Title: Chocolate Lick

Author: Phoenix


Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece. I am poor. This fic is for entertainment only and is all Icka's fault. I don't write comedy.

Pairing: Luffy/Zoro

Fandom: One Piece

Rating: PG

Warnings: Chocolate....lots and lots of chocolate, yaoish aka m/m slash, may squick you, and I wrote it. Can't deal? Don't read.

Archive: CkoS, WWOMB if they want it. All others please ask.

Summary: There's been an accident.


Chocolate Lick
By Phoenix


Zoro's shout made Usopp pause on his way to the bow of the ship. Outside the closed kitchen door, Sanji stood, eyes forward, posture ridge, and a terrible blush burning up his face.

"Umm, Sanji?"

"LUFFY!" Zoro yelled again.

Without facing him, the blond began his tale.

"I was trying to make brownies for Nami-san. I got the chocolate melted when Luffy burst into the kitchen and collided with me. The chocolate spilled all over Zoro."


"Luffy didn't want to waste anything."

Usopp suddenly understood. "He's licking it off Zoro, isn't he?"

Sanji's blush got worse. "Yes." His voice sounded a bit strangled.


Usopp nodded and continued on his way. Briefly, he wondered what chocolate covered Zoro tasted like.

I told you I can't write comedy! besides...this is all Icka's fault for giving me the chocolate idea.