Title: Responsible Bonds

Author: Loke

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Ezra/Josiah

Disclaimer: The characters of "The Magnificent Seven" are copyright of MGM, Mirisch, and Trilogy Entertainment. No infringement of copywritten characters is intended. Original characters are mine! Please don't use them without giving me credit!!

Archive: Yes, please, if possible.

Comments: Erotica Day Fic using bonds and a specifically named fabric. Please pardon all the explaining before I get to the good stuff!!


Responsible Bonds

by Loke


The barn was exceptionally well-built, thick adobe walls and a flat, strong-beamed roof. It had been built to last several decades. Unfortunately, measles had taken the children who would have inherited it, along with their mother, and the builder had abandoned both house and barn for places that didn't hold memories.

Ezra didn't know how long after its abandonment Josiah had started using the barn for his own purposes, or when he'd installed the chains that hung from two of the thick beams that held up the roof. He'd only discovered what was going on when he'd seen the big ex-preacher and another man riding this way one night on patrol, and coming upon the stranger returning alone. He'd used his own blend of persuasion and threat to get the man to tell him where he'd left his fellow peacekeeper, warning him afterward if he wasn't out of town by the time he returned with Josiah Chris Larabee would be duly informed of the big man's condition. He hadn't laid eyes on the man since.

It was probably a good thing he hadn't. Josiah later told him things had gotten carried away after he'd been fastened to the beams. Instead of what they'd agreed to previously the man had first beaten him half senseless, then used him brutally, both anally and orally, leaving him chained in the barn. If Ezra hadn't noticed the pair earlier and the man returning alone, he might have died before anyone had found him. As it was Ezra had had to do some pretty fast talking to cover Josiah's "absence" for the next few days while he'd healed enough to pass Nathan's scrutiny.

As he'd once said himself, "No good deed goes unpunished," and in return for his silence and cover story he demanded the ex-preacher tell him just what the hell he thought he'd been doing. Josiah had hemmed and hawed and finally rambled on about unnatural desires and needing to be bound to release the demons, and the two men had come to an agreement: when the big man needed his demons released, he'd come to Ezra and they'd meet out here. Josiah had promised he wouldn't ask anymore strangers, and Ezra had promised to do whatever the ex-preacher asked.

Apparently Josiah preferred men but could only relax enough to enjoy it if he was bound and unable to move. Ezra decided he really didn't want to contemplate the how or why of it, not to mention the when or where. Just now he was waiting for Josiah with the strips of soft flannel he wrapped around his lover's wrists and hands to prevent the shackles from chaffing. He heard a horse approaching and cautiously peeked out to make sure it was the man he was expecting and not some other, such as one of his fellow peacekeepers investigating the occasional disappearance of two of their number. He wondered what he would say if it ever happened.

It was only Josiah, however, and they slipped quickly into established routine. After making sure the barn was secure and they hadn't been followed, the ex-preacher undressed and got into position, kneeling between the two posts wearing nothing more than what he'd come into the world in. Ezra wrapped his hands, wrists, and forearms with the flannel before fastening the shackles tightly. He'd expressed doubt about the tightness of the bonds at first, but Josiah had assured him it was necessary to release the demons. He had insisted on the key that hung on a slender chain from the left shackle, saying that the bound man needed a way to release himself if the need arose. He also left Josiah's gun within easy reach of an unbound hand, in case the need that arose was armed and hostile.

Ezra knelt, fully clothed, in front of his naked "captive". He began by touching Josiah's face lightly with his fingertips, running them over forehead, eyelids, cheeks, lips, jawline, and ears. He ran his fingers into the bound man's hair, pulling him close and brushing his lips with his own. He teased the bound man with feather light kisses, licking and nipping his lips before deepening the kiss and pushing his tongue into the other man's mouth. The two tongues dueled as the "captive" began to relax, safe in the knowledge he couldn't prevent what was happening.

Ezra's hands, lips, and tongue danced over the bound man's flesh. He kissed, licked, and nibbled his way across Josiah's chest, down his belly, finally making his way to the ex-preacher's groin. Ezra teased and fondled his thighs and genitals before getting up and moving behind him. He paused to remove his jacket, tie, vest, and shirt before kneeling behind Josiah and reaching around him to continue what he'd been doing earlier. He began to stroke the bound man with one hand while the other squeezed, stroked, and played with his balls. Josiah started to moan and jerk as his climax approached. "Oh, yes, oh, please, more, more, faster, AHH!" The last was screamed as he came, thrashing against his bonds. Semen spurted over his thighs, the floor, and Ezra's hands. "Thank you, my brother," he gasped as soon as he got enough of his breath back.

"You're quite welcome," Ezra told him, kissing the back of his neck. He wiped his hands on a towel he'd brought the first time he'd come here and finished disrobing. His erection bobbed jauntily as he came back around to face the ex-preacher. He stood before the man, his penis mere inches from his face. Ezra once more threaded his fingers through Josiah's hair, pulling the man's face into his groin. "Kiss it," he whispered, indicating his shaft. The bound man did so. "Lick it." Again, the man complied. "Suck on it." He took it in his mouth, plying it with lips and tongue.

After a few minutes Ezra pulled it out and walked behind the bound man once more. Josiah could hear him taking a bottle out of his saddlebags, and heard him kneeling down behind him. He felt oiled fingers running down the crack of his ass, moving toward his opening. One slick finger teased at him before easing past the ring of muscle. He sighed as he felt it, moaning and rocking as it was joined by first a second and then a third finger, stretching and slickening the way for the larger object to come.

He moaned as Ezra breached his ring with the head of his penis, moving with slow deliberation, filling him with hot, hard flesh. It touched that place within him which sent pleasure coursing through him, and he cried out and thrashed against his bonds as the man behind him thrust into it again and again, making his own sounds of passion as he sped up, nearing his release. Josiah felt a hand once more encircle his manhood, pumping him to completion as Ezra drove deeply into him and emptied himself into his tight passage.

Ezra leaned against the larger man who supported his weight on his knees while they both sought to regain enough air for speech. "Are the demons gone for now, Josiah?" he asked.

"For now, brother," came the answer, "but they're almost certain to return."

"When they do," he replied, unlocking the shackles, "let me know."

