
A drabble of 100 words

by pari


Series: In Relation to the Center Line Drabbles and Shorts inspired by NCIS

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: Nothing is mine.

Gibbs/Burley, Gibbs/DiNozzo implied

Summary: "It was a different dynamic...a different time. You can't compare the relationships."

A/N: This comes from "High Seas", obviously. It's sort of the flipside to "In Relation to the Center Line," my Gibbs/DiNozzo short.

by pari

"Is that the best you can do, Stan? After working under me five years."

Oh yeah. It is starting to come back to me now.

The tightness in my chest, the constant strive to please. The continuous failure.

Three years of working together - side by side - just to get you to remember my name. A year of sleeping together to get you to say it in the light of day.

Watching someone else get a bigger piece of you than I could hope for - your wives, your work.

This kid.

What's DiNozzo got that I never had, Gibbs?

Besides you.
