Title: Halloween Distress

Author: Angela

Fandom: Mutant X

Episode Related:

Pairing: Brennan/Jesse

Rating: PG

Status: Complete

Archive: WWomb, Terri’s site

Feedback: Yes

Email Address:

Series/Sequel: if you want any

Disclaimers: They aren’t mine. Marvel Studios and the people associated with them do. I just borrow them and return them.

Summary: Jesse isn’t excited about Halloween but is terrified with the mention of it and Brennan and the rest of Mutant X find out what is wrong.

Warnings: none

Notes: I know Halloween is over a month away but I couldn’t resist. Hope you like and we get lots of holiday fics.


Halloween Distress
by Angela





"What are you doing."


Brennan looked at Jesse and thought that he has gone nuts. The young man was being strange. Not that that was anything to sneeze at lately. It seemed since one of the girls mentioned Halloween Jesse had become a little weirder. He had never Jesse like this. The mention of Halloween seemed to make Jesse into a monster. Brennan smiled at the young man and then walked out of the day area. Brennan had some planning to do anyway. He had found out that the younger man had very few opportunities to go trick or treating in his childhood so the older man thought that it would be nice to do their own trick or treating. With him being the treat. Brennan had to smile at that.

The first thing he had to do was to go into town and get everything that he needed. And what he needed the most was lots of candy for his blonde lover. Shalimar caught sight of Brennan as he was walking towards the holding bay. She wanted to laugh at the bouncy walk the man was displaying. There weren’t too many reasons that he would have that walk and her comes one of those reasons walking through the door of the day room.

What startled the blonde woman the most wasn’t Brennan was that Jesse was walking around with a bat and looking into all the corners of the room. She watched the Molecular for a minute and then cautiously approached the man. She didn’t want to startle him too much just case he wanted to get her with the weapon that he held.

"Jesse, what or who are you looking for."


"Not even Brennan."

"Him either."

Shalimar gaped at the young man. It was not like Jesse to say he wasn’t looking for Brennan. Jesse liked to be wherever the other man was whether it was in the dojo or at a computer in the common area. She wasn’t really sure what was going on here but she really wasn’t sure she wanted to get sucked in my Jesse’s apparent craziness. Emma’s sudden appearance distracted the other woman form her watchful gaze from Jesse. She slowly went over to the younger woman and stood watching as Jesse kept looking into every corner of the room and then headed for other parts of Sanctuary. They just stared at the man and then shook their heads as if they were seeing a crazy man.

"He’s gone crazy.’ Shalimar commented.

"It’s the time of the year.’

After saying that Emma headed off to her room. Shalimar even stared at the young woman. It seemed that the only sane people in the mountain that day were she and Adam. She walked out of the day area and headed for the labs and Adam. Maybe the older man could explain both Emma’s and Jesse’s strange behavior. Maybe he could explain Jesse’s fascination with Brennan and his may attributes. She couldn’t understand any of it. Maybe she wasn’t supposed to. She found herself in an empty lab a few moments later. Adam was nowhere in sight. She sighed and then went back to her won room. Shalimar thought that she would be safer there than out in Sanctuary where she thought that everyone was going loony.

A few hours later found Brennan back at Sanctuary loaded down with Halloween candy. He was happy. He was going to spend the next night with Jesse and their friends. Brennan thought that a little Halloween party was due. He, Emma, Shalimar, and Jesse could dress up and be someone else for the night. A night that would allow them to have some freedom from who and what they were. He smiled and put away all of his goodies. Brennan went to look for the young blonde man that he found adorable and loved with all his heart. He thought that they could have a nice workout before they went to dinner and the club with the girls. Now just to find Jesse and get him in the shower and alone. Brennan looked down the short hall that made up the bedroom area of Sanctuary and found Jesse in a corner of it with a baseball bat.

Brennan approached the young man with caution. He wondered what had caused this reaction out of the blonde. He looked around to see if anyone had breached the security surrounding their mountain home and didn’t find anyone there. He held out his hand to Jesse hoping that the other man would take it. Jesse saw the hand coming towards him and swung at Brennan. He knocks the dark haired man to the floor and ran from his corner screaming that something was after him. Shalimar hearing this stepped out finding Brennan crumbled on the floor and Jesse running in the opposite direction. She commed both Adam and Emma. She hoped that Adam was back from wherever he was. She looked around and found Emma leaning over her. She smiled and motioned for the younger woman to help her with the Elemental.

"Wha…What happened." Brennan said a few minutes later

"You tell us." Adam answered.

"I don’t know. I saw Jesse in a corner and went to help him and he swung something at me."

Adam looked at Shalimar and motioned for her to step outside the medi-lab. He was concerned not just for Brennan but for Jesse, too. He ordered the young blonde woman to go and find the other man and let him know what she found.

Shalimar found Jesse a few minutes later and didn’t like what she found. He was cowering under his and Brennan’s bed. And he wouldn’t come out from under the bed for her. She let Adam know what was going on. It seemed like no time when Adam showed up with Emma and Brennan in tow.

"Jesse." Adam said softly. "Come out so that we can help."

Jesse shook his head and went deeper under the bed. Brennan shoved the older man aside and got down on his stomach to talk to Jesse. Brennan looked into blue eyes that stared back at him in fear. He sighed and his heart broke for the young man. Something must have happened to make him do the things that he had done.

"Jesse, it’s Brennan. Your Brennan. I love you, babe. Come out for me."


"Tell me then. Why won’t you."

"Bad things."

Brennan looked up at Adam. He wanted know if the other man knew anything. Adam just shook his head and gestured for Brennan to keep trying to get through to Jesse. The older man gestured for the two women to join him out in the hall. They could hear Brennan try to coax the younger man out from under the bed. They waited for a few moments until Brennan came out leading Jesse by the hand. Jesse stuck behind the taller man and wouldn’t look at the other three people.

"Well?" Adam asked.

"It seems that Jesse and Halloween don’t go well together. Jesse had some so called friends lock him in a vault at a cemetery and that scared him because he thought the ghost of the person he was locked in with would get him."

"Oh poor Jesse." Emma said.

Shalimar tried to hug Jesse but he was having none of that. He hid deeper into Brennan and wouldn’t let anyone come near him. Adam thought it was a good idea to let the dark haired man deal with Jesse. He gestured for the girls to leave them alone and then left for the labs and his rooms. Brennan turned to Jesse and smiled. He hugged his lover and led him towards their room with Shalimar’s watchful eye on them.

Later Brennan found himself with Jesse draped across him. Next time he would try to get Jesse to see Halloween was for fun not scary stuff. So Brennan forgot their party and loaded Jesse down with all of the candy he bought. And next year he wouldn’t even mention trick or treating. He would just go straight for the treat. That treat being one Jesse Kilmartin.

Poor Jesse. He did have his Brennan to take care of him though.

The end