AUTHOR: Lily Baggins

PAIRING: Frodo/Aragorn


SETTING: With the Fellowship after leaving Rivendell. Part humor.

DISCLAIMER. The usual. I make no money off of this and do not own these characters, much to my chagrin. They belong to Tolkien Enterprises, or whoever has the rights now, and I only give them interesting---and often unpleasant---ways to spend their time.

Feedback: Sure.

Was It Good
by Lily Baggins

Four hobbits lay curled up on their sides, wrapped snuggly in blankets, around the campfire. Two were vainly trying to sleep, but the howl of Wargs in the distance made them uneasy. Legolas, Gimli, and Gandalf were already asleep in the shadows beyond the campfire. Several feet away, Aragorn sat leaning against a tree and puffed on his pipe, keeping watch. Every so often, his eyes would stray to the campfire and he would study the four small beings huddled there---especially Frodo.

Every since he had met the hobbit in Bree, Frodo had stirred something in the ranger. At first, Aragorn had attributed it to simple protectiveness. But now, he had to admit, more than protectiveness stirred whenever he looked at Frodo. Those eyes, that youthful glow, the honesty and courage . . . Aragorn could easily see himself falling hard for the hobbit.

Now, said hobbit was watching the campfire, and Aragorn could just make out his face in the glow. He heard Frodo's soft sigh as he moved slightly, trying to find a comfortable position on the cold hard ground. Aragorn's eyes traveled over the hobbit's blanket-swathed form, moving up to the soft lips and sleepy eyes framed by dark lashes, then he caught himself, remembering the Wargs, and with difficulty, turned his attention back to watching the dark woods beyond.

Frodo was doing his best to fall asleep, but to no avail, since Pippin was delighting in carrying on a conversation with Merry and would not be quiet. Frodo lay half listening to their whispers, feeling the soft breeze rustling his hair. Near the tree, Aragorn's sharp ears could pick up almost all of their conversation.

"Oh, come on, Merry, you remember that night at The Green Dragon, don't you? Merry?" Pippin asked.

"Pippin," said Merry tiredly, "I remember it only too well. And despite what you would have others believe, Rosemary Proudfoot was NOT sweet on you. You're dreaming."

Pippin grunted. "You choose what you want to believe, Merry. I had her in the palm of my hand. And when we left that night she told me. . ."

Frodo sighed. The talk had turned to hobbit maids, and that meant Pippin might go on chatting forever. Frodo considered moving further away, but knew he'd freeze without the warmth of the fire. Half sitting up and looking around, he caught sight of Sam lying wide awake, also apparently unable to sleep for the noise. Frodo then looked beyond the fire and saw Aragorn leaning against a nearby tree, still as a statue. For a fleeting moment, the hobbit imagined sinking into the comfort and warmth of the ranger's arms. Then he shook himself back to reality and lay back down, clutching his blankets tighter.

"Yes, Merry," Pippin was saying, "but don't you remember that one? She had the biggest . . ."

"Enough!" Frodo ordered, unable to take it anymore. "Pippin, please be quiet and go to sleep. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. Much like all the days after that," he mumbled.

Pippin pursed his lips and glared. "My, cousin Frodo is in a state tonight. With more of his gloomy talk." He looked at Merry and grinned. "But we all know why Frodo doesn't want to talk about the hobbit maids, don't we? He doesn't want to admit that he's . . . inexperienced in the ways of love and only finds company with his right hand."

Aragorn, watching for Wargs in the woods, had only been half listening to the hobbits' conversation. But THIS line of talk immediately got his attention. Whatever he might have imagined hobbits talking about around campfires, it surely wasn't . . . this. And the idea of Frodo . . . doing such things to himself . . . well . . . Aragorn wasn't about to miss the rest of the conversation.

Frodo, refusing to be baited, only rolled his eyes. "Well, my private life is certainly no business of yours, Peregrin Took. You think what you want to. Inexperienced, indeed. I wonder how experienced you are?"

Pippin laughed. "We're talking about you, Frodo. Come on, admit it! You've never been with anyone before. Nobody cares. Just be careful about spending so much time with your right hand in that field, you know---where you claim to spend so much time `reading!' Your hand's likely to fall off some day."

