Title: Tic. Tic. Tic.

Author: Rising Sun

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Rated: PG-13

Summary: With only twenty minutes lead-time Mac’s physic abilities manifest to the benefit of all.

Spoilers: Capitol Crime, Soul Searching, JAG-a-Thon and Dog Robber Part 2

Disclaimer: NONE of these characters are mine! No copyright infringement intended. All other characters depicted are purely fictional and any similarities to actual people are purely coincidental.

Feedback: Send it.

Permission to archive: Permission granted.

Story written June 23, 2002


Tic. Tic. Tic.
by Rising Sun


0800 LOCAL

It was Monday and Mac was running late. It was unlike her but she’d overslept and then with three flat tires, she was lucky to be arriving at 0800 and not 2000 instead. Her car pulled up into the car park, she grabbed her cover and case and headed for the building. After all this time Harm had finally managed to reach work before her. She’d never hear the end of it. The elevator doors opened and she stepped in.

It was almost a ritual: She emerged from the elevator greeted persons as she navigated the bullpen to her office. Once t here she first checked her phone messages, e-mail then headed for her first cup of coffee before diving into her first case. Usually around 1000 the Admiral called a meeting to assign new cases. This day was no different – so ok she was late by her standards but that was no reason to change.

+ + +

0820 LOCAL

Mac emerged with coffee number one in her hand and spotted Sturgis, he couldn’t be missed with Matonni on TDY Turner was the only black officer around. "Hey." She said and they fell into step.

"Hey yourself. You look a little tired. Are you all right?"

"Had a rough night. Weird dream."

"Scary weird or naked-in-front-of-the-Marine- Corps-Band-weird?" He teased.

She chuckled "Commander, I learn something new about you every day."

"There a problem here!" Admiral Chedwiggen asked in his usual commanding manner.

+ + +

"Sir?" Mac blinked

"I asked, "Is there a problem here?" Admiral Chedwiggen was standing next to Mac who was still seated in her car.

She was disoriented – what had just happened? She quickly got out. "No sir. No problem."

His eyes narrowed. "You ok?"

"Yes sir." She assured her CO as they walked into the building together.

As they stepped out Sturgis spotted them. "Morning Sir… Colonel."

"Commander." AJ acknowledged. "How goes the consultation with Commander Akins on the Russian Arms Agreement?"

"Expect her at 0900 sir." The man assured him. "She’ll be reviewing the MOU which will set the ground rules for the disarming of the nuclear weapons."

AJ considered the brief "Carry on."

"Aye sir!" The junior officers replied.

+ + +

0820 LOCAL

Sturgis stood in the threshold of Mac’s office and shook his head. "You are so predictable."


"It has to be 0820."

"It is." she confirmed as she swallowed more of the brew.

"I know. If it’s 08020 Mac is drinking coffee."

She smiled.

He came in and sat. "You ok?"

"Why is something wrong? The Admiral asked me that."

He shrugged "You look a little tired."

She sighed heavily "Had a rough night. Weird dream." Mac felt herself enter the Twilight Zone as

Sturgis replied.

"Scary weird or naked-in-front-of-the-Marine- Corps-Band-weird?"

She snapped back as he voice penetrated her fog. "Huh?"

"Mac I’m beginning to worry about you." He face mirrored the concern in his voice.

She waived him off. "I’m fine. Leave me to my coffee or I’ll be of no used to you with Laura Akins."

"Yes ma’am!" He replied.

She slowly sipped the coffee as she at what had just happened.



2308 LOCAL

Mac had been sitting on the sofa for hours, reviewing the day and the latest episode in her precognitive abilities. This one had been a humdinger. Within the usual twenty minutes her vision had unfolded this time the Admiral was involved…

Mac approached her CO’ "I spoke with Commander Lindsey."

"Did you?" AJ replied and walked by.

Mac followed him "Yes, Sir. He's been authorized to speak for both the CNO and SECNAV."

He stopped abruptly "AJ: How did such a mediocre officer become so powerful?"

"Well, if I had to guess, Sir, it would be because he doesn't put himself or his values on the line."

He folded his arms and shook his head. "In an ideal world, Colonel, that should be a prescription for failure."

At the rate this was going it was either going to help or hinder her ability to function in the office.

She hoped it would help. With abilities like this who needed hindrances!!!



1414 LOCAL

"Got a minute?" Mac popped her head into Harm’s office.

"Hey! Yeah… Sure… Come in." He gestured towards a chair. "What’s up?"

She hesitated.

"Mac? He pressed.

"I think my abilities are finally overwhelming me." She confessed.

"Tell me." He ordered.

She did.

"… and you say there is a twenty minute time lag?"

She nodded. The next manifestation is at 1434." She handed him a sealed envelope. "I’ve written what will happen at that moment.

Harriett stood at the door "Sir? Ma’am? Do you have a moment?"

"Sure! Come on in?" Harm called her in "How may we help?"

"Bud… Lt. Roberts and I are debating on the type of car to get. I want an SUV" She sub consciously rubbed her stomach – she was pregnant.

"… and Bud doesn’t." Mac got it in one.

"Weeel." Harm empathized "He’s a young man. The urge is for sleek and sweet!"

"He’s a family man… Sir." Harriett was horrified.

"A car is strictly transportation to me. I don't need it to define my sexuality." Mac pronounced.

"Otherwise you'd be driving a HUMVEE." Harm chuckled.

"Ooooh." Harriett cooed, "That was wicked!"

"Isn’t it just!" Mac agreed.

+ + +

It wasn’t until he’d returned from Court that Harm remembered Mac’s envelope. He ripped it open and read it.


1434 LOCAL – Harm’s Office

Present: Commander Rabb, Lt. Sims and Lt. Colonel Mackenzie.

