TITLE: The Looks That Deceive


Fandom: none

Pairing: Jade/ Mason


Feedback: PollySet@webtv.net

Disclaimer: They are all MINE!!....And I intend to have a lot of fun with them!!!

Summary: Two smugglers have a higher purpose....

Warnings: I have the first 3 parts of this story finished, but it may take a bit of time before I can finish it...I tend to write long stories!!! I know where the story is going, just haven't put it on paper

Rating: NC-17

The Looks That Deceive
by PollySet

The dim lights shimmered across the glossy black tables, further adding to the shadows, and darkness of the nightclub. The long bar at one end was , even at the late hour, filled with an eclectic array of different species , drinking as many different beverages.

At a dark table in the back, well hidden in the shadows, a young man nursed his only drink of the evening. Leaning back in his chair, he silently watched the scene around him, cataloging everything with his keen , sharp mind.

A shapely human waitress eased her way back to the lone drinker.

"Can I get you anything else,? Don't you like what I got for you?" She asked, leaning over to expose as much of her ample bosom as possible.

The young man ignored her large bust, and looked at the waitress with his deep, green eyes.

"This is fine." He answered "I am waiting for a friend."

The waitress watched him as he sipped the drink, and smiled at her. She smiled back, and felt herself blush for the fist time in years. The man was, for lack of a better word, beautiful. His dark, blue black hair, fell loosely at his shoulders. His face almost appeared sculptured it was so perfect. High cheek bones, finely shaped lips, almost too pretty for a man. Those deep green eyes seemed to burn a hole through her soul, the edges slightly turned upwards, giving him an exotic look. She figured him for human, but he was so exotic, as to make her wonder if there wasn't something else there..

"Well, if you need me, just call." She offered as suggestively as she could.

"Thank you." he answered sincerely. His voice soft, yet strong.

The waitress returned to the other, busier tables, taking more orders and good naturedly accepting a few pinches and propositions from the occupants. She looked up as the door opened, and another man walked in.

The place silenced immediately.

A large man entered, dressed in leather, and looking battle ready. His tall, almost massive frame moved with a grace that belied his size. He seemed to not notice the silence , or was simply used to it. Running his hand over his short, military hair cut, he looked around, finding the person he had come to meet.

As he made his way towards the back of the bar, the other patrons returned to their drinks, and slowly, the noise level returned to normal.

Mason Stone moved his tall 6'5" frame through the tables. seeing the familiar face he sought, a lopsided grin graced his strong, handsome face. Easing into the booth next to the beautiful young man who had been drinking alone, he signaled to the waitress.

Seeing the signal, she made her way back to the table, hoping to catch a glance from either men. As different as they were, both were equally handsome in her eye, and she hoped to get an invitation from one of them
"What can I get you, handsome?" She said, flirting with Stone, again showing her ample bosom.

Hiding a grin, Stone ordered an ale, his voice deep and powerful, as she expected from a man so big.

The waitress left the table, swinging her hips in an obviously suggestive manner.

The smaller man smiled , and looked at his friend. "Should I be jealous, Mase?" He asked looking directly into his friends eyes. Deep green met deep brown, many unsaid thoughts passing between them..

"Not my type, Jade." Mason answered, turning to watch the waitress make her way back to their table.

"And your type is?"

Mason Stone turned to look at his friend, partner, and life mate. It never ceased to surprise him that such a beautiful, smart, talented man such as Christopher Jade would even look at him, never mind be committed to him for life.

"I tend to be attracted to young men with long dark hair, and deep green eyes." He answered.

"So I stand a chance , then." Jade answered, watching as the waitress placed the ale on the table.

"Can I get you anything else?" she asked

Tossing a few coins on the table, Stone shook his head. "We are all set for the night."

Seeing the coins included a hefty tip for her, the waitress picked up the coins, happy for the money, if saddened by the rebuke.

"So how was the meeting?" Jade asked, leaning back into the shadows, resisting the need to lean into his lover's incredible body. Just having that solid body next to him, surrounded him with an incredible calm.

