Title: A Woman Scorned

Author: Mary

Email: Msant56428@aol.com

Feedback: Always appreciated

Disclaimer: If I owned them, I wouldn't be writing fan fiction.

Rating: PG-13

Clssification: Roswell - Maria/Kyle Bonding

Dedication: To Miri…I've had this story bouncing around in my head since Heatwave and your pleading for fiction has spurred me to put it on paper…I mean, I must keep my advocates happy…*g*…Also to SPRIT, for lying to me about my talent as a writer…

Spoilers: Up to Heatwave then my own little universe…

By Mary

Maria looked around the Christmas Dance and sighed. She saw Max and Liz on the dance floor and frowned slightly. It wasn't that she wasn't happy for her friend, but it was hard to feel so happy for her love life when she didn't have one herself. Her eyes then strayed to a table across the dance floor from where she stood. There sat Isabel, Alex and Michael. Maria couldn't believe that Michael was actually at a school function. She had thought that she would be safe here. But no, Max and Isabel had to drag him here. Maria continued to scan the room until her eyes settled on another lone figure.

Kyle was standing watching Max and Liz dance. Whenever he saw them, he got a knot in his stomach. He sighed and scanned the room. He, too, saw Isabel, Alex and Michael sitting at a table. As he continued to look around the dance he noticed Maria standing alone to his left. He was mildly curious as to why she wasn't with her friends. She looked kind of upset. He figured that if they both were going to be miserable at the dance, maybe they could keep each other company. He slowly walked towards Maria.

"Hi Maria," Kyle said as he stepped beside her.

"Hi Kyle," Maria replied trying to sound more cheerful then she felt.

"So," Kyle began, "what are you doing over here by yourself while all your friends are across the room?"

"I just can't take Michael right now," Maria mumbled.

"But I thought you two were dating," Kyle said. He knew he had heard something about Maria and Michael spending a lot of time in the eraser room recently.

"No," Maria stated flatly. "Apparently Michael felt that I was just a warm body to make out with till he got bored." Maria couldn't believe that she was telling this to Kyle Valenti, but she had to talk to someone and no one else had asked.

"Ouch," Kyle said as he winced. "That's kind of harsh."

"Tell me about it," Maria responded. "Now I just want to get some sort of twisted revenge on him, but I can't think of anything."

Kyle just shook his head in response. Maria thought for a moment and suddenly an idea struck her. She looked at the table that Michael was sitting at and noticed he was watching her talk to Kyle and he didn't look happy about it. She didn't know if it was a jealousy thing or he was worried she was telling Kyle all about the alien thing, but either way Maria could use this to her advantage. She grinned wickedly as she turned back to Kyle.

"Kyle," Maria asked looking him straight in the eyes. "Will you do me a favor?"

"What kind of favor?" Kyle asked suspiciously.

"I want to make Michael suffer and I need your help," Maria said with an evil glint in her eye.

*20 minutes later*

The beginning strains of Santana's Smooth filled the gymnasium as Kyle led Maria out onto the dance floor. He still couldn't believe he was doing this, but if it made Michael unhappy it couldn't be all bad.

*Man it's a hot one Like seven inches from the midday sun I hear you whisper & the words melt everyone But you stay so cool *

Kyle had pulled Maria out to the middle of the floor and wrapped his arms tightly around her. Her arms were wrapped tightly around his neck, there bodies pressed tightly together. Their bodies ground against each other to the pulse of the music.

*My mu-equita, my Spanish Harlem Mona Lisa Your my reason for reason The step in my groove *

Kyle spun Maria around so that her back was pressed against his chest. As she lifted her arms up above her head and behind his neck, Kyle slid his hands down Maria's arms and sides brushing the edge of her breasts. Their hips were pulsating to the beat of the music.

*And if you say this life ain't good enough I would give my world to lift you up I could change my life to better suit your mood Cause you're so smooth *

Maria slowly walked around Kyle, running her hands over his chest and back. When she got back in front of him she pushed herself close against him and grabbed his ass pulling him even tighter against her.

*And just like the ocean under the moon Well that's the same emotion that I get from you You got the kind of lovin that can be so smooth Gimme your heart, make it real Or else forget about it *

Kyle pushed his thigh between Maria's legs and wrapped one arms around her lower back. He then slowly dipped her back and with his free hand traced a path up her stomach, between her breasts to her neck and pulled her up again.

*I'll tell you one thing If you would leave it would be a crying shame In every breath and every word I hear your name calling me out Out from the barrio, you hear my rhythm from your radio You feel the turning of the world so soft and slow Turning you round and round *

Kyle once again moved behind Maria and wrapped his arms around her waist, one palm on her stomach the other on her waist. He then gyrated his hips against hers while Maria placed her hands over his and laid her head back on his shoulder.

*And if you say this life ain't good enough I would give my world to lift you up I could change my life to better suit your mood Cause you're so smooth *

Kyle kept his hands in the same position and lowered his lips to Maria's neck and gently kissed it. He then spun her around and pulled her back into him. Maria brought her hands to Kyle's shoulders and held him tightly. There wasn't a centimeter separating their bodies.

*And just like the ocean under the moon Well that's the same emotion that I get from you You got the kind of lovin that can be so smooth Gimme your heart, make it real Or else forget about it *

As the last strains of the guitar are heard Maria and Kyle finally look up from each other at the people around them. Apparently sometime during their dance the floor had been cleared and everyone in the gym was staring at them. Kyle put his arm around Maria's waist and led her off the floor.

"Do you think it worked?" Kyle whispered in Maria's ear.

Maria stole a quick glance at the table where all her friends sat and took in their shocked expressions. She couldn't help but smile at the results.

Michael seemed to be seething.

"I think so," Maria whispered back. "Thank you so much."

"That's okay," Kyle said. "My dad made me take those dance lessons, I might as well use them for something."