Title: Tough love

By Fanficwriter101


Disclaimer: The characters from the show aren't mine, they belong to others. No copyright infringement intended. Any characters you don't recognise are mine. Feedback would be nice, positive feedback would be nicer. Enjoy!

Category: Angst. Lots and lots of angst.

Rating: This part - G

Characters: Gibbs/DiNozzo mainly

Series: No

Spoilers: None intended but anything might get a mention

Summary: When the boss offers to pay for food, don't say no.

Archive: Just tell me where it's going

Additional `stuff': My first fic based around NCIS. Apparently, that's a Medic Alert bracelet around Gibbs' wrist.

Tough love
By Fanficwriter101

Gibbs replaced his phone. `Dinozzo!'

Anthony appeared from around the corner of Kate's desk, soda can in one hand, sandwich in the other. `Boss?'

`Director wants to see us.'

Dinozzo swallowed hard. `Um…okay…I'll just go change into…'

`NOW Dinozzo!' Gibbs bellowed.

Casting a desperate look back over his shoulder at Kate, Anthony trailed helplessly after Gibbs.

Outside the Directors office…

`I didn't report you for…you know, hitting me.' Anthony hissed.

`Hitting…you?' Gibbs asked through gritted teeth, temper rising.

`Yeah. The other day, remember. Cary Grant…McGee…?' Dinozzo swallowed hard.

`No.' Gibbs forced out.

Anthony sighed theatrically. `Well you did, and I didn't so…'

Gibbs shook his head. `I did not *hit* you. I…well, I didn't hit you!'

From behind him, Director Morrow's amused voice caught Gibbs by surprise. `I'm pleased to hear it Agent Gibbs. I hear he bruises easily.'

Gibbs laughed. Tony scowled. The Director held his door open for both of them. `Come on in.'


Tony bounded down the stairs, ignoring the odd looks from those on the staircase with him. `Yes! Yes! Yes!'

Gibbs followed more sedately, smiling inwardly. Tony had had a tough few weeks. He deserved the praise. And the Director had immediately agreed to Gibbs' request for the official pat on the back. After a few more steps, Gibbs patience was exhausted.

`Dinozzo if you don't shut up this second I'm gonna push you down the stairs.' Gibbs threatened.

Pouting, Tony instantly slowed and quietened down. But his grin remained in place.



Gibbs looked up from the file open in front of him. `Agent Dinozzo?'

Biting his lip, Tony forced a smile. `Uh…we're heading out for pizza. Wanna tag along?'

`Tag…along?' Gibbs stared until Tony backed away, hands up defensively.

`Forget it…just a thought.'

Gibbs shrugged, got up, casting a final glance at the flickering image on as the computer tried to match the photograph on the desktop. `Why not.'

Shocked, Tony cast an apologetic look at Kate who was answering her phone. Folding it closed, she shook her head. `Tony, I'm sorry…I gotta take a rain check.'

Tony thought quickly. `Um…no problem…we can do it another night, right boss?' He turned to Gibbs.

Gibbs nodded. `Yeah. But next time it's on you, not me.'

`You were…gonna buy?' Tony stared.

`Uh huh. One time offer.'

Tony grabbed his jacket. `I'm not missing this. Kate we'll do it another night, okay?'

Kate nodded. `Sure Tony.' She was out of the door before Tony had his jacket on.

Local Pizza place…

Gibbs handed the menu back to the waitress and smiled apologetically as Tony wrestled with the various combinations of toppings, finally settling on his choice after Gibbs `offered' to choose for him. He ordered a diet soda and wasn't surprised when Tony ordered a beer.

As they waited, the scents and sounds of the small restaurant wafting around their table, Gibbs began to tune out most of Tony's constant chatter, focusing on two seemingly innocuous topics. Rule nine and the sewer.

The former seemed just to disappoint Tony. That the marine he had briefly shared his underground incarceration with wasn't familiar with the apparently endless list of `rules' Gibbs quoted frequently.

The latter seemed to disturb him more. And not for the obvious reason Gibbs first guessed.

The food slowed, but didn't stop, Tony's flow of conversation, requiring little from Gibbs but the occasional nod or verbal indication that he was listening. Eventually, Gibbs' patience was exhausted. `Tony…Anthony…Agent Dinozzo!'

Tony's voice tailed off. Pizza slice almost at his mouth, he pause and looked up. `Uh…yeah boss?'

`Can we agree that Rule Nine got you out of the sewer?'

Tony considered the question for a moment. `Uh…yeah…I guess.'

Gibbs nodded, took a sip of soda and sat back, full after only two slices of pizza. Tony, however, seemed to show no such signs, already half-way through his third slice.