//How I love this man, // He thought to himself, slowly rubbing his foot against Stone's leg.

A jolt of passion went through the larger man's body, feeling the suggestive touch of his partner under the table.

"I think we need to take this conversation back to the freighter, Jade."

"If you insist.." The answer was soft, and sultry., and Stone hoped he could make it back to the freighter without taking his young lover right there. No matter how many times he made love to Jade, he never tired of feeling him naked against him, and making him cry out in passion.

Together, appearing to be no more then friends, or business partners, they left the bar, and made their way back through the bays where various ships were docked. Since this was the poorer end of the large trading station, the ships were a ragged group of broken down, and well used freighters, and transports.

Occasionally, another pilot would pass the pair, but they never acknowledged them. The people who frequented these bays preferred to be as anonymous as possible.

They arrived at the bay where their own ship was berthed, and after entering a series of security codes, entered what they considered home.

As soon as the doors were locked behind them, Mason grabbed his lover, and carried him towards their private quarters.

"You were going to tell me about the meeting." Jade said, wrapping his arms around his lover's powerful shoulders.

"No, sex first, then work."

"If you insist.................."

Part 2

Christopher Jade lay warm and sated across his lover's broad, strong chest. Lazily tracing Mason's well defined muscle's with his fingers, the young man was lost in a rare, quiet moment.

Mason Stone was also enjoying the moment, as well as the afterglow of incredible love making. He had taken his lover first hard and fast, and then slow and easy, making it last for as long as possible. The solid weight of his life mate across his chest felt so right. He ran his fingers through Jade's long, dark hair with one hand, and held his lover's slender waist with his other. Their legs were intertwined, Jade's head resting under Mason's neck.

"What are you thinking about in that mind of yours?" Stone asked quietly, burying his hands deep in the silky soft hair, holding his love's head tightly to his chest.

"Thinking I may not be able to sit for a week." Came the soft reply, touched with a bit of humor.

Laughing softly, Stone answered. "You can't tell me that is the only thought in that mind of yours. I know you too well."

Jade smiled against his partners chest. //That is too true// He thought to himself. //No one in the universe knows me better.//

"I was wondering how your meeting with The Rat went, if we can make this buy without getting any new scars or holes punched in us, and if we are ever going to live normal lives." As he said this, he traced a long thin scar across Mason's chest, as if in emphasis.

Stone was silent for a moment, and then pulled Jade even closer to him, holding the precious body close, offering what solace he could.

"Now that is what I expected, several deep thoughts at once. Let me start from the beginning. The Rat is just that, a rat. He even has these yellow teeth."

"Yuck.." Jade interjected, not moving from the strong hold of his lover.

"Yes, 'yuck'. He has a big shipment of Joyride he needs to move out of Earthspace. I think I convinced him we are the smugglers for the job. He wants to meet you. From what I saw he has a taste for the young boys."

"Do I want to know?" Jade whispered, shuddering a bit.

"Not really. He had a couple of boys there, they looked pretty rough. I really don't want to do business with this guy, but I don't see a choice. He is as slimy as they come. If he is , like we have heard, a part of the Cartel, this could be the link to Scarsdale we have been looking for."

"Our information has led us to believe that could be true. I am anxious to tap into some of the computers here, and see what I can get." Jade said, still tracing patterns with his fingers.

"OK, what else...Oh yeah, more scars and holes." Mason ran his hand across his lover's back, cataloging the scars. He remembered too well how they got there.

"He had plenty of muscle, and weapons around him, but we've survived worse. I know one thing, you are not to be alone with him, ever."

Jade pulled back, looking into Stone's deep brown eyes. "I can take care of myself, Mase, you know that.."

"This is not open for discussion, humor me here, Jade...Please. This guy is....creepy."

"Creepy?" Jade asked, getting all the way up, and padding on bare feet across the lush carpet of their private roms. The only place on the freighter they allowed any softness or luxury. Mason watched the seductive sight of his naked lover as he walked away from him.