Frodo raised up on one elbow and glared at him. "I hardly think you're one to be throwing stones, my dear hobbit. And in any case, how would you know what I do in the field?"

Pippin laughed. "The same way Bilbo and Sam know, Frodo. We all saw you." He giggled.

Frodo stared at him. "You're making that up, Pippin."

"No, Frodo, remember that time a few years back when Merry broke his leg badly?" Pippin asked. "Sam and Bilbo and I came out to the field looking for you. And you were, uh, up in a tree. `Up' in more ways than one, I might add."

The visual picture that came to Aragorn's mind just then did nothing for his nerves.

"I was reading in that tree, Pippin," Frodo was saying.

"The book was on the ground, Frodo."

"It had fallen and I was just about to climb down to grab it."

"So that's what that gasping was about, Frodo? And the reason your breeches were completely open? And your hand was moving up and down?" Pippin laughed. "We saw you, Frodo, and Bilbo didn't want to embarrass you, so we turned back and waited for you to climb down."

Frodo kept staring at him, feeling a horrible heat creeping up into his cheeks. He glanced at Merry, who looked very innocently back at him. Then he glanced at Sam, but the younger hobbit, his face also burning, wouldn't meet his eyes. Sam coughed discreetly.

Pippin finally broke the silence. "Truly, it's not a big deal, cousin. We all do it. I do it. I'll admit it. I do it all the time. I even did it at the Midgewater Marshes, if you can believe that."

Frodo's mouth gaped and his blue eyes widened. "At the Midgewater? Pippin, are you daft? You're lucky your member didn't get eaten off by gnats."

Pippin grimaced. "Trust me, it almost did, Frodo."

The other three winced. Even Aragorn shuddered slightly.

"Although," Pippin went on, "I guess I haven't been as regular about it lately. When you were stabbed on Weathertop, all thoughts of desire just fled my mind, I was so worried. And in Rivendell . . . well, it almost seemed sacrilegious. Almost," he added with a grin. So Frodo, you can now admit your inexperience in matters of the heart --- or body. We don't mind. In fact, I'll wager Sam is inexperienced, too. Sam?"

Frodo really didn't want his poor friend subjected to Pippin's questioning. Sam was a sensitive hobbit and usually quite shy about such things. If he could find a way to divert Pippin's attention . . .

Suddenly something strange possessed Frodo. Pippin thought Frodo was inexperienced with lovers, which was actually untrue. Frodo had had three in his lifetime, although the only person who knew about them was Sam. Frodo was the epitome of a gentlehobbit and very discreet. And usually, Frodo didn't care to have anyone except his best friend know the details of his private life.

But for some reason, tonight, he wanted to put Pippin in his place. The cold, the Warg howls, and the dangerous journey before them made him feel rather careless. And, he knew that Aragorn could probably hear their conversation. For some reason he couldn't explain, he didn't want Aragorn to think he was just an innocent, naive hobbit with no experience in more worldly ways.

Frodo didn't know exactly why he said it, but suddenly, out it came. "I bedded Dahlia Bracegirdle," he blurted, quite loudly. Then as if that wasn't enough, he added, "As well as Ivy Hardbottle, Opal Proudfoot, and Amarantha Chubb's brother."

Four pairs of eyes suddenly fastened on him---three from the campfire and one from several feet away by the tree. Pippin's mouth was agape. Merry's eyes were sparkling with mirth. Sam looked a bit embarrassed. Aragorn heard Frodo quite loudly and had to stop himself from choking. Several feet away, Gandalf, Gimli, and Legolas stirred. Gandalf opened one eye slowly, thinking he MUST have been dreaming, and settled back down. Surely Frodo hadn't just announced the details of his sex life at 2:00 in the morning in front of eight other people --- two of whom were still relative strangers.

"WHAT?" Pippin cried.

"WHERE?" Merry asked.

"Mr. Frodo!" Sam exclaimed.

Frodo shut his eyes. Why had he told Pippin and Merry? What had possessed him? Surely not the Ring . . . but what was done was done.