Tony frowned. `Is there something wrong with your pizza?'

Gibbs smiled reassuringly. `No. I'm full.'

Apparently satisfied, Tony continued to eat.

After a few more minutes, Gibbs got up. `I'll be right back. Do *not* talk to any strange women. Or men.'

Dinozzo finished a third slice of pizza and was wiping his fingers when he overheard someone who had just sat down warn the waitress `there's a guy in the bathroom doing drugs'.

Dinozzo walked across to the table and leaned down. `About six-two, grey hair?' The man nodded and Dinozzo flashed the waitress his best smile and his badge. `I got it.'

Reassured, the waitress smiled and offered the man at the table a free dessert.

Dinozzo pushed the bathroom door open and frowned as Gibbs walked towards him. `You know we get random drug tests, right?'

Gibbs stared Dinozzo into a nervous back-track. `Um…I meant…uh…this guy…he said…'

Gibbs shook his wrist. `Did you think this was a fashion statement?'

Dinozzo focused on the silver chain around Gibbs' wrist he hadn't really noticed before now. `Medic Alert.'

`Yes.' Gibbs confirmed.

`Cos you're...?'

`Diabetic.' Gibbs said in a tone that didn't suggest he was open to discuss his medical history.


Tony squirmed in the car and Gibbs finally snapped: `Sit still or I'm gonna push you out!'

Tony wriggled some more and tried to sit still. After a few more minutes, he shook his head. `It's no good. I really have to pee!'

A few more minutes passed, during with Tony continued to squirm and cast surreptitious glances at Gibbs. Finally, Gibbs pulled off the road and into his driveway. `You pee and you leave Tony.'

Desperately, Tony nodded, the relief on his face when Gibbs opened the front door making Gibbs wonder if he wasn't in real difficulty rather than the usual Tony fuss.

Part Two

His urgent bathroom need apparently satisfied, Tony walked into the living room, eyes sweeping the décor and furniture. Pale, neutral colors and functional furniture. Exactly what he would have guessed for Gibbs. `Thanks. Sorry.'

Gibbs shrugged. `Okay. Ready to go?'

`I can get a cab.' Tony offered.

`Get. In. The. Car.' Gibbs instructed.

`Gloomy Gus.' Tony muttered under his breath.

`Call me that again and I'll put you back in the sewer.' Gibbs warned.

`How come you can hear a whisper at ten feet but you can't hear Kate being mean to me at six inches?' Tony asked rhetorically, picking up his jacket from the couch.

Taking a deep breath, Gibbs walked out to the car and climbed in.


Gibbs drove out to Tony's apartment, more relieved than concerned at how quiet Tony was during the journey. A couple of times he looked over but Tony was staring out of the window, apparently lost in his own thoughts. `What?' He asked finally.

Tony looked across. `Thought I was gonna die. Down there. Thought we both were.'

Gibbs frowned. `I told you I'd find you.'


`When you called from the parking lot.'

`I don't remember…I came outside and…I fell down.'

Gibbs sighed and pulled into a space on the street outside Tony's apartment building. Uncomfortable at the memory of his panic at Tony's slurred call, Gibbs said firmly: `Goodnight Tony.'

`Night boss. Thanks for the pizza.' Tony smiled.

Gibbs nodded curtly. `Get some sleep. See you Monday.'

Tony climbed out and Gibbs watched him go. Halfway down the path Tony turned, realizing Gibbs hadn't pulled away. He smiled, waved, turned back and continued inside.

Monday morning…

Kate smiled to herself. Things were definitely back to normal. McGee was tapping away at his keyboard, and she had already heard from Abbey that Gerald was recovering well, much to everyone's relief. A few feet away, Gibbs was reaming Tony out about some paperwork he had left half-completed, ignoring Tony's whining about Gibbs obsessive need for perfection when Gibbs made a comment she couldn't hear. A moment later, Tony slammed the file on the desk and walked out.

Her smiled faded instantly and she caught McGee's nervous look. He wasn't used to the relationship her boss and her colleague had, and he was scared at the sudden anger in the room. Frowning, she turned her attention to a file on her desk, unwilling to make eye contact with Gibbs. She didn't have to keep up the pretence long. Gibbs took a few shuddering breaths then followed Tony out, eyes fixed on the doorway.


Gibbs met Ducky coming up the corridor he was walking down, trying to find Dinozzo before he did something stupid. `What did you say to him?' Ducky frowned. `I've never seen…'

`Where is he?' Gibbs snapped.

