Title: Fractured

Author: E.C.

Pairings: Beecher/Keller

Rated: PG for language and mild violence

Disclaimers: Tom Fontana knows not how to treat these boys with the TLC they deserve, so I swiped 'em. Working for free here, and I'll put them back when I'm done.

SPOILERS: Season 2 of Oz

Summary: Keller gets slapped in the face with the fact that he's in L-O-V-E with a certain crazy ex-prag we all know, after breaking him down.

Notes: For the "Broken" 5 min challenge Peja issued a LOOOOOOONG time ago...you da best! :D Unbeta'd...if it sucks, blame me.

Feedback: Enjoy and sing my praises or send raspberries...
struttersuperior@aol.com / elizabeth@mother-superior.com

Archive: Peja,'tis all yours, everyone else sure but tell me first so I can preen.


by E.C.

Snap, crackle, pop. I will never forget those sounds as long as I live.

I can almost feel the ache in my own arms and legs. It hurts to stand, to lean against the bunk because HIS arms and HIS legs are broken, and it's like his pain has become my own.

His pillow. Christ, his pillow. The bunk still smells like him.

Shattered pieces. I can see it like an x-ray in front of my eyes...every crack, every hairline fracture. Slivers of bone digging into muscle and tendon, cutting...slicing...breaking.

I screw my eyes shut. The deed is done...all scores are settled. I finally collapse into my own bed, staring at the mattress above me.

Too straight. Too perfect. Where's the familiar bulge of Toby's broad back and rounded ass weighing it down? Where's the soft sound of his voice saying goodnight?

Why do I even care?

Why? Because when I broke him, I broke something else, too. As each bone snapped, another crack appeared in the armor that is Chris "Love 'Em And Leave 'Em" Keller. Each sick, soft crack was another blow that shattered me into a million pieces, tearing down my walls and leaving me in glittering shards across the polished floor of the gym.

Because as I broke Toby's arms, I broke my own heart.