"Don't go crazy on me here, Jade. I KNOW, Gods , I know more then anyone just how capable you are. But this guy..."

"Creepy." Jade finished , re-entering the room with a black robe wrapped around his light frame. Next to his partner he looked small, even frail. But in truth, he was a highly skilled fighter of ancient martial arts known only by a few in modern times. Together with an IQ well off any scale...

"OK." Stone relented "So I am a bit overprotective."

"A bit?" Jade said smiling, sitting on the foot of the bed, wrapping the robe around himself.

"I give up!" Stone said, throwing his hands up in mock defeat. "Just this guy is a sicko, and I....I don't want him....touching you, or even looking at you..."

Jade crawled across the bed, and into Mason's arms."You're mine/..." The large man said, holding his partner protectively in his arms.

They held each other silently for a few moments, saying nothing.

"How is it you put up with me?" Mason finally asked, gently brushing an errant lock of hair out of jade's eye.

"That's easy Mase, you put up with ME!"

"Well, you do have a point..OUCH!!!" Mason protested as he was punched by Jade, and using his commanding size, he quickly gained the advantage, and flipped the smaller man onto his back, holding him down with his large body against the bed.

Jade laughed, and reached up with his hands, placing them on either side of is life mate's face. Marvelling again at how a handsome man like Mason Stone could want him, even having seen Jade at his very worse, Mason had always been there.

"I guess we are stuck with each other." Jade continue. "So let's make a plan to smuggle some very illegal drugs out of earthspace. make some serious money, and add to our nefarious reputation.!!"

"But that isn't doing much to return us to a normal life, Jade."

"I've lived normal. It is highly over rated."


Part 3

The orbiting space station had many large storage areas comprised of locking steal sheds. Various goods and supplies could be stored here before being shipped out into the vast universe, or onto the planet the station orbited, Earth.

The closer to the center of the station , the better the conditions. The farther away you got, the seedier the area became.

Mason Stone leaned against one of many storage sheds lined up in a definitely low rent part of the station. Most of the lights were out, making it very dark. The sheds formed an endless series of allies, and hiding places.

The large man watched as another man approached him. Mason smiled as he noticed the man approaching had his hands outstretched, making sure not to look like a threat.

"WHy do I always have to come to the sleaziest places to meet with you guys?" He asked Mason, looking into the darkness around them. "I know you are here somewhere, Jade....OH JESUS!" he yelped, jumping back as Jade seemed to materialize from a shadow right next to him. "You two are taking years off my life, don't DO that . You are one sneaky bastard, Jade, has anyone ever told you that?"

"I've been called worse." Jade replied.

The third man turned back to Stone. "I assume we are alone here?" Commander Leo Black asked, putting his hands deep into his jacket pockets, shivering from a little more then cold.

"As alone as we can get here...it's clear." Stone answered. Jade turned his back on the two men,watching the shadows for any sign of movement.

Pulling a disk of his pock, Black handed it over to Stone.

"This is the information you wanted, and some codes to get into the computers system. Make it look like you had to try OK Jade?" No answer came from the silent man, "I don''t think your partner likes me, Stone."

"Do you think he should EVER trust a Fed again?" Stone asked icily.

Black turned around, and Jade had once again faded back into the shadows. "You have a point." He conceded.

"We made contact with The Rat. He is as slimy as they come. You are going to need Child Protective Services when we take him down."

"Jeez..OK , OK. I will get that info so I can make a call right from the bust. DO you think you can get a meeting with his boss, Zandell?"

"We might have some leverage, I think we can arrange it. We won't wait too long . If we can't make the meeting happen, we will have to settle with The Rat himself. Otherwise, it will look too suspicious."

"The boss wants Zandell. He won't settle for the middle man."

"Screw the boss." Jade's voice came from the shadows as he walked up to stand in front of his partner. Stone placed a hand on the smaller man's shoulder. "If he wants Zandell, the let him come down here and get him himself ."