`Hiding from you by the sound of it Jethro.' Ducky's tone softened. `He's been through a lot these past…'

Gibbs scowled and snarled. `And I haven't?'

Ducky smiled sympathetically. `He's in my office. I'm going to be quite a while.' He tapped the pile of file folders he held. `At least an hour or so.'

Gibbs relaxed a fraction and half-smiled despite his remaining anger. `Won't take me that long to kill him.'

Ducky's expression was unreadable. `No…I don't imagine it will.' He walked away leaving Gibbs to continue on to the morgue.


Gibbs pushed the button and the doors slid open. He could see Tony pacing around the office on the far side of the room and watched him for a few seconds but the pacing didn't slow and he strode across the tiled floor, opened the door and stood in the doorway. Before Tony even sensed his presence, Gibbs said firmly: `You're about two minutes from being fired.'

Carefully he closed the door behind him and the sound seemed to catch Tony's attention. He stopped, turned, eyes fixed on Gibbs. `That long?'

Gibbs watched Tony carefully for some indication he was joking, but saw nothing in the angry eyes but hurt and pain. `Dinozzo…whatever happened…I'll get someone to talk to you…one of our people, someone from ATVA.'

Tony's chest heaved as his eyes locked on Gibbs. `You felt sorry for me. You bought me pizza cos you felt sorry for me. Thanks.'

Gibbs frowned. `No Tony…you invited me, remember?'

Tony swallowed and looked away. `No…I don't…I…it's…hard to…I can't…'

Gibbs crossed the floor, cursing inwardly. Dammit. Tony needed help not pizza. You missed the signs. Dammit!!

Tony looked up and smiled tiredly. `I'll be okay. Is my two minutes up yet?'

Gibbs nodded. `Yeah. Tony…talk to me…something happened down there.'

Tony shook his head, clearing what Gibbs thought were memories of being in a cell with a rotting corpse and a dying man.

There was almost silence in the room, the only sounds the twin sounds of the two men breathing. Then: `He never said it. Mom did. Dad's proud of you. It wasn't the same. And then…that night.'

Gibbs stood silent and still, listening.

`A cop bought me home. A group of us…I was fifteen! I didn't know…I swear! It was a game…we didn't know…and…he hit me.' Tony sat upright, taking a deep breath, and Gibbs sensed Tony didn't even realize he was in the room with him. `You'll never amount to anything. You'll end up in the gutter.' Tony shivered at the memory, and his face paled even whiter. `My lip bled and my Mom gave me some ice. He'd never hit any of us before. He never hit me again.'

Gibbs felt his heart constrict. His own parents had been firm with him and his brothers. But never, ever, had either of them said or done anything so cruel. He took a few steps forward. `Tony…'

Tony's head shook wildly and he shouted: `And you bought me pizza! Why didn't you just hit me too? I screwed up!'

Gibbs relaxed his shoulders, feeling the painful tension ease a fraction. His voice was deliberately soft. He knew enough about hostage negotiation to know that if Tony had to strain to hear, he would have to concentrate on the words, nothing else. `Tony…I *am* proud of you. Yeah, you screwed up. But you're still here. We're *all* still here. That's what counts.'

Tony's head raised slowly, as if the movement required considerable effort. His own voice a whisper, he managed: `I'm sorry.'

Gibbs smiled, reached out and hugged Tony. He felt the younger man's head on his shoulder and overcame his feelings of awkwardness at the intimacy of their closeness to hold Tony until he felt him move in his arms.

Softly Tony muttered: `I'm okay now.' He sat up and half-smiled, nodding down at Gibbs' shoulder, the pale fabric dark with
moisture. `Sorry.'

Gibbs shrugged. `Forget it.'

Tony's eyes narrowed. `You're not a hugger are you?'

Gibbs chuckled. `You're just working that out now?'

Tony laughed and Gibbs opened the door. He stood in the doorway, blocking Tony's exit. `Why Ducky?'


The one word was all Gibbs needed. He understood. Ducky and Gerald's relationship was a closely-guarded secret. If Ducky or Gerald had told Tony, it stood to reason that the one person Tony would trust to understand his confusion and feelings was Ducky. He nodded and held the door open, waiting for Tony to pass him.

Part Three

`Kate, Tony and I are going to…uh…out.' Gibbs said, walking and talking quickly, not wanting any questions as he steered Tony past his desk just long enough to pick up his overnight bag.

Deep in thought, Kate nodded distractedly. `Okay.'

McGee looked up, caught Gibbs' gaze for a split second and hurriedly lowered his eyes.


Tony sat with his bag on his lap, lay back in the seat and closed his eyes. Gibbs looked across once or twice but he couldn't work out whether Tony was sleeping or faking. He didn't disturb him. It wasn't far to the house and he didn't mind not having the background noise of Tony's incessant chatter.


