seeking her lover's pleasure point, teasing and lapping at the small bud that peaked out through rosy petals until Xena was on the edge...tumbling over with a quick shout that subsided into a long, loud groan. Another flash of lightning and roar of thunder served to wake the two heroes from their voyeuristic reverie.

Hercules caught himself as his hand was poised ready to take his engorged member into his own hands and he blushed, turned on his heel and headed silently back to his room across the hall. Iolaus followed him and urged him to stay. Xena gave another shout and Herc turned abruptly to the hunter, a bit perturbed, and whispered "She never made those sounds when I was with her."

The hunter chuckled and said, "I got her to make them every time." At that, the demigod shot him a look that was half unbelieving and half hurt so the hunter had second thoughts and added... "Oh, all right, once...but it wasn't as loud as that." Xena gave another shout.Hercules muttered "this I've got to see,". and the two heroes turned back to resume their positions at the open door of the women's room, only to find that the 'action' had moved over to the bed.

The bard was extremely talented with her tongue and hands, hitting all of her warrior princess' sensitive spots.burying her face time and time again in her lover's darkly furred mound, kneading the most beautiful, perfectly rounded buttocks in both of her small hands.

Coming up for air, the blonde's cheeks, lips and chin were coated with her lover's flowing juices, to be shared in long lingering kisses. When the princess was fully prepared.panting in sweet anticipation.Gabrielle reached under the pillow where she had previously stashed a phallus of unique proportions. The men could see that it was shorter than either one of their own members but probably almost twice as thick. The bard strapped it in place and rubbed the head across her lover's slit seeking the entrance to that honeyed cave. She sank in as Xena's legs came up and wrapped themselves around her bard's waist. They quickly settled into the rhythm of the ages.

Iolaus was fully intent on watching Gabrielle's performance on the bed but his eyes were also inexorably drawn back to his lover's almost painfully upright penis. Knowing where his priorities lay, and feeling the hunger rise up in him again, the hunter knelt before his partner and began to pleasure him as the demigod continued to watch. Hercules dragged his eyes away from the girls for just a moment to gaze into the eyes of his lover and acknowledge the hunter's attention with love and gratitude.

After Gabrielle backed away from her lover and removed the phallus from Xena's dripping entrance the bard immediately filled the void with her delicate, little feminine hand. She worked her digits in and out of that honeyed cave until she had her princess rocking.then Gabrielle did something that Hercules had heretofore thought impossible. Folding the fingers of her right hand into a small, tight formation, the bard inserted all of her fingers into Xena's vagina which was visibly dripping with love juices. Within seconds, the bard's entire hand disappeared inside her lover.

Hercules grabbed Iolaus by the hair and pulled his lover's mouth off of his throbbing member. He needed Iolaus to witness this with his own eyes, as the hunter would never believe him otherwise. The two men watched in open-mouthed wonder as Gabrielle's hand eased inside up to the wrist and stopped there, unmoving, until her lover became comfortable with the fit. When Xena's hips began grinding and small mewling noises were coming out of her mouth, the demigod again gazed into his partner's eyes before pushing the hunter's mouth back down to continue it's pleasure-giving task.

Xena legs shook uncontrollably as she growled out her lover's name and writhed in climax. Hercules, senses completely overloaded between the watching and what his lover's mouth was doing to him, climaxed at the same time. Gabrielle massaged her lover's abdomen and waited for the princess to calm before attempting to remove her hand completely. Iolaus stood, licking his lips and allowed the towel to fall back into place around the demigod's hips. As the bard completely removed her hand, Aphrodite finally appeared next to the bed in a shimmer of pink sparkles. Xena was completely out of it and didn't even stir to acknowledge the presence of the goddess.

The lightening and thunder had increased at least threefold in the past couple of minutes causing flashes and shadows to jump across the walls of the room.

Dite kissed Gabrielle as the bard climbed off the bed and wrapped the sheet around herself. The bard shivered in the goddess' arms causing Dite to lightly laugh. "Are you afraid of a little lightening and thunder sweetness?"

"It's not little Aphrodite. This is going to be quite some storm," returned the bard as she shivered one more time.

"That stuff...that's not a storm. That's my Hephster and Ares. They'd been going at it because Heph thought it was Ares fault I was trapped in Curley's body. Heph has it out for Ares know, being that Ares and I have children together and Heph and I don't have any...yet," soothed the amused goddess of love.

"Well then why is the lightning getting worse? I don't understand," questioned the bard before she returned Dite's kiss and nibbled on the goddess' lower lip. She allowed Dite just enough time to come up for air so she could answer Gabrielle's question.

"Wow.good kissing bard baby! Yum! Where was I. oh yeah, it's getting worse because Ares told Hephie about Discord's part in all of this and the noise you hear are the both of them punishing that little ratbag of a goddess right now. It'll all blow over as soon as Zeus gets annoyed enough by all the noise. You don't know how Daddy can get...he's got a very low tolerance for loud noises."

Dite gently ran her fingers through the bard's hair, then down her cheek to grip her chin pulling her in for another long slow, intense kiss.

Neither one of the men wanted to witness this. Herc was squicked by his family's sexual proclivities and, although Iolaus would have watched under other circumstances, he wouldn't now out of loyalty to his lover. Hercules and Iolaus closed the door to the women's room silently behind them and headed to their own room. The demigod eased his arm around his lover's waist and whispered low for only Iolaus to hear. "You know, this afternoon, before I met up with you and Autolycus, Heph came to me with an offer. He said that if I could figure out a way to get Dite out of your body he'd give me whatever I wanted. So I told him just to give me some of the chains from his forge that I'd been admiring the last time I was there and that you would give me what I really wanted."

"Which is..." asked the hunter with equal parts of eagerness and wariness in his voice, thinking.hoping that he was just about to get the demigod to chain him to the bed and use him some more this evening.

"Which is," continued the now blushing demigod, "for you to tie me to the bed with those chains and then fuck me until daybreak. Happy Solstice, Iolaus."

The hunter caught his breath. He'd been dreaming about this impossible scenario for the longest time but he had to make sure because maybe.just maybe.his partner hadn't thought this all the way through in the heat of the moment.

"Are you sure this is a good idea Herc...I mean."

"About you fucking me? Iolaus I've never been more sure."

"No Herc, about the chains. That's a big step for you, daring.dangerous even."

Hercules muffled the hunter's protestations with a deep, probing kiss then backed off saying "I know.but I'm getting a little tired of all this routine lovemaking.not that there's anything wrong with the sex.I don't want you to get me wrong Iolaus, but it has been getting kind of.I don't predictable as clockwork. I really needed to try to shake things up a bit. What do you think?" All the hunter could do was plop down on the end of their bed and roll his eyes.if he hadn't been so impatient.if he had only waited an extra day he wouldn't have had to go through all of that with Dite inhabiting his body.

The hunter sighed deeply as he took the chains from his partner's suddenly trembling hands. He positioned Hercules on his back in the center of the bed, but before he applied the chains he bent close to his lover and pleaded "Herc, promise me, if you ever see me getting antsy about something in our love life.put me in these chains and don't let me loose until it passes over. Promise?"

"Promise," echoed the demigod. "Now shut up and fuck me."


Tthe end of the story.but the beginning of a great Solstice celebration.