Fandom: Slayers

Fanfic: The Wedding of Miss Lulu

by ZelgadisGreywood

Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003

Disclaimer: I don't own Slayers. I can't afford Lina.

The Wedding Of Miss Lulu

-Chapter 1-

The Chimera eyed the dress with resigned resentment.

"I can't believe you're making me wear this stupid thing again, Lina."

"But you look so sweet in that dress, Miss Lulu." Lina teased.

"You do look pretty in it," Amelia agreed, sincerely. "Maybe you should wear it more often."

"I'd rather not wear it at all," Zelgadis grumbled.

"Perhaps not, but you don't have a choice," Lina told him. "Where we're going, we need a female non-human creature to act as our guide. Otherwise, they won't let us in the gate."

"How long until we're there?" Zelgadis sulked, getting into his dress and fixing his hair just so.

"We're almost there," Lina smiled.

Around the corner, they made it to the border of the city.

There were no gates, and Lina was laughing up a storm.

"You knew," Zelgadis pouted. "You were playing a joke on me."

"You need to lighten up, Zelgadis." Lina smiled. "I thought..."

Before anyone could say more, a man riding on horseback galloped past them, grabbing the startled Chimera around the waist and riding off with him.

"Fear not, noble maiden. I shall rescue thee!"

"Let me go, you idiot!" Zelgadis protested.

The man held a cloth of some unknown drug over Zelgadis's mouth until he passed out. Then, with the Chimera in his arms, he rode off into the sunset.