Title: Honor's Debt

Author: Phoenix

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece. I am poor. This fic is for entertainment only.

Fandom: One Piece

Pairing: Ace/Zoro

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: NCSish, yaoi aka m/m slash, tricks, AU, and I wrote it. Can't deal? Don't read.

Archive: CkoS, WWOMB if they want it. All others please ask.

Summary: Ace tries to get Luffy to admit what he feels for Zoro only to have it backfire.

Honor's Debt
by Phoenix

Zoro didn't go with the others to explore the new island. He was too caught up with his anger. Instead, he went back to his new room to practice. They'd all gotten rooms recently. There was just too many private things everyone had to do. Usopp couldn't perfect his weapons quietly. Sanji didn't always want to practice on the deck anymore than Zoro did. Thus, at a recent stop, a carpenter did a little work on the ship, giving each his own room just like Nami. Right then, Zoro needed to be alone.

It was his duty to keep the Captain safe; to protect Luffy. Beyond just duty, there was honor and something more. He hesitated to call it love. Love had to be returned, right? And who knew what Luffy felt for him. But that never stopped Zoro from doing his best to keep the younger pirate safe. Until they faced Smoke.

The damn Marine was impossible! Nothing any of them did slowed him down. Not even for a second. If Ace, Luffy's older brother, hadn't shown up, their adventures would have ended early. So Zoro had failed in his duty and the fact ate at him. Luffy said it was alright. Of course, Luffy also forgave people who tried to kill him. The swordsman punched the wall in frustration. When was he ever going to be good enough?!

"Bad time?" Zoro turned to find Ace standing in his doorway.

"I thought you went with the others." It wasn't quite growled, yet the tone made it clear to anyone he wanted to be left alone. Ace was as dense as his brother apparently because the older pirate simply walked in and closed the door. However, the sound of its lock turning made Zoro tense.

"What do you want?" Ace could be trusted. Couldn't he?

"You owe me."

"For?" Zoro knew. Yet it was the last thing he wanted to think about.

"You're supposed to keep my little brother safe, Swordsman." A slight sneer in his voice made Zoro flinch. "Only I had to save him. Seems to me you can't do your job."

"I can protect him," Zoro's hand flew to his swords. The metal never saw light as Ace seized his arms and threw him against the wall.

"Then start," Ace hissed.

Seconds ticked by as the two fighters stared at each other; fury dancing in their eyes.

"You want something else?" Zoro broke the silence.

"You still owe me." This time he leaned in, using his body to pin the younger man.

"I don't have any money. Nami keeps everything."

"There are those swords."

"Never." No one would touch them but him. Zoro struggled to be free yet couldn't do more than earn some bruises on his arms where Ace held him.

"Then there is only one thing left for you to pay me with." He moved closer until he was nose to nose with the startled swordsman.

"You can't mean..." His voice trailed off when he saw the hungry light in Ace's eyes. "No." The was no hesitancy in the refusal.

"So you don't honor your debts?" Ace pulled back a little. "I'm not sure I can trust my brother to someone with no honor."

Zoro felt a conflict. He wanted, needed, to honor his debts; it was why Nami blackmailed him so easily. Yet what Ace wanted was beyond simply paying what was owed. He was demanding more than Zoro thought he could give. But could he refuse the older fighter? Did it taint his honor to do so?

"A dishonorable samurai?" Ace mocked. "Isn't there a name for that?"

"I am not the dishonorable one here!" Zoro snapped, decision made. "Do what you want but understand once you leave this room our debt is cleared and you will never speak of this day again."

Ace smiled and leaned in for a kiss only to be denied as Zoro turned away, face to the wall. Well that was fine with him. He wasn't really there to have sex with the green haired man anyway. From the first time he'd seen Luffy with Zoro, he knew the two were in love and not doing anything about it. Leaving the pair separate wasn't something he could do. They needed each other; especially as the Grand Line was only going to get harder.

Placing slow kisses down Zoro's neck drew a soft moan from the other man. No doubt he was inexperienced; somehow the swordsman didn't give the impression of one who had much time or inclination to pursue men or women. However, for the plan to work, Zoro must make more noise. So, Ace bit down hard once he reached the shoulder neck area.

With a cry of surprising passion, Zoro arched against him, hands tangled in his shirt. Surely Luffy heard that? Ace's plan was for Luffy to hear what was going on and burst in, show Zoro what his feelings were. However, after Zoro's cry, his little brother remained outside. Why?

It couldn't be the locked door. Luffy could break through a solid building wall; a simple door should be no problem. But Ace felt him silently listening. Maybe he just needed to take things a little further.

"I think you're over dressed." Before Zoro could stop him, he removed the swords and sash. The sound of them hitting the floor echoed loudly in the small room. But no Luffy. Damn the boy.

Seizing the opening of Zoro's shirt, he ripped it open and exposed the scar. Shocked green eyes watched as he kissed and licked his way down the torn skin. The wound was sensitive and the younger man could not stop a breathy moan; small tears appeared in Ace's shirt from the desperate grip on it. However, Zoro kept his face to the wall.