`We're here.' Gibbs said unnecessarily as the car pulled to a stop outside his garage.

Tony sighed deeply, stretched and opened his eyes. `Uh…boss…this is your house.'

Gibbs nodded and got out of the car, lifting Tony's bag off his lap. `Yeah. Hurry up.'

Yawning and moving stiffly, Tony climbed out of the car. His tiredness dissipated rapidly as he wondered why they had stopped off at Gibbs place. It wasn't exactly on the way to his apartment. However, with Gibbs already inside, there wasn't time to question him. Following him inside, Tony rubbed the back of his aching neck as he waited in the hallway.

`Get up here!'

Tony flinched at Gibbs' sharp instruction and climbed the stairs slowly, the effort of putting one foot in front of the other almost too much, tired as he was. Arriving in the doorway through which he could hear movement he staggered and Gibbs caught his arm. `Easy…come on.'

Tony sighed and dropped onto the newly-made bed in what appeared to be a room Gibbs used to store his exercise equipment and other boxed stuff Tony couldn't guess at. Gibbs pushed his shoulder and was concerned at how easily Tony simply lay down, curling up on top of the bedclothes. Pushing and shoving him, pulling at the sheets, Gibbs managed to get him under the sheet and blanket, contenting himself with pulling off Tony's shoes before leaving him to sleep.

Turning to leave, Gibbs heard Tony's voice, soft and sleepy as he snuggled into the pillow. `Soft sheets.'

He smiled and pulled the blanket further up Tony's shoulder. `Shut up and sleep Tony.'

Voice barely a whisper, Tony nodded against the pillow. `Yes boss.'


Gibbs read the paper, watched a videotaped football game from a few days earlier, drank several cups of coffee, called Ducky and had a sandwich before he heard sounds from the room above. He got up, climbed the stairs and looked into the bedroom. `Hey.'

Tony smiled sleepily. `Is it still the same day?'

Gibbs nodded. `Yeah. Just. Hungry?'

Tony shook his head. `Nah.'

Gibbs voice dropped. `Don't care. Get up. Get downstairs. Dinner's almost ready.'

`What're we having?'


Tony wrinkled his nose. `You cooked stew?'

Gibbs stared directly at the younger man. `You have five minutes or its going in the trash.'

Tony sat up quickly. `I'm coming!'


Tony sat back, rubbing his belly. `Mmmm…that was…uh…where d'ya learn to cook like that?' He tore into the last chunk of bread Gibbs had cut to go with the rich stew, chewing slowly.

Gibbs nodded at the kitchen door. Visible through the half-open door was a shelf of cookbooks. `One of those.'

Swallowing a mouthful of iced water with the bread, Tony yawned. `Sorry.'

Gibbs smiled. `I won't take it personally. Walk around for a bit then you can get an early night.'

Tony frowned. `I just got up!'

Gibbs nodded. `Yeah…and until you can sit for five minutes without yawning, you're gonna go back to bed. Up!'

Reluctantly Tony pulled himself to his feet and walked around the couch and coffee table before yawning again. Silently Gibbs handed him a bottle of water and nodded at the stairs. `Go.'

Tony yawned again. `You wanna hand with the dishes?'

Gibbs got up. `Upstairs. Now.'

Tony decided it wasn't something he was going to argue about. The sheets really were soft. And they smelled like he thought fabric would smell if you used fabric softener. Which he didn't.

As he lay down, Tony put it on the shopping list in his mind. He fell asleep wondering which one the boss used. And why.

Part Four

Tony woke slowly. Very slowly. There were no sirens, no voices shouting, no sounds of any kind. Except breathing. Soft, even, calm breathing. Well, not in my apartment. He opened his eyes and…


Gibbs looked down at his sleepy younger agent. `Hey.'

`Were you watching me sleep?' Tony frowned.

Gibbs scowled, and his voice reflected his reaction. `I was picking up your clothes. I thought I'd put them through the wash before they got picked up on a spy satellite.'

Tony laughed and rolled over. `I don't remember getting undressed.'

Gibbs picked up the final item – a sock. `You were pretty sleepy.'

Tony nodded. `Yeah. Sorry. Guess I wasn't great company, huh?'

Gibbs shrugged, his arms full of Tony's wrinkled clothes. `I've had worse.'

Tony smiled. `Three ex-wives, I'm guessing you have.' His reply was Gibbs' retreating back.

