Title: The Perfect Gift
Author/pseudonym: PEJA
Fandom: Freedom (shortlived, but I liked it)
Pairing: Preslash
Rating: R
Status: complete
Archive: The WWOMB.
Feedback: want it or no?: Do ya have to ask. This is a new fandom. Tell me if ya thinkya like it.
E-mail address for feedback:: daltonavon@yahoo.com
Series/Sequel: Is this story part of a series? Nope, well maybe nope....
Other websites: https://www.squidge.org/~peja/
Disclaimers: UPN ran the show, so I guess they own it, but they weren't any smarted about what the public want then they were with the Sentinel so its gone too. Guess that makes it up for grabs.
Notes: I'd been planning this short for FreedomChatAndFic for awhile now seems as good a time as any to break into this fandom
Summary: Londo reveals his thoughts on growing old
Warnings: sap...no sex...just read it and tell me if you like it.
"I tried dating myself," Londo remrked, leaning back in his chair and staring grimly at the vile chickory brew that passed for coffee since the embargo. "But then today my birthday rolled around."
James threw a long-suffering glance toward Owen Decker, getting an indulgent grin and a shrug for his efforts. "Okay," James grumbled, hurling a dagger glare a the tongue-in-cheek innocence plastered over Londo's face. "Okay, already. I'm a sucker. What's your birthday have to do with dating yourself."
Londo picked up his cup, swished the black fluid around then took a bracing breath and swallowed deeply, grimacing as the brew hit his tongue. Shuddering, he set the cup down and shoved it away, sloshing a good half of it over the rim. "Nasty shit."
"Dammit, Londo, what the hell are you talking about, dating yourself?"
Londo tlted his head, grining. "Well, as you know I'm a man of...shall we say...distinctive tastes." He folded his hands over his stomach, sighing. "I expect the man I'm dating..."
"The man....?" James turned a confused look on Owen. "Did he say the man he's dating?"
Decker chuckled, nodding. "That's what I heard."
Londo cleared his throat, drawing two sets of furrowed eyes. "As I was saying, I expect the man I'm dating to buy me the perfect gift."
James snorted. "The perfect gift, huh?"
Londo chose to ignore his sarcastic tone, nodding. "Especilaly for my birthday."
Owen crossed the room and slid into the chair next to the lanky man. "Why, especially on your birthday, Londo?"
A heavy pout pulled at his lips. "Birthdays are...tramatic, Decker," he said in a tone that said the other man should have known that.
Knowing his was beng sucked in deeper and deeper, Owen took another step into the insanity Londo was weaving with expert ease. "Tramatic?"
Londo lifted eyes that glittered with tears, if they were from sadness of laughter, Decker wasn't willing to hazard a guess.
"Well, of course, tramatic. I'm another year closer to the nursing home. Another year closer to needing a nurse. And those don't exist for us anymore, do they? I'm another year closer to dying early, under tragic circumstances." He shook his head tiredly. "The man I deserve knows my gift should reflect that tragedy. he would kow right off what would bring me absolute joy and make me forget how close I am to death."
"Londo, we've got some heavy duty firepower hounding our asses," decker said. "In all likelihood, we're not going to make it to old age."
Londo's smile was bright enough to light the dingy room they'd holed up in. "Gee, do ya think?"
Decker nodded. "Yeah, I think."
"Good." Londo slumpeded back in his chair. "That's one thing off my mnd then." His hazel glance tracked to the grimy window and he sighed again. "Still, it would have been nice if someone had remembered my birthday."
"How about it, Owen" James asked, arching one black brow.
Decker nodded. "Good time as any."
Grinning widely, James disappeared into the next room and reappeared secnds later, carrying two brightly wrapped packages. He set them down before a sputtering Londo. "Happy birthday, Lon."
"For me?" Londo grinned with delight. "Geeze, guys, ya shouldn't have."
"Just open them." James shoved one gift at him. "This one's from me."
Londo made quick work of the wrapping then reeled backwards as he lifted the gift. "How...?"
"Wasn't easy," James responded, grinning.
Londo rolled the coffee can in his hands. "Real coffee."
James nodded. "From Columbia."
Tears slipped from Londo's wide eyes. "Oh god, James..."
James shoved the other package toward the emotion ridden man. "This one next."
Londo reached for the package. "It's cold."
"I had it hidden on the window ledge." Decker nodded toward the package. "Open it."
Londo quickly unwrapped the second gift and held up it up. "Chocolate covered coffee beans?"
Decker shrugged. "We know how much you've been missing real coffee."
Londo tore into the package and popped a couple beans into his mouth. "So, you guys into threesomes?"
That's it, just a little drabble to bring this impossible fandom into light.