Mac: A car is strictly transportation to me. I don't need it to define my sexuality.

Harm: Otherwise you'd be driving a HUMVEE.

He went icy grip of physic phenomena as he read it again. He headed for Mac’s office. The office was empty he spotted Tiner.



"Do you know where the Colonel is?"

"Leavenworth sir… her latest case." The Petty Office supplied.

Harm nodded his thanks. Their talk would have to wait.



1132 LOCAL

Harm emerged from Court and headed straight for Mac’s office. "Hey!" He waltzed in. She was standing looking out her window. "Mac?" He called.

She turned and he could see that she had been crying.

"What’s wrong?" He was concerned Mac didn’t cry unless the stress was great.

She spoke so low that he had to concentrate to hear what she said. What she said left him cold.

"You have pulled some stunts over the years that I have known you but this one will kill me. Get out."

"Tell me what I did!" He pleaded. He really didn’t know.

"You will. Now get out."

"Mac…" He began again then stopped abruptly. She had reached into her desk and pulled out her gun. She didn’t say a word. She just cocked it and pointed it straight at him. He looked at the gun then at the woman holding it and decided that retreat was the better part of valor. He left.

+ + +


1152 LOCAL

Harm was concerned, confused, worried and scared of and for Mac. WHAT was going on? He replayed her words and a phrase stood out "…but this one will kill me." In the heat of the moment he had missed the future tense! He got out determined to get through to Mac.

He rounded his desk and headed for her office, but she wasn’t there. He stood at her office door and contemplated his next step. Sturgis walked by and Harm greeted him "Hey good luck in Court."

Sturgis replied, "Hey you too you too." They were on opposing sides of the same case.

Harm hesitated, "Listen… about before…"

"What do you mean?" Sturgis asked as the two walked across the bullpen heading for the elevator.

"This thing with Mac and I we’re just in a weird place right now. So don’t let it bother you all right?" Harm advised.

"OK" his friend replied.

Harm wasn’t convinced "It’s bothering you."

Sturgis was confused; "I don’t even know what you’re talking about!"

"Well you were sensing something…" Harm insisted.

Sturgis admitted; "Well tension."

"There you go."

"I don’t think about your relationship it don’t mean anything to me." Turner assured him.

"Right." Harm said, "Just don't assume anything all right."

Sturgis snapped; "Like what!"

"Like nothing. Whatever you're thinking you're probably wrong." Harm was talking but as usual saying nothing.

"If you say so buddy."

"…‘cause Mac and I are just friends." Harm stated.

"Now I didn't say you weren't." Sturgis got defensive.

"I know."

Sturgis was suspicious, "Is there some reason to believe otherwise?"

"No!" Harm hastened to reply.

"Cause you seem to be suggesting…" Sturgis continued.

"I’m not suggesting anything."

Sturgis was on the hunt "Were you ever a couple?"


The bloodhound would not give up that easily "Did it come up? … Harm are you involved with her?"

Harm felt like a witness in a court case "I'm not."

"You sure?" Sturgis was unrelenting.

As the elevator door opened Sturgis spotted Mac just as Harm replied … "Look anyone who's ever been involved with Mac is either dead or feels like they are." He realized that something was wrong by the look on Sturgis’s face… he KNEW something was wrong when he heard Mac murmur, "Excuse me."

He watched her hurry away from them… from him. He looked at Sturgis for understanding.

Sturgis replied to the look with "Please."

The elevator doors closed and Harm sank to the floor. Mac’s words rang in his ears "…but this one will kill me." He’d just shafted his best friend. No wonder she’d pulled a gun on him!!!



1009 LOCAL


Mac felt her sanity was in question. Four days this twenty minute leap in premonitions had been plaguing her and she had no reason to believe that this being day five would be any different. As she was paying attention to the cross examination she zoned out.

She was called back by the judge, "Ma’am?" she was mortified.

"Welcome back Colonel. Do you wish to cross examine?" Admiral Morris demanded.

Mac stood as calmly as she could. "Sir the Government requests a twenty minute recess."

Harm’s antenna went up and before the Judge could react he spoke "We have no objection your honor."

Morris got suspicious. "Is there something I should know people!!!"

The two lawyers paused. Harm suspected that Mac had had another vision but he couldn’t say that neither could she! What could they say? Mac in turn was facing her own conflict and finally she surrendered the last she heard was Harm shouting her name.

As Harm wondered at what excuse would be acceptable he saw Mac legs buckle under her. He caught her just in time.



1024 LOCAL


Mac sat up abruptly. "Whoa hold it Marine!" Admiral Chedwiggen said. "You ok?"

Mac did a quick internal time check, five minutes left. "Yes sir. What happened?"

"You fainted in the Court room. I expect the EMTs here long ago." AJ explained. "In the mean time my hands have been full with the Commander and the rest of the posse all crowding around."

She stood.

"Where are you off to!" He demanded.

She thought fast. "The ladies room."

He nodded. "Return here when done Colonel – THAT is an order."

"Aye sir." She left.

+ + +


1025 LOCAL

Time was against her. Past drills had shown that on a good day it took three minutes twenty six seconds to empty the building. She had four minutes to make it happen.

With no ceremony what so ever she brushed passed everyone never acknowledging the calls of concern at her.

Harm joined her. "Talk." He ordered.

They rounded the corner, she paused at the head of the stairs and hit the fire alarm. "Bomb." She replied.

+ + +


1029 LOCAL

With dust settling everywhere Harm explained the situation to his Commanding Officer.

Mac was seated on the curb near the guard hut. They had managed to get everyone out. Now she understood the week’s visions. It was setting her up so that when this warning came she would not hesitate. She spotted the Admiral approaching her and stood.

"Colonel, is this another one of those...moments?" he asked.

"Yes, Sir."