//Nice move Anthony. Piss off your boss. When you're naked in his bed… well, his spare room, but close enough.// Tony's inner voice mocked him as he unpacked his overnight bag and found underwear, jeans, t-shirt and socks.


Tony appeared in the kitchen as Gibbs was loading the machine. `I open my mouth boss…and…you know.'

Gibbs straightened up and nodded. `You offend someone.'

Tony's head dipped. `You. Mostly.'

Gibbs smiled. `Mostly?'

`I don't…get out much.'

Gibbs chuckled. `If you wanted a social life, you should have stayed in Homicide.'

`You offered me the job!' Tony groused accusingly.

`I did. Are you saying I made a mistake?' Gibbs challenged.

`You? A mistake? Is that possible?'

Gibbs stayed amazingly calm. `Hungry?'

Wound up for a fight, Tony couldn't stop himself. `No…not that I could go anywhere if I wanted to. Smart move taking my clothes like that.'

Gibbs poured coffee for himself and Tony, holding one cup out. `You think I had to take your clothes to keep you here? I have handcuffs in my nightstand, a full toolkit in the basement and twenty years experience on you.' //And I bought up your overnight bag so you would have clothes.//

Still unsettled, Tony drained the coffee in a scalding mouthful. `OWW!!'

Gibbs reached for a glass, filled it from the tap and handed it to Tony. `Coffee's hot Agent Dinozzo.'

`And that's another thing!' Tony drained the glass, wiped his mouth on the back of his hand. `You only ever call me `Agent Dinozzo' when you're pissed at me. What did I do this time?!'

Gibbs leaned back against the sink, his voice soft. `You burned your mouth Tony.'

Scowling, Tony looked away. `So?' Part of his brain knew his volume and tone were inappropriate. But part didn't seem to care. And that part was winning.

Gibbs sighed softly. `So…' He took the glass, took a couple of ice cubes from the icebox, added some more water and handed it back to. `Drink it. Slowly. It'll ease the burn.'

`I'm fine!' Tony hissed, making no move to take the glass.

Gibbs forced his own feelings down, put the glass down and closed the distance between them. `I'm not your father Tony.' The hurt in the younger agent's eyes brought a lump to his throat.


Gibbs' arms closed around Tony's rock-hard body, every muscle tense, tightening as the younger man practically fell against him, frame- wracking sobs jerking them both.


There was no measure of time for how long they stood locked together, Tony sobbing, Gibbs moving from anger at Tony's father to anger at his own failure to spot earlier how badly affected by the previous few weeks the younger agent had been. Finally Tony took a shuddering breath and stood up. `Boss?'

Gibbs took an equally deep breath, letting it out slowly. `You don't get coffee. You go back to bed.'

Tony smiled shakily. `Yes boss.'


Tony woke more quickly this time. Eyes open, aware of Gibbs sitting on the edge of the bed, looking down at him, eyes full of concern.

Tony's voice was hoarse from sleep. `Were you watching me sleep?'

Gibbs nodded. `Yeah.'

Part Five

`It's the only time I've ever seen you so quiet.' Gibbs teased.

Tony scowled. `I can be quiet.'

`You can?' Gibbs eyebrows shot up.

Tony gave his boss a withering glare which didn't seem to have the effect he hoped. He wasn't wholly surprised.

`I have a lot to say.' Tony noticed Gibbs hadn't moved from where he sat.

`Yes you do.' Gibbs said softly.

Tony took a deep breath. `You have a short attention span.'

Gibbs didn't respond and Tony lifted himself up onto his elbows. `Boss!'

Gibbs eyes focused instantly on Tony and he nodded. `Yeah?' His smile and teasing chuckle left Tony sighing and rolling his eyes and falling for the trick.

`I have an attention span appropriate to the matter at hand.'

Tony nodded. `Yes you do.'

Gibbs got up suddenly. `Breakfast. Get dressed.'


They ate in near-silence and Gibbs let Tony suffer for a few more minutes while he loaded the dishwasher. Finally he straightened up. `I'm sure I'm gonna regret this, but tell me what's bothering you.'

Tony sat back in the chair and watched Gibbs for a few seconds. `Nothing…I'm fine…now…really…okay…fine…now.'

Gibbs turned, slammed his hand on the table and regretted it the instant the sound reverberated around the room. Tony's hands gripped the table top and he tried without success to push himself away from Gibb's flattened palm. Tony's reaction was out of all proportion to the action and Gibbs filed that away for later examination.

However, Tony's speed of recovery was also worrying. A moment later, it was as if he hadn't even noticed the impact and he leaned back in the chair, reaching for his coffee, winning smile fixed in place. `Boss…I'm fine, okay?'