Black held his tongue. He has been dealing with these two for too long, and knew when he had reached the limit. He knew they would never allow any kids to stay in danger any more then necessary."

"Look, you do the best you can. The boss likes to yell and scream, but he 's in no position to complain."

"Remember, we can disappear so fast...he would never find us." Jade said, looking directly into Black's eyes.

Even in the dark shadows, Black could see the determination in the deep green eyes. He was always leary of Stone. His commanding size, muscles , and array of weapons at his side were imposing . But Black was smart enough to know to never underestimate the smaller partner. He had seen his lightning fast moves, and knew he was equally as dangerous.

"Check out the disk, let me know what else you need. When it goes down, you will have to be arrested with the others. I have no connections here I trust. I will make sure to be there, and take you in myself. Then we can arrange a break out, or get you off somehow, so we can keep your cover...unless you are ready to come in..."

The two partners looked at each other, silent conversation passing between them'

"We stay under, for now, we want to finish this job." Stone answered, looking back towards Black, but his hand stayed protectively over Jade's smaller shoulder.

"OK, you can contact me when you need me. I'll be ready to move fast, but a little heads up would be nice.. As he started to head out of the alley, he turned to Jade and added. "And Jade, your old man is in town. Thought you should know so we don't have any disasters."

There was no answer, but Stone nodded his head in understanding.

Stone watched as Commander Black walked back the way he had come.

"Black isn't really that bad, as Feds go." He said to his partner.

"That isn't;t saying much." Jade answered, starting to leave the storage area, Mason following behind. Stone knew better then to argue the point. Jade had long since lost all faith in a system that had failed him.


Commander Black stepped into a transport, his boss waiting inside for him.

"Well, did you see them?" General Marcus asked as the door closed behind Black.

"As much as you ever see those two. " Knowing the general expected a bit more information, he continued "They have made contact with The Rat. They seem to think they can make a buy with him, but will try to get an audience with Zander. This is the closest they have some to the Cartel in the three years they have been under."

"I don't want to settle with The Rat. Push them to go for Zandell."

"You want me to push those two? I didn't know the job description included suicide.

"I think you are afraid of them." The General said

"I am, with reason. Those two are a heart attack waiting to happen They are so close to the edge, they could go over and disappear at anytime. The only thing holding them together is Stone, and that is scary. "

"This is getting out of hand. If these two space jockeys think they can call the shots, we can pull them in, and separate them. After a few months of debriefing, they will straighten out. They need to remember their basic training, they are still soldiers...what is so funny?"

"Respectfully, Sir, you have no idea what you"are dealing with" Black said, failing to hide the humor he found in the Generals words.

"I've been dealing with undercover and covert ops soldiers for years...."

"Not like these two."

"Then tell me, Black, what makes these two so different, and I don't want the details of their sex life. That I don't need to hear about. Tell me why these two punks have you so freaked out."

Black sat back in the seat. He had walked the line between the General, and Jade and Stone for three years now. He knew he had to play both sides to get his job done, and he had to hold back certain information.

"They are a team like no other I have ever seen. If you separate them, Stone will tear down walls to get to Jade. If you corner, or push Jade....well let's just say he will never let what happened to him happen again. They are OK. Let them do their job. They have made more busts, and given us more information then any other team out there. They are making you , and the agency, look good."

"But that Damn Senator Jadstar is pushing me, and the media is in love with him. They hang on his every word. He has made stopping the Cartel, and stopping the smuggling to the Sardite forces his own personal crusade. ...like we haven't been trying!! I need his interference like I need a damn hole in my head. He is becoming as much a pain in my ass as these two space jockeys, Stone and Jade1!!!"

Black kept his silence. Now he knew why the General was so up-tight. If he only knew the full story!!


The Looks That Deceive 4

Jade sat on the edge of the massive bed in the private quarters of the Phoenix, the freighter he and Mason Stone called home. The large vidscreen before him showed Senator Jadstar, in all his perfect glory...the epitome of a successful Politician.