"Got a lot of self-control." Ace complimented. "Do you think it can be broken?"

Zoro didn't comment. Instead, he closed his eyes. For a second Ace feared the swordsman knew Luffy was outside. But that was impossible. No one on the ship had attained that kind of control yet. Perhaps he was just worried about giving in to the sensations Ace was causing. As his little brother was playing hard to get, it was time to take things even further. He just hoped he could stop when the time came; Zoro was too handsome and tasty for his own good.

Reaching the hem of Zoro's pants, he pulled them down. The swordsman was not as unaffected as he pretended. He engulfed the flesh standing before his eyes with one swallow. Alternately laving it with this tongue and blowing cool air over the surface soon had Zoro panting, hands clenched into white-knuckled fists as he tried to keep control. There was no hurry and eventually the younger man's knees began to buckle. Ace caught him as he fell taking Zoro to his bed.

With exquisite care he laid out the swordsman like a feast. Green eyes remained closed against the knowledge of who was touching him. No doubt trying to imagine Luffy's hands. Luffy's lips. Mouth. Damn it! Where was his little brother? How could he stand there knowing what was going on and do nothing? Had he miscalculated what was between the two?

It didn't matter. Ace ached just as badly as Zoro, needed completion as much. Slicking two fingers with his own salvia, he began preparing his brother's crewmate. Fingers scissored back and forth. Stretching and bumping over a small nub. Zoro moaned again; clutched the sheets as if they were a lifeline.

"Finish it." The first words from the fighter since they'd begun. His control slipped as each second passed. The loss hurting him worse for knowing Luffy was outside the door. He could sense his Captain silently listening. Part of Zoro yearned for him to come in and stop his big brother. Another part feared him seeing Zoro so helpless and desperate. He didn't want Luffy seeing him spread his legs for Ace or arch into the contact of the other fighter's mouth. Couldn't live with it if he was seen rocking on the invaders inside him. It was humiliating enough to be used. But to have the love of one's life watch him enjoy it?

"Very well."

Suddenly the fingers were gone and Ace pushed Zoro's legs as wide open as they would go. This was Luffy's last chance. He paused, hoping something would happen. No one banged on the door. No yells broke the silence. Nothing to stop him from taking the beautiful, gasping body beneath him.

Groaning at the tightness he encountered, Ace pushed into Zoro who cried out at the pain.

"Shh." Ace soothed, voice tense. "It always hurts at first."

"You could have warned me," Zoro growled.

Ace was stunned. This was Zoro's first time? By the Grand Line! He'd never had a virgin before. This must be made into a memorable experience then. Slowly he rocked within Zoro. It only took a second to change the angle and hit that nub with every thrust. And the reward was very gratifying.

Zoro arched off the bed to wrap his arms around Ace's shoulders. The swordsman now sat in his lap meeting him movement for movement. Trying to take his lover deeper. Whimpering with pleasure into Ace's ear. Though there were no words of love shared. No endearments. Enjoyment of the body was the only thing binding them.

Silence was broken by an occasional sob from Zoro who could not hold back; the sensations were too new, too strong. Time stretched terribly. Seconds felt like glorious hours. They moved together faster and faster as their pleasure raced toward a peak. Smiling like the devil himself, Ace reached between their straining bodies and brought them over the edge. Zoro threw back his head and howled. Ace was quieter; merely gripping his lover close.

As their breathing slowed, Ace gently pushed Zoro back onto the bed. The green haired man was gorgeous when covered with sweat and trembling slightly. On impulse, Ace leaned down for a kiss, yet Zoro turned his face away again. This time the older man wasn't about to be denied. He sank his hands in green locks and forced his lover to face him.

"No," Zoro hissed; the man had taken his first time, he was not going to get his first kiss. However, there was no strength in his arms. No way to refuse the newest demand.

Lips seized his, forcing his mouth open. Another part of his body was plundered ruthlessly. Strange tastes washed over him. Unwelcome flavors. Then it was over and Ace just dropped him back onto the bed.

"If my brother doesn't want you, I have no problems making my claim." One finger flared to life. There was no resistance as he burned a small ace of spades on Zoro's shoulder. If Luffy wouldn't claim this man, Eagle Eye might. Better to be marked by him than that cold bastard. "That should keep the others from messing with you."

Zoro didn't say anything. Not reacting to the wound or the words accompanying it. He stayed still on the bed. Luffy hadn't done anything. Hadn't reacted in any way. What did that mean? Did the Captain feel nothing for him? He stared out at nothing; had nothing left to give. The conflict and self-doubt consumed his conscious mind.

There wasn't anything Ace could do would make things better so he dressed and left. The plan had gone wrong for reasons he couldn't begin to comprehend. Outside he saw Luffy standing in the shadows, eyes hidden in the dark. An aura of barely repressed rage surrounded him.

"The Grand Line isn't a place for someone as gorgeous as him to wander around unclaimed." Ace said without looking back as his brother. "Don't let others think he's available if you feel anything for him."

Having said his piece, the older man simply walked off the ship. What happened next would be up to Zoro and Luffy. Hopefully they'd make the right choices.
