Author/pseudonym: PEJA

Fandom: LAHeat

Paring: August/Chase

Rating: NC-17

Status: new, complete...I think

Archive: yes

E-mail address daltonavon@yahoo.com

Series/Sequel: Seems to be Other websites: https://www.squidge.org/~peja/

Disclaimers: Don't own 'em but willing to buy 'em as a matched pair

Notes: I do not like diets

Summary: August is on a healthy diet.

Warnings: ooouuuuuie gooey sex in the shower




Chase, not that I don’t appreciate it, but why you suddenly letting me drive." August asked, guiding the car in and out of the stream of traffic.

The blonde man shrugged and pointed at the Safeway two blocks ahead. "Pull in there. I want to pick up some things."

"Mac, we’re on duty here," August protested, even as he made the lane change.

"Only be a minute, partner," Chase protested. "And why are you arguing when you know your gonna do it."

"How do you know I’m gonna do it?"

"You always do, Aug. Just like you always argue about it."

"I do not."


August pressed his lips together to keep from proving his partner right and pulled to a stop before the supermarket.

Chase flashed his devil may care grin. "See,"

"Yeah, right." August started to ease out of the car along with Chase.

"Uh-uh, Aug," Chase said, dragging him back in by the arm. "You on a diet, man. Stay here out of temptation’s way."


Chase grinned shaking his head, "You have a right to eat healthy, remember?"

Grimacing, August crossed his arms and slumped down in the seat. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, if I give up the right….yada, yada, yada."

Chase laughed, and spinning on his heel, glided toward the enterance.

Leaning over to watch his wild man partner walk away, damn but he did walk nice, he shouted . "You couldn’t wait until we were off duty to stop here, could you?"

"Come in with me for a minute, Aug," Chase said, snagging the two paper bags from the seat. "I want to show you something."

I don’t know…" August murmured trying to get a peek at what Chase had bought. He could swear he’d seen a bottle of double chocolate fudge sauce….and hell that had to be a jar of Marshmallow crème.. The damn man was trying to drive him insane. "What you got in there?"

Chase grinned. "Broccoli, Aug. Know how much you love it."

"Yeah, ‘bout as much as I loved the hangover I took home last time I stopped over at your place."

"Yeah, hung over and satisfied," Chase crooned., rustling the bag nearest his grumpy partner enticingly. "You want to see what I bought, you’re gonna have to come in. Help me….put it away."

August felt a delicious shiver trip over his spine. "Think I can handle the temptation?"

"Temptation, thy name is…" the grin widened and he dragged August out of the car through the passenger side door.

With every little resistance, August was hustled into Chase’s home "okay. I’m in. So what did you buy to torment me with."

"Not yet, " Chase said and ducked into his bedroom, bags and all. A moment later August heard the shower come on and Chase’s rendition of "toucha, toucha, toucha, touch me. I wanna be dirty ….Thrill me, chill me fulfill me, creature of the night.."

August grimaced, scenting the air like a trapped animal as he cast his mind away from the thoughts of Chase standing naked in the shower. Was he touching himself, running those slender fingers over his cock…It would be standing erect by now if August was any judge of his partner. "Ah Christ. Next he’s gonna break into ‘I feel pretty.’"

He thrust the image of Chase singing that particular song and jacking off under the water from hs mind, and a second lust filled his head. "What does he have in those bags?" he grumbled, slinking into the bedroom. A quick look around killed that pursuit too. The bags were not here. He’d taken them into the bath with him. "That’s trust or you," he groused

"Loverboy…..Oh loverboy" sounded seductively from the bath. "Baby, My sweet baby. Augie, you’re the one."

Groaning, August cast a quick glance in the direction of the bathroom, and saw a dark hand. A hand drizzled in what could only be chocolate fudge sauce beckoning him.. Thought failed him and much like the piper’s rats, he drifted into the bathroom.

To find a chocolate covered detective beaming at him.

A choking gasp parted his lips as Chase painted his lips with the dark fudge. The sweet mingling with the unique Chase flavor he craved had August breaking out in a sweat. He captured the teasing hand and licked it clean, smacking his lips with all the contentment of a suckling babe.

Clothes slipped to the floor though no help of August’s as he nipped and licked his way up the underside of Chase’s arm and down his chest to find a butterscotch nipple erect and ready for him.

"Shower," was the only warning he got as Chase eased him under the warm water. The blond’s hands roamed where they would, leaving a soapy trail only to be rinsed and kissed clean.

August bit his lip to silence his cries as the man craddled his balls, running thick white suds over his cock, burying him in the white ….."Oh God," August rasped as he realized the goo covering his cock was not soap but…"Marshmallow crème, my god, it is."…

Chase was on his knees. He swooped in on the delicacy, swallowing it whole, sucking, licking nibbling and finally purring as August was flung to the stars..

When August could draw a steady breath again, he drew his lover into his arms and kissed him deeply, before he whispered, "Temptation thy name is…"

"Chase." His lover said, beaming.
