Rash Decisions



Magnificent Seven ATF


R hurt / comfort


feedback welcome

yes to PEJA for archiving

Buck owwies.

Rash Decisions
by Windwilowk

Chris stood outside the apartment door. He was dressed in tight fitting, black jeans with a tan T-shirt. He contemplated using his key. Then he remembered JD's jeep sitting out front and decided to knock. His fist landed once and the door practically flew open. Chris found himself facing a flustered JD.

"Chris! I'm so glad you're here. I was just going to call you when I heard the knock on the door. Buck came out of the bathroom a little while ago and he had this rash. It was on his legs. It looked like it ran down his chest under his robe, but when I went to see, Buck pulled away from me. He looked like it was painful. Then he shut himself in his room."

"JD." Chris said as he moved into the apartment.

"Yeah." JD replied.

"Breathe." Chris ordered. While JD complied, Chris asked. "Other than the rash does Buck seem ok?"

"Um. Yeah, he's cranky but ok, I guess." JD said as he shut the door and then moved into the kitchen.

Chris walked over to Buck's bedroom door and tried the handle. Finding it locked, Chris said through the door.

"Buck, open up pard."

"No." Came Buck's reply.

JD sat down at the couch with a turkey club sandwich. He was worried about Buck and when he worried, he tended to eat more. Chris tried again and Buck refused again, though this time Buck's voice held a whine in it. Chris was Buck's oldest friend, his boss, and his lover. Surely if anyone could get Buck to open the door it would be Chris. JD saw a glint of mischief in Chris' green eyes as they landed on the phone. Chris was planning. The door would be open soon and Chris would see what was what. Chris spoke again, threatening.

"If you don't open this door mister, I will call Ezra and have him come over and practice his lock
picking skills, then he can find out what's up too."

"You wouldn't." Came Buck's horrified answer.

"Try me Bucklin." Chris replied in a razor sharp voice that broke no arguments.

Chris heard movement from within. The lock clicked open. Chris opened the door slowly
and made his way into the room. Buck had shed his robe and Chris took in the view of
his lover's retreating form. Buck's back and ass cheeks were clear. However, an angry red rash
marked Buck's skin from the top of the back of his legs down to his ankles.

Reaching Buck, Chris gently turned him around. The rash covered Buck's chest and the front
of his legs. Chris had to catch his breath as he saw the groin area of his lover. Catching Buck's hand in his own, Chris asked.

"Buck, what happened?"

Buck sat down gingerly on the bed and gave a tug to Chris' hand to get him to sit as well.
Looking at Chris, Buck started explaining.

"Chris, do you remember the Styles case?" Chris nodded. "I had to shave all my hair from the chest down." Chris nodded again, the warmth of remembrance warming his green eyes. "I thought it might be fun to do again every once in a while. I was at the store to pick up a razor, when I heard these ladies talking about hair removal creams. I thought it would be less of a hassle, so I tried it." Buck was looking sheepish.

"But there, Buck?" Chris looked down at Buck's groin.

"I used the stuff for faces, after all the face has sensitive skin." Buck argued.

Chris got up and headed to the door.

"What are you doing?" Buck asked.

"Calling Nathan. Gonna have him come over and take a look at you." Chris answered.

"Can't you just explain it to him over the phone?" Buck implored.

"If it were me or the kid in the same condition?" Chris asked making his point.

Buck's shoulders dropped dejectedly as the reality of calling Nathan hit home.

JD looked up from rinsing off his plate. "How's Buck?"

"He don't feel too good, but I think he'll live. Gonna give Nathan a call and have him come over and look at Buck." JD sighed in relief and then chuckled as he heard Chris stomach rumble.

"You eat?" JD asked.

"Nope." Chris answered.

"Buck either. I'll run out and pick something up, maybe go to that burger place Buck likes. I won't be back as soon, but I think he'll enjoy it." JD said as he grabbed his keys and headed for the door.

"Sounds good kid." Chris answered.

Chris called and let Nathan know that Buck had a skin rash as a result of something he used. Nathan promised to be over in a few. Ten minutes later Chris was letting Nathan into the apartment.

Nathan checked Buck over, trying hard not to wince at the sight of Buck's groin area.

"What on earth possessed you?" Nathan said with a glance. Then he caught the furtive look Buck was giving Chris.

"Never mind. Where you two are concerned, it probably falls into the TMI area." Turning to Chris Nathan continued. "Here are some packets. Put one in a tepid bath. Buck needs to soak for
ten minutes. Then the skin needs to be gently patted dry. No rubbing. No scratching. Either will aggravate Buck's skin. Here's some cream. It is gentle enough to use on all of the affected areas. The cream can be used twice a day. The soaking should be done once a day till this clears." Turning to Buck Nathan said. " You'll feel better tomorrow, and even more so on Sunday."

"Thanks." Chris offered as Nathan gathered his things.

"Nathan." Buck said quietly.

"Yes, Buck." Nathan answered.

"You won't tell any of the others, will you?" Buck pleaded.

"I won't, I promise." Nathan gave his word as his brown eyes met Buck's baby blues.

Nathan left and Chris drew Buck's bath. Chris then helped his lover into the tub. Buck sat back cautiously, and then relaxed as the soothing water did its job. Chris knelt down at the side of the tub and scooped up the water and then let it drizzle down Buck's muscled chest. Soon the time was up and Chris found the softest towel to pat Buck dry with.

They moved into the bedroom. It was mutually decided that it would be best to apply the cream to the back of Buck's legs first. Then he could hopefully recline on the bed and Chris could work on Buck's front. Chris took care in applying the cream. As he was finishing up, JD could be heard coming in the front door. JD hollered.

"Food's here. If you don't come and get it, I'm eating it."

Chris washed his hands, then went to claim his food from JD. Chris rummaged around in the kitchen and found the bed tray. Nathan had given each of the team members one, for those occasions that bed rest was ordered. Chris looked over his shoulder to see JD devouring a double cheeseburger. Chris said.

"Thought you already ate."

JD swallowed before replying. "I did, but what can I say? I'm a growing boy."

Chris picked up the tray and headed back to Buck.

"Kid eating?" Buck asked.

"Yeah, even though he had this huge sandwich earlier." Chris answered.

They ate in silence. Then Chris moved the tray to a side table. He helped Buck settle under the sheet.

"Chris?" Buck asked.

"Yes love." Chris answered.

"Sorry 'bout tonight. I was hoping we could have some fun." Buck said sadly.

"Nothing to forgive. Just promise me one thing." Chris said.

"What's that?" Buck answered.

"The next time you want to be hairless from chest to toes, let me know. I'll hop in the shower with you, lather you up, and shave you bare." Chris offered.

Buck felt a warmth in his stomach at the thought of Chris shaving him like that. Definite possibilities there.

"That's a most appealing idea. You've got my word."

Chris was satisfied with Buck's response. He took the tray to the kitchen and cleared it. Looked like JD had turned in for the night. Chris returned to Buck's room and carefully made his way between the comforter and the sheet. Looking down at Buck's sleeping face, Chris leaned in and carded his hands through the hair on Buck's head, grateful that hadn't been sacrificed as well. Chris placed a soft kiss on Buck's lips and then settled down to sleep.

The End.