`Okay Agent Dinozzo, I'm gonna make this real easy. Either you talk or you're fired.' Gibbs stood close to the younger man, almost touching, arms folded, body posture as dominant as he could make it without contact.

`You're not serious Boss!!' Dinozzo protested, eyes wide.

Gibbs stood unmoving and silent, watching, waiting.

`What is this?! Tough love?!' Tony exploded suddenly, getting up, the chair falling over as he stood.

`If that's what it takes.' Gibbs said calmly.

Frantically, Tony babbled: `You can't do this! It's not fair!!'

`Sit down.' Gibbs said firmly, reaching to lift Tony's chair upright.

`Don't hit me!' Tony panicked, backing up, falling over the chair, sprawling on the floor.

Gibbs stood up, backed up, hands in sight, body language calm and open, waiting for Tony to recover his composure.

Tony stood up, grabbed for his jacket and walked to the door. `You don't want me? Fine! I don't need you!'

Gibbs cursed inwardly. //Great…thanks Ducky. Thanks *a lot*.//

`STOP RIGHT THERE DINOZZO!!' Gibbs shouted, not sure it would have any effect. He was as surprised as Tony judging by the younger man's expression when Tony stopped, hand on the door knob.

Voice soft, Gibbs asked: `Your Dad slapped your face. Who hit you Tony?'

Tony squirmed and looked everywhere except at Gibbs. `It doesn't matter. You said talk or leave. And I talk too much. You said so yourself.'

`I said you had a lot to say.'

`Same thing.' Tony muttered stubbornly.

`Is not.' Gibbs said firmly.

Tony moved back into the room by degrees, approaching the table slowly, righting the chair. `You were gonna let me just walk out?'

`Nah.' Gibbs shook his head.

`What were you gonna do? Shoot me?'

`Crossed my mind. But you scream like a baby if you get so much as a scratch, so I reconsidered. I was gonna offer you ice cream.' Gibbs was relieved to see a small smile ghost over Tony's lips.

`You can't have ice cream.'

Gibbs nodded. `I got it in just for you.'

`When?' Tony frowned.

`When you were sleeping.' Gibbs said impatiently.

`Thanks. Where is it?'

`It's eight am Tony!' Gibbs protested.

`So? You can't withdraw an offer like that.' Tony scowled.

Sighing, giving in, Gibbs shook his head. `Help yourself. I'm gonna shower.' Gibbs nodded at the dishwasher. `Clear up after yourself.'

`Yes boss.' Tony smiled.


Tony was in the middle of his second bowl of ice cream when Gibbs cell phone rang. Tony left it for a moment, then answered it. `Um… Gibb's ph…'

`So is it kill or cure Jethro?'

`Uh…this is Tony, Ducky. Boss is in the shower.'

Ducky chuckled. `Does he usually let you answer his phone?'

Tony gulped. `Uh…well, it was…ringing…'

Ducky's voice suddenly became serious. `He can give you what you need Anthony. But you do have to ask. Ask him. You might be surprised at the answer.'

`He asked me who hit me.'

Ducky sighed. `Did you tell him?'


Ducky huffed crossly. `Kate has Confession, I have…well never mind. You need someone. And Gibbs doesn't offer lightly.'

`I know. It's hard…it's been a while.'

Ducky smiled. `For both of you. Up you go.'

`Where?' Tony frowned.

`You said he was in the shower.'

Tony folded the phone closed and walked slowly up the stairs.

Part Six

Tony walked around the bedroom, not touching, just looking, experienced eyes picking out three individual framed pictures, each of gorgeous a redhead.

`Wonder which is which?'

`Which is which what Tony?'

Tony felt his heart stop for the moment after he realized he wasn't alone. Gibbs was behind him, white towel around his waist. `Um…wife… which is which?'

Gibbs pointed to each in turn. `First.'

Tony nodded. Figured. She looked oldest. Around Gibbs age.


Tony smiled. Definitely a rebound wife. Younger. Prettier.


`She the one that calls on her birthday?'

`Who was on the phone?'

Tony swallowed hard. Gibbs knew. `Ducky.'

`What did he want?'


Gibbs grabbed an undershirt from a shelf in what Tony would have considered the anally-neat closet and pulled it over his head. `Get out of my bedroom Agent Dinozzo.'

Tony stood his ground. `Nope.'

Gibbs scowled. `Get. Out. Tony.'

Tony knew it was now or never. Gibbs was going to either deck him or… put on underwear. Gibbs was getting dressed.

`I'm not giving you a guided tour of the house Tony. And Ducky should mind his own business.'

Tony reached into the closet and pulled out a pale grey shirt. `I have one of these.'

