Title: Bound

Author: Phoenix

Feedback: lina.inverse@verizon.net

Disclaimer: I have no idea how to put this. Basically I own this fic, but not any fandoms you may apply it to. You want to use it...ASK.

Warnings: BDSM, weird, I wrote it.

Rating: R-NC17

Fandom: Pick one and apply it. You'll see when you read the fic.

Archive: CkoS, Gundam Wing Addiction (any other automatic ML ones if they want it) All others ask please.

Pairing: Pick one.....see the Fandom statement or just read the fic.

Summary: Someone gets tied up.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This was something that came at me at 2am and refused to go away. Yes this means I am inflicting another experiment on you. Read the warnings and I hope you enjoy. Please be kind as I haven't written anything like this before and am really nervous.

by Phoenix

Dominate me

He comes to me. Shy. Angry. Sullen. Desperate. Needing me as much as I need him. So hungry for what I can give. Yet, hating the desire that drives him here. Oh how he loathes trusting someone else. Some part of his personality stubbornly refusing to admit he isn't dominate in bed unlike everything else. So he fights and struggles until the need becomes a hunger consuming the body and thought. A fever drowning resistance. But not all of his fight. No. It would no fun if he didn't fight me.


I watch his face as I close the last manacle. Shame burns his cheeks. Lust fires his eyes. Confusion paints everything else. He's so strong outside this room. So sure of himself. Outside nothing can stop him. No one can order him. Inside, he is mine. To control. Order. Use. Love. Here the world vanishes and the only thing that truly matters is flesh and steel and passion. This is the place where pride is vanquished. Doubts banished. Reality lost in a haze. In this room, I rule him.

Control me

I stretched him out in an X. Traditional and unimaginative perhaps. Uncomfortable for him to be certain. I can see all those glorious muscles bunch and tremble. However, I enjoy having access to every inch of skin. Nothing hidden. Modesty in him annoys me. Why should he hide something so incredible as his body? So beautiful. So helpless. I can see the knowledge in his eyes. He can't move. Can't stop me. Anything I want, I can do. A definite rush. I will never betray him though. Never push too far. I will always keep control. Of myself and him.


I can feel his eyes follow me as I walk around him. He's wondering when it will start. When the first caress will be delivered and where. I try to be different each time. You'd be surprised at my lover's erogenous zones. Like the one on the back of his left knee. I run a feather light touch over the area and he gasps; leg bending as much as his bonds allow. I don't usually start like that. Normally I take things slow. Prolonging the game for hours. It's been too long since the last time, I think. His damn pride and the misconceptions he was raised with kept him away. Well, maybe a little revenge would be appropriate. Later. Now we need too much to delay.

Own me

Five caresses later and he's cussing. He has such a lovely mouth. I hate to put it to waste, but he knows the rules. So I use a ball gag to stem the flow of foul language. It turns him on even more. And that of course confuses him even more. He can't understand. Normally, he's the one in charge. Strong. A natural born leader. How can be want this so badly? I cut short the dilemma by touching him again and again. Across his stomach. Down his chest. Along shaking thighs. Everywhere. Each caress is accompanied by a word. One he moans at. "Mine." I say it again and again. Watching as he reacts and begins to arch into my hands. There are no doubts about who he belongs to.


Soon all the fight is drained from him. Gone in the sweat lightly covering the canvas that is his body. It has been too long. The need on his face reflects my own state. Good thing he is so far gone or he might find some remnant of sprit to use in drawing this out. It could lead to my losing for the first time. I continue to touch him until his head falls back and his breath comes in pants. The combination of things I am doing pushing his senses into overload. Still, he cannot find release. I've taught him well. Unless I give permission, he will stay incomplete. Removing the gag, I stand before him. Those enchanting eyes focus on me. He knows what I want and in a voice drowning with desire, he pleads to be taken.

Complete me

I shiver at the words. To hear him beg. Someone I can never defeat outside this room. Someone I see command others. To hear him beg with that same voice almost undoes me. No one has the right to sound so sexy. His pleas spur me into action and I prepare him, listening to the pants, moans, and soft, senseless words. Encouragement at its most primal. Driving both of us to hurry. To be one. Combined in pleasure and pain and I am unable to wait any longer. Together we are joined. Flesh touching. Sweat mingling. Movement dictated by a rhythm our ears cannot pick up, yet our souls know. I claim him and in return am claimed. We are a part of each other. Heat and friction. Cries and gasps. Desperate. Frantic. Needing more. More. Until something within us breaks loose and we fall, finding release. Finding home in each other.


I don't know how long I held onto him; simply drifting in the feel of having his pliant form against mine. Long after I should have. That much is certain. His arms and legs were so weak when I finally let him down, he couldn't stand. I dragged him to bed and massaged his numb limbs. He winced past the pins and needles. When the circulation was returned, he cuddled with me falling asleep long before I. The quiet moments are often the best. However, they cannot last. Once he was awake, he would leave the room. Go Outside. Then things had to return to normal. Back to supposed reality. Pulling my lover tight against me, I slip into dreams. There he and I are never forced to live by other's rules. Never have to deny what we want or feel. Never have to step Outside. In my dreams, and his, we are forever whole.


END NOTE: Well? yes I know it's kind of disjointed. It's supposed to be....train of thought almost. Half internal monologue and half train of thought. How bad did I screw up?