Jade's deep green eyes watched the press conference as the Senator fielded questions with practiced ease..

Mason Stone entered the bedroom running a towel over his short damp hair. A larger towel was draped around his lean hips, his chest bare and still damp from his recent shower. He watched his young lover stare at the vidscreen, and heard the Senator's words.

"Though there has been some success by the Earth Intelligence Agency, they have been few and far between" The Senator clenched his fist on the podium before him to help make his point. "The sad truth is that the E.I.A. has become nothing but a bunch of Space Jockeys who are as corrupt as the Cartel they claim to be fighting."

Mason wished, not for the first time, he could strangle the popular Politician. The pain he saw in his young love's eyes spoke volumes to Stone just how much the Senator's words could hurt Jade.

"Computer, vidscreen off." Mason commanded the computer, and the large screen went blank. Jade looked up at him starting to protest , but Mason placed his left hand over Jade's mouth, and his right behind the smaller man's head, silencing him effectively.

"NO, hush, let me talk, OK?" He asked keeping his hold on Jade.

Jade looked up at his lover, trying to smile against the large hand over his mouth.

Mason sat down beside his young friend, getting comfortable, never taking his eyes off of the beautiful green ones before him.

"When has listening to his B.S. ever done you any good?"

"Mph mphhh oumf." Jade mumbled , his eyes shining with emotion up at his lover.

""Never, right!! " Mason translated. "When has anything he said ever been true?"

"Mph Mumph ouph." Jade mumbled, now starting to laugh despite himself.

"Right again!! And you really don't want to listen to that any more, do you?"

Mason shook Jade's head back and forth.

"No! Right again," Mason laughed at his lovers futile attempts to free himself

"No, not yet, ...I'm almost done. Now, repeat after me..."I will not let my Father make me feel like shit any more.'"

"Mi mumph ou." Jade mumbled again, running his hands over Stone's bare chest before him.

"No distracting me here,Jade. Now that last line didn't sound right somehow..."

"Mi mumph ouph." Jade mumbled again, before he successfully pulled the hand away from his mouth.

"I said, 'I love you.'" Jade finally managed to say, softly kissing Stone's hand before letting it go.

Mason still had his right hand on the back of Jade's head. With his left hand, he brushed a few errant strands of hair from Jade's face. Jade had taken a few strands on one side, and braided in small beads, and bits of polished rock. At the end of one braid was a small, white bird feather.

He had an earring that dangled down in intricate patterns, and his necklace a jade beads Mason had given him.

"It never ceases to amaze me that someone so beautiful could love me." Mason said, pulling his love into a gentle embrace.

"You are my rock, my strength." Jade whispered against Mason's broad chest "Thanks."

"For what?" Mason asked, pulling back to look into Jade's green eyes.

"For always knowing what to say to make me feel better. Where were you when I was growing up?"

"Looking for you., of course." Mason answered.

The two just stared at each other for a moment, so may thoughts passed between them without words.

"You'd better get dressed, wouldn't want to keep a rat waiting." Jade said, finally breaking the silence.

"Stay close tonight, this guy is a real sicko." Mason said starting to get up to dress.

"You never have to ask me to stay close." Jade answered watching Mason walk away, wearing only a towel.....

Mason headed back towards the bathroom, when he felt the towel at his waist start to fall off. Too late he grabbed for it, and as he turned, he saw Jade sitting , holding the edge of the towel in his hand.

"Heah!! Give me that!" He yelled reaching for the towel, only to have it snatched back out of his reach.

Jade gave him a long, lingering glance, "Now that is beautiful." He said. "But if you don't get dressed, we are going be late for our meeting."

"Tease!!" Mason accused as he again headed for the bathroom, purposefully strutting and wiggling a bit for Jade's entertainment..

Mason could hear a muffled groan came from the bed, followed by a rolled up damp towel that hit him square in the butt!!

Mason turned around fast enough to see the retreating from of his lover as the younger man bolted out of the room.