Ignoring him, Gibbs reached for a blue sweatshirt and pulled it on. `This isn't Benetton Tony. You don't get to unfold stuff and just leave it.'

Tony folded the shirt and replaced it on the shelf. `You ever *shop* at Benetton?'

Gibbs shook his head, reached into a drawer, fishing for a balled-up pair of socks. `No-one does. They just unfold things and leave.'

Tony smiled at the joke and crossed the room, slowly closing the drawer, making sure Gibbs' fingers were well clear of the drawer before pushing it closed. `His name was Michael. He hit me from time to time to remind me who was boss.'

Gibbs turned, realizing just how close Tony was. `I won't ever hit you. I'll yell. Might even throw things. But I won't ever hit. And sometimes you get ice cream.'

Tony nodded at the pictures. `Took you all that time to work out what you wanted?'

Gibbs shook his head. `Nah. I knew. So did they. Why do you think there are three of them?'

Tony smiled. `Gonna put my picture there?'

Gibbs shook his head. `Nah. They're in the past.' His hand reached up, thumb stroking the long-healed cut on Tony's lip, a tiny scar the only reminder. `Like this.'

Tony breathed loudly, nodding, resting his cheek in Gibbs' cupped hand. `This is probably a really bad time to say this but…Rule 12?'

Gibbs smiled, hand sliding under Tony's chin, lifting it until their eyes met. `My rules. I can break `em.'

Tony reached up, covered Gibbs' hand. `Yes boss.'

`Shower Tony.'

Tony almost ran into the bathroom.


For the second time in an hour, Gibbs found himself worrying about Tony. The outward bravado wasn't reflected in the younger agent's eyes. `Tony…look at me!'

Gibb's voice was soft but the tone pulled Tony's eyes to his. `It's okay. There's no rush.'

Tony nodded, chest heaving. `Does it hurt? Again…after…you know…a time.'

Gibbs shrugged. `Depends on how long a time we're talking.'

`Ten years.'

Gibbs nodded. `Yeah. But it won't.'

Tony's cheeks flushed. `I can be brave.'

Gibbs backed Tony against the bed, sat him down and lifted his chin. `I can be gentle.'

`I knew it.' Tony whispered. `You just come across as all mean and grumpy, but underneath…' He looked up at Gibbs and stopped talking. `Sorry.'

Gibbs smiled. `You get *one* of those.' He leaned down and covered Tony's mouth with his own.

They separated slowly and Tony waited. `One how often?'

Gibbs groaned. `One Tony. Ever. Call me mean or grumpy again and I'll have you checking…'

Boldly, Tony stood up, pulled Gibbs down next to him and lay with his head on Gibbs' lap. `Comfortable?' Gibbs enquired.

Tony smiled. `Yup.' He wriggled as Gibbs' fingers carded his dark hair slowly. A swat to his denim-clad behind reminded him to keep still. `OWW!!'

Gibbs sighed at the massive over-reaction. `What do you do if you get a paper cut?'

`Call 911.' Tony responded, his tone indicating there could be no other answer.

Gibbs smiled. `You must have been a fun kid to have around. Did you ever climb a tree? Ride a skateboard?'

`Yeah. But with a ton of protective gear on.' He looked up at Gibbs. `You're brave. I like that.'

`Well…good.' Gibbs said, at a loss as to how to respond to what he was fairly sure was a compliment.

Gibbs' hand reached under Tony's crumpled shirt, rubbing his chest gently. `How long were you together?'

`A year. He died.' Tony's tone flattened and the volume dropped. `You came along just as I was gonna resign and enlist.'

`In the Military?' Gibbs couldn't help his surprise.

Tony sighed. `Yeah.' He smiled. `I needed a medical reason not to get my hair cut.'

Gibbs' fingers stroked away the dark strands threatening to obscure Tony's eyes. `And?'

`Turns out there isn't one.'

Gibbs chuckled, then his face turned serious. `Last chance Tony…stay or go.'

Tony looked into the deep eyes above him. `Stay.'

Gibbs nodded and reached into the top drawer of his nightstand. Tony frowned and Gibbs felt the tension in his shoulders. `Tony…you have to tell me if you want to wait.'

Tony's eyes locked on Gibbs' and he sat up and pulled his shirt off. Looking down pointedly, he swallowed hard. `I don't think I can.'

Gibbs smiled and reached for Tony's zipper. Tony gasped at the touch of Gibbs fingers on his bare skin, squirmed and lifted himself up so Gibbs could pull his jeans down.