"What question would you like answered first?" asked Frodo. "I bedded them. All of them, many times. Not all at once, of course," he laughed, then grew more serious. "Now, I don't suppose I'll ever see any of them again."

Pippin and Merry looked at him, stunned, trying to imagine their seemingly innocent cousing engaging in such activities. Sam shook his head, sighing, and Aragorn . . . well, if he had been worrying about drifting to sleep while on watch, he was now wide awake and had just visualized a totally nude, aroused Frodo, body glowing with perspiration as he moved in tandem with someone else . . . blue eyes opening wide and shining . . . rosebud mouth crying out as release came . . . hot seed spurting . . . Aragorn shook his head to clear it and abruptly stood up, feeling the need for air. He sighed, walked around the tree a few times, rearranged his cloak, and then settled back down to continue listening.

"Well for goodness sakes, what was it like?" Pippin was crying. "Was it good? Why have you never told us before?"

Frodo pinned him with a bright blue glance. "Would I have done it so many times if it wasn't good, my dear hobbit? But as for telling, sorry, Pip, I don't kiss and tell, and nobody needed to know. Besides, why do you need my versions? Aren't you the epitome of the `hobbit about town?' I've heard the rumors."

Pippin glanced down. "Well, cousin, I'm not really a `hobbit about town,' as you put it. I'm afraid I'm not THAT experienced after all. Oh, don't get me wrong --- I've gone pretty far, but never THAT far."

Frodo took pity on him. "Well, Pippin, it's certainly nothing to be ashamed of. You've shown more wisdom than I, not letting yourself get caught up in petty affairs. Athough, I must admit, I'm a little surprised. Here I always thought you were the most worldly of hobbits."

"No," Pippin said, "not quite. But don't tell anyone that! It will ruin reputation!" He grew more serious. "Why were they petty affairs, Frodo? Did you use them and then dump them, my dear cousin?"

Frodo's face grew serious. "No, Pippin. The relationships just weren't meant to be. I really liked all of them, but I wouldn't have called it love. Maybe I was trying to prove I was desirable to someone, not just `mad' Baggins's adopted heir. Maybe it was lust, I don't know. Pure and simple lust . . . just using each other's bodies for pleasure."

Nearby, Aragorn grimaced and shifted his weight to relieve the tightness of his trousers.

"So, why?" Pippin demanded.

Frodo looked at him. "Well . . . things just kind of fizzled out between Ivy and me. Opal moved away to the other side of the Shire and we lost touch. I found out Amarantha's brother was seeing someone else. And as for me and Dahlia, well . . . we got scared. She . . . we . . . we thought, one time, that she was . . . with child. But it was a false alarm." His voice trailed off. "After that, we were too frightened that it could REALLY happen. So we quit, and the spell just . . . wore off. We lost interest in one another. After that, I never really wanted to get involved again."

If the others had been looking at him before with surprise, they were now looking at Frodo with disbelief.

"By Elbereth, is that true?!" said Merry. "I'm very sorry, Frodo."

"Don't be, Merry. It would not have worked out, anyway. It was not the right path to take. It wasn't love --- more like, a friendship. Just the physical yearning of two hobbits who should have known better."

Pippin was silent. He felt bad about having baited Frodo. Sam smiled softly at his master, and Aragorn continued to listen quietly, feeling his heart squeeze in sympathy for the little hobbit.

"Physical yearning?" asked Pippin. "You never did answer my earlier question. Did it live up to your expectations?'

Frodo looked thoughtful. "Well, it was very hurried and fumbled at first. I didn't really know what to do . . . and I'm sure I'm still not too good at it . . ."

*I'll teach him,* Aragorn was thinking . . .

Frodo went on. "But after a few times, yes, I could say I found myself looking forward to it. And I think I gave my partners some pleasure as well. At least, they certainly sounded like it, by the moans . . ."

"And the heaving and thrusting?" Pippin squeaked.

