Title: Untitled LotR #2

Author: Abbi

Disclaimer - If I had invented these characters they'd be doing this kind of thing all the time!

Fandom: Lord Of the Rings

Pairing: Legolas/Boromir

Rating - no idea, let's go with R

Notes - just try to believe the dialogue. Or ignore it. And pretend they're in Sharpe costume, I'm sure that would help! I think I'm going to have fun with Legolas and his lonely nights! As for setting, just pretend they've stopped somewhere awhile...Hell, this is PWP, who cares where they are?!



By Abbi


Legolas paced the cliff top silently, casting an occasional eye on his sleeping companions. They had been weary after the day's long march, but he, as always, was well rested only moments after they called a halt to the march. The night was cold, and his skin prickled under his loosened clothing. He was surprisingly bored - the events of the previous night had given him an appetite he had been without for years. He crept towards the sleeping Aragorn, and knelt by him, contemplating waking him up for a little light entertainment. As he extended his hand to Aragorn's shoulder, the ranger stirred a little, and moved his hand to his sword.

Not wanting to meet with decapitation at such an early stage of their journey, Legolas turned away and left Aragorn to sleep. Anyway, he reflected, they would have plenty of other opportunities. He paced the skyline, impatiently deciding what to do for the next few hours. Surveying the company, he passed over the heap of sleeping hobbits - too short and insubstantial for his tastes, Gandalf and Gimli had too much beard, Aragorn was lovely but tired, and...Boromir. Now there was an idea.

Boromir slept as a true soldier - hand on sword, ready to fight at a moment's notice. He lay a little distance from the others, and appeared to be sleeping soundly. Legolas tried hard to disguise the mischevious look on his face as he took an arrow from his quiver - he too was fully armed - and gently brushed the quills against Boromir's throat. Boromir stirred a little, but did not wake.

Legolas had a different idea now, and, deciding it was much the best plan, he replaced the arrow and drew a knife from his side. In one movement, he clapped a hand to Boromir's mouth and placed the knife at his throat. Boromir awoke with a start but, feeling the cold metal against his jugular, did not move. Instead, he looked to Legolas as if he had been betrayed by all that meant anything to him. Legolas couldn't help but feel a little satisfaction at this. In silent conversation, he instructed that he would move the knife if Boromir would follow him, silently. Boromir twitched his assent.

Legolas allowed Boromir to get to his feet, and with the knife to his back, pushed him as far as the clearing he had occupied the previous night. He let slip the knife, and, taking Boromir around the neck, kissed him softly several times. For a moment it seemed as if Boromir warmed to him, but suddenly he drew his sword, making as if to seriously damage the elf. Legolas was too quick for him, however, and had stepped some way back, an arrow to his bow already.

"You can't leave me now", Legolas whispered. "I'd shoot you before you took a pace."

Boromir did not drop his sword, but he spoke cautiously.

"What did you bring me here for?"

"You know what I brought you here for. And you wouldn't've come if you didn't think the same."

Through the darkness, Legolas' sharp vision almost certainly percieved the colour that flushed through Boromir's irritated expression.

"Come on. Don't play the innocent. That's no fun."

"And what is your idea of fun?"

"I'll show you. If you come a little closer."

As Boromir edged towards him, Legolas replaced his bow and arrow, however, quick as a flash he drew his knives to Boromir's sword, which he still held to guard.

"A little foreplay, perhaps?"

Boromir stared at him in surprise, but Legolas took the moment to cross his stride and duck under the sword, one knife to Boromir's throat again, another to his heart. He sighed, reproachfully.

"You'll have to be quicker. As yet, I've never succumbed to necrophilia. I'd rather have you alive."

With a cry, Boromir leapt back, and with a few moments of action as sword crashed against knife, he had Legolas by the throat. Not wanting to waste the moment, he gave the elf a lingering kiss, the heat of his lips and tongue contrasting with the cold of the sword. As he drew back, Legolas laughed a little.

"I knew you'd like it this way. Come on!"

He flicked the blade of Boromir's sword lightly away and danced happily around the man, laughing as Boromir had to concentrate hard to avoid Legolas' carefully placed thrusts. As he wove in and out of the other's movements, he caught Boromir's off-guard forearm with one of his knives, leading the sharp elf-blade to cleave neatly the thick leather and graze the man's flesh.

As Legolas paused with anxiety, Boromir leapt on him, tripping him backwards so that they fell together, Legolas cushioning the fall of the heavier man in a way that would have caused the elf some discomfort, had he the ability to consider it. However, proximity to the apparently lustful Boromir drove such thoughts from his mind.

"This what you wanted?"

Legolas did not answer, but instead cocked his head cheekily to the side, and licked his lips. He pouted teasingly at Boromir - and was cuffed across the face for his efforts. He laughed excitably, and pulled Boromir to him, weapons now cast aside. They writhed together on the ground for some time, and wrestled each other to various vantage points, until Legolas, tiring of the appetiser, decided to move to the main course. He made to tear apart Boromir's jacketing, but Boromir caught his hands and gave him a furious look that either screamed "Do you *know* how much this cost?!" or "Easy - I don't want to have too much to explain away in the morning..."

He knelt astride Legolas, removing his own clothing piece by piece until he was bare chested. He made to undo his trousers, until Legolas stopped him.

"Wait - leave something for me."

Boromir acknowledged this, grudgingly, and then noticed his arm was still bleeding profusely. His moment of diverted attention provided Legolas with the moment he had been waiting for, and Boromir yelped as something lashed into the skin of his shoulder. He looked back at Legolas, but he was already caught again. The elf still lay under him, but had somehow taken the strapping from his quiver and was whipping it at him in an manner that was almost carefree.

Welts were already rising across Boromir's back as he made a half-hearted attempt to catch Legolas' hands, but the elf had already slipped from between his legs, and a gentle kick sent Boromir forwards into the grass. He lay there, gasping for breath as Legolas repeatedly struck him with the tough leather strap. He felt such ecstatic disbelief that he couldn't have moved if he had wanted to. Not that Legolas, now in his element, would have let him. He continued until his arm tired, and for contrast lay next to Boromir, and gently licked over the wounds he had made, and the gash in Boromir's arm. Boromir continued to lie still, and it did cross Legolas' mind for a second that he had killed him. However, as he pulled Boromir's head from the ground, he saw that the man's eyes were still open, if a little glazed with what he hoped was pleasure.

"Is that...the best you can do?" Boromir rasped, slowly.

"Hmmm... I'm not sure."

He dropped Boromir again and slowly reached under him to pull away at his trousers. He felt for Boromir's cock, which pressed hard into the ground, and smiled to himself at hearing Boromir sigh with anticipation. Not wanting to be too kind, he squeezed him lightly, then laughed at the moan that met his withdrawal. He raked his nails down Boromir's back, asking;

"Is this any better?" without really expecting any reply.

Legolas noticed that already the sky was brightening. Next time, he thought, I'll start early... He had had his fun now, and thought it would be a shame to finish things off - Boromir might not be so forthcoming next time without something to look forward too...

He pondered the matter as he kissed and clawed at the man, and eventually decided on his course of action.

Standing up and dusting himself off, he bent down to Boromir, who looked into his eyes with elation.

Legolas kissed him lightly.

"Namarié." he whispered, as he turned on his heel and, stooping to collect his weaponry, he glided away through the trees, leaving Boromir prostrate on the grass.