Gibbs' fingers gripped the waistband of Tony's underpants and pulled both layers of fabric off at the same time. Tony's blush made him smile. Inwardly. He didn't think Tony would get the humor of the situation. Particularly as he looked like he was seconds away from a firing squad. `Hey! Tony!'

Tony blinked, drew in a deep shuddering breath. `Yeah?'


Tony nodded almost imperceptibly. `Uh huh.' He whispered breathlessly.

Gibbs decided he would have to learn to read Tony better and pulled him closer, rolling him face down, sliding his arm under Tony's belly, arching him up, his other hand reaching for the tube of lube in the nightstand. `Okay?'

Tony's body language told him what Tony seemed unable to. Relaxed, breathing a little fast but not worryingly so. He rubbed gently with his free hand from Tony's neck to his waist, startled by Tony's muttered encouragement: `Just do it… please… before my brain explodes.'

Gibbs chuckled, lifted Tony back towards him, his hand probing gently between the quivering butt cheeks. `I want you to enjoy it too Tony… if we rush, you won't.'

Tony's response – a strangled groan which tailed off into a desperate whimper – coincided with the moment Gibbs began to check just exactly how tight Tony was.

Tight. He worked a lubed finger, then two, inside Tony's quivering opening, scissoring gently at first, adding a third finger to the accompaniment of louder sounds from the younger man. `Shhh…relax…it's okay.' Almost immediately, Tony did as he was told.

Tony's aroused moans reached a peak in the instant before Gibbs positioned himself at the lubed stretched opening, cut off in the split second it took Gibbs to slide in, at which point Tony's head snapped back and he let out a howl immediately followed by a hoarse: `Oh…Gibbs!!'

Gibbs reached around Tony's upper chest, his hand resting in the space between the dark nipples, supporting, reassuring, breathing warm moist breaths against Tony's sensitized earlobe, thrusting very gently, very slowly, tuned to Tony's reactions, holding back from the urge to ram forcefully into the pliant body in his arms.

However, he couldn't hold back for long and he gripped Tony firmly, trusting the younger man to recognise the signs of his impending climax.

Tony braced himself, feeling Gibbs tense, his breathing ragged, his thighs pressing against Tony's.

Moments later, Tony felt the hot rush, confused at the sensation being contained, gasping at the firm touch of Gibbs hand on his own weeping shaft. A few firm squeezes, Gibbs' experienced thumb stroking the sensitive underside and he arched up, his own climax strong and powerful.

Gibbs lay him gently down on the bed, pulling out of Tony as he did, quickly disposing of the condom in the metal waste bin beside the bed. Tony's eyes glazed as his breathing struggled to return to normal. Gibbs smiled down at him. `Tony? This would be a really bad place to have a heart attack, okay?'


Turned out Gibbs *did* have a soft side, Tony sighed. Just not on the outside. Abs - rock hard, thighs - toned, arms – lightly muscled. But he did have a soft spot. Well, area…behind his kneecaps, in the creased flesh between thigh and calf. Stroke there just right and…

`Stop that before I break your neck.' Gibbs voice was low but it lost none of its threat for lack of volume.

Tony laughed and moved up, across Gibbs' bare back, dropping bold kisses on the rounded butt which rippled under his lips. This time, he noticed, there was no dire threat of physical retribution. He smiled and sucked then bit gently. Gibbs moaned, groaned and finally tried to roll over. `Uh uh.' Tony cautioned, lifting his lips briefly, moving more of his body weight to pin Gibbs in place. He smiled as Gibbs settled back.

Feeling Gibbs relax under him, Tony dropped his head and continued to bite gently, working from waist to thigh, stopping *way* before the spot he had discovered earlier, then back up and down the other side.

Gibbs let Tony play. He would teach him his preferences another time. He needed his confidence re-building, and Gibbs was happy to help. He sighed as Tony's teeth sank into his flesh, awakening long-buried feelings. The heavy warmth of a lover over him, the slow build-up of emotions and arousal. Gibbs closed his eyes and drifted… the sensation of a warm moist tongue on his...

`What the..??!!' Gibbs eyes snapped open and he rolled over.

Tony smiled innocently. `Heck was that?'

Gibbs muttered: `Something like that. Warn a guy before you do that Tony.'

Tony laughed and Gibbs was pleased to see the amusement in his eyes.

`Okay. Next time I will.'

`Next time?'

`Yeah. Uh…unless you..?'

Gibbs forced himself to concentrate. He knew he was moments away from robbing Tony of the fragile ego he had been building over the previous hours. `Next time okay Tony.'

Softly, resting his cheek on Gibbs' salt-and-pepper furred chest, Tony whispered. `Yes boss.'

The End :)

The End :)