"Yes, Pippin," Frodo said, suddenly wanting the younger hobbit to settle down and go to sleep. "I think you've been reading too many erotic elven stories. Anyway, yes," and here his eyes grew distant, "the heaving . . . the thrusting . . . having somebody that close to you, even inside of you . . . both of your bodies glistening with sweat, pumping . . . until you reach such a high peak that you feel you're going to come undone and scream for mercy."

Sam was aghast at Frodo's frankness. Merry's eyes were wide, his mouth slightly open. Aragorn wiped his brow. He couldn't take much more of this before HE would be climbing the tree to seek release.

"Ooooo, cousin," said Pippin. "How many times in one session did you . . . um . . . you know, reach that peak," he finished.

"Oh, at least two or three times each time we made love," Frodo said. "Of course, the first time was with Dahlia, and we were both virgins, so we had a lot to learn. It hurt her a bit . . . she said I was too big, but eventually, I got it in. Of course, by that time. . . well, let's just say that I didn't last too long that first time. Now I know I have to take it more slowly, give my partner time to let the pleasure build."

Aragorn coughed. Too big? He suddenly wanted to know HOW big Frodo was. Of course, Aragorn had seen almost all of the Company naked while sick or bathing, including Frodo . . . but not naked and AROUSED. And whenever he'd seen Frodo nude, Aragorn had done his level best to look away so he wouldn't embarrass himself. He reminded himself, though, that Frodo was a hobbit, so he'd probably look smallish to the ranger. But hobbits had big feet . . . what if other parts of their anatomy were different, too? Not that the ranger really cared. Frodo could be gelded and Aragorn would still want to do him.

Pippin's eyes were agog. "Tell me more! Tell me more! What about Amarantha's brother? How do you do THAT?"

"Oh, that," Frodo replied. "Well . . . it works pretty much the same way as the bonding between a man and a women, except that you usually put your member in a different place, if you take my meaning."

Pippin did. "But doesn't that . . . hurt??!!" he exclaimed. "Owwwww!"

Frodo silenced him with a look. "The first time, yes, it can hurt like holy fire. And Tollo, well . . . he wanted to do ME. I wasn't really keen on it at first, but he warmed me up to the idea. It was a very tight squeeze when he finally tried it. Boy, it really burned---I remember squeezing my eyes shut with the pain. But oh, was it worth it in the end, and it only hurt that bad the first time. We also learned to use a lot --- a LOT---of butter out of his parents' larder. They always wondered what happened to it, but of course, never found out."

Butter . . . visions of Frodo coated with butter assaulted Aragorn's mind. In his mind's eye he could see Frodo and his lover, as Tollo cupped the twin globes of Frodo's fine backside and pushed his member in, Frodo arching his head back as he grimaced in pain and pleasure. Surely, thought Aragorn, Frodo's lover must have experienced the ultimate sensation as he plunged into Frodo's slick hot depths . . . .

"How'd he warm you up?" Pippin asked.

"Use your imagination, Pippin," said Frodo as he opened his mouth in a giant---for a hobbit---yawn. (Aragorn had visions of what that mouth could do to him). "He just kind of . . . teased me, I guess . . . you know . . . with his mouth on me . . . sucking until I just gave in." The memory of it seemed very near suddenly, and Frodo, shutting his big blue eyes for a moment and half-curling the corners of his rosebud mouth, involuntarily moaned with remembered pleasure.

That did it. Aragorn couldn't take it anymore. He stood.

"So . . ." Pippin began, "how did . . ."

"Pippin!" Frodo admonished, opening his yes, "I've answered all the questions I have a mind to tonight. Can we please go to sleep now? I promise, I'll answer any more you have later."

Pippin looked disappointed. "All right, Frodo. Good night. Thank you and . . . I'm . . . sorry for baiting you."

"Apology accepted, Pippin," Frodo replied. "Now, I think we should all get some sleep." He wrapped his blanket more tightly around him and closed his eyes, sighing softly. Sam did the same. Merry, unable to keep his eyes open any longer, was already dead to the world.

But some feet away, in the covering darkness behind a tree, stood one very wide-awake ranger. Opening his breeches front, he gently began stroking his aroused member. And all the while, he looked with love and longing at Frodo's slender form huddled near the fire.